Making DOOM 3 Mods : Cvars
A cvar is a console variable. You can change the value through the console by typing the cvar name, a space, and the new value. Typing only the cvar name will tell you the current value of the cvar.

Most cvars are prefixed by the subsystem they belong to, here is a list of the various prefixes and sub systems:

  • aas - area awareness system (ai pathing)
  • af - articulated figures (rag dolls)
  • ai - artificial intelligence
  • cm - collision model
  • com - common
  • con - console
  • fs - file system
  • g - game
  • gui - gui system
  • ik - inverse kinematics
  • image - image loading
  • in - input
  • m - mouse
  • net - network
  • pm - player movement
  • r - renderer
  • s - sound
  • si - server info
  • sys - system
  • ui - user interface
  • win - windows

aas_goalAreatype: int (cheat)
aas_pullPlayertype: int (cheat)
aas_randomPullPlayertype: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
aas_showAreastype: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
aas_showFlyPathtype: int (cheat)
aas_showHideAreatype: int (cheat)
aas_showPathtype: int (cheat)
aas_showPushIntoAreatype: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
aas_showWallEdgestype: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
aas_testtype: int (cheat)
af_contactFrictionScalescales the contact friction
type: float (cheat)
af_forceFrictionforce the given friction value
type: float (cheat)
af_highlightBodyname of the body to highlight
type: string (cheat)
af_highlightConstraintname of the constraint to highlight
type: string (cheat)
af_jointFrictionScalescales the joint friction
type: float (cheat)
af_maxAngularVelocitymaximum angular velocity
type: float (cheat)
af_maxLinearVelocitymaximum linear velocity
type: float (cheat)
af_showActiveshow tree-like structures of articulated figures not at rest
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
af_showBodiesshow bodies
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
af_showBodyNamesshow body names
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
af_showConstrainedBodiesshow the two bodies contrained by the highlighted constraint
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
af_showConstraintNamesshow constraint names
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
af_showConstraintsshow constraints
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
af_showInertiashow the inertia tensor of each body
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
af_showLimitsshow joint limits
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
af_showMassshow the mass of each body
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
af_showPrimaryOnlyshow primary constraints only
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
af_showTimingsshow articulated figure cpu usage
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
af_showTotalMassshow the total mass of each articulated figure
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
af_showTreesshow tree-like structures
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
af_showVelocityshow the velocity of each body
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
af_skipFrictionskip friction
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
af_skipLimitsskip joint limits
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
af_skipSelfCollisionskip self collision detection
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
af_testSolidtest for bodies initially stuck in solid
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
af_timeScalescales the time
type: float (cheat)
af_useImpulseFrictionuse impulse based contact friction
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
af_useJointImpulseFrictionuse impulse based joint friction
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
af_useLinearTimeuse linear time algorithm for tree-like structures
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
af_useSymmetryuse constraint matrix symmetry
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
ai_blockedFailSafeenable blocked fail safe handling
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
ai_debugMovedraws movement information for monsters
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
ai_debugScriptdisplays script calls for the specified monster entity number
type: int (cheat)
ai_debugTrajectorydraws trajectory tests for monsters
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
ai_showCombatNodesdraws attack cones for monsters
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
ai_showObstacleAvoidancedraws obstacle avoidance information for monsters. if 2, draws obstacles for player, as well
type: int [0, 2] (cheat)
ai_showPathsdraws path_* entities
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
ai_testPredictPathtype: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
cm_backFaceCullcull back facing polygons
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
cm_debugCollisiondebug the collision detection
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
cm_drawColorcolor used to draw the collision models
type: string (cheat)
cm_drawFilleddraw filled polygons
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
cm_drawInternaldraw internal edges green
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
cm_drawMaskcollision mask
type: string [none, solid, opaque, water, playerclip, monsterclip, moveableclip, ikclip, blood, body, corpse, trigger, aas_solid, aas_obstacle, flashlight_trigger] (cheat)
cm_drawNormalsdraw polygon and edge normals
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
cm_testAngletype: float (cheat)
cm_testBoxtype: string (cheat)
cm_testBoxRotationtype: string (cheat)
cm_testCollisiontype: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
cm_testLengthtype: float (cheat)
cm_testModeltype: int (cheat)
cm_testOrigintype: string (cheat)
cm_testRadiustype: float (cheat)
cm_testRandomManytype: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
cm_testResettype: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
cm_testRotationtype: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
cm_testTimestype: int (cheat)
cm_testWalktype: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
com_allowConsoleallow toggling console with the tilde key
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
com_asyncInputsample input from the async thread
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
com_asyncSound0: mix sound inline. 1: mix sound from the async thread. 2: mix from sound driver thread
type: int (cheat)
com_aviDemoHeighttype: string (cheat)
com_aviDemoSamplestype: string (cheat)
com_aviDemoTicstype: string (cheat)
com_aviDemoWidthtype: string (cheat)
com_compressDemostype: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
com_compressSaveGamecompress save games
