mirror of
synced 2025-03-09 11:04:19 +00:00
I worked around the issue for the particle editor, but now it turned out it can also somehow happen when switching from the Radiant to the Engine (with F2), so I implemented the "proper" fix of restoring glConfig.vidWidth/Height, that are overwritten in RenderSystemLocal::BeginFrame(), in RenderSystemLocal::EndFrame().
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Doom 3 GPL Source Code
Copyright (C) 1999-2011 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company.
This file is part of the Doom 3 GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 Source Code").
Doom 3 Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Doom 3 Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Doom 3 Source Code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
In addition, the Doom 3 Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below.
If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA.
#ifndef __TR_LOCAL_H__
#define __TR_LOCAL_H__
class idScreenRect; // yay for include recursion
#include "renderer/Image.h"
#include "renderer/Interaction.h"
#include "renderer/MegaTexture.h"
#include "renderer/ModelDecal.h"
#include "renderer/ModelOverlay.h"
#include "renderer/RenderSystem.h"
#include "renderer/RenderWorld.h"
class idRenderWorldLocal;
// everything that is needed by the backend needs
// to be double buffered to allow it to run in
// parallel on a dual cpu machine
const int SMP_FRAMES = 1;
const int FALLOFF_TEXTURE_SIZE = 64;
const float DEFAULT_FOG_DISTANCE = 500.0f;
const int FOG_ENTER_SIZE = 64;
const float FOG_ENTER = (FOG_ENTER_SIZE+1.0f)/(FOG_ENTER_SIZE*2);
// picky to get the bilerp correct at terminator
// idScreenRect gets carried around with each drawSurf, so it makes sense
// to keep it compact, instead of just using the idBounds class
class idScreenRect {
short x1, y1, x2, y2; // inclusive pixel bounds inside viewport
float zmin, zmax; // for depth bounds test
void Clear(); // clear to backwards values
void AddPoint( float x, float y ); // adds a point
void Expand(); // expand by one pixel each way to fix roundoffs
void Intersect( const idScreenRect &rect );
void Union( const idScreenRect &rect );
bool Equals( const idScreenRect &rect ) const;
bool IsEmpty() const;
idScreenRect R_ScreenRectFromViewFrustumBounds( const idBounds &bounds );
void R_ShowColoredScreenRect( const idScreenRect &rect, int colorIndex );
typedef enum {
} demoCommand_t;
// drawSurf_t structures command the back end to render surfaces
// a given srfTriangles_t may be used with multiple viewEntity_t,
// as when viewed in a subview or multiple viewport render, or
// with multiple shaders when skinned, or, possibly with multiple
// lights, although currently each lighting interaction creates
// unique srfTriangles_t
// drawSurf_t are always allocated and freed every frame, they are never cached
static const int DSF_VIEW_INSIDE_SHADOW = 1;
typedef struct drawSurf_s {
const srfTriangles_t *geo;
const struct viewEntity_s *space;
const idMaterial *material; // may be NULL for shadow volumes
float sort; // material->sort, modified by gui / entity sort offsets
const float *shaderRegisters; // evaluated and adjusted for referenceShaders
const struct drawSurf_s *nextOnLight; // viewLight chains
idScreenRect scissorRect; // for scissor clipping, local inside renderView viewport
int dsFlags; // DSF_VIEW_INSIDE_SHADOW, etc
struct vertCache_s *dynamicTexCoords; // float * in vertex cache memory
// specular directions for non vertex program cards, skybox texcoords, etc
} drawSurf_t;
typedef struct {
int numPlanes; // this is always 6 for now
idPlane planes[6];
// positive sides facing inward
// plane 5 is always the plane the projection is going to, the
// other planes are just clip planes
// all planes are in global coordinates
bool makeClippedPlanes;
// a projected light with a single frustum needs to make sil planes
// from triangles that clip against side planes, but a point light
// that has adjacent frustums doesn't need to
} shadowFrustum_t;
// areas have references to hold all the lights and entities in them
typedef struct areaReference_s {
struct areaReference_s *areaNext; // chain in the area
struct areaReference_s *areaPrev;
struct areaReference_s *ownerNext; // chain on either the entityDef or lightDef
idRenderEntityLocal * entity; // only one of entity / light will be non-NULL
idRenderLightLocal * light; // only one of entity / light will be non-NULL
struct portalArea_s * area; // so owners can find all the areas they are in
} areaReference_t;
// idRenderLight should become the new public interface replacing the qhandle_t to light defs in the idRenderWorld interface
class idRenderLight {
virtual ~idRenderLight() {}
virtual void FreeRenderLight() = 0;
virtual void UpdateRenderLight( const renderLight_t *re, bool forceUpdate = false ) = 0;
virtual void GetRenderLight( renderLight_t *re ) = 0;
virtual void ForceUpdate() = 0;
virtual int GetIndex() = 0;
// idRenderEntity should become the new public interface replacing the qhandle_t to entity defs in the idRenderWorld interface
class idRenderEntity {
virtual ~idRenderEntity() {}
virtual void FreeRenderEntity() = 0;
virtual void UpdateRenderEntity( const renderEntity_t *re, bool forceUpdate = false ) = 0;
virtual void GetRenderEntity( renderEntity_t *re ) = 0;
virtual void ForceUpdate() = 0;
virtual int GetIndex() = 0;
// overlays are extra polygons that deform with animating models for blood and damage marks
virtual void ProjectOverlay( const idPlane localTextureAxis[2], const idMaterial *material ) = 0;
virtual void RemoveDecals() = 0;
class idRenderLightLocal : public idRenderLight {
virtual void FreeRenderLight();
virtual void UpdateRenderLight( const renderLight_t *re, bool forceUpdate = false );
virtual void GetRenderLight( renderLight_t *re );
virtual void ForceUpdate();
virtual int GetIndex();
renderLight_t parms; // specification
bool lightHasMoved; // the light has changed its position since it was
// first added, so the prelight model is not valid
float modelMatrix[16]; // this is just a rearrangement of parms.axis and parms.origin
idRenderWorldLocal * world;
int index; // in world lightdefs
int areaNum; // if not -1, we may be able to cull all the light's
// interactions if !viewDef->connectedAreas[areaNum]
int lastModifiedFrameNum; // to determine if it is constantly changing,
// and should go in the dynamic frame memory, or kept
// in the cached memory
bool archived; // for demo writing
// derived information
idPlane lightProject[4];
const idMaterial * lightShader; // guaranteed to be valid, even if parms.shader isn't
idImage * falloffImage;
idVec3 globalLightOrigin; // accounting for lightCenter and parallel
idPlane frustum[6]; // in global space, positive side facing out, last two are front/back
idWinding * frustumWindings[6]; // used for culling
srfTriangles_t * frustumTris; // triangulated frustumWindings[]
int numShadowFrustums; // one for projected lights, usually six for point lights
shadowFrustum_t shadowFrustums[6];
int viewCount; // if == tr.viewCount, the light is on the viewDef->viewLights list
struct viewLight_s * viewLight;
areaReference_t * references; // each area the light is present in will have a lightRef
idInteraction * firstInteraction; // doubly linked list
idInteraction * lastInteraction;
struct doublePortal_s * foggedPortals;
class idRenderEntityLocal : public idRenderEntity {
virtual void FreeRenderEntity();
virtual void UpdateRenderEntity( const renderEntity_t *re, bool forceUpdate = false );
virtual void GetRenderEntity( renderEntity_t *re );
virtual void ForceUpdate();
virtual int GetIndex();
// overlays are extra polygons that deform with animating models for blood and damage marks
virtual void ProjectOverlay( const idPlane localTextureAxis[2], const idMaterial *material );
virtual void RemoveDecals();
renderEntity_t parms;
float modelMatrix[16]; // this is just a rearrangement of parms.axis and parms.origin
idRenderWorldLocal * world;
int index; // in world entityDefs
int lastModifiedFrameNum; // to determine if it is constantly changing,
// and should go in the dynamic frame memory, or kept
// in the cached memory
bool archived; // for demo writing
idRenderModel * dynamicModel; // if parms.model->IsDynamicModel(), this is the generated data
int dynamicModelFrameCount; // continuously animating dynamic models will recreate
// dynamicModel if this doesn't == tr.viewCount
idRenderModel * cachedDynamicModel;
idBounds referenceBounds; // the local bounds used to place entityRefs, either from parms or a model
// a viewEntity_t is created whenever a idRenderEntityLocal is considered for inclusion
// in a given view, even if it turns out to not be visible
int viewCount; // if tr.viewCount == viewCount, viewEntity is valid,
// but the entity may still be off screen
struct viewEntity_s * viewEntity; // in frame temporary memory
int visibleCount;
// if tr.viewCount == visibleCount, at least one ambient
// surface has actually been added by R_AddAmbientDrawsurfs
// note that an entity could still be in the view frustum and not be visible due
// to portal passing
idRenderModelDecal * decals; // chain of decals that have been projected on this model
idRenderModelOverlay * overlay; // blood overlays on animated models
areaReference_t * entityRefs; // chain of all references
idInteraction * firstInteraction; // doubly linked list
idInteraction * lastInteraction;
bool needsPortalSky;
// viewLights are allocated on the frame temporary stack memory
// a viewLight contains everything that the back end needs out of an idRenderLightLocal,
// which the front end may be modifying simultaniously if running in SMP mode.
