2005-04-10 19:09:49 +00:00
//======== (C) Copyright 2001 Charles G. Cleveland All rights reserved. =========
// The copyright to the contents herein is the property of Charles G. Cleveland.
// The contents may be used and/or copied only with the written permission of
// Charles G. Cleveland, or in accordance with the terms and conditions stipulated in
// the agreement/contract under which the contents have been supplied.
// Purpose: Main NS HUD, also interface to client network messages
// $Workfile: AvHHud.h $
// $Date: 2002/10/24 21:29:49 $
// $Log: AvHHud.h,v $
// Revision 1.60 2002/10/24 21:29:49 Flayra
// - Moved help client-side
// - Fixed particle/changelevel crash
// - Reworked marine upgrade drawing
// - Added lots of utility functions for help system (mirrors functions on server)
// - Removed gamma message unless it failed or if maxplayers is 1
// - Fixed alien hive sight crash
// - Show players under reticle while in ready room and spectating
// - Removed ugly/too-prevalent user3 icons
// Revision 1.59 2002/10/03 20:24:39 Flayra
// - Changes for "more resources required"
// Revision 1.58 2002/10/03 18:54:31 Flayra
// - Allow right-click to cancel building placement
// - Fixed help icons
// - Added a couple utility functions
// - Reworked order notification
// - Reworked blip network messages to avoid hard-coded limit
// - Sent max resources down with current resources
// - Countdown sound no longer prevents other hud sounds
// - Alien trigger sounds
// - New order sounds
// - No longer disable nodes out of our cost range
// Revision 1.57 2002/09/25 20:47:22 Flayra
// - Don't draw elements on HUD when dead
// - UI refactoring
// - Split reticle help into help text and reticle text
// - Removed use order
// - Added separate select sound for alien
// - Multiple move sounds
// - Only draw entity build/health status when under reticle (no more scanning around you)
// - Added 3 new sayings
// Revision 1.56 2002/09/23 22:18:25 Flayra
// - Added alien build circles
// - Game status changes so particles aren't sent every time
// - Demo playback changes (save restore basic data that HUD already has)
// - New alert sounds
// - Skin support
// Revision 1.55 2002/09/09 19:55:24 Flayra
// - Added hive info indicator
// - Fixed bug where reticle tooltip help text wasn't being set until a weapon was selected
// - Fixed release mode bug where tooltips weren't expiring
// - Fixed bug where marine upgrades blinked
// - "No commander" indicator now blinks
// Revision 1.54 2002/08/31 18:01:01 Flayra
// - Work at VALVe
// Revision 1.53 2002/08/16 02:37:49 Flayra
// - HUD sounds no longer cut each other off (they won't play instead of cutting off another sound)
// - Tooltip sounds
// - Selection issues
// - Draw rings around buildings that need to be built
// - Removed old overwatch code
// Revision 1.52 2002/08/09 01:02:51 Flayra
// - Added hooks for demo playback, removed prediction selection
// Revision 1.51 2002/08/02 22:51:28 Flayra
// - Fixed memory overwrite...eek!
// Revision 1.50 2002/08/02 21:59:12 Flayra
// - Added reticle help, new tooltip system and much nicer order drawing! Refactored view model drawing a bit, hoping to make texture blending work for it.
// Revision 1.49 2002/07/26 23:05:01 Flayra
// - Generate numerical feedback for damage events
// - Refactoring for more info when looking at something (instead of bad-looking player names only)
// Revision 1.48 2002/07/23 17:07:37 Flayra
// - Added visually-smooth energy level, added versatile location code, new hive sight info, refactored to remove extra sprites (128 HUD sprites bug), commander tech help fixes
// Revision 1.47 2002/07/08 17:07:56 Flayra
// - Started to add display of marine upgrade sprite, fixed bug where building indicators aren't displayed after a map change, info_location drawing changes, primal scream color tweak, removed old hive drawing code
// Revision 1.46 2002/07/01 21:35:05 Flayra
// - Removed lots of outdated sprites and sprite code, added building ranges, fixed ghost building problem (bug #82)
// Revision 1.45 2002/06/25 18:03:09 Flayra
// - Added info_locations, removed old weapon help system, added smooth resource swelling, lots of alien UI usability changes, fixed problem with ghost building
// Revision 1.44 2002/06/10 19:55:36 Flayra
// - New commander UI (bindable via hotkeys, added REMOVE_SELECTION for when clicking menu options when no players selected)
// Revision 1.43 2002/06/03 16:48:45 Flayra
// - Help sprites moved into one animated sprite, select sound volume reduced (now that sound is normalized)
// Revision 1.42 2002/05/28 17:48:14 Flayra
// - Minimap refactoring, reinforcement refactoring, new hive sight fixes, recycling support
// Revision 1.41 2002/05/23 02:33:42 Flayra
// - Post-crash checkin. Restored @Backup from around 4/16. Contains changes for last four weeks of development.
