2005-03-09 01:31:56 +00:00
//=========== (C) Copyright 1999 Valve, L.L.C. All rights reserved. ===========
// The copyright to the contents herein is the property of Valve, L.L.C.
// The contents may be used and/or copied only with the written permission of
// Valve, L.L.C., or in accordance with the terms and conditions stipulated in
// the agreement/contract under which the contents have been supplied.
// Purpose: VGUI scoreboard
// $Workfile: $
// $Date: 2002/10/24 21:13:15 $
// $Log: vgui_ScorePanel.cpp,v $
// Revision 1.15 2002/10/24 21:13:15 Flayra
// - Fixed gamma correction for auth icons
// Revision 1.14 2002/10/18 22:13:48 Flayra
// - Gamma-correction for auth icons
// Revision 1.13 2002/10/16 00:37:33 Flayra
// - Added support for authentication in scoreboard
// Revision 1.12 2002/09/09 19:42:55 Flayra
// - Fixed problem where scores were sometimes displayed for marines
// Revision 1.11 2002/08/31 18:02:11 Flayra
// - Work at VALVe
// Revision 1.10 2002/08/09 00:11:33 Flayra
// - Fixed scoreboard
// Revision 1.9 2002/07/08 16:15:13 Flayra
// - Refactored team color management
// Revision 1.8 2002/06/25 17:06:48 Flayra
// - Removed memory overwrite from hlcoder list
// Revision 1.7 2002/06/03 16:12:21 Flayra
// - Show player status for players on your team (LEV1, GEST, COMM, etc.)
// Revision 1.6 2002/04/16 19:30:21 Charlie
// - Fixed crash when holding tab right when joining server, added "REIN" status
// Revision 1.5 2002/03/27 21:17:18 Charlie
// - Scoreboard now shows alien scores, and doesn't show marine scores. Also draws DEAD and COMM indicators, and scoring is handled properly for aliens (points for kills, buildings)
// Revision 1.4 2002/03/08 02:37:52 Charlie
// - Refactored crappy-ass score panel. It's not perfect, but it's better. Removed TFC code, added DEAD and COMM tags to scoreboard.
// Revision 1.3 2001/11/13 17:51:02 Charlie
// - Increased max teams, changed team colors (allow aliens vs. aliens and fronts vs. fronts), general scoreboard support
// Revision 1.2 2001/09/13 22:28:01 Charlie
// - Updated NS with new Half-life 1108 patch in preparation for voice support and spectator mode
// Revision 2001/09/13 14:42:30 Charlie
// - HL1108
// $NoKeywords: $
# include<VGUI_LineBorder.h>
# include "hud.h"
# include "cl_util.h"
2005-04-01 03:04:57 +00:00
# include "common/const.h"
# include "common/entity_state.h"
# include "common/cl_entity.h"
2005-03-09 01:31:56 +00:00
# include "vgui_TeamFortressViewport.h"
# include "vgui_ScorePanel.h"
# include "..\game_shared\vgui_helpers.h"
# include "..\game_shared\vgui_loadtga.h"
# include "mod/AvHConstants.h"
# include "mod/AvHTitles.h"
# include "vgui_SpectatorPanel.h"
# include "cl_dll/demo.h"
# include "mod/AvHServerVariables.h"
# include "util\STLUtil.h"
2005-04-01 03:04:57 +00:00
# include "ui/ScoreboardIcon.h"
2005-03-09 01:31:56 +00:00
2005-04-01 03:04:57 +00:00
# include "common/ITrackerUser.h"
2005-03-09 01:31:56 +00:00
extern ITrackerUser * g_pTrackerUser ;
hud_player_info_t g_PlayerInfoList [ MAX_PLAYERS + 1 ] ; // player info from the engine
extra_player_info_t g_PlayerExtraInfo [ MAX_PLAYERS + 1 ] ; // additional player info sent directly to the client dll
team_info_t g_TeamInfo [ MAX_TEAMS + 1 ] ;
int g_IsSpectator [ MAX_PLAYERS + 1 ] ;
int HUD_IsGame ( const char * game ) ;
int EV_TFC_IsAllyTeam ( int iTeam1 , int iTeam2 ) ;
// Scoreboard dimensions
# define X_BORDER XRES(4)
void LoadData ( void * inBuffer , const unsigned char * inData , int inSizeToCopy , int & inSizeVariable ) ;
void SaveData ( unsigned char * inBuffer , const void * inData , int inSizeToCopy , int & inSizeVariable ) ;
int ScorePanel_InitializeDemoPlayback ( int inSize , unsigned char * inBuffer )
int theBytesRead = 0 ;
LoadData ( & g_PlayerInfoList , inBuffer , ( MAX_PLAYERS + 1 ) * sizeof ( hud_player_info_t ) , theBytesRead ) ;
LoadData ( & g_PlayerExtraInfo , inBuffer , ( MAX_PLAYERS + 1 ) * sizeof ( extra_player_info_t ) , theBytesRead ) ;
LoadData ( & g_TeamInfo , inBuffer , ( MAX_PLAYERS + 1 ) * sizeof ( team_info_t ) , theBytesRead ) ;
LoadData ( & g_IsSpectator , inBuffer , ( MAX_PLAYERS + 1 ) * sizeof ( int ) , theBytesRead ) ;
return theBytesRead ;
void ScorePanel_InitializeDemoRecording ( )
// Now save out team info
int theTotalSize = ( MAX_PLAYERS + 1 ) * ( sizeof ( hud_player_info_t ) + sizeof ( extra_player_info_t ) + sizeof ( team_info_t ) + sizeof ( int ) ) ;
unsigned char * theCharArray = new unsigned char [ theTotalSize ] ;
if ( theCharArray )
int theCounter = 0 ;
SaveData ( theCharArray , & g_PlayerInfoList , ( MAX_PLAYERS + 1 ) * sizeof ( hud_player_info_t ) , theCounter ) ;
SaveData ( theCharArray , & g_PlayerExtraInfo , ( MAX_PLAYERS + 1 ) * sizeof ( extra_player_info_t ) , theCounter ) ;
SaveData ( theCharArray , & g_TeamInfo , ( MAX_PLAYERS + 1 ) * sizeof ( team_info_t ) , theCounter ) ;
SaveData ( theCharArray , & g_IsSpectator , ( MAX_PLAYERS + 1 ) * sizeof ( int ) , theCounter ) ;
Demo_WriteBuffer ( TYPE_PLAYERINFO , theTotalSize , theCharArray ) ;
// Column sizes
class SBColumnInfo
public :
char * m_pTitle ; // If null, ignore, if starts with #, it's localized, otherwise use the string directly.
int m_Width ; // Based on 640 width. Scaled to fit other resolutions.