// a viewLight may exist even without any surfaces, and may be relevent for fogging,
// but should never exist if its volume does not intersect the view frustum
typedef struct viewLight_s {
struct viewLight_s * next;
// back end should NOT reference the lightDef, because it can change when running SMP
idRenderLightLocal * lightDef;
// for scissor clipping, local inside renderView viewport
// scissorRect.Empty() is true if the viewEntity_t was never actually
// seen through any portals
idScreenRect scissorRect;
// if the view isn't inside the light, we can use the non-reversed
// shadow drawing, avoiding the draws of the front and rear caps
bool viewInsideLight;
// true if globalLightOrigin is inside the view frustum, even if it may
// be obscured by geometry. This allows us to skip shadows from non-visible objects
bool viewSeesGlobalLightOrigin;
// if !viewInsideLight, the corresponding bit for each of the shadowFrustum
// projection planes that the view is on the negative side of will be set,
// allowing us to skip drawing the projected caps of shadows if we can't see the face
int viewSeesShadowPlaneBits;
idVec3 globalLightOrigin; // global light origin used by backend
idPlane lightProject[4]; // light project used by backend
idPlane fogPlane; // fog plane for backend fog volume rendering
const srfTriangles_t * frustumTris; // light frustum for backend fog volume rendering
const idMaterial * lightShader; // light shader used by backend
const float * shaderRegisters; // shader registers used by backend
idImage * falloffImage; // falloff image used by backend
const struct drawSurf_s *globalShadows; // shadow everything
const struct drawSurf_s *localInteractions; // don't get local shadows
const struct drawSurf_s *localShadows; // don't shadow local Surfaces
const struct drawSurf_s *globalInteractions; // get shadows from everything
const struct drawSurf_s *translucentInteractions; // get shadows from everything
} viewLight_t;
// a viewEntity is created whenever a idRenderEntityLocal is considered for inclusion
// in the current view, but it may still turn out to be culled.
// viewEntity are allocated on the frame temporary stack memory
// a viewEntity contains everything that the back end needs out of a idRenderEntityLocal,
// which the front end may be modifying simultaniously if running in SMP mode.
// A single entityDef can generate multiple viewEntity_t in a single frame, as when seen in a mirror
typedef struct viewEntity_s {
struct viewEntity_s *next;
// back end should NOT reference the entityDef, because it can change when running SMP
idRenderEntityLocal *entityDef;
// for scissor clipping, local inside renderView viewport
// scissorRect.Empty() is true if the viewEntity_t was never actually
// seen through any portals, but was created for shadow casting.
// a viewEntity can have a non-empty scissorRect, meaning that an area
// that it is in is visible, and still not be visible.
idScreenRect scissorRect;
bool weaponDepthHack;
float modelDepthHack;
float modelMatrix[16]; // local coords to global coords
float modelViewMatrix[16]; // local coords to eye coords
} viewEntity_t;
const int MAX_CLIP_PLANES = 1; // we may expand this to six for some subview issues
// viewDefs are allocated on the frame temporary stack memory
typedef struct viewDef_s {
// specified in the call to DrawScene()
renderView_t renderView;
float projectionMatrix[16];
viewEntity_t worldSpace;
idRenderWorldLocal *renderWorld;
float floatTime;
idVec3 initialViewAreaOrigin;
// Used to find the portalArea that view flooding will take place from.
// for a normal view, the initialViewOrigin will be renderView.viewOrg,
// but a mirror may put the projection origin outside
// of any valid area, or in an unconnected area of the map, so the view
// area must be based on a point just off the surface of the mirror / subview.
// It may be possible to get a failed portal pass if the plane of the
// mirror intersects a portal, and the initialViewAreaOrigin is on
// a different side than the renderView.viewOrg is.
bool isSubview; // true if this view is not the main view
bool isMirror; // the portal is a mirror, invert the face culling
bool isXraySubview;
bool isEditor;
int numClipPlanes; // mirrors will often use a single clip plane
idPlane clipPlanes[MAX_CLIP_PLANES]; // in world space, the positive side
// of the plane is the visible side
idScreenRect viewport; // in real pixels and proper Y flip
idScreenRect scissor;
// for scissor clipping, local inside renderView viewport
// subviews may only be rendering part of the main view
// these are real physical pixel values, possibly scaled and offset from the
// renderView x/y/width/height
struct viewDef_s * superView; // never go into an infinite subview loop
struct drawSurf_s * subviewSurface;
// drawSurfs are the visible surfaces of the viewEntities, sorted
// by the material sort parameter
drawSurf_t ** drawSurfs; // we don't use an idList for this, because
int numDrawSurfs; // it is allocated in frame temporary memory
int maxDrawSurfs; // may be resized
struct viewLight_s *viewLights; // chain of all viewLights effecting view
struct viewEntity_s *viewEntitys; // chain of all viewEntities effecting view, including off screen ones casting shadows
// we use viewEntities as a check to see if a given view consists solely
// of 2D rendering, which we can optimize in certain ways. A 2D view will
// not have any viewEntities
idPlane frustum[5]; // positive sides face outward, [4] is the front clip plane
idFrustum viewFrustum;
int areaNum; // -1 = not in a valid area
bool * connectedAreas;
// An array in frame temporary memory that lists if an area can be reached without
// crossing a closed door. This is used to avoid drawing interactions
// when the light is behind a closed door.
