Signals the beginning of a block of commands
Signals the end of a block of commands
accel( Float xAcc, Float yAcc, Float zAcc )
Set the acceleration of the spawned tempmodel.
This acceleration is applied using the world axisalias( String alias, String realPath, [ String arg1 ], [ String arg2 ], [ String arg3 ], [ String arg4 ], [ String arg5 ], [ String arg6 ] )
Create an alias to the specified path
aliascache( String alias, String realPath, [ String arg1 ], [ String arg2 ], [ String arg3 ], [ String arg4 ], [ String arg5 ], [ String arg6 ] )
Create an alias to the specified path and cache the resource
Align the tempmodels to the direction they are traveling
Align the tempmodels to the direction they are traveling at the time they are initialized
alignstretch( [ Float scaleMultiplier ] )
Aligns the temp model to the direction of travel, and stretches it betwen the last and current positions.
alpha( Float alpha )
Set the alpha of the spawned tempmodel
Set emitter/tempmodel to be alwaysdraw. Which can be turned off by alwaysdraw
angles( [ String [random|crandom|range] ], Float pitch, [ Float [pitch2] ], [ String [random|crandom|range] ], Float yaw, [ Float [yaw2] ], [ String [random|crandom|range] ], Float roll, [ Float [roll2] ] )
If random is specified, the component will range from 0 to +specified value.
If crandom is specified, the component will range from -specified to +specified value.
If range is specified, the component needs two values; it will randomly pick a number in the range
from the first number to the first number plus the second number.
If no keyword is explicitly specified, then the component will be just set
without randomness.anim( String animation )
Set a tempmodel the the specified animation
Set a tempmodel to animate once and then get removed
avelocity( Float yawVel, Float pitchVel, Float rollVel )
Set the angular velocity of the spawned tempmodel
Make the beams endpoints offset to reduce the bunching up effect
beamdelay( [ String [random] ], [ Float delay ] )
Set the delay time between creating new beams.
If the keyword random is specified, the delay between beams will occur randomly between 0 and the time specifiedbeamlength( Float length )
Set the length of the beam or trace length (for decals)
Make the beams persist instead of blinking out
beamshader( String shadername )
Set the shader to use for the beam
beamsphere( Integer count )
Create a sphere shaped beam effect from the origin. Count is the number of beams
beamtoggledelay( [ String [random] ], [ Float delay ] )
Set a delay between toggling the beams on and off.
If the keyword random is specified, the delay between toggling will occur randomly between 0 and the time specifiedblockdlight( Float intensity, Float life, [ String type1 ], [ String type2 ] )
Spawn a dynamic light from the origin of the model
An additional commands block allows the specification of moving & varying dlights
The intensity is the radius of the light
type is the type of light to create (lensflare,viewlensflare,additive)bodyfall( [ Float fVolume ] )
Play a body fall sound that is appropriate to the surface we are falling on
bouncedecal( Integer maxamount, [ Integer temporary ] )
Put a mark when the tempmodel bounces and hits a surface
maxamount = Max amount of decals to make when bouncing
temporary = specify 1 for a temporary mark that only appears for a short time, 0 for a decal that stays aroung longer (default is 0)
bouncefactor( Float factor )
Set the bounciness of a tempmodel when it hits a solid.
A factor > 1 will make the model bounce higher and higher on each hitbouncesound( String sound, [ Float [delay] ] )
When bouncing, what sound to play on impact and an option delay (default is 1 second) between playing this sound
bouncesoundonce( String sound )
When bouncing, what sound to play on impact one time
cache( String resourceName )
Cache the specified resource
cachefont( String fontName )
Cache the specified font (For menu graphics that should never be picmiped)
cachefromalias( String alias )
Caches all data matching a previously specified alias
cacheimage( String imageName )
Cache the specified image (For menu graphics that should never be picmiped)
Set the tempmodels to be spawned in a circle around the origin
This circle will be generated in the X/Y axis of the modelclampvel( Float minX, Float maxX, Float minY, Float maxY, Float minZ, Float maxZ )
sets the valid range for velocities along global axes. Cannot be used with clampvelaxis.
clampvelaxis( Float minX, Float maxX, Float minY, Float maxY, Float minZ, Float maxZ )
sets the valid range for velocities along oriented axes. Cannot be used with clampvel.
client( [ String arg1 ], [ String arg2 ], [ String arg3 ], [ String arg4 ], [ String arg5 ], [ String arg6 ] )
Execute the specified command arg string
collision( [ String water ] )
Turn on collision for the tempmodel.
