activebackgroundcolor( Float r, Float g, Float b, Float a )
Set the color for the active button background
activebordercolor( Float r, Float g, Float b, Float a )
Set the color for the active button border
activeforegroundcolor( Float r, Float g, Float b, Float a )
Set the color for the active button foreground
activesound( String soundname )
Set the name of the sound to play when the item is made active
align( String arg1, [ String arg2 ], [ String arg3 ], [ String arg4 ], [ String arg5 ], [ String arg6 ] )
Set the alignment on the bind menu
bind_alternatekeyheight( Integer height )
Height of the alternate key item
bind_alternatekeywidth( Integer width )
Width of the alternate key item
bind_commandheight( Integer height )
Height of the command item
bind_commandwidth( Integer width )
Width of the command item
bind_fillwidth( Integer width, [ String material ] )
Width of the filling between widgets
bind_height( Integer height )
Height of the bind menu
bind_primarykeyheight( Integer height )
Height of the primary key item
bind_primarykeywidth( Integer width )
Width of the primary key item
bind_width( Integer width )
Width of the bind menu
binditem( String name, String command )
Create a new bind item in the interface
changesound( String soundname )
Set the name of the sound to play when the highlighted item changes
entersound( String soundname )
Set the name of the sound to play when the key is entered
header( Integer column_num, String name, String material )
Set the header of each column
highlightbackgroundcolor( Float r, Float g, Float b, Float a )
Set the color for the highlighted button background
highlightforegroundcolor( Float r, Float g, Float b, Float a )
Set the color for the highlighted button foreground
inactivebackgroundcolor( Float r, Float g, Float b, Float a )
Set the color for the inactive button background
inactiveforegroundcolor( Float r, Float g, Float b, Float a )
Set the color for the inactive button foreground
selectbackgroundcolor( Float r, Float g, Float b, Float a )
Set the color for the selected button background
selectforegroundcolor( Float r, Float g, Float b, Float a )
Set the color for the selected button foreground
titlebackgroundcolor( Float r, Float g, Float b, Float a )
Set the color for the title background
titleforegroundcolor( Float r, Float g, Float b, Float a )
Set the color for the title foreground
Signal that the window was closed
Specifies that the widget has been destroyed.
Signals that the widget has been deactivated.
Signal that the window was closed
Specifies that the widget has been destroyed.
Signal that the button was pressed
left_mouse_down( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )
Left mouse button has been pressed down
mouse_entered( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )
Mouse entered a widget event
mouse_exited( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )
Mouse exiting a widget event
mouse_moved( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )
Mouse was moved in a widget with no buttons down
right_mouse_down( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )
Right mouse button has been pressed down
left_mouse_down( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )
Left mouse button has been pressed down
left_mouse_up( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )
Left mouse button has been released
mouse_entered( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )
Mouse entered a widget event
mouse_exited( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )
Mouse exiting a widget event
mouse_moved( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )
Mouse was moved in a widget with no buttons down
right_mouse_down( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )
Right mouse button has been pressed down
right_mouse_up( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )
Right mouse button has been released
Specifies that the widget has been destroyed.
Specifies that the size of the widget has changed.
Signals that the widget has been deactivated.
listbase_item_doubleclicked( Integer index )
Signaled when an item is double clicked
listbase_item_selected( Integer index )
Signaled when an item is selected
ammo( String ammo_name )
The name of the current item's ammo
barheight( Integer barheight )
The height of the current item's ammo bar, or default width of all items bar's depending on context
baroffsetx( Integer width )
The x offset used to calculate ammo bar
baroffsety( Integer width )
The y offset used to calculate ammo bar
barshader( String shader )
Shader to draw on the background of the item widget to display ammo counts
barwidth( Integer width )
The width of the current item's ammo bar or default width of all items bar's depending on context
bg( String shader )
Shader for the background of the class submenu
Specifies to tile the background of the class submenu
bgshader( String shader )
Shader to draw on the background of the item widget
button_shader( String shader )
The shader for the class button
checkammo( Boolean bool )
Check if the weapon has ammo before using it
command( String command )
Command to execute
equip( String use, [ String use ], [ String use ], [ String use ], [ String use ], [ String use ], [ String use ], [ String use ], [ String use ], [ String use ] )
Which ways you can use this item
height( Integer height )
The height of the current item, or default width of all items depending on context
hover_shader( String shader )
The shader for the class button when hovering
hudangledeltas( Vector angles )
How to spin or bob the model
hudangles( Vector angles )
The orientation of the model
hudanim( String anim )
Which anim this item uses
Applies the special case compass angles to the model
Applies the special case compass needle angles to the model
hudmodel( String name )
Which model this item is
hudmove( String movetype )
How to move the model when selected.
