dhewg 3f5c14ef5f Fix -Wunused-but-set-variable warnings
variable set but not used

Removes some CollisionModel code under _DEBUG which was probably a
leftover, since it was completely useless (its done later anyways).
2011-12-10 15:36:04 +01:00

634 lines
17 KiB

Doom 3 GPL Source Code
Copyright (C) 1999-2011 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company.
This file is part of the Doom 3 GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 Source Code").
Doom 3 Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Doom 3 Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Doom 3 Source Code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
In addition, the Doom 3 Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below.
If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA.
#include "../../../idlib/precompiled.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "roqParam.h"
// read a parameter file in (true I bloddy well had to do this again) (and yet again to c++)
int parseRange(const char *rangeStr,int field, int skipnum[], int startnum[], int endnum[],int numfiles[],bool padding[],int numpadding[] );
int parseTimecodeRange(const char *rangeStr,int field, int skipnum[], int startnum[], int endnum[],int numfiles[],bool padding[],int numpadding[] );
void roqParam::InitFromFile( const char *fileName )
idParser *src;
idToken token;
int readarg;
if ( !src->IsLoaded() ) {
delete src;
common->Printf("Error: can't open param file %s\n", fileName);
common->Printf("initFromFile: %s\n", fileName);
fullSearch = false;
scaleDown = false;
encodeVideo = false;
addPath = false;
screenShots = false;
startPalette = false;
endPalette = false;
fixedPalette = false;
keyColor = false;
justDelta = false;
useTimecodeForRange = false;
onFrame = 0;
numInputFiles = 0;
currentPath[0] = '\0';
make3DO = false;
makeVectors = false;
justDeltaFlag = false;
noAlphaAtAll = false;
twentyFourToThirty = false;
hasSound = false;
isScaleable = false;
firstframesize = 56*1024;
normalframesize = 20000;
jpegDefault = 85;
realnum = 0;
while( 1 ) {
if ( !src->ReadToken( &token ) ) {
readarg = 0;
// input dir
if (token.Icmp( "input_dir") == 0) {
src->ReadToken( &token );
addPath = true;
currentPath = token;
// common->Printf(" + input directory is %s\n", currentPath );
// input dir
if (token.Icmp( "scale_down") == 0) {
scaleDown = true;
// common->Printf(" + scaling down input\n" );
// full search
if (token.Icmp( "fullsearch") == 0) {
normalframesize += normalframesize/2;
fullSearch = true;
// scaleable
if (token.Icmp( "scaleable") == 0) {
isScaleable = true;
// input dir
if (token.Icmp( "no_alpha") == 0) {
noAlphaAtAll = true;
// common->Printf(" + scaling down input\n" );
if (token.Icmp( "24_fps_in_30_fps_out") == 0) {
twentyFourToThirty = true;
// video in
if (token.Icmp( "video_in") == 0) {
encodeVideo = true;
// common->Printf(" + Using the video port as input\n");
//timecode range
if (token.Icmp( "timecode") == 0) {
useTimecodeForRange = true;
firstframesize = 12*1024;
normalframesize = 4500;
// common->Printf(" + Using timecode as range\n");
// soundfile for making a .RnR
if (token.Icmp( "sound") == 0) {
src->ReadToken( &token );
soundfile = token;
hasSound = true;
// common->Printf(" + Using timecode as range\n");
// soundfile for making a .RnR
if (token.Icmp( "has_sound") == 0) {
hasSound = true;
// outfile
if (token.Icmp( "filename") == 0) {
src->ReadToken( &token );
outputFilename = token;
// common->Printf(" + output file is %s\n", outputFilename );
// starting palette
if (token.Icmp( "start_palette") == 0) {
src->ReadToken( &token );
sprintf(startPal, "/LocalLibrary/vdxPalettes/%s", token.c_str());
// common->Error(" + starting palette is %s\n", startPal );
startPalette = true;
// ending palette
if (token.Icmp( "end_palette") == 0) {
src->ReadToken( &token );
sprintf(endPal, "/LocalLibrary/vdxPalettes/%s", token.c_str());
// common->Printf(" + ending palette is %s\n", endPal );
endPalette = true;
// fixed palette
if (token.Icmp( "fixed_palette") == 0) {
src->ReadToken( &token );
sprintf(startPal, "/LocalLibrary/vdxPalettes/%s", token.c_str());
// common->Printf(" + fixed palette is %s\n", startPal );
fixedPalette = true;
// these are screen shots
if (token.Icmp( "screenshot") == 0) {
// common->Printf(" + shooting screen shots\n" );
screenShots = true;
// key_color r g b
