2006-04-02 10:49:08 +00:00
// Copyright (c) 1999, Valve LLC. All rights reserved.
// This product contains software technology licensed from Id
// Software, Inc. ("Id Technology"). Id Technology (c) 1996 Id Software, Inc.
// All Rights Reserved.
// Use, distribution, and modification of this source code and/or resulting
// object code is restricted to non-commercial enhancements to products from
// Valve LLC. All other use, distribution, or modification is prohibited
// without written permission from Valve LLC.
// Robin, 4-22-98: Moved set_suicide_frame() here from player.cpp to allow us to
// have one without a hardcoded player.mdl in tf_client.cpp
//===== client.cpp ========================================================
// client/server game specific stuff
// $Workfile: client.cpp $
// $Date: 2002/11/22 21:09:09 $
// $Log: client.cpp,v $
// Revision 1.69 2002/11/22 21:09:09 Flayra
// - Added "lastinv" command back in
// - mp_consistency changes
// Revision 1.68 2002/11/15 23:31:01 Flayra
// - Added "ready" verification for tourny mode
// Revision 1.67 2002/11/15 05:08:31 Flayra
// - Little tweak for refinery
// Revision 1.66 2002/11/15 04:48:40 Flayra
// - Oops
// Revision 1.65 2002/11/15 04:41:32 Flayra
// - Big performance improvements for AddToFullPack (whew)
// Revision 1.64 2002/11/12 02:17:48 Flayra
// - Renamed "avhplayer" to "player"
// - Tweaked enhanced sight to actually be useful at lower levels
// Revision 1.63 2002/11/03 04:53:20 Flayra
// - AddToFullPack optimizations and cleanup
// Revision 1.62 2002/10/25 21:50:01 Flayra
// - New attempted fix for overflows. Propagate skin and playerclass in new way, so entities outside the ready room aren't propagated to all clients that go back to the ready room immediately on game end.
// Revision 1.61 2002/10/24 21:16:10 Flayra
// - Log Sys_Errors
// - Allow players to change their name before they first leave the ready room
// Revision 1.60 2002/10/20 17:25:04 Flayra
// - Redid performance improvement (agh)
// Revision 1.59 2002/10/20 16:34:09 Flayra
// - Returned code back to normal
// Revision 1.58 2002/10/19 22:33:48 Flayra
// - Various server optimizations
// Revision 1.57 2002/10/18 22:14:23 Flayra
// - Server optimizations (untested though, may need backing out)
// Revision 1.56 2002/10/16 00:38:50 Flayra
// - Queue up name change until end of game
// - Removed precaching of unneeded sounds
// - Optimized AvHDetermineVisibility (being called 1000s of times per tick)
// Revision 1.55 2002/10/03 18:27:39 Flayra
// - Moved order completion sounds into HUD sounds
// Revision 1.54 2002/09/25 20:37:53 Flayra
// - Precache more sayings
// Revision 1.53 2002/09/23 22:01:02 Flayra
// - Propagate skin
// - Don't treat unclaimed hives at world objects (even though team is 0) for visibility purposes
// - Added heavy model
// - Removed old mapper build preprocessor directives
// Revision 1.52 2002/08/31 18:01:17 Flayra
// - Work at VALVe
// Revision 1.51 2002/08/16 02:24:31 Flayra
// - Removed "give" cheat
// Revision 1.50 2002/08/09 00:15:46 Flayra
// - Removed behavior where "drop" would drop alien weapons in a disconcerting manner
// Revision 1.49 2002/07/25 16:50:15 flayra
// - Linux build changes
// Revision 1.48 2002/07/24 18:46:19 Flayra
// - Linux and scripting changes
// Revision 1.47 2002/07/23 16:46:38 Flayra
// - Added power-armor drawing, tweaked invul drawing
// Revision 1.46 2002/07/10 14:36:21 Flayra
// - .mp3 and particle fixes
// Revision 1.45 2002/07/08 16:38:57 Flayra
// - Draw invulnerable players differently
# include "extdll.h"
# include "util.h"
# include "cbase.h"
# include "saverestore.h"
# include "player.h"
# include "spectator.h"
# include "client.h"
# include "soundent.h"
# include "gamerules.h"
# include "game.h"
# include "engine/customentity.h"
# include "weapons.h"
# include "common/weaponinfo.h"
# include "common/usercmd.h"
# include "common/netadr.h"
# include "util/nowarnings.h"
# include "mod/AvHPlayer.h"
# include "mod/AvHSoundListManager.h"
# include "game.h"
# include "mod/AvHParticleTemplateServer.h"
# include "mod/AvHMarineEquipmentConstants.h"
# include "mod/AvHSpecials.h"
# include "util/Zassert.h"
# include "dlls/cbasedoor.h"
# include "mod/AvHServerUtil.h"
# include "mod/AvHMovementUtil.h"
# include "mod/AvHSoundConstants.h"
# include "mod/AvHHulls.h"
# include "mod/AvHServerVariables.h"
# include "mod/AvHSharedUtil.h"
# include "mod/AvHGamerules.h"
# include "mod/AvHAlienEquipmentConstants.h"
# include "dlls/triggers.h"
# include "util/MathUtil.h"
# include "mod/AvHServerUtil.h"
# include "mod/AvHCloakable.h"
# include "mod/AvHAlienAbilityConstants.h"
# include "mod/AvHNetworkMessages.h"
# include "mod/AvHNexusServer.h"
# include "game_shared/voice_gamemgr.h"
extern CVoiceGameMgr g_VoiceGameMgr ;
extern AvHSoundListManager gSoundListManager ;
extern DLL_GLOBAL ULONG g_ulModelIndexPlayer ;
extern DLL_GLOBAL BOOL g_fGameOver ;
extern DLL_GLOBAL int g_iSkillLevel ;
extern DLL_GLOBAL ULONG g_ulFrameCount ;
extern void CopyToBodyQue ( entvars_t * pev ) ;
extern int g_teamplay ;
* used by kill command and disconnect command
* ROBIN : Moved here from player . cpp , to allow multiple player models
void set_suicide_frame ( entvars_t * pev )
if ( ! FStrEq ( STRING ( pev - > model ) , " models/player.mdl " ) )
return ; // allready gibbed
pev - > solid = SOLID_NOT ;
pev - > movetype = MOVETYPE_TOSS ;
pev - > deadflag = DEAD_DEAD ;
pev - > nextthink = - 1 ;
= = = = = = = = = = =
generates string for player event logging - KGP
= = = = = = = = = = = =
std : : string GetLogStringForPlayer ( edict_t * pEntity )
// outputs "netname<userid><networkid><team>" if g_teamplay
// or "netname<userid><networkid><userid>" if not g_teamplay
std : : string result = " \" " ;
result + = STRING ( pEntity - > v . netname ) ;
result + = " < " ;
result + = MakeStringFromInt ( GETPLAYERUSERID ( pEntity ) ) ;
result + = " >< " ;
result + = AvHNexus : : getNetworkID ( pEntity ) . c_str ( ) ;
result + = " >< " ;
result + = AvHSUGetTeamName ( pEntity - > v . team ) ;
result + = " > \" " ;
return result ;
= = = = = = = = = = =
called when a player connects to a server
= = = = = = = = = = = =
BOOL ClientConnect ( edict_t * pEntity , const char * pszName , const char * pszAddress , char szRejectReason [ 128 ] )
return g_pGameRules - > ClientConnected ( pEntity , pszName , pszAddress , szRejectReason ) ;
// a client connecting during an intermission can cause problems
// if (intermission_running)
// ExitIntermission ();
= = = = = = = = = = =
called when a player disconnects from a server
= = = = = = = = = = = =
void ClientDisconnect ( edict_t * pEntity )
if ( g_fGameOver )
return ;
char text [ 256 ] ;
sprintf ( text , " - %s has left the game \n " , STRING ( pEntity - > v . netname ) ) ;
CBaseEntity * theBaseEntity = CBaseEntity : : Instance ( ENT ( pEntity ) ) ;
UTIL_SayTextAll ( text , theBaseEntity ) ;
CSound * pSound ;
pSound = CSoundEnt : : SoundPointerForIndex ( CSoundEnt : : ClientSoundIndex ( pEntity ) ) ;
// since this client isn't around to think anymore, reset their sound.
if ( pSound )
pSound - > Reset ( ) ;
// since the edict doesn't get deleted, fix it so it doesn't interfere.
pEntity - > v . takedamage = DAMAGE_NO ; // don't attract autoaim
pEntity - > v . solid = SOLID_NOT ; // nonsolid
UTIL_SetOrigin ( & pEntity - > v , pEntity - > v . origin ) ;
g_pGameRules - > ClientDisconnected ( pEntity ) ;
//voogru: If this isnt set, clients around this player will crash.
pEntity - > v . effects | = EF_NODRAW ;
// called by ClientKill and DeadThink
void respawn ( entvars_t * pev , BOOL fCopyCorpse )
// AVH isn't dm, coop or single-player.
//if (gpGlobals->coop || gpGlobals->deathmatch)
if ( fCopyCorpse )
// make a copy of the dead body for appearances sake
CopyToBodyQue ( pev ) ;
// respawn player
GetClassPtr ( ( AvHPlayer * ) pev ) - > Spawn ( ) ;
//{ // restart the entire server
// SERVER_COMMAND("reload\n");
= = = = = = = = = = = =
Player entered the suicide command
GLOBALS ASSUMED SET : g_ulModelIndexPlayer
= = = = = = = = = = = =
void ClientKill ( edict_t * pEntity )
entvars_t * pev = & pEntity - > v ;
CBasePlayer * pl = ( CBasePlayer * ) CBasePlayer : : Instance ( pev ) ;
if ( pl - > m_fNextSuicideTime > gpGlobals - > time )
return ; // prevent suiciding too ofter
pl - > m_fNextSuicideTime = gpGlobals - > time + 1 ; // don't let them suicide for 5 seconds after suiciding
bool theIsCombatModeForSuicide = GetGameRules ( ) - > GetIsCombatMode ( ) ;
# ifdef DEBUG
if ( GetGameRules ( ) - > GetIsCombatMode ( ) )
theIsCombatModeForSuicide = false ;
# endif
bool theCanSuicide = GetGameRules ( ) - > CanPlayerBeKilled ( pl ) & & ! theIsCombatModeForSuicide ;
if ( theCanSuicide )
pl - > Suicide ( ) ;
// pev->modelindex = g_ulModelIndexPlayer;
// pev->frags -= 2; // extra penalty
// respawn( pev );
= = = = = = = = = = =
called each time a player is spawned
= = = = = = = = = = = =
void ClientPutInServer ( edict_t * pEntity )
//CBasePlayer *pPlayer;
AvHPlayer * pPlayer ;
entvars_t * pev = & pEntity - > v ;
if ( pev - > flags & FL_PROXY )
ALERT ( at_logged , " Player with FL_PROXY put in server. \n " ) ;
if ( pev - > flags & FL_PROXY )
pev - > flags | = FL_PROXY ;
pPlayer = GetClassPtr ( ( AvHPlayer * ) pev ) ;
pPlayer - > SetCustomDecalFrames ( - 1 ) ; // Assume none;
// Allocate a CBasePlayer for pev, and call spawn
pPlayer - > SetPlayMode ( PLAYMODE_READYROOM ) ;
// Reset interpolation during first frame
pPlayer - > pev - > effects | = EF_NOINTERP ;
// String comes in as
// say blah blah blah
// or as
// blah blah blah
void Host_Say ( edict_t * pEntity , int teamonly )
AvHPlayer * client ;
AvHPlayer * theTalkingPlayer = dynamic_cast < AvHPlayer * > ( CBaseEntity : : Instance ( pEntity ) ) ;
int j ;
char * p ;
char text [ 256 ] ;
char szTemp [ 256 ] ;
const char * cpSay = " say " ;
const char * cpSayTeam = " say_team " ;
const char * pcmd = CMD_ARGV ( 0 ) ;
bool theTalkerInReadyRoom = theTalkingPlayer - > GetInReadyRoom ( ) ;
//bool theTalkerIsObserver = (theTalkingPlayer->GetPlayMode() == PLAYMODE_OBSERVER) || (theTalkingPlayer->GetPlayMode() == PLAYMODE_AWAITINGREINFORCEMENT);
// We can get a raw string now, without the "say " prepended
if ( CMD_ARGC ( ) = = 0 )
return ;
//Not yet.
