2005-11-28 18:13:35 +00:00
//======== (C) Copyright 2001 Charles G. Cleveland All rights reserved. =========
// The copyright to the contents herein is the property of Charles G. Cleveland.
// The contents may be used and/or copied only with the written permission of
// Charles G. Cleveland, or in accordance with the terms and conditions stipulated in
// the agreement/contract under which the contents have been supplied.
// Purpose:
// $Workfile: AvHBasePlayerWeapon.cpp$
// $Date: 2002/11/22 21:28:15 $
// $Log: AvHBasePlayerWeapon.cpp,v $
// Revision 1.38 2002/11/22 21:28:15 Flayra
// - mp_consistency changes
// Revision 1.37 2002/11/03 04:47:23 Flayra
// - Moved weapon expiring into .dll out of .cfg
// Revision 1.36 2002/10/24 21:22:10 Flayra
// - Fixes muzzle-flash showing when firing an empty weapon
// Revision 1.35 2002/10/17 17:34:14 Flayra
// - Part 2 of persistent weapons fix (found with Grendel)
// Revision 1.34 2002/10/16 20:51:17 Flayra
// - Fixed problem where acid projectile hit player
// Revision 1.33 2002/10/03 18:39:24 Flayra
// - Added heavy view models
// Revision 1.32 2002/09/23 22:10:46 Flayra
// - Weapons now stick around the way they should (forever when dropped by commander, weapon stay time when dropped by player)
// Revision 1.31 2002/08/16 02:33:12 Flayra
// - Added damage types
// Revision 1.30 2002/07/24 19:11:45 Flayra
// - Linux issues
// Revision 1.29 2002/07/24 18:45:40 Flayra
// - Linux and scripting changes
// Revision 1.28 2002/07/08 16:47:31 Flayra
// - Reworked bullet firing to add random spread (bug #236), temporarily hacked shotty player animation, removed old adrenaline, don't allow using weapons when invulnerable
// Revision 1.27 2002/07/01 21:17:13 Flayra
// - Removed outdated adrenaline concept, made ROF generic for primal scream
// Revision 1.26 2002/06/25 17:41:13 Flayra
// - Reworking for correct player animations and new enable/disable state
// Revision 1.25 2002/06/10 19:50:37 Flayra
// - First-pass at level 1 animated view model (different anims when running and walking)
// Revision 1.24 2002/06/03 16:29:53 Flayra
// - Added resupply (from arsenal), better animation support (for both view model and player model)
// Revision 1.23 2002/05/28 17:37:33 Flayra
// - Max entities fix, added animation empty fire
// Revision 1.22 2002/05/23 02:34:00 Flayra
// - Post-crash checkin. Restored @Backup from around 4/16. Contains changes for last four weeks of development.
# ifdef AVH_CLIENT
# include "cl_dll/wrect.h"
# include "cl_dll/cl_dll.h"
# include "cl_dll/hud.h"
# include "cl_dll/cl_util.h"
# include "cl_dll/ammo.h"
# include "cl_dll/ammohistory.h"
extern int g_runfuncs ;
# endif
# include "util/nowarnings.h"
# include "mod/AvHBasePlayerWeapon.h"
# include "mod/AvHAlienWeaponConstants.h"
# include "mod/AvHPlayer.h"
# include "common/usercmd.h"
# include "pm_shared/pm_defs.h"
# include "mod/AvHMarineEquipmentConstants.h"
# include "mod/AvHMarineWeapons.h"
# ifdef AVH_SERVER
# include "mod/AvHServerUtil.h"
# include "mod/AvHGamerules.h"
extern int gWelderConstEventID ;
# endif
# ifdef AVH_CLIENT
# include "cl_dll/com_weapons.h"
# endif
# include "mod/AvHPlayerUpgrade.h"
# include "mod/AvHSharedUtil.h"
# include "types.h"
# include "common/vector_util.h"
# include "util/MathUtil.h"
// extern "C" this guy because delcared in pm_shared.c, not pm_shared.cpp
extern playermove_t * pmove ;
extern cvar_t weaponstay ;
Vector UTIL_GetRandomSpreadDir ( unsigned int inSeed , int inShotNumber , const Vector & inBaseDirection , const Vector & inRight , const Vector & inUp , const Vector & inSpread )
// Use player's random seed.
// get circular gaussian spread
float x = UTIL_SharedRandomFloat ( inSeed + inShotNumber , - 0.5 , 0.5 ) + UTIL_SharedRandomFloat ( inSeed + ( 1 + inShotNumber ) , - 0.5 , 0.5 ) ;
float y = UTIL_SharedRandomFloat ( inSeed + ( 2 + inShotNumber ) , - 0.5 , 0.5 ) + UTIL_SharedRandomFloat ( inSeed + ( 3 + inShotNumber ) , - 0.5 , 0.5 ) ;
float z = x * x + y * y ;
Vector theRandomDir = inBaseDirection + x * inSpread . x * inRight + y * inSpread . y * inUp ;
return theRandomDir ;
2005-11-30 18:36:01 +00:00
// test
Vector UTIL_GetRandomSpreadDirFrom ( unsigned int inSeed , int inShotNumber , const Vector & inBaseDirection , const Vector & inRight , const Vector & inUp , const Vector & inSpread , const Vector & inFromSpread )
// Use player's random seed.
