This tab controls the start time, count, attenuation and general segment properties.
Start time
- Default is 0, controls when this segment should start in relation to when the effect is played. An effect can have different start times per segment to delay certain parts of an effect.
How many particles to emit. This number is relative to the Particle Lifetime (defined in the Sprite properties). In an effect with Spawn Simultaneously checked, this number is always accurate. A count of 10 will mean 10 particles emitted simultaneously. Whereas, a count of 10 with a particle lifetime of 2 will mean 20 particles on screen at once. The count is the amount of particles to emit per time unit ( of 1 ) There is a relationship with how long each particle lasts and the count in this manner.
Controls how long the segment should emit particles. In a looping effect, this can remain the default of 1 second. If the effect is not looping, the segment will play its Count number every second for the duration. So using the above example with a duration of 5, you will have 10 particles emitting every second for 5 seconds. (On looping: An effect is set to looping through the LevelEditor or the FX Entity Editor.)
Spawn Simultaneously
- Forces the full count of particles to emit simultaneously based on Duration. If the count is 10 and the duration is 3 seconds: 10 particles will emit simultaneously every 3 seconds. Uncheck this for a constant count of particles over the duration.
This checkbox locks the segment to the entity or bone from which the entire effect emits. This is useful for keeping something like a gun muzzleflash attached to a gun barrel as the gun moves around in the world. With this unchecked, the muzzleflash would be “left behind” as the gun moved.
Use Count as Density
Spawns particles based on unit sizes. Will spawn more particles for larger effects, and fewer for smaller effects. The units are in map units used by the LevelEditor
Persist Particles On Effect Stop
With this setting checked, particles attached to a moving entity will continue to live based upon their particle lifetime when the entity stops. Mainly used on projectiles such as rockets to keep the rocket trail from disappearing when the rocket impacts on a surface.
Level of Detail settings can be adjusted for different distances. The LoD can apply to Count, Size, Alpha and Length of particles. Make sure to check the Distance box and apply a minimum and maximum distance for the LoD. The min and max ranges are in Quake units used in the LevelEditor. If your Min is 512, no LoD will take place on distances smaller than 512 units. If your max is 1024, no more reduction of your effect will take place beyond 1024 units.
Scalability, Detail Factor
- This is used to selectively hide or show segments based upon the users Video Quality setting. A setting of 0.5 means that segment will not be shown for users with Low Quality, but will be seen with Medium and higher. A setting of 0.75 means that only users with High Quality or above will see this specific segment. A setting of 1.0 means that only users with Ultra Quality will see this segment. A setting of 0 means that this segment will be visible in all Video Qualities.