mirror of
synced 2025-03-02 23:52:03 +00:00
for some reason neo/tools/compilers/dmap/optimize.cpp included windows.h and GL/gl.h before including dmap.h, which indirectly includes qgl.h. This made things in qgl.h explode - seems like APIENTRYP in the QGLPROC() macro expanded to bullshit because of some APIENTRYP or APIENTRY definition in windows.h or GL/gl.h Those includes are totally unnecessary, dmap.h -> qgl.h already includes GL/gl.h, indirectly via SDL_opengl.h and in that setup things somehow are fine.
2001 lines
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2001 lines
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Doom 3 GPL Source Code
Copyright (C) 1999-2011 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company.
This file is part of the Doom 3 GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 Source Code").
Doom 3 Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Doom 3 Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Doom 3 Source Code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
In addition, the Doom 3 Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below.
If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA.
#include "sys/platform.h"
//#pragma optimize( "", off )
// #ifdef WIN32 // DG: this caused trouble, especially with SDL2
#if 0
#include <windows.h>
#include <GL/gl.h>
#include "tools/compilers/dmap/dmap.h"
New vertexes will be created where edges cross.
optimization requires an accurate t junction fixer.
idBounds optBounds;
#define MAX_OPT_VERTEXES 0x10000
int numOptVerts;
optVertex_t optVerts[MAX_OPT_VERTEXES];
#define MAX_OPT_EDGES 0x40000
static int numOptEdges;
static optEdge_t optEdges[MAX_OPT_EDGES];
static bool IsTriangleValid( const optVertex_t *v1, const optVertex_t *v2, const optVertex_t *v3 );
static bool IsTriangleDegenerate( const optVertex_t *v1, const optVertex_t *v2, const optVertex_t *v3 );
static idRandom orandom;
static void ValidateEdgeCounts( optIsland_t *island ) {
optVertex_t *vert;
optEdge_t *e;
int c;
for ( vert = island->verts ; vert ; vert = vert->islandLink ) {
c = 0;
for ( e = vert->edges ; e ; ) {
if ( e->v1 == vert ) {
e = e->v1link;
} else if ( e->v2 == vert ) {
e = e->v2link;
} else {
common->Error( "ValidateEdgeCounts: mislinked" );
if ( c != 2 && c != 0 ) {
// this can still happen at diamond intersections
// common->Printf( "ValidateEdgeCounts: %i edges\n", c );
static optEdge_t *AllocEdge( void ) {
optEdge_t *e;
if ( numOptEdges == MAX_OPT_EDGES ) {
common->Error( "MAX_OPT_EDGES" );
e = &optEdges[ numOptEdges ];
memset( e, 0, sizeof( *e ) );
return e;
static void RemoveEdgeFromVert( optEdge_t *e1, optVertex_t *vert ) {
optEdge_t **prev;
optEdge_t *e;
if ( !vert ) {
prev = &vert->edges;
while ( *prev ) {
e = *prev;
if ( e == e1 ) {
if ( e1->v1 == vert ) {
*prev = e1->v1link;
} else if ( e1->v2 == vert ) {
*prev = e1->v2link;
} else {
common->Error( "RemoveEdgeFromVert: vert not found" );
if ( e->v1 == vert ) {
prev = &e->v1link;
} else if ( e->v2 == vert ) {
prev = &e->v2link;
} else {
common->Error( "RemoveEdgeFromVert: vert not found" );
static void UnlinkEdge( optEdge_t *e, optIsland_t *island ) {
optEdge_t **prev;
RemoveEdgeFromVert( e, e->v1 );
RemoveEdgeFromVert( e, e->v2 );
for ( prev = &island->edges ; *prev ; prev = &(*prev)->islandLink ) {
if ( *prev == e ) {
*prev = e->islandLink;
common->Error( "RemoveEdgeFromIsland: couldn't free edge" );
static void LinkEdge( optEdge_t *e ) {
e->v1link = e->v1->edges;
e->v1->edges = e;
e->v2link = e->v2->edges;
e->v2->edges = e;
static optVertex_t *FindOptVertex( idDrawVert *v, optimizeGroup_t *opt ) {
int i;
float x, y;
optVertex_t *vert;
// deal with everything strictly as 2D
x = v->xyz * opt->axis[0];
y = v->xyz * opt->axis[1];
// should we match based on the t-junction fixing hash verts?
for ( i = 0 ; i < numOptVerts ; i++ ) {
if ( optVerts[i].pv[0] == x && optVerts[i].pv[1] == y ) {
return &optVerts[i];
if ( numOptVerts >= MAX_OPT_VERTEXES ) {
common->Error( "MAX_OPT_VERTEXES" );
return NULL;
vert = &optVerts[i];
memset( vert, 0, sizeof( *vert ) );
vert->v = *v;
vert->pv[0] = x;
vert->pv[1] = y;
vert->pv[2] = 0;
optBounds.AddPoint( vert->pv );
return vert;
static void DrawAllEdges( void ) {
int i;
if ( !dmapGlobals.drawflag ) {
qglBegin( GL_LINES );
for ( i = 0 ; i < numOptEdges ; i++ ) {
if ( optEdges[i].v1 == NULL ) {
qglColor3f( 1, 0, 0 );
qglVertex3fv( optEdges[i].v1->pv.ToFloatPtr() );
qglColor3f( 0, 0, 0 );
qglVertex3fv( optEdges[i].v2->pv.ToFloatPtr() );
// GLimp_SwapBuffers();
static void DrawVerts( optIsland_t *island ) {
optVertex_t *vert;
if ( !dmapGlobals.drawflag ) {
qglEnable( GL_BLEND );
qglBlendFunc( GL_ONE, GL_ONE );
qglColor3f( 0.3f, 0.3f, 0.3f );
qglPointSize( 3 );
qglBegin( GL_POINTS );
for ( vert = island->verts ; vert ; vert = vert->islandLink ) {
qglVertex3fv( vert->pv.ToFloatPtr() );
qglDisable( GL_BLEND );
static void DrawEdges( optIsland_t *island ) {
optEdge_t *edge;
if ( !dmapGlobals.drawflag ) {
qglBegin( GL_LINES );
for ( edge = island->edges ; edge ; edge = edge->islandLink ) {
if ( edge->v1 == NULL ) {
qglColor3f( 1, 0, 0 );
qglVertex3fv( edge->v1->pv.ToFloatPtr() );
qglColor3f( 0, 0, 0 );
qglVertex3fv( edge->v2->pv.ToFloatPtr() );
// GLimp_SwapBuffers();
static bool VertexBetween( const optVertex_t *p1, const optVertex_t *v1, const optVertex_t *v2 ) {
idVec3 d1, d2;
float d;
d1 = p1->pv - v1->pv;
d2 = p1->pv - v2->pv;
d = d1 * d2;
if ( d < 0 ) {
return true;
return false;
Creates a new optVertex_t where the line segments cross.
