2018-04-22 15:55:55 +00:00
# include "ui/UIComponent.h"
# include "ui/UIManager.h"
# include "ui/UIFactory.h"
# include "ui/UITags.h"
# include "VGUI_Menu.h"
# include "VGUI_App.h"
# include "cl_dll/hud.h"
# include "cl_dll/cl_util.h"
# include "textrep/TRFactory.h"
# include "cl_dll/vgui_SchemeManager.h"
# include "VGUI_TextPanel.h"
# include "VGUI_Label.h"
# include "cl_dll/vgui_TeamFortressViewport.h"
2024-02-09 07:37:17 +00:00
//#include "ui/GammaAwareComponent.h"
2018-04-22 15:55:55 +00:00
# include "ui/ReloadableComponent.h"
//using vgui::Label;
//extern CImageLabel *gTestLabel;
extern vgui : : BitmapTGA * vgui_LoadTGA ( const char * pImageName , bool bInvertAlpha = true ) ;
const int kTranslation = 1000 ;
// Stupid messy externs
extern " C "
void * VGui_GetPanel ( ) ;
extern int g_iVisibleMouse ;
UIManager : : UIManager ( UIFactory * inFactory )
this - > mEditMode = false ;
this - > mDraggingLMB = false ;
this - > mUsingVGUI = false ;
this - > mLMBDownX = this - > mLMBDownY = - 1 ;
this - > mLastMouseX = this - > mLastMouseY = - 1 ;
this - > mComponentMouseOver = NULL ;
this - > mBlankCursor = NULL ;
this - > mFactory = inFactory ;
2024-02-09 07:37:17 +00:00
//this->mGammaSlope = 1.0f;
2018-04-22 15:55:55 +00:00
UIManager : : ~ UIManager ( void )
delete this - > mFactory ;
this - > mFactory = NULL ;
delete this - > mBlankCursor ;
this - > mBlankCursor = NULL ;
void UIManager : : AddInputSignal ( InputSignal * inInputSignal )
UIComponentListType : : iterator theCompIter ;
for ( theCompIter = this - > mComponentList . begin ( ) ; theCompIter ! = this - > mComponentList . end ( ) ; theCompIter + + )
UIComponent * theComponent = * theCompIter ;
ASSERT ( theComponent ) ;
Panel * theVGUIComponent = theComponent - > GetComponentPointer ( ) ;
ASSERT ( theVGUIComponent ) ;
theVGUIComponent - > addInputSignal ( inInputSignal ) ;
bool UIManager : : Clear ( void )
bool theSuccess = false ;
// Make sure we aren't in edit mode
if ( ! this - > mEditMode )
// Delete every component in the list
UIComponentListType : : iterator theCompIter ;
for ( theCompIter = this - > mComponentList . begin ( ) ; theCompIter ! = this - > mComponentList . end ( ) ; theCompIter + + )
delete * theCompIter ;
theSuccess = true ;
// Delete the list
this - > mComponentList . clear ( ) ;
// TODO: Emit error indicating manager can't be cleared in edit mode
return theSuccess ;
UIComponent * UIManager : : GetComponentFromPanel ( Panel * inPanel )
UIComponent * theComponent = NULL ;
UIComponentListType : : iterator theCompIter ;
for ( theCompIter = this - > mComponentList . begin ( ) ; theCompIter ! = this - > mComponentList . end ( ) ; theCompIter + + )
if ( ( * theCompIter ) - > GetComponentPointer ( ) = = inPanel )
theComponent = * theCompIter ;
break ;
return theComponent ;
UIComponent * UIManager : : GetComponentNamed ( const string & inName )
UIComponent * theResult = NULL ;
UIComponentListType : : iterator theCompIter ;
for ( theCompIter = this - > mComponentList . begin ( ) ; theCompIter ! = this - > mComponentList . end ( ) ; theCompIter + + )
if ( ( * theCompIter ) - > GetName ( ) = = inName )
theResult = * theCompIter ;
break ;
return theResult ;
const UIComponent * UIManager : : GetComponentNamed ( const string & inName ) const
return NULL ;
// TODO: Add list of components that are "hidden" and fail if the component is already hidden
bool UIManager : : HideComponent ( const string & inName )
bool theSuccess = false ;
vgui : : Panel * thePanel = NULL ;
if ( this - > GetVGUIComponentNamed ( inName , thePanel ) )
ASSERT ( thePanel ! = NULL ) ;
//this->TranslateComponent(thePanel, true);
thePanel - > setVisible ( false ) ;
theSuccess = true ;
return theSuccess ;
void UIManager : : HideComponents ( )
typedef vector < UIComponent * > UIComponentListType ;
for ( UIComponentListType : : iterator theIter = this - > mComponentList . begin ( ) ; theIter ! = this - > mComponentList . end ( ) ; theIter + + )
this - > HideComponent ( ( * theIter ) - > GetName ( ) ) ;
bool UIManager : : Initialize ( const TRDescriptionList & inDesc , CSchemeManager * inSchemeManager )
bool theSuccess = false ;
// Clear out everything in case we have already been used once
this - > Clear ( ) ;
// Now loop through entities found
for ( TRDescriptionList : : const_iterator theListIter = inDesc . begin ( ) ; theListIter ! = inDesc . end ( ) ; theListIter + + )
// See if the factory knows how to create such a thing. It is giving the memory to us forever so take care of it.
