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7151 lines
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<Title>Game Module Classes</Title>
<center>Game Module Classes</center>
<h2><a href="#Actor">Actor</a>, <a href="#Animate">Animate</a>, <a href="#Entity">Entity</a>, <a href="#ScriptSlave">ScriptSlave</a>, <a href="#ScriptThread">ScriptThread</a>, <a href="#Sentient">Sentient</a>, <a href="#Trigger">Trigger</a>, <a href="#World">World</a></h2>
<h2> <a name="Actor">Actor (<i>Actor</i>)</a> -> <a href="#SimpleActor">SimpleActor</a> -> <a href="#Sentient">Sentient</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<P><tt><B>accuracy</B>( <i>Float value </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set percent to hit</ul>
<P><tt><B>accuracy</B>( <i>Float value </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set percent to hit</ul>
<ul>Set percent to hit</ul>
<ul>Turns the AI off for this actor.</ul>
<ul>Turns the AI on for this actor.</ul>
<P><tt><B>aimat</B>( <i>String target </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Specify the target to aim at.</ul>
<P><tt><B>alarmnode</B>( <i>String value </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the name of the alarm node for the actor (must have type set to alarm for effect)</ul>
<P><tt><B>alarmnode</B>( <i>String value </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the name of the alarm node for the actor (must have type set to alarm for effect)</ul>
<ul>Gets the name of the alarm node for the actor (must have type set to alarm for effect)</ul>
<ul>Gets the name of the alarm thread for the actor (must have type set to alarm for effect)</ul>
<P><tt><B>alarmthread</B>( <i>String value </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the name of the alarm thread for the actor (must have type set to alarm for effect)</ul>
<P><tt><B>alarmthread</B>( <i>String value </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the name of the alarm thread for the actor (must have type set to alarm for effect)</ul>
<ul>Returns how many grenades an AI has</ul>
<P><tt><B>ammo_grenade</B>( <i>Integer grenade_count </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Gives the AI some grenades</ul>
<P><tt><B>ammo_grenade</B>( <i>Integer grenade_count </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Gives the AI some grenades</ul>
<P><tt><B>anim</B>( <i>String name </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Play animation.</ul>
<P><tt><B>anim_attached</B>( <i>String name </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Play attached animation.</ul>
<P><tt><B>anim_noclip</B>( <i>String name </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Play noclip animation.</ul>
<P><tt><B>anim_scripted</B>( <i>String name </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Play scripted animation.</ul>
<ul>Whether the animation was succesfully finished</ul>
<P><tt><B>animloop</B>( <i>String name </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Loop animation.</ul>
<ul>Gets the animname.</ul>
<ul>Sets the animname.</ul>
<P><tt><B>animscript</B>( <i>String name </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Play the animation script</ul>
<P><tt><B>animscript_attached</B>( <i>String name </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Play a noclip animation even when attached</ul>
<P><tt><B>animscript_noclip</B>( <i>String name </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Play the noclip animation script</ul>
<P><tt><B>animscript_scripted</B>( <i>String name </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Play the scripted animation script</ul>
<ul>Used only by grenade return animations to tell the code when to attach the grenade to the actor</ul>
<ul>Gets the current script that will handle attack events</ul>
<ul>Sets the current script that will handle attack events</ul>
<ul>Force Actor to attack the player</ul>
<P><tt><B>avoidplayer</B>( <i>Integer allowavoid </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>set to 0 if this AI shouldn't automatically get out of the way, non-zero if he should.<BR>
<P><tt><B>avoidplayer</B>( <i>Integer allowavoid </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>set to 0 if this AI shouldn't automatically get out of the way, non-zero if he should.<BR>
<ul>is 0 if this AI won't automatically get out of the way, non-zero if he will<BR>
<P><tt><B>balconyheight</B>( <i>Float height </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>minimum height a balcony guy must fall to do special balcony death</ul>
<P><tt><B>balconyheight</B>( <i>Float height </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>minimum height a balcony guy must fall to do special balcony death</ul>
<ul>minimum height a balcony guy must fall to do special balcony death</ul>
<ul>Forces the actor to be instantly and totally dead; no death animation is played</ul>
<ul>Set the crossblend time to something other than the default, in seconds</ul>
<ul>Get the crossblend time</ul>
<ul>tell ai to break special attack</ul>
<P><tt><B>calcgrenadetoss</B>( <i>Vector target_position </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Called to calculate a grenade toss. Must be called before a grenade throwing animation.<BR>
Returns the name of the script to call with animscript if the toss can succeed, or if the toss won't work.<BR>
Should be called infrequently, and never during the middle of a grenade toss.</ul>
<P><tt><B>calcgrenadetoss2</B>( <i>Vector target_position, Float speed </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Called to calculate a grenade toss. Must be called before a grenade throwing animation.<BR>
Returns the name of the script to call with animscript if the toss can succeed, or if the toss won't work.<BR>
Should be called infrequently, and never during the middle of a grenade toss.<BR>
The speed parameter is optional. Pass a speed if you just want to override and throw no matter what...</ul>
<P><tt><B>canmoveto</B>( <i>Vector position </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>returns a boolean if the AI can move to a point; for use in anim scripts</ul>
<P><tt><B>canshoot</B>( <i>Vector shootOrigin </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Determines if it would be possible to shoot the sentient's enemy from the given position.</ul>
<P><tt><B>canshootenemyfrom</B>( <i>Vector shootOrigin </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Determines if it would be possible to shoot the sentient's enemy from the given position.</ul>
<P><tt><B>crawlto</B>( <i>String dest </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Specify the location to crawl to.</ul>
<P><tt><B>crouchto</B>( <i>String dest </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Specify the location to crouch to.</ul>
<P><tt><B>damagepuff</B>( <i>Vector position, Vector direction </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Spawns a puff of 'blood' smoke at the speficied location in the specified direction.</ul>
<ul>preps the dead actor for turning nonsolid gradually over time</ul>
<ul>Sets the current script that will handle death events</ul>
<ul>Gets the current script that will handle death events</ul>
<ul>Makes the entity sink into the ground and then get removed (this starts it).</ul>
<ul>updates the default value for 'nonvislevel'</ul>
<ul>Removes this listener immediately.</ul>
<ul>Used only by grenade return animations to tell the code when to throw the grenade</ul>
<P><tt><B>disguise_accept_thread</B>( <i>String value </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the name of the thread for the actor to start when accepting papers</ul>
<P><tt><B>disguise_accept_thread</B>( <i>String value </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the name of the thread for the actor to start when accepting papers</ul>
<ul>Gets the name of the thread for the actor to start when accepting papers</ul>
<ul>Gets the disguise level of the actor. May be 1 or 2</ul>
<P><tt><B>disguise_level</B>( <i>Integer value </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the disguise level of the actor. May be 1 or 2</ul>
<P><tt><B>disguise_level</B>( <i>Integer value </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the disguise level of the actor. May be 1 or 2</ul>
<P><tt><B>disguise_period</B>( <i>Float period_in_seconds </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the time between the end of one disguise behavior and start of the next</ul>
<ul>Gets the time between the end of one disguise behavior and start of the next</ul>
<P><tt><B>disguise_period</B>( <i>Float period_in_seconds </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the time between the end of one disguise behavior and start of the next</ul>
<P><tt><B>disguise_range</B>( <i>Float range_in_units </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the maximum distance for disguise behavior to get triggered</ul>
<P><tt><B>disguise_range</B>( <i>Float range_in_units </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the maximum distance for disguise behavior to get triggered</ul>
<ul>Gets the maximum distance for disguise behavior to get triggered</ul>
<ul>Get the distance from the Actor to its enemy</ul>
<P><tt><B>doActivate</B>( <i>Entity activatingEntity </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>General trigger event for all entities</ul>
<ul>Make Actor dumb.</ul>
<ul>The method of setting the facial expression of the Actor</ul>
<ul>sets enableEnemy variable</ul>
<ul>sets enablePain variable</ul>
<P><tt><B>endactionanim</B>( <i> </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>End any aiming/action animation which is currently playing</ul>
<ul>Get the actor's current enemy</ul>
<ul>Get the last time whether or not the enemy is visible changed, in seconds</ul>
<P><tt><B>enemysharerange</B>( <i>Float range </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>sets the range outside which the AI will not receive notification that a teammate has a new enemy</ul>
<ul>gets the range outside which the AI will not receive notification that a teammate has a new enemy</ul>
<P><tt><B>enemysharerange</B>( <i>Float range </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>sets the range outside which the AI will not receive notification that a teammate has a new enemy</ul>
<ul>Disable enemy switching...</ul>
<ul>Enable enemy switching...</ul>
<ul>Initialize a Actor.</ul>
<P><tt><B>eyeslookat</B>( <i>Entity entity </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>The actor will look at this entity.</ul>
<P><tt><B>fallheight</B>( <i>Float height </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the fallheight</ul>
<ul>Set the fallheight</ul>
<P><tt><B>favoriteenemy</B>( <i>Entity ai_or_player </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Gets this AI's favorite enemy</ul>
<P><tt><B>favoriteenemy</B>( <i>Entity ai_or_player </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Gets this AI's favorite enemy</ul>
<ul>Gets this AI's favorite enemy</ul>
<ul>Finds the best enemy to target</ul>
<ul>Used only by grenade throw animations to tell the code when to throw a grenade</ul>
<P><tt><B>fixedleash</B>( <i>Float multiplier </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>if non-zero, the leash will never auto-reset; if zero, the leash may auto-reset</ul>
<ul>if non-zero, the leash will never auto-reset; if zero, the leash may auto-reset</ul>
<P><tt><B>fixedleash</B>( <i>Float multiplier </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>if non-zero, the leash will never auto-reset; if zero, the leash may auto-reset</ul>
<P><tt><B>fov</B>( <i>Float angle </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>The fov angle of the actor</ul>
<ul>The fov angle of the actor</ul>
<P><tt><B>fov</B>( <i>Float angle </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>The fov angle of the actor</ul>
<ul>Internal usage</ul>
<ul>Internal usage</ul>
<P><tt><B>gren_awareness</B>( <i>Float awareness_percent </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>sets the awareness of grenades in 0-100 percent chance of responding to a grenadewhen the AI sees it (applied once every 0.4 seconds)</ul>
<ul>gets the awareness of grenades in 0-100 percent chance of responding to a grenadewhen the AI sees it (applied once every 0.4 seconds)</ul>
<P><tt><B>gren_awareness</B>( <i>Float awareness_percent </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>sets the awareness of grenades in 0-100 percent chance of responding to a grenadewhen the AI sees it (applied once every 0.4 seconds)</ul>
<ul>gets the gun to being used</ul>
<P><tt><B>gun</B>( <i>String s </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>specifies the gun to use</ul>
<P><tt><B>gun</B>( <i>String s </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>specifies the gun to use</ul>
<ul>returns true if there are no corners to turn on the rest of the AI's current path</ul>
<ul>gets the head model</ul>
<P><tt><B>headmodel</B>( <i>String headmodel </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>sets the head model</ul>
<ul>gets the head skin</ul>
<P><tt><B>headskin</B>( <i>String headskin </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>sets the head skin</ul>
<P><tt><B>hearing</B>( <i>Float radius </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>The hearing radius of the actor</ul>
<P><tt><B>hearing</B>( <i>Float radius </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>The hearing radius of the actor</ul>
<P><tt><B>hearing</B>( <i>Float radius </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>The hearing radius of the actor</ul>
<P><tt><B>holster</B>( <i>Integer if </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Holster weapon</ul>
<P><tt><B>idlesay</B>( <i>String animation </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>The name of an idle dialog animation to play</ul>
<P><tt><B>ignorebadplaces</B>( <i>Integer ignore </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>sets whether or not this AI guy will ignore bad places (0 = not suicidal)</ul>
<ul>gets whether or not this AI guy will ignore bad places (0 = not suicidal)</ul>
<P><tt><B>ignorebadplaces</B>( <i>Integer ignore </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>sets whether or not this AI guy will ignore bad places (0 = not suicidal)</ul>
<ul>Removes this listener immediately.</ul>
<ul>returns non-zero if the AI is in a reload</ul>
<P><tt><B>inreload</B>( <i>Integer reloading </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>set to non-zero to indicate the AI is in a reload</ul>
<ul>hint from animation scripts to AI code that now is a good time to switch animations</ul>
<ul>Gets the distance AI tries to keep between squadmates while moving.</ul>
<P><tt><B>interval</B>( <i>Float distance </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the distance AI tries to keep between squadmates while moving.</ul>
<P><tt><B>interval</B>( <i>Float distance </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the distance AI tries to keep between squadmates while moving.</ul>
<ul>the direction the AI would like to move to maintain its interval</ul>
<ul>0 if the enemy is not currently visible, 1 if he is</ul>
<ul>Gets the direction the AI wants to kick</ul>
<P><tt><B>killed</B>( <i>Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>event which is sent to an entity once it as been killed<BR>
Location values:<BR>
-1 General<BR>
0 Pelvis<BR>
1 Lower Torso<BR>
2 Mid Torso<BR>
3 Upper Torso<BR>
4 Neck<BR>
5 Head<BR>
6 RUpperArm<BR>
7 RForearm<BR>
8 RHand<BR>
9 LUpperArm<BR>
10 LForearm<BR>
11 LHand<BR>
12 RThigh<BR>
13 RCalf<BR>
14 RFoot<BR>
15 LThigh<BR>
16 LCalf<BR>
17 LFoot<BR>
<ul>Get the last time the enemy was visible, in seconds</ul>
<P><tt><B>leash</B>( <i>Float distance </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the maximum distance the AI will wander from its leash home</ul>
<P><tt><B>leash</B>( <i>Float distance </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the maximum distance the AI will wander from its leash home</ul>
<ul>Gets the maximum distance the AI will wander from its leash home</ul>
<ul>gets the angle in degrees left or right of center that the AI will look around while patrolling</ul>
<P><tt><B>lookaroundangle</B>( <i>Float angle </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>gets the angle in degrees left or right of center that the AI will look around while patrolling</ul>
<P><tt><B>lookaroundangle</B>( <i>Float angle </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>gets the angle in degrees left or right of center that the AI will look around while patrolling</ul>
<P><tt><B>lookat</B>( <i>Entity entity </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>The actor will look at this entity.</ul>
<P><tt><B>maxdist</B>( <i>Float distance </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the maximum distance the AI tries to allow between itself and the player</ul>
<P><tt><B>maxdist</B>( <i>Float distance </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the maximum distance the AI tries to allow between itself and the player</ul>
<ul>Gets the maximum distance the AI tries to keep between itself and the player</ul>
<ul>Gets the minimum distance the AI tries to keep between itself and the player</ul>
<P><tt><B>mindist</B>( <i>Float distance </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the minimum distance the AI tries to keep between itself and the player</ul>
<P><tt><B>mindist</B>( <i>Float distance </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the minimum distance the AI tries to keep between itself and the player</ul>
<ul>gets the AI mood: 'bored', 'nervous', 'curious', or 'alert'.</ul>
<P><tt><B>mood</B>( <i>String new_mood </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>sets the AI mood... must be 'bored', 'nervous', 'curious', or 'alert'.</ul>
<ul>Returns a unit vector pointing in the current direction of motion, or zero if not moving.This still has meaning if velocity is zero but the AI is starting to move on a path.</ul>
<P><tt><B>movedoneradius</B>( <i>Float radius </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the waittill movedone radius, default 0 means don't use manual radius</ul>
<P><tt><B>movedoneradius</B>( <i>Float radius </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the waittill movedone radius, default 0 means don't use manual radius</ul>
<P><tt><B>moveto</B>( <i>String anim, String dest </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Specify the location to move to, with animation anim.</ul>
<P><tt><B>mumble</B>( <i>Integer can_mumble </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set to 1 if this guy is allowed to mumble, or 0 if he is not</ul>
<P><tt><B>mumble</B>( <i>Integer can_mumble </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set to 1 if this guy is allowed to mumble, or 0 if he is not</ul>
<ul>Returns 1 if this guy is allowed to mumble, or 0 if he is not</ul>
<ul>Specifies if the actor will not go into idle after playing an animation</ul>
<ul>Gets if the actor will not go into idle after playing an animation</ul>
<P><tt><B>nolongpain</B>( <i>Integer allow </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set to 1 if long pain is not allowed, or 0 if long pain is allowed.</ul>
<P><tt><B>nolongpain</B>( <i>Integer allow </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set to 1 if long pain is not allowed, or 0 if long pain is allowed.</ul>
<ul>Returns 1 if long pain is not allowed, or 0 if long pain is allowed.</ul>
<ul>visibility level in range 0-1 below which an enemy is treated as non-visible</ul>
<ul>visibility level in range 0-1 below which an enemy is treated as non-visible</ul>
<ul>visibility level in range 0-1 below which an enemy is treated as non-visible</ul>
<P><tt><B>nosurprise</B>( <i>Integer nosurprise </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>set to 0 to allow this guy to play a surprised animation when first encountering an enemy.<BR>
<ul>gets whether or not this guy is allowed to play a surprised animation when first encountering an enemy.<BR>
<P><tt><B>nosurprise</B>( <i>Integer nosurprise </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>set to 0 to allow this guy to play a surprised animation when first encountering an enemy.<BR>
<P><tt><B>noticescale</B>( <i>Float multiplier </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the max multiplier in time to notice an enemy (default 100, half as big notices twice as fast)</ul>
<ul>Get the max multiplier in time to notice an enemy (default 100, half as big notices twice as fast)</ul>
<P><tt><B>noticescale</B>( <i>Float multiplier </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the max multiplier in time to notice an enemy (default 100, half as big notices twice as fast)</ul>
<P><tt><B>pain</B>( <i>Entity attacker, Float damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>used to inflict pain to an entity</ul>
<ul>Sets the current script that will handle pain events</ul>
<ul>Gets the current script that will handle pain events</ul>
<ul>returns total distance along current path to the path goal</ul>
<P><tt><B>patrolpath</B>( <i>String value </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the name of the patrol path for the actor (must have type set to patrol for effect)</ul>
<P><tt><B>patrolpath</B>( <i>String value </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the name of the patrol path for the actor (must have type set to patrol for effect)</ul>
<ul>Gets the name of the patrol path for the actor (must have type set to patrol for effect)</ul>
<ul>turn physics off.</ul>
<ul>turn physics on.</ul>
<P><tt><B>playsound</B>( <i>String soundName, [ Integer channel ], [ Float volume ], [ Float min_distance ], [ Float pitch ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>play a sound coming from this entity.<BR>
default channel, CHAN_BODY.</ul>
<P><tt><B>pointat</B>( <i>Entity entity </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>The actor will point at this entity.</ul>
<ul>The Position the Actor wants to be and should animate towards</ul>
<ul>The Position the Actor wants to be and should animate towards</ul>
<ul>Returns if ready to fire</ul>
<ul>Reload the mg42 - only used by machinegunner</ul>
<ul>Removes this listener the next time events are processed.</ul>
<ul>resets the AI's leash to their current position</ul>
<ul>Get the rate at which the run animation plays back</ul>
<P><tt><B>runanimrate</B>( <i>Float multiplier </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the rate at which the run animation plays back</ul>
<P><tt><B>runanimrate</B>( <i>Float multiplier </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the rate at which the run animation plays back</ul>
<P><tt><B>runto</B>( <i>String dest </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Specify the location to run to.</ul>
<P><tt><B>say</B>( <i>String animation </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>The name of a dialog animation to play</ul>
<ul>Even used by sound-only special case of say to trigger waittill saydone</ul>
<P><tt><B>setactionanim</B>( <i>String base_anim, Float lower_limit, Float upper_limit </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the base action animation and range that they cover</ul>
<P><tt><B>setaimmotionanim</B>( <i>String anim_crouch, String anim_stand </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set aim motion animation (handler scripts only)</ul>
<P><tt><B>setaimtarget</B>( <i>Entity entity, Integer bMakeEnemy </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the primary weapon's aim target. if you pass a 1 for p2, the target will become the current enemy...</ul>
<P><tt><B>setanim</B>( <i>String anim, Integer slot, Float weight, String flagged </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set animation slot</ul>
<P><tt><B>setanimlength</B>( <i>Float time </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the maximum time an animation will play</ul>
<P><tt><B>setmotionanim</B>( <i>String anim </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set motion animation (handler scripts only)</ul>
<ul>do this command to let the ai know it needs to reload; used to reload while going to cover</ul>
<P><tt><B>setsay</B>( <i>String animation </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>The name of a dialog animation to play - used by animation script only</ul>
<P><tt><B>setupperanim</B>( <i>String anim </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the upper body animation - used by animation script only</ul>
<ul>internal code use only - shares an AI's enemy with his squad mates.</ul>
<ul>internal code use only - shares an AI's grenade with his squad mates.</ul>
<P><tt><B>sight</B>( <i>Float max_sight_range </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the vision distance of the actor.</ul>
<ul>Gets the vision distance of the actor.</ul>
<P><tt><B>sight</B>( <i>Float max_sight_range </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the vision distance of the actor.</ul>
<P><tt><B>silent</B>( <i>Integer silent </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>set to 0 to prevent this guy from saying stuff besides pain and death sounds.<BR>
<ul>gets whether or not this guy is allowed to say stuff besides pain and death sounds</ul>
<P><tt><B>silent</B>( <i>Integer silent </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>set to 0 to prevent this guy from saying stuff besides pain and death sounds.<BR>
<ul>gets the awareness of sounds in 0-100 percent chance of hearing a sound withinhalf of the sound's radius' fades to zero outside sound's radius</ul>
<P><tt><B>sound_awareness</B>( <i>Float awareness_percent </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>sets the awareness of sounds in 0-100 percent chance of hearing a sound withinhalf of the sound's radius' fades to zero outside sound's radius</ul>
<P><tt><B>sound_awareness</B>( <i>Float awareness_percent </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>sets the awareness of sounds in 0-100 percent chance of hearing a sound withinhalf of the sound's radius' fades to zero outside sound's radius</ul>
<ul>sent when entity has stopped bouncing for MOVETYPE_TOSS.</ul>
<ul>sets the percent chance of doing suppressing fire when appropriate (0-100)</ul>
<ul>sets the percent chance of doing suppressing fire when appropriate (0-100)</ul>
<ul>sets the percent chance of doing suppressing fire when appropriate (0-100)</ul>
<P><tt><B>tether</B>( <i>Entity entity </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>the entity to which the AI's leash should be tethered</ul>
<ul>current ai think state; can be void, idle, pain, killed, attack, curious, disguise, or grenade.</ul>
<ul>The error amount that turndone will occur for the turnto command.</ul>
<P><tt><B>turndoneerror</B>( <i>Float error </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>The error amount that turndone will occur for the turnto command.</ul>
<P><tt><B>turndoneerror</B>( <i>Float error </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>The error amount that turndone will occur for the turnto command.</ul>
<P><tt><B>turnspeed</B>( <i>Float speed </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>The turn speed of the actor.</ul>
<ul>The turn speed of the actor.</ul>
<P><tt><B>turnspeed</B>( <i>Float speed </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>The turn speed of the actor.</ul>
<P><tt><B>turnto</B>( <i>Entity entity </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>The actor will turn to this entity.</ul>
<ul>Gets the turret of the actor.</ul>
<P><tt><B>turret</B>( <i>String turret </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the turret of the actor.</ul>
<P><tt><B>turret</B>( <i>String turret </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the turret of the actor.</ul>
<ul>Gets the attack type of the actor.</ul>
<P><tt><B>type_attack</B>( <i>String value </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the attack type of the actor.</ul>
<P><tt><B>type_attack</B>( <i>String value </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the attack type of the actor.</ul>
<P><tt><B>type_disguise</B>( <i>String value </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the disguise type of the actor.</ul>
<ul>Gets the disguise type of the actor.</ul>
<P><tt><B>type_disguise</B>( <i>String value </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the disguise type of the actor.</ul>
<P><tt><B>type_grenade</B>( <i>String value </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the grenade type of the actor.</ul>
<ul>Gets the grenade type of the actor.</ul>
<P><tt><B>type_grenade</B>( <i>String value </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the grenade type of the actor.</ul>
<P><tt><B>type_idle</B>( <i>String value </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the idle type of the actor.</ul>
<ul>Gets the idle type of the actor.</ul>
<P><tt><B>type_idle</B>( <i>String value </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the idle type of the actor.</ul>
<P><tt><B>unholster</B>( <i>Integer if </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Unholster weapon</ul>
<P><tt><B>upperanim</B>( <i>String anim </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the upper body animation</ul>
<P><tt><B>use</B>( <i>String name, [ Integer weapon_hand ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Use the specified weapon or item in the hand choosen (optional).</ul>
<ul>Gets the voice type</ul>
<ul>Set voicetype to magic letter postfix</ul>
<ul>Set voicetype to magic letter postfix</ul>
<P><tt><B>waittrigger</B>( <i>Boolean bool </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>If true, patrol guys and running men wait until triggered to move</ul>
<P><tt><B>waittrigger</B>( <i>Boolean bool </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>If true, patrol guys and running men wait until triggered to move</ul>
<ul>If true, patrol guys and running men wait until triggered to move</ul>
<P><tt><B>walkto</B>( <i>String dest </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Specify the location to walk to.</ul>
<P><tt><B>weapon</B>( <i>String weapon_modelname </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the weapon.</ul>
<P><tt><B>weapon</B>( <i>String weapon_modelname </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Gives the sentient the weapon specified.</ul>
<ul>Gets the weapon.</ul>
<P><tt><B>weapon_internal</B>( <i>String s </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>internal use</ul>
<ul>Specifies weapon animation set to use in anim scripts</ul>
<ul>The Weapon Type of the Actor</ul>
<h2> <a name="Ammo">Ammo</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<h2> <a name="AmmoEntity">AmmoEntity</a> -> <a href="#Item">Item</a> -> <a href="#Trigger">Trigger</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<ul>Ammo Entity Post Spawn</ul>
<h2> <a name="Animate">Animate (<i>animate</i>)</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<P><tt><B>anim</B>( <i>String animName </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Exec anim commands on server or client.</ul>
<P><tt><B>isloopinganim</B>( <i>String anim_name </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>returns 1 if the anim is a looping anim, or 0 otherwise</ul>
<P><tt><B>pauseanims</B>( <i>Integer pause </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Pause (or unpause) animations</ul>
<P><tt><B>playerspawn</B>( <i>String model_name, [ Float range ], [ Vector vector_offset ], [ Float inFOV ], [ Float speed ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>spawn something near the player, either within the player's view or behind him<BR>
model - name of model to spawn<BR>
range - how close does this need to be to the player to actually get spawned, default 480 (30 foot radius).<BR>
vector_offset - oriented vector offset of where to spawn the item, default (0 0 0)<BR>
inFOV - <BR>
1 - Only spawn when this position is within the FOV of the player<BR>
-1 - Only spawn when this position is outside the FOV of the player<BR>
0 - (default) don't care, always spawn<BR>
speed - how fast the effect should travel, in other words, how long before the effect gets spawned.<BR>
delay is calculated based on the distance between object and player divided by the speed<BR>
0 - no delay<BR>
960 - (default) 60 feet per second. If the object is 60 feet from the player, the player effect will spawn one second later.</ul>
<P><tt><B>setcontrollerangles</B>( <i>Integer num, Vector angles </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the control angles for the specified bone.</ul>
<P><tt><B>setsynctime</B>( <i>Float synctime </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set sync time for entity.</ul>
<P><tt><B>setyawfrombone</B>( <i>String bone_name </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the yaw of the model based on the current animation time</ul>
