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<TITLE>Natural Selection Manual</TITLE>
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Data</a> :: <a href="alien_species.html" class="sectionlink">Species</a>
:: <a href="alien_onos.html" class="sectionlink">Onos</a>: Observation</font></span></td>
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<p><b>Summary</b>: The dreadnaughts of the Kharaa,
the Onos are tanks – highly armored and very
powerful. They are so large they cannot use crawlspaces
and many of the narrow passages found on human
ships and bases. This does not limit their effectiveness
very much – the Onos is the highest level
response to any threat, requiring large amounts
of resources to gestate, but paying off with truly
awe-inspiring strength. [<a href="alien_onos_name.html">Name</a>]</p>
<img src="images/titles/alien_observation.gif" width="628" height="25" hspace="25">
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<p class="sectiontext"><a href="alien_skulk.html"><img src="images/tech_10/alien_back.gif" width="15" height="15" border="0"></a>
<a href="alien_onos.html">Onos</a></p>
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<p><i>"The grillwork – 'round 20'
by 20' of 6" metal bars – blew
off its welds and slid, still upright, digging
grooves into the silo's floor with an ungodly
squeal and hail of sparks. It tripped on
our arms factory and fell diagonally against
the curved wall opposite, forming a kind
of lean-to over our base. I had hit my jet
pack at the first noise, and was hovering
thirty feet above the scene. I angled onto
a catwalk. Sollis and Deej had dived to
the floor (no small feat in heavy armor),
narrowly avoiding the metal. They now stood
up, firing their HMG's down the hallway.
The Onos ran straight at them, bullets pocking
into its head plate, falling flattened to
the floor. I unloaded a clip from my LMG
into its back. They couldn't dodge in that
armor – the Onos suddenly doubled its
speed, and they went sprawling, Deej taking
the blow to his shoulders, smashing onto
his back and going down under its hooves,
Sollis getting a tusk to the midriff, throwing
him in an amazing cartwheel that terminated
halfway up the grillwork in a jumble of
bent armor and broken limbs. I reloaded
and emptied another clip into its back.
Sollis slid, inert, down the grillwork to
the Ono's feet. Deej's armor was literally
flat in places, inches thick, like he was
made out of clay. The Onos walked over to
our infantry portal and rent it in two with
its tusks. I reloaded and emptied another
clip into its back. It walked over to our
armory and butted it with its head, bending
its top, screens shattering and smoke trailing
up. I reloaded and emptied another clip
into its back. The Onos walked around to
the left of the grillwork and seemed to
consider it. It crouched down, crawling
awkwardly under the diagonal opening, then
suddenly stood, sending the grate toppling
back against the other wall. It looked down
on our command console. Our commander, Roswell,
came in over the comm line: "Andre
– I dropped another CC in the Steam
Ramp. Maybe they won't notice it. Get there
and get a portal up, stat." </i></p>
<p><i>The waypoint came up on my HUD. Steam
Ramp. 60 meters away. The Onos started to
slam against the CC. I counted to three
and slipped from the catwalk, bursting my
jets just feet above the silo floor to break
my fall. I leaped again, skimming through
the bent teeth sticking from the archway
where the grill had been. I heard a moment
of gunfire as Roswell was ejected from the
CC just before it was destroyed. Then I
was off into the red glow of the tunnels,
with two clips of ammo and a horde of beasts
between me and one small chance at turning
this around."</i></p>
<a href="alien_skulk_observation.html"><br>
<td><img src="images/images/onos.gif" width="200" height="200"></td>
<td> </td>
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