research tracker update

This commit is contained in:
pierow 2021-11-12 09:11:44 -05:00
parent ea279fb321
commit 5202080232
13 changed files with 263 additions and 149 deletions

View file

@ -89,7 +89,6 @@
#include "AvHPlayerUpgrade.h"
#include "../dlls/animation.h"
#include "AvHMovementUtil.h"
#include "AvHNetworkMessages.h"
const int kBaseBuildableSpawnAnimation = 0;
const int kBaseBuildableDeployAnimation = 1;
@ -703,25 +702,6 @@ AvHTeamNumber AvHBaseBuildable::GetTeamNumber() const
void AvHBaseBuildable::Killed(entvars_t* pevAttacker, int iGib)
bool theInReset = GetGameRules()->GetIsGameInReset();
// Send a Cancel notification so any research can be removed from the research tracker.
if (GetGameRules()->GetGameStarted())
FOR_ALL_ENTITIES(kAvHPlayerClassName, AvHPlayer*)
bool theShowNotification = false;
// Show to friendlies...
if (theEntity->pev->team == this->pev->team)
theShowNotification = true;
if (theShowNotification)
NetMsg_PlayHUDNotification(theEntity->pev, 1, MESSAGE_CANCEL, this->pev->origin.x, this->pev->origin.y);
GetGameRules()->RemoveEntityUnderAttack( this->entindex() );

View file

@ -2578,6 +2578,7 @@ void AvHHud::ResetGame(bool inMapChanged)
this->mLastTeamSpectated = TEAM_IND;
this->mGameTime = -1;
this->mTimeLimit = -1;
@ -2961,11 +2962,12 @@ int AvHHud::MsgFunc_ListPS(const char* pszName, int iSize, void* pbuf)
int AvHHud::MsgFunc_PlayHUDNot(const char* pszName, int iSize, void* pbuf)
int message_id, sound;
int flags, sound;
float location_x, location_y;
NetMsg_PlayHUDNotification( pbuf, iSize, message_id, sound, location_x, location_y );
if(message_id == 0)
ResearchInfoListType researchInfoBuf;
NetMsg_PlayHUDNotification( pbuf, iSize, flags, sound, location_x, location_y , researchInfoBuf);
// Sound
if(flags == 0)
// Hack to avoid adding another network message (at max)
@ -3014,7 +3016,8 @@ int AvHHud::MsgFunc_PlayHUDNot(const char* pszName, int iSize, void* pbuf)
// Single HUD notification
else if (flags == 1)
// Push back icon
HUDNotificationType theNotification;
@ -3027,6 +3030,12 @@ int AvHHud::MsgFunc_PlayHUDNot(const char* pszName, int iSize, void* pbuf)
// Research info list
this->mResearchInfoList = researchInfoBuf;
return 1;
@ -5849,41 +5858,13 @@ void AvHHud::UpdateTooltips(float inCurrentTime)
void AvHHud::UpdateStructureNotification(float inCurrentTime)
const int kMaxIcons = 5;
Vector cancelLocation;
const int kMaxIcons = 4;
const float kTimeToDisplayIcon = 6.0f;
AvHTeamNumber theCurrentTeam = this->GetHUDTeam();
// Reset on a team change
if (this->mLastTeamNumber != theCurrentTeam)
for(StructureHUDNotificationListType::iterator theIter = this->mStructureNotificationList.begin(); theIter != this->mStructureNotificationList.end(); /* no inc */)
int theCost;
bool theResearchable;
float theBuildOrResearchTime;
AvHMessageID theTech = theIter->mStructureID;
this->mTechNodes.GetResearchInfo(theTech, theResearchable, theCost, theBuildOrResearchTime);
bool isResearch = AvHSHUGetIsResearchTech(theTech);
float timeToDisplayIcon = 6.0f;
if (isResearch)
theIter->mResearchTimer = max(0, theBuildOrResearchTime - (inCurrentTime - theIter->mTime));
timeToDisplayIcon = theBuildOrResearchTime;
theIter->mResearchTimer = 0;
if (theTech == MESSAGE_CANCEL)
cancelLocation = theIter->mLocation;
theIter = this->mStructureNotificationList.begin();
else if ((inCurrentTime > (theIter->mTime + timeToDisplayIcon)) || (!(theIter->mResearchTimer > 0) && this->mStructureNotificationList.size() > kMaxIcons ) || (theIter->mLocation == cancelLocation))
if ((inCurrentTime > (theIter->mTime + kTimeToDisplayIcon)) || (this->mStructureNotificationList.size() > kMaxIcons))
theIter = this->mStructureNotificationList.erase(theIter);