<P><tt><B>testmojo</B>( <i>String model_name, Vector vector_offset </i>)</tt><BR>
<h2> <a name="AnimationEvent">AnimationEvent</a> -> <a href="#Event">Event</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<h2> <a name="Armor">Armor</a> -> <a href="#Item">Item</a> -> <a href="#Trigger">Trigger</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<h2> <a name="BarrelObject">BarrelObject (<i>func_barrel</i>)</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<P><tt><B>barreltype</B>( <i>String type </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the barrel's type</ul>
<P><tt><B>damage</B>( <i>Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>general damage event used by all entities<BR>
Location values:<BR>
-1 General<BR>
0 Pelvis<BR>
1 Lower Torso<BR>
2 Mid Torso<BR>
3 Upper Torso<BR>
4 Neck<BR>
5 Head<BR>
6 RUpperArm<BR>
7 RForearm<BR>
8 RHand<BR>
9 LUpperArm<BR>
10 LForearm<BR>
11 LHand<BR>
12 RThigh<BR>
13 RCalf<BR>
14 RFoot<BR>
15 LThigh<BR>
16 LCalf<BR>
17 LFoot<BR>
<P><tt><B>killed</B>( <i>Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>event which is sent to an entity once it as been killed<BR>
Location values:<BR>
-1 General<BR>
0 Pelvis<BR>
1 Lower Torso<BR>
2 Mid Torso<BR>
3 Upper Torso<BR>
4 Neck<BR>
5 Head<BR>
6 RUpperArm<BR>
7 RForearm<BR>
8 RHand<BR>
9 LUpperArm<BR>
10 LForearm<BR>
11 LHand<BR>
12 RThigh<BR>
13 RCalf<BR>
14 RFoot<BR>
15 LThigh<BR>
16 LCalf<BR>
17 LFoot<BR>
<h2> <a name="Body">Body</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<h2> <a name="Camera">Camera (<i>func_camera</i>)</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<P><tt><B>auto_active</B>( <i>Boolean newActiveState </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Whether or not the auto camera is active.</ul>
<P><tt><B>auto_maxfov</B>( <i>Float maxFOV </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the maximum FOV that should be used when automatically calculating FOV.</ul>
<P><tt><B>auto_radius</B>( <i>Float newRadius </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the radius of the automatic camera.</ul>
<P><tt><B>auto_starttime</B>( <i>Float newTime </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets how long it takes for the camera to be switched to.</ul>
<P><tt><B>auto_state</B>( <i>String state1, [ String state2 ], [ String state3 ], [ String state4 ], [ String state5 ], [ String state6 ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the states the player needs to be in for this camera to activate.</ul>
<P><tt><B>auto_stoptime</B>( <i>Float newTime </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets how long it takes for the camera switch back to the player.</ul>
<ul>Called each frame to allow the camera to adjust its position.</ul>
<ul>Continue the camera movement.</ul>
<ul>switch camera states immediately, do not transition</ul>
<P><tt><B>doActivate</B>( <i>Entity activatingEntity </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>General trigger event for all entities</ul>
<P><tt><B>fadetime</B>( <i>Float fadetime </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the fade time for camera transitioning.</ul>
<P><tt><B>follow</B>( <i>Entity targetEnt, [ Entity targetWatchEnt ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Makes the camera follow an entity and optionally watch an entity.</ul>
<P><tt><B>follow_distance</B>( <i>Float distance </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the camera follow distance.</ul>
<P><tt><B>follow_yaw</B>( <i>Float yaw </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the yaw offset of the camera following an entity.</ul>
<ul>Makes the follow camera yaw absolute.</ul>
<ul>Makes the follow camera yaw relative (not absolute).</ul>
<P><tt><B>fov</B>( <i>Float fov, [ Float fadeTime ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the camera's field of view (fov).<BR>
if fadeTime is specified, camera will fade over that time<BR>
if fov is less than 3, than an auto_fov will be assumed<BR>
the value of fov will be the ratio used for keeping a watch<BR>
entity in the view at the right scale</ul>
<P><tt><B>lookat</B>( <i>Entity ent </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Makes the camera look at an entity.</ul>
<P><tt><B>moveto</B>( <i>Entity ent </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Move the camera's position to that of the specified entities.</ul>
<P><tt><B>movetopos</B>( <i>Vector position </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Move the camera's position to the specified position.</ul>
<P><tt><B>nextcamera</B>( <i>String nextCamera </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the next camera to use.</ul>
<P><tt><B>nowatch</B>( <i>[ Float fadeTime ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Stop watching an entity or looking along a path.<BR>
Camera is now static as far as orientation.<BR>
if fadeTime is specified, camera will fade over that time</ul>
<P><tt><B>orbit</B>( <i>Entity targetEnt, [ Entity targetWatchEnt ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Makes the camera orbit around an entity and optionally watch an entity.</ul>
<P><tt><B>orbit_height</B>( <i>Float height </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the orbit camera's height.</ul>
<ul>Pause the camera.</ul>
<P><tt><B>showquakes</B>( <i>Integer 0 </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the camera to show or not show earthquake effects.</ul>
<P><tt><B>speed</B>( <i>Float speed </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the camera speed.</ul>
<ul>Start camera moving.</ul>
<ul>Stop the camera movement.</ul>
<P><tt><B>turnto</B>( <i>Vector angle </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Makes the camera look in the specified direction.</ul>
<P><tt><B>watch</B>( <i>Entity watchEnt, [ Float fadeTime ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Makes the camera watch an entity.<BR>
if fadeTime is specified, camera will fade over that time</ul>
<P><tt><B>watchnode</B>( <i>[ Float fadeTime ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Makes the camera watch based on what is stored<BR>
in the camera nodes.<BR>
if fadeTime is specified, camera will fade over that time</ul>
<P><tt><B>watchpath</B>( <i>[ Float fadeTime ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Makes the camera look along the path of travel.<BR>
if fadeTime is specified, camera will fade over that time</ul>
<P><tt><B>watchstring</B>( <i>String string, [ Float fadeTime ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Makes the camera watch based on a string.<BR>
if fadeTime is specified, camera will fade over that time</ul>
<h2> <a name="CameraManager">CameraManager</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<ul>Add a new point to the camera path where the player is standing.</ul>
<P><tt><B>cancelFor</B>( <i>String name </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Cancel for current path node event of type name</ul>
<ul>Delete the current path node.</ul>
<ul>Hides the paths.</ul>
<P><tt><B>load</B>( <i>String filename </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Loads a camera path.</ul>
<P><tt><B>loop</B>( <i>[ Entity path ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Loop the current path or the specified one.</ul>
<ul>Move the player to the current path node position.</ul>
<ul>Starts a new path.</ul>
<ul>Go to the next path node.</ul>
<ul>Go to the next path.</ul>
<ul>Set the current path node to watch nothing.</ul>
<P><tt><B>play</B>( <i>[ Entity path ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Play the current path or the specified one once.</ul>
<ul>Go to the previous path node.</ul>
<ul>Go to the previous path.</ul>
<P><tt><B>renamepath</B>( <i>String newName </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Rename the path to the new name.</ul>
<ul>Replace the current path node position/angle with the player's.</ul>
<P><tt><B>save</B>( <i>String filename </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Saves the camera path.</ul>
<P><tt><B>savemap</B>( <i>String filename </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Saves the camera path to a map file.</ul>
<P><tt><B>setfadetime</B>( <i>Float newFadeTime </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the fadetime of the current path node.</ul>
<P><tt><B>setfov</B>( <i>String newFOV </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the fov at the current path node.</ul>
<P><tt><B>setpath</B>( <i>Entity path </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the new path.</ul>
<P><tt><B>setspeed</B>( <i>Float speed </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the speed of the camera at the current path node.</ul>
<P><tt><B>settarget</B>( <i>String target </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the trigger target.</ul>
<P><tt><B>settargetname</B>( <i>String targetname </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the targetname.</ul>
<P><tt><B>show</B>( <i>[ Entity path ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Shows the specified path.</ul>
<ul>Stop the camera playing path.</ul>
<ul>Updates the current node with user interface values.</ul>
<P><tt><B>waitTill</B>( <i>String name </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Wait until current path node event of type name</ul>
<P><tt><B>watch</B>( <i>String watch </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the current path node to watch something.</ul>
<h2> <a name="CarryableTurret">CarryableTurret</a> -> <a href="#InventoryItem">InventoryItem</a> -> <a href="#Weapon">Weapon</a> -> <a href="#Item">Item</a> -> <a href="#Trigger">Trigger</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<ul>Makes the carryable turret have itself dropped</ul>
<P><tt><B>item_pickup</B>( <i>Entity item </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Pickup the specified item.</ul>
<ul>Try to place the carryable turret</ul>
<ul>Tiki of the turret to place</ul>
<h2> <a name="Class">Class</a></h2>
<h2> <a name="ConsoleEvent">ConsoleEvent</a> -> <a href="#Event">Event</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<h2> <a name="CrateObject">CrateObject (<i>func_crate</i>)</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<P><tt><B>damage</B>( <i>Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>general damage event used by all entities<BR>
Location values:<BR>
-1 General<BR>
0 Pelvis<BR>
1 Lower Torso<BR>
2 Mid Torso<BR>
3 Upper Torso<BR>
4 Neck<BR>
5 Head<BR>
6 RUpperArm<BR>
7 RForearm<BR>
8 RHand<BR>
9 LUpperArm<BR>
10 LForearm<BR>
11 LHand<BR>
12 RThigh<BR>
13 RCalf<BR>
14 RFoot<BR>
15 LThigh<BR>
16 LCalf<BR>
17 LFoot<BR>
<P><tt><B>debristype</B>( <i>Integer type </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the debris type of the crate</ul>
<P><tt><B>killed</B>( <i>Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>event which is sent to an entity once it as been killed<BR>
Location values:<BR>
-1 General<BR>
0 Pelvis<BR>
1 Lower Torso<BR>
2 Mid Torso<BR>
3 Upper Torso<BR>
4 Neck<BR>
5 Head<BR>
6 RUpperArm<BR>
7 RForearm<BR>
8 RHand<BR>
9 LUpperArm<BR>
10 LForearm<BR>
11 LHand<BR>
12 RThigh<BR>
13 RCalf<BR>
14 RFoot<BR>
15 LThigh<BR>
16 LCalf<BR>
17 LFoot<BR>
<h2> <a name="DamageModel">DamageModel (<i>DamageModel</i>)</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<P><tt><B>damage</B>( <i>Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>general damage event used by all entities<BR>
Location values:<BR>
-1 General<BR>
0 Pelvis<BR>
1 Lower Torso<BR>
2 Mid Torso<BR>
3 Upper Torso<BR>
4 Neck<BR>
5 Head<BR>
6 RUpperArm<BR>
7 RForearm<BR>
8 RHand<BR>
9 LUpperArm<BR>
10 LForearm<BR>
11 LHand<BR>
12 RThigh<BR>
13 RCalf<BR>
14 RFoot<BR>
15 LThigh<BR>
16 LCalf<BR>
17 LFoot<BR>
<P><tt><B>killed</B>( <i>Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>event which is sent to an entity once it as been killed<BR>
Location values:<BR>
-1 General<BR>
0 Pelvis<BR>
1 Lower Torso<BR>
2 Mid Torso<BR>
3 Upper Torso<BR>
4 Neck<BR>
5 Head<BR>
6 RUpperArm<BR>
7 RForearm<BR>
8 RHand<BR>
9 LUpperArm<BR>
10 LForearm<BR>
11 LHand<BR>
12 RThigh<BR>
13 RCalf<BR>
14 RFoot<BR>
15 LThigh<BR>
16 LCalf<BR>
17 LFoot<BR>
<P><tt><B>killthread</B>( <i>String thread </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the thread to execute when this model is killed</ul>
<P><tt><B>killtrace</B>( <i>Vector offset, Vector direction, Float radius, Float distance </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>kills all objects along the trace<BR>
offset - initial offset from origin<BR>
direction - angular offset orientation for trace<BR>
radius - thickness of trace<BR>
distance - how far to trace</ul>
<P><tt><B>orientedbbox</B>( <i>Vector mins, Vector maxs, Float yawoffset </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>spawn an oriented bounding box with the given dimensions and an angular offset<BR>
mins - min dimensions of box<BR>
maxs - max dimensions of box<BR>
yawoffset - angular offset orientation of box</ul>
<h2> <a name="Decal">Decal</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<h2> <a name="DM_Manager">DM_Manager</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<ul>delayed function call to (possibly) determine round winner and restart next round</ul>
<ul>delayed function call to do the actual restart for the next round</ul>
<h2> <a name="DM_Team">DM_Team</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<h2> <a name="Door">Door (<i>NormalDoor</i>)</a> -> <a href="#ScriptSlave">ScriptSlave</a> -> <a href="#Mover">Mover</a> -> <a href="#Trigger">Trigger</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<ul>Makes the door always open away from the person opening it.</ul>
<P><tt><B>angle</B>( <i>Float newAngle </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>set the angles of the entity using just one value.<BR>
Sets the yaw of the entity or an up and down<BR>
direction if newAngle is [0-359] or -1 or -2</ul>
<ul>Closes the door.</ul>
<P><tt><B>dmg</B>( <i>Integer damage </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the amount of damage the door will do to entities that get stuck in it.</ul>
<P><tt><B>doActivate</B>( <i>Entity activatingEntity </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>General trigger event for all entities</ul>
<P><tt><B>doBlocked</B>( <i>Entity obstacle </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>sent to entity when blocked.</ul>
<P><tt><B>door_triggerfield</B>( <i>Entity other </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Is called when a doors trigger field is touched.</ul>
<ul>Called when the door finishes closing.</ul>
<ul>Called when the door finishes opening.</ul>
<P><tt><B>doortype</B>( <i>String door_type </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the defaults for this door<BR>
Door Defaults: wood(default)<BR>
<P><tt><B>doUse</B>( <i>Entity activatingEntity </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>sent to entity when it is used by another entity</ul>
<P><tt><B>killed</B>( <i>Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>event which is sent to an entity once it as been killed<BR>
Location values:<BR>
-1 General<BR>
0 Pelvis<BR>
1 Lower Torso<BR>
2 Mid Torso<BR>
3 Upper Torso<BR>
4 Neck<BR>
5 Head<BR>
6 RUpperArm<BR>
7 RForearm<BR>
8 RHand<BR>
9 LUpperArm<BR>
10 LForearm<BR>
11 LHand<BR>
12 RThigh<BR>
13 RCalf<BR>
14 RFoot<BR>
15 LThigh<BR>
16 LCalf<BR>
17 LFoot<BR>
<ul>Link doors together.</ul>
<ul>Lock the door.</ul>
<P><tt><B>open</B>( <i>Entity other </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Opens the door.</ul>
<P><tt><B>sound_close_end</B>( <i>String sound_close </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the sound to use when the door closes.</ul>
<P><tt><B>sound_close_start</B>( <i>String sound_close </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the sound to use when the door closes.</ul>
<P><tt><B>sound_locked</B>( <i>String sound_locked </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the sound to use when the door is locked.</ul>
<P><tt><B>sound_message</B>( <i>String sound_message </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the sound to use when the door displays a message.</ul>
<P><tt><B>sound_open_end</B>( <i>String sound_open_end </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the sound to use when the door stops to opens.</ul>
<P><tt><B>sound_open_start</B>( <i>String sound_open_start </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the sound to use when the door starts to opens.</ul>
<P><tt><B>time</B>( <i>Float traveltime </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the time it takes for the door to open an close.</ul>
<P><tt><B>toggledoor</B>( <i>Entity other </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Toggles the state of the door (open/close).</ul>
<P><tt><B>triggereffect</B>( <i>Entity triggering_entity </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Send event to owner of trigger.</ul>
<ul>Trys to make the door solid.</ul>
<P><tt><B>tryToOpen</B>( <i>Entity other </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Tries to open the door.</ul>
<ul>Unlock the door.</ul>
<P><tt><B>wait</B>( <i>Float wait </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the amount of time to wait before automatically shutting.</ul>
<h2> <a name="DrivableVehicle">DrivableVehicle</a> -> <a href="#Vehicle">Vehicle</a> -> <a href="#VehicleBase">VehicleBase</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<P><tt><B>doBlocked</B>( <i>Entity obstacle </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>sent to entity when blocked.</ul>
<P><tt><B>doTouch</B>( <i>Entity touchingEntity </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>sent to entity when touched.</ul>
<P><tt><B>killed</B>( <i>Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>event which is sent to an entity once it as been killed<BR>
Location values:<BR>
-1 General<BR>
0 Pelvis<BR>
1 Lower Torso<BR>
2 Mid Torso<BR>
3 Upper Torso<BR>
4 Neck<BR>
5 Head<BR>
6 RUpperArm<BR>
7 RForearm<BR>
8 RHand<BR>
9 LUpperArm<BR>
10 LForearm<BR>
11 LHand<BR>
12 RThigh<BR>
13 RCalf<BR>
14 RFoot<BR>
15 LThigh<BR>
16 LCalf<BR>
17 LFoot<BR>
<h2> <a name="DynItem">DynItem</a> -> <a href="#Item">Item</a> -> <a href="#Trigger">Trigger</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<P><tt><B>damage</B>( <i>Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>general damage event used by all entities<BR>
Location values:<BR>
-1 General<BR>
0 Pelvis<BR>
1 Lower Torso<BR>
2 Mid Torso<BR>
3 Upper Torso<BR>
4 Neck<BR>
5 Head<BR>
6 RUpperArm<BR>
7 RForearm<BR>
8 RHand<BR>
9 LUpperArm<BR>
10 LForearm<BR>
11 LHand<BR>
12 RThigh<BR>
13 RCalf<BR>
14 RFoot<BR>
15 LThigh<BR>
16 LCalf<BR>
17 LFoot<BR>
<ul>console based command to kill yourself if stuck.</ul>
<h2> <a name="EffectEntity">EffectEntity (<i>effectentity</i>)</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<h2> <a name="Emitter">Emitter (<i>func_emitter</i>)</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<P><tt><B>doTouch</B>( <i>Entity touchingEntity </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>sent to entity when touched.</ul>
<P><tt><B>emitter</B>( <i>String name </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Emitter to use</ul>
<ul>Animates the puff daddy.</ul>
<h2> <a name="Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<P><tt><B>ai_event</B>( <i>[ String type ], [ Float radius ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Let the AI know that this entity made a sound,<BR>
type is a string specifying what type of sound it is.<BR>
radius determines how far the sound reaches.</ul>
<P><tt><B>alpha</B>( <i>Float newAlpha </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the alpha of the entity to alpha.</ul>
<ul>Sets this entity to always draw</ul>
<P><tt><B>attach</B>( <i>Entity parent, String tagname, [ Integer use_angles ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>attach this entity to the parent's legs tag called tagname</ul>
<P><tt><B>attachedmodelanim</B>( <i>String tagname, String anim_name, Float crossblend_time, String model_name </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Tells models (or specified model) attached to specified tag to play <BR>
specified animation. Crossbkend time doesn't work yet.</ul>
<P><tt><B>attachmodel</B>( <i>String modelname, String tagname, [ Float scale ], [ String targetname ], [ Boolean detach_at_death ], [ Float removetime ], [ Float fadeintime ], [ Float fadeoutdelay ], [ Float fadetime ], [ Vector offset ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>attach a entity with modelname to this entity to tag called tagname.<BR>
scale - scale of attached entities<BR>
targetname - targetname for attached entities<BR>
detach_at_death - when entity dies, should this model be detached.<BR>
removetime - when the entity should be removed, if not specified, never.<BR>
fadeintime - time to fade the model in over.<BR>
fadeoutdelay - time to wait until we fade the attached model out<BR>
fadeoutspeed - time the model fades out over<BR>
offset - vector offset for the model from the specified tag</ul>
<ul>gets the angular velocity for this entity.</ul>
<P><tt><B>bind</B>( <i>Entity parent </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>bind this entity to the specified entity.</ul>
<ul>get the brush modelName.</ul>
<P><tt><B>cansee</B>( <i>Entity entity, [ Float fov ], [ Float vision_distance ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>returns 1 if the entities can see eachother, 0 if not; blocked by any entities between them</ul>
<P><tt><B>canseenoents</B>( <i>Entity entity, [ Float fov ], [ Float vision_distance ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>returns 1 if the entities can see eachother, 0 if not; ignores any entities between them</ul>
<ul>used to ban certain contact when in parentmode<BR>
<ul>The entity's classname</ul>
<P><tt><B>classname</B>( <i>String nameOfClass </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Determines what class to use for this entity,<BR>
this is pre-processed from the BSP at the start<BR>
of the level.</ul>
<ul>Connects all navigation paths which intersect with the specified entity's volume</ul>
<P><tt><B>damage</B>( <i>Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>general damage event used by all entities<BR>
Location values:<BR>
-1 General<BR>
0 Pelvis<BR>
1 Lower Torso<BR>
2 Mid Torso<BR>
3 Upper Torso<BR>
4 Neck<BR>
5 Head<BR>
6 RUpperArm<BR>
7 RForearm<BR>
8 RHand<BR>
9 LUpperArm<BR>
10 LForearm<BR>
11 LHand<BR>
12 RThigh<BR>
13 RCalf<BR>
14 RFoot<BR>
15 LThigh<BR>
16 LCalf<BR>
17 LFoot<BR>
<P><tt><B>damage_type</B>( <i>String meansofdeathstring </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the type of damage that this entity can take</ul>
<ul>Makes the entity sink into the ground and then get removed (this gets called each frame).</ul>
<ul>Makes the entity sink into the ground and then get removed (this starts it).</ul>
<ul>Removes this listener immediately.</ul>
<ul>detach this entity from its parent.</ul>
<ul>Detach all the children from the entity.</ul>
<ul>Disconnects all navigation paths which intersect with the specified entity's volume</ul>
<P><tt><B>dm</B>( <i>String command, [ String parms ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Makes a command be executed only in multiplayer</ul>
<P><tt><B>dmrealism</B>( <i>String command, [ String parms ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Makes a command be executed only in miltiplayer realism mode</ul>
<P><tt><B>droptofloor</B>( <i>[ Float maxRange ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>drops the entity to the ground, if maxRange is not specified 8192 is used.</ul>
<P><tt><B>effects</B>( <i>[ String parameter1 ], [ String parameter2 ], [ String parameter3 ], [ String parameter4 ], [ String parameter5 ], [ String parameter6 ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Change the current entity effects flags.<BR>
Valid flags are as follows:<BR>
+ sets a flag, - clears a flag<BR>
antisbjuice - anti sucknblow juiceeveryframe - process commands every time entity is rendered</ul>
<ul>The entity's entity number</ul>
<P><tt><B>explosionattack</B>( <i>String explosionModel, [ String tagName ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Spawn an explosion optionally from a specific tag</ul>
<P><tt><B>fade</B>( <i>[ Float fadetime<0.00...max_float> ], [ Float target_alpha<0.00...1.00> ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Fade the entity's alpha, reducing it by 0.03<BR>
every FRAMETIME, until it has faded out, does not remove the entity</ul>
<P><tt><B>fadein</B>( <i>[ Float fadetime<0.00...max_float> ], [ Float target_alpha<0.00...1.00> ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Fade the entity's alpha and scale in, increasing it by 0.03<BR>
every FRAMETIME, until it has faded completely in to 1.0.<BR>
If fadetime or target_alpha are defined, they will override<BR>
the default values.</ul>
<P><tt><B>fadeout</B>( <i>[ Float fadetime<0.00...max_float> ], [ Float alpha<0.00...1.00> ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Fade the entity's alpha and scale out, reducing it by 0.03<BR>
every FRAMETIME, until it has faded out. If fadetime or<BR>
target_alpha are defined, they will override the defaults.<BR>
Once the entity has been completely faded, the entity is removed.</ul>
<P><tt><B>flags</B>( <i>[ String parameter1 ], [ String parameter2 ], [ String parameter3 ], [ String parameter4 ], [ String parameter5 ], [ String parameter6 ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Change the current entity flags.<BR>
Valid flags are as follows:<BR>
+ sets a flag, - clears a flag<BR>
blood - should it bleed<BR>
explode - should it explode when dead<BR>
die_gibs - should it spawn gibs when dead<BR>
god - makes the entity invincible<BR>
<ul>Forces an entity to activate outside of the player's PVS</ul>
<P><tt><B>getcontrollerangles</B>( <i>Integer num </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Gets the control angles for the specified bone.</ul>
<ul>Turn a worldspace vector into a local space yaw</ul>
<ul>Get the maxs of the bounding box of the entity to maxs.</ul>
<ul>Get the mins of the bounding box of the entity to mins.</ul>
<P><tt><B>gettagangles</B>( <i>String tag_name </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Gets the world angles of the tag</ul>
<P><tt><B>gettagposition</B>( <i>String tag_name </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Gets the world position of the tag</ul>
<ul>make non-solid but still send to client regardless of hide status.</ul>
<P><tt><B>glue</B>( <i>Entity parent, [ Integer glueAngles ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>glue this entity to the specified entity.</ul>
<P><tt><B>gravity</B>( <i>Float gravityValue </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Change the gravity on this entity</ul>
<P><tt><B>heal</B>( <i>Float health </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Adds health to an entity, 0-1 fraction of max_health</ul>
<P><tt><B>health</B>( <i>Float newHealth </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>set the health (and max_health) of the entity to newHealth</ul>
<ul>entity's health</ul>
<P><tt><B>health</B>( <i>Float newHealth </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>set the health (and max_health) of the entity to newHealth</ul>
<P><tt><B>healthonly</B>( <i>Float newHealth </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>set the health of the entity to newHealth without changing max_health</ul>
<P><tt><B>healthonly</B>( <i>Float newHealth </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>set the health of the entity to newHealth without changing max_health</ul>
<ul>hide the entity, opposite of show.</ul>
<P><tt><B>hurt</B>( <i>Integer damage, [ String means_of_death ], [ Vector direction ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Inflicts damage if the entity is damageable. If the number of damage<BR>
points specified in the command argument is greater or equal than the<BR>
entity's current health, it will be killed or destroyed.</ul>
<ul>Removes this listener immediately.</ul>
<P><tt><B>immune</B>( <i>String immune_string1, [ String immune_string2 ], [ String immune_string3 ], [ String immune_string4 ], [ String immune_string5 ], [ String immune_string6 ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Adds to the immunity list for this sentient.</ul>
<P><tt><B>inpvs</B>( <i>Entity entity </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>returns 1 if the entities have connected pvs, 0 if not</ul>
<P><tt><B>istouching</B>( <i>Entity entity </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>returns 1 if the entities are touching, 0 if not</ul>
<P><tt><B>joinTeam</B>( <i>Entity teamMember </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>join a bind team.</ul>
<ul>console based command to kill yourself if stuck.</ul>
<ul>kill all the attached entities.</ul>
<P><tt><B>killed</B>( <i>Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>event which is sent to an entity once it as been killed<BR>
Location values:<BR>
-1 General<BR>
0 Pelvis<BR>
1 Lower Torso<BR>
2 Mid Torso<BR>
3 Upper Torso<BR>
4 Neck<BR>
5 Head<BR>
6 RUpperArm<BR>
7 RForearm<BR>
8 RHand<BR>
9 LUpperArm<BR>
10 LForearm<BR>
11 LHand<BR>
12 RThigh<BR>
13 RCalf<BR>
14 RFoot<BR>
15 LThigh<BR>
16 LCalf<BR>
17 LFoot<BR>
<P><tt><B>killtarget</B>( <i>String targetName </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>when dying kill entities with this targetName.</ul>
<P><tt><B>light</B>( <i>Float red, Float green, Float blue, Float radius </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Create a dynmaic light on this entity.</ul>
<P><tt><B>lightBlue</B>( <i>Float red </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the red component of the dynmaic light on this entity.</ul>
<P><tt><B>lightGreen</B>( <i>Float red </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the red component of the dynmaic light on this entity.</ul>
<ul>Turn the configured dynamic light on this entity off.</ul>
<ul>Turn the configured dynmaic light on this entity on.</ul>
<P><tt><B>lightRadius</B>( <i>Float red </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the red component of the dynmaic light on this entity.</ul>
<P><tt><B>lightRed</B>( <i>Float red </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the red component of the dynmaic light on this entity.</ul>
<P><tt><B>lightStyle</B>( <i>Integer lightStyleIndex </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>What light style to use for this dynamic light on this entity.</ul>
<P><tt><B>loopsound</B>( <i>String soundName, [ Float volume ], [ String minimum_distance ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>play a looped-sound with a certain volume and minimum_distance<BR>
which is attached to the current entity.</ul>
<P><tt><B>mass</B>( <i>Float massAmount </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>set the mass of this entity.</ul>
<ul>gets the entity's max health</ul>
<P><tt><B>max_health</B>( <i>Integer max_health </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>sets max_health without changing health</ul>
<P><tt><B>max_health</B>( <i>Integer max_health </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>sets max_health without changing health</ul>
<P><tt><B>model</B>( <i>String modelName </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>set the model to modelName.</ul>
<ul>get the modelName.</ul>
<P><tt><B>model</B>( <i>String modelName </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>set the model to modelName.</ul>
<P><tt><B>movementstealth</B>( <i>Float scale </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the current movement stealth scalar for the sentient</ul>
<ul>Sets this entity to never draw</ul>
<ul>entity does not take damage.</ul>
<ul>The Normal Health of the Actor (0 - 100)</ul>
<ul>The Normal Health of the Actor</ul>
<ul>Sets this entity to normal draw</ul>
<P><tt><B>notarget</B>( <i>Boolean setNoTarget </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>flag an entity as no target.</ul>
<ul>make non-solid.</ul>
<P><tt><B>playsound</B>( <i>String soundName, [ Integer channel ], [ Float volume ], [ Float min_distance ], [ Float pitch ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>play a sound coming from this entity.<BR>
default channel, CHAN_BODY.</ul>
<P><tt><B>pusher</B>( <i>Entity inflictor, Entity attacker, Vector direction, Float force </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Push an entity in the specified direction with the specified force</ul>
<ul>quit the current bind team</ul>
<ul>entity's radnum</ul>
<P><tt><B>radnum</B>( <i>Float radnum </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>set the radnum</ul>
<P><tt><B>realism</B>( <i>String command, [ String parms ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Makes a command be executed only in realism mode</ul>