Label : : Alignment m_Alignment ;
} ;
// grid size is marked out for 640x480 screen
SBColumnInfo g_ColumnInfo [ NUM_COLUMNS ] =
{ NULL , 24 , Label : : a_east } , // tracker column
{ NULL , 24 , Label : : a_east } , // status icons
{ NULL , 150 , Label : : a_east } , // name
{ NULL , 56 , Label : : a_east } , // class
{ " #SCORE " , 40 , Label : : a_east } , // score
{ " #KILLS " , 40 , Label : : a_east } , // kills
{ " #DEATHS " , 40 , Label : : a_east } , // deaths
{ " #LATENCY " , 40 , Label : : a_east } , // ping
{ " #VOICE " , 40 , Label : : a_east } ,
{ NULL , 2 , Label : : a_east } , // blank column to take up the slack
} ;
# define TEAM_NO 0
# define TEAM_YES 1
# define TEAM_BLANK 3
// ScorePanel::HitTestPanel.
void ScorePanel : : HitTestPanel : : internalMousePressed ( MouseCode code )
for ( int i = 0 ; i < _inputSignalDar . getCount ( ) ; i + + )
_inputSignalDar [ i ] - > mousePressed ( code , this ) ;
2005-04-01 03:04:57 +00:00
2005-03-09 01:31:56 +00:00
2005-04-01 03:04:57 +00:00
vgui : : Color BuildColor ( int R , int G , int B , float gamma )
ASSERT ( gamma ! = 0 ) ;
return vgui : : Color ( R / gamma , G / gamma , B / gamma , 0 ) ;
2005-03-09 01:31:56 +00:00
// Purpose: Create the ScoreBoard panel
ScorePanel : : ScorePanel ( int x , int y , int wide , int tall ) : Panel ( x , y , wide , tall )
CSchemeManager * pSchemes = gViewPort - > GetSchemeManager ( ) ;
SchemeHandle_t hTitleScheme = pSchemes - > getSchemeHandle ( " Scoreboard Title Text " ) ;
SchemeHandle_t hSmallScheme = pSchemes - > getSchemeHandle ( " Scoreboard Small Text " ) ;
SchemeHandle_t hTinyScheme = pSchemes - > getSchemeHandle ( " Scoreboard Tiny Text " ) ;
Font * tfont = pSchemes - > getFont ( hTitleScheme ) ;
Font * smallfont = pSchemes - > getFont ( hSmallScheme ) ;
Font * tinyfont = pSchemes - > getFont ( hTinyScheme ) ;
setBgColor ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 96 ) ;
m_pCurrentHighlightLabel = NULL ;
m_iHighlightRow = - 1 ;
2005-07-08 03:00:16 +00:00
// puzl: 0001073
m_pTrackerIcon = NULL ;
m_pDevIcon = NULL ;
m_pPTIcon = NULL ;
m_pGuideIcon = NULL ;
m_pServerOpIcon = NULL ;
m_pContribIcon = NULL ;
m_pCheatingDeathIcon = NULL ;
m_pVeteranIcon = NULL ;
m_pTrackerIcon = vgui_LoadTGANoInvertAlpha ( " gfx/vgui/640_scoreboardtracker.tga " ) ;
m_pDevIcon = vgui_LoadTGANoInvertAlpha ( " gfx/vgui/640_scoreboarddev.tga " ) ;
m_pPTIcon = vgui_LoadTGANoInvertAlpha ( " gfx/vgui/640_scoreboardpt.tga " ) ;
m_pGuideIcon = vgui_LoadTGANoInvertAlpha ( " gfx/vgui/640_scoreboardguide.tga " ) ;
m_pServerOpIcon = vgui_LoadTGANoInvertAlpha ( " gfx/vgui/640_scoreboardserverop.tga " ) ;
m_pContribIcon = vgui_LoadTGANoInvertAlpha ( " gfx/vgui/640_scoreboardcontrib.tga " ) ;
m_pCheatingDeathIcon = vgui_LoadTGANoInvertAlpha ( " gfx/vgui/640_scoreboardcd.tga " ) ;
m_pVeteranIcon = vgui_LoadTGANoInvertAlpha ( " gfx/vgui/640_scoreboardveteran.tga " ) ;
2005-04-01 03:04:57 +00:00
m_iIconFrame = 0 ;
m_iLastFrameIncrementTime = gHUD . GetTimeOfLastUpdate ( ) ;
2005-03-09 01:31:56 +00:00
// Initialize the top title.
m_TitleLabel . setFont ( tfont ) ;
m_TitleLabel . setText ( " " ) ;
m_TitleLabel . setBgColor ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 255 ) ;
m_TitleLabel . setFgColor ( Scheme : : sc_primary1 ) ;
m_TitleLabel . setContentAlignment ( vgui : : Label : : a_west ) ;
LineBorder * border = new LineBorder ( Color ( 60 , 60 , 60 , 128 ) ) ;
setBorder ( border ) ;
setPaintBorderEnabled ( true ) ;
int xpos = g_ColumnInfo [ 0 ] . m_Width + 3 ;
if ( ScreenWidth ( ) > = 640 )
// only expand column size for res greater than 640
xpos = XRES ( xpos ) ;
m_TitleLabel . setBounds ( xpos , 4 , wide , SBOARD_TITLE_SIZE_Y ) ;
m_TitleLabel . setContentFitted ( false ) ;
m_TitleLabel . setParent ( this ) ;
// Setup the header (labels like "name", "class", etc..).
m_HeaderGrid . SetDimensions ( NUM_COLUMNS , 1 ) ;
m_HeaderGrid . SetSpacing ( 0 , 0 ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < NUM_COLUMNS ; i + + )
if ( g_ColumnInfo [ i ] . m_pTitle & & g_ColumnInfo [ i ] . m_pTitle [ 0 ] = = ' # ' )
m_HeaderLabels [ i ] . setText ( CHudTextMessage : : BufferedLocaliseTextString ( g_ColumnInfo [ i ] . m_pTitle ) ) ;
else if ( g_ColumnInfo [ i ] . m_pTitle )
m_HeaderLabels [ i ] . setText ( g_ColumnInfo [ i ] . m_pTitle ) ;
int xwide = g_ColumnInfo [ i ] . m_Width ;
if ( ScreenWidth ( ) > = 640 )
xwide = XRES ( xwide ) ;
else if ( ScreenWidth ( ) = = 400 )
// hack to make 400x300 resolution scoreboard fit
if ( i = = 1 )
// reduces size of player name cell
xwide - = 28 ;
else if ( i = = 0 )
// tracker icon cell
xwide - = 8 ;
m_HeaderGrid . SetColumnWidth ( i , xwide ) ;
m_HeaderGrid . SetEntry ( i , 0 , & m_HeaderLabels [ i ] ) ;
m_HeaderLabels [ i ] . setBgColor ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 255 ) ;
m_HeaderLabels [ i ] . setBgColor ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 255 ) ;
int theColorIndex = 0 ;
Color gammaAdjustedTeamColor = BuildColor ( kTeamColors [ theColorIndex ] [ 0 ] , kTeamColors [ theColorIndex ] [ 1 ] , kTeamColors [ theColorIndex ] [ 2 ] , gHUD . GetGammaSlope ( ) ) ;
int theR , theG , theB , theA ;
gammaAdjustedTeamColor . getColor ( theR , theG , theB , theA ) ;
m_HeaderLabels [ i ] . setFgColor ( theR , theG , theB , theA ) ;
m_HeaderLabels [ i ] . setFont ( smallfont ) ;
m_HeaderLabels [ i ] . setContentAlignment ( g_ColumnInfo [ i ] . m_Alignment ) ;
int yres = 12 ;
if ( ScreenHeight ( ) > = 480 )
yres = YRES ( yres ) ;
m_HeaderLabels [ i ] . setSize ( 50 , yres ) ;
// Set the width of the last column to be the remaining space.
