Quake 4 Example Files
AnimationExamples - Including the multiplayer rig, animations, and 2 creatures with base animations
FontExamples - Two example fonts and a font importer for Quake 4
MakeAMod-DMSP - Implement slews of monsters in a deathmatch map using only script and a slightly updated .map
MakeAMod-InstaGib - Modify some DefinitionFiles to create an insta-gib Multiplayer mod
DefinitionFileExamples - Here's two creature tweaks for a twist on Quake 4 gameplay
ExampleMaps - Download useful example maps and maps that are great for testing
ArtExamples - Check out some simple models, textures and a great assortment of parts for creating your own models and creatures
Quake 4 Tools
DebugHud - The general debug hud used in Quake 4's development.