View file

@ -844,7 +844,6 @@ private:
AvHMessageID mStructureID;
float mTime;
float mResearchTimer;
int mPlayerIndex;
Vector mLocation;
} HUDNotificationType;
@ -852,6 +851,8 @@ private:
typedef vector< HUDNotificationType > StructureHUDNotificationListType;
StructureHUDNotificationListType mStructureNotificationList;
ResearchInfoListType mResearchInfoList;
int mCrosshairShowCount;
AVHHSPRITE mCrosshairSprite;
wrect_t mCrosshairRect;

View file

@ -1474,64 +1474,69 @@ void AvHHud::DrawHUDStructureNotification()
float theCurrentX = kHUDStructureNotificationStartX;
float theCurrentY = kHUDStructureNotificationStartY;
//bool inTopDown = GetInTopDownMode();
AvHTeamNumber theCurrentTeam = this->GetHUDTeam();
bool isMarine = GetIsMarine();
float kSmallScaleFactor;
//Don't make building icons smaller if alien.
(theCurrentTeam == TEAM_TWO) ? kSmallScaleFactor = 1.0f : kSmallScaleFactor = 0.75f;
(isMarine) ? kSmallScaleFactor = 0.75f : kSmallScaleFactor = 1.0f;
const float kIconWidthSmall = kHUDStructureNotificationIconWidth * kSmallScaleFactor;
const float kIconHeightSmall = kHUDStructureNotificationIconHeight * kSmallScaleFactor;
if (isMarine)
for (ResearchInfoListType::iterator theIter = this->mResearchInfoList.begin(); theIter != this->mResearchInfoList.end(); theIter++)
// Draw icon
AvHMessageID theIconTech = theIter->mResearch;
int theFrame = 0;
int theStartX = (theCurrentX + kHUDStructureNotificationIconWidth + kHUDStructureNotificationIconHorizontalSpacing)*ScreenWidth();
string theResearchTimerText;
ActionButton::GetLabelForMessage(theIconTech, theResearchTimerText);
int timeLeft = theIter->mTimeResearchDone - this->mTimeOfCurrentUpdate;
int theMinutesLeft = timeLeft / 60;
int theSecondsLeft = timeLeft % 60;
if (theMinutesLeft)
theResearchTimerText += " - " + MakeStringFromInt(theMinutesLeft) + "m " + MakeStringFromInt(theSecondsLeft) + "s";
theResearchTimerText += " - " + MakeStringFromInt(theSecondsLeft) + "s";
int theR, theG, theB;
this->GetPrimaryHudColor(theR, theG, theB, true, false);
char theCharBuffer[512];
sprintf(theCharBuffer, "%s", theResearchTimerText.c_str());
float theCurrentTextY = theCurrentY + (kHUDStructureNotificationIconHeight * kTextHeightCenteringFactor);
this->DrawTechTreeSprite(theIconTech, theCurrentX*ScreenWidth(), theCurrentY*ScreenHeight(), kHUDStructureNotificationIconWidth*ScreenWidth(), kHUDStructureNotificationIconHeight*ScreenHeight(), theFrame);
this->DrawHudString(theStartX, theCurrentTextY*ScreenHeight(), ScreenWidth(), theCharBuffer, theR, theG, theB);
theCurrentY += (kHUDStructureNotificationIconHeight + kHUDStructureNotificationIconVerticalSpacing);
for(StructureHUDNotificationListType::iterator theIter = this->mStructureNotificationList.begin(); theIter != this->mStructureNotificationList.end(); theIter++)
// Draw icon
AvHMessageID theIconTech = theIter->mStructureID;
int theFrame = 0;
string theLocationName = this->GetNameOfLocation(theIter->mLocation);
int theStartX = (theCurrentX + kHUDStructureNotificationIconWidth + kHUDStructureNotificationIconHorizontalSpacing)*ScreenWidth();