either bob or spinhudoffset( Vector offset )
Offsets the origin of the model for moving
hudrotateoffset( Vector offset )
Offsets the origin of the model for rotation
hudscale( Float scale )
How much to scale the model
inv_align( String side )
Specifies the horizontal offset from the right of the screen for the inventory
inv_cascade( String side )
Specifies the side which to cascade inventory items
inv_changesound( String soundname )
Set the sound to play when the inventory changes items
inv_height( Integer height )
Specifies the height of each of the main inv buttons
inv_horiz_offset( Integer offset )
Specifies the horizontal offset from the right of the screen for the inventory
inv_rejectsound( String soundname )
Set the sound to play when an invalid inventory item is selected
inv_selectsound( String soundname )
Set the sound to play when an inventory item is selected
inv_vert_offset( Integer offset )
Specifies the vertical offset from the top of the screen for the inventory
inv_width( Integer width )
Specifies the width of each of the main inv buttons
invangledeltas( Vector angles )
How to spin or bob the model
invangles( Vector angles )
The orientation of the model
invanim( String anim )
Which anim this item uses
invmodel( String name )
Which model this item is
invmove( String movetype )
How to move the model when selected.
either bob or spininvoffset( Vector offset )
Offsets the origin of the model for moving
invrotateoffset( Vector offset )
Offsets the origin of the model for rotation
invscale( Float scale )
How much to scale the model
item( String item_name )
The name of the current item
modelwindow( Float x, Float y, Float width, Float height )
Specifies the dimensions of the model window for the inventory in normalized coordinates
sel_shader( String shader )
The shader for the class button when selected
selitem_shader( String shader )
The shader for an item that is currently selected in the class submenu
Whether the sel shader should be rendered after the model
typedef( String type )
Specifies which class of item you're editing
width( Integer width )
The width of the current item, or default width of all items depending on context
Open brace, useless
Close brace, useless
commanddelay( Float delay, String command, [ String [arg1] ], [ String [arg2] ], [ String [arg3] ], [ String [arg4] ], [ String [arg5] ], [ String [arg6] ] )
executes a command after the given delay
Removes this listener immediately.
Removes this listener immediately.
Removes this listener the next time events are processed.
Hides the menu.
showmenu( [ Boolean activate ] )
Shows the menu.
Lock out the menu from receiving input
pushmenu( String menuname )
Pushes the menu on the stack
Unlock the menu from receiving input
Signals that the widget has been deactivated.
listbase_item_doubleclicked( Integer index )
Signaled when an item is double clicked
listbase_item_selected( Integer index )
Signaled when an item is selected
Signals that the widget has been deactivated.
Signal that the window was closed
listbase_item_doubleclicked( Integer index )
Signaled when an item is double clicked
listbase_item_selected( Integer index )
Signaled when an item is selected
Update the stats on the missionLog
Signal that the button was pressed
left_mouse_up( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )
Left mouse button has been released
any_mouse_down( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )
Any mouse button has been pressed
bindcommand( String cmd )
Command to bind
hovercommand( String string )
Set the command to execute when this button is hovered over
hoversound( String soundName )
Set the sound to play when this button is hovered over
left_mouse_down( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )
Left mouse button has been pressed down
left_mouse_up( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )
Left mouse button has been released
left_mousedragged( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )
Mouse was moved in a widget with the left button down
mouse_entered( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )
Mouse entered a widget event
mouse_exited( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )
Mouse exiting a widget event
mouseawaycommand( String string )
Set the command to execute when the mouse exits this buttong
checked_command( String command )
Command to execute when checkbox is checked
checked_shader( String shader )
Set the shader of the small button when it is checked
left_mouse_down( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )
Left mouse button has been pressed down
left_mouse_up( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )
Left mouse button has been released
mouse_entered( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )
Mouse entered a widget event
mouse_exited( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )
Mouse exiting a widget event
unchecked_command( String command )
Command to execute when checkbox is checked
unchecked_shader( String shader )
Set the shader of the small button when it is unchecked
print( String string )
Print the string to the console
Specifies that the size of the widget has changed.
