O Added a "Toggled duck" entry in the Movement Category
O Replaced "Pheromones" with "Focus"
O Added in a section entitled "Universal hotkeys" and created entries for:
- "impulse 7" "Follow me"
- "impulse 8" "I'm covering you"
- "impulse 14" "Weld/Heal me"
O Moved the following from "Communications" into "Universal hotkeys":
- "impulse 9" "Taunt/Chuckle"
O Reworded several of the Alien Hotkeys to match commonly used terminology:
- "Evolve Carapace" -> "Carapage upgrade" (etc)
- "Morph to Skulk" -> "Evolve to Skulk" (etc)
O Removed the following:
- "+lookup" "Look up"
- "+lookdown" "Look down"
- "centerview" "Look straight ahead"
- "+mlook" "Mouse look modifier"
- "+klook" "Keyboard look modifier"
O Renamed some categories to (hopefully) make it clearer for new players.
git-svn-id: https://unknownworlds.svn.cloudforge.com/ns1@265 67975925-1194-0748-b3d5-c16f83f1a3a1