If the keyword water is specified, then the tempmodel will collide with watercolor( Float red, Float green, Float blue, [ Float alpha ] )
Set the color (modulate) of the spawned tempmodel.
colorvelocity( Float rVel, Float gVel, Float bVel )
Set the color velocity of the spawned dlight tempmodel
commanddelay( Float delay, String command, [ String [arg1] ], [ String [arg2] ], [ String [arg3] ], [ String [arg4] ], [ String [arg5] ], [ String [arg6] ] )
executes a command after the given delay
cone( Float height, Float radius )
Randomly spawns the particle somewhere inside a cone along the model's local x axis
count( Integer count )
Set the number of tempmodels that are spawned
This is only used for the originspawn and tagspawn commands,
and not for emitters, use spawnrate insteaddecalradius( Float radius )
Set the radius of the decal
decalshader( String shadername )
Set the shader to use for the impact decal
delayedrepeat( Float time, Integer commandnumber, [ String [arg1] ], [ String [arg2] ], [ String [arg3] ], [ String [arg4] ], [ String [arg5] ], [ String [arg6] ] )
Set the time delay between this command getting executed. This requires a command number to be assigned here.
This is internally used to keep track of the commands this entity executes and will resolve naming conflicts.
This is only useful if the command gets called continuously but must execute at regular intervals.
delayedsfx( Float fDelay, String sCommand, [ String arg1 ], [ String arg2 ], [ String arg3 ], [ String arg4 ], [ String arg5 ], [ String arg6 ], [ String arg7 ], [ String arg8 ] )
Used for adding commands to a special effect with a time delay
Set emitter/tempmodel to be detail. Which can be turned off by detail
Set the spawned tempmodels to die when they touch a solid
dlight( Float red, Float green, Float blue, Float intensity, [ String type1 ], [ String type2 ] )
This makes the emitter itself a dynamic lightThe red,green,blue parms are the color of the light
The intensity is the radius of the light
type is the type of light to create (lensflare,viewlensflare,additive)emitterangles( [ Float pitchofs ], [ Float yawofs ], [ Float rollofs ] )
Set the tempmodels angles to that of the emitter
The three optional parameters are for setting an angle offset from the emitteremitteroff( String emitterName )
Turn the specified emitter off
emitteron( String emitterName )
Turn the specified emitter on
endalpha( Float alpha )
Set the alpha of the beam's endpoint
entcolor( Float red, Float green, Float blue, [ Float alpha ] )
Set the color(modulate) of this entity
eyelimits( Float fPitchmax, Float fYawmax, Float fRollmax )
Set the max angle offsets for the eyes from the model's head
eyemovement( Float fMovement )
Sets the amount of the head's movement to apply to the players view. 1 is full, 0 is none
Set the tempmodel to fade out over it's life
fadedelay( Float time )
Set the amount of time to delay a fade
fadein( Float time )
Set the tempmodel to fade in over the specified time
Set the tempmodel to change it's alpha every frame. Creates a flickering effect
footstep( String tag, String sRunning, [ Integer iEquipment ] )
Play a footstep sound that is appropriate to the surface we are currently stepping on
sRunning should be set to run, walk, or ladderfriction( Float friction )
Set the friction as a fraction of velocity per second... exact effect depends on physics rate:
slowdown per second = [1 - (friction / physicsrate)] ^ physicsrate; physicsrate defaults to 10globalfade( [ String [in|out] ] )
Set the tempmodels to globally fade in or out together
Set the tempmodels linked to the model they are spawned from, so they move with it
Create the tempmodels in a sphere around the origin, and adjust their
angle so they point toward the center of the sphere. This is best used with a
spehere radius and some velocity so the models look like they're heading toward the
center of the sphere.landing( [ Float fVolume ], [ Integer iEquipment ] )
Play a landing sound that is appropriate to the surface we are landing on
life( Float life, [ Float randomlife ] )
Set the life (in seconds) of the spawned tempmodel
lightstyle( String nameOfImage )
Set a lightstyle to determine the color of this tempmodel, the image
specified is used to determine the look of the light styleloopsound( String soundName, [ Float volume ], [ Float min_distance ], Float pitch )
Play the specifed sound as a looping sound
maxoffset( Float maxoffset )
Set the maximum offset from center in a beam
minoffset( Float minoffset )
Set the minimum offset from center in a beam
model( String modelname1, [ String modelname2 ], [ String modelname3 ], [ String modelname4 ], [ String modelname5 ], [ String modelname6 ] )
Set the modelname of the tempmodel. If more than 1 model is specified, it will
be randomly chosen when spawnednotagaxis
Forces the effect to use the model's orientation for randvelaxis and offsetalongaxis
numsegments( Integer numsegments )
Set the number of segments in a beam
offset( [ String [random|crandom|range] ], Float offsetX, [ Float [offsetX2] ], [ String [random|crandom|range] ], Float offsetY, [ Float [offsetY2] ], [ String [random|crandom|range] ], Float offsetZ, [ Float [offsetZ2] ] )
If random is specified, the component will range from 0 to +specified offset.
