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2003-02-06 00:00:00 +00:00
// T2L1_Tank.Scr
// Jeff Leggett
// 07/08/2002
// Handles the custom tanks in T2L1...
// Initialization function...
$tigertank1 hide
//$tigertank1_stickybomb hide
//level.bStickyBombHidden = 1
level.bTigerTank1Destroyed = 0
level.friendly3 thread MedicThink
// Tigertank1 - starts the TigerTank rolling on its path
dprintln "Starting up tank1!!"
$tigertank1 thread Tank1Go
// set these as 1 until ready... Makes sure these guys are alive for the gag.
level.bTreeGuyReady = 0
level.bDialogSpoken = 0
level.enemytankspeed = 200
level.playertanktarget = $player
level.lookahead = 256
level.sightdistance = 16000
self setcollisionentity $panzertank_mask
// self.type = NIL
self rendereffects "-shadow"
self.start_health = 1000 = self.start_health
self removeondeath 0
self immune bullet
self immune fast_bullet
self immune grenade
self immune bash
self.bAttackPlayer = 1
thread SetupFriendlies
self.gun = self QueryTurretSlotEntity 0
thread global/ai.scr::spawn 6
self show
level.friendly1.health_pickup = FALSE
level.friendly2.health_pickup = FALSE
level.friendly3.health_pickup = FALSE
// Run the vehicle_warning script
//self thread global/Vehicle_Warning.Scr::WarnFriendlies $friendly 800 0.707
//self.previous_thread = parm.previousthread
// MJG: the following construct is undefined and BAD BAD BAD
// self waittill (level.bDialogueSpoken == 1)
while ( level.bDialogSpoken != 1 )
// don't start driving until dialog is spoken?
self drive $tigertank1_path level.enemytankspeed 30 200 level.lookahead
// self.gun setAimTarget $player
self waittill drive
self stop
// okay, we're here. Now aim at the friendlies...
if ( level.friendly3!=NULL && isAlive level.friendly3 )
// MJG: the following construct is undefined and BAD BAD BAD
// self waittill (level.bTreeGuyReady == 1)
while ( level.bTreeGuyReady != 1 )
// stop attacking player
self.bAttackPlayer = 0
if ( isAlive self )
self waitthread target_delay_fire level.friendly3 3
wait 0.1
// jsl--> Make sure he DIES!
if ( isAlive self && isAlive level.friendly3 )
level.friendly3 damage self 3000 self (0 0 0) (0 0 0) (0 0 0) 0 9 0 0
wait 0.5
if ( level.friendly2!=NULL && isAlive level.friendly2 )
self.bAttackPlayer = 0
self.gun setAimTarget level.friendly2
// do our miss....
wait 3
thread DoFriendly2RunAway
wait 1
if ( isAlive self )
self waitthread target_delay_fire NULL 1
wait 0.1
// this time we hit him!
if ( isAlive self )
self.gun setAimTarget level.friendly2
wait 4
if ( isAlive self )
self waitthread target_waittill_fire level.friendly2
// jsl--> hack until tank aiming is fixed.
if ( isAlive self && isAlive level.friendly2 )
level.friendly2 damage self 3000 self (0 0 0) (0 0 0) (0 0 0) 0 9 0 0
wait 0.5
if ( level.friendly1!=NULL && isAlive level.friendly1 )
self.bAttackPlayer = 0
if ( isAlive self )
self.gun setAimTarget level.friendly1
wait 2
thread DoFriendly1RunAway
if ( isAlive self )
self waitthread target_delay_fire NULL 1
wait 0.1
if ( isAlive self )
self.gun setAimTarget level.friendly1
wait 6
if ( isAlive self )
self waitthread target_waittill_fire level.friendly1
// jsl--> hack until tank aiming is fixed.
if ( isAlive self && isAlive level.friendly1 )
level.friendly1 damage self 3000 self (0 0 0) (0 0 0) (0 0 0) 0 9 0 0
wait 0.5
// now just be a normal tank... (ie: go after player...)
if ( isAlive self )
self thread maps/t2l1.scr::tank_think 0 //panzer //_winter
self thread maps/t2l1.scr::tank_targeting
// put the survivors back to their old health value...
if ( level.friendly1!=NIL && isAlive level.friendly1 )
level.friendly1 thread RestoreHealth
if ( level.friendly2!=NIL && isAlive level.friendly2 )
level.friendly2 thread RestoreHealth
if ( level.friendly3!=NIL && isAlive level.friendly3 )
level.friendly3 thread RestoreHealth
target_delay_fire local.targ local.delay:
if ( isAlive self )
self.gun setAimTarget local.targ
wait local.delay
if ( isAlive self )
self.gun anim fire
target_waittill_fire local.targ:
if ( isAlive self )
self.gun setAimTarget local.targ
self.gun waittill ontarget
if ( isAlive self )
self.gun anim fire
// Go after player when the mg42 guy dies. Stop going after player when
while ( self.bAttackPlayer==1 )
self.gun setAimTarget $player
self.gun waittill ontarget
if (self == NULL)
// should probably be targeting the player or something...
