"MOH Radiant" Key Feature List:

1. Interface & Control Improvements
a.	3 different user camera manipulation modes available
b.	“Paint” select/deselect of surfaces (drag cursor continuously to select/deselect)
c.	Texture search by material/structure keyword
d.	Built-in lighting preview
e.	Rotation of brushes made more reliable – brushes less likely to fowl up on rotate
f.	Improved copy-paste-clone functions
g.	Per curve adjustable subdivision level
h.	Option to draw textures in the orthographic view ports
i.	Ruler Tool for measuring distances in world units 
j.	Option for transparent surfaces in 3D preview
k.	Texture alignment and rotation using the mouse
l.	More selection options:
	  i.	Select complete entity
	  ii.	Select Entities of type
	  iii.	Select Entities with targetname
	  iv.	Select connected entities
	  v.	Select untextured
	  vi.	Select terrain faces tall
	  vii.	Select all from texture

2. Terrain System Tools
a.	Create, link, detach, and manipulate terrain patches to create outdoor ground areas
b.	Export/import terrain height maps to .TGA image format 
c.	Adjustable draw distance for terrain independent of normal distance culling
d.	Manual controls for changing terrain LOD on a per-triangle basis (facet flags)
e.	Lock vertices on terrain to prevent accidental vertex manipulations
f.	“Paint” select/deselect terrain patches and triangles

3. Manual Visibility Editing

Compiler Features (Q3MAP & MoHLIGHT compiling tools):

1.	Radiosity
2.	Diffuse Sunlight
3.	Variable blocksize
4.	Manual Visibility 
5.	Surface Flags

MoH Radiant Key Assignments
   FileNew                 = Ctrl-N
   FileOpen                = Ctrl-O
   FileSave                = Ctrl-S
   Undo                    = Ctrl-Z
   Copy                    = Ctrl-C
   Paste                   = Ctrl-V
   NextView                = Ctrl-TAB
   CenterView              = End
   UpFloor                 = PageUp
   DownFloor               = PageDown
   ZoomOut                 = Insert
   ZoomIn                  = Delete
   ZZoomOut                = Ctrl-Insert
   ZzoomIn                 = Ctrl-Delete
   FilterWorldBrushes      = Alt-1
   FilterEntities          = Alt-2
   FilterPatches           = Alt-3
   FilterTranslucent       = Alt-4
   FilterLiquids           = Alt-5
   FilterCaulk             = Alt-6
   FilterClips             = Alt-7
   FilterPaths             = Alt-8
   FilterAINodes           = Alt-9
   FilterLights            = Alt-0
   FilterDetails           = Ctrl-D
   FilterHintsSkips        = Ctrl-H
   FilterModels            = Ctrl-M
   FilterAreaportals       = Ctrl-P
   FilterTriggers          = Ctrl-T
   CameraFromEntity        = Ctrl-J (set the camera view based on the selected entity)
   CameraToEntity          = Ctrl-Shift-J (set the entity angles key based on the camera)
   CameraGridMove          = /
   CubicClipZoomOut        = ]
   CubicClipZoomIn         = [
   ToggleSizePaint         = Shift-Q (turns on/off the selection size display)
   CenterXYFromCamera      = Alt-X
   DragEdges               = E
   DragVertices            = V
   CloneSelection          = Space (replaces target/targetname key values with new names)
   CloneSelectionExact     = Ctrl-Space (does not change target/targetname key values)
   UnSelectSelection       = Escape
   DeleteSelection         = BackSpace
   SelectCompleteEntity    = Ctrl-E
   SnapPatchToGrid         = Ctrl-G
   SelectClampPlanePoints  = Ctrl-Shift-G
   IncreaseLightmapDensity = Ctrl-]
   DecreaseLightmapDensity = Ctrl-[
   MouseRotate             = R
   MouseScale              = L
   ToggleClipper           = X
   FlipClip                = `
   ClipSelected            = Return
   SplitSelected           = Shift-Return
   EntityColor             = K
   ConnectSelection        = Ctrl-K
   MakeDetail              = Ctrl-Shift-D
   MakeStructural          = Ctrl-Alt-D
   ToggleDetail            = Ctrl-Alt-Shift-D
   SetGrid1                = 1
   SetGrid2                = 2
   SetGrid4                = 3
   SetGrid8                = 4
   SetGrid16               = 5
   SetGrid32               = 6
   SetGrid64               = 7
   ShowAllTextures         = Ctrl-A
   ShowInUseTextures       = U
   SurfaceInspector        = S
   CloseSurfDialog         = Shift-Escape
   PatchInspector          = P
   TextureFit              = Ctrl-F
   ToggleMoveLock          = Shift-M (keeps texture alignment as brushes are moved)
   ToggleRotateLock        = Shift-R (keeps texture rotations as brushes are rotated)
   NextLeakSpot            = Ctrl-L
   PrevLeakSpot            = Shift-L
   Brush3Sided             = Ctrl-3
   Brush4Sided             = Ctrl-4
   Brush5Sided             = Ctrl-5
   Brush6Sided             = Ctrl-6
   Brush7Sided             = Ctrl-7
   Brush8Sided             = Ctrl-8
   Brush9Sided             = Ctrl-9
   InvertCurve             = Ctrl-I
   BendMode                = Ctrl-B
   PatchTAB                = TAB
   TogglePatchOverlay      = Ctrl-Y
   IncreaseSubdivisions    = Shift-]
   DecreaseSubdivisions    = Shift-[
   ThickenPatch            = Ctrl-T
   ViewEntityInfo          = N
   ViewConsole             = O
   ViewTextures            = T
   CameraForward           = Up
   CameraBack              = Down
   CameraLeft              = Left
   CameraRight             = Right
   CameraUp                = D
   CameraDown              = C
   CameraAngleUp           = A
   CameraAngleDown         = Z
   CameraStrafeRight       = Period
   CameraStrafeLeft        = Comma
   CameraGridForward       = Ctrl-Forward
   CameraGridBack          = Ctrl-Back
   CameraGridStrafeRight   = Ctrl-Period
   CameraGridStrafeLeft    = Ctrl-Comma
   CameraFastForward       = Shift-Forward
   CameraFastBack          = Shift-Back
   CameraFastStrafeRight   = Shift-Period
   CameraFastStrafeLeft    = Shift-Comma
   IncreaseLightRadius     = Alt-]
   DecreaseLightRadius     = Alt-[
   TexRotateClock          = Shift-PgDn
   TexRotateCounterClock   = Shift-PgUp
   TexDecrement            = Shift-(minus)
   TexIncrement            = Shift-(add)
   MoveSelectionUp         = Add
   MoveSelectionDown       = Subtract
   SelectNudgeLeft         = Alt-Left
   SelectNudgeRight        = Alt-Right
   SelectNudgeUp           = Alt-Up
   SelectNudgeDown         = Alt-Down