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
com_fixedTictype: string (cheat)
com_forceGenericSIMDforce generic platform independent SIMD
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
com_guidtype: string (read only)
com_journal1 = record journal, 2 = play back journal
type: string (init)
com_logDemostype: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
com_machineSpechardware classification, -1 = not detected, 0 = low quality, 1 = medium quality, 2 = high quality, 3 = ultra quality
type: int
com_makingBuild1 when making a build
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
com_memoryMarkerused as a marker for memory stats
type: int (init)
com_minTicstype: string (cheat)
com_preciseTicrun one game tick every async thread update
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
com_preloadDemostype: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
com_purgeAllpurge everything between level loads
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
com_showAnglestype: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
com_showAsyncStatsshow async network stats
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
com_showDemotype: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
com_showFPSshow frames rendered per second
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
com_showMemoryUsageshow total and per frame memory usage
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
com_showSoundDecodersshow sound decoders
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
com_showTicstype: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
com_skipGameDrawtype: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
com_skipRendererskip the renderer completely
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
com_speedsshow engine timings
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
com_timestampPrintsprint time with each console print, 1 = msec, 2 = sec
type: string (cheat)
com_updateLoadSizeupdate the load size after loading a map
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
com_videoRamholds the last amount of detected video ram
type: int
com_wipeSecondstype: string (cheat)
con_noPrintprint on the console but not onscreen when console is pulled up
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
con_notifyTimetime messages are displayed onscreen when console is pulled up
type: string (cheat)
con_speedspeed at which the console moves up and down
type: string (cheat)
decl_showset to 1 to print parses, 2 to also print references
type: string (cheat)
developertype: bool
default: 0 (false)
fs_basepathtype: string (init)
fs_caseSensitiveOStype: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
fs_cdpathtype: string (init)
fs_copyfilestype: int [0, 4] (init)
fs_debugtype: int [0, 2] (cheat)
fs_devpathtype: string (init)
fs_gametype: string (init)
fs_restricttype: bool (init)
default: 0 (false)
fs_savepathtype: string (init)
g_armorProtectionarmor takes this percentage of damage
type: float
g_armorProtectionMParmor takes this percentage of damage in mp
type: float
g_balanceTDMmaintain even teams
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
g_blobSizetype: float (cheat)
g_blobTimetype: float (cheat)
g_bloodEffectsshow blood splats, sprays and gibs
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
g_cinematicskips updating entities that aren't marked 'cinematic' '1' during cinematics
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
g_cinematicMaxSkipTime# of seconds to allow game to run when skipping cinematic. prevents lock-up when cinematic doesn't end.
type: float [0, 3600] (cheat)
g_countDownpregame countdown in seconds
type: int [4, 3600]
g_damageScalescale final damage on player by this factor
type: float
g_debugAnimdisplays information on which animations are playing on the specified entity number. set to -1 to disable.
type: int (cheat)
g_debugBoundschecks for models with bounds > 2048
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_debugCinematictype: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_debugDamagetype: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_debugMovetype: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_debugMovertype: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_debugScripttype: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_debugTriggerstype: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_debugWeapontype: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_decalsshow decals such as bullet holes
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
g_disasmdisassemble script into base/script/disasm.txt on the local drive when script is compiled
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_doubleVisionshow double vision when taking damage
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
g_dragDampingtype: float (cheat)
g_dragEntityallows dragging physics objects around by placing the crosshair over them and holding the fire button
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_dragShowSelectiontype: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_dropItemRotationtype: string (cheat)
g_dvAmplitudetype: float (cheat)
g_dvFrequencytype: float (cheat)
g_dvTimetype: float (cheat)
g_editEntityMode0 = off
1 = lights
2 = sounds
3 = articulated figures
4 = particle systems
5 = monsters
6 = entity names
7 = entity models
type: int [0, 7] (cheat)
g_exportMasktype: string (cheat)
g_flushSave1 = don't buffer file writing for save games.
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_fovtype: int
g_frametimedisplays timing information for each game frame
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_gameReviewPausescores review time in seconds (at end game)
type: int [2, 3600]
g_gravitytype: float (cheat)
g_gunXtype: float (cheat)
g_gunYtype: float (cheat)
g_gunZtype: float (cheat)
g_healthTakeAmthow much health to take in nightmare mode
type: int
g_healthTakeLimithow low can health get taken in nightmare mode
type: int
g_healthTakeTimehow often to take health in nightmare mode
type: int
g_kickAmplitudetype: float (cheat)
g_kickTimetype: float (cheat)
g_knockbacktype: int (cheat)
g_mapCyclemap cycling script for multiplayer games - see mapcycle.scriptcfg
type: string
g_maxShowDistancetype: float (cheat)
g_monsterstype: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
g_mpWeaponAngleScaleControl the weapon sway in MP
type: float (cheat)
g_muzzleFlashshow muzzle flashes
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
g_nightmareif nightmare mode is allowed
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
g_passwordgame password
type: string
g_projectileLightsshow dynamic lights on projectiles
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
g_showActiveEntitiesdraws boxes around thinking entities. dormant entities (outside of pvs) are drawn yellow. non-dormant are green.