// get circular gaussian spread
float x = UTIL_SharedRandomFloat ( inSeed + inShotNumber , - 0.5 , 0.5 ) + UTIL_SharedRandomFloat ( inSeed + ( 1 + inShotNumber ) , - 0.5 , 0.5 ) ;
float y = UTIL_SharedRandomFloat ( inSeed + ( 2 + inShotNumber ) , - 0.5 , 0.5 ) + UTIL_SharedRandomFloat ( inSeed + ( 3 + inShotNumber ) , - 0.5 , 0.5 ) ;
float z = x * x + y * y ;
float xdir = x / fabs ( x ) ;
float ydir = y / fabs ( y ) ;
Vector theRandomDir = inBaseDirection + inFromSpread . x * inRight * xdir + x * inSpread . x * inRight + inFromSpread . y * inUp * ydir + y * inSpread . y * inUp ;
return theRandomDir ;
2005-11-28 18:13:35 +00:00
AvHBasePlayerWeapon : : AvHBasePlayerWeapon ( )
// reasonable defaults for everything else
this - > mEvent = 0 ;
this - > mWeaponAnimationEvent = 0 ;
this - > mStartEvent = 0 ;
this - > mEndEvent = 0 ;
this - > mRange = 8012 ;
this - > mDamage = 10 ;
this - > mAttackButtonDownLastFrame = false ;
this - > mTimeOfLastResupply = - 1 ;
this - > mTimeOfLastPrime = - 1 ;
this - > mWeaponPrimeStarted = false ;
# ifdef AVH_SERVER
this - > mInOverwatch = false ;
this - > mIsPersistent = false ;
this - > mLifetime = - 1 ;
# endif
void AvHBasePlayerWeapon : : PrintWeaponToClient ( CBaseEntity * theAvHPlayer ) {
char msg [ 1024 ] ;
ItemInfo theItemInfo ;
this - > GetItemInfo ( & theItemInfo ) ;
sprintf ( msg , " %s iuser3=%d \t enabled = %d \n " , theItemInfo . pszName , this - > pev - > iuser3 , this - > m_iEnabled ) ;
ClientPrint ( theAvHPlayer - > pev , HUD_PRINTNOTIFY , msg ) ;
int AvHBasePlayerWeapon : : AddToPlayer ( CBasePlayer * pPlayer )
// Can we predict weapon pick-ups? I bet we can.
int theAddedToPlayer = 0 ;
# ifdef AVH_SERVER
AvHPlayer * inPlayer = dynamic_cast < AvHPlayer * > ( pPlayer ) ;
ASSERT ( inPlayer ! = NULL ) ;
if ( this - > GetAllowedForUser3 ( inPlayer - > GetUser3 ( ) ) )
// Make sure player doesn't have this weapon already
if ( ! pPlayer - > HasItem ( this ) )
// If weapon was placed by mapper
if ( this - > GetIsPersistent ( ) )
// Create a new weapon and give it to the player
pPlayer - > GiveNamedItem ( STRING ( this - > pev - > classname ) ) ;
this - > DestroyItem ( ) ;
theAddedToPlayer = CBasePlayerWeapon : : AddToPlayer ( pPlayer ) ;
if ( theAddedToPlayer )
// Make sure it's not set for expiration
SetThink ( NULL ) ;
# endif
return theAddedToPlayer ;
BOOL AvHBasePlayerWeapon : : Deploy ( )
// tankefugl: 0000938
// removed deploy sounds for all weapons, leaving the sounds to the models
// char* theDeploySound = this->GetDeploySound();
// if(theDeploySound)
// {
// EMIT_SOUND(ENT(this->pev), CHAN_WEAPON, this->GetDeploySound(), this->GetDeploySoundVolume(), ATTN_NORM);
// :tankefugl
char * theAnimExt = this - > GetAnimationExtension ( ) ;
BOOL theSuccess = DefaultDeploy ( this - > GetActiveViewModel ( ) , this - > GetPlayerModel ( ) , this - > GetDeployAnimation ( ) , theAnimExt ) ;
// Set a player animatiom here?
// Set deploy time
this - > m_pPlayer - > m_flNextAttack = UTIL_WeaponTimeBase ( ) + this - > GetDeployTime ( ) ;
this - > mTimeOfLastPrime = - 1 ;
this - > mWeaponPrimeStarted = false ;
return theSuccess ;
BOOL AvHBasePlayerWeapon : : DefaultDeploy ( char * szViewModel , char * szWeaponModel , int iAnim , char * szAnimExt , int skiplocal , int body )
if ( ! CanDeploy ( ) )
return FALSE ;
m_pPlayer - > TabulateAmmo ( ) ;
// This was causing a crash from hl_weapons.cpp only when connected to a dedicated server and switching weapons
//#ifdef AVH_SERVER
//m_pPlayer->pev->viewmodel = MAKE_STRING(szViewModel);
# ifdef AVH_SERVER
m_pPlayer - > pev - > viewmodel = MAKE_STRING ( szViewModel ) ;
m_pPlayer - > pev - > weaponmodel = MAKE_STRING ( szWeaponModel ) ;
# else
gEngfuncs . CL_LoadModel ( szViewModel , & m_pPlayer - > pev - > viewmodel ) ;
gEngfuncs . CL_LoadModel ( szWeaponModel , & m_pPlayer - > pev - > weaponmodel ) ;
# endif
strcpy ( m_pPlayer - > m_szAnimExtention , szAnimExt ) ;
//SendWeaponAnim( iAnim, skiplocal, body );
this - > SendWeaponAnim ( iAnim ) ;
// Set the player animation as well
m_pPlayer - > m_flNextAttack = UTIL_WeaponTimeBase ( ) + this - > GetDeployTime ( ) ;
m_flTimeWeaponIdle = UTIL_WeaponTimeBase ( ) + this - > GetDeployTime ( ) + kDeployIdleInterval ;
return TRUE ;
BOOL AvHBasePlayerWeapon : : DefaultReload ( int iClipSize , int iAnim , float fDelay , int body )
// tankefugl: 0000996
if ( m_fInReload = = TRUE )
return TRUE ;
// :tankefugl
if ( m_pPlayer - > m_rgAmmo [ m_iPrimaryAmmoType ] < = 0 )
return FALSE ;
// Don't reload while we're resupplying
if ( this - > mTimeOfLastResupply > 0 )
return FALSE ;
int j = min ( iClipSize - m_iClip , m_pPlayer - > m_rgAmmo [ m_iPrimaryAmmoType ] ) ;
if ( j = = 0 )
return FALSE ;
m_pPlayer - > m_flNextAttack = UTIL_WeaponTimeBase ( ) + fDelay ;
//!!UNDONE -- reload sound goes here !!!