# ifndef AVHHUD_H
# define AVHHUD_H
# include "ui/UIHud.h"
# include "mod/AvHConstants.h"
# include "mod/AvHSpecials.h"
# include "mod/AvHSharedTypes.h"
# include "mod/AvHParticleSystem.h"
# include "common/entity_state.h"
# include "VGUI_ProgressBar.h"
# include "mod/AvHEntityHierarchy.h"
# include "ui/MarqueeComponent.h"
# include "mod/AvHOrder.h"
# include "mod/AvHMessage.h"
# include "mod/AvHAmbientSound.h"
# include "mod/AvHTechTree.h"
# include "mod/AvHVisibleBlipList.h"
# include "mod/AvHMapExtents.h"
# include "mod/AvHSpecials.h"
# include "util/GammaTable.h"
# include "mod/AvHBaseInfoLocation.h"
# include "mod/AvHTooltip.h"
# include "mod/AvHTechSlotManager.h"
# include "mod/AvHHudConstants.h"
# include "mod/AvHOverviewMap.h"
class AvHTeamHierarchy ;
class PieMenu ;
class FadingImageLabel ;
using vgui : : Cursor ;
struct AnimatedSprite
float mCurrentFrame ;
int mData ;
} ;
class SelectionEffect
public :
SelectionEffect ( ) : mEntIndex ( - 1 ) , mAngleOffset ( 0 )
{ }
int mEntIndex ;
int mAngleOffset ;
} ;
typedef enum
} UIMode ;
typedef vector < SelectionEffect > SelectionListType ;
class NumericalInfoEffect
public :
NumericalInfoEffect ( float inPosition [ 3 ] , float inNumber , int inEventType , float inTimeCreated ) ;
void GetPosition ( float * outPosition ) const ;
float GetNumber ( ) const ;
int GetEventType ( ) const ;
float GetTimeCreated ( ) const ;
void SetPosition ( float inPosition [ 3 ] ) ;
private :
float mPosition [ 3 ] ;
float mNumber ;
int mEventType ;
float mTimeCreated ;
} ;
const int kNumUpgradeLines = 5 ;
class AvHHud : public UIHud
public :
AvHHud ( const string & inFilename , UIFactory * inFactory ) ;
virtual ~ AvHHud ( void ) ;
void OnActivateSteamUI ( ) ;
void OnDeactivateSteamUI ( ) ;
void OnLostFocus ( ) ;
bool OnKeyEvent ( int virtualKey , int scanCode , bool pressed ) ;
void AddMiniMapAlert ( float x , float y ) ;
void AddNumericalInfoMessage ( float inOrigin [ 3 ] , float inNumber , int inEventType ) ;
void AddTooltip ( const char * inMessageText , bool inIsToolTip = true , float inTooltipWidth = kToolTipMaxWidth ) ;
bool AddTooltipOnce ( const char * inMessageText , bool inIsToolTip = true ) ;
void Cancel ( ) ;
void ClearSelection ( ) ;
void ClientProcessEntity ( struct entity_state_s * inEntity ) ;
void ComponentJustPainted ( Panel * inPanel ) ;
bool GetAndClearAlienAbility ( AvHMessageID & outMessageID ) ;
bool GetAndClearGroupEvent ( AvHMessageID & outMessageID ) ;
bool GetAndClearTechEvent ( AvHMessageID & outMessageID ) ;
bool GetLastHotkeySelectionEvent ( AvHMessageID & outMessageID ) ;
void SetLastHotkeySelectionEvent ( AvHMessageID inMessageID ) ;
// Returns true if particles should be rendered in the HUD.
