mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 06:34:33 +00:00
168 lines
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168 lines
4.3 KiB
# Updates titles.txt to Steam format. Written by Charlie Cleveland.
local ($kVersion, $inputFilename, $modName, $languageName, $numTranslationsFound, $outputFilename, %translationData);
# Constants
$kVersion = "v1.0";
$inputFilename = "";
$modName = "";
$languageName = "";
$numTranslationsFound = 0;
$outputFilename = "";
sub Main;
sub Main
print "\nRunning SteamifyTitles $kVersion by Charlie Cleveland (flayra\@overmind.org)\n\n";
# Read mod name, input filename and language name
$numArgs = $#ARGV + 1;
if($numArgs < 3)
print "Usage: <input titles.txt> <mod name> <language name> <optional \"y\" if you want to convert input titles.txt>";
print "Run from within your mod directory.\n"
# Parse arguments
$inputFilename = $ARGV[0];
$modName = $ARGV[1];
$languageName = $ARGV[2];
$convertTitles = 0;
if($numArgs > 3)
if($ARGV[3] == "y")
$convertTitles = 1;
#print "\nReading $inputFilename, for mod $modName, in language $languageName...\n";
# Read in file name specified on command line
print "Reading old titles from $inputFilename.\n";
open(INFILE, $inputFilename) or die "Couldn't open $inputFilename for reading.\n";
# Read all data into one string
local $/;
my $theData = <INFILE>;
#print $theData;
#while( $theData =~ m/ (\w+) \s* \{(.*?)\} /sgx)
while( $theData =~ m/ (\w+) \s* \{(.*?)\} /sgx)
my $theKey = $1;
my $theUntrimmedValue = $2;
if($theUntrimmedValue =~ s/(.*?)\n+/ /g)
my $theTrimmedData = $1;
# Skip comments?
#if(index($theKey, "//") != -1)
# print "Skipping line: \"$theKey\" = \"$theTrimmedData\"\n";
#print "Found pair: \"$theKey\" = \"$theTrimmedData\"\n";
$translationData{$theKey} = $theTrimmedData;
print "Found $numTranslationsFound translations.\n";
if($numTranslationsFound > 0)
# Open file for writing as resource/modname_language.txt
$outputFilename = lc("resource/$modName") . "_" . lc($languageName) . ".txt";
print "Writing $outputFilename.\n";
open(OUTFILE, ">$outputFilename") or die "Couldn't open file $outputFilename for writing.\n";
my $kLineDelimiter = "\n";
my $kLineSpaceDelimiter = " \n";
my $kPairSeparator = "\t\t\t";
# Write "lang" tag
print OUTFILE "\"lang\"$kLineSpaceDelimiter";
my $caseProperLanguage = lc($languageName);
$caseProperLanguage = ucfirst($caseProperLanguage);
# Write "Language" tag
print OUTFILE "{$kLineSpaceDelimiter";
print OUTFILE "\"Language\"$kPairSeparator\"$caseProperLanguage\"$kLineSpaceDelimiter";
# Write "Tokens" tag
print OUTFILE "\"Tokens\"$kLineSpaceDelimiter\{$kLineSpaceDelimiter";
# For each translation pair
my $key;
my $value;
# sort( keys( %hash ))
#while(($key, $value) = each %translationData)
foreach my $key ( sort(keys(%translationData)))
my $value = $translationData{$key};
# Substitute any " for ', or HL stops reading the translation file
$value =~ s/\"/\'/g;
if(length($value) == 0)
print (" Skipping empty entry for \"$key\"\n");
my $theOutputString = "\"$key\"$kPairSeparator\"$value\"$kLineDelimiter";
#print $theOutputString;
print OUTFILE $theOutputString;
# Write ending braces
print OUTFILE "}$kLineSpaceDelimiter";
print OUTFILE "}$kLineSpaceDelimiter";
print OUTFILE "$kLineDelimiter$kLineDelimiter$kLineDelimiter";
# close output file
#print("Closing $outputFilename...");
# if we're writing new titles.txt
if($convertTitles == 1)
my $newTitlesName = "titles.txt";
print("Writing $newTitlesName in VGUI2 format...");
open(TITLESFILE, ">$newTitlesName") or die "Couldn't open $newTitlesName for writing.\n";
foreach my $key ( sort(keys(%translationData)))
print TITLESFILE "$key\n";
print TITLESFILE "\{\n\#$key\n\}\n\n";
print "done.\n";
print "Done. Don't forget to save \"$outputFilename\" as Unicode using Notepad before using.\n";