//SendWeaponAnim( iAnim, UseDecrement() ? 1 : 0 );
this - > SendWeaponAnim ( iAnim ) ;
// Send reload to all players. Reloads are initiated server-side, so send down to local client as well
this - > m_pPlayer - > pev - > weaponanim = iAnim ;
this - > PlaybackEvent ( this - > mWeaponAnimationEvent , iAnim , FEV_RELIABLE ) ;
// Player model reload animation
this - > m_pPlayer - > SetAnimation ( PLAYER_RELOAD ) ;
m_fInReload = TRUE ;
m_flTimeWeaponIdle = UTIL_WeaponTimeBase ( ) + kDeployIdleInterval ;
return TRUE ;
char * AvHBasePlayerWeapon : : GetActiveViewModel ( ) const
return this - > GetViewModel ( ) ;
//BOOL AvHBasePlayerWeapon::Deploy(char *szViewModel, char *szWeaponModel, int iAnim, char *szAnimExt, float inNextAttackTime, int skiplocal)
// BOOL theSuccess = FALSE;
// if(CanDeploy())
// {
// this->m_pPlayer->TabulateAmmo();
// this->m_pPlayer->pev->viewmodel = MAKE_STRING(szViewModel);
// this->m_pPlayer->pev->weaponmodel = MAKE_STRING(szWeaponModel);
// strcpy( m_pPlayer->m_szAnimExtention, szAnimExt );
// SendWeaponAnim( iAnim, skiplocal );
// this->m_pPlayer->m_flNextAttack = UTIL_WeaponTimeBase() + inNextAttackTime;
// this->m_flTimeWeaponIdle = UTIL_WeaponTimeBase() + 1.0;
// theSuccess = TRUE;
// }
// return theSuccess;
char * AvHBasePlayerWeapon : : GetAnimationExtension ( ) const
char * theAnimExt = NULL ;
AvHWeaponID theWeaponID = ( AvHWeaponID ) this - > m_iId ;
switch ( theWeaponID )
theAnimExt = " ability1 " ;
break ;
theAnimExt = " ability2 " ;
break ;
theAnimExt = " ability3 " ;
break ;
theAnimExt = " ability4 " ;
break ;
theAnimExt = " knife " ;
break ;
theAnimExt = " pistol " ;
break ;
theAnimExt = " lmg " ;
break ;
theAnimExt = " shotgun " ;
break ;
theAnimExt = " hmg " ;
break ;
theAnimExt = " welder " ;
break ;
theAnimExt = " tripmine " ;
break ;
theAnimExt = " grenadegun " ;
break ;
theAnimExt = " handgrenade " ;
break ;
default :
ASSERT ( false ) ;
break ;
return theAnimExt ;
int AvHBasePlayerWeapon : : GetClipSize ( ) const
ItemInfo theItemInfo ;
this - > GetItemInfo ( & theItemInfo ) ;
int theClipSize = theItemInfo . iMaxClip ;
return theClipSize ;
int AvHBasePlayerWeapon : : GetPrimaryAmmoAmount ( ) const
int theAmmo = 0 ;
if ( this - > m_pPlayer & & ( m_pPlayer - > m_rgAmmo [ m_iPrimaryAmmoType ] > 0 ) )
theAmmo = this - > m_pPlayer - > m_rgAmmo [ this - > m_iPrimaryAmmoType ] ;
return theAmmo ;
int AvHBasePlayerWeapon : : GetDamageType ( ) const
return NS_DMG_NORMAL ;
char * AvHBasePlayerWeapon : : GetDeploySound ( ) const
return NULL ;
float AvHBasePlayerWeapon : : GetDeploySoundVolume ( ) const
return 1.0f ;
int AvHBasePlayerWeapon : : GetEmptyShootAnimation ( ) const
return kShootEmptyAnimation ;
void AvHBasePlayerWeapon : : GetEventOrigin ( Vector & outOrigin ) const
VectorCopy ( this - > m_pPlayer - > pev - > origin , outOrigin ) ;
void AvHBasePlayerWeapon : : GetEventAngles ( Vector & outAngles ) const
outAngles = this - > pev - > v_angle + this - > pev - > punchangle ;
bool AvHBasePlayerWeapon : : GetFiresUnderwater ( ) const
return false ;
bool AvHBasePlayerWeapon : : GetIsFiring ( ) const
return this - > mAttackButtonDownLastFrame ;
bool AvHBasePlayerWeapon : : GetHasMuzzleFlash ( ) const
return false ;
bool AvHBasePlayerWeapon : : GetIsCapableOfFiring ( ) const
return ! this - > UsesAmmo ( ) | | ( this - > m_iClip > 0 ) ;
int AvHBasePlayerWeapon : : GetDeployAnimation ( ) const
return kDeployAnimation ;
int AvHBasePlayerWeapon : : GetIdleAnimation ( ) const
int iAnim ;
int theRandomNum = UTIL_SharedRandomLong ( this - > m_pPlayer - > random_seed , 0 , 1 ) ;