} viewDef_t;
// complex light / surface interactions are broken up into multiple passes of a
// simple interaction shader
typedef struct {
const drawSurf_t * surf;
idImage * lightImage;
idImage * lightFalloffImage;
idImage * bumpImage;
idImage * diffuseImage;
idImage * specularImage;
idVec4 diffuseColor; // may have a light color baked into it, will be < tr.backEndRendererMaxLight
idVec4 specularColor; // may have a light color baked into it, will be < tr.backEndRendererMaxLight
stageVertexColor_t vertexColor; // applies to both diffuse and specular
int ambientLight; // use tr.ambientNormalMap instead of normalization cube map
// (not a bool just to avoid an uninitialized memory check of the pad region by valgrind)
// these are loaded into the vertex program
idVec4 localLightOrigin;
idVec4 localViewOrigin;
idVec4 lightProjection[4]; // in local coordinates, possibly with a texture matrix baked in
idVec4 bumpMatrix[2];
idVec4 diffuseMatrix[2];
idVec4 specularMatrix[2];
} drawInteraction_t;
typedef enum {
RC_SWAP_BUFFERS // can't just assume swap at end of list because
// of forced list submission before syncs
} renderCommand_t;
typedef struct {
renderCommand_t commandId, *next;
} emptyCommand_t;
typedef struct {
renderCommand_t commandId, *next;
GLenum buffer;
int frameCount;
} setBufferCommand_t;
typedef struct {
renderCommand_t commandId, *next;
viewDef_t *viewDef;
} drawSurfsCommand_t;
typedef struct {
renderCommand_t commandId, *next;
int x, y, imageWidth, imageHeight;
idImage *image;
int cubeFace; // when copying to a cubeMap
} copyRenderCommand_t;
// this is the inital allocation for max number of drawsurfs
// in a given view, but it will automatically grow if needed
const int INITIAL_DRAWSURFS = 0x4000;
// a request for frame memory will never fail
// (until malloc fails), but it may force the
// allocation of a new memory block that will
// be discontinuous with the existing memory
typedef struct frameMemoryBlock_s {
struct frameMemoryBlock_s *next;
int size;
int used;
int poop; // so that base is 16 byte aligned
byte base[4]; // dynamically allocated as [size]
} frameMemoryBlock_t;
// all of the information needed by the back end must be
// contained in a frameData_t. This entire structure is
// duplicated so the front and back end can run in parallel
// on an SMP machine (OBSOLETE: this capability has been removed)
typedef struct {
// one or more blocks of memory for all frame
// temporary allocations
frameMemoryBlock_t *memory;
// alloc will point somewhere into the memory chain
frameMemoryBlock_t *alloc;
srfTriangles_t * firstDeferredFreeTriSurf;
srfTriangles_t * lastDeferredFreeTriSurf;
int memoryHighwater; // max used on any frame
// the currently building command list
// commands can be inserted at the front if needed, as for required
// dynamically generated textures
emptyCommand_t *cmdHead, *cmdTail; // may be of other command type based on commandId
} frameData_t;
extern frameData_t *frameData;
void R_LockSurfaceScene( viewDef_t *parms );
void R_ClearCommandChain( void );
void R_AddDrawViewCmd( viewDef_t *parms );
void R_ReloadGuis_f( const idCmdArgs &args );
void R_ListGuis_f( const idCmdArgs &args );
void *R_GetCommandBuffer( int bytes );
// this allows a global override of all materials
bool R_GlobalShaderOverride( const idMaterial **shader );
// this does various checks before calling the idDeclSkin
const idMaterial *R_RemapShaderBySkin( const idMaterial *shader, const idDeclSkin *customSkin, const idMaterial *customShader );
** performanceCounters_t
typedef struct {
int c_sphere_cull_in, c_sphere_cull_clip, c_sphere_cull_out;
int c_box_cull_in, c_box_cull_out;
int c_createInteractions; // number of calls to idInteraction::CreateInteraction
int c_createLightTris;
int c_createShadowVolumes;
int c_generateMd5;
int c_entityDefCallbacks;
int c_alloc, c_free; // counts for R_StaticAllc/R_StaticFree
int c_visibleViewEntities;
int c_shadowViewEntities;
int c_viewLights;
int c_numViews; // number of total views rendered
int c_deformedSurfaces; // idMD5Mesh::GenerateSurface
int c_deformedVerts; // idMD5Mesh::GenerateSurface
int c_deformedIndexes; // idMD5Mesh::GenerateSurface
int c_tangentIndexes; // R_DeriveTangents()
int c_entityUpdates, c_lightUpdates, c_entityReferences, c_lightReferences;
int c_guiSurfs;
int frontEndMsec; // sum of time in all RE_RenderScene's in a frame
} performanceCounters_t;
typedef struct {
int current2DMap;
int current3DMap;
int currentCubeMap;
int texEnv;
textureType_t textureType;
} tmu_t;
typedef struct {
int currenttmu;
int faceCulling;
int glStateBits;
bool forceGlState; // the next GL_State will ignore glStateBits and set everything
} glstate_t;
typedef struct {
int c_surfaces;
int c_shaders;
int c_vertexes;
int c_indexes; // one set per pass
int c_totalIndexes; // counting all passes
int c_drawElements;
int c_drawIndexes;
int c_drawVertexes;
int c_drawRefIndexes;
int c_drawRefVertexes;
int c_shadowElements;
int c_shadowIndexes;
int c_shadowVertexes;
int c_vboIndexes;
float c_overDraw;
float maxLightValue; // for light scale
int msec; // total msec for backend run
} backEndCounters_t;
// all state modified by the back end is separated
// from the front end state
typedef struct {
int frameCount; // used to track all images used in a frame
const viewDef_t * viewDef;
backEndCounters_t pc;
const viewEntity_t *currentSpace; // for detecting when a matrix must change
idScreenRect currentScissor;
// for scissor clipping, local inside renderView viewport
viewLight_t * vLight;
int depthFunc; // GLS_DEPTHFUNC_EQUAL, or GLS_DEPTHFUNC_LESS for translucent
float lightTextureMatrix[16]; // only if lightStage->texture.hasMatrix
float lightColor[4]; // evaluation of current light's color stage
float lightScale; // Every light color calaculation will be multiplied by this,
// which will guarantee that the result is < tr.backEndRendererMaxLight
// A card with high dynamic range will have this set to 1.0
float overBright; // The amount that all light interactions must be multiplied by
// with post processing to get the desired total light level.
// A high dynamic range card will have this set to 1.0.
bool currentRenderCopied; // true if any material has already referenced _currentRender
// our OpenGL state deltas
glstate_t glState;
int c_copyFrameBuffer;
} backEndState_t;
const int MAX_GUI_SURFACES = 1024; // default size of the drawSurfs list for guis, will
// be automatically expanded as needed
typedef enum {
} backEndName_t;
typedef struct {
int x, y, width, height; // these are in physical, OpenGL Y-at-bottom pixels
} renderCrop_t;
static const int MAX_RENDER_CROPS = 8;