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_showBrassenables ejected shells from weapon
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
g_showcamerainfodisplays the current frame # for the camera when playing cinematics
type: string
g_showCollisionModelstype: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_showCollisionTracestype: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_showCollisionWorldtype: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_showEnemiesdraws boxes around monsters that have targeted the the player
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_showEntityInfotype: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_showHudtype: bool
default: 1 (true)
g_showPlayerShadowenables shadow of player model
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
g_showProjectilePctenables display of player hit percentage
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
g_showPVStype: int [0, 2] (cheat)
g_showTargetsdraws entities and thier targets. hidden entities are drawn grey.
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_showTestModelFramedisplays the current animation and frame # for testmodels
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_showTriggersdraws trigger entities (orange) and thier targets (green). disabled triggers are drawn grey.
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_showviewpostype: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_skilltype: int (cheat)
g_skipFXtype: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_skipParticlestype: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_skipViewEffectsskip damage and other view effects
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_spectatorChatlet spectators talk to everyone during game
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
g_stopTimetype: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_TDMArrowsdraw arrows over teammates in team deathmatch
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
g_testDeathtype: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
g_testHealthVisiontype: float (cheat)
g_testModelAnimatetest model animation,
0 = cycle anim with origin reset
1 = cycle anim with fixed origin
2 = cycle anim with continuous origin
3 = frame by frame with continuous origin
4 = play anim once
type: int [0, 4] (cheat)
g_testModelBlendnumber of frames to blend
type: int (cheat)
g_testModelRotatetest model rotation speed
type: string (cheat)
g_testParticletest particle visualation, set by the particle editor
type: int (cheat)
g_testParticleNamename of the particle being tested by the particle editor
type: string (cheat)
g_testPostProcessname of material to draw over screen
type: string (cheat)
g_timeEntitieswhen non-zero, shows entities whose think functions exceeded the # of milliseconds specified
type: float (cheat)
g_useDynamicProtectionscale damage and armor dynamically to keep the player alive more often
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
g_vehicleForcetype: float (cheat)
g_vehicleSuspensionDampingtype: float (cheat)
g_vehicleSuspensionDowntype: float (cheat)
g_vehicleSuspensionKCompresstype: float (cheat)
g_vehicleSuspensionUptype: float (cheat)
g_vehicleTireFrictiontype: float (cheat)
g_vehicleVelocitytype: float (cheat)
g_versiongame version
type: string (read only)
g_viewNodalXtype: float (cheat)
g_viewNodalZtype: float (cheat)
g_voteFlagsvote flags. bit mask of votes not allowed on this server
bit 0 (+1) restart now
bit 1 (+2) time limit
bit 2 (+4) frag limit
bit 3 (+8) game type
bit 4 (+16) kick player
bit 5 (+32) change map
bit 6 (+64) spectators
bit 7 (+128) next map
type: int
gamedatetype: string (read only)
gamenametype: string (read only)
gui_configServerRatetype: int (read only)
gui_debugtype: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
gui_edittype: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
gui_filter_gameTypeGametype filter
type: int
gui_filter_idleIdle servers filter
type: int
gui_filter_passwordPassword filter
type: int
gui_filter_playersPlayers filter
type: int
gui_mediumFontLimittype: string
gui_smallFontLimittype: string
ik_debugshow IK debug lines
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
ik_enableenable IK
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
image_anisotropyset the maximum texture anisotropy if available
type: string
image_cacheMegsmaximum MB set aside for temporary loading of full-sized precompressed images
type: string
image_cacheMinKmaximum KB of precompressed files to read at specification time
type: int
image_colorMipLevelsdevelopment aid to see texture mip usage
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
image_downSizecontrols texture downsampling
type: string
image_downSizeBumpcontrols normal map downsampling
type: string
image_downSizeBumpLimitcontrols normal map downsample limit
type: string
image_downSizeLimitcontrols diffuse map downsample limit
type: string
image_downSizeSpecularcontrols specular downsampling
type: string
image_downSizeSpecularLimitcontrols specular downsampled limit
type: string
image_filterchanges texture filtering on mipmapped images
image_forceDownSizetype: bool
default: 0 (false)
image_ignoreHighQualityignore high quality setting on materials
type: string
image_lodbiaschange lod bias on mipmapped images
type: string
image_preloadif 0, dynamically load all images
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
image_roundDownround bad sizes down to nearest power of two
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
image_showBackgroundLoads1 = print number of outstanding background loads
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
image_useAllFormatsallow alpha/intensity/luminance/luminance+alpha
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
image_useCache1 = do background load image caching
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
image_useCompression0 = force everything to high quality
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
image_useNormalCompression2 = use rxgb compression for normal maps, 1 = use 256 color compression for normal maps if available
type: int
image_useOfflineCompressionwrite a batch file for offline compression of DDS files
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
image_usePrecompressedTexturesuse .dds files if present
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
image_writeNormalTGAwrite .tgas of the final normal maps for debugging