int ex , ey , ew , eh ;
m_HeaderGrid . GetEntryBox ( NUM_COLUMNS - 2 , 0 , ex , ey , ew , eh ) ;
m_HeaderGrid . SetColumnWidth ( NUM_COLUMNS - 1 , ( wide - X_BORDER ) - ( ex + ew ) ) ;
m_HeaderGrid . AutoSetRowHeights ( ) ;
m_HeaderGrid . setBounds ( X_BORDER , SBOARD_TITLE_SIZE_Y , wide - X_BORDER * 2 , m_HeaderGrid . GetRowHeight ( 0 ) ) ;
m_HeaderGrid . setParent ( this ) ;
m_HeaderGrid . setBgColor ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 255 ) ;
// Now setup the listbox with the actual player data in it.
int headerX , headerY , headerWidth , headerHeight ;
m_HeaderGrid . getBounds ( headerX , headerY , headerWidth , headerHeight ) ;
m_PlayerList . setBounds ( headerX , headerY + headerHeight , headerWidth , tall - headerY - headerHeight - 6 ) ;
m_PlayerList . setBgColor ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 255 ) ;
m_PlayerList . setParent ( this ) ;
for ( int row = 0 ; row < NUM_ROWS ; row + + )
CGrid * pGridRow = & m_PlayerGrids [ row ] ;
pGridRow - > SetDimensions ( NUM_COLUMNS , 1 ) ;
for ( int col = 0 ; col < NUM_COLUMNS ; col + + )
m_PlayerEntries [ col ] [ row ] . setContentFitted ( false ) ;
m_PlayerEntries [ col ] [ row ] . setRow ( row ) ;
m_PlayerEntries [ col ] [ row ] . addInputSignal ( this ) ;
pGridRow - > SetEntry ( col , 0 , & m_PlayerEntries [ col ] [ row ] ) ;
pGridRow - > setBgColor ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 255 ) ;
// pGridRow->SetSpacing(2, 0);f
pGridRow - > SetSpacing ( 0 , 0 ) ;
pGridRow - > CopyColumnWidths ( & m_HeaderGrid ) ;
pGridRow - > AutoSetRowHeights ( ) ;
pGridRow - > setSize ( PanelWidth ( pGridRow ) , pGridRow - > CalcDrawHeight ( ) ) ;
pGridRow - > RepositionContents ( ) ;
m_PlayerList . AddItem ( pGridRow ) ;
// Add the hit test panel. It is invisible and traps mouse clicks so we can go into squelch mode.
m_HitTestPanel . setBgColor ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 255 ) ;
m_HitTestPanel . setParent ( this ) ;
m_HitTestPanel . setBounds ( 0 , 0 , wide , tall ) ;
m_HitTestPanel . addInputSignal ( this ) ;
m_pCloseButton = new CommandButton ( " x " , wide - XRES ( 12 + 4 ) , YRES ( 2 ) , XRES ( 12 ) , YRES ( 12 ) ) ;
m_pCloseButton - > setParent ( this ) ;
m_pCloseButton - > addActionSignal ( new CMenuHandler_StringCommandWatch ( " -showscores " , true ) ) ;
m_pCloseButton - > setBgColor ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 255 ) ;
m_pCloseButton - > setFgColor ( 255 , 255 , 255 , 0 ) ;
m_pCloseButton - > setFont ( tfont ) ;
m_pCloseButton - > setBoundKey ( ( char ) 255 ) ;
m_pCloseButton - > setContentAlignment ( Label : : a_center ) ;
Initialize ( ) ;
// Purpose: Called each time a new level is started.
void ScorePanel : : Initialize ( void )
// Clear out scoreboard data
m_iLastKilledBy = 0 ;
m_fLastKillTime = 0 ;
m_iPlayerNum = 0 ;
m_iNumTeams = 0 ;
2005-07-08 03:00:16 +00:00
// puzl: 0001073
// for( int counter = 0; counter < MAX_PLAYERS+1; counter++ )
// {
// delete g_PlayerExtraInfo[counter].icon;
// }
2005-03-09 01:31:56 +00:00
memset ( g_PlayerExtraInfo , 0 , sizeof g_PlayerExtraInfo ) ;
memset ( g_TeamInfo , 0 , sizeof g_TeamInfo ) ;
bool HACK_GetPlayerUniqueID ( int iPlayer , char playerID [ 16 ] )
return ! ! gEngfuncs . GetPlayerUniqueID ( iPlayer , playerID ) ;
// Purpose: Recalculate the internal scoreboard data
void ScorePanel : : Update ( )
// Set the title
string theTitleName ;
if ( gViewPort - > m_szServerName )
2005-04-01 03:04:57 +00:00
int iServerNameLength = max ( ( int ) strlen ( gViewPort - > m_szServerName ) , MAX_SERVERNAME_LENGTH ) ;
theTitleName + = string ( gViewPort - > m_szServerName , iServerNameLength ) ;
2005-03-09 01:31:56 +00:00
string theMapName = gHUD . GetMapName ( ) ;
if ( theMapName ! = " " )
if ( theTitleName ! = " " )
theTitleName + = " " ;
theTitleName + = " ( " ;
theTitleName + = theMapName ;
theTitleName + = " ) " ;
m_TitleLabel . setText ( theTitleName . c_str ( ) ) ;
int theColorIndex = 0 ;
// Set gamma-correct title color
Color gammaAdjustedTeamColor = BuildColor ( kTeamColors [ theColorIndex ] [ 0 ] , kTeamColors [ theColorIndex ] [ 1 ] , kTeamColors [ theColorIndex ] [ 2 ] , gHUD . GetGammaSlope ( ) ) ;
int theR , theG , theB , theA ;
gammaAdjustedTeamColor . getColor ( theR , theG , theB , theA ) ;
m_TitleLabel . setFgColor ( theR , theG , theB , theA ) ;
m_iRows = 0 ;
gViewPort - > GetAllPlayersInfo ( ) ;
// Clear out sorts
int i = 0 ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < NUM_ROWS ; i + + )
m_iSortedRows [ i ] = 0 ;
m_iIsATeam [ i ] = TEAM_IND ;
// Fix for memory overrun bug
for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_PLAYERS ; i + + )
m_bHasBeenSorted [ i ] = false ;
2005-04-01 03:04:57 +00:00
SortTeams ( ) ;
2005-03-09 01:31:56 +00:00
// set scrollbar range
m_PlayerList . SetScrollRange ( m_iRows ) ;
FillGrid ( ) ;
if ( gViewPort - > m_pSpectatorPanel - > m_menuVisible )
m_pCloseButton - > setVisible ( true ) ;
m_pCloseButton - > setVisible ( false ) ;