bool GetParticlesVisible ( ) const ;
bool GetSafeForSpriteDrawing ( ) const ;
void ClearTrackingEntity ( ) ;
int GetTrackingEntity ( ) const ;
bool GetIsRegionBlockedByUI ( float inNormX , float inNormY ) ;
//int GetArmorLevel(void) const;
int GetCommanderIndex ( ) const ;
bool GetHasJetpack ( ) const ;
int GetHelpIconFrameFromUser3 ( AvHUser3 inUser3 ) ;
HSPRITE GetHelpSprite ( ) const ;
bool GetHasAlienUpgradesAvailable ( ) const ;
bool GetIsAlien ( ) const ;
bool GetIsBeingDigested ( ) const ;
bool GetIsEnsnared ( ) const ;
bool GetIsDigesting ( ) const ;
bool GetIsStunned ( ) const ;
bool GetIsNotInControl ( ) const ;
bool GetIsInTopDownMode ( ) const ;
bool GetIsMarine ( ) const ;
bool GetIsRelevant ( ) const ;
bool GetIsShowingMap ( ) const ;
AvHPlayMode GetPlayMode ( void ) const ;
bool GetAlienHelpForMessage ( int inMessageID , string & outHelpText , int & outPointCost ) const ;
bool GetDoesPlayerHaveOrder ( ) const ;
bool GetHelpForMessage ( int inMessageID , string & outHelpText ) const ;
bool GetInTopDownMode ( ) const ;
bool GetIsSelecting ( ) const ;
OrderListType GetOrderList ( ) const ;
AvHOrderType GetOrderMode ( ) const ;
bool GetCenterPositionForGroup ( int inGroupNumber , vec3_t & outCenterPosition ) const ;
bool GetMouseOneDown ( ) const ;
bool GetMouseTwoDown ( ) const ;
bool GetAndClearTopDownScrollAmount ( int & outX , int & outY , int & outZ ) ;
bool GetAndClearSelectionEvent ( vec3_t & outSelectionXY , AvHMessageID & outMessageID ) ;
EntityListType GetSelected ( ) const ;
const AvHTechSlotManager & GetTechSlotManager ( ) const ;
bool GetTranslatedUser3Name ( AvHUser3 inUser3 , string & outString ) const ;
bool GetTranslatedUser3Description ( AvHUser3 inUser3 , bool inFriendly , string & outString ) const ;
vec3_t GetVisualOrigin ( ) const ;
AvHMessageID HotKeyHit ( char inChar ) ;
virtual void Init ( void ) ;
virtual void PostUIInit ( void ) ;
virtual void VidInit ( void ) ;
bool GetGameStarted ( ) const ;
int GetGameTime ( ) const ;
int GetGameTimeLimit ( ) const ;
int GetCombatAttackingTeamNumber ( ) const ;
static bool GetShowingMap ( ) ;
static void PlayStream ( ) ;
static void StopStream ( ) ;
bool GetIsAlive ( bool inIncludeSpectating = true ) const ;
void GhostBuildingCallback ( struct tempent_s * ent , float frametime , float currenttime ) ;
void CancelBuilding ( ) ;
void PlayHUDSound ( const char * szSound , float vol , float inSoundLength = 0.0f ) ;
void PlayHUDSound ( int iSound , float vol , float inSoundLength = 0.0f ) ;
void PlayHUDSound ( AvHHUDSound inSound ) ;
float GetHUDExperience ( ) const ;
int GetHUDExperienceLevel ( ) const ;
float GetHUDHandicap ( ) const ;
AvHUser3 GetHUDUser3 ( ) const ;
AvHPlayMode GetHUDPlayMode ( ) const ;
AvHTeamNumber GetHUDTeam ( ) const ;
int GetHUDUpgrades ( ) const ;
int GetHUDMaxArmor ( ) const ;
int GetHUDMaxHealth ( ) const ;
void GetPrimaryHudColor ( int & outR , int & outG , int & outB , bool inIgnoreUpgrades = false , bool gammaCorrect = true ) const ;
float GetTimeOfLastUpdate ( ) const ;
int GetMenuTechSlots ( ) const ;
//void GetVisibleBlips(VisibleBlipListType& outBlipList);
virtual int Redraw ( float flTime , int intermission ) ;
virtual void ResetComponentsForUser3 ( ) ;
void SetSelectingWeaponID ( int inWeaponID , int inR = - 1 , int inG = - 1 , int inB = - 1 ) ;
void SetTechHelpText ( const string & inTechHelpText ) ;