This should only be called if PointsStraddleLine returned true
Will return NULL if the lines are colinear
static optVertex_t *EdgeIntersection( const optVertex_t *p1, const optVertex_t *p2,
const optVertex_t *l1, const optVertex_t *l2, optimizeGroup_t *opt ) {
float f;
idDrawVert *v;
idVec3 dir1, dir2, cross1, cross2;
dir1 = p1->pv - l1->pv;
dir2 = p1->pv - l2->pv;
cross1 = dir1.Cross( dir2 );
dir1 = p2->pv - l1->pv;
dir2 = p2->pv - l2->pv;
cross2 = dir1.Cross( dir2 );
if ( cross1[2] - cross2[2] == 0 ) {
return NULL;
f = cross1[2] / ( cross1[2] - cross2[2] );
// FIXME: how are we freeing this, since it doesn't belong to a tri?
v = (idDrawVert *)Mem_Alloc( sizeof( *v ) );
memset( v, 0, sizeof( *v ) );
v->xyz = p1->v.xyz * ( 1.0 - f ) + p2->v.xyz * f;
v->normal = p1->v.normal * ( 1.0 - f ) + p2->v.normal * f;
v->st[0] = p1->v.st[0] * ( 1.0 - f ) + p2->v.st[0] * f;
v->st[1] = p1->v.st[1] * ( 1.0 - f ) + p2->v.st[1] * f;
return FindOptVertex( v, opt );
Colinear is considdered crossing.
static bool PointsStraddleLine( optVertex_t *p1, optVertex_t *p2, optVertex_t *l1, optVertex_t *l2 ) {
bool t1, t2;
t1 = IsTriangleDegenerate( l1, l2, p1 );
t2 = IsTriangleDegenerate( l1, l2, p2 );
if ( t1 && t2 ) {
// colinear case
float s1, s2, s3, s4;
bool positive, negative;
s1 = ( p1->pv - l1->pv ) * ( l2->pv - l1->pv );
s2 = ( p2->pv - l1->pv ) * ( l2->pv - l1->pv );
s3 = ( p1->pv - l2->pv ) * ( l2->pv - l1->pv );
s4 = ( p2->pv - l2->pv ) * ( l2->pv - l1->pv );
if ( s1 > 0 || s2 > 0 || s3 > 0 || s4 > 0 ) {
positive = true;
} else {
positive = false;
if ( s1 < 0 || s2 < 0 || s3 < 0 || s4 < 0 ) {
negative = true;
} else {
negative = false;
if ( positive && negative ) {
return true;
return false;
} else if ( p1 != l1 && p1 != l2 && p2 != l1 && p2 != l2 ) {
// no shared verts
t1 = IsTriangleValid( l1, l2, p1 );
t2 = IsTriangleValid( l1, l2, p2 );
if ( t1 && t2 ) {
return false;
t1 = IsTriangleValid( l1, p1, l2 );
t2 = IsTriangleValid( l1, p2, l2 );
if ( t1 && t2 ) {
return false;
return true;
} else {
// a shared vert, not colinear, so not crossing
return false;
static bool EdgesCross( optVertex_t *a1, optVertex_t *a2, optVertex_t *b1, optVertex_t *b2 ) {
// if both verts match, consider it to be crossed
if ( a1 == b1 && a2 == b2 ) {
return true;
if ( a1 == b2 && a2 == b1 ) {
return true;
// if only one vert matches, it might still be colinear, which
// would be considered crossing
// if both lines' verts are on opposite sides of the other
// line, it is crossed
if ( !PointsStraddleLine( a1, a2, b1, b2 ) ) {
return false;
if ( !PointsStraddleLine( b1, b2, a1, a2 ) ) {
return false;
return true;
static bool TryAddNewEdge( optVertex_t *v1, optVertex_t *v2, optIsland_t *island ) {
optEdge_t *e;
// if the new edge crosses any other edges, don't add it
for ( e = island->edges ; e ; e = e->islandLink ) {
if ( EdgesCross( e->v1, e->v2, v1, v2 ) ) {
return false;
if ( dmapGlobals.drawflag ) {
qglBegin( GL_LINES );
qglColor3f( 0, ( 128 + orandom.RandomInt( 127 ) )/ 255.0, 0 );
qglVertex3fv( v1->pv.ToFloatPtr() );
qglVertex3fv( v2->pv.ToFloatPtr() );
// add it
e = AllocEdge();
e->islandLink = island->edges;
island->edges = e;
e->v1 = v1;
e->v2 = v2;
e->created = true;
// link the edge to its verts
LinkEdge( e );
return true;
typedef struct {
optVertex_t *v1, *v2;
float length;
} edgeLength_t;
static int LengthSort( const void *a, const void *b ) {
const edgeLength_t *ea, *eb;
ea = (const edgeLength_t *)a;
eb = (const edgeLength_t *)b;
if ( ea->length < eb->length ) {
return -1;
if ( ea->length > eb->length ) {
return 1;
return 0;
Add all possible edges between the verts
static void AddInteriorEdges( optIsland_t *island ) {
int c_addedEdges;
optVertex_t *vert, *vert2;
int c_verts;
edgeLength_t *lengths;
int numLengths;
int i;
DrawVerts( island );
// count the verts
c_verts = 0;
for ( vert = island->verts ; vert ; vert = vert->islandLink ) {
if ( !vert->edges ) {
// allocate space for all the lengths
lengths = (edgeLength_t *)Mem_Alloc( sizeof( *lengths ) * c_verts * c_verts / 2 );
numLengths = 0;
for ( vert = island->verts ; vert ; vert = vert->islandLink ) {
if ( !vert->edges ) {