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
image_writeNormalTGAPalletizedwrite .tgas of the final palletized normal maps for debugging
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
image_writePrecompressedTextureswrite .dds files if necessary
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
image_writeTGAwrite .tgas of the non normal maps for debugging
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
in_alwaysRunalways run (reverse _speed button) - only in MP
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
in_anglespeedkeyangle change scale when holding down _speed button
type: float
in_freeLooklook around with mouse (reverse _mlook button)
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
in_mouseenable mouse input
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
in_pitchspeedpitch change speed when holding down look _lookUp or _lookDown button
type: float
in_toggleCrouchpressing _movedown button toggles player crouching/standing
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
in_toggleRunpressing _speed button toggles run on/off - only in MP
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
in_toggleZoompressing _zoom button toggles zoom on/off
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
in_yawspeedyaw change speed when holding down _left or _right button
type: float
lcp_showFailuresshow LCP solver failures
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
logFile1 = buffer log, 2 = flush after each print
type: string
logFileNamename of log file, if empty, qconsole.log will be used
type: string
m_pitchmouse pitch scale
type: float
m_showMouseRateshows mouse movement
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
m_smoothnumber of samples blended for mouse viewing
type: int [1, 8]
m_strafeScalemouse strafe movement scale
type: float
m_strafeSmoothnumber of samples blended for mouse moving
type: int [1, 8]
m_yawmouse yaw scale
type: float
mod_validSkinsvalid skins for the game
type: string
net_allowCheatsAllow cheats in network game
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
net_channelShowDropshow dropped packets
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
net_channelShowPacketsshow all packets
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
net_clientMaxPredictionmaximum number of milliseconds a client can predict ahead of server.
type: int
net_clientMaxRatemaximum rate requested by client from server in bytes/sec
type: int
net_clientPredictGUItest guis in networking without prediction
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
net_clientPredictionadditional client side prediction in milliseconds
type: int
net_clientRemoteConsoleAddressremote console address
type: string
net_clientRemoteConsolePasswordremote console password
type: string
net_clientServerTimeoutserver time out in seconds
type: int
net_clientShowSnapshottype: int [0, 3] (cheat)
net_clientShowSnapshotRadiustype: float (cheat)
net_clientSmoothingtype: float [0, 0.95] (cheat)
net_clientUsercmdBackupnumber of usercmds to resend
type: int
net_forceDroppercentage packet loss
type: int (cheat)
net_forceLatencymilliseconds latency
type: int (cheat)
net_iplocal IP address
type: string (cheat)
net_LANServerconfig LAN games only - affects clients and servers
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
net_master0idnet master server address
type: string (read only)
net_master11st master server address
type: string
net_master22nd master server address
type: string
net_master33rd master server address
type: string
net_master44th master server address
type: string
net_portlocal IP port number
type: int (cheat)
net_serverAllowServerModallow server-side mods
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
net_serverClientTimeoutclient time out in seconds
type: int
net_serverDedicated1 = text console dedicated server, 2 = graphical dedicated server
type: int [0, 2]
net_serverDrawClientnumber of client for which to draw view on server
type: int (cheat)
net_serverMaxClientRatemaximum rate to a client in bytes/sec
type: int
net_serverMaxUsercmdRelaymaximum number of usercmds from other clients the server relays to a client
type: int [1, 10]
net_serverReloadEngineperform a full reload on next map restart (including flushing referenced pak files) - decreased if > 0
type: int
net_serverRemoteConsolePasswordremote console password
type: string
net_serverSnapshotDelaydelay between snapshots in milliseconds
type: int
net_serverZombieTimeoutdisconnected client timeout in seconds
type: int
net_socksEnabledtype: bool
default: 0 (false)
net_socksPasswordtype: string
net_socksPorttype: int
net_socksServertype: string
net_socksUsernametype: string
net_verbose1 = verbose output, 2 = even more verbose output
type: int [0, 2]
passwordclient password used when connecting
type: string
pm_airhow long in milliseconds the player can go without air before he starts taking damage
type: int
pm_bboxwidthx/y size of player's bounding box
type: float
pm_bobpitchtype: float
pm_bobrolltype: float
pm_bobuptype: float
pm_crouchbobbob much faster when crouched
type: float
pm_crouchheightheight of player's bounding box while crouched
type: float
pm_crouchratetime it takes for player's view to change from standing to crouching
type: float
pm_crouchspeedspeed the player can move while crouched
type: float
pm_crouchviewheightheight of player's view while crouched
type: float
pm_deadheightheight of player's bounding box while dead
type: float
pm_deadviewheightheight of player's view while dead
type: float
pm_jumpheightapproximate hieght the player can jump
type: float
pm_maxviewpitchamount player's view can look down
type: float
pm_minviewpitchamount player's view can look up (negative values are up)
type: float
pm_modelViewdraws camera from POV of player model (1 = always, 2 = when dead)
type: int [0, 2]
pm_noclipspeedspeed the player can move while in noclip
type: float
pm_normalheightheight of player's bounding box while standing
type: float
pm_normalviewheightheight of player's view while standing
type: float
pm_runbobbob faster when running
type: float
pm_runpitchtype: float
pm_runrolltype: float
pm_runspeedspeed the player can move while running
type: float
pm_spectatebboxsize of the spectator bounding box
type: float
pm_spectatespeedspeed the player can move while spectating
type: float
pm_staminalength of time player can run
type: float
pm_staminaraterate that player regains stamina. divide pm_stamina by this value to determine how long it takes to fully recharge.
