mirror of
synced 2025-03-02 23:52:03 +00:00
Don't include the lazy precompiled.h everywhere, only what's required for the compilation unit. platform.h needs to be included instead to provide all essential defines and types. All includes use the relative path to the neo or the game specific root. Move all idlib related includes from idlib/Lib.h to precompiled.h. precompiled.h still exists for the MFC stuff in tools/. Add some missing header guards.
1348 lines
36 KiB
1348 lines
36 KiB
Doom 3 GPL Source Code
Copyright (C) 1999-2011 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company.
This file is part of the Doom 3 GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 Source Code").
Doom 3 Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Doom 3 Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Doom 3 Source Code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
In addition, the Doom 3 Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below.
If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA.
#include "sys/platform.h"
#include "Game_local.h"
#include "ai/AAS_local.h"
#define MAX_ROUTING_CACHE_MEMORY (2*1024*1024)
idRoutingCache::idRoutingCache( int size ) {
areaNum = 0;
cluster = 0;
next = prev = NULL;
time_next = time_prev = NULL;
travelFlags = 0;
startTravelTime = 0;
type = 0;
this->size = size;
reachabilities = new byte[size];
memset( reachabilities, 0, size * sizeof( reachabilities[0] ) );
travelTimes = new unsigned short[size];
memset( travelTimes, 0, size * sizeof( travelTimes[0] ) );
idRoutingCache::~idRoutingCache( void ) {
delete [] reachabilities;
delete [] travelTimes;
int idRoutingCache::Size( void ) const {
return sizeof( idRoutingCache ) + size * sizeof( reachabilities[0] ) + size * sizeof( travelTimes[0] );
unsigned short idAASLocal::AreaTravelTime( int areaNum, const idVec3 &start, const idVec3 &end ) const {
float dist;
dist = ( end - start ).Length();
if ( file->GetArea( areaNum ).travelFlags & TFL_CROUCH ) {
dist *= 100.0f / 100.0f;
} else if ( file->GetArea( areaNum ).travelFlags & TFL_WATER ) {
dist *= 100.0f / 150.0f;
} else {
dist *= 100.0f / 300.0f;
if ( dist < 1.0f ) {
return 1;
return (unsigned short) idMath::FtoiFast( dist );
void idAASLocal::CalculateAreaTravelTimes(void) {
int n, i, j, numReach, numRevReach, t, maxt;
byte *bytePtr;
idReachability *reach, *rev_reach;
// get total memory for all area travel times
numAreaTravelTimes = 0;
for ( n = 0; n < file->GetNumAreas(); n++ ) {
if ( !(file->GetArea( n ).flags & (AREA_REACHABLE_WALK|AREA_REACHABLE_FLY)) ) {
numReach = 0;
for ( reach = file->GetArea( n ).reach; reach; reach = reach->next ) {
numRevReach = 0;
for ( rev_reach = file->GetArea( n ).rev_reach; rev_reach; rev_reach = rev_reach->rev_next ) {
numAreaTravelTimes += numReach * numRevReach;
areaTravelTimes = (unsigned short *) Mem_Alloc( numAreaTravelTimes * sizeof( unsigned short ) );
bytePtr = (byte *) areaTravelTimes;
for ( n = 0; n < file->GetNumAreas(); n++ ) {
if ( !(file->GetArea( n ).flags & (AREA_REACHABLE_WALK|AREA_REACHABLE_FLY)) ) {
// for each reachability that starts in this area calculate the travel time
// towards all the reachabilities that lead towards this area
for ( maxt = i = 0, reach = file->GetArea( n ).reach; reach; reach = reach->next, i++ ) {
assert( i < MAX_REACH_PER_AREA );
if ( i >= MAX_REACH_PER_AREA ) {
gameLocal.Error( "i >= MAX_REACH_PER_AREA" );
reach->number = i;
reach->disableCount = 0;
reach->areaTravelTimes = (unsigned short *) bytePtr;
for ( j = 0, rev_reach = file->GetArea( n ).rev_reach; rev_reach; rev_reach = rev_reach->rev_next, j++ ) {
t = AreaTravelTime( n, reach->start, rev_reach->end );
reach->areaTravelTimes[j] = t;
if ( t > maxt ) {
maxt = t;
bytePtr += j * sizeof( unsigned short );
// if this area is a portal
if ( file->GetArea( n ).cluster < 0 ) {
// set the maximum travel time through this portal
file->SetPortalMaxTravelTime( -file->GetArea( n ).cluster, maxt );