bool isResearch = AvHSHUGetIsResearchTech(theIconTech);
//Don't draw cancel notifications. Still getting sent them in UpdateStructureNotification so they can be read to remove research.
if (theIconTech != MESSAGE_CANCEL)
if (!isResearch)
if (isResearch)
this->DrawTechTreeSprite(theIconTech, theCurrentX*ScreenWidth(), theCurrentY*ScreenHeight(), kIconWidthSmall*ScreenWidth(), kIconHeightSmall*ScreenHeight(), theFrame);
if (theLocationName != "")
string theResearchTimerText;
ActionButton::GetLabelForMessage(theIter->mStructureID, theResearchTimerText);
int timeLeft = theIter->mResearchTimer;
int theMinutesLeft = timeLeft / 60;
int theSecondsLeft = timeLeft % 60;
if (theMinutesLeft)
theResearchTimerText += " - " + MakeStringFromInt(theMinutesLeft) + "m " + MakeStringFromInt(theSecondsLeft) + "s";
theResearchTimerText += " - " + MakeStringFromInt(theSecondsLeft) + "s";
int theR, theG, theB;
this->GetPrimaryHudColor(theR, theG, theB, true, false);
char theCharBuffer[512];
sprintf(theCharBuffer, "%s", theResearchTimerText.c_str());
float theCurrentTextY = theCurrentY + (kHUDStructureNotificationIconHeight * kTextHeightCenteringFactor);
this->DrawTechTreeSprite(theIconTech, theCurrentX*ScreenWidth(), theCurrentY*ScreenHeight(), kHUDStructureNotificationIconWidth*ScreenWidth(), kHUDStructureNotificationIconHeight*ScreenHeight(), theFrame);
this->DrawHudString(theStartX, theCurrentTextY*ScreenHeight(), ScreenWidth(), theCharBuffer, theR, theG, theB);
this->DrawTechTreeSprite(theIconTech, theCurrentX*ScreenWidth(), theCurrentY*ScreenHeight(), kIconWidthSmall*ScreenWidth(), kIconHeightSmall*ScreenHeight(), theFrame);
int theStartXsmall = theStartX * kSmallScaleFactor;
float theCurrentTextY = theCurrentY + (kIconHeightSmall * kTextHeightCenteringFactor);
if (theLocationName != "")
this->DrawTranslatedString(theStartXsmall, theCurrentTextY*ScreenHeight(), theLocationName.c_str(), false, true);
this->DrawTranslatedString(theStartXsmall, theCurrentTextY*ScreenHeight(), theLocationName.c_str(), false, true);
// Increment coords
theCurrentY += (kHUDStructureNotificationIconHeight + kHUDStructureNotificationIconVerticalSpacing);
theCurrentY += (kIconHeightSmall + kHUDStructureNotificationIconVerticalSpacing);
@ -4229,6 +4234,22 @@ void AvHHud::RenderAlienUI()
theR = theG = theB = 100;
// If building, draw time until completion.
else if (theIter->mStatus > 0 && theIter->mStatus < 6)
const int totalBuildTime = BALANCE_VAR(kHiveBuildTime);
if (theIter->mBuildTime > 0 && theIter->mBuildTime < totalBuildTime)
int timeLeft = theIter->mBuildTime;
int theMinutesLeft = timeLeft / 60;
int theSecondsLeft = timeLeft % 60;
if (theMinutesLeft)
theTranslatedLocationName = MakeStringFromInt(theMinutesLeft) + "m " + MakeStringFromInt(theSecondsLeft) + "s - " + theTranslatedLocationName;
theTranslatedLocationName = MakeStringFromInt(theSecondsLeft) + "s - " + theTranslatedLocationName;
this->DrawHudStringReverse(mViewport[0] + mViewport[2] - 5, theScreenPosY, ScreenWidth(), (char*)theTranslatedLocationName.c_str(), theR, theG, theB);