<ul>Removes this listener the next time events are processed.</ul>
<P><tt><B>removeattachedmodel</B>( <i>String tagname, [ Float fadeRate ], [ String modelName ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Removes the model attached to this entity at the specified tag.</ul>
<P><tt><B>removeimmune</B>( <i>String immune_string1, [ String immune_string2 ], [ String immune_string3 ], [ String immune_string4 ], [ String immune_string5 ], [ String immune_string6 ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Removes from the immunity list for this sentient.</ul>
<P><tt><B>rendereffects</B>( <i>[ String parameter1 ], [ String parameter2 ], [ String parameter3 ], [ String parameter4 ], [ String parameter5 ], [ String parameter6 ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Change the current render effects flags.<BR>
Valid flags are as follows:<BR>
+ sets a flag, - clears a flag<BR>
dontdraw - send the entity to the client, but don't draw<BR>
betterlighting - do sphere based vertex lighting on the entity<BR>
lensflare - add a lens glow to the entity at its origin<BR>
viewlensflare - add a view dependent lens glow to the entity at its origin<BR>
lightoffset - use the dynamic color values as a light offset to the model<BR>
skyorigin - this entity is the portal sky origin<BR>
minlight - this entity always has some lighting on it<BR>
fullbright - this entity is always fully lit<BR>
additivedynamiclight - the dynamic light should have an additive effect<BR>
lightstyledynamiclight - the dynamic light uses a light style, use the<BR>
'lightstyle' command to set the index of the light style to be used</ul>
<P><tt><B>rotatedbbox</B>( <i>Integer on_off </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the entity's bbox to rotate with it.</ul>
<ul>Gets te entity's bbox to rotate with it.</ul>
<ul>make solid but first make sure no one is in my bounds that is thinking.</ul>
<ul>Even used by sound-only special case of say to trigger waittill saydone</ul>
<P><tt><B>scale</B>( <i>Float newScale </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>set the scale of the entity</ul>
<P><tt><B>scale</B>( <i>Float newScale </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>set the scale of the entity</ul>
<ul>get the scale of the entity</ul>
<P><tt><B>scriptshader</B>( <i>String shaderCommand, Float argument1, [ Float argument2 ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>alias for shader command, change a specific shader parameter for the entity.<BR>
Valid shader commands are:<BR>
translation [trans_x] [trans_y] - change the texture translation<BR>
offset [offset_x] [offset_y] - change the texture offset<BR>
rotation [rot_speed] - change the texture rotation speed<BR>
frame [frame_num] - change the animated texture frame<BR>
wavebase [base] - change the base parameter of the wave function<BR>
waveamp [amp] - change the amp parameter of the wave function<BR>
wavebase [phase] - change the phase parameter of the wave function<BR>
wavefreq [freq] - change the frequency parameter of the wave function<BR>
<P><tt><B>setcontrollerangles</B>( <i>Integer num, Vector angles </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the control angles for the specified bone.</ul>
<P><tt><B>setshaderdata</B>( <i>Float data0, Float data1 </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>sets the shader controllers for this entity.</ul>
<P><tt><B>setshadertime</B>( <i>[ Float timeOffset ], [ Float randomTimeOffset ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>reset the shader time for this entity.</ul>
<P><tt><B>setsize</B>( <i>Vector mins, Vector maxs </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the bounding box of the entity to mins and maxs.</ul>
<P><tt><B>shader</B>( <i>String shaderCommand, Float argument1, [ Float argument2 ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>change a specific shader parameter for the entity.<BR>
Valid shader commands are:<BR>
translation [trans_x] [trans_y] - change the texture translation<BR>
offset [offset_x] [offset_y] - change the texture offset<BR>
rotation [rot_speed] - change the texture rotation speed<BR>
wavebase [base] - change the base parameter of the wave function<BR>
waveamp [amp] - change the amp parameter of the wave function<BR>
wavebase [phase] - change the phase parameter of the wave function<BR>
wavefreq [freq] - change the frequency parameter of the wave function<BR>
<ul>Makes the entity shootable only.</ul>
<ul>show the entity, opposite of hide.</ul>
<P><tt><B>sighttrace</B>( <i>Vector start, Vector end, [ Integer pass_entities ], [ Vector mins ], [ Vector maxs ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Performs a trace line from the start to the end, returns 0 if something was hit and 1 otherwise</ul>
<ul>make solid.</ul>
<P><tt><B>sp</B>( <i>String command, [ String parms ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Makes a command be executed only in single player</ul>
<P><tt><B>spawnflags</B>( <i>Integer flags </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>spawnflags from the BSP, these are set inside the editor</ul>
<P><tt><B>sprealism</B>( <i>String command, [ String parms ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Makes a command be executed only in single player realism mode</ul>
<ul>entity does not move, causes no physics to be run on it.</ul>
<ul>Stop the looped-sound on this entity.</ul>
<P><tt><B>stopsound</B>( <i>[ Integer channel ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>stop the current sound on the specified channel.<BR>
default channel, CHAN_BODY.</ul>
<P><tt><B>surface</B>( <i>String surfaceName, [ String parameter1 ], [ String parameter2 ], [ String parameter3 ], [ String parameter4 ], [ String parameter5 ], [ String parameter6 ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>change a legs surface parameter for the given surface.<BR>
+ sets the flag, - clears the flag<BR>
Valid surface commands are:<BR>
skin1 - set the skin1 offset bit<BR>
skin2 - set the skin2 offset bit<BR>
nodraw - don't draw this surface</ul>
<P><tt><B>svflags</B>( <i>[ String parameter1 ], [ String parameter2 ], [ String parameter3 ], [ String parameter4 ], [ String parameter5 ], [ String parameter6 ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Change the current server flags.<BR>
Valid flags are as follows:<BR>
+ sets a flag, - clears a flag<BR>
broadcast - always send this entity to the client</ul>
<ul>makes entity take damage.</ul>
<P><tt><B>team</B>( <i>String moveTeam </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>used to make multiple entities move together.</ul>
<ul>entity has gravity applied to it.</ul>
<ul>this entity should touch triggers.</ul>
<P><tt><B>trace</B>( <i>Vector start, Vector end, [ Integer pass_entities ], [ Vector mins ], [ Vector maxs ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Performs a Trace Line from the start to the end, returns the end or the position it hit at</ul>
<P><tt><B>trigger</B>( <i>String name </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Trigger the specified target or entity.</ul>
<ul>unbind this entity.</ul>
<ul>unglue this entity.</ul>
<ul>do not perform perfect collision, use bounding box instead.</ul>
<ul>gets the velocity for this entity.</ul>
<P><tt><B>velocity</B>( <i>Vector velocity </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>sets the velocity for this entity.</ul>
<P><tt><B>volumedamage</B>( <i>Float damage </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>does damage to any entity within this's volume</ul>
<ul>entity's yaw</ul>
<h2> <a name="Event">Event</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<h2> <a name="ExplodeObject">ExplodeObject (<i>func_explodeobject</i>)</a> -> <a href="#MultiExploder">MultiExploder</a> -> <a href="#Trigger">Trigger</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<P><tt><B>amount</B>( <i>Integer amountOfDebris </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>How much debris to spawn each time.</ul>
<P><tt><B>debrismodel</B>( <i>String debrisModel </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>What kind of debris to spawn when triggered.</ul>
<P><tt><B>severity</B>( <i>Float newSeverity </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>How violently the debris should be ejected.</ul>
<P><tt><B>triggereffect</B>( <i>Entity triggering_entity </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Send event to owner of trigger.</ul>
<h2> <a name="Exploder">Exploder (<i>func_exploder</i>)</a> -> <a href="#Trigger">Trigger</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<P><tt><B>dmg</B>( <i>Integer damage </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the damage the explosion does.</ul>
<P><tt><B>triggereffect</B>( <i>Entity triggering_entity </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Send event to owner of trigger.</ul>
<h2> <a name="ExplodingWall">ExplodingWall (<i>func_explodingwall</i>)</a> -> <a href="#Trigger">Trigger</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<P><tt><B>anglespeed</B>( <i>Float speed </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the angle speed.</ul>
<P><tt><B>base_velocity</B>( <i>Vector velocity </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the base velocity.</ul>
<ul>Check if exploding wall is on ground.</ul>
<P><tt><B>damage</B>( <i>Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>general damage event used by all entities<BR>
Location values:<BR>
-1 General<BR>
0 Pelvis<BR>
1 Lower Torso<BR>
2 Mid Torso<BR>
3 Upper Torso<BR>
4 Neck<BR>
5 Head<BR>
6 RUpperArm<BR>
7 RForearm<BR>
8 RHand<BR>
9 LUpperArm<BR>
10 LForearm<BR>
11 LHand<BR>
12 RThigh<BR>
13 RCalf<BR>
14 RFoot<BR>
15 LThigh<BR>
16 LCalf<BR>
17 LFoot<BR>
<P><tt><B>dmg</B>( <i>Integer dmg </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the damage from the exploding wall.</ul>
<P><tt><B>doTouch</B>( <i>Entity touchingEntity </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>sent to entity when touched.</ul>
<P><tt><B>explosions</B>( <i>Integer explosions </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the number of explosions.</ul>
<P><tt><B>land_angles</B>( <i>Vector angles </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the land angles.</ul>
<P><tt><B>land_radius</B>( <i>Float radius </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the land radius.</ul>
<P><tt><B>random_velocity</B>( <i>Vector velocity </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the amount of random variation of the base velocity.</ul>
<ul>Stop rotating the wall.</ul>
<P><tt><B>triggereffect</B>( <i>Entity triggering_entity </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Send event to owner of trigger.</ul>
<h2> <a name="Explosion">Explosion</a> -> <a href="#Projectile">Projectile</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<ul>Makes the explosion do constant damage over the radius</ul>
<ul>This event is generated each frame if explosion is set to damage each frame</ul>
<ul>Makes the explosion damage every frame</ul>
<P><tt><B>explosioneffect</B>( <i>String explosionType </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Make an explosionType explosion effect</ul>
<P><tt><B>flash</B>( <i>Float time, Float r, Float g, Float b, Float radius </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Flash player screens</ul>
<P><tt><B>radius</B>( <i>Float projectileRadius </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>set the radius for the explosion</ul>
<P><tt><B>radiusdamage</B>( <i>Float radiusDamage </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>set the radius damage an explosion does</ul>
<h2> <a name="FallingRock">FallingRock (<i>func_fallingrock</i>)</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<ul>sent to entity when touched.</ul>
<P><tt><B>dmg</B>( <i>Integer dmg </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the damage from the rock.</ul>
<P><tt><B>doActivate</B>( <i>Entity activatingEntity </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>General trigger event for all entities</ul>
<P><tt><B>doTouch</B>( <i>Entity touchingEntity </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>sent to entity when touched.</ul>
<P><tt><B>noise</B>( <i>String sound </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the sound to play when the rock bounces</ul>
<ul>rotates the falling rock.</ul>
<P><tt><B>speed</B>( <i>Float speed </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the speed that the rock moves at.</ul>
<ul>Starts rock falling.</ul>
<P><tt><B>wait</B>( <i>Float wait </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>How long to wait before rock starts falling.</ul>
<h2> <a name="FencePost">FencePost (<i>func_fencepost</i>)</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<P><tt><B>killed</B>( <i>Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>event which is sent to an entity once it as been killed<BR>
Location values:<BR>
-1 General<BR>
0 Pelvis<BR>
1 Lower Torso<BR>
2 Mid Torso<BR>
3 Upper Torso<BR>
4 Neck<BR>
5 Head<BR>
6 RUpperArm<BR>
7 RForearm<BR>
8 RHand<BR>
9 LUpperArm<BR>
10 LForearm<BR>
11 LHand<BR>
12 RThigh<BR>
13 RCalf<BR>
14 RFoot<BR>
15 LThigh<BR>
16 LCalf<BR>
17 LFoot<BR>
<h2> <a name="FixedTurret">FixedTurret</a> -> <a href="#VehicleTank">VehicleTank</a> -> <a href="#DrivableVehicle">DrivableVehicle</a> -> <a href="#Vehicle">Vehicle</a> -> <a href="#VehicleBase">VehicleBase</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<h2> <a name="Flamethrower">Flamethrower</a> -> <a href="#Weapon">Weapon</a> -> <a href="#Item">Item</a> -> <a href="#Trigger">Trigger</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<h2> <a name="Fulcrum">Fulcrum (<i>func_fulcrum</i>)</a> -> <a href="#ScriptSlave">ScriptSlave</a> -> <a href="#Mover">Mover</a> -> <a href="#Trigger">Trigger</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<P><tt><B>dampening</B>( <i>Float newDampening </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>dampening of fulcrum.</ul>
<P><tt><B>doTouch</B>( <i>Entity touchingEntity </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>sent to entity when touched.</ul>
<P><tt><B>limit</B>( <i>Float newLimit </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>angular limit for the fulcrum.</ul>
<P><tt><B>movesound</B>( <i>String newSinkSound </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sound played when fulcrum is moving.</ul>
<ul>Reset the fulcrum right now.</ul>
<P><tt><B>resetspeed</B>( <i>Float newResetspeed </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Speed at which fulcrum resets itself, defaults to 0.002 * speed.</ul>
<P><tt><B>speed</B>( <i>Float speed </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Speed at which fulcrum operates itself.</ul>
<h2> <a name="FuncBeam">FuncBeam (<i>func_beam</i>)</a> -> <a href="#ScriptSlave">ScriptSlave</a> -> <a href="#Mover">Mover</a> -> <a href="#Trigger">Trigger</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<ul>Activate the beam</ul>
<P><tt><B>angle</B>( <i>Float newAngle </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>set the angles of the entity using just one value.<BR>
Sets the yaw of the entity or an up and down<BR>
direction if newAngle is [0-359] or -1 or -2</ul>
<P><tt><B>angles</B>( <i>Vector newAngles<0.00...360.00><0.00...360.00><0.00...360.00> </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>set the angles of the entity to newAngles.</ul>
<P><tt><B>color</B>( <i>Vector beam_color<0.00...1.00><0.00...1.00><0.00...1.00> </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the color of the beam</ul>
<P><tt><B>damage</B>( <i>Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>general damage event used by all entities<BR>
Location values:<BR>
-1 General<BR>
0 Pelvis<BR>
1 Lower Torso<BR>
2 Mid Torso<BR>
3 Upper Torso<BR>
4 Neck<BR>
5 Head<BR>
6 RUpperArm<BR>
7 RForearm<BR>
8 RHand<BR>
9 LUpperArm<BR>
10 LForearm<BR>
11 LHand<BR>
12 RThigh<BR>
13 RCalf<BR>
14 RFoot<BR>
15 LThigh<BR>
16 LCalf<BR>
17 LFoot<BR>
<ul>Deactivate the beam</ul>
<P><tt><B>delay</B>( <i>Float delay </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the amount of delay on the beam updater</ul>
<P><tt><B>doActivate</B>( <i>Entity activatingEntity </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>General trigger event for all entities</ul>
<P><tt><B>endalpha</B>( <i>Float alpha </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the endpoint alpha value of the beam</ul>
<P><tt><B>endpoint</B>( <i>Vector beam_end_point </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the end point of the beam. The beam will be draw from the origin to<BR>
the end point.</ul>
<ul>Find the endpoint of a beam</ul>
<P><tt><B>life</B>( <i>Float beam_life </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the amount of time the beam stays on when activated</ul>
<P><tt><B>maxoffset</B>( <i>Float max_offset </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the maximum offset the beam can travel above, below, forward or back of it's endpoints</ul>
<P><tt><B>minoffset</B>( <i>Float min_offset </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the minimun offset the beam can travel above, below, forward or back of it's endpoints</ul>
<P><tt><B>model</B>( <i>String modelName </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>set the model to modelName.</ul>
<P><tt><B>numsegments</B>( <i>Integer numsegments </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the number of segments for the beam</ul>
<P><tt><B>numspherebeams</B>( <i>Integer num </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the number of beams that will be shot out in a sphere like formation</ul>
<P><tt><B>overlap</B>( <i>Float beam_overlap </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the amount of overlap the beams have when they are being strung together</ul>
<P><tt><B>persist</B>( <i>Boolean bool </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the persist property of the beam</ul>
<P><tt><B>radius</B>( <i>Float radius </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the starting radius of the beams if this is a beamsphere</ul>
<P><tt><B>shader</B>( <i>String beam_shader </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the shader that the beam will use</ul>
<ul>Make the beam cause damage to entities that get in the way</ul>
<P><tt><B>shootradius</B>( <i>Float radius </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the radius of the damage area between beam endpoints</ul>
<P><tt><B>target</B>( <i>String beam_target </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the target of the beam. The beam will be drawn from the origin<BR>
to the origin of the target entity</ul>
<P><tt><B>tileshader</B>( <i>String beam_shader </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the shader that the beam will use. This shader will be tiled.</ul>
<P><tt><B>toggledelay</B>( <i>[ String [random] ], [ Float time ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Causes a beam toggling effect. Sets the time between toggling. If random is specified, The time will be between 0 and time</ul>
<ul>Update the endpoint of a beam</ul>
<ul>Update the origin of a beam</ul>
<h2> <a name="FuncLadder">FuncLadder (<i>func_ladder</i>)</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<P><tt><B>angle</B>( <i>Float newAngle </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>set the angles of the entity using just one value.<BR>
Sets the yaw of the entity or an up and down<BR>
direction if newAngle is [0-359] or -1 or -2</ul>
<h2> <a name="FuncRemove">FuncRemove (<i>func_remove</i>)</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<h2> <a name="Game">Game</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<h2> <a name="Gib">Gib (<i>gib</i>)</a> -> <a href="#Mover">Mover</a> -> <a href="#Trigger">Trigger</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<P><tt><B>damage</B>( <i>Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>general damage event used by all entities<BR>
Location values:<BR>
-1 General<BR>
0 Pelvis<BR>
1 Lower Torso<BR>
2 Mid Torso<BR>
3 Upper Torso<BR>
4 Neck<BR>
5 Head<BR>
6 RUpperArm<BR>
7 RForearm<BR>
8 RHand<BR>
9 LUpperArm<BR>
10 LForearm<BR>
11 LHand<BR>
12 RThigh<BR>
13 RCalf<BR>
14 RFoot<BR>
15 LThigh<BR>
16 LCalf<BR>
17 LFoot<BR>
<P><tt><B>doTouch</B>( <i>Entity touchingEntity </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>sent to entity when touched.</ul>
<ul>sent when entity has stopped bouncing for MOVETYPE_TOSS.</ul>
<P><tt><B>throwgib</B>( <i>Entity ent, Integer velocity, Float scale </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Throw a gib.</ul>
<h2> <a name="GrenadeHint">GrenadeHint (<i>info_grenadehint</i>)</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<h2> <a name="Health">Health (<i>health_020</i>)</a> -> <a href="#Item">Item</a> -> <a href="#Trigger">Trigger</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<ul>Health Post Spawn</ul>
<P><tt><B>item_pickup</B>( <i>Entity item </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Pickup the specified item.</ul>
<h2> <a name="HelmetObject">HelmetObject (<i>helmetobject</i>)</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<ul>sent when entity has stopped bouncing for MOVETYPE_TOSS.</ul>
<h2> <a name="HorizontalPipe">HorizontalPipe (<i>func_horizontalpipe</i>)</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<P><tt><B>angle</B>( <i>Float newAngle </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>set the angles of the entity using just one value.<BR>
Sets the yaw of the entity or an up and down<BR>
direction if newAngle is [0-359] or -1 or -2</ul>
<h2> <a name="InfoNotNull">InfoNotNull (<i>info_notnull</i>)</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<h2> <a name="InfoNull">InfoNull (<i>info_null</i>)</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<h2> <a name="InteractObject">InteractObject (<i>interactobject</i>)</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<P><tt><B>damage</B>( <i>Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>general damage event used by all entities<BR>
Location values:<BR>
-1 General<BR>
0 Pelvis<BR>
1 Lower Torso<BR>
2 Mid Torso<BR>
3 Upper Torso<BR>
4 Neck<BR>
5 Head<BR>
6 RUpperArm<BR>
7 RForearm<BR>
8 RHand<BR>
9 LUpperArm<BR>
10 LForearm<BR>
11 LHand<BR>
12 RThigh<BR>
13 RCalf<BR>
14 RFoot<BR>
15 LThigh<BR>
16 LCalf<BR>
17 LFoot<BR>
<ul>Sets the tiki it will spawn when it's hit</ul>
<P><tt><B>killed</B>( <i>Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>event which is sent to an entity once it as been killed<BR>
Location values:<BR>
-1 General<BR>
0 Pelvis<BR>
1 Lower Torso<BR>
2 Mid Torso<BR>
3 Upper Torso<BR>
4 Neck<BR>
5 Head<BR>
6 RUpperArm<BR>
7 RForearm<BR>
8 RHand<BR>
9 LUpperArm<BR>
10 LForearm<BR>
11 LHand<BR>
12 RThigh<BR>
13 RCalf<BR>
14 RFoot<BR>
15 LThigh<BR>
16 LCalf<BR>
17 LFoot<BR>
<ul>Sets the tiki it will spawn when it's destroyed</ul>
<h2> <a name="InventoryItem">InventoryItem</a> -> <a href="#Weapon">Weapon</a> -> <a href="#Item">Item</a> -> <a href="#Trigger">Trigger</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<P><tt><B>activateitem</B>( <i>[ String mode ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Activates the item</ul>
<ul>The activation of the papers item</ul>
<h2> <a name="Item">Item</a> -> <a href="#Trigger">Trigger</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<P><tt><B>amount</B>( <i>Integer amount </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the amount of the item.</ul>
<ul>Gets the amount of the item.</ul>
<P><tt><B>angle</B>( <i>Float newAngle </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>set the angles of the entity using just one value.<BR>
Sets the yaw of the entity or an up and down<BR>
direction if newAngle is [0-359] or -1 or -2</ul>
<P><tt><B>dialogneeded</B>( <i>String dialog_needed </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the dialog needed string.</ul>
<P><tt><B>doUse</B>( <i>Entity activatingEntity </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>sent to entity when it is used by another entity</ul>
<ul>Drops the item to the ground.</ul>
<P><tt><B>item_pickup</B>( <i>Entity item </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Pickup the specified item.</ul>
<P><tt><B>maxamount</B>( <i>Integer max_amount </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the max amount of the item.</ul>
<P><tt><B>name</B>( <i>String item_name </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the item name.</ul>
<ul>Makes it so the item is not removed from the world when it is picked up.</ul>
<ul>Called when the item pickup is done.</ul>
<P><tt><B>pickupsound</B>( <i>String name </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>sets the item's pickup sound alias</ul>
<ul>Respawns the item.</ul>
<ul>Called when the item respawn is done.</ul>
<ul>Turns on the respawn sound for this item.</ul>
<P><tt><B>set_respawn</B>( <i>Integer respawn </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Turns respawn on or off.</ul>
<P><tt><B>set_respawn_time</B>( <i>Float respawn_time </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the respawn time.</ul>
<ul>sent when entity has stopped bouncing for MOVETYPE_TOSS.</ul>
<P><tt><B>triggereffect</B>( <i>Entity triggering_entity </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Send event to owner of trigger.</ul>
<h2> <a name="Level">Level</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<P><tt><B>alarm</B>( <i>Integer alarm_status </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>zero = global level alarm off, non-zero = alarm on</ul>
<ul>zero = global level alarm off, non-zero = alarm on</ul>
<P><tt><B>badplace</B>( <i>String name, Vector origin, Float radius, [ String [team] ], [ Float [duration] ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Enables a 'bad place' for AI of team 'american', 'german', or (default) 'both' to avoid, and optionally gives it a duration</ul>
<P><tt><B>bombs_planted</B>( <i>Integer num </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>the number of bombs that are set</ul>
<P><tt><B>bombs_planted</B>( <i>Integer num </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the number of bombs that are set</ul>
<ul>Gets the number of bombs that are set</ul>
<P><tt><B>clockside</B>( <i>String axis_allies_draw_kills </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets which side the clock is on... 'axis' or 'allies' win when time is up, 'kills' gives the win to the team with more live members, 'draw' no one wins</ul>
<P><tt><B>clockside</B>( <i>String axis_or_allies </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets which side the clock is on... 'axis' or 'allies' win when time is up</ul>
<ul>Gets which side the clock is on... 'axis' or 'allies' win when time is up</ul>
<P><tt><B>dmrespawning</B>( <i>Integer allow_respawn </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>set to 1 to turn on wave-based DM, to 0 to disable respawns within a round</ul>
<ul>returns 1 if wave-based DM, 0 if respawns are disabled within a round</ul>
<P><tt><B>dmrespawning</B>( <i>Integer allow_respawn </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>set to 1 to turn on wave-based DM, to 0 to disable respawns within a round</ul>
<P><tt><B>dmroundlimit</B>( <i>Integer roundlimit </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>sets the default roundlimit, in minutes; can be overridden by 'roundlimit' cvar</ul>
<P><tt><B>dmroundlimit</B>( <i>Integer roundlimit </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>sets the default roundlimit, in minutes; can be overridden by 'roundlimit' cvar</ul>
<ul>gets the actual roundlimit, in minutes; may be 'roundlimit' cvar or the default round limit</ul>
<ul>count of found secrets</ul>
<P><tt><B>ignoreclock</B>( <i>Integer ignoreclock </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Tells a level weather or not to ignore the clock</ul>
<ul>says if infinite loop protection is enabled</ul>
<P><tt><B>loop_protection</B>( <i>Integer loop_protection </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>specify if infinite loop protection is enabled</ul>
<P><tt><B>nodrophealth</B>( <i>Integer alarm_status </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>zero = automatically drop health according to cvars, non-zero = don't autodrop health (like hard mode)</ul>
<ul>Gets wether or not the game is currently objective based or not</ul>
<ul>the level of papers the player currently has</ul>
<ul>the level of papers the player currently has</ul>
<P><tt><B>planting_team</B>( <i>String axis_or_allies </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets which is planting the bomb, 'axis' or 'allies'</ul>
<ul>Gets which is planting the bomb, 'axis' or 'allies'</ul>
<P><tt><B>planting_team</B>( <i>String axis_allies_draw_kills </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>which is planting the bomb, 'axis' or 'allies'</ul>
<ul>internal usage.</ul>
<ul>Sets the rain density</ul>
<ul>Sets the rain density</ul>
<ul>Sets the rain length</ul>
<ul>Sets the rain length</ul>
<ul>Sets the rain min_dist</ul>
<ul>Sets the rain min_dist</ul>
<ul>Sets the rain numshaders</ul>
<ul>Sets the rain numshaders</ul>
<ul>Sets the rain shader</ul>
<ul>Sets the rain shader</ul>
<ul>Sets the rain slant</ul>
<ul>Sets the rain slant</ul>
<ul>Sets the rain speed</ul>
<ul>Sets the rain speed</ul>
<ul>Sets the rain speed variance</ul>
<ul>Sets the rain speed variance</ul>
<ul>Sets the rain width</ul>
<ul>Sets the rain width</ul>
<P><tt><B>removebadplace</B>( <i>String name </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Removes a 'bad place'</ul>
<ul>Gets wether or not the game is currently round based or not</ul>
<P><tt><B>targets_destroyed</B>( <i>Integer num </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>the number of bomb targets that have been destroyed</ul>
<ul>Gets the number of bomb targets that have been destroyed</ul>
<P><tt><B>targets_destroyed</B>( <i>Integer num </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the number of bomb targets that have been destroyed</ul>
<ul>Gets the number of bomb targets that must be destroyed</ul>
<P><tt><B>targets_to_destroy</B>( <i>Integer num </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>the number of bomb targets that must be destroyed</ul>
<P><tt><B>targets_to_destroy</B>( <i>Integer num </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the number of bomb targets that must be destroyed</ul>
<ul>current level time</ul>
<ul>count of total secrets</ul>
<h2> <a name="Light">Light (<i>light</i>)</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<h2> <a name="LightStyleClass">LightStyleClass</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<h2> <a name="Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<P><tt><B>cancelFor</B>( <i>String name </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Cancel for event of type name</ul>
<ul>classname variable</ul>
<P><tt><B>commanddelay</B>( <i>Float delay, String command, [ String [arg1] ], [ String [arg2] ], [ String [arg3] ], [ String [arg4] ], [ String [arg5] ], [ String [arg6] ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>executes a command after the given delay</ul>
<P><tt><B>delaythrow</B>( <i>String label </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Internal usage.</ul>
<ul>Removes this listener immediately.</ul>
<P><tt><B>exec</B>( <i>String script </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Executes the specified script.</ul>
<P><tt><B>exec</B>( <i>String script </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Executes the specified script.</ul>
<ul>Removes this listener immediately.</ul>
<ul>Returns the owner.</ul>
<ul>Removes this listener the next time events are processed.</ul>
<P><tt><B>thread</B>( <i>String label </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Creates a thread starting at label.</ul>
<P><tt><B>thread</B>( <i>String label </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Creates a thread starting at label.</ul>
<P><tt><B>throw</B>( <i>String label </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Throws to the specified label.</ul>
<P><tt><B>unregister</B>( <i>String label </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Unregisters the label from the event of the same name.</ul>
<P><tt><B>waitexec</B>( <i>String script </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Executes the specified script and waits until the called thread group is finished.</ul>
<P><tt><B>waitexec</B>( <i>String script </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Executes the specified script and waits until the called thread group is finished.</ul>
<P><tt><B>waitthread</B>( <i>String label </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Creates a thread starting at label and waits until the called thread is finished.</ul>
<P><tt><B>waitthread</B>( <i>String label </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Creates a thread starting at label and waits until the called thread is finished.</ul>