for ( vert2 = vert->islandLink ; vert2 ; vert2 = vert2->islandLink ) {
idVec3 dir;
if ( !vert2->edges ) {
lengths[numLengths].v1 = vert;
lengths[numLengths].v2 = vert2;
dir = ( vert->pv - vert2->pv ) ;
lengths[numLengths].length = dir.Length();
// sort by length, shortest first
qsort( lengths, numLengths, sizeof( lengths[0] ), LengthSort );
// try to create them in that order
c_addedEdges = 0;
for ( i = 0 ; i < numLengths ; i++ ) {
if ( TryAddNewEdge( lengths[i].v1, lengths[i].v2, island ) ) {
if ( dmapGlobals.verbose ) {
common->Printf( "%6i tested segments\n", numLengths );
common->Printf( "%6i added interior edges\n", c_addedEdges );
Mem_Free( lengths );
static void RemoveIfColinear( optVertex_t *ov, optIsland_t *island ) {
optEdge_t *e, *e1, *e2;
optVertex_t *v1, *v2, *v3;
idVec3 dir1, dir2;
float dist;
idVec3 point;
idVec3 offset;
float off;
v2 = ov;
// we must find exactly two edges before testing for colinear
e1 = NULL;
e2 = NULL;
for ( e = ov->edges ; e ; ) {
if ( !e1 ) {
e1 = e;
} else if ( !e2 ) {
e2 = e;
} else {
return; // can't remove a vertex with three edges
if ( e->v1 == v2 ) {
e = e->v1link;
} else if ( e->v2 == v2 ) {
e = e->v2link;
} else {
common->Error( "RemoveIfColinear: mislinked edge" );
// can't remove if no edges
if ( !e1 ) {
if ( !e2 ) {
// this may still happen legally when a tiny triangle is
// the only thing in a group
common->Printf( "WARNING: vertex with only one edge\n" );
if ( e1->v1 == v2 ) {
v1 = e1->v2;
} else if ( e1->v2 == v2 ) {
v1 = e1->v1;
} else {
common->Error( "RemoveIfColinear: mislinked edge" );
if ( e2->v1 == v2 ) {
v3 = e2->v2;
} else if ( e2->v2 == v2 ) {
v3 = e2->v1;
} else {
common->Error( "RemoveIfColinear: mislinked edge" );
if ( v1 == v3 ) {
common->Error( "RemoveIfColinear: mislinked edge" );
// they must point in opposite directions
dist = ( v3->pv - v2->pv ) * ( v1->pv - v2->pv );
if ( dist >= 0 ) {
// see if they are colinear
VectorSubtract( v3->v.xyz, v1->v.xyz, dir1 );
VectorSubtract( v2->v.xyz, v1->v.xyz, dir2 );
dist = DotProduct( dir2, dir1 );
VectorMA( v1->v.xyz, dist, dir1, point );
VectorSubtract( point, v2->v.xyz, offset );
off = offset.Length();
if ( off > COLINEAR_EPSILON ) {
if ( dmapGlobals.drawflag ) {
qglBegin( GL_LINES );
qglColor3f( 1, 1, 0 );
qglVertex3fv( v1->pv.ToFloatPtr() );
qglVertex3fv( v2->pv.ToFloatPtr() );
qglBegin( GL_LINES );
qglColor3f( 0, 1, 1 );
qglVertex3fv( v2->pv.ToFloatPtr() );
qglVertex3fv( v3->pv.ToFloatPtr() );
// replace the two edges with a single edge
UnlinkEdge( e1, island );
UnlinkEdge( e2, island );
// v2 should have no edges now
if ( v2->edges ) {
common->Error( "RemoveIfColinear: didn't remove properly" );
// if there is an existing edge that already
// has these exact verts, we have just collapsed a
// sliver triangle out of existance, and all the edges
// can be removed
for ( e = island->edges ; e ; e = e->islandLink ) {
if ( ( e->v1 == v1 && e->v2 == v3 )
|| ( e->v1 == v3 && e->v2 == v1 ) ) {
UnlinkEdge( e, island );
RemoveIfColinear( v1, island );
RemoveIfColinear( v3, island );
// if we can't add the combined edge, link
// the originals back in
if ( !TryAddNewEdge( v1, v3, island ) ) {
e1->islandLink = island->edges;
island->edges = e1;
LinkEdge( e1 );
e2->islandLink = island->edges;
island->edges = e2;
LinkEdge( e2 );
// recursively try to combine both verts now,
// because things may have changed since the last combine test
RemoveIfColinear( v1, island );
RemoveIfColinear( v3, island );
static void CombineColinearEdges( optIsland_t *island ) {
int c_edges;
optVertex_t *ov;
optEdge_t *e;
c_edges = 0;
for ( e = island->edges ; e ; e = e->islandLink ) {
if ( dmapGlobals.verbose ) {
common->Printf( "%6i original exterior edges\n", c_edges );
for ( ov = island->verts ; ov ; ov = ov->islandLink ) {
RemoveIfColinear( ov, island );
c_edges = 0;
for ( e = island->edges ; e ; e = e->islandLink ) {
if ( dmapGlobals.verbose ) {
common->Printf( "%6i optimized exterior edges\n", c_edges );
static void FreeOptTriangles( optIsland_t *island ) {
optTri_t *opt, *next;
for ( opt = island->tris ; opt ; opt = next ) {
next = opt->next;
Mem_Free( opt );
island->tris = NULL;
empty area will be considered invalid.