assert( ( ( ptrdiff_t ) bytePtr - ( ptrdiff_t ) areaTravelTimes ) <= numAreaTravelTimes * sizeof( unsigned short ) );
void idAASLocal::DeleteAreaTravelTimes( void ) {
Mem_Free( areaTravelTimes );
areaTravelTimes = NULL;
numAreaTravelTimes = 0;
void idAASLocal::SetupRoutingCache( void ) {
int i;
byte *bytePtr;
areaCacheIndexSize = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < file->GetNumClusters(); i++ ) {
areaCacheIndexSize += file->GetCluster( i ).numReachableAreas;
areaCacheIndex = (idRoutingCache ***) Mem_ClearedAlloc( file->GetNumClusters() * sizeof( idRoutingCache ** ) +
areaCacheIndexSize * sizeof( idRoutingCache *) );
bytePtr = ((byte *)areaCacheIndex) + file->GetNumClusters() * sizeof( idRoutingCache ** );
for ( i = 0; i < file->GetNumClusters(); i++ ) {
areaCacheIndex[i] = ( idRoutingCache ** ) bytePtr;
bytePtr += file->GetCluster( i ).numReachableAreas * sizeof( idRoutingCache * );
portalCacheIndexSize = file->GetNumAreas();
portalCacheIndex = (idRoutingCache **) Mem_ClearedAlloc( portalCacheIndexSize * sizeof( idRoutingCache * ) );
areaUpdate = (idRoutingUpdate *) Mem_ClearedAlloc( file->GetNumAreas() * sizeof( idRoutingUpdate ) );
portalUpdate = (idRoutingUpdate *) Mem_ClearedAlloc( (file->GetNumPortals()+1) * sizeof( idRoutingUpdate ) );
goalAreaTravelTimes = (unsigned short *) Mem_ClearedAlloc( file->GetNumAreas() * sizeof( unsigned short ) );
cacheListStart = cacheListEnd = NULL;
totalCacheMemory = 0;
void idAASLocal::DeleteClusterCache( int clusterNum ) {
int i;
idRoutingCache *cache;
for ( i = 0; i < file->GetCluster( clusterNum ).numReachableAreas; i++ ) {
for ( cache = areaCacheIndex[clusterNum][i]; cache; cache = areaCacheIndex[clusterNum][i] ) {
areaCacheIndex[clusterNum][i] = cache->next;
UnlinkCache( cache );
delete cache;
void idAASLocal::DeletePortalCache( void ) {
int i;
idRoutingCache *cache;
for ( i = 0; i < file->GetNumAreas(); i++ ) {
for ( cache = portalCacheIndex[i]; cache; cache = portalCacheIndex[i] ) {
portalCacheIndex[i] = cache->next;
UnlinkCache( cache );
delete cache;
void idAASLocal::ShutdownRoutingCache( void ) {
int i;
for ( i = 0; i < file->GetNumClusters(); i++ ) {
DeleteClusterCache( i );
Mem_Free( areaCacheIndex );
areaCacheIndex = NULL;
areaCacheIndexSize = 0;
Mem_Free( portalCacheIndex );
portalCacheIndex = NULL;
portalCacheIndexSize = 0;
Mem_Free( areaUpdate );
areaUpdate = NULL;
Mem_Free( portalUpdate );
portalUpdate = NULL;
Mem_Free( goalAreaTravelTimes );
goalAreaTravelTimes = NULL;
cacheListStart = cacheListEnd = NULL;
totalCacheMemory = 0;
bool idAASLocal::SetupRouting( void ) {
return true;
void idAASLocal::ShutdownRouting( void ) {
void idAASLocal::RoutingStats( void ) const {
idRoutingCache *cache;
int numAreaCache, numPortalCache;
int totalAreaCacheMemory, totalPortalCacheMemory;
numAreaCache = numPortalCache = 0;
totalAreaCacheMemory = totalPortalCacheMemory = 0;
for ( cache = cacheListStart; cache; cache = cache->time_next ) {
if ( cache->type == CACHETYPE_AREA ) {
totalAreaCacheMemory += sizeof( idRoutingCache ) + cache->size * (sizeof( unsigned short ) + sizeof( byte ));
} else {
totalPortalCacheMemory += sizeof( idRoutingCache ) + cache->size * (sizeof( unsigned short ) + sizeof( byte ));
gameLocal.Printf( "%6d area cache (%d KB)\n", numAreaCache, totalAreaCacheMemory >> 10 );
gameLocal.Printf( "%6d portal cache (%d KB)\n", numPortalCache, totalPortalCacheMemory >> 10 );
gameLocal.Printf( "%6d total cache (%d KB)\n", numAreaCache + numPortalCache, totalCacheMemory >> 10 );
gameLocal.Printf( "%6d area travel times (%zd KB)\n", numAreaTravelTimes, ( numAreaTravelTimes * sizeof( unsigned short ) ) >> 10 );
gameLocal.Printf( "%6d area cache entries (%zd KB)\n", areaCacheIndexSize, ( areaCacheIndexSize * sizeof( idRoutingCache * ) ) >> 10 );
gameLocal.Printf( "%6d portal cache entries (%zd KB)\n", portalCacheIndexSize, ( portalCacheIndexSize * sizeof( idRoutingCache * ) ) >> 10 );