type: float
pm_staminathresholdwhen stamina drops below this value, player gradually slows to a walk
type: float
pm_stepsizemaximum height the player can step up without jumping
type: float
pm_thirdPersonenables third person view
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
pm_thirdPersonAngledirection of camera from player in 3rd person in degrees (0 = behind player, 180 = in front)
type: float
pm_thirdPersonClipclip third person view into world space
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
pm_thirdPersonDeathenables third person view when player dies
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
pm_thirdPersonHeightheight of camera from normal view height in 3rd person
type: float
pm_thirdPersonRangecamera distance from player in 3rd person
type: float
pm_usecylinderuse a cylinder approximation instead of a bounding box for player collision detection
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
pm_walkbobbob slowly when walking
type: float
pm_walkspeedspeed the player can move while walking
type: float
r_aspectRatioaspect ratio of view:
0 = 4:3
1 = 16:9
2 = 16:10
type: int [0, 2]
r_brightnesschanges gamma tables
type: float [0.5, 2]
r_cgFragmentProfilearbfp1, fp30
type: string
r_cgVertexProfilearbvp1, vp20, vp30
type: string
r_checkBoundscompare all surface bounds with precalculated ones
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_clearforce screen clear every frame, 1 = purple, 2 = black, 'r g b' = custom
type: string (cheat)
r_customHeightcustom screen height
type: int
r_customWidthcustom screen width
type: int
r_debugArrowStepstep size of arrow cone line rotation in degrees
type: int [0, 120]
r_debugLineDepthTestperform depth test on debug lines
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
r_debugLineWidthwidth of debug lines
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
r_debugPolygonFilleddraw a filled polygon
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
r_demonstrateBugused during development to show IHV's their problems
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_displayRefreshoptional display refresh rate option for vid mode
type: int [0, 200] (cheat)
r_finishforce a call to glFinish() every frame
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_flareSizescale the flare deforms from the material def
type: float (cheat)
r_forceLoadImagesdraw all images to screen after registration
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
r_frontBufferdraw to front buffer for debugging
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_fullscreen0 = windowed, 1 = full screen
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
r_gammachanges gamma tables
type: float [0.5, 3]
r_glDriver"opengl32", etc.
type: string (cheat)
r_hdr_bloomFractionfraction to smear across neighbors
type: float (cheat)
r_hdr_exposuremaximum light scale
type: float (cheat)
r_hdr_gammamonitor gamma power
type: float (cheat)
r_hdr_monitorDitherrandom dither in monitor space
type: float (cheat)
r_hdr_useFloatsuse a floating point rendering buffer
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_ignoreused for random debugging without defining new vars
type: string (cheat)
r_ignore2used for random debugging without defining new vars
type: string (cheat)
r_ignoreGLErrorsignore GL errors
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
r_inhibitFragmentProgramignore the fragment program extension
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_jitterrandomly subpixel jitter the projection matrix
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_jointNameOffsetoffset of joint names when r_showskel is set to 1
type: float (cheat)
r_jointNameScalesize of joint names when r_showskel is set to 1
type: float (cheat)
r_lightAllBackFaceslight all the back faces, even when they would be shadowed
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_lightScaleall light intensities are multiplied by this
type: float (cheat)
r_lightSourceRadiusfor soft-shadow sampling
type: float (cheat)
r_lockSurfacesallow moving the view point without changing the composition of the scene, including culling
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_logFilenumber of frames to emit GL logs
type: int (cheat)
r_materialOverrideoverrides all materials
type: string (cheat)
r_megaTextureLeveldraw only a specific level
type: int (cheat)
r_mergeModelSurfacescombine model surfaces with the same material
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
r_modevideo mode number
type: int
r_multiSamplesnumber of antialiasing samples
type: int
r_offsetfactorpolygon offset parameter
type: float (cheat)
r_offsetunitspolygon offset parameter
type: float (cheat)
r_orderIndexesperform index reorganization to optimize vertex use
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
r_rendererhardware specific renderer path to use
type: string [best, arb, arb2, Cg, exp, nv10, nv20, r200]
r_sb_biasScalescale factor for jitter bias
type: float (cheat)
r_sb_frustomFOVoversize FOV for point light side matching
type: float (cheat)
r_sb_jitterScalescale factor for jitter offset
type: float (cheat)
r_sb_lightResolutionPixel dimensions for each shadow buffer, 64 - 2048
type: int (cheat)
r_sb_linearFilteruse GL_LINEAR instead of GL_NEAREST on shadow maps
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
r_sb_noShadowsdon't draw any occluders
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_sb_occluderFacing0 = front faces, 1 = back faces, 2 = midway between
type: int (cheat)
r_sb_polyOfsFactorpolygonOffset factor for drawing shadow buffer
type: float (cheat)
r_sb_polyOfsUnitspolygonOffset units for drawing shadow buffer
type: float (cheat)
r_sb_randomizerandomly offset jitter texture each draw
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
r_sb_samples0, 1, 4, or 16
type: int (cheat)
r_sb_screenSpaceShadowbuild shadows in screen space instead of on surfaces
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
r_sb_showFrustumPixelscolor the pixels contained in the frustum
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_sb_singleSideonly draw a single side (0-5) of point lights
type: int (cheat)