if ( theTalkingPlayer - > m_flNextChatTime > gpGlobals - > time )
return ;
if ( ! stricmp ( pcmd , cpSay ) | | ! stricmp ( pcmd , cpSayTeam ) )
if ( CMD_ARGC ( ) > = 2 )
p = ( char * ) CMD_ARGS ( ) ;
if ( GetGameRules ( ) - > GetIsTournamentMode ( ) & & ! GetGameRules ( ) - > GetGameStarted ( ) )
if ( ! strcmp ( CMD_ARGV ( 1 ) , kReadyNotification ) )
// Team is ready
AvHTeam * theTeam = GetGameRules ( ) - > GetTeam ( ( AvHTeamNumber ) ( pEntity - > v . team ) ) ;
if ( theTeam & & ! theTeam - > GetIsReady ( ) )
theTeam - > SetIsReady ( ) ;
else if ( ! strcmp ( CMD_ARGV ( 1 ) , kNotReadyNotification ) )
// Team is no longer ready
AvHTeam * theTeam = GetGameRules ( ) - > GetTeam ( ( AvHTeamNumber ) ( pEntity - > v . team ) ) ;
if ( theTeam & & theTeam - > GetIsReady ( ) )
theTeam - > SetIsReady ( false ) ;
// say with a blank message, nothing to do
return ;
else // Raw text, need to prepend argv[0]
if ( CMD_ARGC ( ) > = 2 )
sprintf ( szTemp , " %s %s " , ( char * ) pcmd , ( char * ) CMD_ARGS ( ) ) ;
// Just a one word command, use the first word...sigh
sprintf ( szTemp , " %s " , ( char * ) pcmd ) ;
p = szTemp ;
// remove quotes if present
if ( * p = = ' " ' )
p + + ;
p [ strlen ( p ) - 1 ] = 0 ;
// make sure the text has content
char * pc = p ;
for ( pc = p ; pc ! = NULL & & * pc ! = 0 ; pc + + )
if ( isprint ( * pc ) & & ! isspace ( * pc ) )
pc = NULL ; // we've found an alphanumeric character, so text is valid
break ;
if ( pc ! = NULL )
return ; // no character found, so say nothing
// turn on color set 2 (color on, no sound)
if ( teamonly )
sprintf ( text , " %c(TEAM) %s: " , 2 , STRING ( pEntity - > v . netname ) ) ;
sprintf ( text , " %c%s: " , 2 , STRING ( pEntity - > v . netname ) ) ;
j = sizeof ( text ) - 2 - strlen ( text ) ; // -2 for /n and null terminator
if ( ( int ) strlen ( p ) > j )
p [ j ] = 0 ;
strcat ( text , p ) ;
strcat ( text , " \n " ) ;
theTalkingPlayer - > m_flNextChatTime = gpGlobals - > time + CHAT_INTERVAL ;
// loop through all players
// Start with the first player.
// This may return the world in single player if the client types something between levels or during spawn
// so check it, or it will infinite loop
client = NULL ;
while ( ( ( client = ( AvHPlayer * ) UTIL_FindEntityByClassname ( client , " player " ) ) ! = NULL ) & & ( ! FNullEnt ( client - > edict ( ) ) ) )
if ( ! client - > pev )
continue ;
if ( client - > edict ( ) = = pEntity )
continue ;
if ( ! ( client - > IsNetClient ( ) ) ) // Not a client ? (should never be true)
continue ;
// can the receiver hear the sender? or has he muted him?
if ( g_VoiceGameMgr . PlayerHasBlockedPlayer ( client , theTalkingPlayer ) )
continue ;
// Don't differentiate between team and non-team when not playing
bool theTalkingPlayerIsPlaying = ( ( theTalkingPlayer - > GetPlayMode ( ) = = PLAYMODE_PLAYING ) | | ( theTalkingPlayer - > GetPlayMode ( ) = = PLAYMODE_AWAITINGREINFORCEMENT ) | | ( theTalkingPlayer - > GetPlayMode ( ) = = PLAYMODE_REINFORCING ) ) ;
bool theClientIsPlaying = ( ( client - > GetPlayMode ( ) = = PLAYMODE_PLAYING ) | | ( client - > GetPlayMode ( ) = = PLAYMODE_AWAITINGREINFORCEMENT ) | | ( client - > GetPlayMode ( ) = = PLAYMODE_REINFORCING ) ) ;
bool theTalkerIsObserver = theTalkingPlayer - > IsObserver ( ) ;
bool theClientIsObserver = client - > IsObserver ( ) ;
bool theClientInReadyRoom = client - > GetInReadyRoom ( ) ;
if ( theClientInReadyRoom ! = theTalkerInReadyRoom )
continue ;
if ( ! theClientIsObserver | | theClientIsPlaying ) // Non-playing Observers hear everything.
if ( theTalkingPlayerIsPlaying & & teamonly & & g_pGameRules - > PlayerRelationship ( client , CBaseEntity : : Instance ( pEntity ) ) ! = GR_TEAMMATE )
continue ;
// chat can never go between play area and non-play area
if ( theTalkingPlayerIsPlaying ! = theClientIsPlaying )
continue ;
// chat of any kind doesn't go from ready room to play area in tournament mode
if ( theTalkerInReadyRoom & & GetGameRules ( ) - > GetIsTournamentMode ( ) & & theClientIsPlaying )
continue ;
UTIL_SayText ( text , client , ENTINDEX ( pEntity ) ) ;
// print to the sending client
UTIL_SayText ( text , CBaseEntity : : Instance ( ENT ( pEntity ) ) ) ;
// echo to server console
g_engfuncs . pfnServerPrint ( text ) ;
char * temp ;
if ( teamonly )
temp = " say_team " ;
temp = " say " ;
UTIL_LogPrintf ( " %s %s \" %s \" \n " , GetLogStringForPlayer ( pEntity ) . c_str ( ) , temp , p ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = =
called each time a player uses a " cmd " command
= = = = = = = = = = = =
// Use CMD_ARGV, CMD_ARGV, and CMD_ARGC to get pointers the character string command.
void ClientCommand ( edict_t * pEntity )
const char * pcmd = CMD_ARGV ( 0 ) ;
const char * pstr ;
// Is the client spawned yet?
if ( ! pEntity - > pvPrivateData )
return ;
entvars_t * pev = & pEntity - > v ;
AvHPlayer * thePlayer = GetClassPtr ( ( AvHPlayer * ) pev ) ;
bool thePlayerCanAct = thePlayer - > GetIsAbleToAct ( ) ;
if ( FStrEq ( pcmd , " say " ) )
Host_Say ( pEntity , 0 ) ;
else if ( FStrEq ( pcmd , " say_team " ) )
Host_Say ( pEntity , 1 ) ;
else if ( FStrEq ( pcmd , " fullupdate " ) )
GetClassPtr ( ( CBasePlayer * ) pev ) - > ForceClientDllUpdate ( ) ;
else if ( FStrEq ( pcmd , " give " ) )
if ( GetGameRules ( ) - > GetCheatsEnabled ( ) )
int iszItem = ALLOC_STRING ( CMD_ARGV ( 1 ) ) ; // Make a copy of the classname
GetClassPtr ( ( CBasePlayer * ) pev ) - > GiveNamedItem ( STRING ( iszItem ) ) ;
else if ( FStrEq ( pcmd , " drop " ) )
if ( thePlayerCanAct )
// player is dropping an item.
GetClassPtr ( ( AvHPlayer * ) pev ) - > DropItem ( ( char * ) CMD_ARGV ( 1 ) ) ;
else if ( FStrEq ( pcmd , " fov " ) )
if ( GetGameRules ( ) - > GetCheatsEnabled ( ) & & ( CMD_ARGC ( ) > 1 ) )
GetClassPtr ( ( CBasePlayer * ) pev ) - > m_iFOV = atoi ( CMD_ARGV ( 1 ) ) ;
CLIENT_PRINTF ( pEntity , print_console , UTIL_VarArgs ( " \" fov \" is \" %d \" \n " , ( int ) GetClassPtr ( ( CBasePlayer * ) pev ) - > m_iFOV ) ) ;
else if ( FStrEq ( pcmd , " use " ) )
if ( thePlayerCanAct )
GetClassPtr ( ( CBasePlayer * ) pev ) - > SelectItem ( ( char * ) CMD_ARGV ( 1 ) ) ;
else if ( ( ( pstr = strstr ( pcmd , " weapon_ " ) ) ! = NULL ) & & ( pstr = = pcmd ) )
if ( thePlayerCanAct )
GetClassPtr ( ( CBasePlayer * ) pev ) - > SelectItem ( pcmd ) ;
else if ( g_pGameRules - > ClientCommand ( GetClassPtr ( ( CBasePlayer * ) pev ) , pcmd ) )
// MenuSelect returns true only if the command is properly handled, so don't print a warning
else if ( FStrEq ( pcmd , " specmode " ) ) // new spectator mode
CBasePlayer * pPlayer = GetClassPtr ( ( CBasePlayer * ) pev ) ;
if ( pPlayer - > IsObserver ( ) )
int theMode = atoi ( CMD_ARGV ( 1 ) ) ;
pPlayer - > Observer_SetMode ( theMode ) ;
pPlayer - > SetDefaultSpectatingSettings ( pPlayer - > pev - > iuser1 , pPlayer - > pev - > iuser2 ) ;
else if ( FStrEq ( pcmd , " follow " ) ) // follow a specific player
CBasePlayer * pPlayer = GetClassPtr ( ( CBasePlayer * ) pev ) ;
if ( pPlayer - > IsObserver ( ) )
pPlayer - > Observer_SpectatePlayer ( atoi ( CMD_ARGV ( 1 ) ) ) ;
pPlayer - > SetDefaultSpectatingSettings ( pPlayer - > pev - > iuser1 , pPlayer - > pev - > iuser2 ) ;
else if ( FStrEq ( pcmd , " follownext " ) ) // follow next player
CBasePlayer * pPlayer = GetClassPtr ( ( CBasePlayer * ) pev ) ;
if ( pPlayer - > IsObserver ( ) )
pPlayer - > Observer_FindNextPlayer ( atoi ( CMD_ARGV ( 1 ) ) ) ;
pPlayer - > SetDefaultSpectatingSettings ( pPlayer - > pev - > iuser1 , pPlayer - > pev - > iuser2 ) ;
// tell the user they entered an unknown command
char command [ 128 ] ;
// check the length of the command (prevents crash)
// max total length is 192 ...and we're adding a string below ("Unknown command: %s\n")
strncpy ( command , pcmd , 127 ) ;
command [ 127 ] = ' \0 ' ;
// puzl: 1071
// Remove printf formatting
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 127 ; i + + ) {
if ( command [ i ] = = ' % ' ) {
command [ i ] = ' ' ;
// :puzl
// tell the user they entered an unknown command
ClientPrint ( & pEntity - > v , HUD_PRINTCONSOLE , UTIL_VarArgs ( " Unknown command: %s \n " , command ) ) ;
//else if(!AvHClientCommand(pEntity))
// // tell the user they entered an unknown command
// ClientPrint( &pEntity->v, HUD_PRINTCONSOLE, UTIL_VarArgs( "Unknown command: %s\n", pcmd ) );
//bool AvHClientCommand( edict_t *pEntity )
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
called after the player changes
userinfo - gives dll a chance to modify it before
it gets sent into the rest of the engine .