For additional commands that can be bound to key combinations, look at the radiant.ini file in your radiant directory.
Note that the file in o:\fakkutils\radiant.ini will contain the latest command list.
Camera Button Assignments

   LBUTTON                    = Drag brush
   LBUTTON & CONTROL          = Shear brush
   LBUTTON & SHIFT            = Select whole brush
   LBUTTON & SHIFT & CONTROL  = Select single face

   MBUTTON                    = Grab texture and state
   MBUTTON & ALT              = Grab texture name into current state
   MBUTTON & SHIFT            = When used with a light, it makes the
                                light color the texture color
   MBUTTON & CONTROL          = Set entire brush to texture
   MBUTTON & CONTROL & SHIFT  = Set single face to texture

   RBUTTON                    = Drive with mouse
   RBUTTON & CONTROL          = Move camera
   RBUTTON & ALT              = Translate texture
   RBUTTON & ALT & SHIFT      = Scale texture
   RBUTTON & ALT & CONTROL    = Rotate texture

XY/XZ/YZ Button Assignments

   ARROWS & SHIFT			= Move faster
   ARROWS & CONTROL           = Move in grid units

   LBUTTON                    = Move/Create brush
                                Move clip point
   LBUTTON & CONTROL          = Shear brush
   LBUTTON & SHIFT            = Select entire brush
                                Select entire patch row/col
   LBUTTON & CONTROL & SHIFT  = Select single face

   MBUTTON                    = Change camera angle
   MBUTTON & SHIFT            = Move Z checker
   MBUTTON & CONTROL          = Move camera

   RBUTTON                    = Scroll window
   RBUTTON & CONTROL          = Place clip point
   RBUTTON & SHIFT            = Move free rotation origin
                                Move patch bend origin

Texture Button Assignments

   LBUTTON                    = Select texture
   LBUTTON & SHIFT            = Select name only
   LBUTTON & CONTROL          = Edit shader in ShaderED
   LBUTTON & CONTROL & SHIFT  = Edit shader in EditPad

   MBUTTON & CONTROL          = Select all brushes with texture
   MBUTTON & CONTROL & SHIFT  = Select all faces with texture

   RBUTTON                    = Scroll window
   RBUTTON & SHIFT            = Scroll window fast