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// SDK Example Content
// Rocket Launcher Strogg Marine
// Compare the entries in this def file to those of the monster_strogg_marine_sgun
// (monster_strogg_marine.def) as an example of how to implement new monsters
// and monster attacks using only existing AI code.
// aweldon Nov 05
entityDef projectile_strogg_marine_rocket
// We'll just steal the standard single player rocket.
"inherit" "projectile_rocket"
// ...but that does a little too much damage!
"def_damage" "damage_strogg_marine_rocket"
"def_splash_damage" "damage_strogg_marine_rocket_splash"
entityDef damage_strogg_marine_rocket
// Inherit the standard single player rocket damage
"inherit" "damage_rocketDirect"
// Lower damage from 150 to something more reasonable.
"damage" "65"
entityDef damage_strogg_marine_rocket_splash
// Inherit the standard single player rocket splash damage
// Lower damage from 150 to something more reasonable.
"damage" "45"
// This might also get a little messy...
"gib" "1"
entityDef monster_strogg_marine_rocket
"inherit" "monster_strogg_marine_sgun" // Use the shotgun guy as a base
"editor_usage" "Rocket Strogg Marine" // What will display in the editor
"editor_ignore" "0" // Show the entity in the right click menu
"model" "monster_strogg_marine_sgun" // Use the mesh and anims from the shotgun guy
"skin" "skins/monsters/strogg_marine/smv_shotgun" // Leave the skin as the shotgun guy
// --------------------------------- Defs ----------------------------------
"minShots" "1" // Will fire at least once.
"maxShots" "3" // ...and up to 3 times in sequence.
// These refer only to the number of times the fire animation will play, and not how many physical shots are fired
// That can be modified by including multiple shots on frame commands or by upping the count per attack.
"actionTimer_rangedAttack_rate" ".5" // Was .25. Time between attacks
"action_rangedAttack" "1"
"action_rangedAttack_anim" "shotgun_range_attack" // Anim to play when attacking
"action_rangedAttack_minRange" "128" // Minimum attack range in units. Was 0 on shotgun.
"action_rangedAttack_maxRange" "640" // Maximum attack range in units. Was 400 on shotgun.
"action_rangedAttack_failrate" "0" // Attack will never fail.
"action_rollAttack_rate" "2" // Was .25. Time between attacks.
"action_strafe" "0" // Disable Strafing
"def_attack_base" "projectile_strogg_marine_rocket" // Use our new projectile for base attacks.
"attack_base_count" "1" // One projectile
"attack_base_spread" "0" // no spread
"attack_base_hitscan" "0" // Does not hit instantly
"attack_base_accuracy" "1" // increased accuracy
"def_attack_jointDir" "projectile_strogg_marine_rocket" // Use our new projectile for joint attacks.
"attack_jointDir_locktojoint" "1" // Lock to joint direction
"attack_jointDir_count" "1" // One projectile
"attack_jointDir_spread" "0" // no spread
"attack_jointDir_hitscan" "0" // does not hit instantly
"attack_jointDir_accuracy" "0" // no change
// --------------------------------- Effects ---------------------------------
"fx_blaster_muzzleflash" "effects\weapons\rocket\muzzleflash_world.fx" // Rocket launcher muzzle flash
"snd_weapon_fire" "weapon_rocket_fire" // Rocket launcher sound shader