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void ClientUserInfoChanged ( edict_t * pEntity , char * infobuffer )
// Is the client spawned yet?
if ( ! pEntity - > pvPrivateData )
return ;
const char * theCurrentNetName = STRING ( pEntity - > v . netname ) ;
const char * theNameKeyValue = g_engfuncs . pfnInfoKeyValue ( infobuffer , " name " ) ;
// msg everyone if someone changes their name, and it isn't the first time (changing no name to current name)
if ( pEntity - > v . netname & & STRING ( pEntity - > v . netname ) [ 0 ] ! = 0 & & ! FStrEq ( theCurrentNetName , theNameKeyValue ) )
AvHPlayer * thePlayer = dynamic_cast < AvHPlayer * > ( CBaseEntity : : Instance ( pEntity ) ) ;
// Don't change player info after match has started unless player hasn't left ready room
if ( ! GetGameRules ( ) - > GetArePlayersAllowedToJoinImmediately ( ) & & thePlayer & & theNameKeyValue & & thePlayer - > GetHasLeftReadyRoom ( ) )
thePlayer - > SetDesiredNetName ( string ( theNameKeyValue ) ) ;
char text [ 256 ] ;
sprintf ( text , " * Name will be changed to %s next game. \n " , theNameKeyValue ) ;
UTIL_SayText ( text , CBaseEntity : : Instance ( ENT ( pEntity ) ) ) ;
// Restore name key value changed by engine
char theName [ 256 ] ;
strcpy ( theName , theCurrentNetName ) ;
g_engfuncs . pfnSetClientKeyValue ( ENTINDEX ( pEntity ) , infobuffer , " name " , theName ) ;
char sName [ 256 ] ;
char * pName = g_engfuncs . pfnInfoKeyValue ( infobuffer , " name " ) ;
strncpy ( sName , pName , sizeof ( sName ) - 1 ) ;
sName [ sizeof ( sName ) - 1 ] = ' \0 ' ;
// First parse the name and remove any %'s
for ( char * pApersand = sName ; pApersand ! = NULL & & * pApersand ! = 0 ; pApersand + + )
// Replace it with a space
if ( * pApersand = = ' % ' )
* pApersand = ' ' ;
// Set the name
g_engfuncs . pfnSetClientKeyValue ( ENTINDEX ( pEntity ) , infobuffer , " name " , sName ) ;
char text [ 256 ] ;
sprintf ( text , " * %s changed name to %s \n " , STRING ( pEntity - > v . netname ) , g_engfuncs . pfnInfoKeyValue ( infobuffer , " name " ) ) ;
UTIL_SayTextAll ( text , CBaseEntity : : Instance ( ENT ( pEntity ) ) ) ;
UTIL_LogPrintf ( " %s changed name to \" %s \" \n " , GetLogStringForPlayer ( pEntity ) . c_str ( ) , g_engfuncs . pfnInfoKeyValue ( infobuffer , " name " ) ) ;
g_pGameRules - > ClientUserInfoChanged ( GetClassPtr ( ( CBasePlayer * ) & pEntity - > v ) , infobuffer ) ;
static int g_serveractive = 0 ;
void ServerDeactivate ( void )
// It's possible that the engine will call this function more times than is necessary
// Therefore, only run it one time for each call to ServerActivate
if ( g_serveractive ! = 1 )
return ;
g_serveractive = 0 ;
// Peform any shutdown operations here...
void ServerActivate ( edict_t * pEdictList , int edictCount , int clientMax )
int i ;
CBaseEntity * pClass ;
// Every call to ServerActivate should be matched by a call to ServerDeactivate
g_serveractive = 1 ;
// Clients have not been initialized yet
for ( i = 0 ; i < edictCount ; i + + )
if ( pEdictList [ i ] . free )
continue ;
// Clients aren't necessarily initialized until ClientPutInServer()
if ( i < clientMax | | ! pEdictList [ i ] . pvPrivateData )
continue ;
pClass = CBaseEntity : : Instance ( & pEdictList [ i ] ) ;
// Activate this entity if it's got a class & isn't dormant
if ( pClass & & ! ( pClass - > pev - > flags & FL_DORMANT ) )
pClass - > Activate ( ) ;
ALERT ( at_console , " Can't instance %s \n " , STRING ( pEdictList [ i ] . v . classname ) ) ;
Net_InitializeMessages ( ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Called every frame before physics are run
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void PlayerPreThink ( edict_t * pEntity )
entvars_t * pev = & pEntity - > v ;
CBasePlayer * pPlayer = ( CBasePlayer * ) GET_PRIVATE ( pEntity ) ;
if ( pPlayer )
pPlayer - > PreThink ( ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Called every frame after physics are run
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void PlayerPostThink ( edict_t * pEntity )
entvars_t * pev = & pEntity - > v ;
CBasePlayer * pPlayer = ( CBasePlayer * ) GET_PRIVATE ( pEntity ) ;
if ( pPlayer )
pPlayer - > PostThink ( ) ;
void ParmsNewLevel ( void )
void ParmsChangeLevel ( void )
// retrieve the pointer to the save data
SAVERESTOREDATA * pSaveData = ( SAVERESTOREDATA * ) gpGlobals - > pSaveData ;
if ( pSaveData )
pSaveData - > connectionCount = BuildChangeList ( pSaveData - > levelList , MAX_LEVEL_CONNECTIONS ) ;
void ShowMenu ( entvars_s * pev , int ValidSlots , int DisplayTime , BOOL ShowLater , char Menu [ 500 ] )
NetMsg_ShowMenu ( pev , ValidSlots , DisplayTime , ShowLater ? 1 : 0 , string ( Menu ) ) ;
// GLOBALS ASSUMED SET: g_ulFrameCount
void StartFrame ( void )
if ( g_pGameRules )
g_pGameRules - > Think ( ) ;
if ( g_fGameOver )
return ;
gpGlobals - > teamplay = teamplay . value ;
g_ulFrameCount + + ;
void ClientPrecache ( void )
// Precache sound lists for all player types
gSoundListManager . Clear ( ) ;
int i = 0 ;
for ( i = ( ( int ) AVH_USER3_NONE + 1 ) ; i < ( int ) AVH_USER3_ALIEN_EMBRYO ; i + + )
char theSoundListName [ 256 ] ;
bool theIsAlien = ( i > 3 ) ;
AvHUser3 theUser3 = ( AvHUser3 ) ( i ) ;
bool theLoadSounds = false ;
// No squad leader and commander sounds
switch ( theUser3 )
theLoadSounds = true ;
if ( theLoadSounds )
// Die sounds
sprintf ( theSoundListName , kPlayerLevelDieSoundList , i ) ;
gSoundListManager . PrecacheSoundList ( theSoundListName ) ;
// Spawn sounds
sprintf ( theSoundListName , kPlayerLevelSpawnSoundList , i ) ;
gSoundListManager . PrecacheSoundList ( theSoundListName ) ;
// Pain sounds
sprintf ( theSoundListName , kPlayerLevelPainSoundList , i ) ;
gSoundListManager . PrecacheSoundList ( theSoundListName ) ;
// Wound sounds
sprintf ( theSoundListName , kPlayerLevelWoundSoundList , i ) ;
gSoundListManager . PrecacheSoundList ( theSoundListName ) ;
// Attack sounds (aliens only)
if ( theIsAlien )
sprintf ( theSoundListName , kPlayerLevelAttackSoundList , i ) ;
gSoundListManager . PrecacheSoundList ( theSoundListName ) ;
// Idle sounds
sprintf ( theSoundListName , kPlayerLevelIdleSoundList , i ) ;
gSoundListManager . PrecacheSoundList ( theSoundListName ) ;
// Movement sounds
sprintf ( theSoundListName , kPlayerLevelMoveSoundList , i ) ;
gSoundListManager . PrecacheSoundList ( theSoundListName ) ;
// Precache misc. alien sounds
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_SOUND ( kPrimalScreamResponseSound ) ;
// Preacache sayings sound list
for ( i = 1 ; i < = 9 ; i + + )
char theSoundListName [ 256 ] ;
sprintf ( theSoundListName , kSoldierSayingList , i ) ;
gSoundListManager . PrecacheSoundList ( theSoundListName ) ;
sprintf ( theSoundListName , kCommanderSayingList , i ) ;
gSoundListManager . PrecacheSoundList ( theSoundListName ) ;
sprintf ( theSoundListName , kAlienSayingList , i ) ;
gSoundListManager . PrecacheSoundList ( theSoundListName ) ;
// Precache order sounds
gSoundListManager . PrecacheSoundList ( kSoldierOrderRequestList ) ;
gSoundListManager . PrecacheSoundList ( kSoldierOrderAckList ) ;
// Precache other sound lists
gSoundListManager . PrecacheSoundList ( kResourceTowerSoundList ) ;
gSoundListManager . PrecacheSoundList ( kAlienResourceTowerSoundList ) ;
gSoundListManager . PrecacheSoundList ( kHiveWoundSoundList ) ;
gSoundListManager . PrecacheSoundList ( kMarineConstructionSoundList ) ;
gSoundListManager . PrecacheSoundList ( kElectricSparkSoundList ) ;
gSoundListManager . PrecacheSoundList ( kAlienConstructionSoundList ) ;
// Other equipment and effect sounds
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_SOUND ( kMarineBuildingDeploy ) ;
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_SOUND ( kRegenerationSound ) ;
// setup precaches always needed
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_SOUND ( " player/sprayer.wav " ) ; // spray paint sound for PreAlpha
// PRECACHE_SOUND("player/pl_jumpland2.wav"); // UNDONE: play 2x step sound
// Alien step sounds
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_SOUND ( " player/pl_step1-a.wav " ) ;
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_SOUND ( " player/pl_step2-a.wav " ) ;
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_SOUND ( " player/pl_step3-a.wav " ) ;
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_SOUND ( " player/pl_step4-a.wav " ) ;
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_SOUND ( " player/pl_step1-a1.wav " ) ;
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_SOUND ( " player/pl_step2-a1.wav " ) ;
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_SOUND ( " player/pl_step3-a1.wav " ) ;
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_SOUND ( " player/pl_step4-a1.wav " ) ;
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_SOUND ( " player/pl_step1-a5.wav " ) ;
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_SOUND ( " player/pl_step2-a5.wav " ) ;
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_SOUND ( " player/pl_step3-a5.wav " ) ;
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_SOUND ( " player/pl_step4-a5.wav " ) ;
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_SOUND ( " player/pl_step1-h.wav " ) ;
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_SOUND ( " player/pl_step2-h.wav " ) ;
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_SOUND ( " player/pl_step3-h.wav " ) ;
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_SOUND ( " player/pl_step4-h.wav " ) ;
// Marine step sounds
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_SOUND ( " player/pl_fallpain3-1.wav " ) ;
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_SOUND ( " player/pl_fallpain3-2.wav " ) ;
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_SOUND ( " player/pl_fallpain3-3.wav " ) ;
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_SOUND ( " player/pl_fallpain3-4.wav " ) ;
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_SOUND ( " player/pl_fallpain3-5.wav " ) ;
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_SOUND ( " player/pl_fallpain3-6.wav " ) ;
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_SOUND ( " player/pl_fallpain3-7.wav " ) ;
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_SOUND ( " player/pl_fallpain3-8.wav " ) ;
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_SOUND ( " player/pl_step1.wav " ) ; // walk on concrete
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_SOUND ( " player/pl_step2.wav " ) ;
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_SOUND ( " player/pl_step3.wav " ) ;
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_SOUND ( " player/pl_step4.wav " ) ;
PRECACHE_SOUND ( " common/npc_step1.wav " ) ; // NPC walk on concrete
PRECACHE_SOUND ( " common/npc_step2.wav " ) ;
PRECACHE_SOUND ( " common/npc_step3.wav " ) ;
PRECACHE_SOUND ( " common/npc_step4.wav " ) ;
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_SOUND ( " player/pl_metal1.wav " ) ; // walk on metal
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_SOUND ( " player/pl_metal2.wav " ) ;
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_SOUND ( " player/pl_metal3.wav " ) ;
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_SOUND ( " player/pl_metal4.wav " ) ;
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_SOUND ( " player/pl_dirt1.wav " ) ; // walk on dirt
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_SOUND ( " player/pl_dirt2.wav " ) ;
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_SOUND ( " player/pl_dirt3.wav " ) ;
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_SOUND ( " player/pl_dirt4.wav " ) ;
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_SOUND ( " player/pl_duct1.wav " ) ; // walk in duct
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_SOUND ( " player/pl_duct2.wav " ) ;
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_SOUND ( " player/pl_duct3.wav " ) ;
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_SOUND ( " player/pl_duct4.wav " ) ;
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_SOUND ( " player/pl_grate1.wav " ) ; // walk on grate
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_SOUND ( " player/pl_grate2.wav " ) ;
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_SOUND ( " player/pl_grate3.wav " ) ;
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_SOUND ( " player/pl_grate4.wav " ) ;
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_SOUND ( " player/pl_slosh1.wav " ) ; // walk in shallow water
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_SOUND ( " player/pl_slosh2.wav " ) ;
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_SOUND ( " player/pl_slosh3.wav " ) ;
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_SOUND ( " player/pl_slosh4.wav " ) ;
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_SOUND ( " player/pl_tile1.wav " ) ; // walk on tile
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_SOUND ( " player/pl_tile2.wav " ) ;
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_SOUND ( " player/pl_tile3.wav " ) ;
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_SOUND ( " player/pl_tile4.wav " ) ;
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_SOUND ( " player/pl_tile5.wav " ) ;
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_SOUND ( " player/pl_swim1.wav " ) ; // breathe bubbles