If crandom is specified, the component will range from -specified to +specified offset.
If range is specified, the component needs two values; it will randomly pick a number in the range
from the first number to the first number plus the second number.
If no keyword is explicitly specified, then the component will just be added on
without randomness.
This offset is applied using the world axis.offsetalongaxis( [ String [crandom|random|range] ], Float offsetx, [ Float [offsetx2] ], [ String [crandom|random|range] ], Float offsety, [ Float [offsety2] ], [ String [crandom|random|range] ], Float offsetz, [ Float [offsetz2] ] )
If random is specified, the component will range from 0 to specified offset.
If crandom is specified, the component will range from -specified to +specified offset.
If range is specified, the component needs two values; it will randomly pick a number in the range
from the first number to the first number plus the second number.
If no keyword is explicitly specified, then the component will just be added on
without randomness.
This offset is applied using the model's local axisorientation( Float degrees )
Set the degrees to orient the decal. Specify 'random' to use a random orientation
Spawn beams from the origin.
This command is followed by a ( to specify a block of commands that modify the beamoriginbeamspawn
Spawn a beam from the origin.
This command is followed by a ( to specify a block of commands that modify the beamorigindlight( Float red, Float green, Float blue, Float intensity, Float life, [ String type1 ], [ String type2 ] )
Spawn a dynamic light from the origin of the model
The red,green,blue parms are the color of the light
The intensity is the radius of the light
type is the type of light to create (lensflare,viewlensflare,additive)originemitter( String emitterName )
Create an emitter that spawns tempmodels from the origin.
This command is followed by a ( to specify a block of commands that modify the tempmodelsoriginspawn
Spawn tempmodels from the origin.
This command is followed by a ( to specify a block of commands that modify the tempmodelsparallel
Set tempmodel to be parallel to the viewer
Set the tempmodels angles to that of its parent
Set the tempmodels linked to the parent, so they move with the parent model
physicsrate( String rate )
Set the rate (in updates per second) for the tempmodel's physics to be updated
print( String string )
Prints a string.
printdeathmsg( String msg1,, String msg2,, String killer,, String victim,, String deathType )
Prints a death message string. Used to allow death messages to appear in their correct language on client machines.
radialvelocity( Float scale, Float min_additional, Float max_additional )
Subtracts the particle origin from origin and multiplies by scale, then adds additional velocity
between min and max... negative values bring toward origin
radius( Float radius )
Set the radius of the sphere for the inwardsphere amd sphere settings
randomchance( Float percentage, [ String [arg1] ], [ String [arg2] ], [ String [arg3] ], [ String [arg4] ], [ String [arg5] ], [ String [arg6] ] )
Set the percentage chance that command will occur
Set the tempmodels so they pick a random roll value every frame
randvel( [ String [random|crandom|range] ], Float xVel, [ Float [xVel2] ], [ String [random|crandom|range] ], Float yVel, [ Float [yVel2] ], [ String [random|crandom|range] ], Float zVel, [ Float [zVel2] ] )
Add a random component to the regular velocity.
If random is specified, the component will range from 0 to specified velocity.
If crandom is specified, the component will range from -specified to +specified velocity.
If range is specified, the component needs two values; it will randomly pick a number in the range
from the first number to the first number plus the second number.
If no keyword is explicitly specified, then the component will just be added on
without randomness.
This velocity is applied using the world axisrandvelaxis( [ String [random|crandom|range] ], Float forwardVel, [ Float [forwardVel2] ], [ String [random|crandom|range] ], Float rightVel, [ Float [rightVel2] ], [ String [random|crandom|range] ], Float upVel, [ Float [upVel2] ] )
Add a random component to the regular velocity.
If random is specified, the component will range from 0 to specified velocity.
If crandom is specified, the component will range from -specified to +specified velocity.
If range is specified, the component needs two values; it will randomly pick a number in the range
from the first number to the first number plus the second number.
If no keyword is explicitly specified, then the component will just be added on
without randomness.
This velocity is applied using the parent axisrelativeangles( )
makes the spawn angles get applied relative to the orientation of the model
scale( Float scale )
Set the scale of a spawned tempmodel
scalemax( Float scalemax )
Set the maximum scale of a spawned tempmodel
scalemin( Float scalemin )
Set the minimum scale of a spawned tempmodel
scalerate( Float rate )
Set the scaling rate of the spawned tempmodel
If a negative rate is used, the model will shrinkscaleupdown
Set the tempmodel to scale up to scale value and then down.
settiki( String settiki )
sets the tiki the aliases should be on in the sound uberfile
sfx( String sCommand, [ String arg1 ], [ String arg2 ], [ String arg3 ], [ String arg4 ], [ String arg5 ], [ String arg6 ], [ String arg7 ], [ String arg8 ] )
Used for adding commands to a special effect
smokeparms( Float typeinfo, Float fademult, Float scalemult )
Sets some misc parms for smoke
sound( String soundName, [ String channelName ], [ Float volume ], [ Float min_distance ], [ Float pitch ], [ Float randompitch ], [ String randomvolume ] )
Play the specified sound
spawnrange( Integer range1, [ Integer range2 ] )
Sets the range in which this effect will spawn tempmodels. If one number is specified, it is the max range
and 0 is the min range; if two numbers are specified, the larger is the max range.
spawnrate( Float rate )
Set the spawnrate of the emitter (models per second).