switch ( theRandomNum )
case 0 :
iAnim = kIdleAnimationOne ;
break ;
default :
case 1 :
iAnim = kIdleAnimationTwo ;
break ;
return iAnim ;
Vector AvHBasePlayerWeapon : : GetProjectileSpread ( ) const
float AvHBasePlayerWeapon : : ComputeAttackInterval ( ) const
return this - > GetRateOfFire ( ) ;
float AvHBasePlayerWeapon : : GetRateOfFire ( ) const
return 1 ;
int AvHBasePlayerWeapon : : GetShootAnimation ( ) const
return kShootAnimation ;
int AvHBasePlayerWeapon : : GetShotsInClip ( ) const
int theShotsInClip = - 1 ;
if ( this - > UsesAmmo ( ) )
theShotsInClip = this - > m_iClip ;
return theShotsInClip ;
bool AvHBasePlayerWeapon : : GetIsDroppable ( ) const
return true ;
bool AvHBasePlayerWeapon : : GetIsPlayerMoving ( ) const
bool thePlayerIsMoving = false ;
// float kMovingThresholdVelocity = 100;
// float theCurrentVelocity = 0;
// #ifdef AVH_SERVER
// theCurrentVelocity = this->m_pPlayer->pev->velocity.Length();
// #endif
// #ifdef AVH_CLIENT
// cl_entity_t* theLocalPlayer = gEngfuncs.GetLocalPlayer();
// if(theLocalPlayer)
// {
// theCurrentVelocity = theLocalPlayer->curstate.velocity.Length();
// }
// #endif
// if(theCurrentVelocity > kMovingThresholdVelocity)
// {
// thePlayerIsMoving = true;
// }
return thePlayerIsMoving ;
int AvHBasePlayerWeapon : : GetMaxClipsCouldReceive ( )
int theMaxClips = 0 ;
ItemInfo theItemInfo ;
this - > GetItemInfo ( & theItemInfo ) ;
int theClipSize = theItemInfo . iMaxClip ;
if ( theClipSize > 0 & & this - > UsesAmmo ( ) )
theMaxClips = ( ( theItemInfo . iMaxAmmo1 - this - > m_iClip ) / theClipSize ) + 1 ;
return theMaxClips ;
AvHWeaponID AvHBasePlayerWeapon : : GetPreviousWeaponID ( ) const
// Look at most recently used weapon and see if we can transition from it
AvHBasePlayerWeapon * theWeapon = dynamic_cast < AvHBasePlayerWeapon * > ( this - > m_pPlayer - > m_pLastItem ) ;
if ( theWeapon )
theID = ( AvHWeaponID ) ( theWeapon - > m_iId ) ;
return theID ;
float AvHBasePlayerWeapon : : GetRange ( ) const
return this - > mRange ;
vec3_t AvHBasePlayerWeapon : : GetWorldBarrelPoint ( ) const
ASSERT ( this - > m_pPlayer ) ;
Vector vecAiming = gpGlobals - > v_forward ;
Vector theWorldBarrelPoint = this - > m_pPlayer - > GetGunPosition ( ) + vecAiming * this - > GetBarrelLength ( ) ;
return theWorldBarrelPoint ;
char * AvHBasePlayerWeapon : : GetPlayerModel ( ) const
return kNullModel ;
char * AvHBasePlayerWeapon : : GetPrimeSound ( ) const
return NULL ;
float AvHBasePlayerWeapon : : GetPrimeSoundVolume ( ) const
return 1.0f ;
char * AvHBasePlayerWeapon : : GetViewModel ( ) const
return kNullModel ;
char * AvHBasePlayerWeapon : : GetWorldModel ( ) const
return kNullModel ;
void AvHBasePlayerWeapon : : Holster ( int skiplocal )
CBasePlayerWeapon : : Holster ( skiplocal ) ;
# ifdef AVH_SERVER
this - > mInOverwatch = false ;
# endif
float AvHBasePlayerWeapon : : GetTimePassedThisTick ( ) const
float theClientTimePassedThisTick = ( pmove - > cmd . msec / 1000.0f ) ;
return theClientTimePassedThisTick ;
void AvHBasePlayerWeapon : : ItemPostFrame ( void )
CBasePlayerWeapon : : ItemPostFrame ( ) ;
float theClientTimePassedThisTick = this - > GetTimePassedThisTick ( ) ;
this - > m_flNextPrimaryAttack - = theClientTimePassedThisTick ;
this - > m_flTimeWeaponIdle - = theClientTimePassedThisTick ;
this - > mTimeOfLastResupply - = theClientTimePassedThisTick ;
this - > mTimeOfLastPrime - = theClientTimePassedThisTick ;
void AvHBasePlayerWeapon : : Precache ( void )
CBasePlayerWeapon : : Precache ( ) ;