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_SOUND ( " player/pl_swim2.wav " ) ;
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_SOUND ( " player/pl_swim3.wav " ) ;
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_SOUND ( " player/pl_swim4.wav " ) ;
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_SOUND ( " player/pl_ladder1.wav " ) ; // climb ladder rung
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_SOUND ( " player/pl_ladder2.wav " ) ;
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_SOUND ( " player/pl_ladder3.wav " ) ;
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_SOUND ( " player/pl_ladder4.wav " ) ;
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_SOUND ( " player/pl_wade1.wav " ) ; // wade in water
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_SOUND ( " player/pl_wade2.wav " ) ;
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_SOUND ( " player/pl_wade3.wav " ) ;
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_SOUND ( " player/pl_wade4.wav " ) ;
PRECACHE_SOUND ( " debris/wood1.wav " ) ; // hit wood texture
PRECACHE_SOUND ( " debris/wood2.wav " ) ;
PRECACHE_SOUND ( " debris/wood3.wav " ) ;
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_SOUND ( " plats/train_use1.wav " ) ; // use a train
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_SOUND ( " buttons/spark5.wav " ) ; // hit computer texture
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_SOUND ( " buttons/spark6.wav " ) ;
PRECACHE_SOUND ( " debris/glass1.wav " ) ;
PRECACHE_SOUND ( " debris/glass2.wav " ) ;
PRECACHE_SOUND ( " debris/glass3.wav " ) ;
// player gib sounds
PRECACHE_SOUND ( " common/bodysplat.wav " ) ;
// player pain sounds
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_SOUND ( " player/pl_pain2.wav " ) ;
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_SOUND ( " player/pl_pain4.wav " ) ;
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_SOUND ( " player/pl_pain5.wav " ) ;
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_SOUND ( " player/pl_pain6.wav " ) ;
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_SOUND ( " player/pl_pain7.wav " ) ;
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_MODEL ( " models/player.mdl " ) ;
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_MODEL ( kMarineCommanderModel ) ;
// hud sounds, for marines and aliens (change AvHSharedUtil::AvHSHUGetCommonSoundName if these sound names change)
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_SOUND ( " common/wpn_hudoff.wav " ) ;
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_SOUND ( " common/wpn_hudon.wav " ) ;
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_SOUND ( " common/wpn_moveselect.wav " ) ;
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_SOUND ( " common/wpn_select.wav " ) ;
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_SOUND ( " common/wpn_denyselect.wav " ) ;
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_SOUND ( " common/wpn_hudoff-a.wav " ) ;
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_SOUND ( " common/wpn_hudon-a.wav " ) ;
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_SOUND ( " common/wpn_moveselect-a.wav " ) ;
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_SOUND ( " common/wpn_select-a.wav " ) ;
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_SOUND ( " common/wpn_denyselect-a.wav " ) ;
// geiger sounds
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_SOUND ( " player/geiger6.wav " ) ;
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_SOUND ( " player/geiger5.wav " ) ;
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_SOUND ( " player/geiger4.wav " ) ;
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_SOUND ( " player/geiger3.wav " ) ;
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_SOUND ( " player/geiger2.wav " ) ;
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_SOUND ( " player/geiger1.wav " ) ;
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_MODEL ( " sprites/muzzleflash1.spr " ) ;
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_MODEL ( " sprites/muzzleflash2.spr " ) ;
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_MODEL ( " sprites/muzzleflash3.spr " ) ;
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_MODEL ( " sprites/digesting.spr " ) ;
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_MODEL ( " sprites/membrane.spr " ) ;
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_MODEL ( " sprites/hera_fog.spr " ) ;
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_MODEL ( " sprites/spore.spr " ) ;
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_MODEL ( " sprites/spore2.spr " ) ;
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_MODEL ( " sprites/umbra.spr " ) ;
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_MODEL ( " sprites/umbra2.spr " ) ;
PRECACHE_UNMODIFIED_MODEL ( " sprites/webstrand.spr " ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Engine is going to shut down , allows setting a breakpoint in game . dll to catch that occasion
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void Sys_Error ( const char * error_string )
# ifdef DEBUG
# ifdef WIN32
// Default case, do nothing. MOD AUTHORS: Add code ( e.g., _asm { int 3 }; here to cause a breakpoint for debugging your game .dlls
_asm { int 3 } ;
# endif
# else
char theDebugString [ 2056 ] ;
sprintf ( theDebugString , " Sys_Error: %s \n " , error_string ) ;
ALERT ( at_error , theDebugString ) ;
# endif
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Returns the descriptive name of this . dll . E . g . , Half - Life , or Team Fortress 2
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
const char * GetGameDescription ( )
if ( g_pGameRules ) // this function may be called before the world has spawned, and the game rules initialized
return g_pGameRules - > GetGameDescription ( ) ;
return " Half-Life " ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
A new player customization has been registered on the server
UNDONE : This only sets the # of frames of the spray can logo
animation right now .
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void PlayerCustomization ( edict_t * pEntity , customization_t * pCust )
entvars_t * pev = & pEntity - > v ;
CBasePlayer * pPlayer = ( CBasePlayer * ) GET_PRIVATE ( pEntity ) ;
if ( ! pPlayer )
ALERT ( at_console , " PlayerCustomization: Couldn't get player! \n " ) ;
return ;
if ( ! pCust )
ALERT ( at_console , " PlayerCustomization: NULL customization! \n " ) ;
return ;
switch ( pCust - > resource . type )
case t_decal :
pPlayer - > SetCustomDecalFrames ( pCust - > nUserData2 ) ; // Second int is max # of frames.
break ;
case t_sound :
case t_skin :
case t_model :
// Ignore for now.
break ;
default :
ALERT ( at_console , " PlayerCustomization: Unknown customization type! \n " ) ;
break ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
A spectator has joined the game
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void SpectatorConnect ( edict_t * pEntity )
entvars_t * pev = & pEntity - > v ;
CBaseSpectator * pPlayer = ( CBaseSpectator * ) GET_PRIVATE ( pEntity ) ;
if ( pPlayer )
pPlayer - > SpectatorConnect ( ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
A spectator has left the game
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void SpectatorDisconnect ( edict_t * pEntity )
entvars_t * pev = & pEntity - > v ;
CBaseSpectator * pPlayer = ( CBaseSpectator * ) GET_PRIVATE ( pEntity ) ;
if ( pPlayer )
pPlayer - > SpectatorDisconnect ( ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
A spectator has sent a usercmd
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void SpectatorThink ( edict_t * pEntity )
entvars_t * pev = & pEntity - > v ;
CBaseSpectator * pPlayer = ( CBaseSpectator * ) GET_PRIVATE ( pEntity ) ;
if ( pPlayer )
pPlayer - > SpectatorThink ( ) ;
// PAS and PVS routines for client messaging
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
A client can have a separate " view entity " indicating that his / her view should depend on the origin of that
view entity . If that ' s the case , then pViewEntity will be non - NULL and will be used . Otherwise , the current
entity ' s origin is used . Either is offset by the view_ofs to get the eye position .
From the eye position , we set up the PAS and PVS to use for filtering network messages to the client . At this point , we could
override the actual PAS or PVS values , or use a different origin .
NOTE : Do not cache the values of pas and pvs , as they depend on reusable memory in the engine , they are only good for this one frame
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void SetupVisibility ( edict_t * pViewEntity , edict_t * pClient , unsigned char * * pvs , unsigned char * * pas )
Vector org ;
edict_t * pView = pClient ;
bool theUseSpecialPASOrigin = false ;
Vector theSpecialPASOrigin ;
// Find the client's PVS
if ( pViewEntity )
pView = pViewEntity ;
// Proxy sees and hears all
if ( ( pClient - > v . flags & FL_PROXY ) | | GetGameRules ( ) - > GetIsCheatEnabled ( kcViewAll ) )
//ALERT(at_logged, "Setting PVS and PAS to NULL for FL_PROXY\n");
* pvs = NULL ; // the spectator proxy sees
* pas = NULL ; // and hears everything
return ;
// Tracking Spectators use the visibility of their target
CBasePlayer * pPlayer = ( CBasePlayer * ) CBaseEntity : : Instance ( pClient ) ;
if ( ( pPlayer - > pev - > iuser2 ! = 0 ) & & ( pPlayer - > m_hObserverTarget ! = NULL ) & & ( pPlayer - > m_afPhysicsFlags & PFLAG_OBSERVER ) & & pPlayer - > IsAlive ( ) )
pView = pPlayer - > m_hObserverTarget - > edict ( ) ;
UTIL_SetOrigin ( pPlayer - > pev , pPlayer - > m_hObserverTarget - > pev - > origin ) ;
// Tracking Spectators use the visibility of their target
// AvHPlayer *thePlayer = dynamic_cast<AvHPlayer*>(CBaseEntity::Instance(pClient));
// cgc - something could be wrong here, crashing from Robin's spectator code...did I do something wrong?
// if(thePlayer)
// {
// if ( (thePlayer->pev->iuser2 != 0) && (thePlayer->m_hObserverTarget != NULL) )
// {
// pView = thePlayer->m_hObserverTarget->edict();
// }
// if(thePlayer->GetRole() == ROLE_COMMANDER)
// {
// thePlayer->GetSpecialPASOrigin(theSpecialPASOrigin);
// theUseSpecialPASOrigin = true;
// }
// }
org = pView - > v . origin + pView - > v . view_ofs ;
if ( pView - > v . flags & FL_DUCKING )
org = org + ( VEC_HULL_MIN - VEC_DUCK_HULL_MIN ) ;
* pvs = ENGINE_SET_PVS ( ( float * ) & org ) ;
if ( theUseSpecialPASOrigin )
* pas = ENGINE_SET_PAS ( ( float * ) & theSpecialPASOrigin ) ;
* pas = ENGINE_SET_PAS ( ( float * ) & org ) ;
# include "common/entity_state.h"
//CachedEntity gCachedEntities[kMaxPlayers][kMaxEntities];
//void ResetCachedEntities()
// for(int i = 0; i < kMaxPlayers; i++)
// {
// for(int j = 0; j < kMaxEntities; j++)
// {
// gCachedEntities[i][j].ResetCachedEntity();
// }
// }
// Array sizes ( memory is 5624 * 32 = 179968 bytes )
# define MAX_CLIENTS ( 32 )
# define MAX_ENTITIES ( 900 + MAX_CLIENTS * 15 )
// Re-check entities only this often once they are found to be in the PVS
// NOTE: We could have a separate timeout for players if we wanted to tweak the coherency time for them ( you'd have
// to check the entitynum against 1 to gpGlobals->maxclients ), etc.
//#define PVS_COHERENCY_TIME 1.0f
extern float kPVSCoherencyTime ;
typedef struct
bool mLastVisibility ;
float m_fTimeEnteredPVS ;
typedef struct
// Remember player leaf data so we can invalidate pvs history when leaf changes
int headnode ; // -1 to use normal leaf check
int num_leafs ;
short leafnums [ MAX_ENT_LEAFS ] ;
void ResetPlayerPVS ( edict_t * client , int clientnum )
ASSERT ( clientnum > = 0 & & clientnum < MAX_CLIENTS ) ;
PLAYERPVSSTATUS * pvs = & g_PVSStatus [ clientnum ] ;
memset ( pvs , 0 , sizeof ( PLAYERPVSSTATUS ) ) ;
// Copy leaf data in right away
pvs - > headnode = client - > headnode ;
pvs - > num_leafs = client - > num_leafs ;
memcpy ( pvs - > leafnums , client - > leafnums , sizeof ( pvs - > leafnums ) ) ;
bool TimeToResetPVS ( edict_t * client , int clientnum )
ASSERT ( clientnum > = 0 & & clientnum < MAX_CLIENTS ) ;
PLAYERPVSSTATUS * pvs = & g_PVSStatus [ clientnum ] ;
if ( ( pvs - > headnode ! = client - > headnode ) | | ( pvs - > num_leafs ! = client - > num_leafs ) )
return true ;
if ( client - > num_leafs > 0 )
for ( int i = 0 ; i < client - > num_leafs ; i + + )
if ( client - > leafnums [ i ] ! = pvs - > leafnums [ i ] )
return true ;
// Still the same
return false ;
void MarkEntityInPVS ( int clientnum , int entitynum , float time , bool inpvs )
ASSERT ( clientnum > = 0 & & clientnum < MAX_CLIENTS ) ;
ASSERT ( entitynum > = 0 & & entitynum < MAX_ENTITIES ) ;
PLAYERPVSSTATUS * pvs = & g_PVSStatus [ clientnum ] ;
ENTITYPVSSTATUS * es = & pvs - > m_Status [ entitynum ] ;
es - > m_fTimeEnteredPVS = time ;
es - > mLastVisibility = inpvs ;
bool GetTimeToRecompute ( int clientnum , int entitynum , float currenttime , bool & outCachedVisibility )
ASSERT ( clientnum > = 0 & & clientnum < MAX_CLIENTS ) ;
ASSERT ( entitynum > = 0 & & entitynum < MAX_ENTITIES ) ;
PLAYERPVSSTATUS * pvs = & g_PVSStatus [ clientnum ] ;
ENTITYPVSSTATUS * es = & pvs - > m_Status [ entitynum ] ;
bool theTimeToRecompute = false ;
int theUseCaching = BALANCE_VAR ( kDebugServerCaching ) ;
if ( theUseCaching )
// Always recompute players?