// Purpose: Sort all the teams
void ScorePanel : : SortTeams ( )
// clear out team scores
float theCurrentTime = gHUD . GetTimeOfLastUpdate ( ) ;
for ( int i = 1 ; i < = m_iNumTeams ; i + + )
if ( ! g_TeamInfo [ i ] . scores_overriden )
g_TeamInfo [ i ] . score = g_TeamInfo [ i ] . frags = g_TeamInfo [ i ] . deaths = 0 ;
g_TeamInfo [ i ] . ping = g_TeamInfo [ i ] . packetloss = 0 ;
// recalc the team scores, then draw them
for ( i = 1 ; i < = MAX_PLAYERS ; i + + )
if ( g_PlayerInfoList [ i ] . name = = NULL )
continue ; // empty player slot, skip
if ( g_PlayerExtraInfo [ i ] . teamname [ 0 ] = = 0 )
continue ; // skip over players who are not in a team
// find what team this player is in
for ( int j = 1 ; j < = m_iNumTeams ; j + + )
if ( ! stricmp ( g_PlayerExtraInfo [ i ] . teamname , g_TeamInfo [ j ] . name ) )
break ;
if ( j > m_iNumTeams ) // player is not in a team, skip to the next guy
continue ;
if ( ! g_TeamInfo [ j ] . scores_overriden )
g_TeamInfo [ j ] . score + = g_PlayerExtraInfo [ i ] . score ;
g_TeamInfo [ j ] . frags + = g_PlayerExtraInfo [ i ] . frags ;
g_TeamInfo [ j ] . deaths + = g_PlayerExtraInfo [ i ] . deaths ;
g_TeamInfo [ j ] . ping + = g_PlayerInfoList [ i ] . ping ;
g_TeamInfo [ j ] . packetloss + = g_PlayerInfoList [ i ] . packetloss ;
if ( g_PlayerInfoList [ i ] . thisplayer )
g_TeamInfo [ j ] . ownteam = TRUE ;
g_TeamInfo [ j ] . ownteam = FALSE ;
// Set the team's number (used for team colors)
g_TeamInfo [ j ] . teamnumber = g_PlayerExtraInfo [ i ] . teamnumber ;
// find team ping/packetloss averages
for ( i = 1 ; i < = m_iNumTeams ; i + + )
g_TeamInfo [ i ] . already_drawn = FALSE ;
if ( g_TeamInfo [ i ] . players > 0 )
g_TeamInfo [ i ] . ping / = g_TeamInfo [ i ] . players ; // use the average ping of all the players in the team as the teams ping
g_TeamInfo [ i ] . packetloss / = g_TeamInfo [ i ] . players ; // use the average ping of all the players in the team as the teams ping
SortActivePlayers ( kMarine1Team ) ;
SortActivePlayers ( kAlien1Team ) ;
SortActivePlayers ( kMarine2Team ) ;
SortActivePlayers ( kAlien2Team ) ;
SortActivePlayers ( kSpectatorTeam ) ;
SortActivePlayers ( kUndefinedTeam ) ;
void ScorePanel : : SortActivePlayers ( char * inTeam , bool inSortByEntityIndex )
for ( int i = 1 ; i < = m_iNumTeams ; i + + )
if ( ! strcmp ( g_TeamInfo [ i ] . name , inTeam ) )
int best_team = i ;
// Put this team in the sorted list
m_iSortedRows [ m_iRows ] = best_team ;
m_iIsATeam [ m_iRows ] = TEAM_YES ;
g_TeamInfo [ best_team ] . already_drawn = TRUE ; // set the already_drawn to be TRUE, so this team won't get sorted again
m_iRows + + ;
// Now sort all the players on this team
SortPlayers ( 0 , g_TeamInfo [ best_team ] . name , inSortByEntityIndex ) ;
// Purpose: Sort a list of players
void ScorePanel : : SortPlayers ( int iTeam , char * team , bool inSortByEntityIndex )
bool bCreatedTeam = false ;
// draw the players, in order, and restricted to team if set
while ( 1 )
// Find the top ranking player
int theBestTotalScore = - 99999 ;
int theBestDeaths = 0 ;
int theBestPlayer = 0 ;
for ( int i = 1 ; i < = MAX_PLAYERS ; i + + )
2005-04-01 03:04:57 +00:00
if ( m_bHasBeenSorted [ i ] = = false & & g_PlayerInfoList [ i ] . name )
2005-03-09 01:31:56 +00:00
cl_entity_t * ent = gEngfuncs . GetEntityByIndex ( i ) ;
if ( ent & & ! ( team & & stricmp ( g_PlayerExtraInfo [ i ] . teamname , team ) ) )
extra_player_info_t * pl_info = & g_PlayerExtraInfo [ i ] ;
// Sort by player index to mask marine status
if ( inSortByEntityIndex )
if ( ( theBestPlayer = = 0 ) | | ( i < theBestPlayer ) )
theBestPlayer = i ;
// overall rank = score + kills (with least deaths breaking ties)
2005-04-01 03:04:57 +00:00
int thePlayerScore = pl_info - > score ;
2005-03-09 01:31:56 +00:00
int thePlayerDeaths = pl_info - > deaths ;
if ( ( thePlayerScore > theBestTotalScore ) | | ( ( thePlayerScore = = theBestTotalScore ) & & ( pl_info - > deaths < theBestDeaths ) ) )
theBestPlayer = i ;
theBestTotalScore = thePlayerScore ;
theBestDeaths = thePlayerDeaths ;
if ( ! theBestPlayer )
break ;
// If we haven't created the Team yet, do it first
if ( ! bCreatedTeam & & iTeam )
m_iIsATeam [ m_iRows ] = iTeam ;
m_iRows + + ;
bCreatedTeam = true ;
// Put this player in the sorted list
m_iSortedRows [ m_iRows ] = theBestPlayer ;
m_bHasBeenSorted [ theBestPlayer ] = true ;
m_iRows + + ;
if ( team )
m_iIsATeam [ m_iRows + + ] = TEAM_BLANK ;
// Purpose: Recalculate the existing teams in the match
void ScorePanel : : RebuildTeams ( )
// clear out player counts from teams
for ( int i = 1 ; i < = m_iNumTeams ; i + + )
g_TeamInfo [ i ] . players = 0 ;
// rebuild the team list
gViewPort - > GetAllPlayersInfo ( ) ;
m_iNumTeams = 0 ;
for ( i = 1 ; i < = MAX_PLAYERS ; i + + )
if ( g_PlayerInfoList [ i ] . name = = NULL )
continue ;
if ( g_PlayerExtraInfo [ i ] . teamname [ 0 ] = = 0 )
continue ; // skip over players who are not in a team
// is this player in an existing team?