void DrawSelectionCircleOnGroundAtPoint ( vec3_t inOrigin , int inRadius ) ;
// tankefugl: 0000988
void DrawBuildHealthEffectsForEntity ( int inEntityIndex , float inAlpha = 1.0f ) ;
// :tankefugl
void DrawSelectionAndBuildEffects ( ) ;
void DrawHUDNumber ( int inX , int inY , int inFlags , int inNumber ) ;
int InitializeDemoPlayback ( int inSize , unsigned char * inBuffer ) ;
int InitializeDemoPlayback2 ( int inSize , unsigned char * inBuffer ) ;
int InitializeWeaponInfoPlayback ( int inSize , unsigned char * inBuffer ) ;
virtual bool Update ( float inCurrentTime , string & outErrorString ) ;
virtual void UpdateMusic ( float inCurrentTime ) ;
bool SlotInput ( int inSlot ) ;
const AvHMapExtents & GetMapExtents ( ) ;
float GetGammaSlope ( ) const ;
string GetMapName ( bool inLocalOnly = false ) const ;
int GetMaxAlienResources ( ) const ;
int GetNumActiveHives ( ) const ;
void HideProgressStatus ( ) ;
void SetProgressStatus ( float inPercentage ) ;
AvHVisibleBlipList & GetEnemyBlipList ( ) ;
AvHVisibleBlipList & GetFriendlyBlipList ( ) ;
AvHEntityHierarchy & GetEntityHierarchy ( ) ;
int GetLocalUpgrades ( ) const ;
string GetNameOfLocation ( vec3_t inLocation ) const ;
const AvHTechTree & GetTechNodes ( ) const ;
UIMode GetUIMode ( ) const ;
bool SwitchUIMode ( UIMode inNewMode ) ;
bool GetIsCombatMode ( ) const ;
bool GetIsNSMode ( ) const ;
void HideResearchProgressStatus ( ) ;
void SetResearchProgressStatus ( float inPercentage ) ;
AvHMessageID GetGhostBuilding ( ) const ;
void SetGhostBuildingMode ( AvHMessageID inGhostBuilding ) ;
void SetAlienAbility ( AvHMessageID inAlienAbility ) ;
void SetRenderingSelectionView ( bool inState ) ;
void SetClientDebugCSP ( weapon_data_t * inWeaponData , float inNextPlayerAttack ) ;
void SetCurrentWeaponData ( int inCurrentWeaponID , bool inEnabled ) ;
int GetCurrentWeaponID ( void ) ;
void DrawTopDownBG ( ) ;
void DrawTranslatedString ( int inX , int inY , const char * inStringToTranslate , bool inCentered = false , bool inIgnoreUpgrades = false , bool inTrimExtraInfo = false ) ;
void HandleFog ( ) ;
void PostModelRender ( char * inModelName ) ;
void PreRenderFrame ( ) ;
void PostRenderFrame ( ) ;
void RenderNoZBuffering ( ) ;
void Render ( ) ;
void RenderCommonUI ( ) ;
void RenderMarineUI ( ) ;
void RenderCommanderUI ( ) ;
void RenderAlienUI ( ) ;
void RenderMiniMap ( int inX , int inY , int inWidth , int inHeight ) ;
void RenderStructureRanges ( ) ;
void RenderStructureRange ( vec3_t inOrigin , int inRadius , HSPRITE inSprite , int inRenderMode = kRenderNormal , int inFrame = 0 , float inR = 0 , float inG = 0.5 , float inB = 0 , float inAlpha = 1.0f ) ;
void DrawWarpedOverlaySprite ( int spriteHandle , int numXFrames , int numYFrames ,
float inWarpXAmount = 0.0f , float inWarpYAmount = 0.0f ,
float inWarpXSpeed = 0.0f , float inWarpYSpeed = 0.0f ) ;
void DrawActionButtons ( ) ;
void DrawHotgroups ( ) ;
void DrawPendingRequests ( ) ;
void SetCurrentUseableEnergyLevel ( float inEnergyLevel ) ;
// Network messages
int AlienInfo ( const char * pszName , int iSize , void * pbuf ) ;
int BlipList ( const char * pszName , int iSize , void * pbuf ) ;
int ClScript ( const char * pszName , int iSize , void * pbuf ) ;
int Countdown ( const char * pszName , int iSize , void * pbuf ) ;
int DebugCSP ( const char * pszName , int iSize , void * pbuf ) ;
