Making DOOM 3 Mods : DOOMEdit Keys
Part of mastering DOOMEdit comes from learning the keyboard shortcuts. There is a list of all the commands and keyboards shortcuts in the help menu. It's not very descriptive, but it's useful for jogging your memory.


ShowDOOMF2Switches to Doom 3
PreferencesPOpens the Preferences Window
EntityListIOpens the Entity List Window
MakeProjectedLightJOpen light editor window
SurfaceInspectorSOpen the Surface Inspector Window
ToggleCameraCtrl+Shift+CShow or hide the camera window
ToggleZCtrl+Shift+ZShow or hide the Z window
ViewGameGDoes Nothing
ViewEntityInfoNSelects the Entity tab
ViewConsoleOSelects the Console tab
ViewTexturesTSelects the Textures tab
MediaBrowserMSelects the Media tab
LayersLSelects the Group tab ???
ShowAllTexturesCtrl+AShow all textures in the texture window (rather than just the textures that are in use)
FileOpenCtrl+OOpens the File Open box
FileSaveCtrl+SSaves the map
FindOrReplaceEntCtrl+F3Open the Find/Replace Entity Window
FindOrReplaceNextEntShift+F3Find the next matching entity (doesn't work right)
NextLeakSpotCtrl+Shift+KGo to the next point in the leak trace
PrevLeakSpotCtrl+Shift+LGo to the previous point in the leak trace
AutoCaulkCtrl+Shift+ACaulks a lot of unseen faces automagically

3D View

CameraForwardUpMoves the camera forward 32 units
CameraBackDownMoves the camera backwards 32 units
CameraLeftLeftRotates the camera left 45 degrees
CameraRightRightRotates the camera right 45 degrees
CameraUpDMoves the camera up 32 units
CameraDownCMoves the camera down 32 units
CameraAngleUpAPitches the camera up 45 degrees
CameraAngleDownZPitches the camera down 45 degrees
CameraStrafeRightPeriodMoves the camera right 32 units
CameraStrafeLeftCommaMoves the camera left 32 units
CenterViewEndCenter the view horizontally
UpFloorPgUpMove the camera up to the brush above
DownFloorPgDnMove the camera down to the brush below
ToggleRenderSoundF9Toggles playing sounds (probably doesn't work)
ToggleSelectionsF8Toggles Select Mode (Render Mode, doesn't work)
RebuildRenderDataF7Rebuilds Render Data (Render Mode)
Use if the 3D scene doesn't match the 2D scene
ToggleRenderAnimationF6Toggles material animations (Render Mode)
ToggleEntityOutlinesF5Toggles entity bounding boxes (Render Mode)
ToggleRealtimeRenderBuildF4Rebuilds Render Data automatically
ToggleRenderModeF3Toggles Render Mode
FilterLightsAlt+0Toggle showing lights (doesn't work)
ShowClipCtrl+LToggle showing clip brushes
ShowDetailCtrl+DToggle showing detail brushes (Does nothing in Doom 3)
ToggleShowPatchesCtrl+PToggle showing patches
ToggleCubicClipCtrl+\Toggle cubic clipping on and off (this limits the draw distance)
CubicClipZoomOutCtrl+[Extend the cubic clipping draw distance
CubicClipZoomInCtrl+]Bring in the draw distance

2D View

NextViewCtrl+TabCycle between Top, Side, and Front 2D views
CopyCtrl+CCopy the selected brush to the clipboard
PasteCtrl+VPaste the brush from the clipboard
ToggleViewCtrl+Shift+VPaste the brush from the clipboard ???
UndoCtrl+ZUndo the last edit (doesn't always work)
RedoCtrl+YRedo the last undo
ToggleGrid0Turn on and off the grid
SetGridPoint1252Set the grid size to 1/8 (0.125)
SetGridPoint253Set the grid size to 1/4 (0.25)
SetGridPoint54Set the grid size to 1/2 (0.5)
SetGrid11Set the grid size to 1
SetGrid22Set the grid size to 2
SetGrid43Set the grid size to 4
SetGrid84Set the grid size to 8
SetGrid165Set the grid size to 16
SetGrid326Set the grid size to 32
SetGrid647Set the grid size to 64
GridDown-Grid size down
GridUp+Grid size up
ZoomOutInsertZoom Out on the grid
ZoomInDeleteZoom In on the grid
ZZoomOutCtrl+InsertZoom Out on the Z grid
ZZoomInCtrl+DeleteZoom In on the Z grid
PrecisionCursorModeF11Cycle precision cursor modes (doesn't work)
ToggleCrosshairsShift+XToggles the lime green grid crosshair
ToggleSizePaintQTurn on the brush size information (only while held down)

Texture Manipulation

FindReplaceTexturesShift+FOpen the Find Replace Textures window
AxialTextureByHeightUSets the vertical texture scale to width/height of the face
AxialTextureByWidthCtrl+USets the horizontal texture scale to height/width of the face
AxialTextureArbitraryShift+USwitches to Axial Texture mode. Tab cycles through the points. U sets the vertical texture scale to the axis/height
InvertTextureXCtrl+Shift+IInvert the texture S coordinate (doesn't work)
InvertTextureYShift+IInvert the texture T coordinate
TextureFitShift+5Scales the texture so it fits exactly the size of the face
TexRotateClockShift+PgDnRotate the texture clockwise 45 degrees
TexRotateCounterShift+PgUpRotate the texture counter-clockwise 45 degrees
TexScaleUpCtrl+UpVertically scale the texture up (doesn't work)
TexScaleDownCtrl+DownVertically scale the texture down (doesn't work)
TexScaleLeftCtrl+LeftHorizontally scale the texture up (doesn't work)
TexScaleRightCtrl+RightHorizontally scale the texture down (doesn't work)
TexShiftLeftShift+LeftShift the texture to the left 1 unit
TexShiftRightShift+RightShift the texture to the right 1 unit
TexShiftUpShift+UpShift the texture up 1 unit
TexShiftDownShift+DownShift the texture down 1 unit
TogTexLockShift+TToggles texture lock. When textures are locked, they don't move when the brush moves. This is sometimes called Naturally Aligned Textures.