for ( int j = 1 ; j < = m_iNumTeams ; j + + )
if ( g_TeamInfo [ j ] . name [ 0 ] = = ' \0 ' )
break ;
if ( ! stricmp ( g_PlayerExtraInfo [ i ] . teamname , g_TeamInfo [ j ] . name ) )
break ;
if ( j > m_iNumTeams )
{ // they aren't in a listed team, so make a new one
// search through for an empty team slot
for ( int j = 1 ; j < = m_iNumTeams ; j + + )
if ( g_TeamInfo [ j ] . name [ 0 ] = = ' \0 ' )
break ;
m_iNumTeams = max ( j , m_iNumTeams ) ;
strncpy ( g_TeamInfo [ j ] . name , g_PlayerExtraInfo [ i ] . teamname , MAX_TEAM_NAME ) ;
g_TeamInfo [ j ] . players = 0 ;
g_TeamInfo [ j ] . players + + ;
// clear out any empty teams
for ( i = 1 ; i < = m_iNumTeams ; i + + )
if ( g_TeamInfo [ i ] . players < 1 )
memset ( & g_TeamInfo [ i ] , 0 , sizeof ( team_info_t ) ) ;
// Update the scoreboard
Update ( ) ;
2005-04-01 03:04:57 +00:00
int ScorePanel : : GetIconFrame ( void )
const static int kIconFrameDuration = 0.25 ;
int current_time = gHUD . GetTimeOfLastUpdate ( ) ;
if ( ( m_iLastFrameIncrementTime - current_time ) > kIconFrameDuration )
m_iLastFrameIncrementTime = current_time ;
m_iIconFrame + + ;
if ( m_iIconFrame > = 1000 )
m_iIconFrame = 0 ;
return m_iIconFrame ;
2005-03-09 01:31:56 +00:00
void ScorePanel : : FillGrid ( )
CSchemeManager * pSchemes = gViewPort - > GetSchemeManager ( ) ;
SchemeHandle_t hScheme = pSchemes - > getSchemeHandle ( " Scoreboard Text " ) ;
SchemeHandle_t hTitleScheme = pSchemes - > getSchemeHandle ( " Scoreboard Title Text " ) ;
SchemeHandle_t hSmallScheme = pSchemes - > getSchemeHandle ( " Scoreboard Small Text " ) ;
SchemeHandle_t hTinyScheme = pSchemes - > getSchemeHandle ( " Scoreboard Tiny Text " ) ;
Font * sfont = pSchemes - > getFont ( hScheme ) ;
Font * tfont = pSchemes - > getFont ( hTitleScheme ) ;
Font * smallfont = pSchemes - > getFont ( hSmallScheme ) ;
Font * tinyfont = pSchemes - > getFont ( hTinyScheme ) ;
// update highlight position
int x , y ;
getApp ( ) - > getCursorPos ( x , y ) ;
cursorMoved ( x , y , this ) ;
// remove highlight row if we're not in squelch mode
if ( ! GetClientVoiceMgr ( ) - > IsInSquelchMode ( ) )
m_iHighlightRow = - 1 ;
bool bNextRowIsGap = false ;
for ( int row = 0 ; row < NUM_ROWS ; row + + )
CGrid * pGridRow = & m_PlayerGrids [ row ] ;
pGridRow - > SetRowUnderline ( 0 , false , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
if ( row > = m_iRows )
for ( int col = 0 ; col < NUM_COLUMNS ; col + + )
m_PlayerEntries [ col ] [ row ] . setVisible ( false ) ;
continue ;
bool bRowIsGap = false ;
if ( bNextRowIsGap )
bNextRowIsGap = false ;
bRowIsGap = true ;
// Get the player's data
int theSortedRow = m_iSortedRows [ row ] ;
hud_player_info_t * pl_info = & g_PlayerInfoList [ theSortedRow ] ;
extra_player_info_t * theExtraPlayerInfo = & g_PlayerExtraInfo [ theSortedRow ] ;
int thePlayerClass = theExtraPlayerInfo - > playerclass ;
short theTeamNumber = theExtraPlayerInfo - > teamnumber ;
2005-07-08 03:00:16 +00:00
string theCustomIcon = ( string ) theExtraPlayerInfo - > customicon ;
// puzl: 0001073
short thePlayerAuthentication = theExtraPlayerInfo - > auth ;
2005-04-01 03:04:57 +00:00
bool thePlayerIsDead = false ;
switch ( thePlayerClass )
thePlayerIsDead = true ;
break ;
2005-03-09 01:31:56 +00:00
// Code to test DEBUG
#if 0
# ifdef DEBUG
extern int gGlobalDebugAuth ;
thePlayerAuthentication = 1 ;
thePlayerAuthentication < < = gGlobalDebugAuth ;
# endif
# endif
team_info_t * team_info = & g_TeamInfo [ m_iSortedRows [ row ] ] ;
int theColorIndex = theTeamNumber % iNumberOfTeamColors ;
int theLocalPlayerTeam = 0 ;
if ( gEngfuncs . GetLocalPlayer ( ) )
theLocalPlayerTeam = gEngfuncs . GetLocalPlayer ( ) - > curstate . team ;
for ( int col = 0 ; col < NUM_COLUMNS ; col + + )
CLabelHeader * pLabel = & m_PlayerEntries [ col ] [ row ] ;
pLabel - > setVisible ( true ) ;
pLabel - > setText2 ( " " ) ;
pLabel - > setImage ( NULL ) ;
pLabel - > setFont ( sfont ) ;
pLabel - > setTextOffset ( 0 , 0 ) ;
int rowheight = 13 ;
if ( ScreenHeight ( ) > 480 )
rowheight = YRES ( rowheight ) ;
// more tweaking, make sure icons fit at low res
rowheight = 15 ;
pLabel - > setSize ( pLabel - > getWide ( ) , rowheight ) ;
pLabel - > setBgColor ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 255 ) ;
char sz [ 128 ] ;
Color gammaAdjustedTeamColor = BuildColor ( kTeamColors [ theColorIndex ] [ 0 ] , kTeamColors [ theColorIndex ] [ 1 ] , kTeamColors [ theColorIndex ] [ 2 ] , gHUD . GetGammaSlope ( ) ) ;
pLabel - > setFgColor ( gammaAdjustedTeamColor [ 0 ] , gammaAdjustedTeamColor [ 1 ] , gammaAdjustedTeamColor [ 2 ] , 0 ) ;
if ( m_iIsATeam [ row ] = = TEAM_BLANK )
pLabel - > setText ( " " ) ;
continue ;
else if ( m_iIsATeam [ row ] = = TEAM_YES )
theColorIndex = team_info - > teamnumber % iNumberOfTeamColors ;
// team color text for team names
// different height for team header rows
rowheight = 20 ;
if ( ScreenHeight ( ) > = 480 )
rowheight = YRES ( rowheight ) ;
pLabel - > setSize ( pLabel - > getWide ( ) , rowheight ) ;
pLabel - > setFont ( tfont ) ;
pGridRow - > SetRowUnderline ( 0 ,
true ,
YRES ( 3 ) ,
gammaAdjustedTeamColor [ 0 ] ,
gammaAdjustedTeamColor [ 1 ] ,
gammaAdjustedTeamColor [ 2 ] ,
0 ) ;
else if ( m_iIsATeam [ row ] = = TEAM_SPECTATORS )
// grey text for spectators
pLabel - > setFgColor ( 100 , 100 , 100 , 0 ) ;
// different height for team header rows
rowheight = 20 ;
if ( ScreenHeight ( ) > = 480 )
rowheight = YRES ( rowheight ) ;
pLabel - > setSize ( pLabel - > getWide ( ) , rowheight ) ;
pLabel - > setFont ( tfont ) ;
pGridRow - > SetRowUnderline ( 0 , true , YRES ( 3 ) , 100 , 100 , 100 , 0 ) ;
if ( thePlayerIsDead )
