mirror of
synced 2025-03-22 02:11:30 +00:00
- Leap now works with attack2
- Leap makes sound - Slight changes to charge - Lerk flap can be used with attack2 - Refactored some of the jumping/flapping code - Made a lerk on the ground jump a bit upwards with the first flap to make takeoff easier git-svn-id: https://unknownworlds.svn.cloudforge.com/ns1@351 67975925-1194-0748-b3d5-c16f83f1a3a1
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 279 additions and 350 deletions
@ -353,8 +353,11 @@
#define kCatalystROFFactor 0.25
#define kCatalystSpeedIncrease 0.25
#define kChargeEnergyCost 0.15
#define kChargeThresholdTime 0.50
#define kChargeMaxPushbackSpeedFactor 2.50
#define kChargeMaxPushbackForce 100.0
#define kChargePushbackRadius 100.0
#define kChargeSpeed 1.00
#define kChargeThresholdTime 0.50
#define kChargingEnergyScalar 2.80
#define kClawsEnergyCost 0.07
#define kClawsROF 0.90
@ -68,6 +68,7 @@
#include "mod/AvHMarineEquipmentConstants.h"
#include "mod/AvHAlienWeaponConstants.h"
#include "mod/AvHAlienEquipmentConstants.h"
#include "mod/AvHAlienAbilityConstants.h"
#include "mod/AvHPlayer.h"
#include "mod/AvHGamerules.h"
#include "mod/AvHNetworkMessages.h"
@ -3026,9 +3026,9 @@ void EV_Leap(struct event_args_s* inArgs)
void EV_Charge(struct event_args_s* inArgs)
char* theSoundToPlay = kChargeSound;
gEngfuncs.pEventAPI->EV_PlaySound(inArgs->entindex, inArgs->origin, CHAN_WEAPON, theSoundToPlay, inArgs->fparam1, ATTN_NORM, 0, 94 + gEngfuncs.pfnRandomLong( 0, 0xf ));
// Removed, so that the charge sound won't replay all the time
// char* theSoundToPlay = kChargeSound;
// gEngfuncs.pEventAPI->EV_PlaySound(inArgs->entindex, inArgs->origin, CHAN_WEAPON, theSoundToPlay, inArgs->fparam1, ATTN_NORM, 0, 94 + gEngfuncs.pfnRandomLong( 0, 0xf ));
if (EV_IsLocal(inArgs->entindex))
@ -2262,7 +2262,13 @@ void AvHPlayer::PlayerTouch(CBaseEntity* inOther)
// charge
float chargedamage = 0.0f;
if(GetHasUpgrade(this->pev->iuser4, MASK_ALIEN_MOVEMENT) && (GetUser3() == AVH_USER3_ALIEN_PLAYER5)) // && !this->GetIsBlinking() )
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Move onos charge pushback, don't treat it as a ontouch method
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if(GetHasUpgrade(this->pev->iuser4, MASK_ALIEN_MOVEMENT) && (GetUser3() == AVH_USER3_ALIEN_PLAYER5)) // && !this->GetIsBlinking() )
// push the target away
if (inOther->IsPlayer() && inOther->IsAlive())
@ -2308,7 +2314,8 @@ void AvHPlayer::PlayerTouch(CBaseEntity* inOther)
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Don't do "touch" damage too quickly
float theTouchDamageInterval = BALANCE_VAR(kTouchDamageInterval);
@ -6795,6 +6802,49 @@ void AvHPlayer::InternalPreThink()
void AvHPlayer::InternalChargeThink()
if(GetHasUpgrade(this->pev->iuser4, MASK_ALIEN_MOVEMENT) && (GetUser3() == AVH_USER3_ALIEN_PLAYER5)) // && !this->GetIsBlinking() )
CBaseEntity* theEntity = NULL;
float radius = (float)BALANCE_VAR(kChargePushbackRadius);
