2005-03-09 01:31:56 +00:00
//======== (C) Copyright 2001 Charles G. Cleveland All rights reserved. =========
// The copyright to the contents herein is the property of Charles G. Cleveland.
// The contents may be used and/or copied only with the written permission of
// Charles G. Cleveland, or in accordance with the terms and conditions stipulated in
// the agreement/contract under which the contents have been supplied.
// Purpose:
// $Workfile: AvHMarineEquipment.h $
// $Date: 2002/11/06 01:40:17 $
// $Log: AvHMarineEquipment.h,v $
// Revision 1.29 2002/11/06 01:40:17 Flayra
// - Turrets now need an active turret factory to keep firing
// Revision 1.28 2002/10/24 21:32:16 Flayra
// - All heavy armor to be given via console
// - Fix for AFKers on inf portals, also for REIN players when recycling portals
// Revision 1.27 2002/10/16 20:54:30 Flayra
// - Added phase gate sound
// - Fixed ghostly command station view model problem after building it
// Revision 1.26 2002/10/16 01:00:33 Flayra
// - Phasegates play looping sound, and stop it when they are destroyed
// Revision 1.25 2002/09/23 22:21:21 Flayra
// - Added jetpack and heavy armor
// - Added "cc online" sound
// - Turret factories now upgrade to advanced turret factories for siege
// - Added automatic resupply at armory, but removed it
// - Observatories scan in 2D now, to match commander range overlay
// Revision 1.24 2002/09/09 19:59:39 Flayra
// - Fixed up phase gates (no longer teleport you unless you have two, and they work properly now)
// - Refactored reinforcements
// - Fixed bug where secondary command station couldn't be built
// Revision 1.23 2002/07/26 23:05:54 Flayra
// - Numerical event feedback
// - Started to add sparks when buildings were hit but didn't know the 3D point to play it at
// Revision 1.22 2002/07/23 17:11:47 Flayra
// - Phase gates must be built and can be destroyed, observatories decloak aliens, hooks for fast reinforcements upgrade, nuke damage increased, commander banning
// Revision 1.21 2002/07/08 17:02:57 Flayra
// - Refactored reinforcements, updated entities for new artwork
// Revision 1.20 2002/06/25 18:04:43 Flayra
// - Renamed some buildings, armory is now upgraded to advanced armory
// Revision 1.19 2002/06/03 16:50:35 Flayra
// - Renamed weapons factory and armory, added ammo resupplying
// Revision 1.18 2002/05/28 17:51:34 Flayra
// - Tried to make nuke sound play, extended shake duration to sound length, reinforcement refactoring, mark command stations as mapper placed, so they aren't deleted on level cleanup, support for point-entity buildable command stations
// Revision 1.17 2002/05/23 02:33:42 Flayra
// - Post-crash checkin. Restored @Backup from around 4/16. Contains changes for last four weeks of development.
# include "util/nowarnings.h"
2005-04-01 03:04:57 +00:00
# include "dlls/weapons.h"
2005-03-09 01:31:56 +00:00
# include "mod/AvHBasePlayerWeapon.h"
# include "mod/AvHConstants.h"
# include "mod/AvHMarineWeapons.h"
# include "dlls/turret.h"
# include "mod/AvHEntities.h"
# include "dlls/ctripmine.h"
# include "mod/AvHReinforceable.h"
class AvHDeployedMine : public CBasePlayerItem
public :
void EXPORT ActiveThink ( ) ;
void EXPORT ActiveTouch ( CBaseEntity * inOther ) ;
void Detonate ( ) ;
void Precache ( void ) ;
void EXPORT PowerupThink ( ) ;
void SetPlacer ( entvars_t * inPlacer ) ;
void Spawn ( void ) ;
void Killed ( entvars_t * inAttacker , int inGib ) ;
int TakeDamage ( entvars_t * inInflictor , entvars_t * inAttacker , float inDamage , int inBitsDamageType ) ;
private :
void DetonateIfOwnerInvalid ( ) ;
void Explode ( TraceResult * inTrace , int inBitsDamageType ) ;
void EXPORT Smoke ( ) ;
Vector mVecDir ;
Vector mVecEnd ;
Vector mOwnerOrigin ;
Vector mOwnerAngles ;
float mTimePlaced ;
float mLastTimeTouched ;
bool mDetonated ;
bool mPoweredUp ;
EHANDLE mOwner ;
entvars_t * mPlacer ;
} ;
class AvHPlayerEquipment : public CBasePlayerItem
public :
AvHPlayerEquipment ( ) ;
virtual int GetLifetime ( ) const ;
virtual bool GetIsPersistent ( ) const ;
virtual void SetPersistent ( ) ;
virtual void KeyValue ( KeyValueData * pkvd ) ;
private :
bool mIsPersistent ;
int mLifetime ;
} ;
class AvHHealth : public AvHPlayerEquipment
public :
2005-05-13 00:57:44 +00:00
// puzl: 1017 GiveHealth now takes the amount as a paramater.
