Note : v9 was compiled without -extra in rad to save time.
Visual quality of the lighting is slightly reduced as a result.
-Extended Core Monitoring closer towards Core, so that the joining corridor is shorter, and so sieging is easier.
-Renamed Coolant Maintenance to Coolant Transfer
-Shifted Coolant Transfer south, to put it closer to core, so that the joining corridor is shorter,
and so that sieging is easier.
-Widened Cooland Transfer.
-Fixed all vis errors.
-Opened up the Repair Bay/Maintenance Corridors area a bit.
-Opened up Sleeping Area considerably (no more dead ends), and made navigation easier (flat ceiling etc).
-Improved Sleeping Area visually slightly.
-Rerouted Life Support vent from Sleeping Area to N-Turn (experimental).
-Sbend reworked visually.
-Vent exit in Sbend changed to exit out of a small room off of Sbend.
-Added alot more infestation in the hives, I'm not sure if I'm happy with the infestation textures,
so they are subject to change.
-Added crate at East exit of Marine Start, and moved MS RT slightly east.
-Fixed all the sinking structures problems associated with metal grates (apart from the ones in The Hub,
as the structures are easily accessible anyway).
-Fixed the bug where you could build structures on the antenae (spikes) outside the Communications window.
-Removed the water in Engineering Hall hive, and raised the broken floor so that you can step up it easily.
-Added a shielded area on the central structure in Core hive, and also lowered the hive.
-Widened the North and South corridor coming off of Core Monitoring.
-Made the 'donut' east of Gunpods more spacious (the central structure is considerably smaller now).
-Fixed r_speed issue in Coolant, with some geometry changes (both sides look too similar now, so i'll
add a feature to distinguish them in the next version.
-Deleted the Core Power -> Core Monitoring vent.
-Made the corridor entering Living Area from Life Support less convoluted and deleted the door so it is less
-Some minor r_speed optimisations here and there.
git-svn-id: 67975925-1194-0748-b3d5-c16f83f1a3a1
Rebuilt Omega Hive
Rebuilt Consistency Hive
New Life Support Hive
Rebuilt Marine Start
New Sub Bay
Modified layout based on suggestions by Routerbox ( )
New Readyroom
Increased Lighting
Main things I'm looking for feedback wise:
The new layout - I'm not sure about it yet and JazzX expressed some concerns
about how Consistency is so isolated now. Kmart agreed that it might need to
be adjusted more but I didn't feel like redoing it again without some
playtesting done first.
Lighting - we all know I'm really bad about making it too dark. If you find an
area too dark, please take a screen of the minimap and mark the dark areas and
I'll try to add some more light.
git-svn-id: 67975925-1194-0748-b3d5-c16f83f1a3a1
- Redesigned MS -> Cargo route to remove the marine-sized door bottleneck.
- Added a weldable underneath the lift between MS-Cargo - welding brings the lift up and seals off that entrance.
- Put in hint brushes in MS in an attempt (read: attempt!) to bring r-speeds down. It's better in general now, but still goes over 700 in spots.
- Hopefully fixed the stuck-problems in ventilation. All the tunnels now have smooth surfaces allowing for easier skulk movement too.
- Tweaked Ventilation Hive, main change being that skulks/lerks/gorges can walk across the area under the hive without having to jump over, or whatever they are.
- Added a hole in the weldable grate in northern corridor, allowing skulks/lerks/jetpackers/fades through, and gorges + marines from one side only.
- Extended vent from Archiving Hive to Northern Corridor so it has another exit above the RT in same corridor.
- Added horizontal supports stretching across Archiving to aid skulks in moving about (particuarly from one side to the other)
- Fixed the most minor of graphical artifacts in Reception (this was my fault and nothing to do with the wires texture or anything else)
- Fixed HOM in Northern Corridor (Like I need to say that...)
- Added a ladder in Holoroom leading up onto the balcony to cargo.
- Retextured ventilation to an extent.
- Modified RT room in Processing in a minor way, meaning the RT is no longer blocked from view until you run around the centre computer console.
- More minor changes.
git-svn-id: 67975925-1194-0748-b3d5-c16f83f1a3a1