char * theDeploySound = this - > GetDeploySound ( ) ;
if ( theDeploySound )
char * thePrimeSound = this - > GetPrimeSound ( ) ;
if ( thePrimeSound )
char * thePlayerModel = this - > GetPlayerModel ( ) ;
if ( thePlayerModel )
char * theViewModel = this - > GetViewModel ( ) ;
if ( theViewModel )
char * theWorldModel = this - > GetWorldModel ( ) ;
if ( theWorldModel )
this - > mWeaponAnimationEvent = PRECACHE_EVENT ( 1 , kWeaponAnimationEvent ) ;
bool AvHBasePlayerWeapon : : ProcessValidAttack ( void )
bool theAttackIsValid = false ;
//#ifdef AVH_CLIENT
// char sz[ 128 ];
// sprintf(sz, "during check valid, clip is %d\n", this->m_iClip);
// gEngfuncs.pfnCenterPrint( sz );
// //gEngfuncs.Con_Printf("during idle, clip is %d\n", sz);
//#ifdef AVH_CLIENT
// if(gHUD.GetInTopDownMode())
// {
// return false;
// }
//#ifdef AVH_SERVER
// AvHPlayer* thePlayer = dynamic_cast<AvHPlayer*>(this->m_pPlayer);
// if(thePlayer->GetIsInTopDownMode())
// {
// return false;
// }
// Only shoot if deployed and enabled (iuser3 is 0 when disabled, 1 when enabled <from m_fireState>)
// puzl: 497 call GetEnabledState instead of testing directly
int enabledState = this - > GetEnabledState ( ) ;
if ( this - > m_pPlayer - > pev - > viewmodel & & ( enabledState = = 1 ) )
// don't fire underwater
if ( ( this - > m_pPlayer - > pev - > waterlevel = = 3 ) & & ! this - > GetFiresUnderwater ( ) )
this - > PlayEmptySound ( ) ;
//this->m_flNextPrimaryAttack = gpGlobals->time + this->mROF;
this - > m_flNextPrimaryAttack = UTIL_WeaponTimeBase ( ) + this - > ComputeAttackInterval ( ) ;
else if ( this - > UsesAmmo ( ) )
ASSERT ( this - > m_iPrimaryAmmoType > = 0 ) ;
if ( this - > m_iClip > 0 )
if ( this - > m_flNextPrimaryAttack < = 0 )
if ( ! this - > GetMustPressTriggerForEachShot ( ) | | ( ! this - > mAttackButtonDownLastFrame ) )
theAttackIsValid = true ;
// Definitely not firing this pull of the trigger
theAttackIsValid = false ;
BOOL theHasAmmo = 0 ;
if ( pszAmmo1 ( ) )
theHasAmmo | = ( this - > m_pPlayer - > m_rgAmmo [ this - > m_iPrimaryAmmoType ] ! = 0 ) ;
if ( pszAmmo2 ( ) )
theHasAmmo | = ( this - > m_pPlayer - > m_rgAmmo [ this - > m_iSecondaryAmmoType ] ! = 0 ) ;
if ( this - > m_iClip > 0 )
theHasAmmo | = 1 ;
if ( theHasAmmo )
// Trigger reload
this - > Reload ( ) ;
this - > PlayEmptySound ( ) ;
this - > SendWeaponAnim ( this - > GetEmptyShootAnimation ( ) ) ;
theAttackIsValid = true ;
return theAttackIsValid ;
bool AvHBasePlayerWeapon : : GetIsGunPositionValid ( ) const
return true ;
void AvHBasePlayerWeapon : : DeductCostForShot ( void )
this - > m_iClip - - ;
// On a successful attack, decloak the player if needed
# ifdef AVH_SERVER
AvHPlayer * thePlayer = dynamic_cast < AvHPlayer * > ( this - > m_pPlayer ) ;
if ( thePlayer )
thePlayer - > TriggerUncloak ( ) ;
int theResourceCost = this - > GetResourceCost ( ) ;
if ( theResourceCost > 0 )
float theNewResources = ( thePlayer - > GetResources ( false ) - theResourceCost ) ;
theNewResources = max ( theNewResources , 0.0f ) ;
thePlayer - > SetResources ( theNewResources ) ;
# endif
float AvHBasePlayerWeapon : : GetReloadTime ( void ) const
// TODO: Allow weapons to have different reload times
return 1.5f ;
int AvHBasePlayerWeapon : : GetReloadAnimation ( ) const
return kReloadAnimation ;
void AvHBasePlayerWeapon : : PlaybackEvent ( unsigned short inEvent , int inIparam2 , int inFlags ) const
unsigned short theEvent = inEvent ;
if ( theEvent ! = 0 )
// Playback event, sending along enough data so client knows who triggered this event!