Specifies that the size of the widget has changed.
filename( String filename )
Filename that holds bind definitions
stops trying to bind a key to a command
left_mouse_down( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )
Left mouse button has been pressed down
used internally when the inventory is reset
invmodelhand( Integer handindex )
set the specified hand index to render a 3d model from
invmodelname( String name )
set the name of the 3d model to render
itemstat( Integer itemstatValue )
set itemstat for layout
maxplayerstat( Integer maxPlayerstatValue )
set the playerstat that holds the max value for that stat. Used for statbars
modelangles( Vector angles )
Render model angles
modelanim( String anim )
Render model anim
modeloffset( Vector offset )
Render model offset
modelrotateoffset( Vector offset )
Render model rotation offset
modelscale( Float scale )
Render model scale
playerstat( Integer playerstatValue )
set playerstat for layout
playerstatalpha( Integer playerstatValue )
set playerstat to control alpha for layout
playerstatconfigstring( Integer playerstatValue )
set playerstat for layout - will print out the corresponding configstring
rendermodel( Boolean bool )
Render the model specified by the cvar.
statbar( String orientation, [ Integer min ], [ Integer max ] )
make this label present the stat using a graphical bar. Optionally specify a min and max value
statbar_endangles( Float startang, Float endang )
Sets the start and end angles for a circular stat bar
statbar_needlewidth( Float width )
Sets the width of the needle for a needle statbar
statbar_rotatorsize( Float width )
Sets the width of the needle for a needle statbar
statbar_shader( String shader )
set the shader for this statbar
statbar_shader_flash( String shader )
set the flash shader for this statbar
statbar_shader_marker( String shader )
set the marker shader for this statbar
This is drawn at the end of the status barstatbar_tileshader( String shader )
set the tile shader for this statbar
statbar_tileshader_flash( String shader )
set the flash tile shader for this statbar
Delete the currently selected game... for real
listbase_item_doubleclicked( Integer index )
Signaled when an item is double clicked
listbase_item_selected( Integer index )
Signaled when an item is selected
Load the currently selected game
Delete the currently selected game... for real
Delete the currently selected game
Save the currently selected game
Cancel serverlist Refresh
Connect to the specified server
Makes this server list to LAN stuff when there's a choice between Internet & LAN servers
listbase_item_doubleclicked( Integer index )
Signaled when an item is double clicked
listbase_item_selected( Integer index )
Signaled when an item is selected
Refresh the LAN serverlist
Refresh the serverlist
Cancel serverlist Refresh
left_mouse_down( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )
Left mouse button has been pressed down
Set the field as an IP field.
SetMaxChars( Integer numChars )
Tells the field how many characters can be typed into the field.
Signal the field that it should only take numeric input.
Signal that the window was closed
Signals that the widget has been deactivated.
Signal that the window was closed
Signals that the widget has been activated.
Signal that the window was closed
Signal that the window was minimized
left_mouse_down( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )
Left mouse button has been pressed down
left_mouse_up( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )
Left mouse button has been released
left_mousedragged( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )
Mouse was moved in a widget with the left button down
Specifies that the size of the widget has changed.
Specifies that the size of the widget has changed.
left_mouse_down( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )
Left mouse button has been pressed down
left_mouse_up( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )
Left mouse button has been released
left_mousedragged( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )
Mouse was moved in a widget with the left button down
mouse_entered( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )
Mouse entered a widget event
mouse_exited( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )
Mouse exiting a widget event
Links the label's cvar to its shader
linkstring( Integer value, String string )
Creates a link from the specified value to a string.Use this if you want the label to display a string different from the value of the cvar
loopingsound( String soundName, Float start_volume, Float hold_start_time, Float ending_volume, Float ramp_time )
Set the sound to play
mouse_entered( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )
Mouse entered a widget event
mouse_exited( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )
Mouse exiting a widget event
oneshotsound( String soundName, Float soundTime )
Set the sound to play
outlinedtext( Integer outlined )
Set/clear outline text
shader( String shaderName )
Set the shader to draw on the background of the widget
tileshader( String shaderName )
Set the shader to draw tiled on the background of the widget
Join the currently selected server
listbase_item_doubleclicked( Integer index )
Signaled when an item is double clicked
listbase_item_selected( Integer index )
Signaled when an item is selected
Makes the lan game list connect to the selected server
left_mouse_down( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )
Left mouse button has been pressed down
left_mouse_up( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )
Left mouse button has been released
menu( String name, Float width, Float height, String direction, [ Float motion_time ] )
Sets up the layout of the menu.