void idAASLocal::RemoveRoutingCacheUsingArea( int areaNum ) {
int clusterNum;
clusterNum = file->GetArea( areaNum ).cluster;
if ( clusterNum > 0 ) {
// remove all the cache in the cluster the area is in
DeleteClusterCache( clusterNum );
else {
// if this is a portal remove all cache in both the front and back cluster
DeleteClusterCache( file->GetPortal( -clusterNum ).clusters[0] );
DeleteClusterCache( file->GetPortal( -clusterNum ).clusters[1] );
void idAASLocal::DisableArea( int areaNum ) {
assert( areaNum > 0 && areaNum < file->GetNumAreas() );
if ( file->GetArea( areaNum ).travelFlags & TFL_INVALID ) {
file->SetAreaTravelFlag( areaNum, TFL_INVALID );
RemoveRoutingCacheUsingArea( areaNum );
void idAASLocal::EnableArea( int areaNum ) {
assert( areaNum > 0 && areaNum < file->GetNumAreas() );
if ( !( file->GetArea( areaNum ).travelFlags & TFL_INVALID ) ) {
file->RemoveAreaTravelFlag( areaNum, TFL_INVALID );
RemoveRoutingCacheUsingArea( areaNum );
bool idAASLocal::SetAreaState_r( int nodeNum, const idBounds &bounds, const int areaContents, bool disabled ) {
int res;
const aasNode_t *node;
bool foundClusterPortal = false;
while( nodeNum != 0 ) {
if ( nodeNum < 0 ) {
// if this area is a cluster portal
if ( file->GetArea( -nodeNum ).contents & areaContents ) {
if ( disabled ) {
DisableArea( -nodeNum );
} else {
EnableArea( -nodeNum );
foundClusterPortal |= true;
node = &file->GetNode( nodeNum );
res = bounds.PlaneSide( file->GetPlane( node->planeNum ) );
if ( res == PLANESIDE_BACK ) {
nodeNum = node->children[1];
else if ( res == PLANESIDE_FRONT ) {
nodeNum = node->children[0];
else {
foundClusterPortal |= SetAreaState_r( node->children[1], bounds, areaContents, disabled );
nodeNum = node->children[0];
return foundClusterPortal;
bool idAASLocal::SetAreaState( const idBounds &bounds, const int areaContents, bool disabled ) {
idBounds expBounds;
if ( !file ) {
return false;
expBounds[0] = bounds[0] - file->GetSettings().boundingBoxes[0][1];
expBounds[1] = bounds[1] - file->GetSettings().boundingBoxes[0][0];
// find all areas within or touching the bounds with the given contents and disable/enable them for routing
return SetAreaState_r( 1, expBounds, areaContents, disabled );
void idAASLocal::GetBoundsAreas_r( int nodeNum, const idBounds &bounds, idList<int> &areas ) const {
int res;
const aasNode_t *node;
while( nodeNum != 0 ) {
if ( nodeNum < 0 ) {
areas.Append( -nodeNum );
node = &file->GetNode( nodeNum );
res = bounds.PlaneSide( file->GetPlane( node->planeNum ) );
if ( res == PLANESIDE_BACK ) {
nodeNum = node->children[1];
else if ( res == PLANESIDE_FRONT ) {
nodeNum = node->children[0];
else {
GetBoundsAreas_r( node->children[1], bounds, areas );
nodeNum = node->children[0];
void idAASLocal::SetObstacleState( const idRoutingObstacle *obstacle, bool enable ) {
int i;
const aasArea_t *area;
idReachability *reach, *rev_reach;
bool inside;
for ( i = 0; i < obstacle->areas.Num(); i++ ) {
RemoveRoutingCacheUsingArea( obstacle->areas[i] );
area = &file->GetArea( obstacle->areas[i] );
for ( rev_reach = area->rev_reach; rev_reach; rev_reach = rev_reach->rev_next ) {
if ( rev_reach->travelType & TFL_INVALID ) {
inside = false;
if ( obstacle->bounds.ContainsPoint( rev_reach->end ) ) {
inside = true;
else {
for ( reach = area->reach; reach; reach = reach->next ) {
if ( obstacle->bounds.LineIntersection( rev_reach->end, reach->start ) ) {
inside = true;
if ( inside ) {
if ( enable ) {
if ( rev_reach->disableCount <= 0 ) {
rev_reach->travelType &= ~TFL_INVALID;
rev_reach->disableCount = 0;
else {
rev_reach->travelType |= TFL_INVALID;
aasHandle_t idAASLocal::AddObstacle( const idBounds &bounds ) {
idRoutingObstacle *obstacle;
if ( !file ) {
return -1;
obstacle = new idRoutingObstacle;
obstacle->bounds[0] = bounds[0] - file->GetSettings().boundingBoxes[0][1];
obstacle->bounds[1] = bounds[1] - file->GetSettings().boundingBoxes[0][0];
GetBoundsAreas_r( 1, obstacle->bounds, obstacle->areas );
