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Doom 3 GPL Source Code
Copyright (C) 1999-2011 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company.
This file is part of the Doom 3 GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 Source Code").
Doom 3 Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Doom 3 Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Doom 3 Source Code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
In addition, the Doom 3 Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below.
If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA.
#define MAYA_DEFAULT_CAMERA "camera1"
#define ANIM_TX BIT( 0 )
#define ANIM_TY BIT( 1 )
#define ANIM_TZ BIT( 2 )
#define ANIM_QX BIT( 3 )
#define ANIM_QY BIT( 4 )
#define ANIM_QZ BIT( 5 )
typedef enum {
} exportType_t;
typedef struct {
idCQuat q;
idVec3 t;
} jointFrame_t;
typedef struct {
idCQuat q;
idVec3 t;
float fov;
} cameraFrame_t;
class idTokenizer {
int currentToken;
idStrList tokens;
idTokenizer() { Clear(); };
void Clear( void ) { currentToken = 0; tokens.Clear(); };
int SetTokens( const char *buffer );
const char *NextToken( const char *errorstring = NULL );
bool TokenAvailable( void ) { return currentToken < tokens.Num(); };
int Num( void ) { return tokens.Num(); };
void UnGetToken( void ) { if ( currentToken > 0 ) { currentToken--; } };
const char *GetToken( int index ) { if ( ( index >= 0 ) && ( index < tokens.Num() ) ) { return tokens[ index ]; } else { return NULL; } };
const char *CurrentToken( void ) { return GetToken( currentToken ); };
class idNamePair {
idStr from;
idStr to;
class idAnimGroup {
idStr name;
idStrList joints;
class idExportOptions {
idTokenizer tokens;
void Reset( const char *commandline );
idStr commandLine;
idStr src;
idStr dest;
idStr game;
idStr prefix;
float scale;
exportType_t type;
bool ignoreMeshes;
bool clearOrigin;
bool clearOriginAxis;
bool ignoreScale;
int startframe;
int endframe;
int framerate;
float xyzPrecision;
float quatPrecision;
idStr align;
idList<idNamePair> renamejoints;
idList<idNamePair> remapjoints;
idStrList keepjoints;
idStrList skipmeshes;
idStrList keepmeshes;
idList<idAnimGroup *> exportgroups;
idList<idAnimGroup> groups;
float rotate;
float jointThreshold;
int cycleStart;
idExportOptions( const char *commandline, const char *ospath );
bool jointInExportGroup( const char *jointname );
class idExportJoint {
idStr name;
idStr realname;
idStr longname;
int index;
int exportNum;
bool keep;
float scale;
float invscale;
MFnDagNode *dagnode;
idHierarchy<idExportJoint> mayaNode;
idHierarchy<idExportJoint> exportNode;
idVec3 t;
idMat3 wm;
idVec3 idt;
idMat3 idwm;
idVec3 bindpos;
idMat3 bindmat;
int animBits;
int firstComponent;
jointFrame_t baseFrame;
int depth;
idExportJoint &operator=( const idExportJoint &other );
misc structures
typedef struct {
idExportJoint *joint;
float jointWeight;
idVec3 offset;
} exportWeight_t;
typedef struct {
idVec3 pos;
idVec2 texCoords;
int startweight;
int numWeights;
} exportVertex_t;
typedef struct {
int indexes[ 3 ];
} exportTriangle_t;
typedef struct {
idVec2 uv[ 3 ];
} exportUV_t;
ID_INLINE int operator==( exportVertex_t a, exportVertex_t b ) {
if ( a.pos != b.pos ) {
return false;
if ( ( a.texCoords[ 0 ] != b.texCoords[ 0 ] ) || ( a.texCoords[ 1 ] != b.texCoords[ 1 ] ) ) {
return false;
if ( ( a.startweight != b.startweight ) || ( a.numWeights != b.numWeights ) ) {
return false;
return true;
.MD3 triangle model file format
#define MD3_IDENT (('3'<<24)+('P'<<16)+('D'<<8)+'I')
#define MD3_VERSION 15
// limits
#define MD3_MAX_LODS 4
#define MD3_MAX_TRIANGLES 8192 // per surface
#define MD3_MAX_VERTS 4096 // per surface
#define MD3_MAX_SHADERS 256 // per surface
#define MD3_MAX_FRAMES 1024 // per model
#define MD3_MAX_SURFACES 32 // per model
#define MD3_MAX_TAGS 16 // per frame
// vertex scales
#define MD3_XYZ_SCALE (1.0/64)
// surface geometry should not exceed these limits