** Most renderer globals are defined here.
** backend functions should never modify any of these fields,
** but may read fields that aren't dynamically modified
** by the frontend.
class idRenderSystemLocal : public idRenderSystem {
// external functions
virtual void Init( void );
virtual void Shutdown( void );
virtual void InitOpenGL( void );
virtual void ShutdownOpenGL( void );
virtual bool IsOpenGLRunning( void ) const;
virtual bool IsFullScreen( void ) const;
virtual int GetScreenWidth( void ) const;
virtual int GetScreenHeight( void ) const;
virtual idRenderWorld * AllocRenderWorld( void );
virtual void FreeRenderWorld( idRenderWorld *rw );
virtual void BeginLevelLoad( void );
virtual void EndLevelLoad( void );
virtual bool RegisterFont( const char *fontName, fontInfoEx_t &font );
virtual void SetColor( const idVec4 &rgba );
virtual void SetColor4( float r, float g, float b, float a );
virtual void DrawStretchPic ( const idDrawVert *verts, const glIndex_t *indexes, int vertCount, int indexCount, const idMaterial *material,
bool clip = true, float x = 0.0f, float y = 0.0f, float w = 640.0f, float h = 0.0f );
virtual void DrawStretchPic ( float x, float y, float w, float h, float s1, float t1, float s2, float t2, const idMaterial *material );
virtual void DrawStretchTri ( idVec2 p1, idVec2 p2, idVec2 p3, idVec2 t1, idVec2 t2, idVec2 t3, const idMaterial *material );
virtual void GlobalToNormalizedDeviceCoordinates( const idVec3 &global, idVec3 &ndc );
virtual void GetGLSettings( int& width, int& height );
virtual void PrintMemInfo( MemInfo_t *mi );
virtual void DrawSmallChar( int x, int y, int ch, const idMaterial *material );
virtual void DrawSmallStringExt( int x, int y, const char *string, const idVec4 &setColor, bool forceColor, const idMaterial *material );
virtual void DrawBigChar( int x, int y, int ch, const idMaterial *material );
virtual void DrawBigStringExt( int x, int y, const char *string, const idVec4 &setColor, bool forceColor, const idMaterial *material );
virtual void WriteDemoPics();
virtual void DrawDemoPics();
virtual void BeginFrame( int windowWidth, int windowHeight );
virtual void EndFrame( int *frontEndMsec, int *backEndMsec );
virtual void TakeScreenshot( int width, int height, const char *fileName, int downSample, renderView_t *ref );
virtual void CropRenderSize( int width, int height, bool makePowerOfTwo = false, bool forceDimensions = false );
virtual void CaptureRenderToImage( const char *imageName );
virtual void CaptureRenderToFile( const char *fileName, bool fixAlpha );
virtual void UnCrop();
virtual bool UploadImage( const char *imageName, const byte *data, int width, int height );
// internal functions
idRenderSystemLocal( void );
~idRenderSystemLocal( void );
void Clear( void );
void SetBackEndRenderer(); // sets tr.backEndRenderer based on cvars
void RenderViewToViewport( const renderView_t *renderView, idScreenRect *viewport );
// renderer globals
bool registered; // cleared at shutdown, set at InitOpenGL
bool takingScreenshot;
int frameCount; // incremented every frame
int viewCount; // incremented every view (twice a scene if subviewed)
// and every R_MarkFragments call
int staticAllocCount; // running total of bytes allocated
float frameShaderTime; // shader time for all non-world 2D rendering
int viewportOffset[2]; // for doing larger-than-window tiled renderings
int tiledViewport[2];
// determines which back end to use, and if vertex programs are in use
backEndName_t backEndRenderer;
bool backEndRendererHasVertexPrograms;
float backEndRendererMaxLight; // 1.0 for standard, unlimited for floats
// determines how much overbrighting needs
// to be done post-process
idVec4 ambientLightVector; // used for "ambient bump mapping"
float sortOffset; // for determinist sorting of equal sort materials
idRenderWorldLocal * primaryWorld;
renderView_t primaryRenderView;
viewDef_t * primaryView;
// many console commands need to know which world they should operate on
const idMaterial * defaultMaterial;
idImage * testImage;
idCinematic * testVideo;
float testVideoStartTime;
idImage * ambientCubeImage; // hack for testing dependent ambient lighting
viewDef_t * viewDef;
performanceCounters_t pc; // performance counters
drawSurfsCommand_t lockSurfacesCmd; // use this when r_lockSurfaces = 1
viewEntity_t identitySpace; // can use if we don't know viewDef->worldSpace is valid
int stencilIncr, stencilDecr; // GL_INCR / INCR_WRAP_EXT, GL_DECR / GL_DECR_EXT
renderCrop_t renderCrops[MAX_RENDER_CROPS];
int currentRenderCrop;
// GUI drawing variables for surface creation
int guiRecursionLevel; // to prevent infinite overruns
class idGuiModel * guiModel;
class idGuiModel * demoGuiModel;
// DG: remember the original glConfig.vidWidth/Height values that get overwritten in BeginFrame()
// so they can be reset in EndFrame() (Editors tend to mess up the viewport by using BeginFrame())
int origWidth;
int origHeight;
extern backEndState_t backEnd;
extern idRenderSystemLocal tr;
extern glconfig_t glConfig; // outside of TR since it shouldn't be cleared during ref re-init
// cvars
extern idCVar r_mode; // video mode number
extern idCVar r_displayRefresh; // optional display refresh rate option for vid mode
extern idCVar r_fullscreen; // 0 = windowed, 1 = full screen
extern idCVar r_multiSamples; // number of antialiasing samples
extern idCVar r_ignore; // used for random debugging without defining new vars
extern idCVar r_ignore2; // used for random debugging without defining new vars
extern idCVar r_znear; // near Z clip plane
extern idCVar r_finish; // force a call to glFinish() every frame
extern idCVar r_frontBuffer; // draw to front buffer for debugging
extern idCVar r_swapInterval; // changes the GL swap interval
extern idCVar r_offsetFactor; // polygon offset parameter
extern idCVar r_offsetUnits; // polygon offset parameter
extern idCVar r_singleTriangle; // only draw a single triangle per primitive
extern idCVar r_clear; // force screen clear every frame
extern idCVar r_shadows; // enable shadows
extern idCVar r_subviewOnly; // 1 = don't render main view, allowing subviews to be debugged
extern idCVar r_lightScale; // all light intensities are multiplied by this, which is normally 2
extern idCVar r_flareSize; // scale the flare deforms from the material def
extern idCVar r_gamma; // changes gamma tables
extern idCVar r_brightness; // changes gamma tables
extern idCVar r_renderer; // arb2, etc
extern idCVar r_checkBounds; // compare all surface bounds with precalculated ones
extern idCVar r_useLightPortalFlow; // 1 = do a more precise area reference determination
extern idCVar r_useShadowSurfaceScissor;// 1 = scissor shadows by the scissor rect of the interaction surfaces
extern idCVar r_useConstantMaterials; // 1 = use pre-calculated material registers if possible
extern idCVar r_useInteractionTable; // create a full entityDefs * lightDefs table to make finding interactions faster
extern idCVar r_useNodeCommonChildren; // stop pushing reference bounds early when possible
