This sets the minimum allowable hardware channels before FMOD drops back to 100 percent software.<BR>
This is helpful for minimum spec cards, and not having to guess how many hardware channels<BR>
they might have. This way you can guarantee and assume a certain number of channels for<BR>
your application and place them all in FSOUND_HW3D without fear of the playsound failing<BR>
because it runs out of channels on a low spec card.<BR>
<B>DLL_API signed char F_API </B><B></B><B>FSOUND_SetMinHardwareChannels</B><B>(</B><BR>
<B>int </B><B></B><I>min</I><BR>
<TD>The minimum number of hardware channels allowable on a card before it uses the software engine 1004562604f the time.<BR>
<H3>Return Value</H3>
On success, TRUE is returned.<BR>
On failure, FALSE is returned.<BR>
This function cannot be called after FMOD is already activated with FSOUND_Init.<BR>
It must be called before FSOUND_Init, or after FSOUND_Close.<BR>
As an example, if you set your minimum to 16, you can now safely guarantee that 16 sounds can be played at once that are created with FSOUND_HW3D. <BR>
This way if you do come across a card that only supports 4 channels, it will just drop back to playing ALL sounds in software mode. <BR>
It may sound worse, but at least it doesnt fail on the playsound. (which could sound even worse!)<BR>
Supported on the following platforms : Win32, WinCE, Linux, Macintosh, XBox, PlayStation 2, GameCube<BR>