<TD>the drive ID to use. 0 is the default CD drive. Using D or E in single quotes would be D: or E: for example. <BR>
<H3>Return Value</H3>
On success, the position of the current playing track in milliseconds is returned.<BR>
On failure, 0 is returned.<BR>
This is easily one of the slowest functions in the FMOD API. Please use it sparingly. <BR>
It seems like it shouldnt take long, but because of windows MCI API it does, and not just a little bit of time, it takes a LOT. <BR>
It seems to poll the CD driver and cause a large delay upon completion of the command. <BR>
Different algorithms were used to try and emulate this function such as simply using a timer, but this was very inaccurate, especially when pausing/unpausing a lot. <BR>
Supported on the following platforms : Win32, Linux, Macintosh (OSX CFM Only)<BR>