additem( String itemname, [ String command ] )
Add an item to the list
left_mouse_down( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )
Left mouse button has been pressed down
left_mouse_up( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )
Left mouse button has been released
addconfigstringitem( Integer index, [ String command ] )
Add an item to the list that uses a configstring
additem( String itemname, [ String command ] )
Add an item to the list
Delete all the items from the widget
font( String title )
Set the font of the widget
left_mouse_down( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )
Left mouse button has been pressed down
left_mouse_up( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )
Left mouse button has been released
left_mouse_down( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )
Left mouse button has been pressed down
left_mouse_up( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )
Left mouse button has been released
left_mousedragged( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )
Mouse was moved in a widget with the left button down
mouse_entered( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )
Mouse entered a widget event
Specifies that the size of the widget has changed.
Refreshes the map list.
Refreshed the map rotation list.
edit( Boolean bool )
Set whether or not the text is editable
left_mouse_down( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )
Left mouse button has been pressed down
left_mouse_up( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )
Left mouse button has been released
left_mousedragged( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )
Mouse was moved in a widget with the left button down
Specifies that the size of the widget has changed.
Causes text box to update itself using the assigned cvar
Signal that the window was closed
openfile( String nameOfFile )
called to open a file in the notepad
left_mouse_down( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )
Left mouse button has been pressed down
Signals that the widget has been deactivated.
left_mouse_up( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )
Left mouse button has been released
mouse_exited( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )
Mouse exiting a widget event
mouse_moved( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )
Mouse was moved in a widget with no buttons down
highlight_bgcolor( Float r, Float g, Float b )
Set the background color of the highlighted text when a pulldown is used
highlight_fgcolor( Float r, Float g, Float b )
Set the foreground color of the highlighted text when a pulldown is used
left_mouse_down( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )
Left mouse button has been pressed down
left_mouse_up( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )
Left mouse button has been released
left_mousedragged( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )
Mouse was moved in a widget with the left button down
addpopup( String menuname, String title, String type, String string )
Adds a popup to the list box.
menuname - the name of the menu to add this to
title - the string to display
type - type of item this is (command,cvar,event_name)
string - the data that corresponds to the correct type
highlight_bgcolor( String menu, Float r, Float g, Float b, Float a )
Set the highlight foreground color of the pulldown menumenuname - the name of the popup menu to color
highlight_fgcolor( String menu, Float r, Float g, Float b, Float a )
Set the highlight background color of the pulldown menumenuname - the name of the popup menu to color
menushader( String menuname, String shader )
Adds a menu to the container and sets the shader.
menuname - the name of the menu to add this to
shader - the string to displaypopup_bgcolor( String menu, Float r, Float g, Float b, Float a )
Set the foreground color of the popup menumenuname - the name of the popup menu to color
popup_fgcolor( String menu, Float r, Float g, Float b, Float a )
Set the background color of the popup menumenuname - the name of the popup menu to color
popup_highlight_bgcolor( String menu, Float r, Float g, Float b, Float a )
Set the highlight foreground color of the popup menumenuname - the name of the popup menu to color
popup_highlight_fgcolor( String menu, Float r, Float g, Float b, Float a )
Set the highlight background color of the popup menumenuname - the name of the popup menu to color
selmenushader( String menuname, String shader )
Adds a menu to the container and sets the shader when it's selected.
menuname - the name of the menu to add this to
shader - the string to displayvirtualres( Integer usevirtualres )
Set the widget to be modified horizontally or vertically across the screen to account for resolutions != 640x480
left_mouse_up( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )
Left mouse button has been released
left_mouse_up( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )
Left mouse button has been released
left_mouse_up( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )
Left mouse button has been released
left_mouse_up( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )
Left mouse button has been released
Used to auto decrement the slider
Used to auto increment the slider
left_mouse_down( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )
Left mouse button has been pressed down
left_mouse_up( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )
Left mouse button has been released
left_mousedragged( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )
Mouse was moved in a widget with the left button down
leftshader( String shader, [ String depressed_shader ] )
Set the shader of the slider's left arrow
mouse_entered( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )
Mouse entered a widget event
mouse_exited( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )
Mouse exiting a widget event
rightshader( String shader, [ String depressed_shader ] )
Set the shader of the slider's right arrow
setrange( Float min, Float max )
Used to set the range of a slider
slidertype( String sliderType(float|integer) )
Set the slider type to be floating point or integral
stepsize( Float stepsize )
Set the step size of the slider
thumbshader( String shader, [ String depressed_shader ] )
Set the shader of the slider's thumb
Specifies that the widget has been realigned.