int EditPS ( const char * pszName , int iSize , void * pbuf ) ;
int EntHier ( const char * pszName , int iSize , void * pbuf ) ;
int Fog ( const char * pszName , int iSize , void * pbuf ) ;
int ListPS ( const char * pszName , int iSize , void * pbuf ) ;
int Particles ( const char * pszName , int iSize , void * pbuf ) ;
int SoundNames ( const char * pszName , int iSize , void * pbuf ) ;
int PlayHUDNot ( const char * pszName , int iSize , void * pbuf ) ;
int BalanceVar ( const char * pszName , int iSize , void * pbuf ) ;
int ServerVar ( const char * pszName , int iSize , void * pbuf ) ;
int GameStatus ( const char * pszName , int iSize , void * pbuf ) ;
int MiniMap ( const char * pszName , int iSize , void * pbuf ) ;
2005-04-10 21:51:37 +00:00
// tankefugl: 0000971
int IssueOrder ( const char * pszName , int iSize , void * pbuf ) ;
// :tankefugl
2005-04-10 19:09:49 +00:00
int Progress ( const char * pszName , int iSize , void * pbuf ) ;
int SetGmma ( const char * pszName , int iSize , void * pbuf ) ;
int SetSelect ( const char * pszName , int iSize , void * pbuf ) ;
int SetRequest ( const char * pszName , int iSize , void * pbuf ) ;
int SetOrder ( const char * pszName , int iSize , void * pbuf ) ;
int SetupMap ( const char * pszName , int iSize , void * pbuf ) ;
int SetTopDown ( const char * pszName , int iSize , void * pbuf ) ;
int SetTech ( const char * pszName , int iSize , void * pbuf ) ;
int TechSlots ( const char * pszName , int iSize , void * pbuf ) ;
void GetSpriteForUser3 ( AvHUser3 inUser3 , int & outSprite , int & outFrame , int & outRenderMode ) ;
int GetCurrentSquad ( ) const ;
AvHOverviewMap & GetOverviewMap ( ) ;
void ShowCrosshair ( ) ;
void HideCrosshair ( ) ;
// This function should be used instead of the global SetCrosshair.
void SetCurrentCrosshair ( HSPRITE hspr , wrect_t rc , int r , int g , int b ) ;
static void ResetGammaAtExit ( ) ;
static int ResetGammaAtExitForOnExit ( ) ;
static void ResetGammaAtExit ( int inSig ) ;
void SetViewport ( const int inViewport [ 4 ] ) ;
void GetViewport ( int outViewport [ 4 ] ) const ;
const AvHFont & GetSmallFont ( ) const ;
cl_entity_s * GetVisiblePlayer ( ) const ;
float GetServerVariableFloat ( const char * inName ) const ;
private :
bool GetCommanderLabelText ( std : : string & outCommanderName ) const ;
void AddCommands ( ) ;
void ClearData ( ) ;
void DisplayCombatUpgradeMenu ( bool inVisible ) ;
void DrawMouseCursor ( int inBaseX , int inBaseY ) ;
void DrawOrders ( ) ;
void DrawHelpIcons ( ) ;
2005-04-10 21:51:37 +00:00
// tankefugl: 0000971
void DrawTeammateOrders ( ) ;
// tankefugl: 0000992
void DrawDisplayOrder ( ) ;
void SetDisplayOrder ( int inOrderType , int inOrderIndex , string inText1 , string inText2 , string inText3 ) ;
// :tankefugl
2005-04-10 19:09:49 +00:00
void DrawHUDStructureNotification ( ) ;
void DrawInfoLocationText ( ) ;
void DrawPlayerNames ( ) ;
void DrawReticleInfo ( ) ;
void DrawToolTips ( ) ;
2005-04-10 21:51:37 +00:00
// tankefugl: 0000971 -- added inAlpha
void DrawWorldSprite ( int inSpriteHandle , int inRenderMode , vec3_t inWorldPosition , int inFrame , float inWorldSize , float inAlpha = 1.0f ) ;
// :tankefugl
2005-04-10 19:09:49 +00:00
void DrawOrderIcon ( const AvHOrder & inOrder ) ;
void DrawOrderText ( const AvHOrder & inOrder ) ;
int GetFrameForOrderType ( AvHOrderType inOrderType ) const ;