if ( ( entitynum > 0 ) & & ( entitynum < MAX_CLIENTS ) )
theTimeToRecompute = true ;
// If we haven't computed for awhile, or our PVS has been reset
else if ( ( currenttime > ( es - > m_fTimeEnteredPVS + kPVSCoherencyTime ) ) | | ( es - > m_fTimeEnteredPVS = = 0.0f ) )
theTimeToRecompute = true ;
outCachedVisibility = es - > mLastVisibility ;
theTimeToRecompute = true ;
return theTimeToRecompute ;
bool CheckEntityRecentlyInPVS ( int clientnum , int entitynum , float currenttime )
ASSERT ( clientnum > = 0 & & clientnum < MAX_CLIENTS ) ;
ASSERT ( entitynum > = 0 & & entitynum < MAX_ENTITIES ) ;
PLAYERPVSSTATUS * pvs = & g_PVSStatus [ clientnum ] ;
ENTITYPVSSTATUS * es = & pvs - > m_Status [ entitynum ] ;
int theUseCaching = BALANCE_VAR ( kDebugServerCaching ) ;
if ( ! theUseCaching )
return false ;
// Wasn't in pvs before, sigh...
if ( es - > m_fTimeEnteredPVS = = 0.0f )
return false ;
// If we've been saying yes for kPVSCoherencyTime, say no now instead so that we'll do a full check
if ( es - > m_fTimeEnteredPVS + kPVSCoherencyTime < currenttime )
return false ;
// Keep assuming it's in the pvs for a bit of time (trivial inclusion)
return true ;
int kNumReturn0 = 0 ;
int kNumReturn1 = 0 ;
int kNumCached = 0 ;
int kNumComputed = 0 ;
int kMaxE = 0 ;
int kNumEntsProcessedForPlayerOne = 0 ;
int kMaxEProcessedForPlayerOne = 0 ;
extern int kServerFrameRate ;
// ENGINE_CHECK_VISIBILITY, from Yahn, with his comments:
// Here's the engine code. You'll note a slow path if the ent leaf cache is missed, which causes a recomputation via the much more expensive
// CM_HeadnodeVisible call. That does change the cache data on the entity, so that's likely your problem with blinking if you are doing some
// kind of memcpy operation on the old data.
//#ifdef 0
//int DLL_CALLBACK SV_CheckVisibility( const struct edict_s *entity, unsigned char *pset )
// int i;
// qboolean visible;
// edict_t *e;
// if ( !pset )
// return 1;
// if ( entity->headnode >= 0 ) //
// {
// // we use num_leafs as a cache/counter, it will circle around, but so what
// // if we don't find the leaf we want here, we'll end up doing the full test anyway
// int leaf;
// i = 0;
// do
// {
// leaf = entity->leafnums[i];
// // Cache is all -1 to start...
// if ( leaf == -1 )
// break;
// if ( pset[ leaf >> 3 ] & (1 << (leaf & 7 ) ) )
// {
// return 1;
// }
// i++;
// if ( i >= MAX_ENT_LEAFS )
// break;
// } while ( 1 );
// // Didn't find it in "cache"
// visible = CM_HeadnodeVisible( sv.worldmodel->nodes + entity->headnode, pset, &leaf );
// if ( !visible )
// {
// return 0;
// }
// // Cache leaf that was visible
// //
// e = ( edict_t * )entity;
// e->leafnums[ entity->num_leafs ] = (short)leaf;
// e->num_leafs = ( entity->num_leafs + 1 ) % MAX_ENT_LEAFS;
// return 2;
// }
// else
// {
// for (i=0 ; i < entity->num_leafs ; i++)
// {
// if ( pset[entity->leafnums[i] >> 3] & (1 << (entity->leafnums[i]&7) ))
// break;
// }
// visible = ( i < entity->num_leafs );
// if ( !visible )
// {
// return 0;
// }
// }
// return 1;
// defaults for clientinfo messages
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Creates baselines used for network encoding , especially for player data since players are not spawned until connect time .
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void CreateBaseline ( int player , int eindex , struct entity_state_s * baseline , struct edict_s * entity , int playermodelindex , vec3_t player_mins , vec3_t player_maxs )
baseline - > origin = entity - > v . origin ;
baseline - > angles = entity - > v . angles ;
baseline - > frame = entity - > v . frame ;
baseline - > skin = ( short ) entity - > v . skin ;
// render information
baseline - > rendermode = ( byte ) entity - > v . rendermode ;
baseline - > renderamt = ( byte ) entity - > v . renderamt ;
baseline - > rendercolor . r = ( byte ) entity - > v . rendercolor . x ;
baseline - > rendercolor . g = ( byte ) entity - > v . rendercolor . y ;
baseline - > rendercolor . b = ( byte ) entity - > v . rendercolor . z ;
baseline - > renderfx = ( byte ) entity - > v . renderfx ;
if ( player )
baseline - > mins = player_mins ;
baseline - > maxs = player_maxs ;
baseline - > colormap = eindex ;
baseline - > modelindex = playermodelindex ;
baseline - > friction = 1.0 ;
baseline - > movetype = MOVETYPE_WALK ;
baseline - > scale = entity - > v . scale ;
baseline - > solid = SOLID_SLIDEBOX ;
baseline - > framerate = 1.0 ;
baseline - > gravity = 1.0 ;
baseline - > mins = entity - > v . mins ;
baseline - > maxs = entity - > v . maxs ;
baseline - > colormap = 0 ;
baseline - > modelindex = entity - > v . modelindex ; //SV_ModelIndex(pr_strings + entity->v.model);
baseline - > movetype = entity - > v . movetype ;
baseline - > scale = entity - > v . scale ;
baseline - > solid = entity - > v . solid ;
baseline - > framerate = entity - > v . framerate ;
baseline - > gravity = entity - > v . gravity ;
typedef struct
char name [ 32 ] ;
int field ;
} entity_field_alias_t ;
# define FIELD_ORIGIN0 0
# define FIELD_ORIGIN1 1
# define FIELD_ORIGIN2 2
# define FIELD_ANGLES0 3
# define FIELD_ANGLES1 4
# define FIELD_ANGLES2 5
static entity_field_alias_t entity_field_alias [ ] =
{ " origin[0] " , 0 } ,
{ " origin[1] " , 0 } ,
{ " origin[2] " , 0 } ,
{ " angles[0] " , 0 } ,
{ " angles[1] " , 0 } ,
{ " angles[2] " , 0 } ,
} ;
void Entity_FieldInit ( struct delta_s * pFields )
entity_field_alias [ FIELD_ORIGIN0 ] . field = DELTA_FINDFIELD ( pFields , entity_field_alias [ FIELD_ORIGIN0 ] . name ) ;
entity_field_alias [ FIELD_ORIGIN1 ] . field = DELTA_FINDFIELD ( pFields , entity_field_alias [ FIELD_ORIGIN1 ] . name ) ;
entity_field_alias [ FIELD_ORIGIN2 ] . field = DELTA_FINDFIELD ( pFields , entity_field_alias [ FIELD_ORIGIN2 ] . name ) ;
entity_field_alias [ FIELD_ANGLES0 ] . field = DELTA_FINDFIELD ( pFields , entity_field_alias [ FIELD_ANGLES0 ] . name ) ;
entity_field_alias [ FIELD_ANGLES1 ] . field = DELTA_FINDFIELD ( pFields , entity_field_alias [ FIELD_ANGLES1 ] . name ) ;
entity_field_alias [ FIELD_ANGLES2 ] . field = DELTA_FINDFIELD ( pFields , entity_field_alias [ FIELD_ANGLES2 ] . name ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Callback for sending entity_state_t info over network .
FIXME : Move to script
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void Entity_Encode ( struct delta_s * pFields , const unsigned char * from , const unsigned char * to )
entity_state_t * f , * t ;
int localplayer = 0 ;
static int initialized = 0 ;
if ( ! initialized )
Entity_FieldInit ( pFields ) ;
initialized = 1 ;
f = ( entity_state_t * ) from ;
t = ( entity_state_t * ) to ;
// Never send origin to local player, it's sent with more resolution in clientdata_t structure
localplayer = ( t - > number - 1 ) = = ENGINE_CURRENT_PLAYER ( ) ;
if ( localplayer )
DELTA_UNSETBYINDEX ( pFields , entity_field_alias [ FIELD_ORIGIN0 ] . field ) ;
DELTA_UNSETBYINDEX ( pFields , entity_field_alias [ FIELD_ORIGIN1 ] . field ) ;
DELTA_UNSETBYINDEX ( pFields , entity_field_alias [ FIELD_ORIGIN2 ] . field ) ;
if ( ( t - > impacttime ! = 0 ) & & ( t - > starttime ! = 0 ) )
DELTA_UNSETBYINDEX ( pFields , entity_field_alias [ FIELD_ORIGIN0 ] . field ) ;
DELTA_UNSETBYINDEX ( pFields , entity_field_alias [ FIELD_ORIGIN1 ] . field ) ;
DELTA_UNSETBYINDEX ( pFields , entity_field_alias [ FIELD_ORIGIN2 ] . field ) ;
DELTA_UNSETBYINDEX ( pFields , entity_field_alias [ FIELD_ANGLES0 ] . field ) ;
DELTA_UNSETBYINDEX ( pFields , entity_field_alias [ FIELD_ANGLES1 ] . field ) ;
DELTA_UNSETBYINDEX ( pFields , entity_field_alias [ FIELD_ANGLES2 ] . field ) ;
if ( ( t - > movetype = = MOVETYPE_FOLLOW ) & &
( t - > aiment ! = 0 ) )
DELTA_UNSETBYINDEX ( pFields , entity_field_alias [ FIELD_ORIGIN0 ] . field ) ;
DELTA_UNSETBYINDEX ( pFields , entity_field_alias [ FIELD_ORIGIN1 ] . field ) ;
DELTA_UNSETBYINDEX ( pFields , entity_field_alias [ FIELD_ORIGIN2 ] . field ) ;
else if ( t - > aiment ! = f - > aiment )
DELTA_SETBYINDEX ( pFields , entity_field_alias [ FIELD_ORIGIN0 ] . field ) ;
DELTA_SETBYINDEX ( pFields , entity_field_alias [ FIELD_ORIGIN1 ] . field ) ;
DELTA_SETBYINDEX ( pFields , entity_field_alias [ FIELD_ORIGIN2 ] . field ) ;
static entity_field_alias_t player_field_alias [ ] =
{ " origin[0] " , 0 } ,
{ " origin[1] " , 0 } ,
{ " origin[2] " , 0 } ,
} ;
void Player_FieldInit ( struct delta_s * pFields )
player_field_alias [ FIELD_ORIGIN0 ] . field = DELTA_FINDFIELD ( pFields , player_field_alias [ FIELD_ORIGIN0 ] . name ) ;
player_field_alias [ FIELD_ORIGIN1 ] . field = DELTA_FINDFIELD ( pFields , player_field_alias [ FIELD_ORIGIN1 ] . name ) ;
player_field_alias [ FIELD_ORIGIN2 ] . field = DELTA_FINDFIELD ( pFields , player_field_alias [ FIELD_ORIGIN2 ] . name ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Callback for sending entity_state_t for players info over network .