pLabel - > setFgColor ( 255 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
// team color text for player names
pLabel - > setFgColor ( gammaAdjustedTeamColor [ 0 ] , gammaAdjustedTeamColor [ 1 ] , gammaAdjustedTeamColor [ 2 ] , 0 ) ;
// Set background color
if ( pl_info & & pl_info - > thisplayer ) // if it is their name, draw it a different color
// Highlight this player
pLabel - > setFgColor ( Scheme : : sc_white ) ;
pLabel - > setBgColor ( gammaAdjustedTeamColor [ 0 ] , gammaAdjustedTeamColor [ 1 ] , gammaAdjustedTeamColor [ 2 ] , 196 ) ;
else if ( theSortedRow = = m_iLastKilledBy & & m_fLastKillTime & & m_fLastKillTime > gHUD . m_flTime )
// Killer's name
pLabel - > setBgColor ( 255 , 0 , 0 , 255 - ( ( float ) 15 * ( float ) ( m_fLastKillTime - gHUD . m_flTime ) ) ) ;
// Align
switch ( col )
pLabel - > setContentAlignment ( vgui : : Label : : a_west ) ;
break ;
pLabel - > setContentAlignment ( vgui : : Label : : a_center ) ;
break ;
default :
pLabel - > setContentAlignment ( vgui : : Label : : a_east ) ;
break ;
// Fill out with the correct data
strcpy ( sz , " " ) ;
if ( m_iIsATeam [ row ] )
char sz2 [ 128 ] ;
switch ( col )
if ( m_iIsATeam [ row ] = = TEAM_SPECTATORS )
sprintf ( sz2 , CHudTextMessage : : BufferedLocaliseTextString ( " #Spectators " ) ) ;
if ( team_info )
sprintf ( sz2 , gViewPort - > GetTeamName ( team_info - > teamnumber ) ) ;
strcpy ( sz , sz2 ) ;
// Append the number of players
if ( m_iIsATeam [ row ] = = TEAM_YES & & team_info )
if ( team_info - > players = = 1 )
sprintf ( sz2 , " (%d %s) " , team_info - > players , CHudTextMessage : : BufferedLocaliseTextString ( " #Player " ) ) ;
sprintf ( sz2 , " (%d %s) " , team_info - > players , CHudTextMessage : : BufferedLocaliseTextString ( " #Player_plural " ) ) ;
pLabel - > setText2 ( sz2 ) ;
pLabel - > setFont2 ( smallfont ) ;
break ;
break ;
break ;
// Don't show score for enemies unless spectating or in RR
if ( ( m_iIsATeam [ row ] = = TEAM_YES ) & & team_info & & ( ( theLocalPlayerTeam = = 0 ) | | ( theLocalPlayerTeam = = team_info - > teamnumber ) ) )
sprintf ( sz , " %d " , team_info - > score ) ;
break ;
if ( ( m_iIsATeam [ row ] = = TEAM_YES ) & & team_info )
sprintf ( sz , " %d " , team_info - > frags ) ;
break ;
if ( ( m_iIsATeam [ row ] = = TEAM_YES ) & & team_info )
sprintf ( sz , " %d " , team_info - > deaths ) ;
break ;
if ( ( m_iIsATeam [ row ] = = TEAM_YES ) & & team_info )
sprintf ( sz , " %d " , team_info - > ping ) ;
break ;
default :
break ;
// Are these stats for an enemy? Score and other stats shouldn't be drawn for enemies.
bool theIsForEnemy = false ;
int theLocalPlayerTeam = 0 ;
if ( gEngfuncs . GetLocalPlayer ( ) )
theLocalPlayerTeam = gEngfuncs . GetLocalPlayer ( ) - > curstate . team ;
if ( ( theLocalPlayerTeam ! = 0 ) & & ( theExtraPlayerInfo - > teamnumber ! = theLocalPlayerTeam ) )
theIsForEnemy = true ;
switch ( col )
if ( g_pTrackerUser )
int playerSlot = m_iSortedRows [ row ] ;
int trackerID = gEngfuncs . GetTrackerIDForPlayer ( playerSlot ) ;
const char * trackerName = g_pTrackerUser - > GetUserName ( trackerID ) ;
if ( trackerName & & * trackerName )
sprintf ( sz , " (%s) " , trackerName ) ;
pLabel - > setText2 ( sz ) ;
if ( pl_info )
sprintf ( sz , " %s " , pl_info - > name ) ;
break ;
sz [ 0 ] = 0 ;
// in HLTV mode allow spectator to turn on/off commentator voice
if ( pl_info & & ( ! pl_info - > thisplayer | | gEngfuncs . IsSpectateOnly ( ) ) )
GetClientVoiceMgr ( ) - > UpdateSpeakerImage ( pLabel , theSortedRow ) ;
break ;
// No class for other team's members (unless allied or spectator, and make sure player is on our team)
strcpy ( sz , " " ) ;
if ( team_info & & ( ( theLocalPlayerTeam = = theTeamNumber ) | | ( gHUD . GetPlayMode ( ) = = PLAYMODE_OBSERVER ) ) )
switch ( thePlayerClass )
case ( int ) ( PLAYERCLASS_DEAD_MARINE ) :
case ( int ) ( PLAYERCLASS_DEAD_ALIEN ) :
sprintf ( sz , " %s " , CHudTextMessage : : BufferedLocaliseTextString ( kClassDead ) ) ;
break ;
sprintf ( sz , " %s " , CHudTextMessage : : BufferedLocaliseTextString ( kClassReinforcing ) ) ;
break ;
sprintf ( sz , " %s " , CHudTextMessage : : BufferedLocaliseTextString ( kClassReinforcingComplete ) ) ;
break ;
sprintf ( sz , " %s " , CHudTextMessage : : BufferedLocaliseTextString ( kClassJetpackMarine ) ) ;
break ;
sprintf ( sz , " %s " , CHudTextMessage : : BufferedLocaliseTextString ( kClassHeavyMarine ) ) ;
break ;
case ( int ) ( PLAYERCLASS_COMMANDER ) :
sprintf ( sz , " %s " , CHudTextMessage : : BufferedLocaliseTextString ( kClassCommander ) ) ;
break ;
case ( int ) ( PLAYERCLASS_ALIVE_LEVEL1 ) :
sprintf ( sz , " %s " , CHudTextMessage : : BufferedLocaliseTextString ( kClassLevel1 ) ) ;
break ;
case ( int ) ( PLAYERCLASS_ALIVE_LEVEL2 ) :
sprintf ( sz , " %s " , CHudTextMessage : : BufferedLocaliseTextString ( kClassLevel2 ) ) ;
break ;
case ( int ) ( PLAYERCLASS_ALIVE_LEVEL3 ) :
sprintf ( sz , " %s " , CHudTextMessage : : BufferedLocaliseTextString ( kClassLevel3 ) ) ;
break ;
case ( int ) ( PLAYERCLASS_ALIVE_LEVEL4 ) :
sprintf ( sz , " %s " , CHudTextMessage : : BufferedLocaliseTextString ( kClassLevel4 ) ) ;
break ;
case ( int ) ( PLAYERCLASS_ALIVE_LEVEL5 ) :
sprintf ( sz , " %s " , CHudTextMessage : : BufferedLocaliseTextString ( kClassLevel5 ) ) ;
break ;
sprintf ( sz , " %s " , CHudTextMessage : : BufferedLocaliseTextString ( kClassDigesting ) ) ;
break ;
sprintf ( sz , " %s " , CHudTextMessage : : BufferedLocaliseTextString ( kClassGestating ) ) ;
break ;
default :
break ;
break ;
2005-07-08 03:00:16 +00:00
// puzl: 0001073
// Check if we have authority. Right now these override the tracker icons. Listed in increasing order of "importance".