float maxpushbackspeedfactor = (float)BALANCE_VAR(kChargeMaxPushbackSpeedFactor);
float pushbackfactor = (float)BALANCE_VAR(kChargeMaxPushbackForce);
while((theEntity = UTIL_FindEntityInSphere(theEntity, this->pev->origin, radius)) != NULL)
if (theEntity->IsPlayer() && theEntity->IsAlive())
float distance = VectorDistance(this->pev->origin, theEntity->pev->origin);
if (distance > 0.0f)
float factor = pushbackfactor / (radius / distance);
vec3_t direction, heading;
VectorSubtract(theEntity->pev->origin, this->pev->origin, direction);
VectorCopy(this->pev->velocity, heading);
float dot = DotProduct(heading, direction);
if (dot > 0.0f)
VectorScale(direction, factor * dot, direction);
VectorAdd(theEntity->pev->velocity, direction, theEntity->pev->velocity);
if (Length(theEntity->pev->velocity) > theEntity->pev->maxspeed * maxpushbackspeedfactor)
VectorScale(theEntity->pev->velocity, theEntity->pev->maxspeed * maxpushbackspeedfactor, theEntity->pev->velocity);
void AvHPlayer::InternalFogThink()
@ -535,6 +535,7 @@ private:
void InternalPreThink();
void InternalProgressBarThink();
void InternalSpeakingThink();
void InternalChargeThink();
void EXPORT PlayerTouch(CBaseEntity* inOther);
@ -327,7 +327,10 @@ void PM_NSPlaySound( int channel, const char *sample, float volume, float attenu
bool PM_GetIsBlinking()
if (pmove->cmd.weaponselect == 255 || pmove->flags & FL_FAKECLIENT)
if (pmove->iuser3 == AVH_USER3_ALIEN_PLAYER4 && GetHasUpgrade(pmove->iuser4, MASK_ALIEN_MOVEMENT))
return true;
if (pmove->cmd.weaponselect == 255 || pmove->flags & FL_FAKECLIENT)
return (pmove->iuser3 == AVH_USER3_ALIEN_PLAYER4) && (pmove->cmd.impulse == ALIEN_ABILITY_BLINK);
@ -336,7 +339,10 @@ bool PM_GetIsBlinking()
bool PM_GetIsLeaping()
if (pmove->cmd.weaponselect == 255 || pmove->flags & FL_FAKECLIENT)
if (pmove->iuser3 == AVH_USER3_ALIEN_PLAYER1 && GetHasUpgrade(pmove->iuser4, MASK_ALIEN_MOVEMENT))
return true;
if (pmove->cmd.weaponselect == 255 || pmove->flags & FL_FAKECLIENT)
return (pmove->iuser3 == AVH_USER3_ALIEN_PLAYER1) && (pmove->cmd.impulse == ALIEN_ABILITY_LEAP);
@ -345,7 +351,10 @@ bool PM_GetIsLeaping()
bool PM_GetIsCharging()
if (pmove->cmd.weaponselect == 255 || pmove->flags & FL_FAKECLIENT)
if (pmove->iuser3 == AVH_USER3_ALIEN_PLAYER5 && GetHasUpgrade(pmove->iuser4, MASK_ALIEN_MOVEMENT))
return true;
if (pmove->cmd.weaponselect == 255 || pmove->flags & FL_FAKECLIENT)
return (pmove->cmd.impulse == ALIEN_ABILITY_CHARGE);
@ -4413,14 +4422,167 @@ bool PM_BlinkMove (void)
// Lerk flight
void PM_FlapMove()
bool PM_FlapMove()
if (pmove->iuser3 != AVH_USER3_ALIEN_PLAYER3)
return false;
if (pmove->fuser4 != 0.0f)
return false;
// Set to define delay between flaps in seconds
pmove->fuser4 = 0.1f;
AvHMUDeductAlienEnergy(pmove->fuser3, kAlienEnergyFlap);
// boost a bit up when on the ground
if (pmove->onground > -1)
pmove->velocity[2] = 200;
return true;
// Added by mmcguire.