UIComponent * theCurrentComponent = this - > mFactory - > BuildComponent ( * theListIter , inSchemeManager ) ;
// Tell it to set all the tags it knows about
if ( theCurrentComponent )
// Check for named root tag, look up that component and set it
Panel * theRoot = NULL ;
string theRootName ;
if ( theListIter - > GetTagValue ( " root " , theRootName ) )
UIComponent * theUIComponent = NULL ;
theUIComponent = this - > GetComponentNamed ( theRootName ) ;
if ( theUIComponent )
theRoot = theUIComponent - > GetComponentPointer ( ) ;
// If none specified or it couldn't be found, use default
if ( ! theRoot )
theRoot = ( Panel * ) VGui_GetPanel ( ) ;
// Set the root
theCurrentComponent - > GetComponentPointer ( ) - > setParent ( theRoot ) ;
// Add to menu if specified
string theMenuName ;
if ( theListIter - > GetTagValue ( UITagMenuAddItem , theMenuName ) )
Menu * theParentMenu = NULL ;
if ( this - > GetVGUIComponentNamed ( theMenuName , theParentMenu ) )
theParentMenu - > addMenuItem ( theCurrentComponent - > GetComponentPointer ( ) ) ;
// Set up scheme if specified
if ( inSchemeManager )
this - > SetSchemeValues ( * theListIter , theCurrentComponent , inSchemeManager ) ;
// <sigh> If we are currently using the regular VGUI instead of the manager, translate
// this component out of the way so it doesn't suck up input
if ( this - > mUsingVGUI )
this - > TranslateComponent ( theCurrentComponent - > GetComponentPointer ( ) , true ) ;
2024-02-09 07:37:17 +00:00
//// If gamma aware, tell it immediately
//GammaAwareComponent* theGammaAwareComponent = dynamic_cast<GammaAwareComponent*>(theCurrentComponent->GetComponentPointer());
// theGammaAwareComponent->NotifyGammaChange(this->mGammaSlope);
2018-04-22 15:55:55 +00:00
// Save it. It is now part of the world.
this - > mComponentList . push_back ( theCurrentComponent ) ;
// Return success if we found at least one component
theSuccess = true ;
// Build default blank cursor
this - > mBlankCursor = new Cursor ( vgui_LoadTGA ( " blank " ) , 0 , 0 ) ;
// Register for notification for all input events
return theSuccess ;
bool UIManager : : InMouseMode ( void ) const
return ( g_iVisibleMouse ? true : false ) ;
2024-02-09 07:37:17 +00:00
//void UIManager::NotifyGammaChange(float inGammaSlope)
// UIComponentListType::iterator theCompIter;
// for(theCompIter = this->mComponentList.begin(); theCompIter != this->mComponentList.end(); theCompIter++)
// {
// GammaAwareComponent* theGammaAwareComponent = dynamic_cast<GammaAwareComponent*>((*theCompIter)->GetComponentPointer());
// if(theGammaAwareComponent)
// {
// theGammaAwareComponent->NotifyGammaChange(inGammaSlope);
// }
// }
// this->mGammaSlope = inGammaSlope;
2018-04-22 15:55:55 +00:00
bool UIManager : : Save ( const string & outFilename , const string & outHeader )
// Build description list
TRDescriptionList theDescriptionList ;
UIComponentListType : : iterator theCompIter ;
for ( theCompIter = this - > mComponentList . begin ( ) ; theCompIter ! = this - > mComponentList . end ( ) ; theCompIter + + )
theDescriptionList . push_back ( ( * theCompIter ) - > GetDescription ( ) ) ;
// Write it out!