static BOOL GiveHealth ( CBaseEntity * inOther , float points ) ;
2005-03-09 01:31:56 +00:00
void Precache ( void ) ;
void Spawn ( void ) ;
void EXPORT Touch ( CBaseEntity * inOther ) ;
} ;
class AvHCatalyst : public AvHPlayerEquipment
public :
static BOOL GiveCatalyst ( CBaseEntity * inOther ) ;
void Precache ( void ) ;
void Spawn ( void ) ;
void EXPORT Touch ( CBaseEntity * inOther ) ;
} ;
class AvHGenericAmmo : public CBasePlayerAmmo
public :
static BOOL GiveAmmo ( CBaseEntity * inOther ) ;
BOOL AddAmmo ( CBaseEntity * pOther ) ;
void Precache ( void ) ;
void Spawn ( void ) ;
void EXPORT Dropped ( void ) ;
private :
bool mDropped ;
} ;
class AvHHeavyArmor : public AvHPlayerEquipment
public :
void Precache ( void ) ;
void Spawn ( void ) ;
void EXPORT Touch ( CBaseEntity * inOther ) ;
} ;
class AvHJetpack : public AvHPlayerEquipment
public :
void Precache ( void ) ;
void Spawn ( void ) ;
void EXPORT Touch ( CBaseEntity * inOther ) ;
} ;
class AvHAmmoPack : public AvHPlayerEquipment
public :
char m_szAmmoType [ 32 ] ;
int m_iMaxAmmo ;
int m_iAmmoAmt ;
int m_iWeaponID ; //weapon id this is for.
float m_flNoTouch ; //Dont let anyone touch it while its falling
void Precache ( void ) ;
void Spawn ( void ) ;
void EXPORT Touch ( CBaseEntity * inOther ) ;
} ;
class AvHScan : public CBaseAnimating
public :
AvHScan ( ) ;
void Precache ( void ) ;
void Spawn ( void ) ;
void ScanThink ( ) ;
private :
float mTimeCreated ;
} ;
class AvHMarineBaseBuildable : public AvHBaseBuildable
public :
AvHMarineBaseBuildable ( AvHTechID inTechID , AvHMessageID inMessageID , char * inClassName , int inUser3 ) ;
virtual char * GetDeploySound ( ) const ;
virtual char * GetKilledSound ( ) const ;
virtual int GetPointValue ( ) const ;
virtual int GetTakeDamageAnimation ( ) const ;
virtual void ResetEntity ( ) ;
virtual int TakeDamage ( entvars_t * inInflictor , entvars_t * inAttacker , float inDamage , int inBitsDamageType ) ;
virtual bool GetIsTechnologyAvailable ( AvHMessageID inMessageID ) const ;
virtual void TechnologyBuilt ( AvHMessageID inMessageID ) ;
protected :
void SetEnergy ( float inEnergy ) ;
float mEnergy ;
} ;
const float kPhaseGateIdleThink = 1.0f ;
class AvHPhaseGate : public AvHMarineBaseBuildable
public :
AvHPhaseGate ( ) ;
virtual int GetIdleAnimation ( ) const ;
bool GetIsEnabled ( ) const ;
virtual int GetSequenceForBoundingBox ( ) const ;
void Killed ( entvars_t * inAttacker , int inGib ) ;
void Precache ( void ) ;
void EXPORT IdleThink ( ) ;
virtual void ResetEntity ( ) ;
virtual void SetHasBeenBuilt ( ) ;
void SetTimeOfLastDeparture ( float timeOfLastDeparture ) ;
bool IsReadyToUse ( ) ;
bool HasWarmedUp ( ) const ;
void EXPORT TeleportUse ( CBaseEntity * pActivator , CBaseEntity * pCaller , USE_TYPE useType , float value ) ;
//void EXPORT TeleportTouch(CBaseEntity *pOther);
virtual void UpdateOnRecycle ( void ) ;
virtual void UpdateOnRemove ( void ) ;
private :
void KillBuildablesTouchingPlayer ( AvHPlayer * inPlayer , entvars_t * inInflictor ) ;
bool GetAreTeammatesBlocking ( AvHPlayer * thePlayer , const Vector & inOrigin ) const ;
void SetEnabled ( bool inEnabledState ) ;
bool mEnabled ;
bool mHasWarmedUp ;
float mTimeOfLastDeparture ;
} ;
class AvHNuke : public AvHMarineBaseBuildable
public :
AvHNuke ( ) ;
virtual void Precache ( ) ;
void EXPORT ActiveThink ( ) ;
void EXPORT DeathThink ( ) ;
virtual char * GetDeploySound ( ) const ;
virtual char * GetKilledSound ( ) const ;
virtual void Spawn ( ) ;
private :
bool mActive ;
float mTimeActivated ;
} ;
class AvHInfantryPortal : public AvHMarineBaseBuildable , public AvHReinforceable
public :
AvHInfantryPortal ( ) ;
virtual void Killed ( entvars_t * inAttacker , int inGib ) ;
virtual float GetReinforceTime ( ) const ;
void EXPORT PortalThink ( ) ;
virtual void Precache ( ) ;