View file

@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ void Net_InitializeMessages(void)
g_msgFog = REG_USER_MSG( "Fog", -1 );
g_msgGameStatus = REG_USER_MSG( "GameStatus", -1 );
g_msgListPS = REG_USER_MSG( "ListPS", -1 );
g_msgPlayHUDNotification = REG_USER_MSG( "PlayHUDNot", 6 );
g_msgPlayHUDNotification = REG_USER_MSG( "PlayHUDNot", -1 );
g_msgHUDSetUpgrades = REG_USER_MSG( "SetUpgrades", 1);
g_msgProgressBar = REG_USER_MSG( "Progress", -1 );
g_msgServerVar = REG_USER_MSG( "ServerVar", -1 );
@ -969,6 +969,7 @@ enum AlienInfo_ChangeFlags
if( changes & HEALTH_CHANGED )
hives[counter].mHealthPercentage = READ_BYTE();
hives[counter].mBuildTime = READ_BYTE();
@ -1019,8 +1020,9 @@ enum AlienInfo_ChangeFlags
client_hives[index].mUnderAttack != current->mUnderAttack || client_hives[index].mTechnology != current->mTechnology )
{ change_flags |= STATUS_CHANGED; }
if( client_hives.size() <= index || client_hives[index].mHealthPercentage != current->mHealthPercentage )
if( client_hives.size() <= index || client_hives[index].mHealthPercentage != current->mHealthPercentage || client_hives[index].mBuildTime != current->mBuildTime )
{ change_flags |= HEALTH_CHANGED; }
//send change data
@ -1048,6 +1050,7 @@ enum AlienInfo_ChangeFlags
if( change_flags & HEALTH_CHANGED )
@ -1494,17 +1497,43 @@ union float_converter
#ifndef AVH_SERVER
void NetMsg_PlayHUDNotification( void* const buffer, const int size, int& flags, int& sound, float& location_x, float& location_y )
void NetMsg_PlayHUDNotification( void* const buffer, const int size, int& flags, int& sound, float& location_x, float& location_y, ResearchInfoListType& researching)
BEGIN_READ( buffer, size );
flags = READ_BYTE();
sound = READ_BYTE();
location_x = READ_COORD();
location_y = READ_COORD();
// If sound or one time build notification
if (flags == 0 || flags == 1)
sound = READ_BYTE();
location_x = READ_COORD();
location_y = READ_COORD();
// Research tracker info
if (flags == 2)
int num_research = READ_BYTE();
for (int counter = 0; counter < num_research; counter++)
AvHResearchInfo theResearchInfoEntry;
theResearchInfoEntry.mResearch = (AvHMessageID)READ_BYTE();
float_converter c;
c.l = READ_LONG();
theResearchInfoEntry.mTimeResearchDone = c.f;
//theResearchInfoEntry.mEntityIndex = READ_LONG();
void NetMsg_PlayHUDNotification( entvars_t* const pev, const int flags, const int sound, const float location_x, const float location_y )
void NetMsg_PlayHUDNotification_Single(entvars_t* const pev, const int flags, const int sound, const float location_x, const float location_y)
MESSAGE_BEGIN( MSG_ONE, g_msgPlayHUDNotification, NULL, pev );
WRITE_BYTE( flags );
@ -1513,6 +1542,28 @@ union float_converter
WRITE_COORD( location_y );
void NetMsg_PlayHUDNotification_Research(entvars_t* const pev, const int flags, const ResearchInfoListType& researching)
MESSAGE_BEGIN(MSG_ONE, g_msgPlayHUDNotification, NULL, pev);
if (flags == 2)
// Research tracker info
ResearchInfoListType::const_iterator current, end = researching.end();
for (current = researching.begin(); current != end; ++current)
float_converter c;
c.f = current->mTimeResearchDone;