if !(vector_within $player.origin self.origin 16000)
wait 1
else if (!(sighttrace $player.origin (self.gun.origin + (0 0 64)) 1))
wait 1
wait 3
if ( self.bAttackPlayer==1 )
self.gun setAimTarget $player
self.gun waittill ontarget
if (self == NULL)
////this causes the bug where the cannon doesnt shoot in the Z direction... self.gun setAimTarget NULL
self.gun anim fire
wait 2
if (self == NULL)
if ( level.bTigerTank1Destroyed==0 )
level.attackthread2 delete
level.friendly2 thread Friendly2RunAway
level.attackthread2 = parm.previousthread
// he runs his flee path and will attack from there....
if ( level.bTigerTank1Destroyed==0 )
level.attackthread1 delete
level.friendly1 thread FriendlyAttackTank $friendly1_fleepath 1
level.attackthread1 = parm.previousthread
// Friendly runs away from tank...
self runto $friendly2_fleepath
self waittill movedone
if ( parm.movedone!=1 )
goto Friendly2RunAway
// do cower here..
while ( 1 )
self anim 23A107_TakeCoverP
self waittill animdone
// temporarily crank up our health to do the tank gag...
if ( self==NIL )
if ( isAlive self )
self.save_health = = self.maxhealth * 0.75
// put our health back where it was before the tank gag...
if ( self==NIL )
if ( isAlive self )
{ = self.save_health
// Go to our hiding places and do the player dialog...
wait 2
if ( level.friendly1!=NIL && isAlive level.friendly1 )
level.friendly1 thread BeHealthy
// level.friendly1 thread FriendlyAttackTank $friendly1_rally 1
// level.attackthread1 = parm.previousthread
level.friendly1 thread DoTank1Dialog
level.friendly2 thread FriendlyAttackTank $friendly2_rally 1
level.attackthread2 = parm.previousthread
if ( level.friendly2!=NIL && isAlive level.friendly2 )
level.friendly2 thread DoTank1Dialog
level.friendly2 thread BeHealthy
if ( level.friendly3!=NIL && isAlive level.friendly3 )
level.friendly3.abort_cover = 1
level.friendly3 thread BeHealthy
// make sure he dies the right way...
level.friendly3 exec global/setdeathanim.scr "21A201_RagDollDeath"
// run to his spot...
level.friendly3 thread FriendlyAttackTank $friendly3_rally 0
level.attackthread3 = parm.previousthread
if (!(isAlive level.friendly1) && !(isAlive level.friendly2))
dprintln "both are dead, start the tank"
level.bDialogSpoken = 1
level.bTigerTank1Destroyed = 1
// kill the friendly threads....
level.attackthread1 delete
level.attackthread2 delete
level.attackthread3 delete
// become friends with player again...
if (level.friendly1 && isAlive level.friendly1 )
level.friendly1 thread FriendStart
level.friendly1 exec global/enable_ai.scr
if (level.friendly2 && isAlive level.friendly2 )
level.friendly2 thread FriendStart
level.friendly2 exec global/enable_ai.scr
if (level.friendly3 && isAlive level.friendly3 )
level.friendly3 thread FriendStart
level.friendly3.abort_cover = 0
// level.friendly3 exec global/enable_ai.scr
// if the guy dies before saying his dialog, make sure the game can go on...
self waittill death
level.bDialogSpoken = 1
//if ( level.bStickyBombHidden==0 )
//waitthread ShowStickyBomb
exec global/obj.scr 3 current "Use Sticky Bomb to Destroy Tank" $tigertank1.origin
if ( level.bStickyBombHidden==1 )
level.bStickyBombHidden = 0
exec global/obj.scr 3 current "Use Sticky Bomb to Destroy Tank" $tigertank1.origin
// say our dialog and run to our spot...
level.bDialogSpoken = 0
self thread FriendStop
//self thread TankDialogDeathCheck
self exec global/disable_ai.scr
self nodamage
self runto $friendly1_speechnode.origin
self waittill movedone
level.bDialogSpoken = 1
wait 3
self anim 21A103_Dialogue3
self waittill animdone
self takedamage
self exec global/enable_ai.scr
exec global/obj.scr 3 current "Use Sticky Bomb to Destroy Tank" $tigertank1.origin
if ( self==level.friendly1 )
self thread FriendlyAttackTank $friendly1_rally 1
level.attackthread1 = parm.previousthread
else if ( self==level.friendly2 )
self thread FriendlyAttackTank $friendly2_rally 1
level.attackthread2 = parm.previousthread
FriendlyAttackTank local.dest local.attack:
// Sets up this friendly to run to the dest and start attacking the tank...
self waitthread FriendStop
self exec global/disable_ai.scr
local.there = 0
while ( local.there==0 )
self runto local.dest
self waittill movedone
if ( parm.movedone==1 )
local.there = 1
self turnto $tigertank1
if ( local.attack==1 )
self aimat $tigertank1
wait 0.2
self exec global/crouch.scr
// now start doing cover fire...
while ( isAlive self )
// note: this thread gets deleted when the tank dies...