void GetReticleTextDrawingInfo ( float & outNormX , float & outNormY , bool & outCentered ) const ;
void DrawTechTreeSprite ( AvHMessageID inMessageID , int inPosX , int inPosY , int inWidth , int inHeight , int inFrame ) ;
int GetTechTreeSprite ( AvHMessageID inMessageID ) ;
void GetTooltipDrawingInfo ( float & outNormX , float & outNormY ) const ;
string GetRankTitle ( bool inShowUnspentLevels = false ) const ;
bool GetShouldDisplayUser3 ( AvHUser3 inUser3 ) const ;
void InitCommanderMode ( ) ;
void InitializeDemoRecording ( ) ;
void InitMenu ( const string & inMenuName ) ;
void ChangeUpgradeCosts ( int inOldMessageID , int inNewMessageID , const char * inText ) ;
void ChangeUpgradeCostsForMenu ( PieMenu * inMenu , int inOldMessageID , int inNewMessageID , const char * inText ) ;
void DisplayMessage ( const char * inMessage ) ;
bool GetAmbientSoundNameFromIndex ( string & outSoundName , int inSoundIndex ) const ;
EntityListType GetDrawPlayerOrders ( ) const ;
bool GetEntityInfoString ( int inEntityID , string & outEntityInfoString , bool & outIsEnemy ) ;
void ModifyAmbientSoundEntryIfChanged ( bool inSoundOn , int inSoundIndex , int inEntIndex , float inTimeStarted , int inVolume , int inFadeDistance , int inFlags , Vector inOrigin ) ;
void ResetTopDownUI ( ) ;
bool SetGamma ( float inSlope ) ;
void SetReinforcements ( int inReinforcements ) ;
void SetHelpMessage ( const string & inHelpText , bool inForce = false , float inNormX = - 1 , float inNormY = - 1 ) ;
void SetActionButtonHelpMessage ( const string & inHelpText ) ;
void SetReticleMessage ( const string & inHelpText ) ;
void OrderNotification ( const AvHOrder & inOrder ) ;
virtual void ResetGame ( bool inMapChanged = false ) ;
bool SetCursor ( AvHOrderType inOrderType ) ;
void GetCursor ( HSPRITE & outSprite , int & outFrame ) ;
void SetSelectionEffects ( EntityListType & inUnitList ) ;
//void UpdateSelectionEffects(float inTimePassed);
void TraceEntityID ( int & outEntityID ) ;
bool GetIsMouseInRegion ( int inX , int inY , int inWidth , int inHeight ) ;
void GetMousePos ( int & outX , int & outY ) const ;
// Help system
void InternalHelpTextThink ( ) ;
bool ProcessAlien ( ) ;
bool ProcessAlienHelp ( ) ;
bool ProcessEntityHelp ( ) ;
bool ProcessGeneralHelp ( ) ;
bool ProcessOrderHelp ( ) ;
bool ProcessWeaponsHelp ( ) ;
//void ResetUpgradeCosts();
//void ResetUpgradeCostsForMenu(PieMenu* inMenu);
void UpdateAlienUI ( float inCurrentTime ) ;
void UpdateCommonUI ( ) ;
void UpdateDataFromVuser4 ( float inCurrentTime ) ;
void UpdateExploitPrevention ( ) ;
void UpdateMarineUI ( float inCurrentTime ) ;
void UpdateUpgradeCosts ( ) ;
void UpdateEnableState ( PieMenu * inMenu ) ;
void UpdateCountdown ( float inCurrentTime ) ;
void UpdateHierarchy ( ) ;
void UpdateInfoLocation ( ) ;
void UpdatePieMenuControl ( ) ;
void UpdateEntityID ( float inCurrentTime ) ;
void UpdateTooltips ( float inCurrentTime ) ;
void UpdateStructureNotification ( float inCurrentTime ) ;
void UpdateProgressBar ( ) ;
void UpdateDemoRecordPlayback ( ) ;
void UpdateBuildingPlacement ( ) ;
void UpdateResources ( float inTimePassed ) ;
void UpdateSelection ( ) ;
void UpdateSpectating ( ) ;
void UpdateBuildResearchText ( ) ;
void UpdateHelpText ( ) ;
void UpdateTechNodes ( ) ;
void UpdateAmbientSounds ( ) ;
void UpdateFromEntities ( float inCurrentTime ) ;
void UpdateViewModelEffects ( ) ;
int mResources ;
int mUser2OfLastResourceMessage ;