// Move the lerk in the direction has is facing.
vec3_t theFlapVelocity;
float theThrust;
float theLift;
if (pmove->cmd.forwardmove != 0)
if (pmove->cmd.forwardmove > 0)
theThrust = pmove->cmd.forwardmove * kWingThrustForwardScalar;
theLift = 200 * (pmove->forward[2] + 0.5) / 1.5;
if (theLift < 0)
theLift = 0;
// tankefugl: 0000522 reverse lerk flight
// Uncomment to enable backwards flight
//theThrust = pmove->cmd.forwardmove * kWingThrustForwardScalar; //kWingThrustBackwardScalar;
//theLift = 200 * (pmove->forward[2] + 0.5) / 1.5;
//if (theLift < 0)
// theLift = 0;
theThrust = -pmove->cmd.forwardmove * kWingThrustBackwardScalar;
theLift = 200;
// :tankefugl
theLift = 300;
theThrust = 0;
VectorScale(pmove->forward, theThrust, theFlapVelocity);
theFlapVelocity[2] += theLift;
int theSpeedUpgradeLevel = 0;
if(GetHasUpgrade(pmove->iuser4, MASK_UPGRADE_4))
theSpeedUpgradeLevel = 1;
if(GetHasUpgrade(pmove->iuser4, MASK_UPGRADE_12))
theSpeedUpgradeLevel = 2;
else if(GetHasUpgrade(pmove->iuser4, MASK_UPGRADE_13))
theSpeedUpgradeLevel = 3;
int theAdjustment=theSpeedUpgradeLevel * BALANCE_VAR(kAlienCelerityBonus);
float theAscendMax=BALANCE_VAR(kLerkBaseAscendSpeedMax) + theAdjustment;
static float maxVelocity=0;
maxVelocity=max(maxVelocity, pmove->velocity[2]);
if ( pmove->velocity[2] > theAscendMax ) {
// cap diving too
if ( -pmove->velocity[2] > theAscendMax*1.3 ) {
vec3_t theNewVelocity;
VectorAdd(pmove->velocity, theFlapVelocity, theNewVelocity);
VectorCopy(theNewVelocity, pmove->velocity);
// Pick a random sound to play
int theSoundIndex = pmove->RandomLong(0, 2);
char* theSoundToPlay = NULL;
case 0:
theSoundToPlay = kWingFlapSound1;
case 1:
theSoundToPlay = kWingFlapSound2;
case 2:
theSoundToPlay = kWingFlapSound3;
// If alien has silencio upgrade, mute footstep volume
int theSilenceUpgradeLevel = AvHGetAlienUpgradeLevel(pmove->iuser4, MASK_UPGRADE_6);
const float theBaseVolume = .5f;
float theVolumeScalar = theBaseVolume - (theSilenceUpgradeLevel/(float)3)*theBaseVolume;
theVolumeScalar = min(max(theVolumeScalar, 0.0f), 1.0f);
PM_NSPlaySound(CHAN_BODY, theSoundToPlay, theVolumeScalar, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM);
pmove->oldbuttons |= IN_JUMP; // don't jump again until released
// Added by mmcguire.
// Lerk gliding.
if (pmove->onground == -1)
// Compute the velocity not in the direction we're facing.
float theGlideAmount = PM_GetHorizontalSpeed() / 1000;
if (theGlideAmount > 0.2)
theGlideAmount = 0.2;
float speed = Length(pmove->velocity);
float projectedSpeed = DotProduct(pmove->velocity, pmove->forward);
// tankefugl: 0000522 reverse lerk flight
//if (projectedSpeed < 0)
// speed *= -1;
// :tankefugl
vec3_t forwardVelocity;
VectorScale(pmove->forward, speed, forwardVelocity);
vec3_t glideVelocity;
VectorSubtract(pmove->velocity, forwardVelocity, glideVelocity);
VectorScale(glideVelocity, theGlideAmount, glideVelocity);
VectorSubtract(pmove->velocity, glideVelocity, pmove->velocity);
return true;
// Onos charge
bool PM_ChargeMove()
// TODO: Play event for charge!