TRFactory : : WriteDescriptions ( outFilename , theDescriptionList , outHeader ) ;
return true ;
bool UIManager : : SetLMBActionAbsolute ( const TRTag & inTag )
return true ;
bool UIManager : : SetLMBActionRelative ( const TRTag & inTag )
return true ;
void UIManager : : SetMouseVisibility ( bool inState )
2021-01-31 23:59:14 +00:00
// 2021 - Check if we need to run code. Prevents showcursor from incrementing or decrementing outside of useful range.
2023-09-07 16:20:35 +00:00
int NewDesiredState = ( inState ) ? 1 : 0 ;
if ( g_iVisibleMouse ! = NewDesiredState )
2021-01-31 23:59:14 +00:00
// To change whether the mouse is visible, just change this variable
2023-09-07 16:20:35 +00:00
g_iVisibleMouse = NewDesiredState ;
2018-04-22 15:55:55 +00:00
2021-01-31 23:59:14 +00:00
// Update cursor
if ( g_iVisibleMouse )
//ClientCmd("say Entering mouse mode.");
// Remove above line and put this line back in for sprite cursors
App : : getInstance ( ) - > setCursorOveride ( this - > mBlankCursor ) ;
2021-02-04 04:15:38 +00:00
// OS cursor show/hide fix for m_rawinput 0. Disabled until we can find a way to check if options menu is open. Otherwise cursor is hidden in options menu when commanding or spectating.
// If uncommenting this, remove Showcursor code in PieMenuHandler.
//#ifdef WIN32
// // 2021 - Prevent windows OS cursor from appearing over sprite cursor.
// // Uncomment below to track windows showcursor value because you can only increment or decrement by 1 with no min or max on the value so it can get stuck in a high or low range.
// // If the cursor breaks, create a for loop to increment or decrement the value as necessary to fix it. https://devblogs.microsoft.com/oldnewthing/20091217-00/?p=15643
// /*int sc = */ShowCursor(FALSE);
// //gEngfuncs.Con_Printf("showcursor:%d\n", sc);
2021-01-31 23:59:14 +00:00
//ClientCmd("say Exiting mouse mode.");
// Move mouse to center of screen so mouse look isn't changed
2018-04-22 15:55:55 +00:00
2021-01-31 23:59:14 +00:00
// Only do this when in full screen
App : : getInstance ( ) - > setCursorPos ( ScreenWidth ( ) / 2 , ScreenHeight ( ) / 2 ) ;
2018-04-22 15:55:55 +00:00
2021-01-31 23:59:14 +00:00
// Hide cursor again
App : : getInstance ( ) - > setCursorOveride ( App : : getInstance ( ) - > getScheme ( ) - > getCursor ( Scheme : : scu_none ) ) ;
2021-02-04 04:15:38 +00:00
// OS cursor show/hide fix for m_rawinput 0.