<P><tt><B>waitTill</B>( <i>String name </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Wait until event of type name</ul>
<h2> <a name="LODMaster">LODMaster (<i>lodmaster</i>)</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<P><tt><B>lod_angles</B>( <i>Float pitch<0.00...360.00>, Float yaw<0.00...360.00>, Float roll<0.00...360.00> </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the angles of the model</ul>
<ul>Discard LOD changes</ul>
<P><tt><B>lod_roll</B>( <i>Float roll </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the roll of the model</ul>
<P><tt><B>lod_spawn</B>( <i>String model </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Edit LOD on the specified model</ul>
<P><tt><B>lod_yaw</B>( <i>Float yaw </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the yaw of the model</ul>
<h2> <a name="LODSlave">LODSlave (<i>lodslave</i>)</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<ul>Discard LOD changes</ul>
<ul>Set the model of the current viewthing</ul>
<ul>Called every frame to process the view thing.</ul>
<h2> <a name="MonkeyBars">MonkeyBars (<i>func_monkeybars</i>)</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<P><tt><B>angle</B>( <i>Float newAngle </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>set the angles of the entity using just one value.<BR>
Sets the yaw of the entity or an up and down<BR>
direction if newAngle is [0-359] or -1 or -2</ul>
<h2> <a name="Mover">Mover (<i>mover</i>)</a> -> <a href="#Trigger">Trigger</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<P><tt><B>movedone</B>( <i>Entity finishedEntity </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sent to commanding thread when done with move .</ul>
<h2> <a name="MultiExploder">MultiExploder (<i>func_multi_exploder</i>)</a> -> <a href="#Trigger">Trigger</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<P><tt><B>dmg</B>( <i>Integer damage </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the damage the explosion does.</ul>
<P><tt><B>duration</B>( <i>Float duration </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the duration of the explosion.</ul>
<P><tt><B>random</B>( <i>Float randomness </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the randomness value of the explosion.</ul>
<P><tt><B>triggereffect</B>( <i>Entity triggering_entity </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Send event to owner of trigger.</ul>
<P><tt><B>wait</B>( <i>Float explodewait </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the wait time of the explosion.</ul>
<h2> <a name="Object">Object (<i>object</i>)</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<ul>Internal usage</ul>
<P><tt><B>model</B>( <i>String modelName </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>set the model to modelName.</ul>
<P><tt><B>model</B>( <i>String modelName </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>set the model to modelName.</ul>
<h2> <a name="Objective">Objective (<i>func_objective</i>)</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<ul>Complete this objective.</ul>
<P><tt><B>doActivate</B>( <i>Entity activatingEntity </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>General trigger event for all entities</ul>
<P><tt><B>ObjectiveNbr</B>( <i>Integer index </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the objective number.</ul>
<ul>Set this objective as current.</ul>
<P><tt><B>Text</B>( <i>String Text </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set current text.</ul>
<ul>Turn Off and cancel the current cycle (if any)</ul>
<ul>Turn On and begin the first cycle</ul>
<h2> <a name="Parm">Parm</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<ul>Returns the previous thread.</ul>
<h2> <a name="PathNode">PathNode (<i>info_pathnode</i>)</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<ul>Removes this listener immediately.</ul>
<ul>Removes this listener immediately.</ul>
<P><tt><B>istouching</B>( <i>Entity entity </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>returns 1 if the entities are touching, 0 if not</ul>
<P><tt><B>low_wall_arc</B>( <i>Float arc_half_angle </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Marks this node as good for low-wall behavior, and gives the arc</ul>
<P><tt><B>spawnflags</B>( <i>Integer node_flags </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the path nodes flags.</ul>
<h2> <a name="PathSearch">PathSearch</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<h2> <a name="Player">Player (<i>player</i>)</a> -> <a href="#Sentient">Sentient</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<P><tt><B>actor</B>( <i>String modelname, [ String keyname1 ], [ String value1 ], [ String keyname2 ], [ String value2 ], [ String keyname3 ], [ String value3 ], [ String keyname4 ], [ String value4 ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Spawns an actor.</ul>
<P><tt><B>actorinfo</B>( <i>Integer actor_number </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Prints info on the specified actor.</ul>
<P><tt><B>addkills</B>( <i>Integer num_kills </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Give or take kills from the player</ul>
<ul>Called when the legs animation has finished.</ul>
<ul>Called when the pain animation has finished.</ul>
<ul>Called when the torso animation has finished.</ul>
<ul>Attaches the sentient to a ladder</ul>
<ul>Join the team with fewer players</ul>
<P><tt><B>callvote</B>( <i>String arg1, [ String arg2 ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Player calls a vote</ul>
<ul>Prints out current location and angles</ul>
<ul>makes sure the weapons is properly attached when interupting a reload</ul>
<P><tt><B>damage</B>( <i>Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>general damage event used by all entities<BR>
Location values:<BR>
-1 General<BR>
0 Pelvis<BR>
1 Lower Torso<BR>
2 Mid Torso<BR>
3 Upper Torso<BR>
4 Neck<BR>
5 Head<BR>
6 RUpperArm<BR>
7 RForearm<BR>
8 RHand<BR>
9 LUpperArm<BR>
10 LForearm<BR>
11 LHand<BR>
12 RThigh<BR>
13 RCalf<BR>
14 RFoot<BR>
15 LThigh<BR>
16 LCalf<BR>
17 LFoot<BR>
<P><tt><B>damage_multiplier</B>( <i>Float damage_multiplier </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the current damage multiplier</ul>
<ul>Called when the player is dead.</ul>
<ul>Spawn a dead body</ul>
<ul>Drops the player inventory in DM after's he's been killed</ul>
<P><tt><B>dmmessage</B>( <i>Integer mode, String stuffstrings </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>sends a DM message to the appropriate players</ul>
<ul>returns 'allies', 'axis', 'spectator', or 'freeforall'</ul>
<P><tt><B>dog</B>( <i>[ Integer god_mode ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the god mode cheat or toggles it.</ul>
<ul>Called when the player gets to the end of the level.</ul>
<ul>Ensures that the player went forward off the ladder.</ul>
<ul>Ensures that the player is at the proper height when getting off the top of a ladder</ul>
<P><tt><B>enter</B>( <i>Entity vehicle, [ String driver_anim ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Called when someone gets into a vehicle.</ul>
<P><tt><B>exit</B>( <i>Entity vehicle </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Called when driver gets out of the vehicle.</ul>
<P><tt><B>face</B>( <i>Vector angles </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Force angles to specified vector</ul>
<ul>Fires off all targets associated with a particular useanim.</ul>
<ul>Fires off all targets associated with a particular useobject.</ul>
<ul>returns 1 if this player is holding fire, or 0 if he is not</ul>
<P><tt><B>forcelegsstate</B>( <i>String legsstate </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Force the player's legs to a certain state</ul>
<P><tt><B>forcetorsostate</B>( <i>String torsostate </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Force the player's torso to a certain state</ul>
<P><tt><B>fov</B>( <i>[ Float fov ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the player's fov.</ul>
<ul>Heals player.</ul>
<ul>Prints the game version.</ul>
<ul>returns the player current movement</ul>
<ul>returns the player current position</ul>
<P><tt><B>give</B>( <i>String name, [ Integer amount ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Gives the player the specified thing (weapon, ammo, item, etc.) and optionally the amount.</ul>
<P><tt><B>giveweapon</B>( <i>String weapon_name </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Gives the player the specified weapon.</ul>
<P><tt><B>gotkill</B>( <i>Entity victim, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Integer meansofdeath, Boolean gib </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>event sent to attacker when an entity dies</ul>
<ul>Retrieves the server's vote options file</ul>
<ul>zero = does not have a disguise, non-zero = has a disguise</ul>
<P><tt><B>has_disguise</B>( <i>Integer is_disguised </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>zero = does not have a disguise, non-zero = has a disguise</ul>
<ul>Holsters all wielded weapons, or unholsters previously put away weapons</ul>
<ul>Cycle to player's next item.</ul>
<ul>Cycle to player's previous item.</ul>
<P><tt><B>iprint</B>( <i>String string, [ Integer bold ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>prints a string to the player, optionally in bold</ul>
<ul>zero = not disguised, non-zero = disguised</ul>
<P><tt><B>join_team</B>( <i>String team </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Join the specified team (allies or axis)</ul>
<P><tt><B>jump</B>( <i>Float height </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Makes the player jump.</ul>
<P><tt><B>jumpxy</B>( <i>Float forwardmove, Float sidemove, Float speed </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Makes the sentient jump.</ul>
<ul>console based command to kill yourself if stuck.</ul>
<P><tt><B>killclass</B>( <i>String classname, [ Integer except_entity_number ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Kills all of the entities in the specified class.</ul>
<P><tt><B>killed</B>( <i>Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>event which is sent to an entity once it as been killed<BR>
Location values:<BR>
-1 General<BR>
0 Pelvis<BR>
1 Lower Torso<BR>
2 Mid Torso<BR>
3 Upper Torso<BR>
4 Neck<BR>
5 Head<BR>
6 RUpperArm<BR>
7 RForearm<BR>
8 RHand<BR>
9 LUpperArm<BR>
10 LForearm<BR>
11 LHand<BR>
12 RThigh<BR>
13 RCalf<BR>
14 RFoot<BR>
15 LThigh<BR>
16 LCalf<BR>
17 LFoot<BR>
<P><tt><B>killent</B>( <i>Integer entity_number </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Kills the specified entity.</ul>
<ul>Leave the current team</ul>
<ul>List of the player's inventory.</ul>
<ul>Gives player all new weapons.</ul>
<P><tt><B>logstats</B>( <i>Boolean state </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Turn on/off the debugging playlog</ul>
<P><tt><B>modheight</B>( <i>String height </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>change the maximum height of the player<BR>
can specify 'stand', 'duck', 'duckrun', or a specific height</ul>
<P><tt><B>moveposflags</B>( <i>String position, [ String movement ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>used by the state files to tell the game dll what the player is doing</ul>
<P><tt><B>nextpaintime</B>( <i>Float seconds </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the next time the player experiences pain (Current time + seconds specified).</ul>
<ul>Toggles the noclip cheat.</ul>
<ul>Toggles the notarget cheat.</ul>
<ul>makes this player not ready for the round to start</ul>
<P><tt><B>objectivecount</B>( <i>Integer num_completed, Integer out_of </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the number of objectives completed and the total number of objectives</ul>
<P><tt><B>pain</B>( <i>Entity attacker, Float damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>used to inflict pain to an entity</ul>
<P><tt><B>perferredweapon</B>( <i>String weapon_name </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Overrides your perferred weapon that is displayed in the stats screen.</ul>
<ul>turn player physics off.</ul>
<ul>turn player physics on.</ul>
<ul>Pick your weapon.</ul>
<P><tt><B>poweruptimer</B>( <i>Integer poweruptimer, Integer poweruptype </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the powerup timer and powerup type.</ul>
<P><tt><B>primarydmweapon</B>( <i>String weaptype </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the player's primary DM weapon</ul>
<ul>makes this player ready for the round to start</ul>
<ul>returns 1 if this player is ready, 0 otherwise</ul>
<ul>Reloads the player's weapon</ul>
<P><tt><B>removeclass</B>( <i>String classname, [ Integer except_entity_number ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Removes all of the entities in the specified class.</ul>
<P><tt><B>removeent</B>( <i>Integer entity_number </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Removes the specified entity.</ul>
<P><tt><B>resethaveitem</B>( <i>String weapon_name </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Resets the game var that keeps track that we have gotten this weapon</ul>
<ul>Reset the player's state table.</ul>
<ul>Respawns the player.</ul>
<P><tt><B>safeholster</B>( <i>Boolean putaway </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Holsters all wielded weapons, or unholsters previously put away weapons<BR>
preserves state, so it will not holster or unholster unless necessary</ul>
<P><tt><B>safezoom</B>( <i>Boolean zoomin </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>0 turns off zoom, and 1 returns zoom to previous setting</ul>
<ul>Show the score for the current deathmatch game</ul>
<ul>show the entity, opposite of hide.</ul>
<ul>Skip the current cinematic</ul>
<P><tt><B>spawn</B>( <i>String entityname, [ String keyname1 ], [ String value1 ], [ String keyname2 ], [ String value2 ], [ String keyname3 ], [ String value3 ], [ String keyname4 ], [ String value4 ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Spawns an entity.</ul>
<ul>Become a spectator</ul>
<ul>starts up the useobject's animations.</ul>
<ul>Dumps the player's state to the console.</ul>
<ul>Display the MissionLog.</ul>
<P><tt><B>stopwatch</B>( <i>Integer duration </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Starts a stopwatch for a given duration... use 0 to clear the stopwatch</ul>
<P><tt><B>stopwatchingactor</B>( <i>Entity actor_to_stop_watching </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Makes the player's camera stop watching the specified actor.</ul>
<P><tt><B>stufftext</B>( <i>String stuffstrings </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Stuffs text to the player's console</ul>
<P><tt><B>takepain</B>( <i>Boolean bool </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set whether or not to take pain</ul>
<P><tt><B>tele</B>( <i>Vector location </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Teleport to location</ul>
<P><tt><B>testplayeranim</B>( <i>Float weight, [ String anim ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Plays a test animation on the player</ul>
<P><tt><B>testthread</B>( <i>String scriptfile, [ String label ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Starts the named thread at label if provided.</ul>
<P><tt><B>turn</B>( <i>Float yawangle </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Causes player to turn the specified amount.</ul>
<P><tt><B>turnlegs</B>( <i>Float yawangle </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Turns the players legs instantly by the specified amount.</ul>
<P><tt><B>turnupdate</B>( <i>Float yaw, Float timeleft </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Causes player to turn the specified amount.</ul>
<P><tt><B>turretenter</B>( <i>Entity turret, [ String driver_anim ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Called when someone gets into a turret.</ul>
<P><tt><B>turretexit</B>( <i>Entity turret </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Called when driver gets out of the turret.</ul>
<ul>Tweaks the player's position on a ladder to be proper</ul>
<ul>Unattaches the sentient from a ladder</ul>
<ul>Called once a second to decrement powerup time.</ul>
<ul>returns 1 if this player is holding use, or 0 if he is not</ul>
<ul>Makes the player try to use whatever is in front of her.</ul>
<P><tt><B>viewangles</B>( <i>Vector newAngles </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>set the view angles of the entity to newAngles.</ul>
<ul>get the angles of the entity.</ul>
<P><tt><B>viewmodelanim</B>( <i>String anim, [ Integer force_restart ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the player's view model animation</ul>
<P><tt><B>voicetype</B>( <i>String voice_name </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the voice type to use the player.</ul>
<P><tt><B>vote</B>( <i>String arg1 </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Player votes either yes or no</ul>
<P><tt><B>waitForState</B>( <i>String stateToWaitFor </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>When set, the player will clear waitforplayer when this state is hit<BR>
in the legs or torso.</ul>
<P><tt><B>watchactor</B>( <i>Entity actor_to_watch </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Makes the player's camera watch the specified actor.</ul>
<ul>Drops the player's current weapon.</ul>
<ul>Cycle to player's next weapon.</ul>
<ul>Cycle to player's previous weapon.</ul>
<P><tt><B>whatis</B>( <i>Integer entity_number </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Prints info on the specified entity.</ul>
<ul>Gives player all weapons.</ul>
<ul>makes sure that zoom is off</ul>
<h2> <a name="PlayerAlliedDeathmatchStart">PlayerAlliedDeathmatchStart (<i>info_player_allied</i>)</a> -> <a href="#PlayerDeathmatchStart">PlayerDeathmatchStart</a> -> <a href="#PlayerStart">PlayerStart</a> -> <a href="#SimpleArchivedEntity">SimpleArchivedEntity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<h2> <a name="PlayerAxisDeathmatchStart">PlayerAxisDeathmatchStart (<i>info_player_axis</i>)</a> -> <a href="#PlayerDeathmatchStart">PlayerDeathmatchStart</a> -> <a href="#PlayerStart">PlayerStart</a> -> <a href="#SimpleArchivedEntity">SimpleArchivedEntity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<h2> <a name="PlayerDeathmatchStart">PlayerDeathmatchStart (<i>info_player_deathmatch</i>)</a> -> <a href="#PlayerStart">PlayerStart</a> -> <a href="#SimpleArchivedEntity">SimpleArchivedEntity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<P><tt><B>arena</B>( <i>Integer arena_number </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>set the arena number for this starting position</ul>
<h2> <a name="PlayerIntermission">PlayerIntermission (<i>info_player_intermission</i>)</a> -> <a href="#Camera">Camera</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<h2> <a name="PlayerStart">PlayerStart (<i>info_player_start</i>)</a> -> <a href="#SimpleArchivedEntity">SimpleArchivedEntity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<P><tt><B>angle</B>( <i>Float newAngle </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>set the angles of the entity using just one value.<BR>
Sets the yaw of the entity or an up and down<BR>
direction if newAngle is [0-359] or -1 or -2</ul>
<ul>forbids spawning from this spawnpoint</ul>
<ul>allows spawning from this spawnpoint</ul>
<h2> <a name="PortableTurret">PortableTurret</a> -> <a href="#TurretGun">TurretGun</a> -> <a href="#Weapon">Weapon</a> -> <a href="#Item">Item</a> -> <a href="#Trigger">Trigger</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<P><tt><B>clipsize</B>( <i>Integer ammoClipSize </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the amount of rounds a clip of the weapon holds</ul>
<ul>Drops the item to the ground.</ul>
<h2> <a name="PortalCamera">PortalCamera (<i>portal_camera</i>)</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<P><tt><B>roll</B>( <i>Float roll </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the portal camera's roll.</ul>
<h2> <a name="PortalSurface">PortalSurface (<i>portal_surface</i>)</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<ul>Locates the camera position.</ul>
<h2> <a name="Projectile">Projectile (<i>projectile</i>)</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<P><tt><B>addownervelocity</B>( <i>Boolean bool </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set whether or not the owner's velocity is added to the projectile's velocity</ul>
<P><tt><B>addvelocity</B>( <i>Float velocity_x, Float velocity_y, Float velocity_z </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set a velocity to be added to the projectile when it is created</ul>
<ul>Make the projectile follow a normal arc on its way to its target</ul>
<P><tt><B>avelocity</B>( <i>[ String [random|crandom] ], [ Float yaw ], [ String [random|crandom] ], [ Float pitch ], [ String [random|crandom] ], [ Float roll ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>set the angular velocity of the projectile</ul>
<P><tt><B>beam</B>( <i>String command, [ String arg1 ], [ String arg2 ], [ String arg3 ], [ String arg4 ], [ String arg5 ], [ String arg6 ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>send a command to the beam of this projectile</ul>
<ul>Make the projectile into a bomb</ul>
<ul>Set the name of the sound that is played when the projectile bounces</ul>
<ul>Set the name of the sound that is played when the projectile bounces off hard surfaces</ul>
<ul>Set the name of the sound that is played when the projectile bounces off metal</ul>
<ul>Set the name of the sound that is played when the projectile bounces in water</ul>
<ul>Make the projectile bounce when it hits a non-damageable solid</ul>
<ul>Make the projectile be able to hit its owner</ul>
<ul>set the projectile's life to be determined by the charge time</ul>
<ul>set the projectile's speed to be determined by the charge time</ul>
<ul>Make the projectile be able to hit its owner now</ul>
<P><tt><B>dlight</B>( <i>Float red, Float green, Float blue, Float intensity </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>set the color and intensity of the dynamic light on the projectile</ul>
<P><tt><B>dmlife</B>( <i>Float projectileLife </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>set the life of the projectile in DM</ul>
<P><tt><B>doTouch</B>( <i>Entity touchingEntity </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>sent to entity when touched.</ul>
<P><tt><B>drunk</B>( <i>Float amount, Float rate </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Make the projectile drunk</ul>
<ul>Make the projectile explode</ul>
<ul>Make the projectile explode when it touches something damagable</ul>
<P><tt><B>explosionmodel</B>( <i>String modelname </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the modelname of the explosion to be spawned</ul>
<ul>set the projectile's life to be determined by the charge time</ul>
<ul>Make the projectile heat seek</ul>
<P><tt><B>hitdamage</B>( <i>Float projectileHitDamage </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>set the damage a projectile does when it hits something</ul>
<P><tt><B>impactmarkorientation</B>( <i>Float degrees </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the orientation of the impact mark</ul>
<P><tt><B>impactmarkradius</B>( <i>Float radius </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the radius of the impact mark</ul>
<P><tt><B>impactmarkshader</B>( <i>String shader </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the impact mark of the shader</ul>
<P><tt><B>killed</B>( <i>Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>event which is sent to an entity once it as been killed<BR>
Location values:<BR>
-1 General<BR>
0 Pelvis<BR>
1 Lower Torso<BR>
2 Mid Torso<BR>
3 Upper Torso<BR>
4 Neck<BR>
5 Head<BR>
6 RUpperArm<BR>
7 RForearm<BR>
8 RHand<BR>
9 LUpperArm<BR>
10 LForearm<BR>
11 LHand<BR>
12 RThigh<BR>
13 RCalf<BR>
14 RFoot<BR>
15 LThigh<BR>
16 LCalf<BR>
17 LFoot<BR>
<P><tt><B>knockback</B>( <i>Float projectileKnockback </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>set the knockback of the projectile when it hits something</ul>
<P><tt><B>life</B>( <i>Float projectileLife </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>set the life of the projectile</ul>
<P><tt><B>meansofdeath</B>( <i>String meansOfDeath </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>set the meansOfDeath of the projectile</ul>
<P><tt><B>minlife</B>( <i>Float minProjectileLife </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>set the minimum life of the projectile (this is for charge up weapons)</ul>
<P><tt><B>minspeed</B>( <i>Float minspeed </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>set the minimum speed of the projectile (this is for charge up weapons)</ul>
<ul>Makes the projectile not blow up or deal damage when it touches a damagable object</ul>
<ul>Make the projectile think to update it's velocity</ul>
<ul>Make the projectile get removed when it stops</ul>
<P><tt><B>smashthroughglass</B>( <i>Integer speed </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Makes the projectile smash through windows & other damageble glass objects when going above a set speed</ul>
<P><tt><B>speed</B>( <i>Float projectileSpeed </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>set the speed of the projectile</ul>
<ul>sent when entity has stopped bouncing for MOVETYPE_TOSS.</ul>
<ul>Update the attached beam</ul>
<h2> <a name="ProjectileGenerator">ProjectileGenerator (<i>ProjectileGenerator</i>)</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<P><tt><B>Accuracy</B>( <i>Float Accuracy </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Accuracy 0-25 feet<BR>
<ul>Startup the cycle..</ul>
<P><tt><B>Cycles</B>( <i>Integer Cycles </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Number of cycles. 0=infinte<BR>
<P><tt><B>doActivate</B>( <i>Entity activatingEntity </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>General trigger event for all entities</ul>
<ul>End the cycle..</ul>
<ul>Default=1; Set this to 0 if you don't want the PG to fire on startup.</ul>
<ul>Returns entity being targeted by the projectile generator,</ul>
<P><tt><B>ID</B>( <i>Integer ID </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the ID for this projectile generator<BR>
<ul>Initialize object</ul>
<ul>Returns whether the generator is on or off.</ul>
<P><tt><B>launchsound</B>( <i>String Sound </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set a launch sound for the projectile.</ul>
<P><tt><B>MaxDelay</B>( <i>Float MaxDelay </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Maximum time between bursts<BR>
<P><tt><B>MaxDuration</B>( <i>Float MaxDuration </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the maximum duration of bursts(in seconds)<BR>
<P><tt><B>MaxNumShots</B>( <i>Integer MaxNumShots </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the maximum # of shots to fire in a cycle<BR>
<P><tt><B>MinDelay</B>( <i>Float MinDelay </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Minimum time between bursts.<BR>
<P><tt><B>MinDuration</B>( <i>Float MinDuration </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the minimum duration of the bursts (in seconds)<BR>
<P><tt><B>MinNumShots</B>( <i>Integer MinNumShots </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the minimum # of shots to fire in a cycle<BR>
<P><tt><B>Model</B>( <i>String Model </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Projectile model to use.<BR>
<P><tt><B>target</B>( <i>String targetname_to_target </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>target another entity with targetname_to_target.</ul>
<ul>Tick the cycle..</ul>
<ul>Turn Off and cancel the current cycle (if any)</ul>
<ul>Turn On and begin the first cycle</ul>
<h2> <a name="ProjectileGenerator_Gun">ProjectileGenerator_Gun (<i>ProjectileGenerator_Gun</i>)</a> -> <a href="#ProjectileGenerator">ProjectileGenerator</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<P><tt><B>bulletcount</B>( <i>Float bulletCount </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the number of bullets this weapon shoots when fired</ul>
<P><tt><B>bulletdamage</B>( <i>Float bulletDamage </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the damage that the bullet causes</ul>
<P><tt><B>bulletknockback</B>( <i>Float bulletKnockback </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the knockback that the bullet causes</ul>
<P><tt><B>bulletlarge</B>( <i>Integer bulletType </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set if the bullets fired are rifle bullets(1), artillery(2) or larger tracers(3)</ul>
<P><tt><B>bulletrange</B>( <i>Float bulletRange </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the range of the bullets</ul>
<P><tt><B>bulletspread</B>( <i>Float bulletSpreadX, Float bulletSpreadY, [ Float bulletSpreadXmax ], [ Float bulletSpreadYmax ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the min & optional max spread of the bullet in the x and y axis</ul>
<P><tt><B>fakebullets</B>( <i>Boolean useFakeBullets </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Whether or not the projectile generator should fire real bullets.</ul>
<P><tt><B>firedelay</B>( <i>Float fFireDelay </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the minimum time between shots from the weapon</ul>
<P><tt><B>ID</B>( <i>Integer ID </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the ID for this projectile generator<BR>
<P><tt><B>meansofdeath</B>( <i>String meansOfDeath </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the meansOfDeath of the weapon.</ul>
<P><tt><B>throughmetal</B>( <i>Float dist </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets how far the bullets can go through metal</ul>
<P><tt><B>throughwood</B>( <i>Float dist </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets how far the bullets can go through wood</ul>
<P><tt><B>tracerfrequency</B>( <i>Integer frequenct </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the frequency of making tracers</ul>
<P><tt><B>tracerspeed</B>( <i>Float speed </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Scale factor of how fast a tracer should travel (valid ranges 0-2)</ul>
<h2> <a name="ProjectileGenerator_Heavy">ProjectileGenerator_Heavy (<i>ProjectileGenerator_Heavy</i>)</a> -> <a href="#ProjectileGenerator">ProjectileGenerator</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<P><tt><B>projectile</B>( <i>String projectileModel </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the model of the projectile that this weapon fires</ul>
<h2> <a name="ProjectileGenerator_Projectile">ProjectileGenerator_Projectile (<i>ProjectileGenerator_Projectile</i>)</a> -> <a href="#ProjectileGenerator">ProjectileGenerator</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<P><tt><B>arc</B>( <i>Float arc </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>arc in front of the player</ul>
<P><tt><B>isdonut</B>( <i>Integer isdonut </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>will target donut</ul>
<P><tt><B>maxdonut</B>( <i>Float maxdonut </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>max extent of donut from player</ul>
<P><tt><B>mindonut</B>( <i>Float mindonut </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>min extent of donut from player</ul>
<ul>Play a pre-impact sound</ul>
<P><tt><B>preimpactsound</B>( <i>String Sound </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set a pre-impact sound.</ul>
<P><tt><B>preimpactsoundprob</B>( <i>Float probability </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the chance for a pre-impact sound to occur.<BR>
Range: ( 0.0, 1.0 ), with 0 having no chance, and 1 always occurring.</ul>
<P><tt><B>preimpactsoundtime</B>( <i>Float delay </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the time before impact to play the preimpact sound.</ul>
<P><tt><B>projectile</B>( <i>String projectileModel </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the model of the projectile that this weapon fires</ul>
<h2> <a name="ProjectileTarget">ProjectileTarget (<i>ProjectileGenerator_Target</i>)</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<P><tt><B>ID</B>( <i>Integer ID </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the ID for this projectile generator<BR>
<h2> <a name="PuffDaddy">PuffDaddy (<i>plant_puffdaddy</i>)</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<P><tt><B>doTouch</B>( <i>Entity touchingEntity </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>sent to entity when touched.</ul>
<ul>Animates the puff daddy.</ul>
<h2> <a name="PushObject">PushObject (<i>func_pushobject</i>)</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<P><tt><B>dmg</B>( <i>Integer damage </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the damage.</ul>
<P><tt><B>doBlocked</B>( <i>Entity obstacle </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>sent to entity when blocked.</ul>