// the maximum size of game reletive pathnames
#define MAX_Q3PATH 64
typedef struct md3Frame_s {
idVec3 bounds[2];
idVec3 localOrigin;
float radius;
char name[16];
} md3Frame_t;
typedef struct md3Tag_s {
char name[MAX_Q3PATH]; // tag name
idVec3 origin;
idVec3 axis[3];
} md3Tag_t;
** md3Surface_t
** header sizeof( md3Surface_t )
** shaders sizeof( md3Shader_t ) * numShaders
** triangles[0] sizeof( md3Triangle_t ) * numTriangles
** st sizeof( md3St_t ) * numVerts
** XyzNormals sizeof( md3XyzNormal_t ) * numVerts * numFrames
typedef struct {
int ident; //
char name[MAX_Q3PATH]; // polyset name
int flags;
int numFrames; // all surfaces in a model should have the same
int numShaders; // all surfaces in a model should have the same
int numVerts;
int numTriangles;
int ofsTriangles;
int ofsShaders; // offset from start of md3Surface_t
int ofsSt; // texture coords are common for all frames
int ofsXyzNormals; // numVerts * numFrames
int ofsEnd; // next surface follows
} md3Surface_t;
typedef struct {
char name[MAX_Q3PATH];
int shaderIndex; // for in-game use
} md3Shader_t;
typedef struct {
int indexes[3];
} md3Triangle_t;
typedef struct {
float st[2];
} md3St_t;
typedef struct {
short xyz[3];
short normal;
} md3XyzNormal_t;
typedef struct {
int ident;
int version;
char name[MAX_Q3PATH]; // model name
int flags;
int numFrames;
int numTags;
int numSurfaces;
int numSkins;
int ofsFrames; // offset for first frame
int ofsTags; // numFrames * numTags
int ofsSurfaces; // first surface, others follow
int ofsEnd; // end of file
} md3Header_t;
class idExportMesh {
idStr name;
idStr shader;
bool keep;
idList<exportVertex_t> verts;
idList<exportTriangle_t> tris;
idList<exportWeight_t> weights;
idList<exportUV_t> uv;
idExportMesh() { keep = true; };
void ShareVerts( void );
void GetBounds( idBounds &bounds ) const;
void Merge( idExportMesh *mesh );
class idExportModel {
idExportJoint *exportOrigin;
idList<idExportJoint> joints;
idHierarchy<idExportJoint> mayaHead;
idHierarchy<idExportJoint> exportHead;
idList<int> cameraCuts;
idList<cameraFrame_t> camera;
idList<idBounds> bounds;
idList<jointFrame_t> jointFrames;
idList<jointFrame_t *> frames;
int frameRate;
int numFrames;
int skipjoints;
int export_joints;
idList<idExportMesh *> meshes;
idExportJoint *FindJointReal( const char *name );
idExportJoint *FindJoint( const char *name );
bool WriteMesh( const char *filename, idExportOptions &options );
bool WriteAnim( const char *filename, idExportOptions &options );
bool WriteCamera( const char *filename, idExportOptions &options );
class idMayaExport {
idExportModel model;
idExportOptions &options;
void FreeDagNodes( void );
float TimeForFrame( int num ) const;
int GetMayaFrameNum( int num ) const;
void SetFrame( int num );
void GetBindPose( MObject &jointNode, idExportJoint *joint, float scale );
void GetLocalTransform( idExportJoint *joint, idVec3 &pos, idMat3 &mat );
void GetWorldTransform( idExportJoint *joint, idVec3 &pos, idMat3 &mat, float scale );
void CreateJoints( float scale );
void PruneJoints( idStrList &keepjoints, idStr &prefix );
void RenameJoints( idList<idNamePair> &renamejoints, idStr &prefix );
bool RemapParents( idList<idNamePair> &remapjoints );
MObject FindShader( MObject& setNode );
void GetTextureForMesh( idExportMesh *mesh, MFnDagNode &dagNode );
idExportMesh *CopyMesh( MFnSkinCluster &skinCluster, float scale );
void CreateMesh( float scale );
void CombineMeshes( void );
void GetAlignment( idStr &alignName, idMat3 &align, float rotate, int startframe );
const char *GetObjectType( MObject object );
float GetCameraFov( idExportJoint *joint );
void GetCameraFrame( idExportJoint *camera, idMat3 &align, cameraFrame_t *cam );
void CreateCameraAnim( idMat3 &align );
void GetDefaultPose( idMat3 &align );
void CreateAnimation( idMat3 &align );
idMayaExport( idExportOptions &exportOptions ) : options( exportOptions ) { };
void ConvertModel( void );
void ConvertToMD3( void );