//#ifdef WIN32
// ShowCursor(TRUE);
2021-01-31 23:59:14 +00:00
2018-04-22 15:55:55 +00:00
2021-01-31 23:59:14 +00:00
//App::getInstance()->setCursorOveride( App::getInstance()->getScheme()->getCursor(Scheme::SchemeCursor::scu_none) );
2018-04-22 15:55:55 +00:00
// Set up default scheme values if a scheme was specified (overrides other tags specified)
void UIManager : : SetSchemeValues ( const TRDescription & inDesc , UIComponent * inComponent , CSchemeManager * inSchemeManager )
std : : string theSchemeName ;
if ( inDesc . GetTagValue ( UITagScheme , theSchemeName ) )
// Get the vgui panel inside
Panel * thePanelPointer = inComponent - > GetComponentPointer ( ) ;
// Get the scheme specified in the layout
const char * theSchemeCString = theSchemeName . c_str ( ) ;
SchemeHandle_t theSchemeHandle = inSchemeManager - > getSchemeHandle ( theSchemeCString ) ;
int r , g , b , a ;
// Set fg color
inSchemeManager - > getFgColor ( theSchemeHandle , r , g , b , a ) ;
thePanelPointer - > setFgColor ( r , g , b , a ) ;
// Set bg color
inSchemeManager - > getBgColor ( theSchemeHandle , r , g , b , a ) ;
thePanelPointer - > setBgColor ( r , g , b , a ) ;
// Set font if applicable
vgui : : Font * theFont = inSchemeManager - > getFont ( theSchemeHandle ) ;
vgui : : TextPanel * theTextPanel = dynamic_cast < vgui : : TextPanel * > ( thePanelPointer ) ;
if ( theFont & & theTextPanel )
theTextPanel - > setFont ( theFont ) ;
bool UIManager : : SetRMBActionAbsolute ( const TRTag & inTag )
return true ;
bool UIManager : : SetRMBActionRelative ( const TRTag & inTag )
return true ;
void UIManager : : SetUsingVGUI ( bool inState )
if ( inState )
if ( ! this - > mUsingVGUI )
// Translate all components away
this - > TranslateComponents ( true ) ;
this - > mUsingVGUI = true ;
if ( this - > mUsingVGUI )
// Translate everything back
this - > TranslateComponents ( false ) ;
this - > mUsingVGUI = false ;
bool UIManager : : TranslateComponent ( const string & inName , bool inAway )
bool theSuccess = false ;
UIComponent * theComponent = this - > GetComponentNamed ( inName ) ;
if ( theComponent )
this - > TranslateComponent ( theComponent - > GetComponentPointer ( ) , inAway ) ;
theSuccess = true ;
return theSuccess ;
void UIManager : : TranslateComponent ( vgui : : Panel * inPanel , bool inAway )
int theX , theY ;
inPanel - > getPos ( theX , theY ) ;
int theAmount = kTranslation * ( inAway ? 1 : - 1 ) ;
inPanel - > setPos ( theX + theAmount , theY + theAmount ) ;
void UIManager : : TranslateComponents ( bool inAway )
UIComponentListType : : iterator theCompIter ;
for ( theCompIter = this - > mComponentList . begin ( ) ; theCompIter ! = this - > mComponentList . end ( ) ; theCompIter + + )
vgui : : Panel * theCurrentPanel = ( * theCompIter ) - > GetComponentPointer ( ) ;
this - > TranslateComponent ( theCurrentPanel , inAway ) ;
bool UIManager : : ToggleEditMode ( void )
bool theWasInEditMode = this - > mEditMode ;
this - > mEditMode = ! this - > mEditMode ;
// if(this->mEditMode)
// {
// ClientCmd("say Entering edit mode.");
// }
// else
// {
// ClientCmd("say Exiting edit mode.");
// }
// If we enter edit mode, disable all components. If we leave, reenable them.
this - > SetEnabledState ( ! this - > mEditMode ) ;
//CLIENT_PRINTF( pEntity, print_console, UTIL_VarArgs( "\"fov\" is \"%d\"\n", (int)GetClassPtr((CBasePlayer *)pev)->m_iFOV ) );
if ( ! this - > mEditMode )
// Reset graphical layout variables
this - > mComponentMouseOver = NULL ;
this - > mDraggingLMB = false ;
this - > mLastMouseX = this - > mLastMouseY = - 1 ;
this - > mLMBDownX = this - > mLMBDownY = - 1 ;
return theWasInEditMode ;
// TODO: Add list of components that are "hidden" and fail if the component is not currently hidden
bool UIManager : : UnhideComponent ( const string & inName )
bool theSuccess = false ;
vgui : : Panel * thePanel = NULL ;
if ( this - > GetVGUIComponentNamed ( inName , thePanel ) )
ASSERT ( thePanel ! = NULL ) ;
//this->TranslateComponent(thePanel, false);
thePanel - > setVisible ( true ) ;
theSuccess = true ;
return theSuccess ;
void UIManager : : Update ( float inCurrentTime )
UIComponentListType : : iterator theCompIter ;
for ( theCompIter = this - > mComponentList . begin ( ) ; theCompIter ! = this - > mComponentList . end ( ) ; theCompIter + + )
( * theCompIter ) - > Update ( inCurrentTime ) ;
// int r, g, b, a;
// r = g = b = a = 0;
// //gTestLabel->getFgColor(r, g, b, a);
// vgui::Color theColor;
// gTestLabel->m_pTGA->getColor(theColor);
// theColor.getColor(r, g, b, a);
// r = (r + 1) % 255;
// theColor.setColor(r, g, b, a);
// gTestLabel->m_pTGA->setColor(theColor);
// //gTestLabel->setFgColor(r, g, b, a);
// gTestLabel->getBgColor(r, g, b, a);
// a = (a + 1) % 255;
// gTestLabel->setBgColor(r, g, b, a);
void UIManager : : VidInit ( void )
UIComponentListType : : iterator theCompIter ;
for ( theCompIter = this - > mComponentList . begin ( ) ; theCompIter ! = this - > mComponentList . end ( ) ; theCompIter + + )
ReloadableComponent * theReloadableComponent = dynamic_cast < ReloadableComponent * > ( ( * theCompIter ) - > GetComponentPointer ( ) ) ;
if ( theReloadableComponent )
theReloadableComponent - > VidInit ( ) ;
void UIManager : : ToggleMouse ( void )
this - > SetMouseVisibility ( ! g_iVisibleMouse ) ;
// Functions from InputSignal //
void UIManager : : cursorMoved ( int inX , int inY , Panel * inPanel )
if ( ! inPanel )
ClientCmd ( " say cursorMoved with null inPanel! Yeah! \n " ) ;
// x,y are local to the upper left of the panel.
