o Added cl_iconr, cl_icong, cl_iconb to control scoreboard icon colour for testing ( to be removed before release )
o Fixed compile issue with textmessage change.
git-svn-id: https://unknownworlds.svn.cloudforge.com/ns1@394 67975925-1194-0748-b3d5-c16f83f1a3a1
- In combat mode this displays the player level
- In classic mode for marines it displays an icon for the player's primary weapon
- In classic mode for aliens it displays the player's resources.
o reduced the frequency of scoreboard updates from 0.4 seconds to 0.6 seconds.
git-svn-id: https://unknownworlds.svn.cloudforge.com/ns1@391 67975925-1194-0748-b3d5-c16f83f1a3a1
o Made map view and enthier propagated before game start so that the map is fully viewable
o PGs and IPs now apply a pushback instead of telefragging
o Ghost structures: Placing a structure will flag it as ghosted till it's been starting building. Untill then, aliens can destroy it by touching it.
git-svn-id: https://unknownworlds.svn.cloudforge.com/ns1@387 67975925-1194-0748-b3d5-c16f83f1a3a1
o Added ns.tga for steam browser icon.
o changed directory to nsp.
o Added more info to cl_showspeed.
o Fixed a bug where a commander could not accurately determine an alien health ring value.
o Fixed pancaking - added limit to the speed at which a lerk can climb and dive.
git-svn-id: https://unknownworlds.svn.cloudforge.com/ns1@385 67975925-1194-0748-b3d5-c16f83f1a3a1
o Throttle player joined team message to prevent overflow. ( no more than one message every 0.2s)
o Gorges heal themselves at half the normal rate ( gorges heal each other normally )
git-svn-id: https://unknownworlds.svn.cloudforge.com/ns1@378 67975925-1194-0748-b3d5-c16f83f1a3a1
- The pellets now distribute evenly out to 20 degrees.
1/3 of the bullets distribute within 3 degrees, 1/3 from 3 to 8 degrees, 1/3 from 8 to 20 degrees.
git-svn-id: https://unknownworlds.svn.cloudforge.com/ns1@371 67975925-1194-0748-b3d5-c16f83f1a3a1
O Hand grenade damage reduced from 2x vs. structures to 1x
O Gorge healspray now heals Gorge that triggers it as well
O Increased Gorge armor from 50 to 70 (test this to make sure gorge doesn't die with armor left and that it doesn't cause big problems)
git-svn-id: https://unknownworlds.svn.cloudforge.com/ns1@370 67975925-1194-0748-b3d5-c16f83f1a3a1
o HG do NS_DMG_NORMAL vs structures
o HiveSight range reverted to 1500
o sound/vox/ssay82 and sound/vox/ssay83 ignored in consistency check
o Revision changed to 1 ( -T2 appended )
o HG research time changed to 90 ( still under discussion )
git-svn-id: https://unknownworlds.svn.cloudforge.com/ns1@353 67975925-1194-0748-b3d5-c16f83f1a3a1
- Added an optimistic latency-based prediction for alien energy usage for weapons, making missing attacks much less frequent.
The prediction takes into account the player's latency and adrenaline upgrade, and adds that to the test performed by AvHMUHasEnoughAlienEnergy so that the client may predict how much energy the player has on the server when the +attack reaches it.
git-svn-id: https://unknownworlds.svn.cloudforge.com/ns1@335 67975925-1194-0748-b3d5-c16f83f1a3a1
- change to minx of the info_gameinfo entity, to make the newest vent on the map appear correctly for the commander and on the minimap
- New minimaps to match
o 2.0-era shotgun crosshair, which is the 3.0Final version centered
git-svn-id: https://unknownworlds.svn.cloudforge.com/ns1@322 67975925-1194-0748-b3d5-c16f83f1a3a1
o Force define of AVH_NO_NEXUS
o Tidy up of some USE_OLDAUTH issues
o Changed urls in liblist.gam
git-svn-id: https://unknownworlds.svn.cloudforge.com/ns1@321 67975925-1194-0748-b3d5-c16f83f1a3a1
o Commander created entities now created 4 units above the scan location and they drop to the floor.
git-svn-id: https://unknownworlds.svn.cloudforge.com/ns1@310 67975925-1194-0748-b3d5-c16f83f1a3a1
o Players can now walk up ladders without having to face up or jump on to them (and it now doesn't break fast alien movement up ramps)
git-svn-id: https://unknownworlds.svn.cloudforge.com/ns1@307 67975925-1194-0748-b3d5-c16f83f1a3a1
o Tweaked walljumping
- Skulk will no longer walljump when the player is looking at a wall
- Skulk will bounce slightly outward (velocity of 25) when jumping from a wall
- Fixed bug where skulk could not walljump from sloped walls (ie CC on eclipse)
git-svn-id: https://unknownworlds.svn.cloudforge.com/ns1@305 67975925-1194-0748-b3d5-c16f83f1a3a1
o Differentiated detonation times for handgreandes and grenades from the grenade launcher.
o Added a new balance var: kHandGrenDetonateTime
git-svn-id: https://unknownworlds.svn.cloudforge.com/ns1@302 67975925-1194-0748-b3d5-c16f83f1a3a1
Changed code to ignore weapon level when determining recoil - it is now constant for pistol, LMG, HMG, and shotgun. Original code was left in-line as a precaution.
git-svn-id: https://unknownworlds.svn.cloudforge.com/ns1@300 67975925-1194-0748-b3d5-c16f83f1a3a1
o nosounds are played for players being digested
o Marine can't use jetpack while being devoured
git-svn-id: https://unknownworlds.svn.cloudforge.com/ns1@296 67975925-1194-0748-b3d5-c16f83f1a3a1
o Reverted 292: Switched the sounds asay41 and asay81 so that heal me and follow me has the same sounds as they had pre 3.1
o Switched the sounds asay11 and asay41 so that heal me and follow me has the same sounds as they had pre 3.1
git-svn-id: https://unknownworlds.svn.cloudforge.com/ns1@295 67975925-1194-0748-b3d5-c16f83f1a3a1
o Switched the sounds asay41 and asay81 so that heal me and follow me has the same sounds as they had pre 3.1
git-svn-id: https://unknownworlds.svn.cloudforge.com/ns1@292 67975925-1194-0748-b3d5-c16f83f1a3a1
- Added an empty water container in the Cargo room in order to provide a line of sight block
- Reworked vent system (Lerks can fly in them, shorter travel times, new entrances/exits)
- Removed railings from the Auxiliar monitoring room
- Added more clip brushes to help with the skulk wallwalk in some areas
- Blocked line of sight from the lower entrance to the hive
git-svn-id: https://unknownworlds.svn.cloudforge.com/ns1@288 67975925-1194-0748-b3d5-c16f83f1a3a1