<P><tt><B>pushsound</B>( <i>String sound </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the pushing sound</ul>
<ul>Sets up the pushobject.</ul>
<h2> <a name="Rain">Rain (<i>func_rain</i>)</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<h2> <a name="RandomSpawn">RandomSpawn (<i>func_randomspawn</i>)</a> -> <a href="#Spawn">Spawn</a> -> <a href="#ScriptSlave">ScriptSlave</a> -> <a href="#Mover">Mover</a> -> <a href="#Trigger">Trigger</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<P><tt><B>doActivate</B>( <i>Entity activatingEntity </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>General trigger event for all entities</ul>
<P><tt><B>max_time</B>( <i>Float maxTime </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Maximum time between random spawns.</ul>
<P><tt><B>min_time</B>( <i>Float minTime </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Minimum time between random spawns.</ul>
<h2> <a name="RandomSpeaker">RandomSpeaker (<i>sound_randomspeaker</i>)</a> -> <a href="#TriggerSpeaker">TriggerSpeaker</a> -> <a href="#TriggerPlaySound">TriggerPlaySound</a> -> <a href="#Trigger">Trigger</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<P><tt><B>chance</B>( <i>Float newChance<0.00...1.00> </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the chance that the sound will play when triggered.</ul>
<P><tt><B>maxdelay</B>( <i>Float max_delay </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the maximum time between playings.</ul>
<P><tt><B>mindelay</B>( <i>Float min_delay </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the minimum time between playings.</ul>
<P><tt><B>triggereffect</B>( <i>Entity triggering_entity </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Send event to owner of trigger.</ul>
<h2> <a name="ReSpawn">ReSpawn (<i>func_respawn</i>)</a> -> <a href="#Spawn">Spawn</a> -> <a href="#ScriptSlave">ScriptSlave</a> -> <a href="#Mover">Mover</a> -> <a href="#Trigger">Trigger</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<h2> <a name="RotatingDoor">RotatingDoor (<i>func_rotatingdoor</i>)</a> -> <a href="#Door">Door</a> -> <a href="#ScriptSlave">ScriptSlave</a> -> <a href="#Mover">Mover</a> -> <a href="#Trigger">Trigger</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<ul>Closes the door (special doors).</ul>
<P><tt><B>doopen</B>( <i>Entity other </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Opens the door (special doors).</ul>
<P><tt><B>openangle</B>( <i>Float open_angle </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the open angle of the door.</ul>
<h2> <a name="RunThrough">RunThrough (<i>func_runthrough</i>)</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<P><tt><B>chance</B>( <i>Float chance </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>chance that trigger will spawn something.</ul>
<P><tt><B>delay</B>( <i>Float delay </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>time between RunThrough being activated.</ul>
<P><tt><B>doTouch</B>( <i>Entity touchingEntity </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>sent to entity when touched.</ul>
<P><tt><B>lip</B>( <i>Float lip </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>distance below trigger we should spawn things.</ul>
<P><tt><B>offset</B>( <i>Vector spawn_offset </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>When triggered, what to offset the spawned object by.</ul>
<P><tt><B>spawnmodel</B>( <i>String model_to_spawn </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>When triggered, what to spawn.</ul>
<P><tt><B>speed</B>( <i>Float speed </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>threshold speed at which RunThrough is activated.</ul>
<h2> <a name="Script">Script</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<h2> <a name="ScriptAimedStrafingGunfire">ScriptAimedStrafingGunfire (<i>script_aimedstrafinggunfire</i>)</a> -> <a href="#ScriptSimpleStrafingGunfire">ScriptSimpleStrafingGunfire</a> -> <a href="#ScriptSlave">ScriptSlave</a> -> <a href="#Mover">Mover</a> -> <a href="#Trigger">Trigger</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<ul>Set the aim target.</ul>
<h2> <a name="ScriptClass">ScriptClass</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<h2> <a name="ScriptDoor">ScriptDoor (<i>script_door</i>)</a> -> <a href="#Door">Door</a> -> <a href="#ScriptSlave">ScriptSlave</a> -> <a href="#Mover">Mover</a> -> <a href="#Trigger">Trigger</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<P><tt><B>angle</B>( <i>Float newAngle </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>set the angles of the entity using just one value.<BR>
Sets the yaw of the entity or an up and down<BR>
direction if newAngle is [0-359] or -1 or -2</ul>
<ul>Closes the door (special doors).</ul>
<ul>Sets up the script door.</ul>
<P><tt><B>doopen</B>( <i>Entity other </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Opens the door (special doors).</ul>
<ul>door's movedir</ul>
<ul>door's open dot product</ul>
<ul>door's size</ul>
<ul>door's startorigin</ul>
<h2> <a name="ScriptMaster">ScriptMaster</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<P><tt><B>alias</B>( <i>String alias, String realPath, [ String arg1 ], [ String arg2 ], [ String arg3 ], [ String arg4 ], [ String arg5 ], [ String arg6 ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Create an alias to the specified path</ul>
<P><tt><B>aliascache</B>( <i>String alias, String realPath, [ String arg1 ], [ String arg2 ], [ String arg3 ], [ String arg4 ], [ String arg5 ], [ String arg6 ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Create an alias to the specified path and cache the resource</ul>
<P><tt><B>cache</B>( <i>String resourceName </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>pre-cache the given resource.</ul>
<h2> <a name="ScriptModel">ScriptModel (<i>script_model</i>)</a> -> <a href="#ScriptSlave">ScriptSlave</a> -> <a href="#Mover">Mover</a> -> <a href="#Trigger">Trigger</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<P><tt><B>angle</B>( <i>Float newAngle </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>set the angles of the entity using just one value.<BR>
Sets the yaw of the entity or an up and down<BR>
direction if newAngle is [0-359] or -1 or -2</ul>
<P><tt><B>anim</B>( <i>String anim_name </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the script model's animation</ul>
<ul>Script model animation has finished.</ul>
<P><tt><B>model</B>( <i>String modelName </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>set the model to modelName.</ul>
<P><tt><B>moveanim</B>( <i>String animName </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Makes the script model play an animation and move with the deltas contained in the animation</ul>
<ul>The script model is moving based on an animation</ul>
<h2> <a name="ScriptModelRealDamage">ScriptModelRealDamage (<i>script_model_realdamage</i>)</a> -> <a href="#ScriptModel">ScriptModel</a> -> <a href="#ScriptSlave">ScriptSlave</a> -> <a href="#Mover">Mover</a> -> <a href="#Trigger">Trigger</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<P><tt><B>damage</B>( <i>Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>general damage event used by all entities<BR>
Location values:<BR>
-1 General<BR>
0 Pelvis<BR>
1 Lower Torso<BR>
2 Mid Torso<BR>
3 Upper Torso<BR>
4 Neck<BR>
5 Head<BR>
6 RUpperArm<BR>
7 RForearm<BR>
8 RHand<BR>
9 LUpperArm<BR>
10 LForearm<BR>
11 LHand<BR>
12 RThigh<BR>
13 RCalf<BR>
14 RFoot<BR>
15 LThigh<BR>
16 LCalf<BR>
17 LFoot<BR>
<h2> <a name="ScriptOrigin">ScriptOrigin (<i>script_origin</i>)</a> -> <a href="#ScriptSlave">ScriptSlave</a> -> <a href="#Mover">Mover</a> -> <a href="#Trigger">Trigger</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<P><tt><B>model</B>( <i>String modelName </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>set the model to modelName.</ul>
<h2> <a name="ScriptSimpleStrafingGunfire">ScriptSimpleStrafingGunfire (<i>script_simplestrafinggunfire</i>)</a> -> <a href="#ScriptSlave">ScriptSlave</a> -> <a href="#Mover">Mover</a> -> <a href="#Trigger">Trigger</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<P><tt><B>bulletcount</B>( <i>Float bulletCount </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the number of bullets this weapon shoots when fired</ul>
<P><tt><B>bulletdamage</B>( <i>Float bulletDamage </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the damage that the bullet causes</ul>
<P><tt><B>bulletknockback</B>( <i>Float bulletKnockback </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the knockback that the bullet causes</ul>
<P><tt><B>bulletrange</B>( <i>Float bulletRange </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the range of the bullets</ul>
<P><tt><B>bulletspread</B>( <i>Float bulletSpreadX, Float bulletSpreadY, [ Float bulletSpreadXmax ], [ Float bulletSpreadYmax ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the min & optional max spread of the bullet in the x and y axis</ul>
<P><tt><B>firedelay</B>( <i>Float fFireDelay </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the minimum time between shots from the weapon</ul>
<ul>Turn the gunfire off.</ul>
<ul>Turn the gunfire on.</ul>
<ul>Set the projectile model</ul>
<P><tt><B>throughmetal</B>( <i>Float dist </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets how far the bullets can go through metal</ul>
<P><tt><B>throughwood</B>( <i>Float dist </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets how far the bullets can go through wood</ul>
<ul>Set the frequency of the tracers</ul>
<h2> <a name="ScriptSkyOrigin">ScriptSkyOrigin (<i>script_skyorigin</i>)</a> -> <a href="#ScriptSlave">ScriptSlave</a> -> <a href="#Mover">Mover</a> -> <a href="#Trigger">Trigger</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<h2> <a name="ScriptSlave">ScriptSlave (<i>script_object</i>)</a> -> <a href="#Mover">Mover</a> -> <a href="#Trigger">Trigger</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<P><tt><B>angle</B>( <i>Float newAngle </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>set the angles of the entity using just one value.<BR>
Sets the yaw of the entity or an up and down<BR>
direction if newAngle is [0-359] or -1 or -2</ul>
<P><tt><B>angles</B>( <i>Vector angles </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the angles.</ul>
<P><tt><B>bind</B>( <i>Entity parent </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>bind this entity to the specified entity.</ul>
<ul>Close the area portal enclosed in this object</ul>
<P><tt><B>damage</B>( <i>Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>general damage event used by all entities<BR>
Location values:<BR>
-1 General<BR>
0 Pelvis<BR>
1 Lower Torso<BR>
2 Mid Torso<BR>
3 Upper Torso<BR>
4 Neck<BR>
5 Head<BR>
6 RUpperArm<BR>
7 RForearm<BR>
8 RHand<BR>
9 LUpperArm<BR>
10 LForearm<BR>
11 LHand<BR>
12 RThigh<BR>
13 RCalf<BR>
14 RFoot<BR>
15 LThigh<BR>
16 LCalf<BR>
17 LFoot<BR>
<P><tt><B>dmg</B>( <i>Integer damage </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the damage.</ul>
<P><tt><B>doActivate</B>( <i>Entity activatingEntity </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>General trigger event for all entities</ul>
<P><tt><B>doBlocked</B>( <i>Entity obstacle </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>sent to entity when blocked.</ul>
<P><tt><B>doTouch</B>( <i>Entity touchingEntity </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>sent to entity when touched.</ul>
<P><tt><B>doUse</B>( <i>Entity activatingEntity </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>sent to entity when it is used by another entity</ul>
<ul>Stop following the path</ul>
<P><tt><B>explode</B>( <i>Float damage </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Creates an explosion at the script slave's position</ul>
<P><tt><B>flypath</B>( <i>Entity array, Float speed, Float acceleration, Float look_ahead </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Makes the script slave fly the specified path with speed and acceleration until reached_distance close to position</ul>
<P><tt><B>followpath</B>( <i>Entity path, [ String arg1 ], [ String arg2 ], [ String arg3 ], [ String arg4 ], [ String arg5 ], [ String arg6 ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Makes the script slave follow the specified path. The allowable arguments are ignoreangles,<BR>
ignorevelocity, normalangles, loop, and a number specifying the start time.</ul>
<P><tt><B>jumpto</B>( <i>String vector_or_entity </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Jump to specified vector or entity.</ul>
<P><tt><B>model</B>( <i>String modelName </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>set the model to modelName.</ul>
<P><tt><B>modifyflypath</B>( <i>Float speed, Float acceleration, Float look_ahead </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Makes the script slave fly the specified path with speed and acceleration until reached_distance close to position</ul>
<ul>Move the script slave.</ul>
<P><tt><B>moveBackward</B>( <i>Float dist </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Move the position backward.</ul>
<P><tt><B>moveDown</B>( <i>Float dist </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Move the position down.</ul>
<P><tt><B>moveEast</B>( <i>Float dist </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Move the position east.</ul>
<P><tt><B>moveForward</B>( <i>Float dist </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Move the position forward.</ul>
<P><tt><B>moveLeft</B>( <i>Float dist </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Move the position left.</ul>
<P><tt><B>moveNorth</B>( <i>Float dist </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Move the position north.</ul>
<P><tt><B>moveOffset</B>( <i>Vector dist </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Move the position by the offset vector.</ul>
<P><tt><B>moveRight</B>( <i>Float dist </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Move the position right.</ul>
<P><tt><B>moveSouth</B>( <i>Float dist </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Move the position south.</ul>
<P><tt><B>moveto</B>( <i>String vector_or_entity </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Move to the specified vector or entity.</ul>
<P><tt><B>moveUp</B>( <i>Float dist </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Move the position up.</ul>
<P><tt><B>moveWest</B>( <i>Float dist </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Move the position west.</ul>
<ul>Goto the next waypoint.</ul>
<P><tt><B>normalangles</B>( <i>Boolean bUseNormalAngles </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the object to use normal angles when travelling on a spline path</ul>
<ul>Makes the script slave not shootable</ul>
<ul>Open the area portal enclosed in this object</ul>
<P><tt><B>path_relativeyaw</B>( <i>Float relativeYaw </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Makes the script slave follow the specified path with a yaw offset,</ul>
<ul>Turn physics off this script object on</ul>
<P><tt><B>physics_on</B>( <i>[ Integer no_collide_entity ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Turn physics on this script object on<BR>
If no_collide_entity is set to 1 then the script slave will not collide with other entities</ul>
<P><tt><B>physics_velocity</B>( <i>Vector impulseVector </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Add a physical impulse to an object when it is being physically simulated</ul>
<P><tt><B>rotateaxis</B>( <i>Integer axis, Float avelocity </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Rotate about the specified axis at the specified angular velocity.</ul>
<P><tt><B>rotateaxisdown</B>( <i>Integer axis, Float angle </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Rotate the specified axis down by the specified amount.</ul>
<P><tt><B>rotateaxisdownto</B>( <i>Integer axis, Float angle </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Rotate the specified axis down to angle.</ul>
<P><tt><B>rotateaxisup</B>( <i>Integer axis, Float angle </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Rotate the specified axis up by the specified amount.</ul>
<P><tt><B>rotateaxisupto</B>( <i>Integer axis, Float angle </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Rotate the specified axis up to angle.</ul>
<P><tt><B>rotatedownto</B>( <i>Vector direction </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Rotate down to the specified direction.</ul>
<P><tt><B>rotateto</B>( <i>Vector direction </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Rotate to the specified direction.</ul>
<P><tt><B>rotateupto</B>( <i>Vector direction </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Rotate up to the specified direction.</ul>
<P><tt><B>rotateX</B>( <i>Float avelocity </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Rotate about the x axis at the specified angular velocity.</ul>
<P><tt><B>rotateXdown</B>( <i>Float angle </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Rotate the x down by the specified amount.</ul>
<P><tt><B>rotateXdownto</B>( <i>Float angle </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Rotate the x down to angle.</ul>
<P><tt><B>rotateXup</B>( <i>Float angle </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Rotate the x up by the specified amount.</ul>
<P><tt><B>rotateXupto</B>( <i>Float angle </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Rotate the x up to angle.</ul>
<P><tt><B>rotateY</B>( <i>Float avelocity </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Rotate about the y axis at the specified angular velocity.</ul>
<P><tt><B>rotateYdown</B>( <i>Float angle </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Rotate the y down by the specified amount.</ul>
<P><tt><B>rotateYdownto</B>( <i>Float angle </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Rotate the y down to angle.</ul>
<P><tt><B>rotateYup</B>( <i>Float angle </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Rotate the y up by the specified amount.</ul>
<P><tt><B>rotateYupto</B>( <i>Float angle </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Rotate the y up to angle.</ul>
<P><tt><B>rotateZ</B>( <i>Float avelocity </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Rotate about the z axis at the specified angular velocity.</ul>
<P><tt><B>rotateZdown</B>( <i>Float angle </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Rotate the z down by the specified amount.</ul>
<P><tt><B>rotateZdownto</B>( <i>Float angle </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Rotate the z down to angle.</ul>
<P><tt><B>rotateZup</B>( <i>Float angle </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Rotate the z up by the specified amount.</ul>
<P><tt><B>rotateZupto</B>( <i>Float angle </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Rotate the z up to angle.</ul>
<ul>Called every frame to actually follow the path</ul>
<ul>Called when the script slave is done moving</ul>
<P><tt><B>setdamage</B>( <i>Integer damage </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the damage.</ul>
<P><tt><B>setmeansofdeath</B>( <i>String means_of_death </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the damage means of death.</ul>
<P><tt><B>speed</B>( <i>Float speed </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the speed.</ul>
<ul>Stop the script slave.</ul>
<P><tt><B>threadmove</B>( <i>String label </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Move the script slave and create thread which waits until finished.</ul>
<P><tt><B>time</B>( <i>Float travel_time </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the travel time.</ul>
<P><tt><B>trigger</B>( <i>Entity ent </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Trigger entities target.</ul>
<ul>unbind this entity.</ul>
<ul>Move the script slave and wait until finished.</ul>
<h2> <a name="ScriptThread">ScriptThread</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<P><tt><B>abs</B>( <i>Float arg </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Absolute value of int or float</ul>
<P><tt><B>addobjective</B>( <i>Integer objective_number, Integer status, [ String text ], [ Vector location ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Adds/Changes an Objective</ul>
<P><tt><B>aliascache</B>( <i>String alias, String realPath, [ String arg1 ], [ String arg2 ], [ String arg3 ], [ String arg4 ], [ String arg5 ], [ String arg6 ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Create an alias to the specified path and cache the resource</ul>
<ul>Turns all AI off.</ul>
<ul>Turns all AI back on.</ul>
<P><tt><B>angles_pointat</B>( <i>Entity parent_entity, Entity entity, Entity target_entity </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Returns the angles that points at the target_entity given the base orientation of the parent_entity and the position of the entity.</ul>
<P><tt><B>angles_toforward</B>( <i>Vector angles </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Returns the forward vector of the specified angles</ul>
<P><tt><B>angles_toleft</B>( <i>Vector angles </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Returns the left vector of the specified angles</ul>
<P><tt><B>angles_toup</B>( <i>Vector angles </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Returns the up vector of the specified angles</ul>
<P><tt><B>assert</B>( <i>Float value </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Assert if value is 0.</ul>
<P><tt><B>bool</B>( <i>Integer value </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Casts value to a bool.</ul>
<P><tt><B>bsptransition</B>( <i>String next_map </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Transitions to the next BSP. Keeps player data, and game data.</ul>
<P><tt><B>cache</B>( <i>String resource_name </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Cache the specified resource.</ul>
<P><tt><B>cam</B>( <i>String command, [ String arg1 ], [ String arg2 ], [ String arg3 ], [ String arg4 ], [ String arg5 ], [ String arg6 ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Processes a camera command.</ul>
<P><tt><B>centerprint</B>( <i>String stuffToPrint </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>prints the included message in the middle of all player's screens</ul>
<ul>Turns on cinematic.</ul>
<ul>Clears the position of the current objective, for when you don't have one</ul>
<ul>Clear the fade from the screen</ul>
<P><tt><B>clearletterbox</B>( <i>Float time </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Clears letterbox mode.</ul>
<ul>Creates a Listener instance.</ul>
<P><tt><B>cuecamera</B>( <i>Entity entity, [ Float switchTime ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Cue the camera. If switchTime is specified, then the camera<BR>
will switch over that length of time.</ul>
<P><tt><B>cueplayer</B>( <i>[ Float switchTime ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Go back to the normal camera. If switchTime is specified,<BR>
then the camera will switch over that length of time.</ul>
<ul>Generate an asm int 3</ul>
<P><tt><B>debugline</B>( <i>Vector start, Vector end, [ Float red ], [ Float green ], [ Float blue ], [ Float alpha ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Draws a debug line from start to end using the given color and alpha for g_numdebuglinedelays server frames</ul>
<P><tt><B>delaythrow</B>( <i>String label </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Internal usage.</ul>
<P><tt><B>dprintln</B>( <i>String string </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Prints a debug string.followed by a newline.</ul>
<P><tt><B>drawhud</B>( <i>Integer value </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Specfiy if hud is to be drawn: 0 draws nothing, 1 draws all and 2 draws all minus the weapons bar.</ul>
<P><tt><B>earthquake</B>( <i>Float duration, Float magnitude, Float no_rampup, Float no_rampdown </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Create an earthquake</ul>
<ul>End the thread.</ul>
<P><tt><B>entity</B>( <i>Integer value </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Casts value to an entity.</ul>
<P><tt><B>error</B>( <i>String message, Integer level </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Generate a script error with specified message and stack level</ul>
<P><tt><B>exec</B>( <i>String script </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Executes the specified script.</ul>
<P><tt><B>exec</B>( <i>String script </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Executes the specified script.</ul>
<P><tt><B>fadein</B>( <i>Float time, Float red, Float green, Float blue, Float alpha, [ Integer mode ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets up fadein in values.</ul>
<P><tt><B>fadeout</B>( <i>Float time, Float red, Float green, Float blue, Float alpha, [ Integer mode ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets up fadeout values.</ul>
<P><tt><B>fadesound</B>( <i>Float time </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>fades the sound out over the given time.</ul>
<P><tt><B>float</B>( <i>Integer value </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Casts value to a float.</ul>
<P><tt><B>forcemusic</B>( <i>String current, [ String fallback ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Forces the current and fallback (optional) music moods.</ul>
<ul>Freeze the player.</ul>
<P><tt><B>getboundkey1</B>( <i>String keyname </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>return a string describing the key</ul>
<P><tt><B>getboundkey2</B>( <i>String keyname </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>return a string describing the key</ul>
<P><tt><B>getcvar</B>( <i>String name </i>)</tt><BR>
<P><tt><B>goto</B>( <i>String label </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Goes to the specified label.</ul>
<P><tt><B>hidemenu</B>( <i>String name, [ Integer bForce ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>hide menu, with option to force it off</ul>
<ul>hide mouse cursor</ul>
<P><tt><B>huddraw_align</B>( <i>Integer index, String h_align, String v_align </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the alignment of a huddraw element. Specified with 'left', 'center', or 'right'</ul>
<P><tt><B>huddraw_alpha</B>( <i>Integer index, Float alpha </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the alpha of a huddraw element.</ul>
<P><tt><B>huddraw_color</B>( <i>Integer index, Float red, Float green, Float blue </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the color for a huddraw element</ul>
<P><tt><B>huddraw_font</B>( <i>Integer index, String fontname </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the font to use.</ul>
<P><tt><B>huddraw_rect</B>( <i>Integer index, Integer x, Integer y, Integer width, Integer height </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Specifies the position of the upper left corner and size of a huddraw element</ul>
<P><tt><B>huddraw_shader</B>( <i>Integer index, String shader </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the shader to use for a particular huddraw element</ul>
<P><tt><B>huddraw_string</B>( <i>Integer index, String string </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets a string to be displayed. Clears the shader value.</ul>
<P><tt><B>huddraw_virtualsize</B>( <i>Integer index, Integer virtual </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets if the huddraw element should use virutal screen resolution for positioning and size</ul>
<P><tt><B>int</B>( <i>Integer value </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Casts value to an int.</ul>
<P><tt><B>iprintln</B>( <i>String string </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Prints a string.followed by a newline.</ul>
<P><tt><B>iprintln_noloc</B>( <i>String string </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Prints a string.followed by a newline with no localization conversion.</ul>
<P><tt><B>iprintlnbold</B>( <i>String string </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Prints a string.followed by a newline in a bold/important way.</ul>
<P><tt><B>iprintlnbold_noloc</B>( <i>String string </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Prints a string.followed by a newline in a bold/important way with no localization conversion.</ul>
<P><tt><B>IsAlive</B>( <i>Entity ent </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Returns true if the specified entity exists and has health > 0.</ul>
<P><tt><B>killclass</B>( <i>String class_name, [ Integer except ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Kills everything in the specified class except for the specified entity (optional).</ul>
<P><tt><B>killent</B>( <i>Integer ent_num </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Kill the specified entity.</ul>
<P><tt><B>letterbox</B>( <i>Float time </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Puts the game in letterbox mode.</ul>
<P><tt><B>leveltransition</B>( <i>String next_map </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Transitions to the next Level. Statistics to Map Loading, does not keep player data or game data.</ul>
<P><tt><B>loc_convert_string</B>( <i>String in </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>returns a localized version of the string.</ul>
<P><tt><B>locprint</B>( <i>Integer xoffset, Integer yoffset, String stuffToPrint </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>prints the included message in the specified location of all player's screens</ul>
<P><tt><B>map</B>( <i>String map_name </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Starts the specified map.</ul>
<P><tt><B>missionfailed</B>( <i>Integer novideofade </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Makes the player fail their mission, level restarts.</ul>
<P><tt><B>missiontransition</B>( <i>String next_map </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Transitions to the next Mission. Statistics to Main Menu, Next Level should be unlocked.</ul>
<P><tt><B>mprint</B>( <i>String string </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Prints a string.</ul>
<P><tt><B>mprintln</B>( <i>String string </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Prints a string.followed by a newline.</ul>
<P><tt><B>music</B>( <i>String current, [ String fallback ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the current and fallback (optional) music moods.</ul>
<P><tt><B>musicvolume</B>( <i>Float volume, Float fade_time </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the volume and fade time of the music.</ul>
<ul>Turns off cinematic.</ul>
<ul>Pauses the thread.</ul>
<P><tt><B>PlayMovie</B>( <i>String name </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Play a Movie...</ul>
<P><tt><B>popmenu</B>( <i>Integer index </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>pop menu</ul>
<P><tt><B>print</B>( <i>String string </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Prints a string.</ul>
<P><tt><B>print3d</B>( <i>Vector origin, String string, [ String [strings] ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>prints a string in 3D space</ul>
<P><tt><B>println</B>( <i>String string </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Prints a string.followed by a newline.</ul>
<P><tt><B>pushmenu</B>( <i>String name </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>push menu</ul>
<P><tt><B>radiusdamage</B>( <i>Vector origin, Float damage, Float radius, Integer constant_damage </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>radius damage at origin</ul>
<P><tt><B>randomfloat</B>( <i>Float max </i>)</tt><BR>
<P><tt><B>randomint</B>( <i>Integer max </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Release the player.</ul>
<P><tt><B>removeclass</B>( <i>String class_name, [ Integer except ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Removes everything in the specified class except for the specified entity (optional).</ul>
<P><tt><B>removeent</B>( <i>Integer ent_num </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Removes the specified entity.</ul>
<P><tt><B>restoremusicvolume</B>( <i>Float fade_time </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Restores the music volume to its previous value.</ul>
<ul>Restores the soundtrack to the previous one.</ul>
<P><tt><B>server</B>( <i>[ String arg1 ], [ String arg2 ], [ String arg3 ], [ String arg4 ], [ String arg5 ], [ String arg6 ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Server only command.</ul>
<P><tt><B>set_objective_pos</B>( <i>Vector pos </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the position in the world of the current objective</ul>
<P><tt><B>setcurrentobjective</B>( <i>Integer objective_number </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the specified objective as the current objective</ul>
<P><tt><B>setcvar</B>( <i>String cvar_name, String value </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the value of the specified cvar.</ul>