SetObstacleState( obstacle, true );
obstacleList.Append( obstacle );
return obstacleList.Num() - 1;
void idAASLocal::RemoveObstacle( const aasHandle_t handle ) {
if ( !file ) {
if ( ( handle >= 0 ) && ( handle < obstacleList.Num() ) ) {
SetObstacleState( obstacleList[handle], false );
delete obstacleList[handle];
obstacleList.RemoveIndex( handle );
void idAASLocal::RemoveAllObstacles( void ) {
int i;
if ( !file ) {
for ( i = 0; i < obstacleList.Num(); i++ ) {
SetObstacleState( obstacleList[i], false );
delete obstacleList[i];
link the cache in the cache list sorted from oldest to newest cache
void idAASLocal::LinkCache( idRoutingCache *cache ) const {
// if the cache is already linked
if ( cache->time_next || cache->time_prev || cacheListStart == cache ) {
UnlinkCache( cache );
totalCacheMemory += cache->Size();
// add cache to the end of the list
cache->time_next = NULL;
cache->time_prev = cacheListEnd;
if ( cacheListEnd ) {
cacheListEnd->time_next = cache;
cacheListEnd = cache;
if ( !cacheListStart ) {
cacheListStart = cache;
void idAASLocal::UnlinkCache( idRoutingCache *cache ) const {
totalCacheMemory -= cache->Size();
// unlink the cache
if ( cache->time_next ) {
cache->time_next->time_prev = cache->time_prev;
} else {
cacheListEnd = cache->time_prev;
if ( cache->time_prev ) {
cache->time_prev->time_next = cache->time_next;
} else {
cacheListStart = cache->time_next;
cache->time_next = cache->time_prev = NULL;
void idAASLocal::DeleteOldestCache( void ) const {
idRoutingCache *cache;
assert( cacheListStart );
// unlink the oldest cache
cache = cacheListStart;
UnlinkCache( cache );
// unlink the oldest cache from the area or portal cache index
if ( cache->next ) {
cache->next->prev = cache->prev;
if ( cache->prev ) {
cache->prev->next = cache->next;
else if ( cache->type == CACHETYPE_AREA ) {
areaCacheIndex[cache->cluster][ClusterAreaNum( cache->cluster, cache->areaNum )] = cache->next;
else if ( cache->type == CACHETYPE_PORTAL ) {
portalCacheIndex[cache->areaNum] = cache->next;
delete cache;
idReachability *idAASLocal::GetAreaReachability( int areaNum, int reachabilityNum ) const {
idReachability *reach;
for ( reach = file->GetArea( areaNum ).reach; reach; reach = reach->next ) {
if ( --reachabilityNum < 0 ) {
return reach;
return NULL;
ID_INLINE int idAASLocal::ClusterAreaNum( int clusterNum, int areaNum ) const {
int side, areaCluster;
areaCluster = file->GetArea( areaNum ).cluster;
if ( areaCluster > 0 ) {
return file->GetArea( areaNum ).clusterAreaNum;
else {
side = file->GetPortal( -areaCluster ).clusters[0] != clusterNum;
return file->GetPortal( -areaCluster ).clusterAreaNum[side];
void idAASLocal::UpdateAreaRoutingCache( idRoutingCache *areaCache ) const {
int i, nextAreaNum, cluster, badTravelFlags, clusterAreaNum, numReachableAreas;
unsigned short t, startAreaTravelTimes[MAX_REACH_PER_AREA];
idRoutingUpdate *updateListStart, *updateListEnd, *curUpdate, *nextUpdate;
idReachability *reach;
const aasArea_t *nextArea;
// number of reachability areas within this cluster
numReachableAreas = file->GetCluster( areaCache->cluster ).numReachableAreas;
// number of the start area within the cluster
clusterAreaNum = ClusterAreaNum( areaCache->cluster, areaCache->areaNum );
if ( clusterAreaNum >= numReachableAreas ) {
areaCache->travelTimes[clusterAreaNum] = areaCache->startTravelTime;
badTravelFlags = ~areaCache->travelFlags;
memset( startAreaTravelTimes, 0, sizeof( startAreaTravelTimes ) );
// initialize first update
curUpdate = &areaUpdate[clusterAreaNum];
curUpdate->areaNum = areaCache->areaNum;
curUpdate->areaTravelTimes = startAreaTravelTimes;
curUpdate->tmpTravelTime = areaCache->startTravelTime;
curUpdate->next = NULL;
curUpdate->prev = NULL;
updateListStart = curUpdate;
updateListEnd = curUpdate;
// while there are updates in the list
while( updateListStart ) {
curUpdate = updateListStart;
if ( curUpdate->next ) {
curUpdate->next->prev = NULL;
else {
updateListEnd = NULL;