r_sb_useCullingcull geometry to individual side frustums
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
r_sb_usePbufferdraw offscreen
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
r_sb_viewResolutionWidth of screen space shadow sampling
type: int (cheat)
r_screenFractionfor testing fill rate, the resolution of the entire screen can be changed
type: int (cheat)
r_shadowPolygonFactorscale value for stencil shadow drawing
type: float (cheat)
r_shadowPolygonOffsetbias value added to depth test for stencil shadow drawing
type: float (cheat)
r_shadowsenable shadows
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
r_showAllocreport alloc/free counts
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_showCullreport sphere and box culling stats
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_showDefsreport the number of modeDefs and lightDefs in view
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_showDemoreport reads and writes to the demo file
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_showDepthdisplay the contents of the depth buffer and the depth range
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_showDominantTridraw lines from vertexes to center of dominant triangles
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_showDynamicreport stats on dynamic surface generation
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_showEdgesdraw the sil edges
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_showEntityScissorsshow entity scissor rectangles
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_showImages1 = show all images instead of rendering, 2 = show in proportional size
type: int [0, 2] (cheat)
r_showIntensitydraw the screen colors based on intensity, red = 0, green = 128, blue = 255
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_showInteractionFrustums1 = show a frustum for each interaction, 2 = also draw lines to light origin, 3 = also draw entity bbox
type: int [0, 3] (cheat)
r_showInteractionsreport interaction generation activity
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_showInteractionScissors1 = show screen rectangle which contains the interaction frustum, 2 = also draw construction lines
type: int [0, 2] (cheat)
r_showLightCount1 = colors surfaces based on light count, 2 = also count everything through walls, 3 = also print overdraw
type: int [0, 3] (cheat)
r_showLights1 = just print volumes numbers, highlighting ones covering the view, 2 = also draw planes of each volume, 3 = also draw edges of each volume
type: int [0, 3] (cheat)
r_showLightScalereport the scale factor applied to drawing for overbrights
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_showLightScissorsshow light scissor rectangles
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_showMegaTexturedisplay all the level images
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_showMegaTextureLabelsdraw colored blocks in each tile
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_showMemoryprint frame memory utilization
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_showNormalsdraws wireframe normals
type: float (cheat)
r_showOverDraw1 = geometry overdraw, 2 = light interaction overdraw, 3 = geometry and light interaction overdraw
type: int [0, 3] (cheat)
r_showPortalsdraw portal outlines in color based on passed / not passed
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_showPrimitivesreport drawsurf/index/vertex counts
type: int (cheat)
r_showShadowCountcolors screen based on shadow volume depth complexity, >= 2 = print overdraw count based on stencil index values, 3 = only show turboshadows, 4 = only show static shadows
type: int [0, 4] (cheat)
r_showShadows1 = visualize the stencil shadow volumes, 2 = draw filled in
type: int [0, 3] (cheat)
r_showSilhouettehighlight edges that are casting shadow planes
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_showSkeldraw the skeleton when model animates, 1 = draw model with skeleton, 2 = draw skeleton only
type: int [0, 2] (cheat)
r_showSmpshow which end (front or back) is blocking
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_showSurfaceInfoshow surface material name under crosshair
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_showSurfacesreport surface/light/shadow counts
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_showTangentSpaceshade triangles by tangent space, 1 = use 1st tangent vector, 2 = use 2nd tangent vector, 3 = use normal vector
type: int [0, 3] (cheat)
r_showTexturePolarityshade triangles by texture area polarity
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_showTextureVectors if > 0 draw each triangles texture (tangent) vectors
type: float (cheat)
r_showTraceshow the intersection of an eye trace with the world
type: int (cheat)
r_showTrisenables wireframe rendering of the world, 1 = only draw visible ones, 2 = draw all front facing, 3 = draw all
type: int [0, 3] (cheat)
r_showUnsmoothedTangentsif 1, put all nvidia register combiner programming in display lists
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_showUpdatesreport entity and light updates and ref counts
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_showVertexCachetype: int (cheat)
r_showVertexColordraws all triangles with the solid vertex color
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_showViewEntitys1 = displays the bounding boxes of all view models, 2 = print index numbers
type: int (cheat)
r_singleAreaonly draw the portal area the view is actually in
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_singleEntitysuppress all but one entity
type: int (cheat)
r_singleLightsuppress all but one light
type: int (cheat)
r_singleSurfacesuppress all but one surface on each entity
type: int (cheat)
r_singleTriangleonly draw a single triangle per primitive
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_skipAmbientbypasses all non-interaction drawing
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_skipBackEnddon't draw anything
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_skipBlendLightsskip all blend lights
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_skipBumpuses a flat surface instead of the bump map