Due to some truly aweful epsilon issues, a triangle can switch between
valid and invalid depending on which order you look at the verts, so
consider it invalid if any one of the possibilities is invalid.
static bool IsTriangleValid( const optVertex_t *v1, const optVertex_t *v2, const optVertex_t *v3 ) {
idVec3 d1, d2, normal;
d1 = v2->pv - v1->pv;
d2 = v3->pv - v1->pv;
normal = d1.Cross( d2 );
if ( normal[2] <= 0 ) {
return false;
d1 = v3->pv - v2->pv;
d2 = v1->pv - v2->pv;
normal = d1.Cross( d2 );
if ( normal[2] <= 0 ) {
return false;
d1 = v1->pv - v3->pv;
d2 = v2->pv - v3->pv;
normal = d1.Cross( d2 );
if ( normal[2] <= 0 ) {
return false;
return true;
Returns false if it is either front or back facing
static bool IsTriangleDegenerate( const optVertex_t *v1, const optVertex_t *v2, const optVertex_t *v3 ) {
#if 1
idVec3 d1, d2, normal;
d1 = v2->pv - v1->pv;
d2 = v3->pv - v1->pv;
normal = d1.Cross( d2 );
if ( normal[2] == 0 ) {
return true;
return false;
return (bool)!IsTriangleValid( v1, v2, v3 );
Tests if a 2D point is inside an original triangle
static bool PointInTri( const idVec3 &p, const mapTri_t *tri, optIsland_t *island ) {
idVec3 d1, d2, normal;
// the normal[2] == 0 case is not uncommon when a square is triangulated in
// the opposite manner to the original
d1 = tri->optVert[0]->pv - p;
d2 = tri->optVert[1]->pv - p;
normal = d1.Cross( d2 );
if ( normal[2] < 0 ) {
return false;
d1 = tri->optVert[1]->pv - p;
d2 = tri->optVert[2]->pv - p;
normal = d1.Cross( d2 );
if ( normal[2] < 0 ) {
return false;
d1 = tri->optVert[2]->pv - p;
d2 = tri->optVert[0]->pv - p;
normal = d1.Cross( d2 );
if ( normal[2] < 0 ) {
return false;
return true;
static void LinkTriToEdge( optTri_t *optTri, optEdge_t *edge ) {
if ( ( edge->v1 == optTri->v[0] && edge->v2 == optTri->v[1] )
|| ( edge->v1 == optTri->v[1] && edge->v2 == optTri->v[2] )
|| ( edge->v1 == optTri->v[2] && edge->v2 == optTri->v[0] ) ) {
if ( edge->backTri ) {
common->Printf( "Warning: LinkTriToEdge: already in use\n" );
edge->backTri = optTri;
if ( ( edge->v1 == optTri->v[1] && edge->v2 == optTri->v[0] )
|| ( edge->v1 == optTri->v[2] && edge->v2 == optTri->v[1] )
|| ( edge->v1 == optTri->v[0] && edge->v2 == optTri->v[2] ) ) {
if ( edge->frontTri ) {
common->Printf( "Warning: LinkTriToEdge: already in use\n" );
edge->frontTri = optTri;
common->Error( "LinkTriToEdge: edge not found on tri" );
static void CreateOptTri( optVertex_t *first, optEdge_t *e1, optEdge_t *e2, optIsland_t *island ) {
optEdge_t *opposite;
optVertex_t *second, *third;
optTri_t *optTri;
mapTri_t *tri;
if ( e1->v1 == first ) {
second = e1->v2;
} else if ( e1->v2 == first ) {
second = e1->v1;
} else {
common->Error( "CreateOptTri: mislinked edge" );
if ( e2->v1 == first ) {
third = e2->v2;
} else if ( e2->v2 == first ) {
third = e2->v1;
} else {
common->Error( "CreateOptTri: mislinked edge" );
if ( !IsTriangleValid( first, second, third ) ) {
common->Error( "CreateOptTri: invalid" );
//DrawEdges( island );
// identify the third edge
if ( dmapGlobals.drawflag ) {
qglBegin( GL_LINES );
qglVertex3fv( e1->v1->pv.ToFloatPtr() );
qglVertex3fv( e1->v2->pv.ToFloatPtr() );
qglBegin( GL_LINES );
qglVertex3fv( e2->v1->pv.ToFloatPtr() );
qglVertex3fv( e2->v2->pv.ToFloatPtr() );
for ( opposite = second->edges ; opposite ; ) {
if ( opposite != e1 && ( opposite->v1 == third || opposite->v2 == third ) ) {
if ( opposite->v1 == second ) {
opposite = opposite->v1link;
} else if ( opposite->v2 == second ) {
opposite = opposite->v2link;
} else {
common->Error( "BuildOptTriangles: mislinked edge" );
if ( !opposite ) {
common->Printf( "Warning: BuildOptTriangles: couldn't locate opposite\n" );
if ( dmapGlobals.drawflag ) {
qglBegin( GL_LINES );
qglVertex3fv( opposite->v1->pv.ToFloatPtr() );
qglVertex3fv( opposite->v2->pv.ToFloatPtr() );
// create new triangle
optTri = (optTri_t *)Mem_Alloc( sizeof( *optTri ) );
optTri->v[0] = first;
optTri->v[1] = second;
optTri->v[2] = third;
optTri->midpoint = ( optTri->v[0]->pv + optTri->v[1]->pv + optTri->v[2]->pv ) * ( 1.0f / 3.0f );
optTri->next = island->tris;
island->tris = optTri;
if ( dmapGlobals.drawflag ) {
qglColor3f( 1, 1, 1 );
qglPointSize( 4 );
qglBegin( GL_POINTS );
qglVertex3fv( optTri->midpoint.ToFloatPtr() );
// find the midpoint, and scan through all the original triangles to
// see if it is inside any of them
for ( tri = island->group->triList ; tri ; tri = tri->next ) {
if ( PointInTri( optTri->midpoint, tri, island ) ) {
if ( tri ) {
optTri->filled = true;
} else {
optTri->filled = false;
if ( dmapGlobals.drawflag ) {
if ( optTri->filled ) {