updateListStart = curUpdate->next;
curUpdate->isInList = false;
for ( i = 0, reach = file->GetArea( curUpdate->areaNum ).rev_reach; reach; reach = reach->rev_next, i++ ) {
// if the reachability uses an undesired travel type
if ( reach->travelType & badTravelFlags ) {
// next area the reversed reachability leads to
nextAreaNum = reach->fromAreaNum;
nextArea = &file->GetArea( nextAreaNum );
// if traveling through the next area requires an undesired travel flag
if ( nextArea->travelFlags & badTravelFlags ) {
// get the cluster number of the area
cluster = nextArea->cluster;
// don't leave the cluster, however do flood into cluster portals
if ( cluster > 0 && cluster != areaCache->cluster ) {
// get the number of the area in the cluster
clusterAreaNum = ClusterAreaNum( areaCache->cluster, nextAreaNum );
if ( clusterAreaNum >= numReachableAreas ) {
continue; // should never happen
assert( clusterAreaNum < areaCache->size );
// time already travelled plus the traveltime through the current area
// plus the travel time of the reachability towards the next area
t = curUpdate->tmpTravelTime + curUpdate->areaTravelTimes[i] + reach->travelTime;
if ( !areaCache->travelTimes[clusterAreaNum] || t < areaCache->travelTimes[clusterAreaNum] ) {
areaCache->travelTimes[clusterAreaNum] = t;
areaCache->reachabilities[clusterAreaNum] = reach->number; // reversed reachability used to get into this area
nextUpdate = &areaUpdate[clusterAreaNum];
nextUpdate->areaNum = nextAreaNum;
nextUpdate->tmpTravelTime = t;
nextUpdate->areaTravelTimes = reach->areaTravelTimes;
// if we are not allowed to fly
if ( badTravelFlags & TFL_FLY ) {
// avoid areas near ledges
if ( file->GetArea( nextAreaNum ).flags & AREA_LEDGE ) {
nextUpdate->tmpTravelTime += LEDGE_TRAVELTIME_PANALTY;
if ( !nextUpdate->isInList ) {
nextUpdate->next = NULL;
nextUpdate->prev = updateListEnd;
if ( updateListEnd ) {
updateListEnd->next = nextUpdate;
else {
updateListStart = nextUpdate;
updateListEnd = nextUpdate;
nextUpdate->isInList = true;
idRoutingCache *idAASLocal::GetAreaRoutingCache( int clusterNum, int areaNum, int travelFlags ) const {
int clusterAreaNum;
idRoutingCache *cache, *clusterCache;
// number of the area in the cluster
clusterAreaNum = ClusterAreaNum( clusterNum, areaNum );
// pointer to the cache for the area in the cluster
clusterCache = areaCacheIndex[clusterNum][clusterAreaNum];
// check if cache without undesired travel flags already exists
for ( cache = clusterCache; cache; cache = cache->next ) {
if ( cache->travelFlags == travelFlags ) {
// if no cache found
if ( !cache ) {
cache = new idRoutingCache( file->GetCluster( clusterNum ).numReachableAreas );
cache->type = CACHETYPE_AREA;
cache->cluster = clusterNum;
cache->areaNum = areaNum;
cache->startTravelTime = 1;
cache->travelFlags = travelFlags;
cache->prev = NULL;
cache->next = clusterCache;
if ( clusterCache ) {
clusterCache->prev = cache;
areaCacheIndex[clusterNum][clusterAreaNum] = cache;
UpdateAreaRoutingCache( cache );
LinkCache( cache );
return cache;
void idAASLocal::UpdatePortalRoutingCache( idRoutingCache *portalCache ) const {
int i, portalNum, clusterAreaNum;
unsigned short t;
const aasPortal_t *portal;
const aasCluster_t *cluster;
idRoutingCache *cache;
idRoutingUpdate *updateListStart, *updateListEnd, *curUpdate, *nextUpdate;
curUpdate = &portalUpdate[ file->GetNumPortals() ];
curUpdate->cluster = portalCache->cluster;
curUpdate->areaNum = portalCache->areaNum;
curUpdate->tmpTravelTime = portalCache->startTravelTime;
//put the area to start with in the current read list
curUpdate->next = NULL;
curUpdate->prev = NULL;
updateListStart = curUpdate;
updateListEnd = curUpdate;
// while there are updates in the current list
while( updateListStart ) {
curUpdate = updateListStart;
// remove the current update from the list
if ( curUpdate->next ) {
curUpdate->next->prev = NULL;
else {
updateListEnd = NULL;
updateListStart = curUpdate->next;