float theEnergyCost = (float)BALANCE_VAR(kChargeEnergyCost) * (float)pmove->frametime;
float theChargeThresholdTime = (float)BALANCE_VAR(kChargeThresholdTime);
float theChargeSpeed = (float)BALANCE_VAR(kChargeSpeed);
@ -4432,6 +4594,7 @@ bool PM_ChargeMove()
int theSilenceUpgradeLevel = AvHGetAlienUpgradeLevel(pmove->iuser4, MASK_UPGRADE_6);
float theVolumeScalar = 1.0f - theSilenceUpgradeLevel/3.0f;
PM_NSPlaySound( CHAN_WEAPON, "player/pl_fallpain3-7.wav", theVolumeScalar, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM );
pmove->fuser4 = 0.3f;
pmove->fuser4 += (float)pmove->frametime;
pmove->fuser4 = max(0, min(pmove->fuser4, theChargeThresholdTime));
@ -4466,9 +4629,47 @@ bool PM_ChargeMove()
// Skulk leap
void PM_LeapMove()
bool PM_LeapMove()
if (pmove->fuser4 != 0.0f)
return false;
float theScalar = 500;
float theEnergyCost = 0;
AvHMUGetEnergyCost(AVH_ABILITY_LEAP, theEnergyCost);
if(AvHMUHasEnoughAlienEnergy(pmove->fuser3, theEnergyCost))
AvHMUDeductAlienEnergy(pmove->fuser3, theEnergyCost);
//voogru: I'd like to kill them or do something evil here (since this can only happen if they try the exploit), but nah.
return false;
pmove->fuser4 = 0.75f;
SetUpgradeMask(&pmove->iuser4, MASK_ALIEN_MOVEMENT, true);
// TODO: Play animations for leap
PM_NSPlaySound(CHAN_WEAPON, kLeapSound, 1.0f, ATTN_NORM, 0, 94 + pmove->RandomLong(0, 0xf));
vec3_t forward, right, up;
AngleVectors(pmove->angles, forward, right, up);
vec3_t theAbilityVelocity;
VectorScale(forward, theScalar, theAbilityVelocity);
vec3_t theFinalVelocity;
VectorAdd(pmove->velocity, theAbilityVelocity, theFinalVelocity);
VectorCopy(theFinalVelocity, pmove->velocity);
return true;
void PM_AlienAbilities()
@ -4490,8 +4691,6 @@ void PM_AlienAbilities()
// Movement abilities
bool success = false;
if ((pmove->cmd.buttons & IN_ATTACK2) && (AvHGetIsAlien(pmove->iuser3)))
@ -4499,10 +4698,11 @@ void PM_AlienAbilities()
switch (pmove->iuser3)
success = PM_LeapMove();
pmove->cmd.buttons |= IN_JUMP;
success = PM_FlapMove();
success = PM_BlinkMove();
@ -4533,135 +4733,6 @@ void PM_AlienAbilities()
pmove->fuser4 += theTimePassed;
pmove->fuser4 = min(pmove->fuser4, 0.0f);
if (PM_GetIsLeaping() || PM_GetIsBlinking())
float theScalar = 500;
float theEnergyCost = 0;
if (PM_GetIsBlinking())
AvHMUGetEnergyCost(AVH_ABILITY_LEAP, theEnergyCost);
// tankefugl: 0000972
// Add highjacked "watertime" to release leaping skulk from wall
// pmove->waterjumptime = 75;
// :tankefugl
if(AvHMUHasEnoughAlienEnergy(pmove->fuser3, theEnergyCost))
AvHMUDeductAlienEnergy(pmove->fuser3, theEnergyCost);
//voogru: I'd like to kill them or do something evil here (since this can only happen if they try the exploit), but nah.