int mMaxResources ;
int mVisualResources ;
float mExperience ;
int mExperienceLevel ;
int mExperienceLevelLastDrawn ;
int mExperienceLevelSpent ;
float mTimeOfLastLevelUp ;
AvHMessageID mMenuImpulses [ kNumUpgradeLines ] ;
float mCountDownClock ;
int mLastTickPlayed ;
int mNumTicksToPlay ;
float mTimeOfLastUpdate ;
float mTimeOfNextHudSound ;
AvHHUDSound mLastHUDSoundPlayed ;
float mTimeOfCurrentUpdate ;
AvHOverviewMap mOverviewMap ;
AvHTeamHierarchy * mHierarchy ;
AvHTeamHierarchy * mShowMapHierarchy ;
AvHEntityHierarchy mEntityHierarchy ;
EntityListType mSelected ;
EntityListType mGroups [ kNumHotkeyGroups ] ;
EntityListType mSelectAllGroup ;
AvHUser3 mGroupTypes [ kNumHotkeyGroups ] ;
AvHAlertType mGroupAlerts [ kNumHotkeyGroups ] ;
typedef map < AvHMessageID , int > PendingRequestListType ;
PendingRequestListType mPendingRequests ;
AvHUser3 mLastUser3 ;
AvHTeamNumber mLastTeamNumber ;
AvHPlayMode mLastPlayMode ;
bool mSelectionJustChanged ;
bool mMouseOneDown ;
bool mMouseTwoDown ;
int mMouseOneStartX ;
int mMouseOneStartY ;
bool mLeftMouseStarted ;
bool mLeftMouseEnded ;
bool mPlacingBuilding ;
int mMouseTwoStartX ;
int mMouseTwoStartY ;
bool mRightMouseStarted ;
bool mRightMouseEnded ;
vec3_t mMouseWorldPosition ;
vec3_t mLeftMouseWorldStart ;
vec3_t mLeftMouseWorldEnd ;
vec3_t mRightMouseWorldStart ;
vec3_t mRightMouseWorldEnd ;
MarqueeComponent * mSelectionBox ;
int mMouseCursorX ;
int mMouseCursorY ;
string mPieMenuControl ;
OrderListType mOrders ;
//AvHOrderType mOrderMode;
2005-04-10 21:51:37 +00:00
// tankefugl: 0000971
map < int , TeammateOrderType > mTeammateOrder ;
// tankefugl: 0000992
float mDisplayOrderTime ;
int mDisplayOrderType ;
int mDisplayOrderIndex ;
string mDisplayOrderText1 ;
string mDisplayOrderText2 ;
string mDisplayOrderText3 ;
int mCurrentOrderTarget ;
int mCurrentOrderType ;
float mCurrentOrderTime ;
// :tankefugl
2005-04-10 19:09:49 +00:00
AvHMessageID mTechEvent ;
AvHMessageID mAlienAbility ;
AvHMessageID mGroupEvent ;
AvHMessageID mLastHotkeySelectionEvent ;
int mTrackingEntity ;
AvHAlienUpgradeListType mUpgrades ;
AvHAlienUpgradeCategory mCurrentUpgradeCategory [ ALIEN_UPGRADE_CATEGORY_MAX_PLUS_ONE ] ;
int mNumUpgradesAvailable ;
Label * mCommanderResourceLabel ;
Label * mOverwatchRangeLabel ;
ProgressBar * mGenericProgressBar ;
ProgressBar * mResearchProgressBar ;
ProgressBar * mAlienProgressBar ;
Label * mResearchLabel ;
string mPreviousHelpText ;
float mTimeLastHelpTextChanged ;
int mSelectedNodeResourceCost ;
float mCurrentUseableEnergyLevel ;
float mVisualEnergyLevel ;
int mUser2OfLastEnergyLevel ;
static void PlayRandomSongHook ( ) ;
static void ShowMap ( ) ;
static void HideMap ( ) ;
float mTimeLastOverwatchPulse ;
bool mInTopDownMode ;
int mNumLocalSelectEvents ;
AvHMapMode mMapMode ;
static GammaTable sPregameGammaTable ;
static GammaTable sGameGammaTable ;
float mDesiredGammaSlope ;
typedef vector < AvHAmbientSound > AmbientSoundListType ;
AmbientSoundListType mAmbientSounds ;
AvHTechTree mTechNodes ;
string mMapName ;
AvHMapExtents mMapExtents ;
// If this isn't MESSAGE_NULL, it means we are trying to build a building of this tech
AvHMessageID mGhostBuilding ;
AvHMessageID mValidatedBuilding ;
bool mCreatedGhost ;
bool mCancelBuilding ;
bool mCurrentGhostIsValid ;
vec3_t mNormBuildLocation ;
vec3_t mGhostWorldLocation ;
// Added by mmcguire.