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void Player_Encode ( struct delta_s * pFields , const unsigned char * from , const unsigned char * to )
entity_state_t * f , * t ;
int localplayer = 0 ;
static int initialized = 0 ;
if ( ! initialized )
Player_FieldInit ( pFields ) ;
initialized = 1 ;
f = ( entity_state_t * ) from ;
t = ( entity_state_t * ) to ;
// Never send origin to local player, it's sent with more resolution in clientdata_t structure
localplayer = ( t - > number - 1 ) = = ENGINE_CURRENT_PLAYER ( ) ;
if ( localplayer )
DELTA_UNSETBYINDEX ( pFields , entity_field_alias [ FIELD_ORIGIN0 ] . field ) ;
DELTA_UNSETBYINDEX ( pFields , entity_field_alias [ FIELD_ORIGIN1 ] . field ) ;
DELTA_UNSETBYINDEX ( pFields , entity_field_alias [ FIELD_ORIGIN2 ] . field ) ;
if ( ( t - > movetype = = MOVETYPE_FOLLOW ) & &
( t - > aiment ! = 0 ) )
DELTA_UNSETBYINDEX ( pFields , entity_field_alias [ FIELD_ORIGIN0 ] . field ) ;
DELTA_UNSETBYINDEX ( pFields , entity_field_alias [ FIELD_ORIGIN1 ] . field ) ;
DELTA_UNSETBYINDEX ( pFields , entity_field_alias [ FIELD_ORIGIN2 ] . field ) ;
else if ( t - > aiment ! = f - > aiment )
DELTA_SETBYINDEX ( pFields , entity_field_alias [ FIELD_ORIGIN0 ] . field ) ;
DELTA_SETBYINDEX ( pFields , entity_field_alias [ FIELD_ORIGIN1 ] . field ) ;
DELTA_SETBYINDEX ( pFields , entity_field_alias [ FIELD_ORIGIN2 ] . field ) ;
entity_field_alias_t custom_entity_field_alias [ ] =
{ " origin[0] " , 0 } ,
{ " origin[1] " , 0 } ,
{ " origin[2] " , 0 } ,
{ " angles[0] " , 0 } ,
{ " angles[1] " , 0 } ,
{ " angles[2] " , 0 } ,
{ " skin " , 0 } ,
{ " sequence " , 0 } ,
{ " animtime " , 0 } ,
} ;
void Custom_Entity_FieldInit ( struct delta_s * pFields )
custom_entity_field_alias [ CUSTOMFIELD_ORIGIN0 ] . field = DELTA_FINDFIELD ( pFields , custom_entity_field_alias [ CUSTOMFIELD_ORIGIN0 ] . name ) ;
custom_entity_field_alias [ CUSTOMFIELD_ORIGIN1 ] . field = DELTA_FINDFIELD ( pFields , custom_entity_field_alias [ CUSTOMFIELD_ORIGIN1 ] . name ) ;
custom_entity_field_alias [ CUSTOMFIELD_ORIGIN2 ] . field = DELTA_FINDFIELD ( pFields , custom_entity_field_alias [ CUSTOMFIELD_ORIGIN2 ] . name ) ;
custom_entity_field_alias [ CUSTOMFIELD_ANGLES0 ] . field = DELTA_FINDFIELD ( pFields , custom_entity_field_alias [ CUSTOMFIELD_ANGLES0 ] . name ) ;
custom_entity_field_alias [ CUSTOMFIELD_ANGLES1 ] . field = DELTA_FINDFIELD ( pFields , custom_entity_field_alias [ CUSTOMFIELD_ANGLES1 ] . name ) ;
custom_entity_field_alias [ CUSTOMFIELD_ANGLES2 ] . field = DELTA_FINDFIELD ( pFields , custom_entity_field_alias [ CUSTOMFIELD_ANGLES2 ] . name ) ;
custom_entity_field_alias [ CUSTOMFIELD_SKIN ] . field = DELTA_FINDFIELD ( pFields , custom_entity_field_alias [ CUSTOMFIELD_SKIN ] . name ) ;
custom_entity_field_alias [ CUSTOMFIELD_SEQUENCE ] . field = DELTA_FINDFIELD ( pFields , custom_entity_field_alias [ CUSTOMFIELD_SEQUENCE ] . name ) ;
custom_entity_field_alias [ CUSTOMFIELD_ANIMTIME ] . field = DELTA_FINDFIELD ( pFields , custom_entity_field_alias [ CUSTOMFIELD_ANIMTIME ] . name ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Callback for sending entity_state_t info ( for custom entities ) over network .
FIXME : Move to script
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void Custom_Encode ( struct delta_s * pFields , const unsigned char * from , const unsigned char * to )
entity_state_t * f , * t ;
int beamType ;
static int initialized = 0 ;
if ( ! initialized )
Custom_Entity_FieldInit ( pFields ) ;
initialized = 1 ;
f = ( entity_state_t * ) from ;
t = ( entity_state_t * ) to ;
beamType = t - > rendermode & 0x0f ;
if ( beamType ! = BEAM_POINTS & & beamType ! = BEAM_ENTPOINT )
DELTA_UNSETBYINDEX ( pFields , custom_entity_field_alias [ CUSTOMFIELD_ORIGIN0 ] . field ) ;
DELTA_UNSETBYINDEX ( pFields , custom_entity_field_alias [ CUSTOMFIELD_ORIGIN1 ] . field ) ;
DELTA_UNSETBYINDEX ( pFields , custom_entity_field_alias [ CUSTOMFIELD_ORIGIN2 ] . field ) ;
if ( beamType ! = BEAM_POINTS )
DELTA_UNSETBYINDEX ( pFields , custom_entity_field_alias [ CUSTOMFIELD_ANGLES0 ] . field ) ;
DELTA_UNSETBYINDEX ( pFields , custom_entity_field_alias [ CUSTOMFIELD_ANGLES1 ] . field ) ;
DELTA_UNSETBYINDEX ( pFields , custom_entity_field_alias [ CUSTOMFIELD_ANGLES2 ] . field ) ;
if ( beamType ! = BEAM_ENTS & & beamType ! = BEAM_ENTPOINT )
DELTA_UNSETBYINDEX ( pFields , custom_entity_field_alias [ CUSTOMFIELD_SKIN ] . field ) ;
DELTA_UNSETBYINDEX ( pFields , custom_entity_field_alias [ CUSTOMFIELD_SEQUENCE ] . field ) ;
// animtime is compared by rounding first
// see if we really shouldn't actually send it
if ( ( int ) f - > animtime = = ( int ) t - > animtime )
DELTA_UNSETBYINDEX ( pFields , custom_entity_field_alias [ CUSTOMFIELD_ANIMTIME ] . field ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Allows game . dll to override network encoding of certain types of entities and tweak values , etc .
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void RegisterEncoders ( void )
DELTA_ADDENCODER ( " Entity_Encode " , Entity_Encode ) ;
DELTA_ADDENCODER ( " Custom_Encode " , Custom_Encode ) ;
DELTA_ADDENCODER ( " Player_Encode " , Player_Encode ) ;
int GetWeaponData ( struct edict_s * player , struct weapon_data_s * info )
int i ;
weapon_data_t * item ;
entvars_t * pev = & player - > v ;
CBasePlayer * pl = ( CBasePlayer * ) CBasePlayer : : Instance ( pev ) ;
AvHPlayer * thePlayer = dynamic_cast < AvHPlayer * > ( pl ) ;
CBasePlayerWeapon * gun ;
ItemInfo II ;
memset ( info , 0 , 32 * sizeof ( weapon_data_t ) ) ;
if ( ! pl )
return 1 ;
// go through all of the weapons and make a list of the ones to pack
for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_ITEM_TYPES ; i + + )
if ( pl - > m_rgpPlayerItems [ i ] )
// there's a weapon here. Should I pack it?
CBasePlayerItem * pPlayerItem = pl - > m_rgpPlayerItems [ i ] ;
while ( pPlayerItem )
gun = ( CBasePlayerWeapon * ) pPlayerItem - > GetWeaponPtr ( ) ;
if ( gun & & gun - > UseDecrement ( ) )
// Get The ID.
memset ( & II , 0 , sizeof ( II ) ) ;
gun - > GetItemInfo ( & II ) ;
ASSERT ( ( II . iId > = 0 ) & & ( II . iId < 32 ) ) ;
if ( II . iId > = 0 & & II . iId < 32 )
item = & info [ II . iId ] ;
item - > m_iId = II . iId ;
item - > m_iClip = gun - > m_iClip ;
item - > m_flTimeWeaponIdle = max ( gun - > m_flTimeWeaponIdle , - 0.001f ) ;
item - > m_flNextPrimaryAttack = max ( gun - > m_flNextPrimaryAttack , - 0.001f ) ;
item - > m_flNextSecondaryAttack = max ( gun - > m_flNextSecondaryAttack , - 0.001f ) ;
item - > m_fInReload = gun - > m_fInReload ;
//item->m_fInSpecialReload = gun->m_fInSpecialReload;
//item->fuser1 = max( gun->pev->fuser1, -0.001 );
item - > fuser2 = gun - > m_flStartThrow ;
item - > fuser3 = gun - > m_flReleaseThrow ;
//item->iuser1 = gun->m_chargeReady;
//item->iuser2 = gun->m_fInAttack;
// Pass along enabled state in iuser3 (for when hives and ensnare enable and disable weapons)
item - > iuser3 = gun - > pev - > iuser3 ;
//item->m_flPumpTime = max( gun->m_flPumpTime, -0.001 );
pPlayerItem = pPlayerItem - > m_pNext ;
return 1 ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Data sent to current client only
engine sets cd to 0 before calling .
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void UpdateClientData ( const struct edict_s * ent , int sendweapons , struct clientdata_s * cd )
cd - > flags = ent - > v . flags ;
cd - > health = ent - > v . health ;
cd - > viewmodel = MODEL_INDEX ( STRING ( ent - > v . viewmodel ) ) ;
cd - > waterlevel = ent - > v . waterlevel ;
cd - > watertype = ent - > v . watertype ;
cd - > weapons = ent - > v . weapons ;
// Vectors
cd - > origin = ent - > v . origin ;
cd - > velocity = ent - > v . velocity ;
cd - > view_ofs = ent - > v . view_ofs ;
cd - > punchangle = ent - > v . punchangle ;
cd - > bInDuck = ent - > v . bInDuck ;
cd - > flTimeStepSound = ent - > v . flTimeStepSound ;
cd - > flDuckTime = ent - > v . flDuckTime ;
cd - > flSwimTime = ent - > v . flSwimTime ;
cd - > waterjumptime = ent - > v . teleport_time ;
strcpy ( cd - > physinfo , ENGINE_GETPHYSINFO ( ent ) ) ;
cd - > maxspeed = ent - > v . maxspeed ;
cd - > fov = ent - > v . fov ;
cd - > weaponanim = ent - > v . weaponanim ;
cd - > pushmsec = ent - > v . pushmsec ;
// Spectator
cd - > iuser1 = ent - > v . iuser1 ;
cd - > iuser2 = ent - > v . iuser2 ;
// AvH specials
cd - > iuser3 = ent - > v . iuser3 ;
cd - > iuser4 = ent - > v . iuser4 ;
cd - > fuser1 = ent - > v . fuser1 ;
cd - > fuser2 = ent - > v . fuser2 ;
cd - > fuser3 = ent - > v . fuser3 ;
// Added by mmcguire for oriented skulk player models.
cd - > vuser1 = ent - > v . vuser1 ;
// Added for extra player info for first-person spectating
cd - > vuser4 = ent - > v . vuser4 ;
if ( sendweapons )
entvars_t * pev = ( entvars_t * ) & ent - > v ;
CBasePlayer * pl = ( CBasePlayer * ) CBasePlayer : : Instance ( pev ) ;
if ( pl )
cd - > m_flNextAttack = pl - > m_flNextAttack ;
//cd->fuser2 = pl->m_flNextAmmoBurn;
//cd->fuser3 = pl->m_flAmmoStartCharge;
//cd->vuser1.x = pl->ammo_9mm;
//cd->vuser1.y = pl->ammo_357;
//cd->vuser1.z = pl->ammo_argrens;
//cd->ammo_nails = pl->ammo_bolts;
//cd->ammo_shells = pl->ammo_buckshot;
//cd->ammo_rockets = pl->ammo_rockets;
//cd->ammo_cells = pl->ammo_uranium;
//cd->vuser2.x = pl->ammo_hornets;
if ( pl - > m_pActiveItem )
CBasePlayerWeapon * gun ;
gun = ( CBasePlayerWeapon * ) pl - > m_pActiveItem - > GetWeaponPtr ( ) ;
if ( gun & & gun - > UseDecrement ( ) )
ItemInfo II ;
memset ( & II , 0 , sizeof ( II ) ) ;
gun - > GetItemInfo ( & II ) ;
cd - > m_iId = II . iId ;
// cd->vuser3.z = gun->m_iSecondaryAmmoType;
// cd->vuser4.x = gun->m_iPrimaryAmmoType;
// cd->vuser4.y = pl->m_rgAmmo[gun->m_iPrimaryAmmoType];
// cd->vuser4.z = pl->m_rgAmmo[gun->m_iSecondaryAmmoType];
// if ( pl->m_pActiveItem->m_iId == WEAPON_RPG )
// {
// cd->vuser2.y = ( ( CRpg * )pl->m_pActiveItem)->m_fSpotActive;
// cd->vuser2.z = ( ( CRpg * )pl->m_pActiveItem)->m_cActiveRockets;
// }
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
We ' re about to run this usercmd for the specified player . We can set up groupinfo and masking here , etc .
This is the time to examine the usercmd for anything extra . This call happens even if think does not .