int theWeaponIndex = 0 ;
AvHUser3 theUser3 = AVH_USER3_NONE ;
int theUpgrades = 0 ;
// When predicting weapons, play the event locally, then tell everyone else but us to play it back later
int flags = inFlags ;
edict_t * theEdict ;
// Pass player random seed to event, so it chooses the right direction for spread
int theRandomNumber = this - > m_pPlayer - > random_seed ;
# if defined( AVH_CLIENT )
theUser3 = gHUD . GetHUDUser3 ( ) ;
theUpgrades = gHUD . GetHUDUpgrades ( ) ;
theEdict = NULL ;
# else
theUser3 = dynamic_cast < AvHPlayer * > ( this - > m_pPlayer ) - > GetUser3 ( ) ;
theUpgrades = this - > m_pPlayer - > pev - > iuser4 ;
theEdict = this - > m_pPlayer - > edict ( ) ;
# endif
// For bullet spread
//theRandomNumber = UTIL_SharedRandomLong(this->m_pPlayer->random_seed, 1, kBulletSpreadGranularity*kBulletSpreadGranularity);
// When in overwatch, the weapon is fired on the server, so the client firing the weapon won't be firing it locally first
# if defined(AVH_SERVER)
if ( this - > mInOverwatch )
flags = 0 ;
# endif
// Allow weapon to specify some parameters, so they are available on both client and server
Vector theEventOrigin ;
this - > GetEventOrigin ( theEventOrigin ) ;
Vector theEventAngles ;
this - > GetEventAngles ( theEventAngles ) ;
float theVolume = AvHPlayerUpgrade : : GetSilenceVolumeLevel ( theUser3 , theUpgrades ) ;
//( int flags, const edict_t *pInvoker, unsigned short eventindex, float delay, float *origin, float *angles, float fparam1, float fparam2, int iparam1, int iparam2, int bparam1, int bparam2 );
PLAYBACK_EVENT_FULL ( flags , this - > m_pPlayer - > edict ( ) , theEvent , 0 , ( float * ) & theEventOrigin , ( float * ) & theEventAngles , theVolume , 0.0 , theRandomNumber , inIparam2 , 0 , 0 ) ;
void AvHBasePlayerWeapon : : SetAnimationAndSound ( void )
this - > m_pPlayer - > m_iWeaponVolume = NORMAL_GUN_VOLUME ;
this - > m_pPlayer - > m_iWeaponFlash = NORMAL_GUN_FLASH ;
// player "shoot" animation
this - > m_pPlayer - > SetAnimation ( PLAYER_ATTACK1 ) ;
if ( this - > GetHasMuzzleFlash ( ) )
this - > m_pPlayer - > pev - > effects = ( int ) ( this - > m_pPlayer - > pev - > effects ) | EF_MUZZLEFLASH ;
void AvHBasePlayerWeapon : : FireProjectiles ( void )
Vector vecSrc = this - > m_pPlayer - > GetGunPosition ( ) ;
Vector vecAiming = this - > m_pPlayer - > GetAutoaimVector ( AUTOAIM_5DEGREES ) ;
// Fire the bullets and apply damage
int theRange = this - > mRange ;
float theDamage = this - > mDamage ;
int theTracerFreq ;
float theDamageMultiplier ;
AvHPlayerUpgrade : : GetWeaponUpgrade ( this - > m_pPlayer - > pev - > iuser3 , this - > m_pPlayer - > pev - > iuser4 , & theDamageMultiplier , & theTracerFreq ) ;
theDamage * = theDamageMultiplier ;
Vector theSpread = this - > GetProjectileSpread ( ) ;
this - > m_pPlayer - > FireBulletsPlayer ( 1 , vecSrc , vecAiming , theSpread , theRange , BULLET_PLAYER_MP5 , theTracerFreq , theDamage , this - > m_pPlayer - > pev , this - > m_pPlayer - > random_seed ) ;
this - > mWeaponPrimeStarted = false ;
int AvHBasePlayerWeapon : : GetPrimeAnimation ( ) const
return - 1 ;
float AvHBasePlayerWeapon : : GetWeaponPrimeTime ( ) const
return - 1.0f ;
void AvHBasePlayerWeapon : : PrimeWeapon ( )
float thePrimeTime = this - > GetWeaponPrimeTime ( ) ;
if ( thePrimeTime > 0.0f )
if ( ! this - > GetIsWeaponPriming ( ) )
char * thePrimeSound = this - > GetPrimeSound ( ) ;
if ( thePrimeSound )
EMIT_SOUND ( ENT ( this - > pev ) , CHAN_WEAPON , thePrimeSound , this - > GetPrimeSoundVolume ( ) , ATTN_NORM ) ;
this - > PlaybackEvent ( this - > mWeaponAnimationEvent , this - > GetPrimeAnimation ( ) ) ;
this - > mTimeOfLastPrime = UTIL_WeaponTimeBase ( ) + thePrimeTime ;
this - > mWeaponPrimeStarted = true ;
BOOL AvHBasePlayerWeapon : : GetIsWeaponPrimed ( ) const
return ( ( this - > GetWeaponPrimeTime ( ) > 0.0f ) & & this - > mWeaponPrimeStarted & & ( UTIL_WeaponTimeBase ( ) > this - > mTimeOfLastPrime ) ) ;
BOOL AvHBasePlayerWeapon : : GetIsWeaponPriming ( ) const
return ( ( this - > GetWeaponPrimeTime ( ) > 0.0f ) & & this - > mWeaponPrimeStarted & & ( UTIL_WeaponTimeBase ( ) < this - > mTimeOfLastPrime ) ) ;
void AvHBasePlayerWeapon : : SetNextAttack ( void )
// this->m_flNextPrimaryAttack += this->mROF;