qglColor3f( ( 128 + orandom.RandomInt( 127 ) )/ 255.0, 0, 0 );
} else {
qglColor3f( 0, ( 128 + orandom.RandomInt( 127 ) ) / 255.0, 0 );
qglBegin( GL_TRIANGLES );
qglVertex3fv( optTri->v[0]->pv.ToFloatPtr() );
qglVertex3fv( optTri->v[1]->pv.ToFloatPtr() );
qglVertex3fv( optTri->v[2]->pv.ToFloatPtr() );
qglColor3f( 1, 1, 1 );
qglBegin( GL_LINE_LOOP );
qglVertex3fv( optTri->v[0]->pv.ToFloatPtr() );
qglVertex3fv( optTri->v[1]->pv.ToFloatPtr() );
qglVertex3fv( optTri->v[2]->pv.ToFloatPtr() );
// link the triangle to it's edges
LinkTriToEdge( optTri, e1 );
LinkTriToEdge( optTri, e2 );
LinkTriToEdge( optTri, opposite );
// debugging tool
#if 0
static void ReportNearbyVertexes( const optVertex_t *v, const optIsland_t *island ) {
const optVertex_t *ov;
float d;
idVec3 vec;
common->Printf( "verts near 0x%p (%f, %f)\n", v, v->pv[0], v->pv[1] );
for ( ov = island->verts ; ov ; ov = ov->islandLink ) {
if ( ov == v ) {
vec = ov->pv - v->pv;
d = vec.Length();
if ( d < 1 ) {
common->Printf( "0x%p = (%f, %f)\n", ov, ov->pv[0], ov->pv[1] );
Generate a new list of triangles from the optEdeges
static void BuildOptTriangles( optIsland_t *island ) {
optVertex_t *ov, *second = NULL, *third = NULL, *middle = NULL;
optEdge_t *e1, *e1Next = NULL, *e2, *e2Next = NULL, *check, *checkNext = NULL;
// free them
FreeOptTriangles( island );
// clear the vertex emitted flags
for ( ov = island->verts ; ov ; ov = ov->islandLink ) {
ov->emited = false;
// clear the edge triangle links
for ( check = island->edges ; check ; check = check->islandLink ) {
check->frontTri = check->backTri = NULL;
// check all possible triangle made up out of the
// edges coming off the vertex
for ( ov = island->verts ; ov ; ov = ov->islandLink ) {
if ( !ov->edges ) {
#if 0
if ( dmapGlobals.drawflag && ov == (optVertex_t *)0x1845a60 ) {
for ( e1 = ov->edges ; e1 ; e1 = e1Next ) {
qglBegin( GL_LINES );
qglColor3f( 0,1,0 );
qglVertex3fv( e1->v1->pv.ToFloatPtr() );
qglVertex3fv( e1->v2->pv.ToFloatPtr() );
if ( e1->v1 == ov ) {
e1Next = e1->v1link;
} else if ( e1->v2 == ov ) {
e1Next = e1->v2link;
for ( e1 = ov->edges ; e1 ; e1 = e1Next ) {
if ( e1->v1 == ov ) {
second = e1->v2;
e1Next = e1->v1link;
} else if ( e1->v2 == ov ) {
second = e1->v1;
e1Next = e1->v2link;
} else {
common->Error( "BuildOptTriangles: mislinked edge" );
// if the vertex has already been used, it can't be used again
if ( second->emited ) {
for ( e2 = ov->edges ; e2 ; e2 = e2Next ) {
if ( e2->v1 == ov ) {
third = e2->v2;
e2Next = e2->v1link;
} else if ( e2->v2 == ov ) {
third = e2->v1;
e2Next = e2->v2link;
} else {
common->Error( "BuildOptTriangles: mislinked edge" );
if ( e2 == e1 ) {
// if the vertex has already been used, it can't be used again
if ( third->emited ) {
// if the triangle is backwards or degenerate, don't use it
if ( !IsTriangleValid( ov, second, third ) ) {
// see if any other edge bisects these two, which means
// this triangle shouldn't be used
for ( check = ov->edges ; check ; check = checkNext ) {
if ( check->v1 == ov ) {
middle = check->v2;
checkNext = check->v1link;
} else if ( check->v2 == ov ) {
middle = check->v1;
checkNext = check->v2link;
} else {
common->Error( "BuildOptTriangles: mislinked edge" );
if ( check == e1 || check == e2 ) {
if ( IsTriangleValid( ov, second, middle )
&& IsTriangleValid( ov, middle, third ) ) {
break; // should use the subdivided ones
if ( check ) {
continue; // don't use it
// the triangle is valid
CreateOptTri( ov, e1, e2, island );
// later vertexes will not emit triangles that use an
// edge that this vert has already used
ov->emited = true;
Add new triangles to the group's regeneratedTris
static void RegenerateTriangles( optIsland_t *island ) {
optTri_t *optTri;
mapTri_t *tri;
int c_out;
c_out = 0;
for ( optTri = island->tris ; optTri ; optTri = optTri->next ) {
if ( !optTri->filled ) {
// create a new mapTri_t
tri = AllocTri();
tri->material = island->group->material;
tri->mergeGroup = island->group->mergeGroup;
tri->v[0] = optTri->v[0]->v;
tri->v[1] = optTri->v[1]->v;
tri->v[2] = optTri->v[2]->v;
idPlane plane;
PlaneForTri( tri, plane );
if ( plane.Normal() * dmapGlobals.mapPlanes[ island->group->planeNum ].Normal() <= 0 ) {
// this can happen reasonably when a triangle is nearly degenerate in
// optimization planar space, and winds up being degenerate in 3D space
common->Printf( "WARNING: backwards triangle generated!\n" );
// discard it
FreeTri( tri );
tri->next = island->group->regeneratedTris;
island->group->regeneratedTris = tri;
FreeOptTriangles( island );
if ( dmapGlobals.verbose ) {
common->Printf( "%6i tris out\n", c_out );
