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<span class="anchor" id="line-1"></span><p class="line867">
<h1 id="head-e2be115cf51c53e925f4ac1d7a0a037ba0350e94">Quake 4 Editor Changelist</h1>
<span class="anchor" id="line-2"></span><span class="anchor" id="line-3"></span><p class="line862">The following changes have occured in <a href="./LevelEditor.html">Radiant</a> during Quake 4's development: <span class="anchor" id="line-4"></span><span class="anchor" id="line-5"></span><p class="line867"><strong><span class="u">General Functionality</span>:</strong> <span class="anchor" id="line-6"></span><ul><li>Entity regrouping: You may now create groups or brush entities from existing entities. This was intended to allow creation of new func_groups to override existing func_groups, but can work on any brush-based entity. <span class="anchor" id="line-7"></span></li><li>Capping bevels, end caps, and cylinders results in a func_group instead of a func_static. <span class="anchor" id="line-8"></span></li><li>Lights now default to 320 unit radii to play nice with the grid. <span class="anchor" id="line-9"></span></li><li>Lights can now be scaled via dragging like brushes. <span class="anchor" id="line-10"></span></li><li>Added entity find/replace field window (Ctrl+F3). Can be used to replace keyvalues, find one entity or all entities with a specific keyvalue, etc. <span class="anchor" id="line-11"></span></li><li>Invert selection now ignores hidden/filtered brushes. <span class="anchor" id="line-12"></span></li><li>Spline paths will no longer clip when the spline origin falls outside the grid window and the spline is not selected. <span class="anchor" id="line-13"></span></li><li>Entities using the “bind” key now show a thick dotted line path to their bind master. <span class="anchor" id="line-14"></span></li><li>Cloning an entity and its bind master will update the “bind” key accordingly. <span class="anchor" id="line-15"></span></li><li>Cloning an entity and its target(s) will update to point at each other correctly. <span class="anchor" id="line-16"></span></li><li>Entity names (when cloned) increment based on existing names, not classname (e.g. myEntity_1 clones to myEntity_2, myEntity_3, etc). <span class="anchor" id="line-17"></span></li><li>AAS Solid texture now sorts with clip brush filter (ctrl+L) <span class="anchor" id="line-18"></span></li><li>Sped up Skin Browser load times. <span class="anchor" id="line-19"></span></li><li>Skin browser will now revert to the last skin selected. <span class="anchor" id="line-20"></span></li><li>Fixes to bounding box selection <span class="anchor" id="line-21"></span></li><li>Added “Paste to Camera” option when creating a new map with selected objects. Using “Paste Special” will paste the clipboard selection relative to camera position. This can also be done within a single map using the “Copy Special” and “Paste Special” menu items. <span class="anchor" id="line-22"></span><span class="anchor" id="line-23"></span></li></ul><p class="line867"><strong><span class="u">Bug Fixes</span>:</strong> <span class="anchor" id="line-24"></span><ul><li>Fixed crash bug related to selecting points shared by multiple brushes (most commonly seen when trying to drag edges at brush intersections) <span class="anchor" id="line-25"></span></li><li>Fixed issue where selected edges would occasionally freak out and extend to infinity. <span class="anchor" id="line-26"></span></li><li>Fixed lights being created with origins offset from the current grid size (e.g. light showing up on the 4 grid when placed on the 8 grid). <span class="anchor" id="line-27"></span></li><li>Light centers can now be selected and dragged without deselecting the light first. <span class="anchor" id="line-28"></span></li><li>Fix for invert selection not working properly. <span class="anchor" id="line-29"></span></li><li>Changing model files on an entity will now display immediately and no longer require reloading the map or cloning the entity. <span class="anchor" id="line-30"></span></li><li>MD5s no longer clip in non-rendered 2D and 3D views when the origin is out of view. <span class="anchor" id="line-31"></span></li><li>Env_* MD5s can now be selected by clicking anywhere on the model instead of a small box around the origin. <span class="anchor" id="line-32"></span></li><li>Fixed low memory warning that would sometimes appear even when RAM was in plentiful supply. <span class="anchor" id="line-33"></span></li><li>Shift+Tab now works correctly when cycling between dialog items. <span class="anchor" id="line-34"></span></li><li>Target_nulls and other targeted entities should break focus correctly now. <span class="anchor" id="line-35"></span></li><li>Skins in skin browser will show actual mesh and skin rather than the default cube o’ death. <span class="anchor" id="line-36"></span><span class="anchor" id="line-37"></span></li></ul><p class="line867"><strong><span class="u">Menus</span>:</strong> <span class="anchor" id="line-38"></span><ul><li><p class="line862">Added “setViewPos.” Set your camera to a given position and direction. (Misc --> setViewPos) <span class="anchor" id="line-39"></span><span class="anchor" id="line-40"></span></li></ul><p class="line867"><strong><span class="u">General Preferences</span>:</strong> <span class="anchor" id="line-41"></span><ul><li>Patch meshes in vertex mode can now be set to display lines connecting the vertices (defaults on). <span class="anchor" id="line-42"></span></li><li>Added “GTK Deselect Face” option. When active, selecting a face on a selected brush deselects the face, leaving all others selected (defaults off). <span class="anchor" id="line-43"></span></li><li>Added customizable settings for surface inspector (rotation, alignment, and scaling increments). <span class="anchor" id="line-44"></span><span