if ( thePlayerAuthentication & PLAYERAUTH_CHEATINGDEATH )
// Red
pLabel - > setImage ( m_pCheatingDeathIcon ) ;
pLabel - > setFgColorAsImageColor ( false ) ;
m_pCheatingDeathIcon - > setColor ( BuildColor ( 255 , 69 , 9 , gHUD . GetGammaSlope ( ) ) ) ;
if ( thePlayerAuthentication & PLAYERAUTH_VETERAN )
// Yellow
pLabel - > setImage ( m_pVeteranIcon ) ;
pLabel - > setFgColorAsImageColor ( false ) ;
m_pVeteranIcon - > setColor ( BuildColor ( 248 , 252 , 0 , gHUD . GetGammaSlope ( ) ) ) ;
if ( thePlayerAuthentication & PLAYERAUTH_BETASERVEROP )
// Whitish
pLabel - > setImage ( m_pServerOpIcon ) ;
pLabel - > setFgColorAsImageColor ( false ) ;
m_pServerOpIcon - > setColor ( BuildColor ( 220 , 220 , 220 , gHUD . GetGammaSlope ( ) ) ) ;
if ( thePlayerAuthentication & PLAYERAUTH_CONTRIBUTOR )
// Light blue
pLabel - > setImage ( m_pContribIcon ) ;
pLabel - > setFgColorAsImageColor ( false ) ;
m_pContribIcon - > setColor ( BuildColor ( 117 , 214 , 241 , gHUD . GetGammaSlope ( ) ) ) ;
if ( thePlayerAuthentication & PLAYERAUTH_GUIDE )
// Magenta
pLabel - > setImage ( m_pGuideIcon ) ;
pLabel - > setFgColorAsImageColor ( false ) ;
m_pGuideIcon - > setColor ( BuildColor ( 208 , 16 , 190 , gHUD . GetGammaSlope ( ) ) ) ;
if ( thePlayerAuthentication & PLAYERAUTH_PLAYTESTER )
// Orange
pLabel - > setImage ( m_pPTIcon ) ;
pLabel - > setFgColorAsImageColor ( false ) ;
m_pPTIcon - > setColor ( BuildColor ( 255 , 167 , 54 , gHUD . GetGammaSlope ( ) ) ) ;
if ( thePlayerAuthentication & PLAYERAUTH_DEVELOPER )
// TSA blue
pLabel - > setImage ( m_pDevIcon ) ;
pLabel - > setFgColorAsImageColor ( false ) ;
m_pDevIcon - > setColor ( BuildColor ( 100 , 215 , 255 , gHUD . GetGammaSlope ( ) ) ) ;
if ( thePlayerAuthentication & PLAYERAUTH_SERVEROP )
// Bright green
pLabel - > setImage ( m_pServerOpIcon ) ;
pLabel - > setFgColorAsImageColor ( false ) ;
m_pServerOpIcon - > setColor ( BuildColor ( 0 , 255 , 0 , gHUD . GetGammaSlope ( ) ) ) ;
// Allow custom icons to override other general icons
if ( thePlayerAuthentication & PLAYERAUTH_CUSTOM )
if ( theCustomIcon ! = " " )
string theIconName = theCustomIcon . substr ( 0 , strlen ( theCustomIcon . c_str ( ) ) - 3 ) ;
string theFullCustomIconString = string ( " gfx/vgui/640_ " ) + theIconName + string ( " .tga " ) ;
vgui : : BitmapTGA * pIcon = GetIconPointer ( theCustomIcon ) ;
//Icon hasnt been loaded, load it now and add it to list of icons.
if ( pIcon = = NULL )
pIcon = vgui_LoadTGANoInvertAlpha ( theFullCustomIconString . c_str ( ) ) ;
if ( pIcon )
m_CustomIconList . push_back ( make_pair ( pIcon , theCustomIcon ) ) ;
if ( pIcon )
pLabel - > setImage ( pIcon ) ;
pLabel - > setFgColorAsImageColor ( false ) ;
// Parse color (last 3 bytes are the RGB values 1-9)
string theColor = theCustomIcon . substr ( strlen ( theCustomIcon . c_str ( ) ) - 3 , 3 ) ;
int theRed = ( MakeIntFromString ( theColor . substr ( 0 , 1 ) ) / 9.0f ) * 255 ;
int theGreen = ( MakeIntFromString ( theColor . substr ( 1 , 1 ) ) / 9.0f ) * 255 ;
int theBlue = ( MakeIntFromString ( theColor . substr ( 2 , 1 ) ) / 9.0f ) * 255 ;
pIcon - > setColor ( BuildColor ( theRed , theGreen , theBlue , gHUD . GetGammaSlope ( ) ) ) ;
if ( g_pTrackerUser )
int playerSlot = theSortedRow ;
int trackerID = gEngfuncs . GetTrackerIDForPlayer ( playerSlot ) ;
if ( g_pTrackerUser - > IsFriend ( trackerID ) & & trackerID ! = g_pTrackerUser - > GetTrackerID ( ) )
pLabel - > setImage ( m_pTrackerIcon ) ;
pLabel - > setFgColorAsImageColor ( false ) ;
m_pTrackerIcon - > setColor ( Color ( 255 , 255 , 255 , 0 ) ) ;
# else
2005-04-01 03:04:57 +00:00
if ( theExtraPlayerInfo - > icon )
2005-03-09 01:31:56 +00:00
2005-04-01 03:04:57 +00:00
vgui : : Bitmap * image = theExtraPlayerInfo - > icon - > getImage ( this - > GetIconFrame ( ) ) ;
if ( image ) { pLabel - > setImage ( image ) ; }
2005-03-09 01:31:56 +00:00
2005-07-08 03:00:16 +00:00
# endif
2005-03-09 01:31:56 +00:00
break ;
if ( ! theIsForEnemy )
const float kDeltaDisplayTime = 3.0f ;
float theTimeSinceChange = gHUD . GetTimeOfLastUpdate ( ) - theExtraPlayerInfo - > timeOfLastScoreChange ;
if ( ( theExtraPlayerInfo - > score > theExtraPlayerInfo - > lastScore ) & & ( theTimeSinceChange > 0 ) & & ( theTimeSinceChange < kDeltaDisplayTime ) & & ( theExtraPlayerInfo - > teamnumber ! = 0 ) )
// draw score with change
int theDelta = ( theExtraPlayerInfo - > score - theExtraPlayerInfo - > lastScore ) ;
sprintf ( sz , " (+%d) %d " , theDelta , theExtraPlayerInfo - > score ) ;
sprintf ( sz , " %d " , theExtraPlayerInfo - > score ) ;
break ;
sprintf ( sz , " %d " , theExtraPlayerInfo - > frags ) ;
break ;
sprintf ( sz , " %d " , theExtraPlayerInfo - > deaths ) ;
break ;
if ( pl_info )
sprintf ( sz , " %d " , pl_info - > ping ) ;
break ;
default :
break ;
pLabel - > setText ( sz ) ;
for ( row = 0 ; row < NUM_ROWS ; row + + )
CGrid * pGridRow = & m_PlayerGrids [ row ] ;
pGridRow - > AutoSetRowHeights ( ) ;
pGridRow - > setSize ( PanelWidth ( pGridRow ) , pGridRow - > CalcDrawHeight ( ) ) ;
pGridRow - > RepositionContents ( ) ;
// hack, for the thing to resize
m_PlayerList . getSize ( x , y ) ;
m_PlayerList . setSize ( x , y ) ;
// Purpose: Setup highlights for player names in scoreboard
void ScorePanel : : DeathMsg ( int killer , int victim )
// if we were the one killed, or the world killed us, set the scoreboard to indicate suicide
if ( victim = = m_iPlayerNum | | killer = = 0 )
m_iLastKilledBy = killer ? killer : m_iPlayerNum ;
m_fLastKillTime = gHUD . m_flTime + 10 ; // display who we were killed by for 10 seconds
if ( killer = = m_iPlayerNum )
m_iLastKilledBy = m_iPlayerNum ;
void ScorePanel : : Open ( void )
