O Aliens now see the real marine structure health regardless of their build/recycle status.

git-svn-id: https://unknownworlds.svn.cloudforge.com/ns1@388 67975925-1194-0748-b3d5-c16f83f1a3a1
This commit is contained in:
tankefugl 2006-04-15 02:24:56 +00:00
parent 959b74445d
commit 258c1f27c8
1 changed files with 1 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -2501,7 +2501,7 @@ void AvHHud::DrawBuildHealthEffectsForEntity(int inEntityIndex, float inAlpha)
int theSpriteToUse = this->GetIsAlien() ? this->mAlienHealthSprite : this->mMarineHealthSprite;
bool theDrawAsRecyling = (GetHasUpgrade(theUser4, MASK_RECYCLING) && theIsOnOurTeam);
if((theIsBuilding && (GetHasUpgrade(theUser4, MASK_BUILDABLE))) || theDrawAsRecyling)
if((theIsOnOurTeam && theIsBuilding && (GetHasUpgrade(theUser4, MASK_BUILDABLE))) || theDrawAsRecyling)
theSpriteToUse = this->GetIsAlien() ? this->mAlienBuildSprite : this->mMarineBuildSprite;
theDrawHealth = false;