// if we have a shot at him, do it...
if (sighttrace (self.origin + (0 0 64)) $tigertank1.origin 1)
for (local.xx = 0; local.xx < 8; local.xx++ )
if ( !(isAlive self) )
self fire
wait 0.6
self turnto $tigertank1
self aimat $tigertank1
// ??? self waitthread anim/reload.scr::Reload 1 1 0
// reloading...
wait 3
self turnto $tigertank1
self aimat $tigertank1
else if (self==level.friendly3)
// tell tank to come and get me...
level.bTreeGuyReady = 1
while ( isAlive self )
self anim 23A107_TakeCoverP
self waittill animdone
// Become a friend...
self.mins = 0
self.maxs = 30
// self.destination = $player
self.friendtype = 1
// friendly3 is the medic...
if ( self==level.friendly3 )
self.friendtype = 5
self thread global/friendly.scr::friendlythink
self thread global/friendly.scr::friendlystop
self waittill death
// now that the mg42 guy is dead... Have the turret go after the player...
$tigertank1 thread GoAfterPlayer
// find closest cover place and run there... = $medic_hideplace.size
local.min_dist = 999999
local.min_node = NULL
for (local.i=1;local.i<=$medic_hideplace.size;local.i++)
local.dist = vector_length ( self.origin - $medic_hideplace[local.i].origin )
if ( local.dist < local.min_dist )
local.min_dist = local.dist
local.min_node = $medic_hideplace[local.i]
if ( local.min_node!=NULL )
// we found one... how far?
if ( local.min_dist >= 2304 )
dprintln "Found medic_hideplace node, but it's too far:" local.min_dist
dprintln "Found medic_hideplace node, running there now!"
local.done = 0
self runto local.min_node
self waittill movedone
if ( self.abort_cover==0 )
self exec global/crouch.scr
dprintln "No medic_hideplace nodes. No where to run!"
local.bFighting = 0
if ( isAlive level.friendly1 && level.friendly1.has_enemy==1 )
local.bFighting = 1
if ( isAlive level.friendly2 && level.friendly2.has_enemy==1 )
local.bFighting = 1
end local.bFighting
// wait for fighting to stop while monitoring everyone's health. If anyones
// health goes too low, turn back into our friendly medic...
local.bFighting = 1
local.bTurnedOnMedic = 0
while ( local.bFighting==1 && self.abort_cover==0 )
wait 0.5
local.bFighting = waitthread AreFriendliesFighting
if ( local.bFighting==1 )
// still fighting, see if anyone needs a medic...
local.bNeedMedic = 0 = ($ * 100) / $player.maxhealth
if ( < level.medicmin)
local.bNeedMedic = 1
if ( isAlive level.friendly1 )
{ = ( * 100) / level.friendly1.maxhealth
if ( < level.medicmin)
local.bNeedMedic = 1
if ( isAlive level.friendly2 )
{ = ( * 100) / level.friendly2.maxhealth
if ( < level.medicmin)
local.bNeedMedic = 1
if ( local.bTurnedOnMedic==0 )
if ( local.bNeedMedic==1 )
dprintln "someone needs a medic... Going back into medic-mode...."
local.bTurnedOnMedic = 1
if ( self.abort_cover==0 )
self thread global/friendly.scr::friendlythink
// we're still fighting, we've turned on medic mode again, but no one needs us. Run for cover!
if ( local.bNeedMedic==0 )
local.bTurnedOnMedic = 0
self waitthread global/friendly.scr::friendlystop
// no one needs a medic, therefore run to hiding spot again...
dprintln "OK, everyone healed.. Medic running for cover again..."
self waitthread MedicRunForCover
wait 3
// Have medic run for cover whenever his buddies
self.abort_cover = 0
// Have our buddies monitor if they're attacking or not...
level.friendly1 thread FriendlyEnemyCheck
level.friendly2 thread FriendlyEnemyCheck
while ( isAlive self )
local.bFighting = waitthread AreFriendliesFighting
if ( local.bFighting==1 && self.abort_cover==0 )
dprintln "FRIENDS ARE FIGHTING! --> Medic running for cover.."
// stop being a friend for now... Go run for cover...
self waitthread global/friendly.scr::friendlystop
self waitthread MedicRunForCover
// we've run for cover, now see when the fighting is over...
self waitthread WaitForFightingToStop
dprintln "FRIENDS have stopped fighting! Becoming a medic again..."
// fighting has stopped, therefore turn our friendlyness back on..
if( self.abort_cover==0 )
self thread global/friendly.scr::friendlythink
wait 0.5
while ( isAlive self )
self.has_enemy = 0
self waittill hasenemy
self.has_enemy = 1
while ( isAlive self && self.has_enemy==1 )
wait 3
if ( self!=NULL && self.thinkstate != "attack" )
wait 1
if ( self!=NULL && self.thinkstate != "attack" )
self.has_enemy = 0
self.hasenemy = 0