Specifies that the size of the widget has changed.
left_mouse_down( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )
Left mouse button has been pressed down
left_mouse_up( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )
Left mouse button has been released
left_mousedragged( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )
Mouse was moved in a widget with the left button down
mouse_entered( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )
Mouse entered a widget event
mouse_exited( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )
Mouse exiting a widget event
Activate this widget.
aliascache( String alias, String realPath, [ String arg1 ], [ String arg2 ], [ String arg3 ], [ String arg4 ], [ String arg5 ], [ String arg6 ] )
Create an alias to the specified path and cache the resource
align( String alignment )
Set the side of the screen to align the widget(left right top bottom centerx centery)
bgcolor( Float red, Float green, Float blue, Float alpha )
Set the background color of the widget
bordercolor( Float red, Float green, Float blue, Float alpha )
Set the border color of the widget
borderstyle( String style )
Set the borderstyle of the widget(NONE, 3D_BORDER, INDENT_BORDER)
clicksound( String soundName )
Set the sound to be played when the widget is clicked
direction( String direction, [ Float time ] )
Set the direction the widget will appear from on the screen
(from_top, from_bottom, from_left, or from_right)
Time is specified to determine how fast the widget will scroll in
enable the widget.
Disables localization for this widget
enable the widget.
enabledcvar( String cvar_name )
Set the cvar to check to see if this button is enabled or not
fadein( Float fadetime )
Set the amount of time it takes for the widget to fade in
fadesequence( Float delay, Float fadein, Float hold, Float fadeout )
Set up for a delay/fadein/hold/fadeout
fgcolor( Float red, Float green, Float blue, Float alpha )
Set the foreground color of the widget
font( String title )
Set the font of the widget
Hides the widget.
hidecommand( String command )
Set a command to be executed when the widget is hidden
hovershader( String shaderName )
Set the shader to on the background of the widget when the mouse is over the widget
initdata( String datastring )
Set the linkcvar to be initialized to this value
linkcvar( String cvarname )
Set the cvar that will be updated when the widget is changed
name( String name )
Set the name of the widget
Set the widget to not be adjusted by the parent widget
Set the widget to not be clipped by the parent widget
ordernumber( Integer num )
Set the order the widget should be activated in
pressedshader( String shaderName )
Set the shader to on the background of the widget when it is pressed in
rect( Float x, Float y, Float width, Float height )
Set the rect of the widget
scalecvar( String cvar_name )
Set the cvar to check to scale this component
shader( String shaderName )
Set the shader to draw on the background of the widget
showcommand( String command )
Set a command to be executed when the widget is shown
size( Float x, Float y, Float width, Float height )
Set the size of the widget
stopsound( String soundName )
Set the sound to be played when the widget stops moving
stretch( String stretchdir )
Set the widget to be stretched horizontally or vertically across the screen
stuffcommand( String command )
Set the command to be stuffed when the widget is clicked
textalign( String alignment )
Sets the alignment of text for this widget
tileshader( String shaderName )
Set the shader to draw tiled on the background of the widget
title( String title )
Set the title of the widget to be displayed in the center of it
virtualres( Integer usevirtualres )
Set the widget to be modified horizontally or vertically across the screen to account for resolutions != 640x480
bgfill( Float red, Float green, Float blue, Float alpha )
Set a color to fill the entire background
fullscreen( Boolean fullscreen )
Set container to be fullscreen. This will disable the game rendering if it's active
vidmode( Integer vidmode )
Set container's vidmode to change to when it's active
left_mouse_down( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )
Left mouse button has been pressed down
left_mouse_up( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )
Left mouse button has been released
left_mousedragged( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )
Mouse was moved in a widget with the left button down
Signals that the widget has been activated.
Signals that the widget has been deactivated.
left_mouse_down( Float xpos, Float ypos, Integer buttons )
Left mouse button has been pressed down