// if(this->m_flNextPrimaryAttack < 0)
// this->m_flNextPrimaryAttack = this->mROF;
float theRateOfFire = this - > ComputeAttackInterval ( ) ;
this - > m_flNextPrimaryAttack = UTIL_WeaponTimeBase ( ) + theRateOfFire ;
if ( this - > m_flNextPrimaryAttack < 0 )
this - > m_flNextPrimaryAttack = theRateOfFire ;
this - > SetNextIdle ( ) ;
void AvHBasePlayerWeapon : : PrimaryAttack ( void )
if ( this - > ProcessValidAttack ( ) )
if ( ! this - > mAttackButtonDownLastFrame )
this - > PlaybackEvent ( this - > mStartEvent ) ;
this - > mAttackButtonDownLastFrame = true ;
this - > PlaybackEvent ( this - > mEvent , this - > GetShootAnimation ( ) ) ;
this - > SetAnimationAndSound ( ) ;
// If player is too close to a wall, don't actually fire the projectile
if ( this - > GetIsGunPositionValid ( ) )
this - > FireProjectiles ( ) ;
# ifdef DEBUG
# ifdef AVH_SERVER
char theMessage [ 256 ] ;
sprintf ( theMessage , " Gun position is not valid, skipping call to FireProjectiles. \n " ) ;
ALERT ( at_console , theMessage ) ;
# endif
# endif
this - > DeductCostForShot ( ) ;
this - > SetNextAttack ( ) ;
void AvHBasePlayerWeapon : : Reload ( void )
// Move clip sounds out
int theReloadAnimation = this - > GetReloadAnimation ( ) ;
float theReloadTime = this - > GetReloadTime ( ) ;
int theClipSize = this - > GetClipSize ( ) ;
this - > DefaultReload ( theClipSize , theReloadAnimation , theReloadTime ) ;
// Don't idle for a bit
this - > SetNextIdle ( ) ;
bool AvHBasePlayerWeapon : : GetCanBeResupplied ( ) const
bool theCanBeResupplied = false ;
if ( this - > UsesAmmo ( ) )
ItemInfo theItemInfo ;
this - > GetItemInfo ( & theItemInfo ) ;
int theCurrentPrimary = this - > m_pPlayer - > m_rgAmmo [ m_iPrimaryAmmoType ] ;
int theMaxPrimary = theItemInfo . iMaxAmmo1 ;
// Add some to primary store
if ( theCurrentPrimary < theMaxPrimary )
theCanBeResupplied = true ;
return theCanBeResupplied ;
bool AvHBasePlayerWeapon : : Resupply ( )
bool theResupplied = false ;
if ( this - > GetCanBeResupplied ( ) )
ItemInfo theItemInfo ;
this - > GetItemInfo ( & theItemInfo ) ;
// Get amount to add
int theMaxClip = theItemInfo . iMaxClip ;
// Add half the clip each time, rounding up (roughly 3 seconds per clip ()
int theAmountToAdd = max ( ( theMaxClip + 1 ) / 2 , 1 ) ;
int theCurrentPrimary = this - > m_pPlayer - > m_rgAmmo [ m_iPrimaryAmmoType ] ;
int theMaxPrimary = theItemInfo . iMaxAmmo1 ;
// Add ammo
this - > m_pPlayer - > m_rgAmmo [ m_iPrimaryAmmoType ] = min ( theCurrentPrimary + theAmountToAdd , theMaxPrimary ) ;
const float theDelay = 1.0f ;
//bugfix - don't let resupply shorten reload time
this - > m_pPlayer - > m_flNextAttack = max ( this - > m_pPlayer - > m_flNextAttack , UTIL_WeaponTimeBase ( ) + theDelay ) ;
this - > mTimeOfLastResupply = UTIL_WeaponTimeBase ( ) + theDelay ;
return theResupplied ;
void AvHBasePlayerWeapon : : SendWeaponAnim ( int inAnimation , int skiplocal , int body )
if ( inAnimation > = 0 )
this - > m_pPlayer - > pev - > weaponanim = inAnimation ;
this - > PlaybackEvent ( this - > mWeaponAnimationEvent , inAnimation ) ;
void AvHBasePlayerWeapon : : SecondaryAttack ( void )
void AvHBasePlayerWeapon : : Spawn ( )
CBasePlayerWeapon : : Spawn ( ) ;
this - > pev - > solid = SOLID_BBOX ;
this - > pev - > movetype = MOVETYPE_TOSS ;
UTIL_SetOrigin ( this - > pev , this - > pev - > origin ) ;
UTIL_SetSize ( this - > pev , kMarineItemMinSize , kMarineItemMaxSize ) ;
this - > pev - > iuser3 = AVH_USER3_MARINEITEM ;
# ifdef AVH_SERVER
if ( ! this - > GetIsPersistent ( ) )
this - > mLifetime = AvHSUGetWeaponStayTime ( ) ;
# endif
bool AvHBasePlayerWeapon : : GetEnabledState ( ) const
bool result = false ;
# ifdef AVH_SERVER
result = ( this - > m_iEnabled = = 1 ) ;
# else
// puzl: 497 client now uses the enabled state in the appropriate WEAPON
ItemInfo theItemInfo ;
this - > GetItemInfo ( & theItemInfo ) ;
WEAPON * pWeapon = gWR . GetWeapon ( theItemInfo . iId ) ;
if ( pWeapon ! = 0 ) {
result = ( pWeapon - > iEnabled = = 1 ) ;
# endif
return result ;
# ifdef AVH_SERVER
void AvHBasePlayerWeapon : : VirtualMaterialize ( void )
int theLifetime = this - > GetGroundLifetime ( ) ;
if ( theLifetime > = 0 )
SetThink ( & AvHBasePlayerWeapon : : DestroyItem ) ;