Edges that have triangles of the same type (filled / empty)
on both sides will be removed
static void RemoveInteriorEdges( optIsland_t *island ) {
int c_interiorEdges;
int c_exteriorEdges;
optEdge_t *e, *next;
bool front, back;
c_exteriorEdges = 0;
c_interiorEdges = 0;
for ( e = island->edges ; e ; e = next ) {
// we might remove the edge, so get the next link now
next = e->islandLink;
if ( !e->frontTri ) {
front = false;
} else {
front = e->frontTri->filled;
if ( !e->backTri ) {
back = false;
} else {
back = e->backTri->filled;
if ( front == back ) {
// free the edge
UnlinkEdge( e, island );
if ( dmapGlobals.verbose ) {
common->Printf( "%6i original interior edges\n", c_interiorEdges );
common->Printf( "%6i original exterior edges\n", c_exteriorEdges );
typedef struct {
optVertex_t *v1, *v2;
} originalEdges_t;
void AddEdgeIfNotAlready( optVertex_t *v1, optVertex_t *v2 ) {
optEdge_t *e;
// make sure that there isn't an identical edge already added
for ( e = v1->edges ; e ; ) {
if ( ( e->v1 == v1 && e->v2 == v2 ) || ( e->v1 == v2 && e->v2 == v1 ) ) {
return; // already added
if ( e->v1 == v1 ) {
e = e->v1link;
} else if ( e->v2 == v1 ) {
e = e->v2link;
} else {
common->Error( "SplitEdgeByList: bad edge link" );
// this edge is a keeper
e = AllocEdge();
e->v1 = v1;
e->v2 = v2;
e->islandLink = NULL;
// link the edge to its verts
LinkEdge( e );
static void DrawOriginalEdges( int numOriginalEdges, originalEdges_t *originalEdges ) {
int i;
if ( !dmapGlobals.drawflag ) {
qglBegin( GL_LINES );
for ( i = 0 ; i < numOriginalEdges ; i++ ) {
qglColor3f( 1, 0, 0 );
qglVertex3fv( originalEdges[i].v1->pv.ToFloatPtr() );
qglColor3f( 0, 0, 0 );
qglVertex3fv( originalEdges[i].v2->pv.ToFloatPtr() );
typedef struct edgeCrossing_s {
struct edgeCrossing_s *next;
optVertex_t *ov;
} edgeCrossing_t;
static originalEdges_t *originalEdges;
static int numOriginalEdges;
static void AddOriginalTriangle( optVertex_t *v[3] ) {
optVertex_t *v1, *v2;
// if this triangle is backwards (possible with epsilon issues)
// ignore it completely
if ( !IsTriangleValid( v[0], v[1], v[2] ) ) {
common->Printf( "WARNING: backwards triangle in input!\n" );
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ ) {
v1 = v[i];
v2 = v[(i+1)%3];
if ( v1 == v2 ) {
// this probably shouldn't happen, because the
// tri would be degenerate
int j;
// see if there is an existing one
for ( j = 0 ; j < numOriginalEdges ; j++ ) {
if ( originalEdges[j].v1 == v1 && originalEdges[j].v2 == v2 ) {
if ( originalEdges[j].v2 == v1 && originalEdges[j].v1 == v2 ) {
if ( j == numOriginalEdges ) {
// add it
originalEdges[j].v1 = v1;
originalEdges[j].v2 = v2;
static void AddOriginalEdges( optimizeGroup_t *opt ) {
mapTri_t *tri;
optVertex_t *v[3];
int numTris;
if ( dmapGlobals.verbose ) {
common->Printf( "----\n" );
common->Printf( "%6i original tris\n", CountTriList( opt->triList ) );
// allocate space for max possible edges
numTris = CountTriList( opt->triList );
originalEdges = (originalEdges_t *)Mem_Alloc( numTris * 3 * sizeof( *originalEdges ) );
numOriginalEdges = 0;
// add all unique triangle edges
numOptVerts = 0;
numOptEdges = 0;
for ( tri = opt->triList ; tri ; tri = tri->next ) {
v[0] = tri->optVert[0] = FindOptVertex( &tri->v[0], opt );
v[1] = tri->optVert[1] = FindOptVertex( &tri->v[1], opt );
v[2] = tri->optVert[2] = FindOptVertex( &tri->v[2], opt );
AddOriginalTriangle( v );
void SplitOriginalEdgesAtCrossings( optimizeGroup_t *opt ) {
int i, j, k, l;
int numOriginalVerts;
edgeCrossing_t **crossings;
numOriginalVerts = numOptVerts;
// now split any crossing edges and create optEdges
// linked to the vertexes
// debug drawing bounds
dmapGlobals.drawBounds = optBounds;
dmapGlobals.drawBounds[0][0] -= 2;
dmapGlobals.drawBounds[0][1] -= 2;
dmapGlobals.drawBounds[1][0] += 2;
dmapGlobals.drawBounds[1][1] += 2;
// generate crossing points between all the original edges
crossings = (edgeCrossing_t **)Mem_ClearedAlloc( numOriginalEdges * sizeof( *crossings ) );
for ( i = 0 ; i < numOriginalEdges ; i++ ) {
if ( dmapGlobals.drawflag ) {
DrawOriginalEdges( numOriginalEdges, originalEdges );
qglBegin( GL_LINES );
qglColor3f( 0, 1, 0 );
qglVertex3fv( originalEdges[i].v1->pv.ToFloatPtr() );
qglColor3f( 0, 0, 1 );
qglVertex3fv( originalEdges[i].v2->pv.ToFloatPtr() );
for ( j = i+1 ; j < numOriginalEdges ; j++ ) {
optVertex_t *v1, *v2, *v3, *v4;
optVertex_t *newVert;
edgeCrossing_t *cross;
v1 = originalEdges[i].v1;
v2 = originalEdges[i].v2;
v3 = originalEdges[j].v1;
v4 = originalEdges[j].v2;
if ( !EdgesCross( v1, v2, v3, v4 ) ) {
// this is the only point in optimization where