vec3_t forward, right, up;
AngleVectors(pmove->angles, forward, right, up);
vec3_t theAbilityVelocity;
//VectorScale(pmove->forward, theScalar, theAbilityVelocity);
VectorScale(forward, theScalar, theAbilityVelocity);
vec3_t theFinalVelocity;
VectorAdd(pmove->velocity, theAbilityVelocity, theFinalVelocity);
VectorCopy(theFinalVelocity, pmove->velocity);
//pmove->oldbuttons |= IN_JUMP; // don't jump again until released
// if(pmove->runfuncs)
// {
// PM_NSPlaySound(CHAN_WEAPON, kLeapSound, 1.0f, ATTN_NORM, 0, 94 + pmove->RandomLong(0, 0xf));
// }
//pmove->velocity[2] += 300;
// else if((pmove->cmd.impulse == ALIEN_ABILITY_BLINK) && (pmove->iuser3 == AVH_USER3_ALIEN_PLAYER4))
// {
// vec3_t theBlinkStart;
// VectorCopy(pmove->origin, theBlinkStart);
// theBlinkStart[2] += pmove->view_ofs[2];
// vec3_t theBlinkDirection;
// VectorCopy(pmove->forward, theBlinkDirection);
// vec3_t theBlinkEnd;
// VectorMA(pmove->origin, kMaxMapDimension, theBlinkDirection, theBlinkEnd);
// // Do traceline through glass, until we hit something (this uses the current player hull, so it's like it's actually flying forward)
// int theTraceFlags = PM_TRACELINE_ANYVISIBLE;
// int theHull = -1;//pmove->usehull;
// int theIgnoreEntity = -1;
// pmtrace_t* theTrace = pmove->PM_TraceLine(theBlinkStart, theBlinkEnd, theTraceFlags, theHull, theIgnoreEntity);
// ASSERT(theTrace);
// // While position isn't free, bring distance back a little
// vec3_t theFreeEndPoint;
// VectorCopy(theTrace->endpos, theFreeEndPoint);
// // Subtract view height again
// theFreeEndPoint[2] -= pmove->view_ofs[2];
// int theNumIterations = 0;
// bool theSuccess = false;
// while(!theSuccess && (theNumIterations < 5))
// {
// if(NS_PositionFreeForPlayer(theFreeEndPoint))
// {
// // If position is still in front of us
// vec3_t theFreeEndPointDirection;
// VectorSubtract(theFreeEndPoint, theBlinkStart, theFreeEndPointDirection);
// if(DotProduct(theBlinkDirection, theFreeEndPointDirection) > 0)
// {
// // Save position so client can use it to draw
// theSuccess = true;
// }
// }
// else
// {
// vec3_t theBackwardsIncrement;
// VectorMA(vec3_origin, -50, theBlinkDirection, theBackwardsIncrement);
// VectorAdd(theFreeEndPoint, theBackwardsIncrement, theFreeEndPoint);
// }
// theNumIterations++;
// }
// // If position is okay, exit
// if(theSuccess)
// {
// // If so, set our new location to it
// VectorCopy(theFreeEndPoint, pmove->origin);
// if(pmove->runfuncs)
// {
// pmove->PM_PlaybackEventFull(0, pmove->player_index, gBlinkEffectSuccessEventID, 0, (float *)theBlinkStart, (float *)theFreeEndPoint, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
// }
// }
// //else
// //{
// // // Play a "blink failed" event
// // pmove->PM_PlaybackEventFull(0, pmove->player_index, gBlinkEffectFailEventID, 0, (float *)pmove->origin, (float *)pmove->origin, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
// //}
// }
void PM_LadderMove( physent_t *pLadder )
@ -5186,207 +5257,8 @@ void PM_Jump (void)
// For wall jumping, remove bit above and replace with this (from coding forums)
// //pmove->punchangle[0] = -2;
// //float theXComp = (fabs(pmove->velocity[0]) > fabs(pmove->forward[0]) ? pmove->velocity[0] : pmove->forward[0]);
// //float theYComp = (fabs(pmove->velocity[1]) > fabs(pmove->forward[1]) ? pmove->velocity[1] : pmove->forward[1]);
// float theXComp = pmove->forward[0]*(pmove->cmd.forwardmove/pmove->clientmaxspeed) + pmove->right[0]*(pmove->cmd.sidemove/pmove->clientmaxspeed);
// float theYComp = pmove->forward[1]*(pmove->cmd.forwardmove/pmove->clientmaxspeed) + pmove->right[1]*(pmove->cmd.sidemove/pmove->clientmaxspeed);
// pmove->velocity[0] += theXComp * 8;
// pmove->velocity[1] += theYComp * 8;
// pmove->velocity[2] += 35;
AvHMUDeductAlienEnergy(pmove->fuser3, kAlienEnergyFlap);
// Added by mmcguire.