// current update is removed from the list
curUpdate->isInList = false;
cluster = &file->GetCluster( curUpdate->cluster );
cache = GetAreaRoutingCache( curUpdate->cluster, curUpdate->areaNum, portalCache->travelFlags );
// take all portals of the cluster
for ( i = 0; i < cluster->numPortals; i++ ) {
portalNum = file->GetPortalIndex( cluster->firstPortal + i );
assert( portalNum < portalCache->size );
portal = &file->GetPortal( portalNum );
clusterAreaNum = ClusterAreaNum( curUpdate->cluster, portal->areaNum );
if ( clusterAreaNum >= cluster->numReachableAreas ) {
t = cache->travelTimes[clusterAreaNum];
if ( t == 0 ) {
t += curUpdate->tmpTravelTime;
if ( !portalCache->travelTimes[portalNum] || t < portalCache->travelTimes[portalNum] ) {
portalCache->travelTimes[portalNum] = t;
portalCache->reachabilities[portalNum] = cache->reachabilities[clusterAreaNum];
nextUpdate = &portalUpdate[portalNum];
if ( portal->clusters[0] == curUpdate->cluster ) {
nextUpdate->cluster = portal->clusters[1];
else {
nextUpdate->cluster = portal->clusters[0];
nextUpdate->areaNum = portal->areaNum;
// add travel time through the actual portal area for the next update
nextUpdate->tmpTravelTime = t + portal->maxAreaTravelTime;
if ( !nextUpdate->isInList ) {
nextUpdate->next = NULL;
nextUpdate->prev = updateListEnd;
if ( updateListEnd ) {
updateListEnd->next = nextUpdate;
else {
updateListStart = nextUpdate;
updateListEnd = nextUpdate;
nextUpdate->isInList = true;
idRoutingCache *idAASLocal::GetPortalRoutingCache( int clusterNum, int areaNum, int travelFlags ) const {
idRoutingCache *cache;
// check if cache without undesired travel flags already exists
for ( cache = portalCacheIndex[areaNum]; cache; cache = cache->next ) {
if ( cache->travelFlags == travelFlags ) {
// if no cache found
if ( !cache ) {
cache = new idRoutingCache( file->GetNumPortals() );
cache->type = CACHETYPE_PORTAL;
cache->cluster = clusterNum;
cache->areaNum = areaNum;
cache->startTravelTime = 1;
cache->travelFlags = travelFlags;
cache->prev = NULL;
cache->next = portalCacheIndex[areaNum];
if ( portalCacheIndex[areaNum] ) {
portalCacheIndex[areaNum]->prev = cache;
portalCacheIndex[areaNum] = cache;
UpdatePortalRoutingCache( cache );
LinkCache( cache );
return cache;
bool idAASLocal::RouteToGoalArea( int areaNum, const idVec3 origin, int goalAreaNum, int travelFlags, int &travelTime, idReachability **reach ) const {
int clusterNum, goalClusterNum, portalNum, i, clusterAreaNum;
unsigned short int t, bestTime;
const aasPortal_t *portal;
const aasCluster_t *cluster;
idRoutingCache *areaCache, *portalCache, *clusterCache;
idReachability *bestReach, *r, *nextr;
travelTime = 0;
*reach = NULL;
if ( !file ) {
return false;
if ( areaNum == goalAreaNum ) {
return true;
if ( areaNum <= 0 || areaNum >= file->GetNumAreas() ) {
gameLocal.Printf( "RouteToGoalArea: areaNum %d out of range\n", areaNum );
return false;
if ( goalAreaNum <= 0 || goalAreaNum >= file->GetNumAreas() ) {
gameLocal.Printf( "RouteToGoalArea: goalAreaNum %d out of range\n", goalAreaNum );
return false;
while( totalCacheMemory > MAX_ROUTING_CACHE_MEMORY ) {
clusterNum = file->GetArea( areaNum ).cluster;
goalClusterNum = file->GetArea( goalAreaNum ).cluster;
// if the source area is a cluster portal, read directly from the portal cache
if ( clusterNum < 0 ) {
// if the goal area is a portal
if ( goalClusterNum < 0 ) {
// just assume the goal area is part of the front cluster
portal = &file->GetPortal( -goalClusterNum );
goalClusterNum = portal->clusters[0];
// get the portal routing cache
portalCache = GetPortalRoutingCache( goalClusterNum, goalAreaNum, travelFlags );
*reach = GetAreaReachability( areaNum, portalCache->reachabilities[-clusterNum] );
travelTime = portalCache->travelTimes[-clusterNum] + AreaTravelTime( areaNum, origin, (*reach)->start );
return true;
bestTime = 0;
bestReach = NULL;
// check if the goal area is a portal of the source area cluster
if ( goalClusterNum < 0 ) {