virtual void ResetEntity ( ) ;
virtual void SetHasBeenBuilt ( ) ;
// From AvHReinforceable
virtual void CueRespawnEffect ( AvHPlayer * inPlayer ) ;
virtual bool GetCanReinforce ( ) const ;
virtual bool GetSpawnLocationForPlayer ( CBaseEntity * inPlayer , Vector & outLocation ) const ;
virtual AvHTeamNumber GetReinforceTeamNumber ( ) const ;
virtual void UpdateOnRecycle ( void ) ;
virtual void UpdateOnRemove ( void ) ;
virtual int GetIdleAnimation ( ) const ;
virtual int GetIdle1Animation ( ) const ;
virtual int GetIdle2Animation ( ) const ;
2005-05-06 14:04:51 +00:00
virtual int GetDeployAnimation ( ) const ;
virtual int GetSpawnAnimation ( ) const ;
2005-03-09 01:31:56 +00:00
protected :
virtual void ResetReinforcingPlayer ( bool inSuccess ) ;
} ;
class AvHCommandStation : public AvHMarineBaseBuildable
public :
AvHCommandStation ( ) ;
void EXPORT CommandTouch ( CBaseEntity * pOther ) ;
void EXPORT CommandUse ( CBaseEntity * pActivator , CBaseEntity * pCaller , USE_TYPE useType , float value ) ;
virtual int GetIdleAnimation ( ) const ;
virtual bool GetIsTechnologyAvailable ( AvHMessageID inMessageID ) const ;
virtual char * GetKilledSound ( ) const ;
virtual int GetPointValue ( ) const ;
virtual void Killed ( entvars_t * pevAttacker , int iGib ) ;
virtual void Materialize ( ) ;
virtual int ObjectCaps ( void ) ;
virtual void Precache ( void ) ;
virtual void SetHasBeenBuilt ( ) ;
virtual void SetInactive ( ) ;
virtual void Spawn ( void ) ;
virtual int TakeDamage ( entvars_t * pevInflictor , entvars_t * pevAttacker , float flDamage , int bitsDamageType ) ;
private :
void EXPORT ActivateThink ( void ) ;
void EXPORT CommanderUsingThink ( void ) ;
void EjectCommander ( ) ;
int mCommanderAtThisStation ;
float mTimeToPlayOnlineSound ;
} ;
class AvHTurretFactory : public AvHMarineBaseBuildable
public :
AvHTurretFactory ( ) ;
virtual int GetIdle1Animation ( ) const ;
virtual int GetIdle2Animation ( ) const ;
virtual int GetResearchAnimation ( ) const ;
virtual bool GetSupportsTechID ( AvHTechID inTechID ) const ;
virtual void SetHasBeenBuilt ( ) ;
virtual void TriggerAddTech ( ) const ;
virtual void TriggerRemoveTech ( ) const ;
virtual void Upgrade ( ) ;
private :
virtual void CheckTurretEnabledState ( ) const ;
} ;
class AvHArmory : public AvHMarineBaseBuildable
public :
AvHArmory ( ) ;
virtual int GetActiveAnimation ( ) const ;
virtual int GetIdle1Animation ( ) const ;
virtual int GetIdle2Animation ( ) const ;
virtual int GetResearchAnimation ( ) const ;
virtual int GetSequenceForBoundingBox ( ) const ;
virtual bool GetSupportsTechID ( AvHTechID inTechID ) const ;
virtual void Precache ( ) ;
//void EXPORT ResupplyThink();
void EXPORT ResupplyUse ( CBaseEntity * inActivator , CBaseEntity * inCaller , USE_TYPE inUseType , float inValue ) ;
virtual void SetHasBeenBuilt ( ) ;
virtual void Upgrade ( ) ;
} ;
class AvHArmsLab : public AvHMarineBaseBuildable
public :
AvHArmsLab ( ) ;
virtual int GetResearchAnimation ( ) const ;
virtual int GetSequenceForBoundingBox ( ) const ;
} ;
class AvHPrototypeLab : public AvHMarineBaseBuildable
public :
AvHPrototypeLab ( ) ;
} ;
class AvHObservatory : public AvHMarineBaseBuildable
public :
AvHObservatory ( ) ;
virtual int GetSequenceForBoundingBox ( ) const ;
virtual void Materialize ( ) ;
void EXPORT ObservatoryThink ( ) ;
virtual void ResetEntity ( ) ;
virtual void SetHasBeenBuilt ( ) ;
virtual void Spawn ( ) ;
virtual int GetActiveAnimation ( ) const ;
virtual int GetIdle1Animation ( ) const ;
virtual int GetIdle2Animation ( ) const ;
virtual int GetResearchAnimation ( ) const ;
} ;
//class AvHChemLab : public AvHMarineBaseBuildable
// AvHChemLab();
//class AvHMedLab : public AvHMarineBaseBuildable
// AvHMedLab();
//class AvHNukePlant : public AvHMarineBaseBuildable
// AvHNukePlant();
2005-05-06 14:04:51 +00:00
# endif