extern idCVar r_useSilRemap; // 1 = consider verts with the same XYZ, but different ST the same for shadows
extern idCVar r_useCulling; // 0 = none, 1 = sphere, 2 = sphere + box
extern idCVar r_useLightCulling; // 0 = none, 1 = box, 2 = exact clip of polyhedron faces
extern idCVar r_useLightScissors; // 1 = use custom scissor rectangle for each light
extern idCVar r_useClippedLightScissors;// 0 = full screen when near clipped, 1 = exact when near clipped, 2 = exact always
extern idCVar r_useEntityCulling; // 0 = none, 1 = box
extern idCVar r_useEntityScissors; // 1 = use custom scissor rectangle for each entity
extern idCVar r_useInteractionCulling; // 1 = cull interactions
extern idCVar r_useInteractionScissors; // 1 = use a custom scissor rectangle for each interaction
extern idCVar r_useFrustumFarDistance; // if != 0 force the view frustum far distance to this distance
extern idCVar r_useShadowCulling; // try to cull shadows from partially visible lights
extern idCVar r_usePreciseTriangleInteractions; // 1 = do winding clipping to determine if each ambiguous tri should be lit
extern idCVar r_useTurboShadow; // 1 = use the infinite projection with W technique for dynamic shadows
extern idCVar r_useExternalShadows; // 1 = skip drawing caps when outside the light volume
extern idCVar r_useOptimizedShadows; // 1 = use the dmap generated static shadow volumes
extern idCVar r_useShadowVertexProgram; // 1 = do the shadow projection in the vertex program on capable cards
extern idCVar r_useShadowProjectedCull; // 1 = discard triangles outside light volume before shadowing
extern idCVar r_useDeferredTangents; // 1 = don't always calc tangents after deform
extern idCVar r_useCachedDynamicModels; // 1 = cache snapshots of dynamic models
extern idCVar r_useTwoSidedStencil; // 1 = do stencil shadows in one pass with different ops on each side
extern idCVar r_useInfiniteFarZ; // 1 = use the no-far-clip-plane trick
extern idCVar r_useScissor; // 1 = scissor clip as portals and lights are processed
extern idCVar r_usePortals; // 1 = use portals to perform area culling, otherwise draw everything
extern idCVar r_useStateCaching; // avoid redundant state changes in GL_*() calls
extern idCVar r_useCombinerDisplayLists;// if 1, put all nvidia register combiner programming in display lists
extern idCVar r_useVertexBuffers; // if 0, don't use ARB_vertex_buffer_object for vertexes
extern idCVar r_useIndexBuffers; // if 0, don't use ARB_vertex_buffer_object for indexes
extern idCVar r_useEntityCallbacks; // if 0, issue the callback immediately at update time, rather than defering
extern idCVar r_lightAllBackFaces; // light all the back faces, even when they would be shadowed
extern idCVar r_useDepthBoundsTest; // use depth bounds test to reduce shadow fill
extern idCVar r_skipPostProcess; // skip all post-process renderings
extern idCVar r_skipSuppress; // ignore the per-view suppressions
extern idCVar r_skipInteractions; // skip all light/surface interaction drawing
extern idCVar r_skipFrontEnd; // bypasses all front end work, but 2D gui rendering still draws
extern idCVar r_skipBackEnd; // don't draw anything
extern idCVar r_skipCopyTexture; // do all rendering, but don't actually copyTexSubImage2D
extern idCVar r_skipRender; // skip 3D rendering, but pass 2D
extern idCVar r_skipRenderContext; // NULL the rendering context during backend 3D rendering
extern idCVar r_skipTranslucent; // skip the translucent interaction rendering
extern idCVar r_skipAmbient; // bypasses all non-interaction drawing
extern idCVar r_skipNewAmbient; // bypasses all vertex/fragment program ambients
extern idCVar r_skipBlendLights; // skip all blend lights
extern idCVar r_skipFogLights; // skip all fog lights
extern idCVar r_skipSubviews; // 1 = don't render any mirrors / cameras / etc
extern idCVar r_skipGuiShaders; // 1 = don't render any gui elements on surfaces
extern idCVar r_skipParticles; // 1 = don't render any particles
extern idCVar r_skipUpdates; // 1 = don't accept any entity or light updates, making everything static
extern idCVar r_skipDeforms; // leave all deform materials in their original state
extern idCVar r_skipDynamicTextures; // don't dynamically create textures
extern idCVar r_skipLightScale; // don't do any post-interaction light scaling, makes things dim on low-dynamic range cards
extern idCVar r_skipBump; // uses a flat surface instead of the bump map
extern idCVar r_skipSpecular; // use black for specular
extern idCVar r_skipDiffuse; // use black for diffuse
extern idCVar r_skipOverlays; // skip overlay surfaces
extern idCVar r_skipROQ;
extern idCVar r_ignoreGLErrors;
extern idCVar r_forceLoadImages; // draw all images to screen after registration
extern idCVar r_demonstrateBug; // used during development to show IHV's their problems
extern idCVar r_screenFraction; // for testing fill rate, the resolution of the entire screen can be changed
extern idCVar r_showUnsmoothedTangents; // highlight geometry rendered with unsmoothed tangents
extern idCVar r_showSilhouette; // highlight edges that are casting shadow planes
extern idCVar r_showVertexColor; // draws all triangles with the solid vertex color
extern idCVar r_showUpdates; // report entity and light updates and ref counts
extern idCVar r_showDemo; // report reads and writes to the demo file
extern idCVar r_showDynamic; // report stats on dynamic surface generation
extern idCVar r_showLightScale; // report the scale factor applied to drawing for overbrights
extern idCVar r_showIntensity; // draw the screen colors based on intensity, red = 0, green = 128, blue = 255
extern idCVar r_showDefs; // report the number of modeDefs and lightDefs in view
extern idCVar r_showTrace; // show the intersection of an eye trace with the world
extern idCVar r_showSmp; // show which end (front or back) is blocking
extern idCVar r_showDepth; // display the contents of the depth buffer and the depth range
extern idCVar r_showImages; // draw all images to screen instead of rendering
extern idCVar r_showTris; // enables wireframe rendering of the world
extern idCVar r_showSurfaceInfo; // show surface material name under crosshair
extern idCVar r_showNormals; // draws wireframe normals
extern idCVar r_showEdges; // draw the sil edges
extern idCVar r_showViewEntitys; // displays the bounding boxes of all view models and optionally the index
extern idCVar r_showTexturePolarity; // shade triangles by texture area polarity
extern idCVar r_showTangentSpace; // shade triangles by tangent space
extern idCVar r_showDominantTri; // draw lines from vertexes to center of dominant triangles
extern idCVar r_showTextureVectors; // draw each triangles texture (tangent) vectors
extern idCVar r_showLights; // 1 = print light info, 2 = also draw volumes
extern idCVar r_showLightCount; // colors surfaces based on light count
extern idCVar r_showShadows; // visualize the stencil shadow volumes
extern idCVar r_showShadowCount; // colors screen based on shadow volume depth complexity