<P><tt><B>setlightstyle</B>( <i>Integer lightstyleindex, String lightstyledata </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set up the lightstyle with lightstyleindex to the specified data</ul>
<P><tt><B>showmenu</B>( <i>String name, [ Integer bForce ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>show menu, with option to force it on</ul>
<P><tt><B>sighttrace</B>( <i>Vector start, Vector end, [ Integer pass_entities ], [ Vector mins ], [ Vector maxs ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Performs a trace line from the start to the end, returns 0 if something was hit and 1 otherwise</ul>
<P><tt><B>soundtrack</B>( <i>String soundtrack_name </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Changes the soundtrack.</ul>
<P><tt><B>spawn</B>( <i>String entityname, [ String keyname1 ], [ String value1 ], [ String keyname2 ], [ String value2 ], [ String keyname3 ], [ String value3 ], [ String keyname4 ], [ String value4 ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Spawn the specified entity.</ul>
<P><tt><B>spawn</B>( <i>String entityname, [ String keyname1 ], [ String value1 ], [ String keyname2 ], [ String value2 ], [ String keyname3 ], [ String value3 ], [ String keyname4 ], [ String value4 ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Spawn the specified entity.</ul>
<P><tt><B>string</B>( <i>Integer value </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Casts value to a string.</ul>
<P><tt><B>stuffcmd</B>( <i>[ String arg1 ], [ String arg2 ], [ String arg3 ], [ String arg4 ], [ String arg5 ], [ String arg6 ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Server only command.</ul>
<P><tt><B>teamwin</B>( <i>String axis_or_allies </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets that the 'axis' or the 'allies' have won the map.</ul>
<P><tt><B>thread</B>( <i>String label </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Creates a thread starting at label.</ul>
<P><tt><B>thread</B>( <i>String label </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Creates a thread starting at label.</ul>
<P><tt><B>throw</B>( <i>String label </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Throws to the specified label.</ul>
<P><tt><B>timeout</B>( <i>Float time </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>specifies script timeout time</ul>
<P><tt><B>trace</B>( <i>Vector start, Vector end, [ Integer pass_entities ], [ Vector mins ], [ Vector maxs ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Performs a Trace Line from the start to the end, returns the end or the position it hit at</ul>
<P><tt><B>trigger</B>( <i>String name </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Trigger the specified target or entity.</ul>
<P><tt><B>vector_add</B>( <i>Vector vector1, Vector vector2 </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Returns vector1 + vector2</ul>
<P><tt><B>vector_closer</B>( <i>Vector vec_a, Vector vec_b, Vector vec_c </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>returns 1 if the first vector is closer than the second vector to the third vector</ul>
<P><tt><B>vector_cross</B>( <i>Vector vector1, Vector vector2 </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Returns vector1 x vector2</ul>
<P><tt><B>vector_dot</B>( <i>Vector vector1, Vector vector2 </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Returns vector1 * vector2</ul>
<P><tt><B>vector_length</B>( <i>Vector vector </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Returns the length of the specified vector.</ul>
<P><tt><B>vector_normalize</B>( <i>Vector vector </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Returns the normalized vector of the specified vector.</ul>
<P><tt><B>vector_scale</B>( <i>Vector vector1, Float scale_factor </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Returns vector1 * scale_factor</ul>
<P><tt><B>vector_subtract</B>( <i>Vector vector1, Vector vector2 </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Returns vector1 - vector2</ul>
<P><tt><B>vector_toangles</B>( <i>Vector vector1 </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Returns vector1 converted to angles.</ul>
<P><tt><B>vector_within</B>( <i>Vector position1, Vector position2, Float distance </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>returns 1 if the two points are <= distance apart, or 0 if they are greater than distance apart</ul>
<P><tt><B>wait</B>( <i>Float wait_time </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Wait for the specified amount of time.</ul>
<ul>Wait for one server frame.</ul>
<h2> <a name="ScriptVariableList">ScriptVariableList</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<h2> <a name="Sentient">Sentient</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<P><tt><B>activatenewweapon</B>( <i>[ String handsurf ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Activate the new weapon specified by useWeapon. handsurf allows specifying which hand to use for the player</ul>
<ul>Makes the sentient an American.</ul>
<P><tt><B>ammo</B>( <i>String type, Integer amount </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Gives the sentient some ammo.</ul>
<P><tt><B>armor</B>( <i>String type, Integer amount </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Gives the sentient some armor.</ul>
<ul>Is the end of the sentient's block.</ul>
<ul>Is the start of the sentient's block.</ul>
<P><tt><B>bloodmodel</B>( <i>String bloodModel </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>set the model to be used when showing blood</ul>
<P><tt><B>charge</B>( <i>[ String hand ], [ String mode ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Starts the charging of the weapon in the specified hand</ul>
<ul>Check the animations in the .tik file versus the statefile</ul>
<P><tt><B>damage</B>( <i>Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>general damage event used by all entities<BR>
Location values:<BR>
-1 General<BR>
0 Pelvis<BR>
1 Lower Torso<BR>
2 Mid Torso<BR>
3 Upper Torso<BR>
4 Neck<BR>
5 Head<BR>
6 RUpperArm<BR>
7 RForearm<BR>
8 RHand<BR>
9 LUpperArm<BR>
10 LForearm<BR>
11 LHand<BR>
12 RThigh<BR>
13 RCalf<BR>
14 RFoot<BR>
15 LThigh<BR>
16 LCalf<BR>
17 LFoot<BR>
<P><tt><B>damagemult</B>( <i>Integer location, Float multiplier </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the damage multiplier for a particular body location</ul>
<P><tt><B>deactivateweapon</B>( <i>String side </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Deactivate the weapon in the specified hand.</ul>
<ul>Make the sentient not drop weapons</ul>
<ul>drops inventory items</ul>
<P><tt><B>fire</B>( <i>[ String hand ], [ String mode ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Fires the weapon in the specified hand.</ul>
<ul>Makes the sentient a German.</ul>
<P><tt><B>give</B>( <i>String name </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Gives the sentient the targeted item.</ul>
<P><tt><B>givedynitem</B>( <i>String model, String bonename </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Pass the args to the item </ul>
<P><tt><B>item</B>( <i>String type, Integer amount </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Gives the sentient the specified amount of the specified item.</ul>
<P><tt><B>jumpxy</B>( <i>Float forwardmove, Float sidemove, Float speed </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Makes the sentient jump.</ul>
<P><tt><B>maxgibs</B>( <i>Integer max_number_of_gibs </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the maximum amount of generic gibs this sentient will spawn when hit.</ul>
<P><tt><B>maxmouthangle</B>( <i>Float max_mouth_angle </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the max mouth angle.</ul>
<ul>Is the end of the sentient's melee attack.</ul>
<ul>Is the start of the sentient's melee attack.</ul>
<ul>Turns off the shadow for this sentient.</ul>
<ul>Called every frame when the sentient is on fire.</ul>
<ul>Pops a sentient's helmet off if he's got one</ul>
<P><tt><B>putawayweapon</B>( <i>String whichHand </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Put away or deactivate the current weapon, whichHand can be left, right or dual.</ul>
<P><tt><B>releasefire</B>( <i>Float fireholdtime </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Releases the attack in the time specified.</ul>
<P><tt><B>reloadweapon</B>( <i>[ String hand ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Reloads the weapon in the specified hand</ul>
<P><tt><B>sethelmet</B>( <i>String tikifile, Float popspeed, Float dmgmult, String surfacename, String [optional </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Gives the sentient a helmet and sets the needed info for it</ul>
<ul>Turns on the shadow for this sentient.</ul>
<P><tt><B>spawnbloodygibs</B>( <i>[ Integer number_of_gibs ], [ Float scale ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Spawns some bloody generic gibs.</ul>
<P><tt><B>stopfire</B>( <i>[ String hand ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Stops the firing of the weapon in the specified hand.</ul>
<ul>Stops the sentient from being on fire.</ul>
<ul>Is the end of the sentient's stun.</ul>
<ul>Is the start of the sentient's stun.</ul>
<P><tt><B>take</B>( <i>String item_name </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Takes away the specified item from the sentient.</ul>
<ul>Clears out the sentient's entire inventory.</ul>
<ul>returns 'german' or 'american'</ul>
<P><tt><B>threatbias</B>( <i>Integer bias </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the threat bias for this player / AI</ul>
<ul>Gets the threat bias for this player / AI</ul>
<P><tt><B>threatbias</B>( <i>Integer bias </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the threat bias for this player / AI</ul>
<ul>Toggles the use of the player's item (first item if he has multiple)</ul>
<P><tt><B>use</B>( <i>String name, [ Integer weapon_hand ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Use the specified weapon or item in the hand choosen (optional).</ul>
<ul>Activates the last active weapon</ul>
<P><tt><B>useweaponclass</B>( <i>String weaponclass, [ Integer weapon_hand ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Use the weapon of the specified class in the hand choosen (optional).</ul>
<P><tt><B>weapon</B>( <i>String weapon_modelname </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Gives the sentient the weapon specified.</ul>
<P><tt><B>weaponcommand</B>( <i>String hand, [ String arg1 ], [ String arg2 ], [ String arg3 ], [ String arg4 ], [ String arg5 ], [ String arg6 ], [ String arg7 ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Pass the args to the active weapon in the specified hand</ul>
<h2> <a name="SimpleActor">SimpleActor</a> -> <a href="#Sentient">Sentient</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<ul>Do not LERP to the next animation</ul>
<h2> <a name="SimpleArchivedEntity">SimpleArchivedEntity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<h2> <a name="SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<P><tt><B>angle</B>( <i>Float newAngle </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>set the angles of the entity using just one value.<BR>
Sets the yaw of the entity or an up and down<BR>
direction if newAngle is [0-359] or -1 or -2</ul>
<P><tt><B>angle</B>( <i>Float newAngle </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>set the angles of the entity using just one value.<BR>
Sets the yaw of the entity or an up and down<BR>
direction if newAngle is [0-359] or -1 or -2</ul>
<ul>get the angles of the entity using just one value.<BR>
Gets the yaw of the entity or an up and down<BR>
direction if newAngle is [0-359] or -1 or -2</ul>
<P><tt><B>angles</B>( <i>Vector newAngles<0.00...360.00><0.00...360.00><0.00...360.00> </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>set the angles of the entity to newAngles.</ul>
<P><tt><B>angles</B>( <i>Vector newAngles<0.00...360.00><0.00...360.00><0.00...360.00> </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>set the angles of the entity to newAngles.</ul>
<P><tt><B>angles</B>( <i>Vector newAngles<0.00...360.00><0.00...360.00><0.00...360.00> </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>get the angles of the entity.</ul>
<ul>entity's centroid</ul>
<ul>get the forward vector of angles</ul>
<ul>get the left vector of angles</ul>
<P><tt><B>origin</B>( <i>Vector newOrigin </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the origin of the entity to newOrigin.</ul>
<P><tt><B>origin</B>( <i>Vector newOrigin </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the origin of the entity to newOrigin.</ul>
<ul>entity's origin</ul>
<ul>get the right vector of angles</ul>
<ul>entity's target</ul>
<P><tt><B>target</B>( <i>String targetname_to_target </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>entity's target</ul>
<P><tt><B>target</B>( <i>String targetname_to_target </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>target another entity with targetname_to_target.</ul>
<ul>entity's targetname</ul>
<P><tt><B>targetname</B>( <i>String targetName </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>set the targetname of the entity to targetName.</ul>
<P><tt><B>targetname</B>( <i>String targetName </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>set the targetname of the entity to targetName.</ul>
<ul>get the up vector of angles</ul>
<h2> <a name="SinkObject">SinkObject (<i>func_sinkobject</i>)</a> -> <a href="#ScriptSlave">ScriptSlave</a> -> <a href="#Mover">Mover</a> -> <a href="#Trigger">Trigger</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<ul>make the SinkObject active, so that it will respond to players touching it.</ul>
<P><tt><B>dampening</B>( <i>Float newDampening </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>dampening of SinkObject.</ul>
<P><tt><B>delay</B>( <i>Float delay </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Delay until SinkObject starts falling.</ul>
<P><tt><B>doTouch</B>( <i>Entity touchingEntity </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>sent to entity when touched.</ul>
<P><tt><B>limit</B>( <i>Float newLimit </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>maximum displacement of the SinkObject.</ul>
<ul>make the SinkObject not active, so that it won't respond to players touching it.</ul>
<ul>Reset the SinkObject right now.</ul>
<P><tt><B>resetdelay</B>( <i>Float newResetDelay </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Delay between when sinkobject starts resetting.</ul>
<P><tt><B>resetsound</B>( <i>String newResetSound </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sound played when sinkobject is resetting.</ul>
<P><tt><B>resetspeed</B>( <i>Float newResetspeed </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Speed at which SinkObject resets itself, defaults to 0.002 * speed.</ul>
<P><tt><B>sinksound</B>( <i>String newSinkSound </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sound played when sinkobject is sinking.</ul>
<P><tt><B>speed</B>( <i>Float speed </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Speed at which SinkObject starts falling.</ul>
<h2> <a name="SlidingDoor">SlidingDoor (<i>func_door</i>)</a> -> <a href="#Door">Door</a> -> <a href="#ScriptSlave">ScriptSlave</a> -> <a href="#Mover">Mover</a> -> <a href="#Trigger">Trigger</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<P><tt><B>angle</B>( <i>Float newAngle </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>set the angles of the entity using just one value.<BR>
Sets the yaw of the entity or an up and down<BR>
direction if newAngle is [0-359] or -1 or -2</ul>
<ul>Closes the door (special doors).</ul>
<P><tt><B>doopen</B>( <i>Entity other </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Opens the door (special doors).</ul>
<P><tt><B>lip</B>( <i>Float lip </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the lip of the sliding door.</ul>
<P><tt><B>speed</B>( <i>Float speed </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the speed of the sliding door.</ul>
<h2> <a name="SmokeGrenade">SmokeGrenade (<i>smokegrenade</i>)</a> -> <a href="#EffectEntity">EffectEntity</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<P><tt><B>bouncefactor</B>( <i>Float factor </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>sets how far smoke volumes bounce when they collide with something</ul>
<P><tt><B>fadedelay</B>( <i>Float time </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>sets how long the entity waits until fading out from 1 alpha to 0 alpha, in seconds</ul>
<P><tt><B>fadein</B>( <i>Float time </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>sets fadein time from 0 alpha to 1 alpha, in seconds</ul>
<P><tt><B>life</B>( <i>Float life </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>sets how long the smoke emitter lives</ul>
<P><tt><B>maxalpha</B>( <i>Float alpha </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>sets maximum opacity of an individual smoke particle, in 0-1 range</ul>
<P><tt><B>offset</B>( <i>Float offset_x, Float offset_y, Float offset_z </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>sets offset of the smoke volume from the entity</ul>
<P><tt><B>scale</B>( <i>Float scale </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>sets initial scale of each smoke volume</ul>
<P><tt><B>scalerate</B>( <i>Float rate </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>sets how fast the smoke volume grows</ul>
<P><tt><B>spawnlife</B>( <i>Float life </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>sets how long each smoke volume lives</ul>
<P><tt><B>spawnrate</B>( <i>Float rate </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>sets how many smoke volumes are spawned per second</ul>
<P><tt><B>spin</B>( <i>Float avel </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>sets the number of rotations per second for this entity around its z axis</ul>
<P><tt><B>velocity</B>( <i>Float vel_x, Float vel_y, Float vel_z </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>sets how fast the smoke volume moves away, with x forward and z up</ul>
<h2> <a name="SoundManager">SoundManager</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<ul>Add a new music trigger where the player is standing.</ul>
<ul>Add a new sound where the player is standing.</ul>
<ul>Add a new reverb trigger where the player is standing.</ul>
<ul>Add a new sound where the player is standing.</ul>
<ul>Delete the current sound.</ul>
<P><tt><B>globaltranslate</B>( <i>Vector translate_amount </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Translates all sounds and triggers by specified amount.</ul>
<ul>Hides the sounds.</ul>
<ul>Move the player to the current sound position.</ul>
<ul>Go to the next sound.</ul>
<ul>Go to the previous sound.</ul>
<ul>Test out the current reverb settings.</ul>
<ul>Replace the current sound position with the player's.</ul>
<ul>Resets the state of all sounds and triggers.</ul>
<ul>reset the reverb settings to a normal.</ul>
<ul>Saves the sounds.</ul>
<P><tt><B>show</B>( <i>[ Entity path ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Show all the sounds.</ul>
<ul>Switch the current facet that we are editing.</ul>
<ul>Updates the current sound with user interface values.</ul>
<h2> <a name="Spawn">Spawn (<i>func_spawn</i>)</a> -> <a href="#ScriptSlave">ScriptSlave</a> -> <a href="#Mover">Mover</a> -> <a href="#Trigger">Trigger</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<P><tt><B>angle</B>( <i>Float newAngle </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>set the angles of the entity using just one value.<BR>
Sets the yaw of the entity or an up and down<BR>
direction if newAngle is [0-359] or -1 or -2</ul>
<P><tt><B>attackmode</B>( <i>Integer attackmode </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the attackmode for this spawn entity.</ul>
<P><tt><B>doActivate</B>( <i>Entity activatingEntity </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>General trigger event for all entities</ul>
<P><tt><B>modelname</B>( <i>String model_name </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the model name for this spawn entity.</ul>
<P><tt><B>pickup_thread</B>( <i>String threadName </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the pickup thread for the spawned entity.</ul>
<P><tt><B>spawnchance</B>( <i>Float spawn_chance </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the chance that this spawned entity will spawn something when killed, if it is an actor.</ul>
<P><tt><B>spawnitem</B>( <i>String spawn_item_name </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Adds this named item to what will be spawned when this spawned entity is killed, if it is an actor.</ul>
<P><tt><B>spawntarget</B>( <i>String spawntarget </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets spawn target for this spawn entity.</ul>
<P><tt><B>spawntargetname</B>( <i>String spawntargetname </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets spawn target name for this spawn entity.</ul>
<h2> <a name="SpawnArgs">SpawnArgs</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<h2> <a name="SpawnChain">SpawnChain (<i>func_spawnchain</i>)</a> -> <a href="#Spawn">Spawn</a> -> <a href="#ScriptSlave">ScriptSlave</a> -> <a href="#Mover">Mover</a> -> <a href="#Trigger">Trigger</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<h2> <a name="SpawnOutOfSight">SpawnOutOfSight (<i>func_spawnoutofsight</i>)</a> -> <a href="#Spawn">Spawn</a> -> <a href="#ScriptSlave">ScriptSlave</a> -> <a href="#Mover">Mover</a> -> <a href="#Trigger">Trigger</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<h2> <a name="SplinePath">SplinePath (<i>info_splinepath</i>)</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<P><tt><B>fadetime</B>( <i>Float fadeTime </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the fadetime at this node.</ul>
<P><tt><B>fov</B>( <i>Float cameraFOV </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the fov at this node.</ul>
<P><tt><B>loop</B>( <i>String loop_name </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the loop name.</ul>
<P><tt><B>speed</B>( <i>Float speed </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the path speed.</ul>
<ul>Creates the spline path from the target list.</ul>
<P><tt><B>triggertarget</B>( <i>String target </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the trigger target.</ul>
<P><tt><B>watch</B>( <i>String watchEntity </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the entity to watch at this node.</ul>
<h2> <a name="StateScript">StateScript</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<h2> <a name="TargetList">TargetList</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<h2> <a name="Teleporter">Teleporter (<i>trigger_teleport</i>)</a> -> <a href="#Trigger">Trigger</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<P><tt><B>triggereffect</B>( <i>Entity triggering_entity </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Send event to owner of trigger.</ul>
<h2> <a name="TeleporterDestination">TeleporterDestination (<i>func_teleportdest</i>)</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<P><tt><B>angle</B>( <i>Float newAngle </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>set the angles of the entity using just one value.<BR>
Sets the yaw of the entity or an up and down<BR>
direction if newAngle is [0-359] or -1 or -2</ul>
<h2> <a name="TempWaypoint">TempWaypoint</a> -> <a href="#SimpleArchivedEntity">SimpleArchivedEntity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<h2> <a name="TestPlayerStart">TestPlayerStart (<i>testplayerstart</i>)</a> -> <a href="#PlayerStart">PlayerStart</a> -> <a href="#SimpleArchivedEntity">SimpleArchivedEntity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<h2> <a name="ThrobbingBox_ExplodeFlak88">ThrobbingBox_ExplodeFlak88 (<i>ThrobbingBox_ExplodeFlak88</i>)</a> -> <a href="#ThrobbingBox_Explosive">ThrobbingBox_Explosive</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<h2> <a name="ThrobbingBox_ExplodeNebelwerfer">ThrobbingBox_ExplodeNebelwerfer (<i>ThrobbingBox_ExplodeNebelwerfer</i>)</a> -> <a href="#ThrobbingBox_Explosive">ThrobbingBox_Explosive</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<h2> <a name="ThrobbingBox_ExplodePlayerFlak88">ThrobbingBox_ExplodePlayerFlak88 (<i>ThrobbingBox_ExplodePlayerFlak88</i>)</a> -> <a href="#ThrobbingBox_Explosive">ThrobbingBox_Explosive</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<h2> <a name="ThrobbingBox_ExplodePlayerNebelwerfer">ThrobbingBox_ExplodePlayerNebelwerfer (<i>ThrobbingBox_ExplodePlayerNebelwerfer</i>)</a> -> <a href="#ThrobbingBox_Explosive">ThrobbingBox_Explosive</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<h2> <a name="ThrobbingBox_Explosive">ThrobbingBox_Explosive (<i>ThrobbingBox_explosive</i>)</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<P><tt><B>ActivateSound</B>( <i>String ActivateSound </i>)</tt><BR>
<P><tt><B>DestroyModel</B>( <i>String DestroyModel </i>)</tt><BR>
<P><tt><B>doUse</B>( <i>Entity activatingEntity </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>sent to entity when it is used by another entity</ul>
<ul>Cause the explosion to happen.</ul>
<P><tt><B>explosioneffect</B>( <i>String effect </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the explosion effect model</ul>
<P><tt><B>explosionoffset</B>( <i>Vector offset </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the explosion offset</ul>
<P><tt><B>ExplosionSound</B>( <i>String ExplosionSound </i>)</tt><BR>
<P><tt><B>Radius</B>( <i>Float Radius </i>)</tt><BR>
<P><tt><B>SetDamage</B>( <i>Float Damage </i>)</tt><BR>
<P><tt><B>setthread</B>( <i>String thread </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the thread to execute when this object is used</ul>
<P><tt><B>setusethread</B>( <i>String thread </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the thread to execute when this object is used</ul>
<P><tt><B>StopWatchDuration</B>( <i>Float StopWatchDuration </i>)</tt><BR>
<P><tt><B>TickSound</B>( <i>String TickSound </i>)</tt><BR>
<P><tt><B>triggered</B>( <i>Integer 0 </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the triggered status</ul>
<P><tt><B>UsedModel</B>( <i>String UsedModel </i>)</tt><BR>
<h2> <a name="ThrobbingBox_Stickybomb">ThrobbingBox_Stickybomb (<i>ThrobbingBox_Stickybomb</i>)</a> -> <a href="#ThrobbingBox_Explosive">ThrobbingBox_Explosive</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<P><tt><B>damage</B>( <i>Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>general damage event used by all entities<BR>
Location values:<BR>
-1 General<BR>
0 Pelvis<BR>
1 Lower Torso<BR>
2 Mid Torso<BR>
3 Upper Torso<BR>
4 Neck<BR>
5 Head<BR>
6 RUpperArm<BR>
7 RForearm<BR>
8 RHand<BR>
9 LUpperArm<BR>
10 LForearm<BR>
11 LHand<BR>
12 RThigh<BR>
13 RCalf<BR>
14 RFoot<BR>
15 LThigh<BR>
16 LCalf<BR>
17 LFoot<BR>
<P><tt><B>doUse</B>( <i>Entity activatingEntity </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>sent to entity when it is used by another entity</ul>
<h2> <a name="ThrowObject">ThrowObject (<i>func_throwobject</i>)</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<P><tt><B>doTouch</B>( <i>Entity touchingEntity </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>sent to entity when touched.</ul>
<P><tt><B>pickup</B>( <i>Entity entity, String tag_name </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Picks up this throw object and attaches it to the entity.</ul>
<P><tt><B>pickupoffset</B>( <i>Vector pickup_offset </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the pickup_offset.</ul>
<P><tt><B>throw</B>( <i>Entity owner, Float speed, Entity targetent, [ Float grav ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Throw this throw object.</ul>
<P><tt><B>throwsound</B>( <i>String throw_sound </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the sound to play when object is thrown.</ul>
<h2> <a name="TossObject">TossObject (<i>TossObject</i>)</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<P><tt><B>bouncesound</B>( <i>String sound </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>When bouncing, what sound to play on impact</ul>
<P><tt><B>bouncesoundchance</B>( <i>Float chance<0.00...1.00> </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>When bouncing, the chance that the bounce sound will be played</ul>
<P><tt><B>doTouch</B>( <i>Entity touchingEntity </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>sent to entity when touched.</ul>
<ul>sent when entity has stopped bouncing for MOVETYPE_TOSS.</ul>
<h2> <a name="TouchAnim">TouchAnim (<i>func_touchanim</i>)</a> -> <a href="#UseAnim">UseAnim</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<h2> <a name="TouchField">TouchField</a> -> <a href="#Trigger">Trigger</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<P><tt><B>triggereffect</B>( <i>Entity triggering_entity </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Send event to owner of trigger.</ul>
<h2> <a name="TOWObjective">TOWObjective (<i>func_TOWObjective</i>)</a> -> <a href="#Objective">Objective</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<P><tt><B>AlliesObjNum</B>( <i>Integer AlliesObjNum </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the objective number for the allies team</ul>
<P><tt><B>AxisObjNum</B>( <i>Integer AxisObjNum </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the objective number for the axis team</ul>
<P><tt><B>ControlledBy</B>( <i>Integer ControlledBy </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the team controlling the objective</ul>
<ul>Objective controller</ul>
<ul>Initialize object</ul>
<P><tt><B>SetCurrent</B>( <i>Integer TeamNum </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set this objective as the current objective for the specified team.</ul>
<P><tt><B>TakeOver</B>( <i>Integer TeamNum </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the team controlling the objective. 0 = Axis, 1 = Allies</ul>
<h2> <a name="TreeModel">TreeModel (<i>plant_tree</i>)</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<ul>Initializes the tree a little</ul>
<h2> <a name="Trigger">Trigger (<i>trigger_multiple</i>)</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<P><tt><B>activatetrigger</B>( <i>Entity triggering_entity </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Activates all of the targets for this trigger.</ul>
<P><tt><B>angle</B>( <i>Float newAngle </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>set the angles of the entity using just one value.<BR>
Sets the yaw of the entity or an up and down<BR>
direction if newAngle is [0-359] or -1 or -2</ul>
<P><tt><B>cnt</B>( <i>Integer count </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the amount of times this trigger can be triggered</ul>
<P><tt><B>cone</B>( <i>Float newTriggerCone </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the cone in which directed triggers will trigger.</ul>
<P><tt><B>delay</B>( <i>Float delay_time </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the delay time (time between triggering and firing) for this trigger</ul>
<P><tt><B>doActivate</B>( <i>Entity activatingEntity </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>General trigger event for all entities</ul>
<P><tt><B>doTouch</B>( <i>Entity touchingEntity </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>sent to entity when touched.</ul>
<P><tt><B>edgetriggered</B>( <i>Boolean newEdgeTriggered </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>If true, trigger will only trigger when object enters trigger, not when it is inside it.</ul>
<P><tt><B>message</B>( <i>String message </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set a message to be displayed when this trigger is activated</ul>
<P><tt><B>model</B>( <i>String modelName </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>set the model to modelName.</ul>
<P><tt><B>multifaceted</B>( <i>Integer facetDirection </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Make this trigger multifaceted. If facet is 1, than trigger is North/South oriented.<BR>
If facet is 2 than trigger is East/West oriented. If facet is 3 than trigger is Up/Down oriented.</ul>
<P><tt><B>noise</B>( <i>String sound </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the sound to play when this trigger is activated</ul>
<ul>Turn this trigger off</ul>
<P><tt><B>setthread</B>( <i>String thread </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the thread to execute when this trigger is activated</ul>
<P><tt><B>sound</B>( <i>String sound </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the sound to play when this trigger is activated</ul>
<ul>Turn this trigger back on</ul>
<ul>Start the trigger thread.</ul>
<P><tt><B>wait</B>( <i>Float wait_time </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the wait time (time bewteen triggerings) for this trigger</ul>