int theLocalX = inX ;
int theLocalY = inY ;
// Get screen coordinates
int theScreenX , theScreenY ;
this - > GetScreenCoords ( theScreenX , theScreenY ) ;
// This function should only be called when mouse visible and we are in edit mode
if ( this - > mEditMode )
// We can't assume that a cursorEntered will always get called before a cursor moved, so
// call cursorEntered if we don't have a component yet (happens when toggling between the two modes
if ( ! this - > mComponentMouseOver )
this - > cursorEntered ( inPanel ) ;
// Number of pixels to move with the mouse button down before we start dragging
const int START_DRAG_PIXEL_DIST = 6 ;
const int MIN_DRAG_PIXEL_DIST = 4 ;
static int theStartDragLocalXOffset = 0 ;
static int theStartDragLocalYOffset = 0 ;
// Check how far we have moved, are we dragging yet?
if ( ( ! this - > mDraggingLMB ) & &
( this - > mLMBDownX ! = - 1 ) & &
( this - > mLMBDownY ! = - 1 ) )
int theXDiff = theScreenX - this - > mLMBDownX ;
int theYDiff = theScreenY - this - > mLMBDownY ;
// Requires more movement in diagonal direction, probably not
// worth the extra complexity to change
if ( ( abs ( theXDiff ) > START_DRAG_PIXEL_DIST ) | |
( abs ( theYDiff ) > START_DRAG_PIXEL_DIST ) )
//ClientCmd("say Starting drag");
// Save the offset from the component's upper left. Preserve
// this when for more intuitive dragging (so dragging doesn't
// suddenly move the component relative to the mouse).
theStartDragLocalXOffset = theLocalX ;
theStartDragLocalYOffset = theLocalY ;
this - > mDraggingLMB = true ;
// Are we dragging?
if ( this - > mDraggingLMB )
// If so, set the component's new position. The position corresponds to the upper
// left corner of the component, so subtract out the local offset.
// The component's new position is equal to the current screen pos of the mouse, MINUS
// the local component offset which we started the drag. If we were dragging the component
// around by the upper left corner, this would be like setting the component's position equal
// to whatever the mouse was at during a mouse move. If we were dragging it by the center,
// it would set the component's position to the current screen mouse pos minus half the component
// width and height. Make sense?
//ClientCmd("say Setting new component position");
int theChangeX = theScreenX - theStartDragLocalXOffset ;
int theChangeY = theScreenY - theStartDragLocalYOffset ;
// Make sure we move at least a few pixels, because we're bound by control and we
// could've grabbed it near one of the edges
theChangeX = max ( theChangeX , MIN_DRAG_PIXEL_DIST ) ;
theChangeY = max ( theChangeY , MIN_DRAG_PIXEL_DIST ) ;
this - > SetPanelPosition ( inPanel , theChangeX , theChangeY ) ;
// Update new mouse position
this - > mLastMouseX = theScreenX ;
this - > mLastMouseY = theScreenY ;
void UIManager : : SetPanelPosition ( Panel * inPanel , int inX , int inY )
// Look up the component
UIComponent * theUIComp = this - > GetComponentFromPanel ( inPanel ) ;
if ( theUIComp )
// Update run-time version
// Set the vgui panel's position (pixel coords)
// Clip so component never goes off the screen in any way
int theCompWidth = 0 ;
int theCompHeight = 0 ;
inPanel - > getSize ( theCompWidth , theCompHeight ) ;
int theClippedScreenX = max ( min ( inX , ScreenWidth ( ) - theCompWidth ) , 0 ) ;
int theClippedScreenY = max ( min ( inY , ScreenHeight ( ) - theCompHeight ) , 0 ) ;
inPanel - > setPos ( theClippedScreenX , theClippedScreenY ) ;
// repaint parent if present
Panel * inPanelParent = inPanel - > getParent ( ) ;
if ( inPanelParent ! = NULL )
inPanelParent - > repaint ( ) ;
// Convert to normalized coords for text representation.