extern idCVar r_showLightScissors; // show light scissor rectangles
extern idCVar r_showEntityScissors; // show entity scissor rectangles
extern idCVar r_showInteractionFrustums;// show a frustum for each interaction
extern idCVar r_showInteractionScissors;// show screen rectangle which contains the interaction frustum
extern idCVar r_showMemory; // print frame memory utilization
extern idCVar r_showCull; // report sphere and box culling stats
extern idCVar r_showInteractions; // report interaction generation activity
extern idCVar r_showSurfaces; // report surface/light/shadow counts
extern idCVar r_showPrimitives; // report vertex/index/draw counts
extern idCVar r_showPortals; // draw portal outlines in color based on passed / not passed
extern idCVar r_showAlloc; // report alloc/free counts
extern idCVar r_showSkel; // draw the skeleton when model animates
extern idCVar r_showOverDraw; // show overdraw
extern idCVar r_jointNameScale; // size of joint names when r_showskel is set to 1
extern idCVar r_jointNameOffset; // offset of joint names when r_showskel is set to 1
extern idCVar r_testGamma; // draw a grid pattern to test gamma levels
extern idCVar r_testStepGamma; // draw a grid pattern to test gamma levels
extern idCVar r_testGammaBias; // draw a grid pattern to test gamma levels
extern idCVar r_testARBProgram; // experiment with vertex/fragment programs
extern idCVar r_singleLight; // suppress all but one light
extern idCVar r_singleEntity; // suppress all but one entity
extern idCVar r_singleArea; // only draw the portal area the view is actually in
extern idCVar r_singleSurface; // suppress all but one surface on each entity
extern idCVar r_shadowPolygonOffset; // bias value added to depth test for stencil shadow drawing
extern idCVar r_shadowPolygonFactor; // scale value for stencil shadow drawing
extern idCVar r_jitter; // randomly subpixel jitter the projection matrix
extern idCVar r_lightSourceRadius; // for soft-shadow sampling
extern idCVar r_lockSurfaces;
extern idCVar r_orderIndexes; // perform index reorganization to optimize vertex use
extern idCVar r_debugLineDepthTest; // perform depth test on debug lines
extern idCVar r_debugLineWidth; // width of debug lines
extern idCVar r_debugArrowStep; // step size of arrow cone line rotation in degrees
extern idCVar r_debugPolygonFilled;
extern idCVar r_materialOverride; // override all materials
extern idCVar r_debugRenderToTexture;
GL wrapper/helper functions
void GL_SelectTexture( int unit );
void GL_CheckErrors( void );
void GL_ClearStateDelta( void );
void GL_State( int stateVector );
void GL_TexEnv( int env );
void GL_Cull( int cullType );
const int GLS_SRCBLEND_ZERO = 0x00000001;
const int GLS_SRCBLEND_ONE = 0x0;
const int GLS_SRCBLEND_DST_COLOR = 0x00000003;
const int GLS_SRCBLEND_ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR = 0x00000004;
const int GLS_SRCBLEND_SRC_ALPHA = 0x00000005;
const int GLS_SRCBLEND_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA = 0x00000006;
const int GLS_SRCBLEND_DST_ALPHA = 0x00000007;
const int GLS_SRCBLEND_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA = 0x00000008;
const int GLS_SRCBLEND_ALPHA_SATURATE = 0x00000009;
const int GLS_SRCBLEND_BITS = 0x0000000f;
const int GLS_DSTBLEND_ZERO = 0x0;
const int GLS_DSTBLEND_ONE = 0x00000020;
const int GLS_DSTBLEND_SRC_COLOR = 0x00000030;
const int GLS_DSTBLEND_ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR = 0x00000040;
const int GLS_DSTBLEND_SRC_ALPHA = 0x00000050;
const int GLS_DSTBLEND_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA = 0x00000060;
const int GLS_DSTBLEND_DST_ALPHA = 0x00000070;
const int GLS_DSTBLEND_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA = 0x00000080;
const int GLS_DSTBLEND_BITS = 0x000000f0;
// these masks are the inverse, meaning when set the glColorMask value will be 0,
// preventing that channel from being written
const int GLS_DEPTHMASK = 0x00000100;
const int GLS_REDMASK = 0x00000200;
const int GLS_GREENMASK = 0x00000400;
const int GLS_BLUEMASK = 0x00000800;
const int GLS_ALPHAMASK = 0x00001000;
const int GLS_POLYMODE_LINE = 0x00002000;
const int GLS_DEPTHFUNC_ALWAYS = 0x00010000;
const int GLS_DEPTHFUNC_EQUAL = 0x00020000;
const int GLS_DEPTHFUNC_LESS = 0x0;
const int GLS_ATEST_EQ_255 = 0x10000000;
const int GLS_ATEST_LT_128 = 0x20000000;
const int GLS_ATEST_GE_128 = 0x40000000;
const int GLS_ATEST_BITS = 0x70000000;
void R_Init( void );
void R_InitOpenGL( void );
void R_DoneFreeType( void );
void R_SetColorMappings( void );
void R_ScreenShot_f( const idCmdArgs &args );
void R_StencilShot( void );
bool R_CheckExtension( const char *name );
typedef struct {
int width;
int height;
bool fullScreen;
bool stereo;
int displayHz;
int multiSamples;
} glimpParms_t;
bool GLimp_Init( glimpParms_t parms );
// If the desired mode can't be set satisfactorily, false will be returned.
// The renderer will then reset the glimpParms to "safe mode" of 640x480
// fullscreen and try again. If that also fails, the error will be fatal.
bool GLimp_SetScreenParms( glimpParms_t parms );
// will set up gl up with the new parms
void GLimp_Shutdown( void );
// Destroys the rendering context, closes the window, resets the resolution,
// and resets the gamma ramps.
void GLimp_SwapBuffers( void );
// Calls the system specific swapbuffers routine, and may also perform
// other system specific cvar checks that happen every frame.
// This will not be called if 'r_drawBuffer GL_FRONT'
void GLimp_SetGamma( unsigned short red[256],
unsigned short green[256],
unsigned short blue[256] );
// Sets the hardware gamma ramps for gamma and brightness adjustment.
// These are now taken as 16 bit values, so we can take full advantage
// of dacs with >8 bits of precision
// Returns false if the system only has a single processor
void GLimp_ActivateContext( void );
void GLimp_DeactivateContext( void );
// These are used for managing SMP handoffs of the OpenGL context
// between threads, and as a performance tunining aid. Setting
// 'r_skipRenderContext 1' will call GLimp_DeactivateContext() before
// the 3D rendering code, and GLimp_ActivateContext() afterwards. On
// most OpenGL implementations, this will result in all OpenGL calls
// being immediate returns, which lets us guage how much time is
// being spent inside OpenGL.
const int GRAB_ENABLE = (1 << 0);
const int GRAB_REENABLE = (1 << 1);
const int GRAB_HIDECURSOR = (1 << 2);
const int GRAB_SETSTATE = (1 << 3);
void GLimp_GrabInput(int flags);
void R_RenderView( viewDef_t *parms );
// performs radius cull first, then corner cull
bool R_CullLocalBox( const idBounds &bounds, const float modelMatrix[16], int numPlanes, const idPlane *planes );
bool R_RadiusCullLocalBox( const idBounds &bounds, const float modelMatrix[16], int numPlanes, const idPlane *planes );
bool R_CornerCullLocalBox( const idBounds &bounds, const float modelMatrix[16], int numPlanes, const idPlane *planes );
void R_AxisToModelMatrix( const idMat3 &axis, const idVec3 &origin, float modelMatrix[16] );
