Only used if users are getting conflicts with FMOD's command handler when writing IOP modules of their own or using other middleware that uses SIFCMD.<BR>
This function tells FMOD about the user's SIFCMD buffer that has been set with sceSifSetCmdBuffer, and the indicies into that sceSifCmdData array that FMOD can use.<BR>
The user may have specified a SIF command handler of their own before calling FSOUND_Init and loading FMOD.IRX when setting up their own IOP<->EE communication.<BR>
It simply enables FMOD to know the size, and what indicies into the sceSifCmdData array the user has set that FMOD can use.<BR>
It allows the user's app and FMOD to share the buffer that the user has created.<BR>
FMOD uses 2 sif handlers. A main one and secondary one.<BR>
<TD>The index into the user created sceSifCmdData array for the secondary FMOD sifcmd handler.<BR>
<H3>Return Value</H3>
FMOD will automatically use the previously set command buffer, as sceSifSetCmdBuffer returns the previously set buffer which FMOD uses.<BR>
This is why you dont have to pass in the actual buffer itself.<BR>
IMPORTANT! FMOD.IRX must also be notified when it is initialized!<BR>
The IOP side of the command handler, which is initialized when FMOD.IRX is loaded, must also be notified of the user's IOP side buffer size and indicies.<BR>
By passing it as command line parameter with sceSifLoadModule, you can do this. If this is not done, unexpected results may occur.<BR>
The FMOD.IRX takes 3 parameters. They are simply 3 integers seperated by a space. <BR>
Parameter 1 is equal to 'buffersize'<BR>
Parameter 2 is equal to 'bufferindexmain'<BR>
Parameter 3 is equal to 'bufferindexsecondary'<BR>
Here is an example of using sceSifLoadModule to notify FMOD.IRX of your IOP side sifCmd buffer size and command handler index.<BR>
sprintf(s, "4989424 1238404 205", CMDBUFSIZE, FMODINDEXMAIN, FMODINDEXSECONDARY); // NOTE : must be formatted as 3 integers seperated by a space.<BR>