// completely new points are created, and it only
// happens if there is overlapping coplanar
// geometry in the source triangles
newVert = EdgeIntersection( v1, v2, v3, v4, opt );
if ( !newVert ) {
//common->Printf( "lines %i (%i to %i) and %i (%i to %i) are colinear\n", i, v1 - optVerts, v2 - optVerts,
// j, v3 - optVerts, v4 - optVerts ); // !@#
// colinear, so add both verts of each edge to opposite
if ( VertexBetween( v3, v1, v2 ) ) {
cross = (edgeCrossing_t *)Mem_ClearedAlloc( sizeof( *cross ) );
cross->ov = v3;
cross->next = crossings[i];
crossings[i] = cross;
if ( VertexBetween( v4, v1, v2 ) ) {
cross = (edgeCrossing_t *)Mem_ClearedAlloc( sizeof( *cross ) );
cross->ov = v4;
cross->next = crossings[i];
crossings[i] = cross;
if ( VertexBetween( v1, v3, v4 ) ) {
cross = (edgeCrossing_t *)Mem_ClearedAlloc( sizeof( *cross ) );
cross->ov = v1;
cross->next = crossings[j];
crossings[j] = cross;
if ( VertexBetween( v2, v3, v4 ) ) {
cross = (edgeCrossing_t *)Mem_ClearedAlloc( sizeof( *cross ) );
cross->ov = v2;
cross->next = crossings[j];
crossings[j] = cross;
#if 0
if ( newVert && newVert != v1 && newVert != v2 && newVert != v3 && newVert != v4 ) {
common->Printf( "lines %i (%i to %i) and %i (%i to %i) cross at new point %i\n", i, v1 - optVerts, v2 - optVerts,
j, v3 - optVerts, v4 - optVerts, newVert - optVerts );
} else if ( newVert ) {
common->Printf( "lines %i (%i to %i) and %i (%i to %i) intersect at old point %i\n", i, v1 - optVerts, v2 - optVerts,
j, v3 - optVerts, v4 - optVerts, newVert - optVerts );
if ( newVert != v1 && newVert != v2 ) {
cross = (edgeCrossing_t *)Mem_ClearedAlloc( sizeof( *cross ) );
cross->ov = newVert;
cross->next = crossings[i];
crossings[i] = cross;
if ( newVert != v3 && newVert != v4 ) {
cross = (edgeCrossing_t *)Mem_ClearedAlloc( sizeof( *cross ) );
cross->ov = newVert;
cross->next = crossings[j];
crossings[j] = cross;
// now split each edge by its crossing points
// colinear edges will have duplicated edges added, but it won't hurt anything
for ( i = 0 ; i < numOriginalEdges ; i++ ) {
edgeCrossing_t *cross, *nextCross;
int numCross;
optVertex_t **sorted;
numCross = 0;
for ( cross = crossings[i] ; cross ; cross = cross->next ) {
numCross += 2; // account for originals
sorted = (optVertex_t **)Mem_Alloc( numCross * sizeof( *sorted ) );
sorted[0] = originalEdges[i].v1;
sorted[1] = originalEdges[i].v2;
j = 2;
for ( cross = crossings[i] ; cross ; cross = nextCross ) {
nextCross = cross->next;
sorted[j] = cross->ov;
Mem_Free( cross );
// add all possible fragment combinations that aren't divided
// by another point
for ( j = 0 ; j < numCross ; j++ ) {
for ( k = j+1 ; k < numCross ; k++ ) {
for ( l = 0 ; l < numCross ; l++ ) {
if ( sorted[l] == sorted[j] || sorted[l] == sorted[k] ) {
if ( sorted[j] == sorted[k] ) {
if ( VertexBetween( sorted[l], sorted[j], sorted[k] ) ) {
if ( l == numCross ) {
//common->Printf( "line %i fragment from point %i to %i\n", i, sorted[j] - optVerts, sorted[k] - optVerts );
AddEdgeIfNotAlready( sorted[j], sorted[k] );
Mem_Free( sorted );
Mem_Free( crossings );
Mem_Free( originalEdges );
// check for duplicated edges
for ( i = 0 ; i < numOptEdges ; i++ ) {
for ( j = i+1 ; j < numOptEdges ; j++ ) {
if ( ( optEdges[i].v1 == optEdges[j].v1 && optEdges[i].v2 == optEdges[j].v2 )
|| ( optEdges[i].v1 == optEdges[j].v2 && optEdges[i].v2 == optEdges[j].v1 ) ) {
common->Printf( "duplicated optEdge\n" );
if ( dmapGlobals.verbose ) {
common->Printf( "%6i original edges\n", numOriginalEdges );
common->Printf( "%6i edges after splits\n", numOptEdges );
common->Printf( "%6i original vertexes\n", numOriginalVerts );
common->Printf( "%6i vertexes after splits\n", numOptVerts );
Unlink any verts with no edges, so they
won't be used in the retriangulation
static void CullUnusedVerts( optIsland_t *island ) {
optVertex_t **prev, *vert;
int c_keep, c_free;
optEdge_t *edge;
c_keep = 0;
c_free = 0;
for ( prev = &island->verts ; *prev ; ) {
vert = *prev;
if ( !vert->edges ) {
// free it
*prev = vert->islandLink;
} else {
edge = vert->edges;
if ( ( edge->v1 == vert && !edge->v1link )
|| ( edge->v2 == vert && !edge->v2link ) ) {
// is is occasionally possible to get a vert
// with only a single edge when colinear optimizations
// crunch down a complex sliver
UnlinkEdge( edge, island );
// free it
*prev = vert->islandLink;
} else {
prev = &vert->islandLink;
if ( dmapGlobals.verbose ) {
common->Printf( "%6i verts kept\n", c_keep );
common->Printf( "%6i verts freed\n", c_free );
At this point, all needed vertexes are already in the
list, including any that were added at crossing points.