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_skipCopyTexturedo all rendering, but don't actually copyTexSubImage2D
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_skipDeformsleave all deform materials in their original state
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_skipDiffuseuse black for diffuse
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_skipDynamicTexturesdon't dynamically create textures
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_skipFogLightsskip all fog lights
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_skipFrontEndbypasses all front end work, but 2D gui rendering still draws
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_skipGuiShaders1 = skip all gui elements on surfaces, 2 = skip drawing but still handle events, 3 = draw but skip events
type: int [0, 3] (cheat)
r_skipInteractionsskip all light/surface interaction drawing
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_skipLightScaledon't do any post-interaction light scaling, makes things dim on low-dynamic range cards
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_skipMegaTextureonly use the lowest level image
type: int (cheat)
r_skipNewAmbientbypasses all vertex/fragment program ambient drawing
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_skipOverlaysskip overlay surfaces
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_skipParticles1 = skip all particle systems
type: int [0, 1] (cheat)
r_skipPostProcessskip all post-process renderings
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_skipRenderskip 3D rendering, but pass 2D
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_skipRenderContextNULL the rendering context during backend 3D rendering
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_skipROQskip ROQ decoding
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_skipSpecularuse black for specular1
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_skipSubviews1 = don't render any gui elements on surfaces
type: int (cheat)
r_skipSuppressignore the per-view suppressions
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_skipTranslucentskip the translucent interaction rendering
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_skipUpdates1 = don't accept any entity or light updates, making everything static
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_slopNormalmerge normals that dot less than this
type: string (cheat)
r_slopTexCoordmerge texture coordinates this far apart
type: string (cheat)
r_slopVertexmerge xyz coordinates this far apart
type: string (cheat)
r_subviewOnly1 = don't render main view, allowing subviews to be debugged
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_swapIntervalchanges wglSwapIntarval
type: int
r_terrainScalevertically scale USGS data
type: int (cheat)
r_testARBProgramexperiment with vertex/fragment programs
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_testGammaif > 0 draw a grid pattern to test gamma levels
type: float [0, 195] (cheat)
r_testGammaBiasif > 0 draw a grid pattern to test gamma levels
type: float (cheat)
r_testStepGammaif > 0 draw a grid pattern to test gamma levels
type: float (cheat)
r_useCachedDynamicModelscache snapshots of dynamic models
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
r_useClippedLightScissors0 = full screen when near clipped, 1 = exact when near clipped, 2 = exact always
type: int [0, 2] (cheat)
r_useCombinerDisplayListsput all nvidia register combiner programming in display lists
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
r_useConstantMaterialsuse pre-calculated material registers if possible
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
r_useCulling0 = none, 1 = sphere, 2 = sphere + box
type: int [0, 2] (cheat)
r_useDeferredTangentsdefer tangents calculations after deform
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
r_useDepthBoundsTestuse depth bounds test to reduce shadow fill
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
r_useEntityCallbacksif 0, issue the callback immediately at update time, rather than defering
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
r_useEntityCulling0 = none, 1 = box
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
r_useEntityScissors1 = use custom scissor rectangle for each entity
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_useExternalShadows1 = skip drawing caps when outside the light volume, 2 = force to no caps for testing
type: int [0, 2] (cheat)
r_useFrustumFarDistanceif != 0 force the view frustum far distance to this distance
type: float (cheat)
r_useIndexBuffersuse ARB_vertex_buffer_object for indexes
type: int [0, 1]
r_useInfiniteFarZuse the no-far-clip-plane trick
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
r_useInteractionCulling1 = cull interactions
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
r_useInteractionScissors1 = use a custom scissor rectangle for each shadow interaction, 2 = also crop using portal scissors
type: int [-2, 2] (cheat)
r_useInteractionTablecreate a full entityDefs * lightDefs table to make finding interactions faster
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
r_useLightCulling0 = none, 1 = box, 2 = exact clip of polyhedron faces, 3 = also areas
type: int [0, 3] (cheat)
r_useLightPortalFlowuse a more precise area reference determination
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
r_useLightScissors1 = use custom scissor rectangle for each light
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
r_useNodeCommonChildrenstop pushing reference bounds early when possible
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
r_useNV20MonoLightsuse pass optimization for mono lights
type: int (cheat)
r_useOptimizedShadowsuse the dmap generated static shadow volumes
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
r_usePortals 1 = use portals to perform area culling, otherwise draw everything
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
r_usePreciseTriangleInteractions1 = do winding clipping to determine if each ambiguous tri should be lit
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
