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//======== (C) Copyright 2001 Charles G. Cleveland All rights reserved. =========
// The copyright to the contents herein is the property of Charles G. Cleveland.
// The contents may be used and/or copied only with the written permission of
// Charles G. Cleveland, or in accordance with the terms and conditions stipulated in
// the agreement/contract under which the contents have been supplied.
// Purpose:
// $Workfile: AvHHive.h $
// $Date: 2002/10/24 21:26:44 $
// $Log: AvHHive.h,v $
// Revision 1.10 2002/10/24 21:26:44 Flayra
// - Fixed hive wound animation when dying
// - Hives now choose a random spawn point instead of the first
// Revision 1.9 2002/10/03 18:50:34 Flayra
// - Trigger "hive complete" alert
// - Trigger "hive is dying" alert
// Revision 1.8 2002/09/09 19:52:57 Flayra
// - Animations play properly
// - Hive can be hit once it starts gestating (hive becomes solid when gestating, not when complete)
// - Respawn fixes
// Revision 1.7 2002/08/16 02:36:01 Flayra
// - New damage system
// - Fixed bug where hive was absorbing too much damage in armor
// Revision 1.6 2002/07/23 17:06:09 Flayra
// - Added ability for aliens to donate their resources at the hive, bind technology to a hive (so builders can choose the route), fixed bug where death animation played repeatedly
// Revision 1.5 2002/07/08 17:03:04 Flayra
// - Refactored reinforcements
// Revision 1.4 2002/07/01 21:33:48 Flayra
// - Hives can no longer be "used" to speed construction, wound sounds play on CHAN_BODY
// Revision 1.3 2002/06/03 16:47:49 Flayra
// - Hives are base buildables now (bug with allowing use to speed building), added other hive anims for hurt, death, bad-touch, fixed bug where hives didn't get full health when they were initially built (after being killed once)
// Revision 1.2 2002/05/23 02:33:42 Flayra
// - Post-crash checkin. Restored @Backup from around 4/16. Contains changes for last four weeks of development.
#ifndef AVH_HIVE_H
#define AVH_HIVE_H
#include "util/nowarnings.h"
#include "extdll.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "dlls/cbase.h"
#include "mod/AvHConstants.h"
#include "dlls/func_break.h"
#include "mod/AvHSpecials.h"
#include "dlls/cbasedoor.h"
#include "dlls/effects.h"
#include "mod/AvHMapExtents.h"
#include "mod/AvHBuildable.h"
#include "mod/AvHPlayer.h"
#include "mod/AvHBaseBuildable.h"
#include "mod/AvHReinforceable.h"
#define kHiveHitEvent "events/HiveHit.sc"
const float kHiveAliveThinkInterval = 1.0f;
//const int kNumWoundSounds = 2;
//char** kWoundSoundList =
// "sounds/misc/hive_wound1.wav",
// "sounds/misc/hive_wound2.wav",
class AvHHive : public AvHBaseBuildable, public AvHReinforceable
virtual bool CanBecomeActive() const;
void EXPORT ConstructUse(CBaseEntity* inActivator, CBaseEntity* inCaller, USE_TYPE inUseType, float inValue);
void EXPORT DonateUse(CBaseEntity* inActivator, CBaseEntity* inCaller, USE_TYPE inUseType, float inValue);
virtual bool Energize(float inEnergyAmount);
AvHTeamNumber GetTeamNumber() const;
int GetIdle1Animation() const;
int GetIdle2Animation() const;
virtual int GetTakeDamageAnimation() const;
virtual bool GetIsActive() const;
virtual bool GetIsOrganic() const;
virtual bool GetIsSpawning() const;
virtual int GetMaxSpawnDistance() const;
virtual int GetMoveType() const;
// From AvHReinforceable
virtual void CueRespawnEffect(AvHPlayer* inPlayer);
virtual bool GetCanReinforce() const;
virtual bool GetSpawnLocationForPlayer(CBaseEntity* inPlayer, Vector& outLocation) const;
virtual bool GetTriggerAlertOnDamage() const;
virtual AvHTeamNumber GetReinforceTeamNumber() const;
//virtual CBaseEntity* GetRandomSpawnPointForPlayer(CBaseEntity* inPlayer) const;
virtual float GetTimeLastContributed();
virtual int GetPointValue(void) const;
virtual float GetReinforceTime() const;
virtual int GetSpawnAnimation() const;
AvHMessageID GetTechnology() const;
void SetTechnology(AvHMessageID inMessageID);
virtual void SetTimeLastContributed(float inTime);
virtual void KeyValue( KeyValueData* pkvd );
virtual void Precache(void);
virtual void ResetEntity(void);
void EXPORT HiveTouch(CBaseEntity* inOther);
virtual void SetActive();
virtual void SetHasBeenBuilt();
virtual void SetInactive();
virtual bool StartSpawningForTeam(AvHTeamNumber inTeam, bool inForce = false);
virtual int TakeDamage(entvars_t *pevInflictor, entvars_t *pevAttacker, float flDamage, int bitsDamageType);
virtual void TriggerDeathAudioVisuals();
virtual void Spawn();
//virtual void UpdateReinforcements();
virtual void ResetReinforcingPlayer(bool inSuccess);
void CreateUmbra(vec3_t& inOrigin);
void UpdateUmbra();
void EXPORT HiveAliveThink(void);
void ProcessHealing();
bool SetSolid(bool inForce = false);
AvHMessageID mTechnology;
int mMaxSpawnDistance;
int mMaxHitPoints;
bool mActive;
bool mSolid;
bool mSpawning;
float mTimeLastContributed;
float mTimeLastWoundSound;
float mTimeOfNextUmbra;
float mEnergy;