portal = &file->GetPortal( -goalClusterNum );
if ( portal->clusters[0] == clusterNum || portal->clusters[1] == clusterNum) {
goalClusterNum = clusterNum;
// if both areas are in the same cluster
if ( clusterNum > 0 && goalClusterNum > 0 && clusterNum == goalClusterNum ) {
clusterCache = GetAreaRoutingCache( clusterNum, goalAreaNum, travelFlags );
clusterAreaNum = ClusterAreaNum( clusterNum, areaNum );
if ( clusterCache->travelTimes[clusterAreaNum] ) {
bestReach = GetAreaReachability( areaNum, clusterCache->reachabilities[clusterAreaNum] );
bestTime = clusterCache->travelTimes[clusterAreaNum] + AreaTravelTime( areaNum, origin, bestReach->start );
else {
clusterCache = NULL;
else {
clusterCache = NULL;
clusterNum = file->GetArea( areaNum ).cluster;
goalClusterNum = file->GetArea( goalAreaNum ).cluster;
// if the goal area is a portal
if ( goalClusterNum < 0 ) {
// just assume the goal area is part of the front cluster
portal = &file->GetPortal( -goalClusterNum );
goalClusterNum = portal->clusters[0];
// get the portal routing cache
portalCache = GetPortalRoutingCache( goalClusterNum, goalAreaNum, travelFlags );
// the cluster the area is in
cluster = &file->GetCluster( clusterNum );
// current area inside the current cluster
clusterAreaNum = ClusterAreaNum( clusterNum, areaNum );
// if the area is not a reachable area
if ( clusterAreaNum >= cluster->numReachableAreas) {
return false;
// find the portal of the source area cluster leading towards the goal area
for ( i = 0; i < cluster->numPortals; i++ ) {
portalNum = file->GetPortalIndex( cluster->firstPortal + i );
// if the goal area isn't reachable from the portal
if ( !portalCache->travelTimes[portalNum] ) {
portal = &file->GetPortal( portalNum );
// get the cache of the portal area
areaCache = GetAreaRoutingCache( clusterNum, portal->areaNum, travelFlags );
// if the portal is not reachable from this area
if ( !areaCache->travelTimes[clusterAreaNum] ) {
r = GetAreaReachability( areaNum, areaCache->reachabilities[clusterAreaNum] );
if ( clusterCache ) {
// if the next reachability from the portal leads back into the cluster
nextr = GetAreaReachability( portal->areaNum, portalCache->reachabilities[portalNum] );
if ( file->GetArea( nextr->toAreaNum ).cluster < 0 || file->GetArea( nextr->toAreaNum ).cluster == clusterNum ) {
// the total travel time is the travel time from the portal area to the goal area
// plus the travel time from the source area towards the portal area
t = portalCache->travelTimes[portalNum] + areaCache->travelTimes[clusterAreaNum];
// NOTE: Should add the exact travel time through the portal area.
// However we add the largest travel time through the portal area.
// We cannot directly calculate the exact travel time through the portal area
// because the reachability used to travel into the portal area is not known.
t += portal->maxAreaTravelTime;
// if the time is better than the one already found
if ( !bestTime || t < bestTime ) {
bestReach = r;
bestTime = t;
if ( !bestReach ) {
return false;
*reach = bestReach;
travelTime = bestTime;
return true;
int idAASLocal::TravelTimeToGoalArea( int areaNum, const idVec3 &origin, int goalAreaNum, int travelFlags ) const {
int travelTime;
idReachability *reach;
if ( !file ) {
return 0;
if ( !RouteToGoalArea( areaNum, origin, goalAreaNum, travelFlags, travelTime, &reach ) ) {
return 0;
return travelTime;
bool idAASLocal::FindNearestGoal( aasGoal_t &goal, int areaNum, const idVec3 origin, const idVec3 &target, int travelFlags, aasObstacle_t *obstacles, int numObstacles, idAASCallback &callback ) const {
int i, j, k, badTravelFlags, nextAreaNum, bestAreaNum;
unsigned short t, bestTravelTime;
idRoutingUpdate *updateListStart, *updateListEnd, *curUpdate, *nextUpdate;
idReachability *reach;
const aasArea_t *nextArea;
idVec3 v1, v2, p;
float targetDist, dist;
if ( file == NULL || areaNum <= 0 ) {
goal.areaNum = areaNum;
goal.origin = origin;
return false;