RebuildTeams ( ) ;
setVisible ( true ) ;
m_HitTestPanel . setVisible ( true ) ;
bool ScorePanel : : SetSquelchMode ( bool inMode )
bool theSuccess = false ;
if ( inMode & & ! GetClientVoiceMgr ( ) - > IsInSquelchMode ( ) )
GetClientVoiceMgr ( ) - > StartSquelchMode ( ) ;
m_HitTestPanel . setVisible ( false ) ;
theSuccess = true ;
else if ( ! inMode & & GetClientVoiceMgr ( ) - > IsInSquelchMode ( ) )
GetClientVoiceMgr ( ) - > StopSquelchMode ( ) ;
theSuccess = true ;
return theSuccess ;
void ScorePanel : : mousePressed ( MouseCode code , Panel * panel )
if ( gHUD . m_iIntermission )
return ;
if ( ! GetClientVoiceMgr ( ) - > IsInSquelchMode ( ) )
this - > SetSquelchMode ( true ) ;
else if ( m_iHighlightRow > = 0 )
// mouse has been pressed, toggle mute state
int iPlayer = m_iSortedRows [ m_iHighlightRow ] ;
if ( iPlayer > 0 )
// print text message
hud_player_info_t * pl_info = & g_PlayerInfoList [ iPlayer ] ;
if ( pl_info & & pl_info - > name & & pl_info - > name [ 0 ] )
char string [ 256 ] ;
if ( GetClientVoiceMgr ( ) - > IsPlayerBlocked ( iPlayer ) )
char string1 [ 1024 ] ;
// remove mute
GetClientVoiceMgr ( ) - > SetPlayerBlockedState ( iPlayer , false ) ;
sprintf ( string1 , CHudTextMessage : : BufferedLocaliseTextString ( " #Unmuted " ) , pl_info - > name ) ;
sprintf ( string , " %c** %s \n " , HUD_PRINTTALK , string1 ) ;
2005-04-01 03:04:57 +00:00
gHUD . m_TextMessage . MsgFunc_TextMsg ( NULL , ( int ) strlen ( string ) + 1 , string ) ;
2005-03-09 01:31:56 +00:00
char string1 [ 1024 ] ;
char string2 [ 1024 ] ;
// mute the player
GetClientVoiceMgr ( ) - > SetPlayerBlockedState ( iPlayer , true ) ;
sprintf ( string1 , CHudTextMessage : : BufferedLocaliseTextString ( " #Muted " ) , pl_info - > name ) ;
sprintf ( string2 , CHudTextMessage : : BufferedLocaliseTextString ( " #No_longer_hear_that_player " ) ) ;
sprintf ( string , " %c** %s %s \n " , HUD_PRINTTALK , string1 , string2 ) ;
2005-04-01 03:04:57 +00:00
gHUD . m_TextMessage . MsgFunc_TextMsg ( NULL , ( int ) strlen ( string ) + 1 , string ) ;
2005-03-09 01:31:56 +00:00
void ScorePanel : : cursorMoved ( int x , int y , Panel * panel )
if ( GetClientVoiceMgr ( ) - > IsInSquelchMode ( ) )
// look for which cell the mouse is currently over
for ( int i = 0 ; i < NUM_ROWS ; i + + )
int row , col ;
if ( m_PlayerGrids [ i ] . getCellAtPoint ( x , y , row , col ) )
MouseOverCell ( i , col ) ;
return ;
// Purpose: Handles mouse movement over a cell
// Input : row -
// col -
void ScorePanel : : MouseOverCell ( int row , int col )
CLabelHeader * label = & m_PlayerEntries [ col ] [ row ] ;
// clear the previously highlighted label
if ( m_pCurrentHighlightLabel ! = label )
m_pCurrentHighlightLabel = NULL ;
m_iHighlightRow = - 1 ;
if ( ! label )
return ;
// don't act on teams
if ( m_iIsATeam [ row ] ! = TEAM_IND )
return ;
// don't act on disconnected players or ourselves
hud_player_info_t * pl_info = & g_PlayerInfoList [ m_iSortedRows [ row ] ] ;
if ( ! pl_info - > name | | ! pl_info - > name [ 0 ] )
return ;
if ( pl_info - > thisplayer & & ! gEngfuncs . IsSpectateOnly ( ) )
return ;
// only act on audible players
if ( ! GetClientVoiceMgr ( ) - > IsPlayerAudible ( m_iSortedRows [ row ] ) )
return ;
// setup the new highlight
m_pCurrentHighlightLabel = label ;
m_iHighlightRow = row ;
// Purpose: Label paint functions - take into account current highligh status
void CLabelHeader : : paintBackground ( )
Color oldBg ;
getBgColor ( oldBg ) ;
if ( gViewPort - > GetScoreBoard ( ) - > m_iHighlightRow = = _row )
setBgColor ( 134 , 91 , 19 , 0 ) ;
Panel : : paintBackground ( ) ;
setBgColor ( oldBg ) ;
// Purpose: Label paint functions - take into account current highligh status
void CLabelHeader : : paint ( )
Color oldFg ;
getFgColor ( oldFg ) ;
if ( gViewPort - > GetScoreBoard ( ) - > m_iHighlightRow = = _row )
setFgColor ( 255 , 255 , 255 , 0 ) ;
// draw text
int x , y , iwide , itall ;
getTextSize ( iwide , itall ) ;
calcAlignment ( iwide , itall , x , y ) ;
_dualImage - > setPos ( x , y ) ;
int x1 , y1 ;
_dualImage - > GetImage ( 1 ) - > getPos ( x1 , y1 ) ;
_dualImage - > GetImage ( 1 ) - > setPos ( _gap , y1 ) ;
_dualImage - > doPaint ( this ) ;
// get size of the panel and the image
if ( _image )
Color imgColor ;
getFgColor ( imgColor ) ;
if ( _useFgColorAsImageColor )
_image - > setColor ( imgColor ) ;
_image - > getSize ( iwide , itall ) ;
calcAlignment ( iwide , itall , x , y ) ;
_image - > setPos ( x , y ) ;
_image - > doPaint ( this ) ;
setFgColor ( oldFg [ 0 ] , oldFg [ 1 ] , oldFg [ 2 ] , oldFg [ 3 ] ) ;
void CLabelHeader : : calcAlignment ( int iwide , int itall , int & x , int & y )
// calculate alignment ourselves, since vgui is so broken
int wide , tall ;
getSize ( wide , tall ) ;
x = 0 , y = 0 ;
// align left/right
switch ( _contentAlignment )
// left
case Label : : a_northwest :
case Label : : a_west :
case Label : : a_southwest :
x = 0 ;
break ;
// center
case Label : : a_north :
case Label : : a_center :
case Label : : a_south :
x = ( wide - iwide ) / 2 ;
break ;
// right
case Label : : a_northeast :
case Label : : a_east :
case Label : : a_southeast :
x = wide - iwide ;
break ;
// top/down
switch ( _contentAlignment )
// top
case Label : : a_northwest :
case Label : : a_north :
case Label : : a_northeast :
y = 0 ;
break ;
// center
case Label : : a_west :
case Label : : a_center :
case Label : : a_east :
y = ( tall - itall ) / 2 ;
break ;
// south
case Label : : a_southwest :
case Label : : a_south :
case Label : : a_southeast :
y = tall - itall ;
break ;
// don't clip to Y
// if (y < 0)
// {
// y = 0;
// }
if ( x < 0 )
x = 0 ;
x + = _offset [ 0 ] ;
y + = _offset [ 1 ] ;