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void CmdStart ( const edict_t * player , const struct usercmd_s * cmd , unsigned int random_seed )
entvars_t * pev = ( entvars_t * ) & player - > v ;
AvHPlayer * pl = ( AvHPlayer * ) CBasePlayer : : Instance ( pev ) ;
if ( ! pl )
return ;
pl - > SetCurrentCommand ( cmd ) ;
pl - > SetSizeForUser3 ( ) ;
if ( pl - > pev - > groupinfo ! = 0 )
UTIL_SetGroupTrace ( pl - > pev - > groupinfo , GROUP_OP_AND ) ;
pl - > random_seed = random_seed ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Each cmdstart is exactly matched with a cmd end , clean up any group trace flags , etc . here
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void CmdEnd ( const edict_t * player )
entvars_t * pev = ( entvars_t * ) & player - > v ;
AvHPlayer * pl = ( AvHPlayer * ) CBasePlayer : : Instance ( pev ) ;
if ( ! pl )
return ;
pl - > SetSizeForUser3 ( ) ;
if ( pl - > pev - > groupinfo ! = 0 )
UTIL_UnsetGroupTrace ( ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Return 1 if the packet is valid . Set response_buffer_size if you want to send a response packet . Incoming , it holds the max
size of the response_buffer , so you must zero it out if you choose not to respond .
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
int ConnectionlessPacket ( const struct netadr_s * net_from , const char * args , char * response_buffer , int * response_buffer_size )
// Parse stuff from args
int max_buffer_size = * response_buffer_size ;
// Zero it out since we aren't going to respond.
// If we wanted to response, we'd write data into response_buffer
* response_buffer_size = 0 ;
// Since we don't listen for anything here, just respond that it's a bogus message
// If we didn't reject the message, we'd return 1 for success instead.
return 0 ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Engine calls this to enumerate player collision hulls , for prediction . Return 0 if the hullnumber doesn ' t exist .
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
int GetHullBounds ( int hullnumber , float * mins , float * maxs )
int iret = 0 ;
switch ( hullnumber )
case 0 :
HULL0_MIN . CopyToArray ( mins ) ;
HULL0_MAX . CopyToArray ( maxs ) ;
iret = 1 ;
break ;
case 1 :
HULL1_MIN . CopyToArray ( mins ) ;
HULL1_MAX . CopyToArray ( maxs ) ;
iret = 1 ;
break ;
case 2 :
HULL2_MIN . CopyToArray ( mins ) ;
HULL2_MAX . CopyToArray ( maxs ) ;
iret = 1 ;
break ;
case 3 :
HULL3_MIN . CopyToArray ( mins ) ;
HULL3_MAX . CopyToArray ( maxs ) ;
iret = 1 ;
break ;
return iret ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Create pseudo - baselines for items that aren ' t placed in the map at spawn time , but which are likely
to be created during play ( e . g . , grenades , ammo packs , projectiles , corpses , etc . )
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void CreateInstancedBaselines ( void )
int iret = 0 ;
entity_state_t state ;
memset ( & state , 0 , sizeof ( state ) ) ;
// Create any additional baselines here for things like grendates, etc.
// iret = ENGINE_INSTANCE_BASELINE( pc->pev->classname, &state );
// Destroy objects.
//UTIL_Remove( pc );
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
One of the ENGINE_FORCE_UNMODIFIED files failed the consistency check for the specified player
Return 0 to allow the client to continue , 1 to force immediate disconnection ( with an optional disconnect message of up to 256 characters )
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
static char * ignoreInConsistencyCheck [ ] = {
" sound/vox/ssay82.wav " ,
" sound/vox/ssay83.wav " ,
} ;
int InconsistentFile ( const edict_t * player , const char * filename , char * disconnect_message )
// Server doesn't care?
if ( CVAR_GET_FLOAT ( " mp_consistency " ) ! = 1 )
return 0 ;
int i = 0 ;
while ( ignoreInConsistencyCheck [ i ] ! = 0 ) {
if ( ! strcmp ( ignoreInConsistencyCheck [ i ] , filename ) )
return 0 ;
i + + ;
// Default behavior is to kick the player
sprintf ( disconnect_message , " Server is enforcing file consistency for %s \n " , filename ) ;
// Kick now with specified disconnect message.
return 1 ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
The game . dll should return 1 if lag compensation should be allowed ( could also just set
the sv_unlag cvar .
Most games right now should return 0 , until client - side weapon prediction code is written
and tested for them ( note you can predict weapons , but not do lag compensation , too ,
if you want .
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
int AllowLagCompensation ( void )
return 1 ;
inline bool AvHDetermineVisibility ( struct entity_state_s * state , int e , edict_t * ent , edict_t * host , unsigned char * pSet , bool & outIsParticleSystemEntity , bool & outIsParticleSystemEntityVisible )
bool theIsVisible = false ;
bool theIsParticleSystemEntity = ( ent - > v . classname = = MAKE_STRING ( kesParticlesCustom ) ) ;
outIsParticleSystemEntity = theIsParticleSystemEntity ;
outIsParticleSystemEntityVisible = false ;
// Always propagate ourself
if ( ent ! = host )
bool theEntityIsAWeldable = ent - > v . iuser3 = = AVH_USER3_WELD ; //(ent->v.classname == MAKE_STRING(kesWeldable));
bool theIsNoBuild = ent - > v . iuser3 = = AVH_USER3_NOBUILD ; //(ent->v.classname == MAKE_STRING(kesNoBuild));
// Don't send if EF_NODRAW objects that aren't the host (with some exceptions)
// This is a little convoluted because of performance (this function gets called many thousands of time per server tick)
// Elven - edited out the !(ent->v.effects & EF_NODRAW) because it will always evaluate to true.
// Reasoning: if (v.effects & EF_NODRAW) and (ent!=host) were ever true, there would have been a return call in
// AddToFullPack before this function was called.
// Therefore, (ent->v.effects & EF_NODRAW) will always be false and !false will always be true.
// puzl - undid this change as it was causing problems in comm mode. Structures, players etc. were not visible to the comm.
if ( ! ( ent - > v . effects & EF_NODRAW ) | | theEntityIsAWeldable | | theIsNoBuild | | ( ent - > v . classname = = MAKE_STRING ( kesMP3Audio ) ) )
// This is duplicated from the above line for possible efficiency
bool theIsMp3Entity = ( ent - > v . classname = = MAKE_STRING ( kesMP3Audio ) ) ;
// Ignore ents without valid / visible models
// ...but don't cull out particle systems ever.
// This should use an approximate bounding radius and cull it with the PVS normally but
// I can't figure out how to make it work. This would only cause more net traffic if
// the particle system entity was out of sight and moving around due to map triggers, not
// through normal operation
if ( ent - > v . modelindex | | STRING ( ent - > v . model ) | | theIsParticleSystemEntity | | theIsMp3Entity )
if ( theIsMp3Entity )
CBaseEntity * theEntity = CBaseEntity : : Instance ( ent ) ;
AvHMP3Audio * theMP3Audio = dynamic_cast < AvHMP3Audio * > ( theEntity ) ;
if ( theMP3Audio )
float theDistanceToEntity = VectorDistance ( host - > v . origin , ent - > v . origin ) ;
int theFadeDistance = theMP3Audio - > GetFadeDistance ( ) ;
if ( ( theFadeDistance < = 0 ) | | ( theDistanceToEntity < = theFadeDistance ) )
theIsVisible = true ;
// If we're in top down
bool thePlayerInTopDown = ( host - > v . iuser4 & MASK_TOPDOWN ) ;
if ( thePlayerInTopDown )
// Possible visible entities are world entities, sighted enemy entities, or entities on our team
bool theEntityIsWorldEntity = ( ent - > v . team = = 0 ) & & ( ent - > v . iuser3 ! = AVH_USER3_HIVE ) ;
bool theIsSighted = ( ent - > v . iuser4 & MASK_VIS_SIGHTED ) ;
bool theOnSameTeam = ( host - > v . team = = ent - > v . team ) ;
if ( theEntityIsWorldEntity | | theIsSighted | | theOnSameTeam )
CBaseEntity * theEntity = CBaseEntity : : Instance ( ent ) ;
bool theIsDoor = ( dynamic_cast < CBaseDoor * > ( theEntity ) ! = NULL ) ;
// If entity is in front of the player and within visibility range
vec3_t theEntityOrigin = ent - > v . origin ;
float theMagnitude = theEntityOrigin . x + theEntityOrigin . y + theEntityOrigin . z ;
if ( ( theMagnitude < 5.0f ) | | theIsDoor )
theEntityOrigin . x = ( ent - > v . absmin . x + ent - > v . absmax . x ) / 2.0f ;
theEntityOrigin . y = ( ent - > v . absmin . y + ent - > v . absmax . y ) / 2.0f ;
theEntityOrigin . z = ( ent - > v . absmin . z + ent - > v . absmax . z ) / 2.0f ;
bool theIsRelevantForTopDownPlayer = AvHSUGetIsRelevantForTopDownPlayer ( host - > v . origin , theEntityOrigin ) ;
if ( ! theIsRelevantForTopDownPlayer )
AvHPlayer * theReceivingPlayer = dynamic_cast < AvHPlayer * > ( CBaseEntity : : Instance ( host ) ) ;
// If the entity is selected, it's relevant
if ( theEntity & & theReceivingPlayer & & theReceivingPlayer - > GetIsSelected ( theEntity - > entindex ( ) ) )
theIsRelevantForTopDownPlayer = true ;
if ( theIsRelevantForTopDownPlayer )
theIsVisible = true ;
if ( theIsParticleSystemEntity )
outIsParticleSystemEntityVisible = true ;
// else
// {
// // Check visibility with the engine
// if(ENGINE_CHECK_VISIBILITY((const struct edict_s *)ent, pSet))
// {
// theIsVisible = true;
// // If it's a particle system entity, save visibility for it
// if(theIsParticleSystemEntity)
// {
// outIsParticleSystemEntityVisible = true;
// }
// }
// else if(theIsParticleSystemEntity)
// {
// outIsParticleSystemEntityVisible = false;
// }
// }
theIsVisible = true ;
return theIsVisible ;
Return 1 if the entity state has been filled in for the ent and the entity will be propagated to the client , 0 otherwise
state is the server maintained copy of the state info that is transmitted to the client
a MOD could alter values copied into state to send the " host " a different look for a particular entity update , etc .
e and ent are the entity that is being added to the update , if 1 is returned
host is the player ' s edict of the player whom we are sending the update to
player is 1 if the ent / e is a player and 0 otherwise
pSet is either the PAS or PVS that we previous set up . We can use it to ask the engine to filter the entity against the PAS or PVS .
we could also use the pas / pvs that we set in SetupVisibility , if we wanted to . Caching the value is valid in that case , but still only for the current frame
int AddToFullPack ( struct entity_state_s * state , int e , edict_t * ent , edict_t * host , int hostflags , int player , unsigned char * pSet )
int i ;
if ( e > kMaxEProcessedForPlayerOne )
kNumEntsProcessedForPlayerOne + + ;
kMaxEProcessedForPlayerOne = e ;
if ( ( ent ! = host ) & & ! ( GET_RUN_CODE ( 512 ) ) )
kNumReturn0 + + ;
return 0 ;
// This is a common case
// Ignore ents without valid / visible models
if ( ! ent - > v . modelindex | | ! STRING ( ent - > v . model ) )
kNumReturn0 + + ;
return 0 ;
// don't send if flagged for NODRAW and it's not the host getting the message
if ( ( ent - > v . effects & EF_NODRAW ) & &
( ent ! = host ) )
kNumReturn0 + + ;
return 0 ;
// Don't send spectators to other players
if ( ( ent - > v . flags & FL_SPECTATOR ) & & ( ent ! = host ) )
kNumReturn0 + + ;
return 0 ;
AvHUser3 theUser3 = ( AvHUser3 ) ent - > v . iuser3 ;
bool theCanBeTargetted = ent - > v . targetname ! = 0 ;
//if(!strcmp(theEntNameString, "func_illusionary"))
if ( theUser3 = = AVH_USER3_FUNC_ILLUSIONARY )
// Check invisibility flags
if ( host - > v . iuser4 & MASK_TOPDOWN )
if ( FBitSet ( ent - > v . spawnflags , 1 ) )
if ( pSet ! = NULL )
kNumReturn0 + + ;
return 0 ;
// If we're not commander, and "invisible for player" is set
if ( FBitSet ( ent - > v . spawnflags , 2 ) )
if ( pSet ! = NULL )
kNumReturn0 + + ;
return 0 ;
// Some entities can be determined to be visible without the engine check
bool theIsParticleSystemEntity = false ;
bool theIsParticleSystemEntityVisible = false ;
bool theIsVisible = AvHDetermineVisibility ( state , e , ent , host , pSet , theIsParticleSystemEntity , theIsParticleSystemEntityVisible ) ;
if ( ! theIsVisible )
// Check to see if the player has left their previous leaf. If so, reset player's PVS info.