float theClippedNormX = ( float ) theClippedScreenX / ScreenWidth ( ) ;
float theClippedNormY = ( float ) theClippedScreenY / ScreenHeight ( ) ;
// Change the text represntation so it has the update coordinates (normalized coords)
// This means it can save out again with the player's changes!
TRDescription & theCompDesc = theUIComp - > GetDescription ( ) ;
theCompDesc . SetTagValue ( UITagXPos , theClippedNormX ) ;
theCompDesc . SetTagValue ( UITagYPos , theClippedNormY ) ;
//ClientCmd("say Can't find UIComponent that you're dragging, can't save changes to it.");
void UIManager : : cursorEntered ( Panel * inPanel )
// Handle stacking of ui components. Only enter component if we aren't already on a component
if ( ! this - > mComponentMouseOver )
if ( ! this - > mDraggingLMB )
//ClientCmd("say Cursor entered component");
this - > mComponentMouseOver = inPanel ;
void UIManager : : cursorExited ( Panel * inPanel )
// Only leave the component we are currently on for stacking purposes
if ( this - > mComponentMouseOver = = inPanel )
if ( ! this - > mDraggingLMB )
//ClientCmd("say Cursor exited component");
this - > mComponentMouseOver = NULL ;
void UIManager : : mousePressed ( MouseCode inCode , Panel * inPanel )
// Track dragging state
if ( inCode = = MOUSE_LEFT )
if ( this - > mComponentMouseOver )
//ClientCmd("say Left mouse pressed on component");
this - > mLMBDownX = this - > mLastMouseX ;
this - > mLMBDownY = this - > mLastMouseY ;
void UIManager : : mouseDoublePressed ( MouseCode inCode , Panel * inPanel )
// Take into account the mouse offset into the component
// Note: This doesn't work in windowed mode, as it returns the cursor position in pixels,
// and the desktop resolution is different than HL resolution in windowed mode. If there
// are function to tell if we are in windowed mode, and to find the upper left x,y this
// could be fixed.
void UIManager : : GetScreenCoords ( int & outLocalX , int & outLocalY )
int theX , theY ;
App : : getInstance ( ) - > getCursorPos ( theX , theY ) ;
// int theLocalX = theX;
// int theLocalY = theY;
// inPanel->screenToLocal(theLocalX, theLocalY);
// theX += ioLocalX;
// theY += ioLocalY;
outLocalX = theX ;
outLocalY = theY ;
void UIManager : : SetEnabledState ( bool inState )
UIComponentListType : : iterator theCompIter ;
for ( theCompIter = this - > mComponentList . begin ( ) ; theCompIter ! = this - > mComponentList . end ( ) ; theCompIter + + )
( * theCompIter ) - > GetComponentPointer ( ) - > setEnabled ( inState ) ;
void UIManager : : mouseReleased ( MouseCode code , Panel * inPanel )
// Track dragging state
if ( code = = MOUSE_LEFT )
//ClientCmd("say Left mouse released on component");
//ALERT(at_console, "Down xy = -1\n");
this - > mLMBDownX = - 1 ;
this - > mLMBDownY = - 1 ;
this - > mDraggingLMB = false ;
void UIManager : : mouseWheeled ( int delta , Panel * panel )
void UIManager : : keyPressed ( KeyCode code , Panel * panel )
void UIManager : : keyTyped ( KeyCode code , Panel * panel )
void UIManager : : keyReleased ( KeyCode code , Panel * panel )
void UIManager : : keyFocusTicked ( Panel * panel )