this - > pev - > nextthink = gpGlobals - > time + theLifetime ;
int AvHBasePlayerWeapon : : GetGroundLifetime ( ) const
return this - > mLifetime ;
// -1 means never expire
void AvHBasePlayerWeapon : : SetGroundLifetime ( int inGroundLifetime )
this - > mLifetime = inGroundLifetime ;
int AvHBasePlayerWeapon : : GetResourceCost ( ) const
return 0 ;
void AvHBasePlayerWeapon : : VirtualDestroyItem ( void )
if ( this - > GetIsPersistent ( ) )
// Make this weapon invisible until map reset
this - > pev - > effects | = EF_NODRAW ;
this - > pev - > solid = SOLID_NOT ;
this - > pev - > takedamage = DAMAGE_NO ;
SetThink ( NULL ) ;
CBasePlayerItem : : VirtualDestroyItem ( ) ;
void AvHBasePlayerWeapon : : ResetEntity ( )
CBasePlayerWeapon : : ResetEntity ( ) ;
this - > pev - > effects = 0 ;
this - > pev - > solid = SOLID_BBOX ;
this - > pev - > movetype = MOVETYPE_TOSS ;
this - > pev - > takedamage = DAMAGE_YES ;
this - > VirtualMaterialize ( ) ;
void AvHBasePlayerWeapon : : SetOverwatchState ( bool inState )
this - > mInOverwatch = inState ;
void AvHBasePlayerWeapon : : UpdateInventoryEnabledState ( int inNumActiveHives )
// Process here
int theEnabledState = 1 ;
ItemInfo theItemInfo ;
if ( this - > GetItemInfo ( & theItemInfo ) ! = 0 )
int theWeaponFlags = theItemInfo . iFlags ;
AvHPlayer * thePlayer = dynamic_cast < AvHPlayer * > ( this - > m_pPlayer ) ;
ASSERT ( thePlayer ) ;
// If we don't have the hives required, or we're ensnared
if ( /*thePlayer->GetIsTemporarilyInvulnerable() ||*/
! thePlayer - > GetIsAbleToAct ( ) | |
( ( inNumActiveHives < 1 ) & & ( theWeaponFlags & ONE_HIVE_REQUIRED ) ) | |
( ( inNumActiveHives < 2 ) & & ( theWeaponFlags & TWO_HIVES_REQUIRED ) ) | |
( ( inNumActiveHives < 3 ) & & ( theWeaponFlags & THREE_HIVES_REQUIRED ) ) | |
( this - > GetResourceCost ( ) > thePlayer - > GetResources ( false ) ) )
// Disable it
theEnabledState = 0 ;
// puzl: 497 save the state for when we send the CurWeapon message
this - > m_iEnabled = theEnabledState ;
void AvHBasePlayerWeapon : : KeyValue ( KeyValueData * pkvd )
// Any entity placed by the mapper is persistent
this - > SetPersistent ( ) ;
if ( FStrEq ( pkvd - > szKeyName , " teamchoice " ) )
this - > pev - > team = ( AvHTeamNumber ) ( atoi ( pkvd - > szValue ) ) ;
pkvd - > fHandled = TRUE ;
else if ( FStrEq ( pkvd - > szKeyName , " angles " ) )
// TODO: Insert code here
//pkvd->fHandled = TRUE;
else if ( FStrEq ( pkvd - > szKeyName , " lifetime " ) )
this - > mLifetime = atoi ( pkvd - > szValue ) ;
pkvd - > fHandled = TRUE ;
CBasePlayerWeapon : : KeyValue ( pkvd ) ;
// 0 means never expire, -1 means no value was set so use default
int AvHBasePlayerWeapon : : GetLifetime ( ) const
int theLifetime = this - > mLifetime ;
if ( theLifetime < 0 )
theLifetime = AvHSUGetWeaponStayTime ( ) ;
return theLifetime ;
bool AvHBasePlayerWeapon : : GetIsPersistent ( ) const
return this - > mIsPersistent ;
void AvHBasePlayerWeapon : : SetPersistent ( )
this - > mIsPersistent = true ;
# endif
void AvHBasePlayerWeapon : : SetNextIdle ( void )
float theRandomIdle = UTIL_SharedRandomFloat ( this - > m_pPlayer - > random_seed , 10 , 15 ) ;
this - > m_flTimeWeaponIdle = UTIL_WeaponTimeBase ( ) + theRandomIdle ;
// Just added these next two lines 8/8/01 (trying to fix prediction wackiness)
if ( this - > m_flTimeWeaponIdle < 0 )
this - > m_flTimeWeaponIdle = theRandomIdle ;
BOOL AvHBasePlayerWeapon : : UseDecrement ( void )
// If we're predicting, return true
return TRUE ;
void AvHBasePlayerWeapon : : WeaponIdle ( void )
//#ifdef AVH_CLIENT
// char sz[ 128 ];
// sprintf(sz, "during idle, clip is %d\n", this->m_iClip);
// gEngfuncs.pfnCenterPrint( sz );
// //gEngfuncs.Con_Printf("during idle, clip is %d\n", sz);
if ( this - > mAttackButtonDownLastFrame )
this - > PlaybackEvent ( this - > mEndEvent ) ;
this - > mAttackButtonDownLastFrame = false ;
ResetEmptySound ( ) ;
this - > m_pPlayer - > GetAutoaimVector ( AUTOAIM_5DEGREES ) ;
if ( this - > m_flTimeWeaponIdle < = UTIL_WeaponTimeBase ( ) )
this - > SendWeaponAnim ( this - > GetIdleAnimation ( ) ) ;
this - > m_pPlayer - > SetAnimation ( PLAYER_IDLE ) ;
this - > SetNextIdle ( ) ;
bool AvHBasePlayerWeapon : : UsesAmmo ( void ) const
return true ;