Interior and colinear vertexes will be removed, and
a new triangulation will be created.
static void OptimizeIsland( optIsland_t *island ) {
// add space-filling fake edges so we have a complete
// triangulation of a convex hull before optimization
AddInteriorEdges( island );
DrawEdges( island );
// determine all the possible triangles, and decide if
// the are filled or empty
BuildOptTriangles( island );
// remove interior vertexes that have filled triangles
// between all their edges
RemoveInteriorEdges( island );
DrawEdges( island );
ValidateEdgeCounts( island );
// remove vertexes that only have two colinear edges
CombineColinearEdges( island );
CullUnusedVerts( island );
DrawEdges( island );
// add new internal edges between the remaining exterior edges
// to give us a full triangulation again
AddInteriorEdges( island );
DrawEdges( island );
// determine all the possible triangles, and decide if
// the are filled or empty
BuildOptTriangles( island );
// make mapTri_t out of the filled optTri_t
RegenerateTriangles( island );
#if 0
static void AddVertexToIsland_r( optVertex_t *vert, optIsland_t *island ) {
optEdge_t *e;
// we can't just check islandLink, because the
// last vert will have a NULL
if ( vert->addedToIsland ) {
vert->addedToIsland = true;
vert->islandLink = island->verts;
island->verts = vert;
for ( e = vert->edges ; e ; ) {
if ( !e->addedToIsland ) {
e->addedToIsland = true;
e->islandLink = island->edges;
island->edges = e;
if ( e->v1 == vert ) {
AddVertexToIsland_r( e->v2, island );
e = e->v1link;
if ( e->v2 == vert ) {
AddVertexToIsland_r( e->v1, island );
e = e->v2link;
common->Error( "AddVertexToIsland_r: mislinked vert" );
While the algorithm should theoretically handle any collection
of triangles, there are speed and stability benefits to making
it work on as small a list as possible, so separate disconnected
collections of edges and process separately.
FIXME: we need to separate the source triangles before
doing this, because PointInSourceTris() can give a bad answer if
the source list has triangles not used in the optimization
#if 0
static void SeparateIslands( optimizeGroup_t *opt ) {
int i;
optIsland_t island;
int numIslands;
numIslands = 0;
for ( i = 0 ; i < numOptVerts ; i++ ) {
if ( optVerts[i].addedToIsland ) {
memset( &island, 0, sizeof( island ) );
island.group = opt;
AddVertexToIsland_r( &optVerts[i], &island );
OptimizeIsland( &island );
if ( dmapGlobals.verbose ) {
common->Printf( "%6i islands\n", numIslands );
static void DontSeparateIslands( optimizeGroup_t *opt ) {
int i;
optIsland_t island;
memset( &island, 0, sizeof( island ) );
island.group = opt;
// link everything together
for ( i = 0 ; i < numOptVerts ; i++ ) {
optVerts[i].islandLink = island.verts;
island.verts = &optVerts[i];
for ( i = 0 ; i < numOptEdges ; i++ ) {
optEdges[i].islandLink = island.edges;
island.edges = &optEdges[i];
OptimizeIsland( &island );
This is a sloppy bounding box check
#if 0
static bool PointInSourceTris( float x, float y, float z, optimizeGroup_t *opt ) {
mapTri_t *tri;
idBounds b;
idVec3 p;
if ( !opt->material->IsDrawn() ) {
return false;
p[0] = x;
p[1] = y;
p[2] = z;
for ( tri = opt->triList ; tri ; tri = tri->next ) {
b.AddPoint( tri->v[0].xyz );
b.AddPoint( tri->v[1].xyz );
b.AddPoint( tri->v[2].xyz );
if ( b.ContainsPoint( p ) ) {
return true;
return false;
static void OptimizeOptList( optimizeGroup_t *opt ) {
optimizeGroup_t *oldNext;
// fix the t junctions among this single list
// so we can match edges
// can we avoid doing this if colinear vertexes break edges?
oldNext = opt->nextGroup;
opt->nextGroup = NULL;
FixAreaGroupsTjunctions( opt );
opt->nextGroup = oldNext;
// create the 2D vectors
dmapGlobals.mapPlanes[opt->planeNum].Normal().NormalVectors( opt->axis[0], opt->axis[1] );
AddOriginalEdges( opt );
SplitOriginalEdgesAtCrossings( opt );
#if 0
// seperate any discontinuous areas for individual optimization
// to reduce the scope of the problem
SeparateIslands( opt );
DontSeparateIslands( opt );
// now free the hash verts
// free the original list and use the new one
FreeTriList( opt->triList );
opt->triList = opt->regeneratedTris;
opt->regeneratedTris = NULL;
Copies the group planeNum to every triangle in each group
void SetGroupTriPlaneNums( optimizeGroup_t *groups ) {
mapTri_t *tri;
optimizeGroup_t *group;
for ( group = groups ; group ; group = group->nextGroup ) {
for ( tri = group->triList ; tri ; tri = tri->next ) {
tri->planeNum = group->planeNum;
This will also fix tjunctions
void OptimizeGroupList( optimizeGroup_t *groupList ) {
int c_in, c_edge, c_tjunc2;
optimizeGroup_t *group;
if ( !groupList ) {
c_in = CountGroupListTris( groupList );
// optimize and remove colinear edges, which will
// re-introduce some t junctions
for ( group = groupList ; group ; group = group->nextGroup ) {
OptimizeOptList( group );
c_edge = CountGroupListTris( groupList );
// fix t junctions again
FixAreaGroupsTjunctions( groupList );
c_tjunc2 = CountGroupListTris( groupList );
SetGroupTriPlaneNums( groupList );
common->Printf( "----- OptimizeAreaGroups Results -----\n" );
common->Printf( "%6i tris in\n", c_in );
common->Printf( "%6i tris after edge removal optimization\n", c_edge );
common->Printf( "%6i tris after final t junction fixing\n", c_tjunc2 );
void OptimizeEntity( uEntity_t *e ) {
int i;
common->Printf( "----- OptimizeEntity -----\n" );
for ( i = 0 ; i < e->numAreas ; i++ ) {
OptimizeGroupList( e->areas[i].groups );