<TD>The channel to have its reverb properties changed. FSOUND_ALL can also be used (see remarks)<BR>
<TD>Pointer to a FSOUND_REVERB_CHANNELPROPERTIES structure definition. The definition for this structure is given in the link below.<BR>
<H3>Return Value</H3>
On success, TRUE is returned.<BR>
On failure, FALSE is returned.<BR>
FSOUND_ALL is supported here. Passing this will set ALL channels to specified reverb properties.<BR>
If FSOUND_ALL is used the last channel success flag will be returned. This return value not useful in most circumstances.<BR>
Under Win32, you must be using FSOUND_OUTPUT_DSOUND as the output mode for this to work. <BR>
In DSound, the reverb will only work if you have an EAX compatible soundcard such as the SBLive, and your sample/stream was created with the FSOUND_HW3D flag.<BR>
On PlayStation2, the 'Room' parameter is the only parameter supported. The hardware only allows 'on' or 'off', so the reverb will be off when 'Room' is -10000 and on for every other value.<BR>
On XBox, it is possible to apply reverb to 2d voices using this function. By default reverb is turned off for 2d voices.<BR>
If this 2d voice was being positioned in a 5.1 array with the xbox only function FSOUND_SetLevels, then calling this function will disable that capability in favour of enabling reverb for the 2d voice.<BR>
It is a limitation of the xbox hardware that only one of the other of these features can be executed at one time.<BR>
Supported on the following platforms : Win32, XBox, PlayStation 2.<BR>