<TD>The module or song to set the callback for.<BR>
<TD>The callback function you supply to get called upon execution of a Zxx command.<BR>
<H3>Return Value</H3>
On success, TRUE is returned.<BR>
On failure, FALSE is returned.<BR>
The value passed into the param parameter of the callback is the xx value specified in the Zxx<BR>
command by the musician.<BR>
It is important to note that this callback will be called from directly WITHIN the<BR>
mixer / music update thread, therefore it is imperative that whatever you do from this<BR>
callback be extremely efficient. If the routine takes too long then breakups in the sound<BR>
will occur, or it will basically stop mixing until you return from the function.<BR>
This sort of function is usually best for just setting a flag, or do some simple variable<BR>
manipulation, and then exiting, letting your main thread do what it needs to based on these<BR>
flags or variables.<BR>
This callback is LATENCY adjusted by default, so that the callback happens when you HEAR the sound, not when it is mixed, for accurate synchronization.<BR>
Use FSOUND_INIT_DONTLATENCYADJUST if you want it to be called back at mix time, which is useful if you want to control the music interactively.<BR>
Note : This function is not supported with the MIDI format.<BR>
Supported on the following platforms : Win32, WinCE, Linux, Macintosh, XBox, PlayStation 2, GameCube<BR>