int hostnum = ENTINDEX ( host ) - 1 ;
if ( TimeToResetPVS ( host , hostnum ) )
ResetPlayerPVS ( host , hostnum ) ;
// Ignore if not the host and not touching a PVS/PAS leaf
// If pSet is NULL, then the test will always succeed and the entity will be added to the update
if ( ent ! = host )
if ( GetTimeToRecompute ( hostnum , e , gpGlobals - > time , theIsVisible ) )
// Do time consuming check
theIsVisible = ENGINE_CHECK_VISIBILITY ( ( const struct edict_s * ) ent , pSet ) ;
MarkEntityInPVS ( hostnum , e , gpGlobals - > time , theIsVisible ) ;
kNumComputed + + ;
if ( ! theIsVisible )
kNumReturn0 + + ;
return 0 ;
// Don't send entity to local client if the client says it's predicting the entity itself.
if ( ent - > v . flags & FL_SKIPLOCALHOST )
if ( ( hostflags & 1 ) & & ( ent - > v . owner = = host ) )
kNumReturn0 + + ;
return 0 ;
if ( host - > v . groupinfo )
UTIL_SetGroupTrace ( host - > v . groupinfo , GROUP_OP_AND ) ;
// Should always be set, of course
if ( ent - > v . groupinfo )
if ( g_groupop = = GROUP_OP_AND )
if ( ! ( ent - > v . groupinfo & host - > v . groupinfo ) )
kNumReturn0 + + ;
return 0 ;
else if ( g_groupop = = GROUP_OP_NAND )
if ( ent - > v . groupinfo & host - > v . groupinfo )
kNumReturn0 + + ;
return 0 ;
UTIL_UnsetGroupTrace ( ) ;
memset ( state , 0 , sizeof ( * state ) ) ;
// Assign index so we can track this entity from frame to frame and
// delta from it.
state - > number = e ;
state - > entityType = ENTITY_NORMAL ;
// Flag custom entities.
if ( ent - > v . flags & FL_CUSTOMENTITY )
state - > entityType = ENTITY_BEAM ;
// Copy state data
// Round animtime to nearest millisecond
state - > animtime = ( int ) ( 1000.0 * ent - > v . animtime ) / 1000.0 ;
//memcpy( state->origin, ent->v.origin, 3 * sizeof( float ) );
state - > origin = ent - > v . origin ;
//memcpy( state->angles, ent->v.angles, 3 * sizeof( float ) );
state - > angles = ent - > v . angles ;
//memcpy( state->mins, ent->v.mins, 3 * sizeof( float ) );
state - > mins = ent - > v . mins ;
//memcpy( state->maxs, ent->v.maxs, 3 * sizeof( float ) );
state - > maxs = ent - > v . maxs ;
//memcpy( state->startpos, ent->v.startpos, 3 * sizeof( float ) );
state - > startpos = ent - > v . startpos ;
//memcpy( state->endpos, ent->v.endpos, 3 * sizeof( float ) );
state - > endpos = ent - > v . endpos ;
state - > impacttime = ent - > v . impacttime ;
state - > starttime = ent - > v . starttime ;
state - > modelindex = ent - > v . modelindex ;
state - > frame = ent - > v . frame ;
state - > skin = ent - > v . skin ;
state - > effects = ent - > v . effects ;
// This non-player entity is being moved by the game .dll and not the physics simulation system
// make sure that we interpolate it's position on the client if it moves
if ( ! player & &
ent - > v . animtime & &
ent - > v . velocity [ 0 ] = = 0 & &
ent - > v . velocity [ 1 ] = = 0 & &
ent - > v . velocity [ 2 ] = = 0 )
state - > eflags | = EFLAG_SLERP ;
state - > scale = ent - > v . scale ;
state - > solid = ent - > v . solid ;
state - > colormap = ent - > v . colormap ;
state - > movetype = ent - > v . movetype ;
state - > sequence = ent - > v . sequence ;
state - > framerate = ent - > v . framerate ;
state - > body = ent - > v . body ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i + + )
state - > controller [ i ] = ent - > v . controller [ i ] ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 2 ; i + + )
state - > blending [ i ] = ent - > v . blending [ i ] ;
state - > rendermode = ent - > v . rendermode ;
state - > renderamt = ent - > v . renderamt ;
state - > renderfx = ent - > v . renderfx ;
state - > rendercolor . r = ent - > v . rendercolor [ 0 ] ;
state - > rendercolor . g = ent - > v . rendercolor [ 1 ] ;
state - > rendercolor . b = ent - > v . rendercolor [ 2 ] ;
// If classname indicates an entity that fades depending on viewing player role
const char * theEntNameString = STRING ( ent - > v . classname ) ;
if ( ! player & & AvHSSUGetIsClassNameFadeable ( theEntNameString ) )
CBaseEntity * theSeethrough = CBaseEntity : : Instance ( ent ) ;
ASSERT ( theSeethrough ) ;
// Default to player is full visibility
state - > rendermode = kRenderNormal ;
int theAlphaValue = theSeethrough - > pev - > fuser2 ;
if ( host - > v . iuser4 & MASK_TOPDOWN )
theAlphaValue = theSeethrough - > pev - > fuser1 ;
if ( theAlphaValue ! = 255 )
//state->rendermode = kRenderTransAdd;
state - > rendermode = kRenderTransTexture ;
state - > renderamt = theAlphaValue ;
if ( state - > renderamt = = 0 )
state - > effects | = EF_NODRAW ;
if ( host - > v . iuser4 & MASK_TOPDOWN )
state - > solid = SOLID_NOT ;
// Inactive hives should be drawn for players on their team
if ( ( ent - > v . iuser3 = = AVH_USER3_HIVE ) & & ( ! GetHasUpgrade ( ent - > v . iuser4 , MASK_BUILDABLE ) ) )
// Assumes that aliens of both teams can build on the same hive location
AvHPlayer * theReceivingPlayer = dynamic_cast < AvHPlayer * > ( CBaseEntity : : Instance ( host ) ) ;
if ( theReceivingPlayer & & theReceivingPlayer - > GetIsAlien ( ) )
state - > renderamt = 128 ;
// Handle cloakables here
if ( ! AvHSUGetIsExternalClassName ( theEntNameString ) )
AvHCloakable * theCloakable = dynamic_cast < AvHCloakable * > ( CBaseEntity : : Instance ( ent ) ) ;
if ( theCloakable )
// Now updated in gamerules
theCloakable - > Update ( ) ;
float theOpacityScalar = theCloakable - > GetOpacity ( ) ;
if ( theOpacityScalar < 1.0f )
int theBaseOpacity = kAlienStructureCloakAmount ;
int theOpacityRange = 255 - kAlienStructureCloakAmount ;
// Allow spectators to see cloaked entities as if they are the player they are following, or as if they are on the same team as the alien otherwise
bool theCanSeeCloaked = ( host - > v . team = = ent - > v . team ) ;
if ( ! theCanSeeCloaked )
int theHostIUserOne = host - > v . iuser1 ;
if ( ( theHostIUserOne = = OBS_CHASE_LOCKED ) | | ( theHostIUserOne = = OBS_CHASE_FREE ) | | ( theHostIUserOne = = OBS_IN_EYE ) )
// View entities as player we're tracking
int theHostIUserTwo = host - > v . iuser2 ;
CBaseEntity * theSpectatingEntity = CBaseEntity : : Instance ( g_engfuncs . pfnPEntityOfEntIndex ( theHostIUserTwo ) ) ;
if ( theSpectatingEntity )
int theSpectatingEntityTeamNumber = theSpectatingEntity - > pev - > team ;
if ( ( theSpectatingEntityTeamNumber = = ent - > v . team ) | | ( host - > v . team = = TEAM_IND ) )
theCanSeeCloaked = true ;
if ( theCanSeeCloaked )
theBaseOpacity = kAlienSelfCloakingBaseOpacity ;
theOpacityRange = 255 - theBaseOpacity ;
int theOpacity = theBaseOpacity + theOpacityScalar * theOpacityRange ;
theOpacity = max ( min ( 255 , theOpacity ) , 0 ) ;
state - > rendermode = kRenderTransTexture ;
state - > renderamt = theOpacity ;
// Spectator
state - > iuser1 = ent - > v . iuser1 ;
state - > iuser2 = ent - > v . iuser2 ;
// AvH specials
state - > iuser3 = ent - > v . iuser3 ;
state - > iuser4 = ent - > v . iuser4 ;
// Slightly different processing for particle system entities
// if(theIsParticleSystemEntity)
// {
// // propagate weapon model as custom data)
// state->weaponmodel = ent->v.weaponmodel;
// }
state - > fuser1 = ent - > v . fuser1 ;
state - > fuser2 = ent - > v . fuser2 ;
state - > fuser3 = ent - > v . fuser3 ;
state - > vuser4 = ent - > v . vuser4 ;
state - > aiment = 0 ;
if ( ent - > v . aiment )
state - > aiment = ENTINDEX ( ent - > v . aiment ) ;
state - > owner = 0 ;
if ( ent - > v . owner )
int owner = ENTINDEX ( ent - > v . owner ) ;
// Only care if owned by a player
if ( owner > = 1 & & owner < = gpGlobals - > maxClients )
state - > owner = owner ;
// HACK: Somewhat...
// Class is overridden for non-players to signify a breakable glass object ( sort of a class? )
if ( ! player )
state - > playerclass = ent - > v . playerclass ;
// Propagate team for all entities (mainly needed for client-side lasso selection)
state - > team = ent - > v . team ;
// Check special vision mode
AvHPlayer * theReceivingPlayer = dynamic_cast < AvHPlayer * > ( CBaseEntity : : Instance ( host ) ) ;
if ( theReceivingPlayer & & ( theReceivingPlayer - > GetIsAlienSightActive ( ) ) )
bool marineGlow = false ;
if ( player )
// Uncomment below to enable range for the alien flashlight
// vec3_t theDistanceVec;
// VectorSubtract(theReceivingPlayer->pev->origin, ent->v.origin, theDistanceVec);
// int theDistance = theDistanceVec[0] * theDistanceVec[0] + theDistanceVec[1] * theDistanceVec[1] + theDistanceVec[2] * theDistanceVec[2];
// int theRange = BALANCE_VAR(kAlienFlashlightRange);
// marineGlow = (theDistance < ( theRange * theRange));
marineGlow = true ;
2006-07-31 17:21:54 +00:00
if ( ( marineGlow | | ( ent - > v . team = = theReceivingPlayer - > pev - > team ) ) & & ( ent ! = theReceivingPlayer - > edict ( ) ) & & ( ent - > v . team ! = TEAM_IND ) & & ( ent - > v . team ! = TEAM_SPECT ) & & ( ent - > v . classname ! = MAKE_STRING ( kesTeamWebStrand ) ) )
2006-04-02 10:49:08 +00:00
state - > rendermode = kRenderTransAdd ;
state - > renderamt = 150 ;
// Special stuff for players only
if ( player )
state - > basevelocity = ent - > v . basevelocity ;
state - > weaponmodel = MODEL_INDEX ( STRING ( ent - > v . weaponmodel ) ) ;
state - > gaitsequence = ent - > v . gaitsequence ;
state - > spectator = ent - > v . flags & FL_SPECTATOR ;
state - > friction = ent - > v . friction ;
state - > gravity = ent - > v . gravity ;
// New SDK doesn't propagate team for a reason?
//state->playerclass = ent->v.playerclass;
//state->team = ent->v.team;
bool theIsDucking = ent - > v . flags & FL_DUCKING ;
state - > usehull = AvHMUGetHull ( theIsDucking , ent - > v . iuser3 ) ;
// Propagate "energy level"
state - > fuser3 = ent - > v . fuser3 ;
// For skulk oriented player model
state - > vuser1 = ent - > v . vuser1 ;
// For weapons
state - > vuser4 = ent - > v . vuser4 ;
//state->skin = theTargetPlayer->GetSkin();
state - > skin = ent - > v . skin ;
state - > playerclass = ent - > v . playerclass ;
// state->armorvalue = ent->v.armorvalue;
AvHPlayer * thePlayerEntity = dynamic_cast < AvHPlayer * > ( CBaseEntity : : Instance ( ent ) ) ;
if ( thePlayerEntity & & thePlayerEntity - > GetIsTemporarilyInvulnerable ( ) )
int theTeamIndex = ent - > v . team ;
ASSERT ( theTeamIndex > = 0 ) ;
ASSERT ( theTeamIndex < iNumberOfTeamColors ) ;
state - > renderfx = kRenderFxGlowShell ;
state - > rendercolor . r = kTeamColors [ theTeamIndex ] [ 0 ] ;
state - > rendercolor . g = kTeamColors [ theTeamIndex ] [ 1 ] ;
state - > rendercolor . b = kTeamColors [ theTeamIndex ] [ 2 ] ;
state - > renderamt = kInvulShellRenderAmount ;
state - > health = ent - > v . health ;
kNumReturn1 + + ;
return 1 ;