View file

@ -92,7 +92,8 @@
void NetMsg_ListPS( entvars_t* const pev, const string& system_name );
void NetMsg_HUDSetUpgrades( int upgradeMask );
void NetMsg_HUDSetUpgrades( entvars_t* const pev, int upgradeMask );
void NetMsg_PlayHUDNotification( entvars_t* const pev, const int flags, const int sound, const float location_x, const float location_y );
void NetMsg_PlayHUDNotification_Single( entvars_t* const pev, const int flags, const int sound, const float location_x, const float location_y);
void NetMsg_PlayHUDNotification_Research(entvars_t* const pev, const int flags, const ResearchInfoListType& researching);
void NetMsg_ProgressBar( entvars_t* const pev, const int entity_number, const int progress, int percent=0 );
void NetMsg_ServerVar( entvars_t* const pev, const string& name, const int& value );
void NetMsg_SetGammaRamp( entvars_t* const pev, const float gamma );
@ -184,7 +185,7 @@
void NetMsg_GameStatus( void* const buffer, const int size, int& status_code, AvHMapMode& map_mode, int& game_time, int& timelimit, int& misc_data );
void NetMsg_ListPS( void* const buffer, const int size, string& system_name );
void NetMsg_HUDSetUpgrades( void* const buffer, const int size, int& upgradeMask );
void NetMsg_PlayHUDNotification( void* const buffer, const int size, int& flags, int& sound, float& location_x, float& location_y );
void NetMsg_PlayHUDNotification( void* const buffer, const int size, int& flags, int& sound, float& location_x, float& location_y, ResearchInfoListType& researching);
void NetMsg_ProgressBar( void* const buffer, const int size, int& entity_number, int& progress, int &percent);
void NetMsg_ServerVar( void* const buffer, const int size, string& name, int& value );