This is only used for emitters and not for the originspawn and tagspawn commandssphere
Set the tempmodels to spawn in a sphere around the origin.
If sphereradius is set, the tempmodels will spawn at the radius distance from
the originspin( Float rotations_per_second )
Sets counterclockwise rotations per second at which the emitter's x/y-axes rotate around its z-axis
spread( Float spreadx, Float spready )
Add a random variance in the spawned beam in the forward direction by the amound specified in spreadx and spready
Calculates grid lighting for a sprite
Signals an emitter to start in the off state (no tempmodels are emitted)
stopaliaschannel( String alias )
Stops the sound channel used by the specified alias.
Stop the looping sound
stopsound( String channelName )
Stops the sound on the specified channel.
swarm( Integer frequency, Float maxspeed, Float delta )
Create a swarm like effect that the tempmodels follow when they are spawned
frequency is how often they change direction
maxspeed is how fast the tempmodel will move (it's randomly generated every
time the frequency is hit)
delta is how much the tempmodel moves toward the origin every frameswipe( [ Vector origin ] )
Do a swipe and add it on to the swipe rendering list.
Signal the end of a swipe
swipeon( String shader, String startTagName, Float endTagNamelife, Float life )
Signal the start of a swipe from the current tag
tagbeamemitter( String tagstart, String tagend, String name )
Create a beam emitter that uses 2 tags to determine it's start and end position
tagbeamspawn( String tagstart, Float name )
Create a beam emitter that uses the tag to determine it's starting position.
tagdlight( String tagName, Float red, Float green, Float blue, Float intensity, Float life, [ String intvel ], [ String type1 ] )
Spawn a dynamic light from the specified tag
The red,green,blue parms are the color of the light
The intensity is the radius of the light
type is the type of light to create (lensflare,viewlensflare,additive)tagemitter( String tagName, String emitterName )
Create an emitter that spawns tempmodels from the specified tag.
This command is followed by a ( to specify a block of commands that modify the tempmodelstaglist( String arg1, String arg2, [ String arg3 ], [ String arg4 ], [ String arg5 ], [ String arg6 ], [ String arg7 ], [ String arg8 ] )
Set the tag list to create a beam that travels between all the tags
tagspawn( String tagName )
Spawn tempmodels from the specified tag.
This command is followed by a ( to specify a block of commands that modify the tempmodelstagspawnlinked( String tagName )
Spawn tempmodels from the specified tag, linked to the entity at the tag.
This command is followed by a ( to specify a block of commands that modify the tempmodelstracelength( Float length )
Set the length of the trace for the decal
trail( String shader, String startTag, String endTag, Float life )
Set the tempmodel to have a swipe that follows it
treads( String tagName, String shader, Integer localrefnumber )
Spawn treads from the specified tag using the specified tread type.
treadsoff( String tagName, Integer localrefnumber )
Stops spawning treads from the specified tag.
twinkle( Float mintimeoff, Float maxtimeoff, Float mintimeon, Float maxtimeon )
Set the tempmodel to twinkle with the specified settings
Makes this trace command use the end results of the last trace command
Sets the color to vary by 0 to -200f specified color
velocity( Float forwardVelocity )
Set the forward velocity of the spawned tempmodel
viewkick( Float pitchmin, Float pitchmax, Float yawmin, Float yawmax, Float recenterspeed, String patters, Float pitchmax, Float yawmax )
Adds kick to the view of the owner when fired.
Set the effect to spawn volumetric sources rather than tempmodels
makes the temp model remove itself if it leaves water
Makes the temp model be affected by wind
effectdelay( Integer iEffect, Integer iCurrEmitter, Vector vPos, Vector vAngles, Vector vAxisA, Vector vAxisB, Vector vAxisC )
Resumes the execution of iEffect effect from its iCurrEmitter emitter.
commanddelay( Float delay, String command, [ String [arg1] ], [ String [arg2] ], [ String [arg3] ], [ String [arg4] ], [ String [arg5] ], [ String [arg6] ] )
executes a command after the given delay
Removes this listener immediately.
Removes this listener immediately.
Removes this listener the next time events are processed.