int mSelectionBoxX1 ;
int mSelectionBoxY1 ;
int mSelectionBoxX2 ;
int mSelectionBoxY2 ;
bool mSelectionBoxVisible ;
Vector mCommanderPAS ;
StringList mSoundNameList ;
AvHVisibleBlipList mEnemyBlips ;
AvHVisibleBlipList mFriendlyBlips ;
bool mMarineUIDrawUI ;
HSPRITE mMarineUIJetpackSprite ;
HSPRITE mAlienUIEnergySprite ;
HSPRITE mMembraneSprite ;
HSPRITE mDigestingSprite ;
HSPRITE mBackgroundSprite ;
HSPRITE mTopDownTopSprite ;
HSPRITE mTopDownBottomSprite ;
HSPRITE mMarineTopSprite ;
HSPRITE mLogoutSprite ;
HSPRITE mCommandButtonSprite ;
HSPRITE mCommandStatusSprite ;
HSPRITE mSelectAllSprite ;
HSPRITE mMarineOrderIndicator ;
HSPRITE mMarineUpgradesSprite ;
2005-04-10 21:51:37 +00:00
// tankefugl: 0000971
HSPRITE mTeammateOrderSprite ;
// :tankefugl
2005-04-10 19:09:49 +00:00
typedef map < int , int > SpriteListType ;
SpriteListType mActionButtonSprites ;
//SpriteListType mHelpSprites;
int mHelpSprite ;
typedef vector < pair < vec3_t , int > > HelpIconListType ;
HelpIconListType mHelpIcons ;
EntityListType mHelpEnts ;
EntityListType mBuildingEffectsEntityList ;
float mTimeOfLastEntityUpdate ;
HSPRITE mAlienUIUpgrades ;
HSPRITE mAlienUIUpgradeCategories ;
HSPRITE mAlienBuildSprite ;
HSPRITE mMarineBuildSprite ;
HSPRITE mAlienHealthSprite ;
HSPRITE mMarineHealthSprite ;
HSPRITE mHealthEffectsSprite ;
HSPRITE mBuildCircleSprite ;
//HSPRITE mSiegeTurretSprite;
SelectionListType mSelectionEffects ;
//HSPRITE mMappingTechSprite;
HSPRITE mHiveInfoSprite ;
HSPRITE mHiveHealthSprite ;
HSPRITE mOrderSprite ;
HSPRITE mCursorSprite ;
HSPRITE mMarineCursor ;
HSPRITE mAlienCursor ;
HSPRITE mAlienLifeformsCursor ;
int mCurrentCursorFrame ;
int mProgressBarEntityIndex ;
int mProgressBarParam ;
bool mFogActive ;
vec3_t mFogColor ;
float mFogStart ;
float mFogEnd ;
AvHBaseInfoLocationListType mInfoLocationList ;
string mLocationText ;
string mReticleInfoText ;
//int mReticleInfoColorR;
//int mReticleInfoColorG;
//int mReticleInfoColorB;
//float mReticleInfoColorA;
//int mReticleInfoScreenX;
//int mReticleInfoScreenY;
int mSelectingWeaponID ;
string mTechHelpText ;
AvHMessageID mSelectingNodeID ;
struct tempent_s * mLastGhostBuilding ;
typedef vector < NumericalInfoEffect > NumericalInfoEffectListType ;
NumericalInfoEffectListType mNumericalInfoEffects ;
AvHTooltip mHelpMessage ;
AvHTooltip mReticleMessage ;
AvHTooltip mTopDownPlayerNameMessage ;
AvHTooltip mTopDownActionButtonHelp ;
AvHTooltip mCombatUpgradeMenu ;
bool mDrawCombatUpgradeMenu ;
typedef vector < AvHTooltip > AvHTooltipListType ;
AvHTooltipListType mTooltips ;
HiveInfoListType mHiveInfoList ;
bool mRecordingLastFrame ;
float mTimeOfLastHelpText ;
StringList mDisplayedToolTipList ;
int mCurrentWeaponID ;
bool mCurrentWeaponEnabled ;
AvHTechSlotManager mTechSlotManager ;
UIMode mCurrentUIMode ;
int mMenuTechSlots ;
int mCurrentSquad ;
int mBlinkingAlertType ;
float mGameTime ;
int mTimeLimit ;
int mCombatAttackingTeamNumber ;
bool mGameStarted ;
bool mGameEnded ;
AvHTeamNumber mLastTeamSpectated ;
typedef struct
AvHMessageID mStructureID ;
float mTime ;
int mPlayerIndex ;
Vector mLocation ;
} HUDNotificationType ;
typedef vector < HUDNotificationType > StructureHUDNotificationListType ;
StructureHUDNotificationListType mStructureNotificationList ;
int mCrosshairShowCount ;
HSPRITE mCrosshairSprite ;
wrect_t mCrosshairRect ;
int mCrosshairR ;
int mCrosshairG ;
int mCrosshairB ;
int mViewport [ 4 ] ; // the viewport coordinates x ,y , width, height
int mSpecialViewport [ 4 ] ; // the viewport coordinates x ,y , width, height
bool mSteamUIActive ;
typedef std : : map < std : : string , std : : string > ServerVariableMapType ;
ServerVariableMapType mServerVariableMap ;
static bool sShowMap ;
} ;
# endif