// Move the lerk in the direction has is facing.
vec3_t theFlapVelocity;
float theThrust;
float theLift;
if (pmove->cmd.forwardmove != 0)
if (pmove->cmd.forwardmove > 0)
theThrust = pmove->cmd.forwardmove * kWingThrustForwardScalar;
theLift = 200 * (pmove->forward[2] + 0.5) / 1.5;
if (theLift < 0)
theLift = 0;
// tankefugl: 0000522 reverse lerk flight
// Uncomment to enable backwards flight
//theThrust = pmove->cmd.forwardmove * kWingThrustForwardScalar; //kWingThrustBackwardScalar;
//theLift = 200 * (pmove->forward[2] + 0.5) / 1.5;
//if (theLift < 0)
// theLift = 0;
theThrust = -pmove->cmd.forwardmove * kWingThrustBackwardScalar;
theLift = 200;
// :tankefugl
theLift = 300;
theThrust = 0;
VectorScale(pmove->forward, theThrust, theFlapVelocity);
theFlapVelocity[2] += theLift;
int theSpeedUpgradeLevel = 0;
if(GetHasUpgrade(pmove->iuser4, MASK_UPGRADE_4))
theSpeedUpgradeLevel = 1;
if(GetHasUpgrade(pmove->iuser4, MASK_UPGRADE_12))
theSpeedUpgradeLevel = 2;
else if(GetHasUpgrade(pmove->iuser4, MASK_UPGRADE_13))
theSpeedUpgradeLevel = 3;
int theAdjustment=theSpeedUpgradeLevel * BALANCE_VAR(kAlienCelerityBonus);
float theAscendMax=BALANCE_VAR(kLerkBaseAscendSpeedMax) + theAdjustment;
static float maxVelocity=0;
maxVelocity=max(maxVelocity, pmove->velocity[2]);
if ( pmove->velocity[2] > theAscendMax ) {
// cap diving too
if ( -pmove->velocity[2] > theAscendMax*1.3 ) {
vec3_t theNewVelocity;
VectorAdd(pmove->velocity, theFlapVelocity, theNewVelocity);
VectorCopy(theNewVelocity, pmove->velocity);
// Old Lerk flight model.
