<TD>This is an enum describing the users speaker setup.<BR>
<H3>Return Value</H3>
Note - Only reliably works with FSOUND_OUTPUT_DSOUND on windows, or consoles such as PlayStation 2, GameCube and XBox.<BR>
For other output types speaker mode only interprets FSOUND_SPEAKERMODE_MONO, everything else is interpreted as stere.<BR>
To get true 5.1 dolby digital or DTS output you will need a soundcard that can encode it, and a receiver that can decode it. <BR>
Calling this will reset the pan separation setting. It sets it to 0 if FSOUND_SPEAKERMODE_MONO is chosen, and 1 otherwise. <BR>
You will need to reset the pan separation if required afterwards.<BR>
This function must be called before FSOUND_Init to change the default speaker mode. To change on the fly, you must close down FMOD with FSOUND_Close then re-initialize it with FSOUND_Init.<BR>
If it is called after FSOUND_Init, only headphone speakermode is interpreted to switch headphone mode on and off.<BR>
By default the dashboard setting is used for the speakermode. It is not recommend you change this mode unless you let the user change it in-game.<BR>
PlayStation 2.<BR>
Only mono/stereo and prologic 2 modes are interpreted. Dolby digital or DTS are not supported.<BR>
This function must be called before playing sounds. Calling this after playing a sound will not make that existing sound work in Prologic 2.<BR>
Supported on the following platforms : Win32, WinCE, Linux, Macintosh, XBox, PlayStation 2, GameCube<BR>