class="anchor" id="line-45"></span></li></ul><p class="line867"><strong><span class="u">Entity Window</span>:</strong> <span class="anchor" id="line-46"></span><ul><li>Adding or modifying keyvalues to entities will no longer snap the scroll position back to the top (you can see your change immediately without scrolling back down). <span class="anchor" id="line-47"></span></li><li>Sound shader paths (s_shader, snd_*, etc) are now accompanied by a “P” button in the Entity window. Click this to play the sound. <span class="anchor" id="line-48"></span></li><li>Disabled “Particle” button, as Q4 now uses only .fx files. <span class="anchor" id="line-49"></span><span class="anchor" id="line-50"></span></li></ul><p class="line867"><strong><span class="u">Right Click Menu</span>:</strong> <span class="anchor" id="line-51"></span><ul><li>Added “Set Origin” to right click menu. Snaps brush entity origin to the nearest intersection of gridlines to the cursor within the selected 2d view. <span class="anchor" id="line-52"></span><span class="anchor" id="line-53"></span></li></ul><p class="line867"><strong><span class="u">Surface Inspector</span>:</strong> <span class="anchor" id="line-54"></span><ul><li>Added “Flip X/Y” checkbox (inverts horizontal and vertical subdivisions on patch faces). <span class="anchor" id="line-55"></span></li><li>Surface inspector now reads subdivision values from patches when selected <span class="anchor" id="line-56"></span></li><li>Texture Fit Width/Height can use floating point increments and updates camera and real-time rendered views. (Default increments can be set in preferences window) <span class="anchor" id="line-57"></span></li><li>Removed dead space on surface inspector window (cosmetic change) <span class="anchor" id="line-58"></span><span class="anchor" id="line-59"></span></li></ul><p class="line867"><strong><span class="u">Light Editor</span>:</strong> <span class="anchor" id="line-60"></span><ul><li>Added ‘Detail Level’ setting to lights. See Performance documentation for more information. <span class="anchor" id="line-61"></span></li><li>Added “Cast Dynamic Shadows.” Was intended for use in having lights only cast proc-baked shadows, but functionality was removed. <span class="anchor" id="line-62"></span><span class="anchor" id="line-63"></span></li></ul><p class="line867"><strong><span class="u"><a href="./LevelEditor_KeyboardShortcuts.html">Keyboard Shortcuts</a></span>:</strong> <span class="anchor" id="line-64"></span><ul><li>Ctrl+Shift+R: 90 degree rotation, grid axis dependent (rotates in Z axis in XY grid, X axis in YZ grid, and Y axis in XZ grid). <span class="anchor" id="line-65"></span></li><li>Ctrl+Shift+T: Show/hide Triggers <span class="anchor" id="line-66"></span></li><li>Ctrl+Shift+N: Show/hide Entities <span class="anchor" id="line-67"></span></li><li>Shift+V: Show/hide Vis Portals <span class="anchor" id="line-68"></span></li><li>Ctrl+Alt+M: Show/hide Models (lwo, ase, md5, etc). <span class="anchor" id="line-69"></span></li><li>Ctrl+Alt+T: Select Complete Tall <span class="anchor" id="line-70"></span></li><li>Ctrl+Shift+G: Create func_group <span class="anchor" id="line-71"></span></li><li>Ctrl+Alt+P: Show/hide Paths (entity target/bind lines) <span class="anchor" id="line-72"></span></li><li>Ctrl+Shift+B: Bind entities (attaches entity 1 to entity 2 via the “bind” key). <span class="anchor" id="line-73"></span><span class="anchor" id="line-74"></span></li></ul><p class="line867"><strong><span class="u">Auto-Label System</span>:</strong> <span class="anchor" id="line-75"></span><ul><li>Added Auto-Label system to the file menu. This is generally only useful in cases where multiple users will modify a single map (mod teams), but could be used for other personal uses. <span class="anchor" id="line-76"></span></li><li><p class="line862">File --> Auto Labels --> Set Global Auto-Label: Sets the active label for all operations on the map. All newly created and modified entities will add this label to the “autoLabel” key for future use. <span class="anchor" id="line-77"></span></li><li><p class="line862">File --> Auto Labels --> Clear Global Auto-Label: Clears the active label for map changes. This will stop adding the “autoLabel” key, but will not remove existing keys. <span class="anchor" id="line-78"></span></li><li><p class="line862">File --> Auto Labels --> Input only <input-label> ents from .MAP: Load all entities from a given file of the auto label you specify. Will prompt with a text box to specify the label and a file browser to specify the file. <span class="anchor" id="line-79"></span></li><li><p class="line862">File --> Auto Labels --> Delete <input-label> fields from all ents: Remove all “autoLabel” keys from entities in the map. Useful if you’re making new changes under a previously used label, or if you just get annoyed with excess keyvalues after merging changes. <span class="anchor" id="line-80"></span></li><li><p class="line862">File --> Auto Labels --> Delete all ents with <input-label> field: Find and delete all entities found with the specified label. Take that, random person who made changes! <span class="anchor" id="line-81"></span><span class="anchor" id="line-82"></span></li></ul><p class="line867"><strong><span class="u">BSPing</span>:</strong> <span class="anchor" id="line-83"></span><ul><li>DMap can now be aborted prior to AAS generation. Press and hold both Shift keys until the compile stops. <span class="anchor" id="line-84"></span></li></ul><span class="anchor" id="bottom"></span></div><p id="pageinfo" class="info" lang="en" dir="ltr">LevelEditor ChangeList (last edited 2005-11-01 19:54:37 by <span title="AndrewWeldon @[]"><a class="nonexistent" href="./AndrewWeldon.html" title="AndrewWeldon @[]">AndrewWeldon</a></span>)</p>
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