// note that many of these assume a normalized matrix, and will not work with scaled axis
void R_GlobalPointToLocal( const float modelMatrix[16], const idVec3 &in, idVec3 &out );
void R_GlobalVectorToLocal( const float modelMatrix[16], const idVec3 &in, idVec3 &out );
void R_GlobalPlaneToLocal( const float modelMatrix[16], const idPlane &in, idPlane &out );
void R_PointTimesMatrix( const float modelMatrix[16], const idVec4 &in, idVec4 &out );
void R_LocalPointToGlobal( const float modelMatrix[16], const idVec3 &in, idVec3 &out );
void R_LocalVectorToGlobal( const float modelMatrix[16], const idVec3 &in, idVec3 &out );
void R_LocalPlaneToGlobal( const float modelMatrix[16], const idPlane &in, idPlane &out );
void R_TransformEyeZToWin( float src_z, const float *projectionMatrix, float &dst_z );
void R_GlobalToNormalizedDeviceCoordinates( const idVec3 &global, idVec3 &ndc );
void R_TransformModelToClip( const idVec3 &src, const float *modelMatrix, const float *projectionMatrix, idPlane &eye, idPlane &dst );
void R_TransformClipToDevice( const idPlane &clip, const viewDef_t *view, idVec3 &normalized );
void R_TransposeGLMatrix( const float in[16], float out[16] );
void R_SetViewMatrix( viewDef_t *viewDef );
void myGlMultMatrix( const float *a, const float *b, float *out );
void R_ListRenderLightDefs_f( const idCmdArgs &args );
void R_ListRenderEntityDefs_f( const idCmdArgs &args );
bool R_IssueEntityDefCallback( idRenderEntityLocal *def );
idRenderModel *R_EntityDefDynamicModel( idRenderEntityLocal *def );
viewEntity_t *R_SetEntityDefViewEntity( idRenderEntityLocal *def );
viewLight_t *R_SetLightDefViewLight( idRenderLightLocal *def );
void R_AddDrawSurf( const srfTriangles_t *tri, const viewEntity_t *space, const renderEntity_t *renderEntity,
const idMaterial *shader, const idScreenRect &scissor );
void R_LinkLightSurf( const drawSurf_t **link, const srfTriangles_t *tri, const viewEntity_t *space,
const idRenderLightLocal *light, const idMaterial *shader, const idScreenRect &scissor, bool viewInsideShadow );
bool R_CreateAmbientCache( srfTriangles_t *tri, bool needsLighting );
bool R_CreateLightingCache( const idRenderEntityLocal *ent, const idRenderLightLocal *light, srfTriangles_t *tri );
void R_CreatePrivateShadowCache( srfTriangles_t *tri );
void R_CreateVertexProgramShadowCache( srfTriangles_t *tri );
void R_RegenerateWorld_f( const idCmdArgs &args );
void R_ModulateLights_f( const idCmdArgs &args );
void R_SetLightProject( idPlane lightProject[4], const idVec3 origin, const idVec3 targetPoint,
const idVec3 rightVector, const idVec3 upVector, const idVec3 start, const idVec3 stop );
void R_AddLightSurfaces( void );
void R_AddModelSurfaces( void );
void R_RemoveUnecessaryViewLights( void );
void R_FreeDerivedData( void );
void R_ReCreateWorldReferences( void );
void R_CreateEntityRefs( idRenderEntityLocal *def );
void R_CreateLightRefs( idRenderLightLocal *light );
void R_DeriveLightData( idRenderLightLocal *light );
void R_FreeLightDefDerivedData( idRenderLightLocal *light );
void R_CheckForEntityDefsUsingModel( idRenderModel *model );
void R_ClearEntityDefDynamicModel( idRenderEntityLocal *def );
void R_FreeEntityDefDerivedData( idRenderEntityLocal *def, bool keepDecals, bool keepCachedDynamicModel );
void R_FreeEntityDefCachedDynamicModel( idRenderEntityLocal *def );
void R_FreeEntityDefDecals( idRenderEntityLocal *def );
void R_FreeEntityDefOverlay( idRenderEntityLocal *def );
void R_FreeEntityDefFadedDecals( idRenderEntityLocal *def, int time );
void R_CreateLightDefFogPortals( idRenderLightLocal *ldef );
srfTriangles_t *R_PolytopeSurface( int numPlanes, const idPlane *planes, idWinding **windings );
void RB_EnterWeaponDepthHack();
void RB_EnterModelDepthHack( float depth );
void RB_LeaveDepthHack();
void RB_DrawElementsImmediate( const srfTriangles_t *tri );
void RB_RenderTriangleSurface( const srfTriangles_t *tri );
void RB_T_RenderTriangleSurface( const drawSurf_t *surf );
void RB_RenderDrawSurfListWithFunction( drawSurf_t **drawSurfs, int numDrawSurfs,
void (*triFunc_)( const drawSurf_t *) );
void RB_RenderDrawSurfChainWithFunction( const drawSurf_t *drawSurfs,
void (*triFunc_)( const drawSurf_t *) );
void RB_DrawShaderPasses( drawSurf_t **drawSurfs, int numDrawSurfs );
void RB_LoadShaderTextureMatrix( const float *shaderRegisters, const textureStage_t *texture );
void RB_GetShaderTextureMatrix( const float *shaderRegisters, const textureStage_t *texture, float matrix[16] );
void RB_CreateSingleDrawInteractions( const drawSurf_t *surf, void (*DrawInteraction)(const drawInteraction_t *) );
const shaderStage_t *RB_SetLightTexture( const idRenderLightLocal *light );
void RB_DrawView( const void *data );
void RB_DetermineLightScale( void );
void RB_STD_LightScale( void );
void RB_BeginDrawingView (void);
void RB_DrawElementsWithCounters( const srfTriangles_t *tri );
void RB_DrawShadowElementsWithCounters( const srfTriangles_t *tri, int numIndexes );
void RB_STD_FillDepthBuffer( drawSurf_t **drawSurfs, int numDrawSurfs );
void RB_BindVariableStageImage( const textureStage_t *texture, const float *shaderRegisters );
void RB_BindStageTexture( const float *shaderRegisters, const textureStage_t *texture, const drawSurf_t *surf );
void RB_FinishStageTexture( const textureStage_t *texture, const drawSurf_t *surf );
void RB_StencilShadowPass( const drawSurf_t *drawSurfs );
void RB_STD_DrawView( void );
void RB_STD_FogAllLights( void );
void RB_BakeTextureMatrixIntoTexgen( idPlane lightProject[3], const float textureMatrix[16] );
void R_ARB2_Init( void );
void RB_ARB2_DrawInteractions( void );
void R_ReloadARBPrograms_f( const idCmdArgs &args );
int R_FindARBProgram( GLenum target, const char *program );
typedef enum {
} program_t;
All vertex programs use the same constant register layout:
c[4] localLightOrigin
c[5] localViewOrigin
c[6] lightProjection S
c[7] lightProjection T
c[8] lightProjection Q
c[9] lightFalloff S
c[10] bumpMatrix S
c[11] bumpMatrix T
c[12] diffuseMatrix S
c[13] diffuseMatrix T
c[14] specularMatrix S
c[15] specularMatrix T
c[20] light falloff tq constant
// texture 0 was cube map
// texture 1 will be the per-surface bump map
// texture 2 will be the light falloff texture
// texture 3 will be the light projection texture
// texture 4 is the per-surface diffuse map
// texture 5 is the per-surface specular map
// texture 6 is the specular half angle cube map
typedef enum {
PP_LIGHT_FALLOFF_TQ = 20 // only for NV programs
} programParameter_t;
"facing" should have one more element than tri->numIndexes / 3, which should be set to 1
void R_MakeShadowFrustums( idRenderLightLocal *def );
typedef enum {
SG_DYNAMIC, // use infinite projections
SG_STATIC, // clip to bounds
SG_OFFLINE // perform very time consuming optimizations
} shadowGen_t;
srfTriangles_t *R_CreateShadowVolume( const idRenderEntityLocal *ent,
const srfTriangles_t *tri, const idRenderLightLocal *light,
shadowGen_t optimize, srfCullInfo_t &cullInfo );