View file

@ -3483,6 +3483,7 @@ void AvHPlayer::Init()
// Clear out hive info
this->mClientGamma = kDefaultMapGamma;
@ -4944,7 +4945,7 @@ bool AvHPlayer::PlayHUDSound(AvHHUDSound inSound, float x, float y) const
if((inSound > HUD_SOUND_INVALID) && (inSound < HUD_SOUND_MAX))
NetMsg_PlayHUDNotification( this->pev, 0, inSound, x, y );
NetMsg_PlayHUDNotification_Single( this->pev, 0, inSound, x, y );
theSuccess = true;
@ -4958,25 +4959,25 @@ void AvHPlayer::PlayHUDStructureNotification(AvHMessageID inMessageID, const Vec
// This player built a structure. Tell all his teammates
FOR_ALL_ENTITIES(kAvHPlayerClassName, AvHPlayer*)
//if(theEntity->GetIsRelevant() && !theEntity->GetIsBeingDigested())
if(theEntity->GetIsRelevant() && !theEntity->GetIsBeingDigested())
// Don't send our own messages to ourself unless cheats are enabled
//if(GetGameRules()->GetCheatsEnabled() || (this != theEntity))
bool theShowNotification = false;
if(GetGameRules()->GetCheatsEnabled() || (this != theEntity))
bool theShowNotification = false;
// Show to friendlies...
if(theEntity->pev->team == this->pev->team)
theShowNotification = true;
NetMsg_PlayHUDNotification( theEntity->pev, 1, inMessageID, inLocation.x, inLocation.y );
// }
// Show to friendlies...
if(theEntity->pev->team == this->pev->team)
theShowNotification = true;
NetMsg_PlayHUDNotification_Single(theEntity->pev, 1, inMessageID, inLocation.x, inLocation.y);
@ -5354,8 +5355,6 @@ void AvHPlayer::Research(AvHMessageID inUpgrade, int inEntityIndex)
theRefund = min(theRefund, (float)theResearchCost);
this->SetResources(this->GetResources() + theRefund);
//Tell team about cancel so it can update research notifications
this->PlayHUDStructureNotification(inUpgrade, theEntity->pev->origin);
char* theResearchName = NULL;
if(AvHSHUGetResearchTechName(inUpgrade, theResearchName))
@ -9497,38 +9496,48 @@ void AvHPlayer::UpdateMarineUI()
bool theIsMarine = false;
bool theIsAlien = false;
int tmpUpgrades=0;
for(int i = 0; i < MAX_ITEM_TYPES; i++)
for(int i = 0; i < MAX_ITEM_TYPES; i++)
AvHBasePlayerWeapon* theActiveWeapon = dynamic_cast<AvHBasePlayerWeapon*>(this->m_rgpPlayerItems[i]);
ItemInfo ii;
switch ( ii.iId ) {
tmpUpgrades |= 0x1;
tmpUpgrades |= 0x2;
tmpUpgrades |= 0x4;
tmpUpgrades |= 0x1;
tmpUpgrades |= 0x2;
tmpUpgrades |= 0x4;
// Next weapon
theActiveWeapon = dynamic_cast<AvHBasePlayerWeapon*>(theActiveWeapon->m_pNext);
// Next weapon
theActiveWeapon = dynamic_cast<AvHBasePlayerWeapon*>(theActiveWeapon->m_pNext);
if ( tmpUpgrades != this->mMarineHUDUpgrades ) {
NetMsg_HUDSetUpgrades(this->pev, tmpUpgrades&0x7);
if (theTeamPointer)
ResearchInfoListType theTeamResearchInfo = theTeamPointer->GetResearchInfoList();
if (this->mClientResearchInfo != theTeamResearchInfo)
NetMsg_PlayHUDNotification_Research(this->pev, 2, theTeamResearchInfo);
this->mClientResearchInfo = theTeamResearchInfo;
// TODO: Send only changed blips, send only the changes for each blip.

View file

@ -781,7 +781,8 @@ private:
AvHBaseInfoLocationListType mClientInfoLocations;
HiveInfoListType mClientHiveInfo;
HiveInfoListType mClientHiveInfo;
ResearchInfoListType mClientResearchInfo;
AvHAlienUpgradeListType mClientUpgrades;

View file

@ -166,6 +166,11 @@ bool AvHResearchManager::GetResearchInfo(AvHMessageID inTech, bool& outIsResearc
return theFoundIt;
ResearchListType& AvHResearchManager::GetResearchingTech()
return this->mResearchingTech;
const AvHTechTree& AvHResearchManager::GetTechNodes() const
return this->mTechNodes;

View file

@ -57,6 +57,8 @@ public:
bool GetResearchInfo(AvHMessageID inTech, bool& outIsResearchable, int& outCost, float& outTime) const;
ResearchListType& GetResearchingTech();
void TriggerAddTech(AvHTechID inTechID);
void TriggerRemoveTech(AvHTechID inTechID);