Patch Manipulation

BendModeBToggles patch bend mode
FreezePatchVerticesFClears patch overlays (Does nothing)
UnFreezePatchVerticesCtrl+FDoes nothing
UnFreezeAllPatchVerticesCtrl+Shift+FDoes nothing
ThickenPatchCtrl+TAdds a back (and optionally sides) to the patch
MakeOverlayPatchYAlways draw control points for the selected patches
ClearPatchOverlaysShift+YTurn off overlays for all patches
PatchInspectorShift+SOpen the patch inspector window
CapCurrentCurveShift+CPuts an end cap on the selected patch mesh
CycleCapTexturingAltShift+PCycle through the different methods of texturing the cap
RedisperseRowsCtrl+EEvenly spread the rows across the mesh
RedisperseColsCtrl+Shift+EEvenly spread the columns across the mesh
MakeDetailCtrl+Shift+MCurve Matrix Transpose ?!?
InvertCurveCtrl+IFlip the normals for the mesh (the front becomes the back)
IncPatchColumnCtrl+Shift++Inserts a column into the patch
IncPatchRowCtrl++Inserts a row into the patch
DecPatchColumnCtrl+Shift+-Removes a column from the patch
DecPatchRowCtrl+-Removes a row from the patch
Patch TABTab In patch bend mode, cycle through the various bend axis
In patch insert mode, cycle through the diffrent insert locations
In axial mode, cycle through the different axis
Otherwise, cycle through the different objects in a func_group
Patch TABShift+Tab
NaturalizePatchCtrl+NTexture the patch using the "natural" method
NaturalizePatchAltShift+NTexture the patch using an alternate "natural" method
SnapPatchToGridCtrl+GSnap control points for the mesh to the current grid
FitFaceCtrl+BDoes Nothing
FitBrushShift+BDoes Nothing

Brush Manipulation

ToggleMoveOnlyWDisable brush resizing (dragging will move rather than size)
Brush3SidedCtrl+3Turn the selected brush into a triangle
Brush4SidedCtrl+4Turn the selected brush into a cube
Brush5SidedCtrl+5Turn the selected brush into a pentagon
Brush6SidedCtrl+6Turn the selected brush into a hexagon
Brush7SidedCtrl+7Turn the selected brush into a heptagon
Brush8SidedCtrl+8Turn the selected brush into an octagon
Brush9SidedCtrl+9Turn the selected brush into a nonagon
ToggleClipperXToggle the clipper
ClipSelectedEnterClip the selected brush (discard the clipped portion)
FlipClipCtrl+EnterClip the selected brush (discard the unclipped portion)
SplitSelectedShift+EnterSplit the selected brush (don't discard either portion)
MoveSelectionDOWN-Move the selected brush down 1 grid unit on the Z
MoveSelectionUP+Move the selected brush up 1 grid unit on the Z
SelectNudgeLeftAlt+LeftMove the selected brush left 1 unit (NOT 1 grid unit)
SelectNudgeRightAlt+RightMove the selected brush right 1 unit (NOT 1 grid unit)
SelectNudgeUpAlt+UpMove the selected brush up 1 unit (NOT 1 grid unit)
SelectNudgeDownAlt+DownMove the selected brush down 1 unit (NOT 1 grid unit)
CSGMergeShift+MMerges multiple brushes into one brush (not always possible)
DragEdgesEToggle edge drag mode for dragging brush edges
DragVerticesVToggle vertex drag mode for dragging brush vertices
MakeDetailCtrl+MDoes nothing in Doom 3
MakeStructuralCtrl+Shift+SDoes nothing in Doom 3
DumpSelectedBrushShift+DPrint the faces for the selected brush to the console

Entity Manipulation

EntityColorKOpen the entity color picker window
UngroupShift+GTurn the selected brushes back into world geometry
CenterOriginShift+OSet the origin of the brush entitiy to the be actual center of the bounding box (for brush entities)
SelectCompleteEntityCtrl+Alt+Shift+ESelects the complete entity (doesn't work ???)
CombineSelectionShift+KCombines the geometry from a bunch of entities to make one
ConnectSelectionCtrl+KMakes the first selected entity target the second selected entity
SelectAllOfTypeShift+ASelect all entities that are the same type as the selected entity

Brush & Entity

HideSelectedHHide the selected brushes and entities
ShowHiddenShift+HShow all hidden items
HideNotSelectedCtrl+Shift+HHide all brushes and entities that are not selected
CloneSelectionSpaceDuplicate the selected brushes and entities
DeleteSelectionBackspaceDelete the selected brushes and entities
UnSelectSelectionEscapeUnselect anything that is selected
InvertSelectionISelects brushes that are unselected. Unselects brushes that are selected. (Doesn't work, actually opens the entity window)
MouseRotateRToggles mouse rotate mode, which allows the arbitratry rotation of entities
ToggleFlatRotationCtrl+RCycles through the different types of mouse rotation
CycleRotationAxisShift+RCycles through rotating around X, Y, and Z

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