Fast, non-clipped overshoot shadow volumes
"facing" should have one more element than tri->numIndexes / 3, which should be set to 1
calling this function may modify "facing" based on culling
srfTriangles_t *R_CreateVertexProgramTurboShadowVolume( const idRenderEntityLocal *ent,
const srfTriangles_t *tri, const idRenderLightLocal *light,
srfCullInfo_t &cullInfo );
srfTriangles_t *R_CreateTurboShadowVolume( const idRenderEntityLocal *ent,
const srfTriangles_t *tri, const idRenderLightLocal *light,
srfCullInfo_t &cullInfo );
dmap time optimization of shadow volumes, called from R_CreateShadowVolume
typedef struct {
idVec3 *verts; // includes both front and back projections, caller should free
int numVerts;
glIndex_t *indexes; // caller should free
// indexes must be sorted frontCap, rearCap, silPlanes so the caps can be removed
// when the viewer is in a position that they don't need to see them
int numFrontCapIndexes;
int numRearCapIndexes;
int numSilPlaneIndexes;
int totalIndexes;
} optimizedShadow_t;
optimizedShadow_t SuperOptimizeOccluders( idVec4 *verts, glIndex_t *indexes, int numIndexes,
idPlane projectionPlane, idVec3 projectionOrigin );
void CleanupOptimizedShadowTris( srfTriangles_t *tri );
void R_InitTriSurfData( void );
void R_ShutdownTriSurfData( void );
void R_PurgeTriSurfData( frameData_t *frame );
void R_ShowTriSurfMemory_f( const idCmdArgs &args );
srfTriangles_t * R_AllocStaticTriSurf( void );
srfTriangles_t * R_CopyStaticTriSurf( const srfTriangles_t *tri );
void R_AllocStaticTriSurfVerts( srfTriangles_t *tri, int numVerts );
void R_AllocStaticTriSurfIndexes( srfTriangles_t *tri, int numIndexes );
void R_AllocStaticTriSurfShadowVerts( srfTriangles_t *tri, int numVerts );
void R_AllocStaticTriSurfPlanes( srfTriangles_t *tri, int numIndexes );
void R_ResizeStaticTriSurfVerts( srfTriangles_t *tri, int numVerts );
void R_ResizeStaticTriSurfIndexes( srfTriangles_t *tri, int numIndexes );
void R_ResizeStaticTriSurfShadowVerts( srfTriangles_t *tri, int numVerts );
void R_ReferenceStaticTriSurfVerts( srfTriangles_t *tri, const srfTriangles_t *reference );
void R_ReferenceStaticTriSurfIndexes( srfTriangles_t *tri, const srfTriangles_t *reference );
void R_FreeStaticTriSurfSilIndexes( srfTriangles_t *tri );
void R_FreeStaticTriSurf( srfTriangles_t *tri );
void R_FreeStaticTriSurfVertexCaches( srfTriangles_t *tri );
void R_ReallyFreeStaticTriSurf( srfTriangles_t *tri );
void R_FreeDeferredTriSurfs( frameData_t *frame );
int R_TriSurfMemory( const srfTriangles_t *tri );
void R_BoundTriSurf( srfTriangles_t *tri );
void R_RemoveDuplicatedTriangles( srfTriangles_t *tri );
void R_CreateSilIndexes( srfTriangles_t *tri );
void R_RemoveDegenerateTriangles( srfTriangles_t *tri );
void R_RemoveUnusedVerts( srfTriangles_t *tri );
void R_RangeCheckIndexes( const srfTriangles_t *tri );
void R_CreateVertexNormals( srfTriangles_t *tri ); // also called by dmap
void R_DeriveFacePlanes( srfTriangles_t *tri ); // also called by renderbump
void R_CleanupTriangles( srfTriangles_t *tri, bool createNormals, bool identifySilEdges, bool useUnsmoothedTangents );
void R_ReverseTriangles( srfTriangles_t *tri );
// Only deals with vertexes and indexes, not silhouettes, planes, etc.
// Does NOT perform a cleanup triangles, so there may be duplicated verts in the result.
srfTriangles_t * R_MergeSurfaceList( const srfTriangles_t **surfaces, int numSurfaces );
srfTriangles_t * R_MergeTriangles( const srfTriangles_t *tri1, const srfTriangles_t *tri2 );
// if the deformed verts have significant enough texture coordinate changes to reverse the texture
// polarity of a triangle, the tangents will be incorrect
void R_DeriveTangents( srfTriangles_t *tri, bool allocFacePlanes = true );
// deformable meshes precalculate as much as possible from a base frame, then generate
// complete srfTriangles_t from just a new set of vertexes
typedef struct deformInfo_s {
int numSourceVerts;
// numOutputVerts may be smaller if the input had duplicated or degenerate triangles
// it will often be larger if the input had mirrored texture seams that needed
// to be busted for proper tangent spaces
int numOutputVerts;
int numMirroredVerts;
int * mirroredVerts;
int numIndexes;
glIndex_t * indexes;
glIndex_t * silIndexes;
int numDupVerts;
int * dupVerts;
int numSilEdges;
silEdge_t * silEdges;
dominantTri_t * dominantTris;
} deformInfo_t;
deformInfo_t * R_BuildDeformInfo( int numVerts, const idDrawVert *verts, int numIndexes, const int *indexes, bool useUnsmoothedTangents );
void R_FreeDeformInfo( deformInfo_t *deformInfo );
int R_DeformInfoMemoryUsed( deformInfo_t *deformInfo );
bool R_PreciseCullSurface( const drawSurf_t *drawSurf, idBounds &ndcBounds );
bool R_GenerateSubViews( void );
void R_InitFrameData( void );
void R_ShutdownFrameData( void );
int R_CountFrameData( void );
void R_ToggleSmpFrame( void );
void *R_FrameAlloc( int bytes );
void *R_ClearedFrameAlloc( int bytes );
void R_FrameFree( void *data );
void *R_StaticAlloc( int bytes ); // just malloc with error checking
void *R_ClearedStaticAlloc( int bytes ); // with memset
void R_StaticFree( void *data );
float RB_DrawTextLength( const char *text, float scale, int len );
void RB_AddDebugText( const char *text, const idVec3 &origin, float scale, const idVec4 &color, const idMat3 &viewAxis, const int align, const int lifetime, const bool depthTest );
void RB_ClearDebugText( int time );
void RB_AddDebugLine( const idVec4 &color, const idVec3 &start, const idVec3 &end, const int lifeTime, const bool depthTest );
void RB_ClearDebugLines( int time );
void RB_AddDebugPolygon( const idVec4 &color, const idWinding &winding, const int lifeTime, const bool depthTest );
void RB_ClearDebugPolygons( int time );
void RB_DrawBounds( const idBounds &bounds );
void RB_ShowLights( drawSurf_t **drawSurfs, int numDrawSurfs );
void RB_ShowLightCount( drawSurf_t **drawSurfs, int numDrawSurfs );
void RB_PolygonClear( void );
void RB_ScanStencilBuffer( void );
void RB_ShowDestinationAlpha( void );
void RB_ShowOverdraw( void );
void RB_RenderDebugTools( drawSurf_t **drawSurfs, int numDrawSurfs );
void RB_ShutdownDebugTools( void );
void RB_SetDefaultGLState( void );
void RB_SetGL2D( void );
void RB_ShowImages( void );
void RB_ExecuteBackEndCommands( const emptyCommand_t *cmds );
void R_SurfaceToTextureAxis( const srfTriangles_t *tri, idVec3 &origin, idVec3 axis[3] );
void R_RenderGuiSurf( idUserInterface *gui, drawSurf_t *drawSurf );
void R_OrderIndexes( int numIndexes, glIndex_t *indexes );
void R_DeformDrawSurf( drawSurf_t *drawSurf );
typedef struct {
float fraction;
// only valid if fraction < 1.0
idVec3 point;
idVec3 normal;
int indexes[3];
} localTrace_t;
localTrace_t R_LocalTrace( const idVec3 &start, const idVec3 &end, const float radius, const srfTriangles_t *tri );
void RB_ShowTrace( drawSurf_t **drawSurfs, int numDrawSurfs );
idScreenRect R_CalcIntersectionScissor( const idRenderLightLocal * lightDef,
const idRenderEntityLocal * entityDef,
const viewDef_t * viewDef );
#endif /* !__TR_LOCAL_H__ */