// if the first area is valid goal, just return the origin
if ( callback.TestArea( this, areaNum ) ) {
goal.areaNum = areaNum;
goal.origin = origin;
return true;
// setup obstacles
for ( k = 0; k < numObstacles; k++ ) {
obstacles[k].expAbsBounds[0] = obstacles[k].absBounds[0] - file->GetSettings().boundingBoxes[0][1];
obstacles[k].expAbsBounds[1] = obstacles[k].absBounds[1] - file->GetSettings().boundingBoxes[0][0];
badTravelFlags = ~travelFlags;
SIMDProcessor->Memset( goalAreaTravelTimes, 0, file->GetNumAreas() * sizeof( unsigned short ) );
targetDist = (target - origin).Length();
// initialize first update
curUpdate = &areaUpdate[areaNum];
curUpdate->areaNum = areaNum;
curUpdate->tmpTravelTime = 0;
curUpdate->start = origin;
curUpdate->next = NULL;
curUpdate->prev = NULL;
updateListStart = curUpdate;
updateListEnd = curUpdate;
bestTravelTime = 0;
bestAreaNum = 0;
// while there are updates in the list
while ( updateListStart ) {
curUpdate = updateListStart;
if ( curUpdate->next ) {
curUpdate->next->prev = NULL;
else {
updateListEnd = NULL;
updateListStart = curUpdate->next;
curUpdate->isInList = false;
// if we already found a closer location
if ( bestTravelTime && curUpdate->tmpTravelTime >= bestTravelTime ) {
for ( i = 0, reach = file->GetArea( curUpdate->areaNum ).reach; reach; reach = reach->next, i++ ) {
// if the reachability uses an undesired travel type
if ( reach->travelType & badTravelFlags ) {
// next area the reversed reachability leads to
nextAreaNum = reach->toAreaNum;
nextArea = &file->GetArea( nextAreaNum );
// if traveling through the next area requires an undesired travel flag
if ( nextArea->travelFlags & badTravelFlags ) {
t = curUpdate->tmpTravelTime +
AreaTravelTime( curUpdate->areaNum, curUpdate->start, reach->start ) +
// project target origin onto movement vector through the area
v1 = reach->end - curUpdate->start;
v2 = target - curUpdate->start;
p = curUpdate->start + (v2 * v1) * v1;
// get the point on the path closest to the target
for ( j = 0; j < 3; j++ ) {
if ( (p[j] > curUpdate->start[j] + 0.1f && p[j] > reach->end[j] + 0.1f) ||
(p[j] < curUpdate->start[j] - 0.1f && p[j] < reach->end[j] - 0.1f) ) {
if ( j >= 3 ) {
dist = (target - p).Length();
} else {
dist = (target - reach->end).Length();
// avoid moving closer to the target
if ( dist < targetDist ) {
t += ( targetDist - dist ) * 10;
// if we already found a closer location
if ( bestTravelTime && t >= bestTravelTime ) {
// if this is not the best path towards the next area
if ( goalAreaTravelTimes[nextAreaNum] && t >= goalAreaTravelTimes[nextAreaNum] ) {
// path may not go through any obstacles
for ( k = 0; k < numObstacles; k++ ) {
// if the movement vector intersects the expanded obstacle bounds
if ( obstacles[k].expAbsBounds.LineIntersection( curUpdate->start, reach->end ) ) {
if ( k < numObstacles ) {
goalAreaTravelTimes[nextAreaNum] = t;
nextUpdate = &areaUpdate[nextAreaNum];
nextUpdate->areaNum = nextAreaNum;
nextUpdate->tmpTravelTime = t;
nextUpdate->start = reach->end;
// if we are not allowed to fly
if ( badTravelFlags & TFL_FLY ) {
// avoid areas near ledges
if ( file->GetArea( nextAreaNum ).flags & AREA_LEDGE ) {
nextUpdate->tmpTravelTime += LEDGE_TRAVELTIME_PANALTY;
if ( !nextUpdate->isInList ) {
nextUpdate->next = NULL;
nextUpdate->prev = updateListEnd;
if ( updateListEnd ) {
updateListEnd->next = nextUpdate;
} else {
updateListStart = nextUpdate;
updateListEnd = nextUpdate;
nextUpdate->isInList = true;
// don't put goal near a ledge
if ( !( nextArea->flags & AREA_LEDGE ) ) {
// add travel time through the area
t += AreaTravelTime( reach->toAreaNum, reach->end, nextArea->center );
if ( !bestTravelTime || t < bestTravelTime ) {
// if the area is not visible to the target
if ( callback.TestArea( this, reach->toAreaNum ) ) {
bestTravelTime = t;
bestAreaNum = reach->toAreaNum;
if ( bestAreaNum ) {
goal.areaNum = bestAreaNum;
goal.origin = AreaCenter( bestAreaNum );
return true;
return false;