r_useScissorscissor clip as portals and lights are processed
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
r_useShadowCullingtry to cull shadows from partially visible lights
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
r_useShadowProjectedCulldiscard triangles outside light volume before shadowing
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
r_useShadowSurfaceScissorscissor shadows by the scissor rect of the interaction surfaces
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
r_useShadowVertexProgramdo the shadow projection in the vertex program on capable cards
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
r_useSilRemapconsider verts with the same XYZ, but different ST the same for shadows
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
r_useStateCachingavoid redundant state changes in GL_*() calls
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
r_useTripleTextureARBcards with 3+ texture units do a two pass instead of three pass
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
r_useTurboShadowuse the infinite projection with W technique for dynamic shadows
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
r_useTwoSidedStencildo stencil shadows in one pass with different ops on each side
type: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
r_useVertexBuffersuse ARB_vertex_buffer_object for vertexes
type: int [0, 1] (cheat)
r_vertexBufferMegstype: int (cheat)
r_znearnear Z clip plane distance
type: float [0.001, 200] (cheat)
radiant_entityModetype: string
rb_showActiveshow rigid bodies that are not at rest
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
rb_showBodiesshow rigid bodies
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
rb_showInertiashow the inertia tensor of each rigid body
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
rb_showMassshow the mass of each rigid body
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
rb_showTimingsshow rigid body cpu usage
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
rb_showVelocityshow the velocity of each rigid body
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
s_clipVolumestype: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
s_constantAmplitudetype: float (cheat)
s_doorDistanceAddreduce sound volume with this distance when going through a door
type: float
s_dotbias2type: float (cheat)
s_dotbias6type: float (cheat)
s_drawSoundstype: int [0, 2] (cheat)
s_force22kHztype: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
s_globalFractionvolume to all speakers when not spatialized
type: float
s_maxSoundsPerShadertype: string
s_meterTopTimetype: int
s_minVolume2type: float (cheat)
s_minVolume6type: float (cheat)
s_noSoundtype: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
s_numberOfSpeakersnumber of speakers
type: string
s_playDefaultSoundplay a beep for missing sounds
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
s_quadraticFallofftype: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
s_realTimeDecodingtype: bool (init)
default: 1 (true)
s_reversetype: bool
default: 0 (false)
s_showLevelMetertype: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
s_showStartSoundtype: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
s_singleEmittermute all sounds but this emitter
type: int (cheat)
s_spatializationDecaytype: float
s_subFractionvolume to subwoofer in 5.1
type: float
s_useOcclusiontype: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
s_volume_dBvolume in dB
type: float
sensitivitymouse view sensitivity
type: float
si_fragLimitfrag limit
type: int [1, 100]
si_gameTypegame type - singleplayer, deathmatch, Tourney, Team DM or Last Man
type: string [singleplayer, deathmatch, Tourney, Team DM, Last Man]
si_idleServergame clients are idle
type: bool (init)
default: 0 (false)
si_mapmap to be played next on server
type: string
si_maxPlayersmax number of players allowed on the server
type: int [1, 4]
si_namename of the server
type: string
si_pureserver is pure and does not allow modified data
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
si_spectatorsallow spectators or require all clients to play
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
si_teamDamageenable team damage
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
si_timeLimittime limit in minutes
type: int [0, 60]
si_usePassenable client password checking
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
si_versionengine version
type: string (read only)
si_warmupdo pre-game warmup
type: bool
default: 0 (false)
sys_archtype: string (init)
sys_cpustringtype: string (init)
sys_langtype: string [english, spanish, italian, german, french, russian, polish, korean, japanese, chinese]
sys_showMallocstype: string (cheat)
timescalescales the time
type: string (cheat)
ui_autoReloadauto reload weapon
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
ui_autoSwitchauto switch weapon
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
ui_chatplayer is chatting
type: bool (read only)
default: 0 (false)
ui_nameplayer name
type: string
ui_readyplayer is ready to start playing
type: string
ui_showGunshow gun
type: bool
default: 1 (true)
ui_skinplayer skin
type: string [skins/characters/player/marine_mp, skins/characters/player/marine_mp_red, skins/characters/player/marine_mp_blue, skins/characters/player/marine_mp_green, skins/characters/player/marine_mp_yellow]
ui_spectateplay or spectate
type: string
ui_teamplayer team
type: string [Red, Blue]
win_allowAltTaballow Alt-Tab when fullscreen
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
win_allowMultipleInstancesallow multiple instances running concurrently
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
win_notaskkeysdisable windows task keys
type: int (cheat)
win_outputDebugStringtype: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
win_outputEditStringtype: bool (cheat)
default: 1 (true)
win_timerUpdateallows the game to be updated while dragging the window
type: bool (cheat)
default: 0 (false)
win_usernamewindows user name
type: string (init)
win_viewlogtype: int (cheat)
win_xposhorizontal position of window
type: int
win_yposvertical position of window
type: int

Copyright © 2004 id software