vec3_t theWishVelocity;
float theWishXPercent = theWishVelocity[0]/pmove->clientmaxspeed;
float theWishYPercent = theWishVelocity[1]/pmove->clientmaxspeed;
float theWishZPercent = max(0.0f, 1.0f - fabs(theWishXPercent) - fabs(theWishYPercent));
pmove->velocity[0] += theWishXPercent*kWingFlapLateralScalar;
pmove->velocity[1] += theWishYPercent*kWingFlapLateralScalar;
pmove->velocity[2] += theWishZPercent*pmove->clientmaxspeed;
// #ifdef AVH_CLIENT
// int theLong = pmove->RandomLong(0, 20);
// pmove->Con_Printf("Flap %d\n", theLong);
// #endif
// Pick a random sound to play
int theSoundIndex = pmove->RandomLong(0, 2);
char* theSoundToPlay = NULL;
case 0:
theSoundToPlay = kWingFlapSound1;
case 1:
theSoundToPlay = kWingFlapSound2;
case 2:
theSoundToPlay = kWingFlapSound3;
// If alien has silencio upgrade, mute footstep volume
int theSilenceUpgradeLevel = AvHGetAlienUpgradeLevel(pmove->iuser4, MASK_UPGRADE_6);
const float theBaseVolume = .5f;
float theVolumeScalar = theBaseVolume - (theSilenceUpgradeLevel/(float)3)*theBaseVolume;
theVolumeScalar = min(max(theVolumeScalar, 0.0f), 1.0f);
PM_NSPlaySound(CHAN_BODY, theSoundToPlay, theVolumeScalar, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM);
//PM_NSPlaySound(channel, , 1.0f, ATTN_NORM, flags, pitch);
//gEngfuncs.pEventAPI->EV_PlaySound(inArgs->entindex, thePlayer->origin, CHAN_AUTO, kEndCloakSound, 1, ATTN_NORM, 0, 94 + gEngfuncs.pfnRandomLong( 0, 0xf ));
// else if(PM_CanWalljump())
// {
// pmove->punchangle[0] = -2;
// pmove->velocity[2] += (pmove->forward[2] * 300);
// //pmove->velocity[2] = sqrt(2 * 800 * 45.0);
// PM_PlaybackEvent(gWallJumpEventID);
// }
pmove->oldbuttons |= IN_JUMP; // don't jump again until released
return; // in air, so no; effect
// Added by mmcguire.
// Lerk gliding.
if (pmove->iuser3 == AVH_USER3_ALIEN_PLAYER3 && pmove->onground == -1)
// Compute the velocity not in the direction we're facing.
float theGlideAmount = PM_GetHorizontalSpeed() / 1000;
if (theGlideAmount > 0.2)
theGlideAmount = 0.2;
float speed = Length(pmove->velocity);
float projectedSpeed = DotProduct(pmove->velocity, pmove->forward);
// tankefugl: 0000522 reverse lerk flight
//if (projectedSpeed < 0)
// speed *= -1;
// :tankefugl
vec3_t forwardVelocity;
VectorScale(pmove->forward, speed, forwardVelocity);
vec3_t glideVelocity;
VectorSubtract(pmove->velocity, forwardVelocity, glideVelocity);
VectorScale(glideVelocity, theGlideAmount, glideVelocity);
VectorSubtract(pmove->velocity, glideVelocity, pmove->velocity);
// Lerk flight movement
// tankefugl: 0000972 walljump
if (canWallJump && (GetHasUpgrade(pmove->iuser4, MASK_WALLSTICKING) && (pmove->cmd.buttons & IN_JUMP) && !(pmove->oldbuttons & IN_JUMP) /*&& (gSurfaceNormal[2] < 0.7)*/))
@ -5483,13 +5355,15 @@ void PM_Jump (void)
pmove->velocity[2] = sqrt(2 * 800 * 45.0);
// Flag that we jumped.
pmove->oldbuttons |= IN_JUMP; // don't jump again until released
// Decay it for simulation
// Flag that we jumped.
pmove->oldbuttons |= IN_JUMP; // don't jump again until released
@ -5889,7 +5763,7 @@ qboolean PM_CanFlap()
if(pmove->iuser3 == AVH_USER3_ALIEN_PLAYER3)
if((pmove->onground == -1) && !(pmove->oldbuttons & IN_JUMP))
if(/*(pmove->onground == -1) &&*/ !(pmove->oldbuttons & IN_JUMP))
if(AvHMUHasEnoughAlienEnergy(pmove->fuser3, kAlienEnergyFlap))
Reference in a new issue