View file

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ public:
bool theAreEqual = CHECK_EQUAL(mHealthPercentage) && CHECK_EQUAL(mPosX)
&& CHECK_EQUAL(mUnderAttack) && CHECK_EQUAL(mTechnology);
&& CHECK_EQUAL(mUnderAttack) && CHECK_EQUAL(mTechnology) && CHECK_EQUAL(mBuildTime);
return theAreEqual;
@ -35,12 +35,44 @@ public:
int mStatus;
bool mUnderAttack;
int mTechnology;
int mBuildTime;
int mHealthPercentage;
typedef vector<AvHHiveInfo> HiveInfoListType;
#define CHECK_EQUAL(x) (this->x == inResearchInfo.x )
class AvHResearchInfo
bool operator==(const AvHResearchInfo& inResearchInfo) const
bool theAreEqual = CHECK_EQUAL(mResearch) && CHECK_EQUAL(mTimeResearchDone)/* && CHECK_EQUAL(mEntityIndex)*/;
return theAreEqual;
bool operator!=(const AvHResearchInfo& inResearchInfo) const
return !operator==(inResearchInfo);
//float mPosX;
//float mPosY;
//float mPosZ;
AvHMessageID mResearch;
float mTimeResearchDone;
//int mEntityIndex;
typedef vector<AvHResearchInfo> ResearchInfoListType;
typedef int EntityInfo;
typedef vector<EntityInfo> EntityListType;

View file

@ -428,6 +428,10 @@ HiveInfoListType AvHTeam::GetHiveInfoList() const
return this->mHiveInfoList;
ResearchInfoListType AvHTeam::GetResearchInfoList() const
return this->mResearchInfoList;
const AvHResearchManager& AvHTeam::GetResearchManager() const
@ -860,6 +864,7 @@ void AvHTeam::ResetGame()
this->mTimeOfLastStructureUpdate = -1;
this->mVoteStarted = false;
@ -1570,11 +1575,13 @@ void AvHTeam::UpdateTeamStructures()
// Fill in hive status
int theStatus = kHiveInfoStatusBuilt;
int theBuildTime;
// Unbuilt hives
if(theEntity->pev->team == 0)
theStatus = kHiveInfoStatusUnbuilt;
theBuildTime = 0;
// building hives
else if(!theEntity->GetIsBuilt())
@ -1585,15 +1592,20 @@ void AvHTeam::UpdateTeamStructures()
theStatus = kHiveInfoStatusBuildingStage1;
int theSteps = (int)(theNormalizedBuildPercentage*5.0f);
theStatus += theSteps;
int totalBuildTime = BALANCE_VAR(kHiveBuildTime);
theBuildTime = totalBuildTime - (theNormalizedBuildPercentage * totalBuildTime);
theStatus = kHiveInfoStatusUnbuilt;
theBuildTime = 0;
theHiveInfo.mStatus = theStatus;
theHiveInfo.mTechnology = (int)(theEntity->GetTechnology());
theHiveInfo.mBuildTime = theBuildTime;
// Under attack?
theHiveInfo.mUnderAttack = GetGameRules()->GetIsEntityUnderAttack(theEntityIndex);
@ -1632,6 +1644,22 @@ void AvHTeam::UpdateTeamStructures()
this->mNumBuiltCommandStations = theNumActiveCommandStations;
// Research info to send to clients for research tracker
ResearchListType researchingTech = this->mResearchManager.GetResearchingTech();
for (ResearchListType::iterator theIter = researchingTech.begin(); theIter != researchingTech.end(); theIter++)
AvHResearchInfo theResearchInfo;
theResearchInfo.mResearch = theIter->GetResearching();
theResearchInfo.mTimeResearchDone = theIter->GetTimeResearchDone();
//theResearchInfo.mEntityIndex = theIter->GetEntityIndex();

View file

@ -161,7 +161,8 @@ public:
void ResetGame();
virtual void SetGameStarted(bool inGameStarted);
HiveInfoListType GetHiveInfoList() const;
HiveInfoListType GetHiveInfoList() const;
ResearchInfoListType GetResearchInfoList() const;
// Tech nodes for team
void InitializeTechNodes();
@ -299,8 +300,9 @@ private:
typedef map<string, AvHServerPlayerData> AvHServerPlayerDataListType;
AvHServerPlayerDataListType mServerPlayerData;
HiveInfoListType mHiveInfoList;
float mTimeOfLastStructureUpdate;
HiveInfoListType mHiveInfoList;
ResearchInfoListType mResearchInfoList;
float mTimeOfLastStructureUpdate;
EntityListType mLowResourceAlerts;
float mTimeLastHintUpdate;