<h2> <a name="TriggerAll">TriggerAll (<i>trigger_multipleall</i>)</a> -> <a href="#Trigger">Trigger</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<P><tt><B>doActivate</B>( <i>Entity activatingEntity </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>General trigger event for all entities</ul>
<P><tt><B>doTouch</B>( <i>Entity touchingEntity </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>sent to entity when touched.</ul>
<h2> <a name="TriggerBox">TriggerBox (<i>trigger_box</i>)</a> -> <a href="#Trigger">Trigger</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<P><tt><B>maxs</B>( <i>Vector maxs </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the maximum bounds of the trigger box.</ul>
<P><tt><B>mins</B>( <i>Vector mins </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the minimum bounds of the trigger box.</ul>
<h2> <a name="TriggerByPushObject">TriggerByPushObject (<i>trigger_pushobject</i>)</a> -> <a href="#TriggerOnce">TriggerOnce</a> -> <a href="#Trigger">Trigger</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<P><tt><B>triggername</B>( <i>String targetname_of_object </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>If set, trigger will only respond to objects with specified name.</ul>
<h2> <a name="TriggerCameraUse">TriggerCameraUse (<i>trigger_camerause</i>)</a> -> <a href="#TriggerUse">TriggerUse</a> -> <a href="#Trigger">Trigger</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<P><tt><B>doUse</B>( <i>Entity activatingEntity </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>sent to entity when it is used by another entity</ul>
<ul>Turn this trigger off</ul>
<ul>Turn this trigger back on</ul>
<h2> <a name="TriggerChangeLevel">TriggerChangeLevel (<i>trigger_changelevel</i>)</a> -> <a href="#Trigger">Trigger</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<P><tt><B>map</B>( <i>String map_name </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the map to change to when triggered.</ul>
<P><tt><B>spawnspot</B>( <i>String spawn_spot </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the spawn spot to use.</ul>
<P><tt><B>triggereffect</B>( <i>Entity triggering_entity </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Send event to owner of trigger.</ul>
<h2> <a name="TriggerClickItem">TriggerClickItem (<i>trigger_clickitem</i>)</a> -> <a href="#Trigger">Trigger</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<P><tt><B>model</B>( <i>String modelName </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>set the model to modelName.</ul>
<h2> <a name="TriggerDamageTargets">TriggerDamageTargets (<i>trigger_damagetargets</i>)</a> -> <a href="#Trigger">Trigger</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<P><tt><B>activatetrigger</B>( <i>Entity triggering_entity </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Activates all of the targets for this trigger.</ul>
<P><tt><B>damage</B>( <i>Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>general damage event used by all entities<BR>
Location values:<BR>
-1 General<BR>
0 Pelvis<BR>
1 Lower Torso<BR>
2 Mid Torso<BR>
3 Upper Torso<BR>
4 Neck<BR>
5 Head<BR>
6 RUpperArm<BR>
7 RForearm<BR>
8 RHand<BR>
9 LUpperArm<BR>
10 LForearm<BR>
11 LHand<BR>
12 RThigh<BR>
13 RCalf<BR>
14 RFoot<BR>
15 LThigh<BR>
16 LCalf<BR>
17 LFoot<BR>
<h2> <a name="TriggerExit">TriggerExit (<i>trigger_exit</i>)</a> -> <a href="#Trigger">Trigger</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<P><tt><B>triggereffect</B>( <i>Entity triggering_entity </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Send event to owner of trigger.</ul>
<h2> <a name="TriggerGivePowerup">TriggerGivePowerup (<i>trigger_givepowerup</i>)</a> -> <a href="#Trigger">Trigger</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<ul>Make this a one time trigger.</ul>
<P><tt><B>powerupname</B>( <i>String powerup_name </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Specifies the powerup to give to the sentient.</ul>
<P><tt><B>triggereffect</B>( <i>Entity triggering_entity </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Send event to owner of trigger.</ul>
<h2> <a name="TriggerHurt">TriggerHurt (<i>trigger_hurt</i>)</a> -> <a href="#Trigger">Trigger</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<P><tt><B>damage</B>( <i>Integer damage </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the amount of damage to do.</ul>
<P><tt><B>damagetype</B>( <i>String damageType </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the type of damage a TriggerHurt delivers.</ul>
<P><tt><B>doTouch</B>( <i>Entity touchingEntity </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>sent to entity when touched.</ul>
<P><tt><B>triggereffect</B>( <i>Entity triggering_entity </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Send event to owner of trigger.</ul>
<h2> <a name="TriggerMusic">TriggerMusic (<i>trigger_music</i>)</a> -> <a href="#Trigger">Trigger</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<P><tt><B>altcurrent</B>( <i>String alternate_current_mood </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the alternate current mood to use when triggered.</ul>
<P><tt><B>altfallback</B>( <i>String alterante_fallback_mood </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the alternate fallback mood to use when triggered.</ul>
<P><tt><B>current</B>( <i>String current_mood </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the current mood to use when triggered.</ul>
<P><tt><B>fallback</B>( <i>String fallback_mood </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the fallback mood to use when triggered.</ul>
<ul>Make this a one time trigger.</ul>
<P><tt><B>triggereffect</B>( <i>Entity triggering_entity </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Send event to owner of trigger.</ul>
<P><tt><B>triggereffectalt</B>( <i>Entity triggering_entity </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Send event to owner of trigger. This event is only triggered when using a trigger<BR>
as a multi-faceted edge trigger.</ul>
<h2> <a name="TriggerNoDamage">TriggerNoDamage (<i>trigger_nodamage</i>)</a> -> <a href="#TriggerUse">TriggerUse</a> -> <a href="#Trigger">Trigger</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<P><tt><B>doTouch</B>( <i>Entity touchingEntity </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>sent to entity when touched.</ul>
<P><tt><B>triggereffect</B>( <i>Entity triggering_entity </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Send event to owner of trigger.</ul>
<h2> <a name="TriggerOnce">TriggerOnce (<i>trigger_once</i>)</a> -> <a href="#Trigger">Trigger</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<h2> <a name="TriggerPlaySound">TriggerPlaySound (<i>play_sound_triggered</i>)</a> -> <a href="#Trigger">Trigger</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<P><tt><B>channel</B>( <i>Integer channel </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the sound channel to play on.</ul>
<P><tt><B>min_dist</B>( <i>Float min_dist </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the minimum distance.</ul>
<P><tt><B>triggereffect</B>( <i>Entity triggering_entity </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Send event to owner of trigger.</ul>
<P><tt><B>volume</B>( <i>Float volume </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the volume.</ul>
<h2> <a name="TriggerPush">TriggerPush (<i>trigger_push</i>)</a> -> <a href="#Trigger">Trigger</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<P><tt><B>angle</B>( <i>Float newAngle </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>set the angles of the entity using just one value.<BR>
Sets the yaw of the entity or an up and down<BR>
direction if newAngle is [0-359] or -1 or -2</ul>
<P><tt><B>speed</B>( <i>Float speed </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the push speed of the TriggerPush</ul>
<P><tt><B>triggereffect</B>( <i>Entity triggering_entity </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Send event to owner of trigger.</ul>
<h2> <a name="TriggerPushAny">TriggerPushAny (<i>trigger_pushany</i>)</a> -> <a href="#Trigger">Trigger</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<P><tt><B>speed</B>( <i>Float speed </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the speed.</ul>
<P><tt><B>triggereffect</B>( <i>Entity triggering_entity </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Send event to owner of trigger.</ul>
<h2> <a name="TriggerRelay">TriggerRelay (<i>trigger_relay</i>)</a> -> <a href="#Trigger">Trigger</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<h2> <a name="TriggerReverb">TriggerReverb (<i>trigger_music</i>)</a> -> <a href="#Trigger">Trigger</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<P><tt><B>altreverblevel</B>( <i>Float reverbLevel </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the reverb level to be used when triggered.</ul>
<P><tt><B>altreverbtype</B>( <i>Integer reverbType </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the reverb type.</ul>
<ul>Make this a one time trigger.</ul>
<P><tt><B>reverblevel</B>( <i>Float reverbLevel </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the reverb level to be used when triggered.</ul>
<P><tt><B>reverbtype</B>( <i>Integer reverbType </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the reverb type.</ul>
<P><tt><B>triggereffect</B>( <i>Entity triggering_entity </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Send event to owner of trigger.</ul>
<P><tt><B>triggereffectalt</B>( <i>Entity triggering_entity </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Send event to owner of trigger. This event is only triggered when using a trigger<BR>
as a multi-faceted edge trigger.</ul>
<h2> <a name="TriggerSave">TriggerSave (<i>trigger_save</i>)</a> -> <a href="#TriggerOnce">TriggerOnce</a> -> <a href="#Trigger">Trigger</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<P><tt><B>savename</B>( <i>String name </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the name which is appended to the world.message for this specific autosave</ul>
<P><tt><B>triggereffect</B>( <i>Entity triggering_entity </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Send event to owner of trigger.</ul>
<h2> <a name="TriggerSecret">TriggerSecret (<i>trigger_secret</i>)</a> -> <a href="#TriggerOnce">TriggerOnce</a> -> <a href="#Trigger">Trigger</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<P><tt><B>triggereffect</B>( <i>Entity triggering_entity </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Send event to owner of trigger.</ul>
<h2> <a name="TriggerSpeaker">TriggerSpeaker (<i>sound_speaker</i>)</a> -> <a href="#TriggerPlaySound">TriggerPlaySound</a> -> <a href="#Trigger">Trigger</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<h2> <a name="TriggerUse">TriggerUse (<i>trigger_use</i>)</a> -> <a href="#Trigger">Trigger</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<P><tt><B>doUse</B>( <i>Entity activatingEntity </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>sent to entity when it is used by another entity</ul>
<h2> <a name="TriggerUseOnce">TriggerUseOnce (<i>trigger_useonce</i>)</a> -> <a href="#TriggerUse">TriggerUse</a> -> <a href="#Trigger">Trigger</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<h2> <a name="TriggerVehicle">TriggerVehicle (<i>trigger_vehicle</i>)</a> -> <a href="#Trigger">Trigger</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<h2> <a name="TurretGun">TurretGun</a> -> <a href="#Weapon">Weapon</a> -> <a href="#Item">Item</a> -> <a href="#Trigger">Trigger</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<P><tt><B>aibulletspread</B>( <i>Float bulletSpreadX, Float bulletSpreadY </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the spread of the bullets in the x and y axis</ul>
<P><tt><B>burstFireSettings</B>( <i>Float mintime, Float maxtime, Float mindelay, Float maxdelay </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the settings for burst mode firing</ul>
<P><tt><B>clearAimTarget</B>( <i>[ String target ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Makes the turret aim at an entity</ul>
<P><tt><B>convergeTime</B>( <i>Float time </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the convergence time</ul>
<P><tt><B>dojitter</B>( <i>Float (optional) </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Apply the jitter without firing</ul>
<P><tt><B>doUse</B>( <i>Entity activatingEntity </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>sent to entity when it is used by another entity</ul>
<P><tt><B>idleCheckOffset</B>( <i>Vector offset </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the offset to trace to for collision checking when idling</ul>
<ul>Drops the item to the ground.</ul>
<P><tt><B>maxIdlePitch</B>( <i>Float offset </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the offset to trace to for collision checking when idling</ul>
<P><tt><B>maxIdleYaw</B>( <i>Float offset </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the offset to trace to for collision checking when idling</ul>
<P><tt><B>maxuseangle</B>( <i>Float maxuseangle </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set max use angle to allow player to mount the turret.</ul>
<P><tt><B>maxYawOffset</B>( <i>Float maxoffset </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the max yaw offset from the turrets central facing direction</ul>
<P><tt><B>pitchCaps</B>( <i>Vector caps </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the pitch caps for the turret. First number is upward cap, second is downward cap, and the third just makes it nice little vector</ul>
<P><tt><B>pitchSpeed</B>( <i>Float speed </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the turret's pitch speed</ul>
<P><tt><B>psetviewangles</B>( <i>Vector offset </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the view angles.</ul>
<P><tt><B>setAimOffset</B>( <i>Vector offset </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Makes the turret aim with specified offset</ul>
<P><tt><B>setAimTarget</B>( <i>[ String target ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Makes the turret aim at an entity</ul>
<P><tt><B>setPlayerUsable</B>( <i>Integer state </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets wether the turret can be used by players. 0 means no, 1 means yes.</ul>
<P><tt><B>setthread</B>( <i>String value </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the name of the thread called when a player uses the turret</ul>
<P><tt><B>setusable</B>( <i>Integer state </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets wether the turret can be used as a weapon. 0 means no, 1 means yes.</ul>
<P><tt><B>shoot</B>( <i>[ String mode ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Shoot the weapon</ul>
<ul>Makes the turret start shooting</ul>
<P><tt><B>startyaw</B>( <i>Float startyaw </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the yaw to be used as the center of our allowed turn arc.</ul>
<ul>Makes the turret stop shooting</ul>
<P><tt><B>suppressHeight</B>( <i>Float radius </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the vertical radius of suppression fire</ul>
<P><tt><B>suppressTime</B>( <i>Float time </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the suppression time</ul>
<P><tt><B>suppressWaitTime</B>( <i>Float time </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the suppression wait nonfiring time before turret returns to default position</ul>
<P><tt><B>suppressWidth</B>( <i>Float radius </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the horizontal radius of suppression fire</ul>
<P><tt><B>targettype</B>( <i>String value </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the target type to be none, any, or player</ul>
<P><tt><B>targettype</B>( <i>String value </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the target type to be none, any, or player</ul>
<ul>Gets the target type</ul>
<P><tt><B>turnSpeed</B>( <i>Float speed </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the turret's turn speed</ul>
<P><tt><B>userdistance</B>( <i>Float dist </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the distance the user should be placed at while using this turret</ul>
<P><tt><B>viewangles</B>( <i>Vector newAngles </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>set the view angles of the entity to newAngles.</ul>
<ul>get the angles of the entity.</ul>
<P><tt><B>viewjitter</B>( <i>Float amount </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the amount that the owner's view should be jittered when fired</ul>
<P><tt><B>viewOffset</B>( <i>Vector offset </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the view offset to use for the turret</ul>
<P><tt><B>yawCenter</B>( <i>Float yaw </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the yaw for the center of the turret's turning arc</ul>
<h2> <a name="UseAnim">UseAnim (<i>func_useanim</i>)</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<P><tt><B>anim</B>( <i>String animName </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>set the animation to use for player.</ul>
<P><tt><B>camera</B>( <i>String cameraPosition </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>set the camera to use when in this animation.<BR>
topdown, behind, front, side, behind_fixed, side_left, side_right</ul>
<P><tt><B>count</B>( <i>Integer newCount </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets how many times the UseAnim can be triggered.</ul>
<P><tt><B>doTouch</B>( <i>Entity touchingEntity </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>sent to entity when touched.</ul>
<P><tt><B>key</B>( <i>String keyName </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>set the key needed to make this UseAnim function.</ul>
<P><tt><B>num_loops</B>( <i>Integer loopCount </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>set the number of times to loop an animation per use.</ul>
<P><tt><B>state</B>( <i>String stateName </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>set the state to use for the player.</ul>
<P><tt><B>triggertarget</B>( <i>String targetname </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets what should be triggered, when this UseAnim is triggered.</ul>
<h2> <a name="UseAnimDestination">UseAnimDestination (<i>func_useanimdest</i>)</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<P><tt><B>anim</B>( <i>String animName </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>set the animation to use for player.</ul>
<P><tt><B>num_loops</B>( <i>Integer loopCount </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>set the number of times to loop an animation per use.</ul>
<P><tt><B>state</B>( <i>String stateName </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>set the state to use for the player.</ul>
<h2> <a name="UseObject">UseObject (<i>func_useobject</i>)</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<ul>Allow the useobject to be used.</ul>
<P><tt><B>cone</B>( <i>Float newCone </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the cone in angles of where the Useobject can be used.</ul>
<P><tt><B>count</B>( <i>Integer newCount </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets how many times the UseObject can be triggered.</ul>
<P><tt><B>damage</B>( <i>Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>general damage event used by all entities<BR>
Location values:<BR>
-1 General<BR>
0 Pelvis<BR>
1 Lower Torso<BR>
2 Mid Torso<BR>
3 Upper Torso<BR>
4 Neck<BR>
5 Head<BR>
6 RUpperArm<BR>
7 RForearm<BR>
8 RHand<BR>
9 LUpperArm<BR>
10 LForearm<BR>
11 LHand<BR>
12 RThigh<BR>
13 RCalf<BR>
14 RFoot<BR>
15 LThigh<BR>
16 LCalf<BR>
17 LFoot<BR>
<P><tt><B>damage_type</B>( <i>String newDamageType </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets what kind of damage is needed to activate the trigger.</ul>
<ul>Do not allow the useobject to be used.</ul>
<P><tt><B>offset</B>( <i>Vector newOffset </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the offset to use for this UseObject.</ul>
<P><tt><B>reset_time</B>( <i>Float newResetTime </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the time it takes for the UseObject to reset itself.</ul>
<P><tt><B>state</B>( <i>String newState </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the state to use for this UseObject.</ul>
<P><tt><B>state_backwards</B>( <i>String newState </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the backward state to use for this UseObject.</ul>
<P><tt><B>triggertarget</B>( <i>String targetname </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets what should be triggered, when this UseObject is triggered.</ul>
<P><tt><B>usematerial</B>( <i>String nameOfUseMaterial </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>the name of the material that glows when active.</ul>
<P><tt><B>yaw_offset</B>( <i>Float newYawOffset </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the yaw offset to use for this UseObject.</ul>
<h2> <a name="Vehicle">Vehicle (<i>script_vehicle</i>)</a> -> <a href="#VehicleBase">VehicleBase</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<P><tt><B>AnimationSet</B>( <i>String animset </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the Animation Set to use.</ul>
<P><tt><B>AttachDriverSlot</B>( <i>Integer slot, Entity entity </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Attaches an entity to the specified slot.</ul>
<P><tt><B>AttachPassengerSlot</B>( <i>Integer slot, Entity entity </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Attaches an entity to the specified slot.</ul>
<P><tt><B>AttachTurretSlot</B>( <i>Integer slot, Entity entity </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Attaches an entity to the specified slot.</ul>
<P><tt><B>back_mass</B>( <i>Float weight </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the mass of the back of the vehicle</ul>
<P><tt><B>canjump</B>( <i>Boolean jumpable </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets whether or not the vehicle can jump</ul>
<ul>Gets the Collision Entity</ul>
<P><tt><B>collisionent</B>( <i>Entity entity </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Gets the Collision Entity</ul>
<P><tt><B>damage</B>( <i>Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>general damage event used by all entities<BR>
Location values:<BR>
-1 General<BR>
0 Pelvis<BR>
1 Lower Torso<BR>
2 Mid Torso<BR>
3 Upper Torso<BR>
4 Neck<BR>
5 Head<BR>
6 RUpperArm<BR>
7 RForearm<BR>
8 RHand<BR>
9 LUpperArm<BR>
10 LForearm<BR>
11 LHand<BR>
12 RThigh<BR>
13 RCalf<BR>
14 RFoot<BR>
15 LThigh<BR>
16 LCalf<BR>
17 LFoot<BR>
<P><tt><B>damagesounds</B>( <i>Integer on_off </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Makes the vehicle play damaged sounds.</ul>
<P><tt><B>DetachDriverSlot</B>( <i>Integer slot, [ Vector exit_position ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Detaches an entity to the specified slot.</ul>
<P><tt><B>DetachPassengerSlot</B>( <i>Integer slot, [ Vector exit_position ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Detaches an entity to the specified slot.</ul>
<P><tt><B>DetachTurretSlot</B>( <i>Integer slot, [ Vector exit_position ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Detaches an entity to the specified slot.</ul>
<P><tt><B>doBlocked</B>( <i>Entity obstacle </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>sent to entity when blocked.</ul>
<P><tt><B>doTouch</B>( <i>Entity touchingEntity </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>sent to entity when touched.</ul>
<P><tt><B>doUse</B>( <i>Entity activatingEntity </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>sent to entity when it is used by another entity</ul>
<ul>Make the vehicle drivable</ul>
<P><tt><B>drive</B>( <i>Vector position, Float speed, Float acceleration, Float reach_distance, Float look_ahead, [ Vector alternate_position ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Makes the vehicle drive to position with speed and acceleration until reached_distance close to position</ul>
<P><tt><B>driveNoWait</B>( <i>Vector position, Float speed, Float acceleration, Float reach_distance </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Makes the vehicle drive to position with speed and acceleration until reached_distance close to position, thread doesn't wait</ul>
<P><tt><B>explosionmodel</B>( <i>String model </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the TIKI to call when the vehicle dies.</ul>
<P><tt><B>front_mass</B>( <i>Float weight </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the mass of the front of the vehicle</ul>
<ul>Make the Vehicle Stop Moving... Completely!</ul>
<ul>Removes this listener immediately.</ul>
<ul>Sets the vehicle to be locked</ul>
<ul>The Vehicle cannot move.</ul>
<P><tt><B>model</B>( <i>String modelName </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>set the model to modelName.</ul>
<P><tt><B>modifydrive</B>( <i>Float desired_speed, Float acceleration, Float look_ahead </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Modifys the parameters of the current drive.</ul>
<P><tt><B>moveanim</B>( <i>String anim_name </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>move the vehicle with an animation</ul>
<P><tt><B>name</B>( <i>String vehicleName </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the name for the vehicle</ul>
<P><tt><B>nextdrive</B>( <i>Entity next_path </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>appends the specified path to the current path</ul>
<P><tt><B>QueryDriverSlotAngles</B>( <i>Integer slot </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Returns the angles of the specified slot on the vehicle.</ul>
<P><tt><B>QueryDriverSlotEntity</B>( <i>Integer slot </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Returns an entity at the specified slot.</ul>
<P><tt><B>QueryDriverSlotPosition</B>( <i>Integer slot </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Returns the position of the specified slot on the vehicle.</ul>
<P><tt><B>QueryDriverSlotStatus</B>( <i>Integer slot </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Returns the status of the specified slot on the vehicle.</ul>
<ul>Returns a number that represents the first free driver slot on the vehicle.</ul>
<ul>Returns a number that represents the first free passenger slot on the vehicle.</ul>
<ul>Returns a number that represents the first free turret slot on the vehicle.</ul>
<P><tt><B>QueryPassengerSlotEntity</B>( <i>Integer slot </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Returns an entity at the specified slot.</ul>
<P><tt><B>QueryPassengerSlotPosition</B>( <i>Integer slot </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Returns the position of the specified slot on the vehicle.</ul>
<P><tt><B>QueryPassengerSlotStatus</B>( <i>Integer slot </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Returns the status of the specified slot on the vehicle.</ul>
<P><tt><B>QueryTurretSlotEntity</B>( <i>Integer slot </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Returns an entity at the specified slot.</ul>
<P><tt><B>QueryTurretSlotPosition</B>( <i>Integer slot </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Returns the position of the specified slot on the vehicle.</ul>
<P><tt><B>QueryTurretSlotStatus</B>( <i>Integer slot </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Returns the status of the specified slot on the vehicle.</ul>
<P><tt><B>removeondeath</B>( <i>Integer removeondeath </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>If set to a non-zero value, vehicles will not be removed when they die</ul>
<P><tt><B>runsounds</B>( <i>Integer on_off </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Makes the vehicle play running sounds.</ul>
<P><tt><B>seatanglesoffset</B>( <i>Vector angles </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the angles offset of the seat</ul>
<P><tt><B>seatoffset</B>( <i>Vector offset </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the offset of the seat</ul>
<P><tt><B>setcollisionentity</B>( <i>Entity entity </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the Collision Entity.</ul>
<P><tt><B>setsoundparameters</B>( <i>Float min_speed, Float min_pitch, Float max_speed, Float max_pitch </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the Sound parameters for this vehicle</ul>
<P><tt><B>setvolumeparameters</B>( <i>Float min_speed, Float min_volume, Float max_speed, Float max_volume </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the Volume parameters for this vehicle</ul>
<P><tt><B>setweapon</B>( <i>String weaponname </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the weapon for the vehicle</ul>
<ul>Set the weapon to be show in the view</ul>
<P><tt><B>skidding</B>( <i>Integer on_off </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Makes the vehicle skid around corners.</ul>
<P><tt><B>SoundSet</B>( <i>String soundset </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the Sound Set to use.</ul>
<P><tt><B>spawnturret</B>( <i>Integer slot, String tikifile </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Spawns a turret with the specified model and connects it to the specified slot</ul>
<ul>Initialize the vehicle.</ul>
<ul>Set the vehicle to turn in place</ul>
<ul>Make the Vehicle Stop Moving... FULL BREAKS!</ul>
<ul>Makes the vehicle slow down to a complete stop at the end of the path.</ul>
<P><tt><B>turnrate</B>( <i>Float rate </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the turning rate of the vehicle</ul>
<ul>Make the vehicle undrivable</ul>
<ul>Sets the vehicle to be unlocked</ul>
<ul>The Vehicle can move again.</ul>
<P><tt><B>vehicleanim</B>( <i>String anim_name, [ Float weight ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets an animation to use in the LD Animation slot. <BR>
Weight defaults to 1.0</ul>
<P><tt><B>vehiclebouncy</B>( <i>Float bouncycoef </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the Bouncy Coefficient for the shocks.</ul>
<ul>Driver is dead</ul>
<P><tt><B>vehicledrag</B>( <i>Float size </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the Drag Factor</ul>
<ul>Initialized the Vehicle as the specified file</ul>
<P><tt><B>vehiclemass</B>( <i>Float weight </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the mass of the vehicle (backmass = frontmass = mass/2)</ul>
<P><tt><B>vehicleradius</B>( <i>Float size </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the radius of the wheels</ul>
<P><tt><B>vehicleRoll</B>( <i>Float min, Float max, Float coef </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the Roll min and max and the acceleration coefficient for the shocks.</ul>
<P><tt><B>vehiclerollingresistance</B>( <i>Float size </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the radius of the wheels</ul>
<P><tt><B>vehiclespeed</B>( <i>Float speed </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the speed of the vehicle</ul>
<P><tt><B>vehiclespringy</B>( <i>Float springycoef </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the Springy Coefficient for the shocks.</ul>
<P><tt><B>vehicletread</B>( <i>Float size </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the size of the wheels</ul>
<P><tt><B>VehicleWheelCorners</B>( <i>Vector size, Vector offset </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the wheel trace corners.</ul>
<P><tt><B>vehicleYaw</B>( <i>Float min, Float max, Float coef </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the Yaw min and max and the acceleration coefficient for the shocks.</ul>
<P><tt><B>vehicleZ</B>( <i>Float min, Float max, Float coef </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the Z min and max and the acceleration coefficient for the shocks.</ul>
<h2> <a name="VehicleBase">VehicleBase</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<h2> <a name="VehicleCollisionEntity">VehicleCollisionEntity</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<P><tt><B>damage</B>( <i>Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>general damage event used by all entities<BR>
Location values:<BR>
-1 General<BR>
0 Pelvis<BR>
1 Lower Torso<BR>
2 Mid Torso<BR>
3 Upper Torso<BR>
4 Neck<BR>
5 Head<BR>
6 RUpperArm<BR>
7 RForearm<BR>
8 RHand<BR>
9 LUpperArm<BR>
10 LForearm<BR>
11 LHand<BR>
12 RThigh<BR>
13 RCalf<BR>
14 RFoot<BR>
15 LThigh<BR>
16 LCalf<BR>
17 LFoot<BR>
<h2> <a name="VehicleHalfTrack">VehicleHalfTrack (<i>VehicleHalfTrack</i>)</a> -> <a href="#DrivableVehicle">DrivableVehicle</a> -> <a href="#Vehicle">Vehicle</a> -> <a href="#VehicleBase">VehicleBase</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<P><tt><B>damage</B>( <i>Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>general damage event used by all entities<BR>
Location values:<BR>
-1 General<BR>
0 Pelvis<BR>
1 Lower Torso<BR>
2 Mid Torso<BR>
3 Upper Torso<BR>
4 Neck<BR>
5 Head<BR>
6 RUpperArm<BR>
7 RForearm<BR>
8 RHand<BR>
9 LUpperArm<BR>
10 LForearm<BR>
11 LHand<BR>
12 RThigh<BR>
13 RCalf<BR>
14 RFoot<BR>
15 LThigh<BR>
16 LCalf<BR>
17 LFoot<BR>
<P><tt><B>killed</B>( <i>Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>event which is sent to an entity once it as been killed<BR>
Location values:<BR>
-1 General<BR>
0 Pelvis<BR>
1 Lower Torso<BR>
2 Mid Torso<BR>
3 Upper Torso<BR>
4 Neck<BR>
5 Head<BR>
6 RUpperArm<BR>
7 RForearm<BR>
8 RHand<BR>
9 LUpperArm<BR>
10 LForearm<BR>
11 LHand<BR>
12 RThigh<BR>
13 RCalf<BR>
14 RFoot<BR>
15 LThigh<BR>
16 LCalf<BR>
17 LFoot<BR>
<h2> <a name="VehiclePoint">VehiclePoint (<i>info_vehiclepoint</i>)</a> -> <a href="#Waypoint">Waypoint</a> -> <a href="#SimpleArchivedEntity">SimpleArchivedEntity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<P><tt><B>spawnflags</B>( <i>Integer spawn_flags </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the spawn flags.</ul>
<h2> <a name="VehicleSoundEntity">VehicleSoundEntity</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<ul>Updates the traces of a Vehicle Sound Entity</ul>
<ul>PostSpawn of a Vehicle Sound Entity</ul>
<h2> <a name="VehicleTank">VehicleTank (<i>VehicleTank</i>)</a> -> <a href="#DrivableVehicle">DrivableVehicle</a> -> <a href="#Vehicle">Vehicle</a> -> <a href="#VehicleBase">VehicleBase</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<P><tt><B>damage</B>( <i>Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>general damage event used by all entities<BR>
Location values:<BR>
-1 General<BR>
0 Pelvis<BR>
1 Lower Torso<BR>
2 Mid Torso<BR>
3 Upper Torso<BR>
4 Neck<BR>
5 Head<BR>
6 RUpperArm<BR>
7 RForearm<BR>
8 RHand<BR>
9 LUpperArm<BR>
10 LForearm<BR>
11 LHand<BR>
12 RThigh<BR>
13 RCalf<BR>
14 RFoot<BR>
15 LThigh<BR>
16 LCalf<BR>
17 LFoot<BR>
<h2> <a name="VehicleTankTandem">VehicleTankTandem (<i>VehicleTankTandem</i>)</a> -> <a href="#VehicleTank">VehicleTank</a> -> <a href="#DrivableVehicle">DrivableVehicle</a> -> <a href="#Vehicle">Vehicle</a> -> <a href="#VehicleBase">VehicleBase</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<h2> <a name="VehicleTurretGun">VehicleTurretGun</a> -> <a href="#TurretGun">TurretGun</a> -> <a href="#Weapon">Weapon</a> -> <a href="#Item">Item</a> -> <a href="#Trigger">Trigger</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<P><tt><B>aimoffset</B>( <i>Vector value </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Adjust aiming angles by offset.</ul>
<P><tt><B>aimtolerance</B>( <i>Vector caps </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets a tolerance for the angles.</ul>
<ul>Gets the Collision Entity</ul>
<P><tt><B>collisionent</B>( <i>Entity entity </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the Collision Entity</ul>
<P><tt><B>damage</B>( <i>Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>general damage event used by all entities<BR>
Location values:<BR>
-1 General<BR>
0 Pelvis<BR>
1 Lower Torso<BR>
2 Mid Torso<BR>
3 Upper Torso<BR>
4 Neck<BR>
5 Head<BR>
6 RUpperArm<BR>
7 RForearm<BR>
8 RHand<BR>
9 LUpperArm<BR>
10 LForearm<BR>
11 LHand<BR>
12 RThigh<BR>
13 RCalf<BR>
14 RFoot<BR>
15 LThigh<BR>
16 LCalf<BR>
17 LFoot<BR>
<P><tt><B>doUse</B>( <i>Entity activatingEntity </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>sent to entity when it is used by another entity</ul>
<P><tt><B>firewarmupdelay</B>( <i>Float value </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the warmup delay before use after mounting the weapon.</ul>
<ul>Drops the item to the ground.</ul>
<P><tt><B>killed</B>( <i>Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>event which is sent to an entity once it as been killed<BR>
Location values:<BR>
-1 General<BR>
0 Pelvis<BR>
1 Lower Torso<BR>
2 Mid Torso<BR>
3 Upper Torso<BR>
4 Neck<BR>
5 Head<BR>
6 RUpperArm<BR>
7 RForearm<BR>
8 RHand<BR>
9 LUpperArm<BR>
10 LForearm<BR>
11 LHand<BR>
12 RThigh<BR>
13 RCalf<BR>
14 RFoot<BR>
15 LThigh<BR>
16 LCalf<BR>
17 LFoot<BR>
<ul>The turret cannot be used.</ul>
<P><tt><B>reloaddelay</B>( <i>Float value </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set a delay that implies a reload. Will also play a sound</ul>
<P><tt><B>reloadshots</B>( <i>Integer value </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the number of shots fired before forcing a reload</ul>
<P><tt><B>removeondeath</B>( <i>Integer removeondeath </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>If set to a non-zero value, vehicles will not be removed when they die</ul>
<P><tt><B>setbaseentity</B>( <i>Entity base_entity </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the base entity to take its orientation from.</ul>
<P><tt><B>setcollisionentity</B>( <i>Entity entity </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the Collision Entity.</ul>
<P><tt><B>settargetentity</B>( <i>Entity ent </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the entity to point the turret at visually.</ul>
<P><tt><B>SoundSet</B>( <i>String soundset </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the Sound Set to use.</ul>
<ul>The turret can be used.</ul>
<P><tt><B>warmupdelay</B>( <i>Float value </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the warmup delay before use after mounting the weapon.</ul>
<h2> <a name="VehicleTurretGunTandem">VehicleTurretGunTandem (<i>VehicleTurretGunTandem</i>)</a> -> <a href="#VehicleTurretGun">VehicleTurretGun</a> -> <a href="#TurretGun">TurretGun</a> -> <a href="#Weapon">Weapon</a> -> <a href="#Item">Item</a> -> <a href="#Trigger">Trigger</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<P><tt><B>linkturret</B>( <i>String name </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the next turret in the link.</ul>
<h2> <a name="VehicleWheelsX2">VehicleWheelsX2 (<i>VehicleWheelsX2</i>)</a> -> <a href="#DrivableVehicle">DrivableVehicle</a> -> <a href="#Vehicle">Vehicle</a> -> <a href="#VehicleBase">VehicleBase</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<P><tt><B>damage</B>( <i>Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>general damage event used by all entities<BR>
Location values:<BR>
-1 General<BR>
0 Pelvis<BR>
1 Lower Torso<BR>
2 Mid Torso<BR>
3 Upper Torso<BR>
4 Neck<BR>
5 Head<BR>
6 RUpperArm<BR>
7 RForearm<BR>
8 RHand<BR>
9 LUpperArm<BR>
10 LForearm<BR>
11 LHand<BR>
12 RThigh<BR>
13 RCalf<BR>
14 RFoot<BR>
15 LThigh<BR>
16 LCalf<BR>
17 LFoot<BR>
<P><tt><B>killed</B>( <i>Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>event which is sent to an entity once it as been killed<BR>
Location values:<BR>
-1 General<BR>
0 Pelvis<BR>
1 Lower Torso<BR>
2 Mid Torso<BR>
3 Upper Torso<BR>
4 Neck<BR>
5 Head<BR>
6 RUpperArm<BR>
7 RForearm<BR>
8 RHand<BR>
9 LUpperArm<BR>
10 LForearm<BR>
11 LHand<BR>
12 RThigh<BR>
13 RCalf<BR>
14 RFoot<BR>
15 LThigh<BR>
16 LCalf<BR>
17 LFoot<BR>
<h2> <a name="VehicleWheelsX4">VehicleWheelsX4 (<i>VehicleWheelsX4</i>)</a> -> <a href="#DrivableVehicle">DrivableVehicle</a> -> <a href="#Vehicle">Vehicle</a> -> <a href="#VehicleBase">VehicleBase</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<P><tt><B>damage</B>( <i>Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>general damage event used by all entities<BR>
Location values:<BR>
-1 General<BR>
0 Pelvis<BR>
1 Lower Torso<BR>
2 Mid Torso<BR>
3 Upper Torso<BR>
4 Neck<BR>
5 Head<BR>
6 RUpperArm<BR>
7 RForearm<BR>
8 RHand<BR>
9 LUpperArm<BR>
10 LForearm<BR>
11 LHand<BR>
12 RThigh<BR>
13 RCalf<BR>
14 RFoot<BR>
15 LThigh<BR>
16 LCalf<BR>
17 LFoot<BR>
<P><tt><B>killed</B>( <i>Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>event which is sent to an entity once it as been killed<BR>
Location values:<BR>
-1 General<BR>
0 Pelvis<BR>
1 Lower Torso<BR>
2 Mid Torso<BR>
3 Upper Torso<BR>
4 Neck<BR>
5 Head<BR>
6 RUpperArm<BR>
7 RForearm<BR>
8 RHand<BR>
9 LUpperArm<BR>
10 LForearm<BR>
11 LHand<BR>
12 RThigh<BR>
13 RCalf<BR>
14 RFoot<BR>
15 LThigh<BR>
16 LCalf<BR>
17 LFoot<BR>
<h2> <a name="ViewJitter">ViewJitter (<i>func_viewjitter</i>)</a> -> <a href="#Trigger">Trigger</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<ul>Makes the view jitter only happen once</ul>
<P><tt><B>duration</B>( <i>Float time </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the length of time it should last. 0 will be instantanious</ul>
<P><tt><B>edgeeffect</B>( <i>Float fraction </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the fraction of the jitter to apply at the max radius</ul>
<P><tt><B>jitteramount</B>( <i>Vector jitterangles </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the jitter angles to apply to the player</ul>
<P><tt><B>radius</B>( <i>Float radius </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the max radius of the view jitter. 0 affects all</ul>
<P><tt><B>timedecay</B>( <i>Vector decayrate </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets jitter decay per second</ul>
<P><tt><B>triggereffect</B>( <i>Entity triggering_entity </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Send event to owner of trigger.</ul>
<h2> <a name="ViewMaster">ViewMaster</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<P><tt><B>viewangles</B>( <i>Float pitch<0.00...360.00>, Float yaw<0.00...360.00>, Float roll<0.00...360.00> </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the angles of the current viewthing</ul>
<ul>Cycle through the animations modes of the current viewthing<BR>
No Animation<BR>
Animation with no motion<BR>
Animation with looping motion<BR>
Animation with motion<BR>
<P><tt><B>viewattach</B>( <i>String tagname, String model </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Attach a model the the specified tagname</ul>
<ul>Delete the current viewthing</ul>
<ul>Delete all viewthings</ul>
<ul>Detach the current viewthing from its parent</ul>
<ul>Detach all the models attached to the current viewthing</ul>
<P><tt><B>viewmodel</B>( <i>String viewthingModel </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the model of the current viewthing</ul>
<ul>Advance to the next frame of animation of the current viewthing</ul>
<ul>Advance to the next animation of the current viewthing</ul>
<P><tt><B>vieworigin</B>( <i>Float x, Float y, Float z </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the origin of the current viewthing</ul>
<P><tt><B>viewpitch</B>( <i>Float pitch </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the pitch of the current viewthing</ul>
<ul>Advance to the previous frame of animation of the current viewthing</ul>
<ul>Advance to the previous animation of the current viewthing</ul>
<P><tt><B>viewroll</B>( <i>Float roll </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the roll of the current viewthing</ul>
<P><tt><B>viewscale</B>( <i>Float scale </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the scale of the current viewthing</ul>
<ul>Decrease the scale of the current viewthing</ul>
<ul>Increase the scale of the current viewthing</ul>
<P><tt><B>viewscrub</B>( <i>Float animScrub </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the animation time based off a floating point value</ul>
<P><tt><B>viewsetanim</B>( <i>Float animNum </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the animation absolutely based off a floating point value</ul>
<P><tt><B>viewsetanim2</B>( <i>Float animNum2 </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the animation absolutely based off a floating point value</ul>
<P><tt><B>viewsetanimslot</B>( <i>Integer animSlot </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set current animation slot that sliders apply to</ul>
<P><tt><B>viewspawn</B>( <i>String model </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Create a viewthing with the specified model</ul>
<ul>Change the active viewthing to the next viewthing</ul>
<ul>Change the active viewthing to the previous viewthing</ul>
<P><tt><B>viewyaw</B>( <i>Float yaw </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the yaw of the current viewthing</ul>
<h2> <a name="Viewthing">Viewthing (<i>viewthing</i>)</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<P><tt><B>exec</B>( <i>String script </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Don't execute the specified script for ViewThing.</ul>
<P><tt><B>viewangles</B>( <i>Float pitch<0.00...360.00>, Float yaw<0.00...360.00>, Float roll<0.00...360.00> </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the angles of the current viewthing</ul>
<ul>Cycle through the animations modes of the current viewthing<BR>
No Animation<BR>
Animation with no motion<BR>
Animation with looping motion<BR>
Animation with motion<BR>
<P><tt><B>viewattach</B>( <i>String tagname, String model </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Attach a model the the specified tagname</ul>
<ul>Delete the current viewthing</ul>
<ul>Detach the current viewthing from its parent</ul>
<ul>Detach all the models attached to the current viewthing</ul>
<ul>Called when the view things last animation frame is displayed.</ul>
<P><tt><B>viewmodel</B>( <i>String viewthingModel </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the model of the current viewthing</ul>
<ul>Advance to the next frame of animation of the current viewthing</ul>
<ul>Advance to the next animation of the current viewthing</ul>
<P><tt><B>vieworigin</B>( <i>Float x, Float y, Float z </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the origin of the current viewthing</ul>
<P><tt><B>viewpitch</B>( <i>Float pitch </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the pitch of the current viewthing</ul>
<ul>Advance to the previous frame of animation of the current viewthing</ul>
<ul>Advance to the previous animation of the current viewthing</ul>
<P><tt><B>viewroll</B>( <i>Float roll </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the roll of the current viewthing</ul>
<ul>Called after the model is spawned to save off the models original surfaces.</ul>
<P><tt><B>viewscale</B>( <i>Float scale </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the scale of the current viewthing</ul>
<ul>Decrease the scale of the current viewthing</ul>
<ul>Increase the scale of the current viewthing</ul>
<P><tt><B>viewscrub</B>( <i>Float animScrub </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the animation time based off a floating point value</ul>
<P><tt><B>viewsetanim</B>( <i>Float animNum </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the animation absolutely based off a floating point value</ul>
<P><tt><B>viewsetanim2</B>( <i>Float animNum2 </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the animation absolutely based off a floating point value</ul>
<P><tt><B>viewsetanimslot</B>( <i>Integer animSlot </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set current animation slot that sliders apply to</ul>
<ul>Called every frame to process the view thing.</ul>
<P><tt><B>viewyaw</B>( <i>Float yaw </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the yaw of the current viewthing</ul>
<h2> <a name="VoteOptions">VoteOptions</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<h2> <a name="Waypoint">Waypoint (<i>info_waypoint</i>)</a> -> <a href="#SimpleArchivedEntity">SimpleArchivedEntity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<h2> <a name="Weapon">Weapon</a> -> <a href="#Item">Item</a> -> <a href="#Trigger">Trigger</a> -> <a href="#Animate">Animate</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<P><tt><B>additionalstartammo</B>( <i>String ammotype, Integer amount </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Gives some additional start ammo of the specified type</ul>
<P><tt><B>ai_event</B>( <i>[ String type ], [ Float radius ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Let the AI know that this entity made a sound,<BR>
type is a string specifying what type of sound it is.<BR>
radius determines how far the sound reaches.</ul>
<P><tt><B>airange</B>( <i>String airange </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the range of this gun for the ai: short, medium, long, sniper</ul>
<P><tt><B>ammo_in_clip</B>( <i>Integer ammoInClip </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the amount of ammo in the clip</ul>
<P><tt><B>ammopickupsound</B>( <i>String name </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>sets the weapon's ammo pickup sound alias</ul>
<P><tt><B>ammorequired</B>( <i>Integer amount </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the amount of ammo this weapon requires to fire</ul>
<P><tt><B>ammotype</B>( <i>String name </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the type of ammo this weapon uses</ul>
<P><tt><B>anim</B>( <i>String animName </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Exec anim commands on server or client.</ul>
<P><tt><B>attachtohand</B>( <i>String hand </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Attaches an active weapon to the specified hand</ul>
<ul>Turn on auto aiming for the weapon</ul>
<P><tt><B>autoputaway</B>( <i>Boolean bool </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the weapon to be automatically put away when out of ammo</ul>
<P><tt><B>bulletcount</B>( <i>Float bulletCount </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the number of bullets this weapon shoots when fired</ul>
<P><tt><B>bulletdamage</B>( <i>Float bulletDamage </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the damage that the bullet causes</ul>
<P><tt><B>bulletknockback</B>( <i>Float bulletKnockback </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the knockback that the bullet causes</ul>
<P><tt><B>bulletlarge</B>( <i>Integer bulletType </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set if the bullets fired are rifle bullets(1), artillery(2) or larger tracers(3)</ul>
<P><tt><B>bulletrange</B>( <i>Float bulletRange </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the range of the bullets</ul>
<P><tt><B>bulletspread</B>( <i>Float bulletSpreadX, Float bulletSpreadY, [ Float bulletSpreadXmax ], [ Float bulletSpreadYmax ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the min & optional max spread of the bullet in the x and y axis</ul>
<ul>Prevents the weapon from being reloaded part way through a clip</ul>
<P><tt><B>clip_add</B>( <i>Integer ammoAmount </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Add to the weapons ammo clip with ammo from its owner</ul>
<ul>Empties the weapon's clip of ammo, returning it to the owner</ul>
<ul>Fills the weapons ammo clip with ammo from its owner</ul>
<P><tt><B>clipsize</B>( <i>Integer ammoClipSize </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the amount of rounds a clip of the weapon holds</ul>
<P><tt><B>cooktime</B>( <i>Float cooktime </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>sets weapons cook time.</ul>
<P><tt><B>crosshair</B>( <i>Boolean bool </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Turn on/off the crosshair for this weapon</ul>
<ul>Signals the end of the fire animation</ul>
<ul>Signals the end of the reload animation</ul>
<ul>Adjusts the weapons angles as it falls to the ground</ul>
<P><tt><B>firedelay</B>( <i>Float fFireDelay </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the minimum time between shots from the weapon</ul>
<P><tt><B>firespreadmult</B>( <i>Float scaleadd, Float falloff, Float cap, Float maxtime </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets a time decayed multiplyer to spread when the weapon is fired</ul>
<P><tt><B>firetype</B>( <i>String firingType </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the firing type of the weapon (projectile or bullet)</ul>
<P><tt><B>holsterangles</B>( <i>Vector angles </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the angles of this weapon when it is holstered</ul>
<P><tt><B>holsteroffset</B>( <i>Vector offset </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the positional offset when it is holstered</ul>
<P><tt><B>holsterscale</B>( <i>Float scale </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the scale of the weapon when it's attached to the holster</ul>
<P><tt><B>holstertag</B>( <i>String tagname </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the name of the tag to attach this to when the weapon is holstered.</ul>
<ul>Puts the weapon into an idle state</ul>
<ul>Puts the weapon into an idle state and clears all the anim slots</ul>
<P><tt><B>item_pickup</B>( <i>Entity item </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Pickup the specified item.</ul>
<ul>Makes the weapon fire by looping the fire animation.</ul>
<P><tt><B>mainattachtotag</B>( <i>String tagname </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the name of the tag to attach this to it's owner when being used.</ul>
<P><tt><B>makenoise</B>( <i>[ Float noise_radius ], [ Boolean force ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Makes the weapon make noise that actors can hear.</ul>
<P><tt><B>maxchargetime</B>( <i>Integer time </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the maximum time the weapon may be charged up</ul>
<P><tt><B>maxfiremovement</B>( <i>Float speedmult </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the max speed the player can be moving to fire the weapon (fraction of weapon's running speed)</ul>
<P><tt><B>maxmovementsound</B>( <i>String name </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>sets the weapon's movement fire prevention sound alias</ul>
<P><tt><B>maxrange</B>( <i>Float maxRange </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the maximum range of a weapon so the AI knows how to use it</ul>
<P><tt><B>meansofdeath</B>( <i>String meansOfDeath </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the meansOfDeath of the weapon.</ul>
<P><tt><B>minchargetime</B>( <i>Integer time </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the minimum time the weapon must be charged up</ul>
<P><tt><B>minrange</B>( <i>Float minRange </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the minimum range of a weapon so the AI knows how to use it</ul>
<P><tt><B>movementspeed</B>( <i>Float speedmult </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Alters the movement speed of the player when he has the weapon out</ul>
<P><tt><B>noammosound</B>( <i>String name </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>sets the weapon's dry fire sound alias</ul>
<ul>Makes a weapon not droppable</ul>
<P><tt><B>numfireanims</B>( <i>Integer value </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the number of fire animations this weapon uses.</ul>
<P><tt><B>offhandattachtotag</B>( <i>String tagname </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the name of the tag to attach this to it's owner's off hand.</ul>
<ul>used when the cookable weapon has been over cooked.</ul>
<ul>causes a warning sound to play that the grenade is about to be overcooked.</ul>
<P><tt><B>projectile</B>( <i>String projectileModel </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the model of the projectile that this weapon fires</ul>
<ul>Makes the weapon make no noise.</ul>
<P><tt><B>range</B>( <i>Float range </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the range of the weapon</ul>
<P><tt><B>rank</B>( <i>Integer iOrder,, Integer iRank </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the order value and power ranking for the weapon</ul>
<ul>Signals the end of the ready animation so the weapon can be used</ul>
<P><tt><B>secondary</B>( <i>[ String arg1 ], [ String arg2 ], [ String arg3 ], [ String arg4 ], [ String arg5 ], [ String arg6 ], [ String arg7 ], [ String arg8 ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the secondary mode of the weapon, by passing commands through</ul>
<ul>Makes the weapon show its secondary ammo to the hud.</ul>
<ul>Sets the weapon to fire semi-auto</ul>
<P><tt><B>setaimanim</B>( <i>String aimAnimation, Integer aimFrame </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the aim animation and frame for when a weapon fires</ul>
<P><tt><B>setcurrentfireanim</B>( <i>Integer value </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the current firing animation.</ul>
<P><tt><B>shareclip</B>( <i>Integer shareClip </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the weapon to share the same clip between all fire modes</ul>
<P><tt><B>shoot</B>( <i>[ String mode ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Shoot the weapon</ul>
<P><tt><B>startammo</B>( <i>Integer amount </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the starting ammo of this weapon</ul>
<ul>Internal event used to give ammo to the owner of the weapon</ul>
<P><tt><B>startitem</B>( <i>String itemname </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Adds an item to the starting loadout of the weapon</ul>
<P><tt><B>throughmetal</B>( <i>Float dist </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets how far the bullets can go through metal</ul>
<P><tt><B>throughwood</B>( <i>Float dist </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets how far the bullets can go through wood</ul>
<P><tt><B>tracerfrequency</B>( <i>Integer frequenct </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the frequency of making tracers</ul>
<P><tt><B>tracerspeed</B>( <i>Float speed </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Scale factor of how fast a tracer should travel (valid ranges 0-2)</ul>
<P><tt><B>usenoammo</B>( <i>Boolean bool </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the weapon to be able to be used when it's out of ammo</ul>
<P><tt><B>viewkick</B>( <i>Float pitchmin, Float pitchmax, [ Float yawmin ], [ Float yawmax ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Adds kick to the view of the owner when fired.</ul>
<P><tt><B>weapongroup</B>( <i>String weapon_group </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the weapon group, a set of animations for actor animations scripts to use</ul>
<P><tt><B>weaponsubtype</B>( <i>Integer subtype </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>sets the weapon's sub-type. Used by smoke grenades.</ul>
<P><tt><B>weapontype</B>( <i>String weapon_type </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the weapon type</ul>
<P><tt><B>worldhitspawn</B>( <i>String modelname </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set a model to be spawned when the weapon strikes the world.</ul>
<P><tt><B>zoom</B>( <i>Integer zoomfov, [ Integer autozoom ] </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets fov to zoom to on a secondary fire</ul>
<P><tt><B>zoommovement</B>( <i>Float speedmult </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the max speed the player can move while zoomed (fraction of weapon's running speed)</ul>
<P><tt><B>zoomspreadmult</B>( <i>Float scale </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the spread multiplyer for when using the zoom on a zooming weapon</ul>
<h2> <a name="WindowObject">WindowObject (<i>func_window</i>)</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<P><tt><B>damage</B>( <i>Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>general damage event used by all entities<BR>
Location values:<BR>
-1 General<BR>
0 Pelvis<BR>
1 Lower Torso<BR>
2 Mid Torso<BR>
3 Upper Torso<BR>
4 Neck<BR>
5 Head<BR>
6 RUpperArm<BR>
7 RForearm<BR>
8 RHand<BR>
9 LUpperArm<BR>
10 LForearm<BR>
11 LHand<BR>
12 RThigh<BR>
13 RCalf<BR>
14 RFoot<BR>
15 LThigh<BR>
16 LCalf<BR>
17 LFoot<BR>
<P><tt><B>debristype</B>( <i>Integer type </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the debris type of the Window</ul>
<P><tt><B>killed</B>( <i>Entity attacker, Integer damage, Entity inflictor, Vector position, Vector direction, Vector normal, Integer knockback, Integer damageflags, Integer meansofdeath, Integer location </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>event which is sent to an entity once it as been killed<BR>
Location values:<BR>
-1 General<BR>
0 Pelvis<BR>
1 Lower Torso<BR>
2 Mid Torso<BR>
3 Upper Torso<BR>
4 Neck<BR>
5 Head<BR>
6 RUpperArm<BR>
7 RForearm<BR>
8 RHand<BR>
9 LUpperArm<BR>
10 LForearm<BR>
11 LHand<BR>
12 RThigh<BR>
13 RCalf<BR>
14 RFoot<BR>
15 LThigh<BR>
16 LCalf<BR>
17 LFoot<BR>
<h2> <a name="World">World (<i>worldspawn</i>)</a> -> <a href="#Entity">Entity</a> -> <a href="#SimpleEntity">SimpleEntity</a> -> <a href="#Listener">Listener</a> -> <a href="#Class">Class</a></h2>
<P><tt><B>ai_visiondistance</B>( <i>Float vision_distance </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the default AI Vision Distance</ul>
<P><tt><B>animated_farplane</B>( <i>Float farplaneStart, Float farplaneEnd, Float ZStart, Float ZEnd </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the distance of the far clipping plane based on a farplane range and a Z range</ul>
<P><tt><B>animated_farplane_bias</B>( <i>Float biasStart, Float biasEnd, Float ZStart, Float ZEnd </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the bias of the far clipping plane based on a bias range and a Z range</ul>
<P><tt><B>animated_farplane_color</B>( <i>Vector colorStart, Vector colorEnd, Float ZStart, Float ZEnd </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the color of the far clipping plane based on a color range and a Z range</ul>
<P><tt><B>farclipoverride</B>( <i>Float farclipOverride </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Override the min config default for the far clip distance</ul>
<ul>Get the distance of the far clipping plane</ul>
<P><tt><B>farplane</B>( <i>Float farplaneDistance </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the distance of the far clipping plane</ul>
<P><tt><B>farplane</B>( <i>Float farplaneDistance </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the distance of the far clipping plane</ul>
<P><tt><B>farplane_bias</B>( <i>Float farplaneDistanceBias </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the distance bias of the far clipping plane</ul>
<ul>Get the distance bias of the far clipping plane</ul>
<P><tt><B>farplane_bias</B>( <i>Float farplaneDistanceBias </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the distance bias of the far clipping plane</ul>
<P><tt><B>farplane_color</B>( <i>Vector farplaneColor </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the color of the far clipping plane fog</ul>
<ul>Get the color of the far clipping plane fog</ul>
<P><tt><B>farplane_color</B>( <i>Vector farplaneColor </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the color of the far clipping plane fog</ul>
<P><tt><B>farplane_cull</B>( <i>Integer farplaneCull </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Whether or not the far clipping plane should cull things out of the world<BR>
0 - no cull<BR>
1 - normal cull<BR>
2 - cull but no bsp culling</ul>
<P><tt><B>farplaneclipcolor</B>( <i>Vector farplaneClipColor </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Override the fog color for the min config</ul>
<ul>Get the render terrain switch</ul>
<P><tt><B>gravity</B>( <i>Float worldGravity </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the gravity for the whole world.</ul>
<P><tt><B>lavaalpha</B>( <i>Float lavaAlpha </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the alpha of lava screen blend</ul>
<P><tt><B>lavacolor</B>( <i>Vector lavaColor </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the color of lava screen blend</ul>
<P><tt><B>message</B>( <i>String worldMessage </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set a message for the world</ul>
<P><tt><B>nextmap</B>( <i>String nextMap </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the next map to change to</ul>
<P><tt><B>northyaw</B>( <i>Float yaw </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Sets the yaw direction that is considered to be north</ul>
<P><tt><B>numarenas</B>( <i>Integer numarenas </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the number of arenas in the world</ul>
<P><tt><B>render_terrain</B>( <i>Boolean render_terrain </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set to draw or not draw terrain</ul>
<P><tt><B>skyalpha</B>( <i>Float newAlphaForPortalSky </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the alpha on the sky</ul>
<P><tt><B>skybox_farplane</B>( <i>Float farplaneDistance </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the distance of the skybox far clipping plane</ul>
<P><tt><B>skybox_farplane</B>( <i>Float farplaneDistance </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the distance of the skybox far clipping plane</ul>
<ul>Get the distance of the skybox far clipping plane</ul>
<P><tt><B>skybox_speed</B>( <i>Float speed </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the speed of the skybox</ul>
<P><tt><B>skybox_speed</B>( <i>Float speed </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the speed of the skybox</ul>
<ul>Get the speed of the skybox</ul>
<P><tt><B>skyportal</B>( <i>Boolean newSkyPortalState </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Whether or not to use the sky portal at all</ul>
<P><tt><B>soundtrack</B>( <i>String MusicFile </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set music soundtrack for this level.</ul>
<P><tt><B>wateralpha</B>( <i>Float waterAlpha </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the alpha of the water screen blend</ul>
<P><tt><B>watercolor</B>( <i>Vector waterColor </i>)</tt><BR>
<ul>Set the watercolor screen blend</ul>
178 Game Module Classes.<BR>1827 Game Module Events.