if (token.Icmp( "key_color") == 0) {
keyR = src->ParseInt();
keyG = src->ParseInt();
keyB = src->ParseInt();
keyColor = true;
// common->Printf(" + key color is %03d %03d %03d\n", keyR, keyG, keyB );
// only want deltas
if (token.Icmp( "just_delta") == 0) {
// common->Printf(" + outputting deltas in the night\n" );
// justDelta = true;
// justDeltaFlag = true;
// doing 3DO
if (token.Icmp( "3DO") == 0) {
make3DO = true;
// makes codebook vector tables
if (token.Icmp( "codebook") == 0) {
makeVectors = true;
// set first frame size
if (token.Icmp( "firstframesize") == 0) {
firstframesize = src->ParseInt();
// set normal frame size
if (token.Icmp( "normalframesize") == 0) {
normalframesize = src->ParseInt();
// set normal frame size
if (token.Icmp( "stillframequality") == 0) {
jpegDefault = src->ParseInt();
if (token.Icmp( "input") == 0) {
int num_files = 255;
range = (int *)Mem_ClearedAlloc( num_files * sizeof(int) );
padding = (bool *)Mem_ClearedAlloc( num_files * sizeof(bool) );
padding2 = (bool *)Mem_ClearedAlloc( num_files * sizeof(bool) );
skipnum = (int *)Mem_ClearedAlloc( num_files * sizeof(int) );
skipnum2 = (int *)Mem_ClearedAlloc( num_files * sizeof(int) );
startnum = (int *)Mem_ClearedAlloc( num_files * sizeof(int) );
startnum2 = (int *)Mem_ClearedAlloc( num_files * sizeof(int) );
endnum = (int *)Mem_ClearedAlloc( num_files * sizeof(int) );
endnum2 = (int *)Mem_ClearedAlloc( num_files * sizeof(int) );
numpadding = (int *)Mem_ClearedAlloc( num_files * sizeof(int) );
numpadding2 = (int *)Mem_ClearedAlloc( num_files * sizeof(int) );
numfiles = (int *)Mem_ClearedAlloc( num_files * sizeof(int) );
idStr empty;
file.AssureSize( num_files, empty );
file.AssureSize( num_files, empty );
field = 0;
realnum = 0;
do {
if ( token.Icmp( "end_input") != 0 ) {
idStr arg1, arg2, arg3;
file[field] = token;
while (src->ReadTokenOnLine( &token ) && token.Icmp( "[" ) ) {
file[field].Append( token );
arg1 = token;
while (src->ReadTokenOnLine( &token ) && token.Icmp( "[" ) ) {
arg1 += token;
arg2 = token;
while (src->ReadTokenOnLine( &token ) && token.Icmp( "[" ) ) {
arg2 += token;
arg3 = token;
while (src->ReadTokenOnLine( &token ) && token.Icmp( "[" ) ) {
arg3 += token;
if ( arg1[0] != '[' ) {
// common->Printf(" + reading %s\n", file[field] );
range[field] = 0;
numfiles[field] = 1;
else {
if ( arg1[0] == '[' )
range[field] = 1;
if (useTimecodeForRange) {
realnum += parseTimecodeRange( arg1, field, skipnum, startnum, endnum, numfiles, padding, numpadding);
// common->Printf(" + reading %s from %d to %d\n", file[field], startnum[field], endnum[field]);
else {
realnum += parseRange( arg1, field, skipnum, startnum, endnum, numfiles, padding, numpadding);
// common->Printf(" + reading %s from %d to %d\n", file[field], startnum[field], endnum[field]);
else if (( arg1[0] != '[' ) && ( arg2[0] == '[') && ( arg3[0] =='[')) { //a double ranger...
int files1,files2;
file2[field] = arg1;
range[field] = 2;
files1 = parseRange(arg2, field, skipnum, startnum, endnum, numfiles, padding, numpadding);
// common->Printf(" + reading %s from %d to %d\n", file[field], startnum[field], endnum[field]);
files2 = parseRange(arg3, field, skipnum2, startnum2, endnum2, numfiles, padding2, numpadding2);
// common->Printf(" + reading %s from %d to %d\n", file2[field], startnum2[field], endnum2[field]);
if (files1 != files2) {
common->Error( "You had %d files for %s and %d for %s!", files1, arg1.c_str(), files2, arg2.c_str() );
else {
realnum += files1;//not both, they are parallel
else {
common->Error("Error: invalid range on open (%s %s %s)\n", arg1.c_str(), arg2.c_str(), arg3.c_str() );
} while (token.Icmp( "end_input"));
if (TwentyFourToThirty()) realnum = realnum+(realnum>>2);
numInputFiles = realnum;
common->Printf(" + reading a total of %d frames in %s\n", numInputFiles, currentPath.c_str() );
delete src;
void roqParam::GetNthInputFileName( idStr &fileName, int n ) {
int i, myfield, index,hrs,mins,secs,frs;
char tempfile[33], left[256], right[256], *strp;
if ( n > realnum ) n = realnum;
// overcome starting at zero by ++ing and then --ing.
if (TwentyFourToThirty()) { n++; n = (n/5) * 4 + (n % 5); n--; }
i = 0;
myfield = 0;
while (i <= n) {
i += numfiles[myfield++];
i -= numfiles[myfield];
if ( range[myfield] == 1 ) {
strcpy( left, file[myfield] );
strp = strstr( left, "*" );
*strp++ = 0;
sprintf(right, "%s", strp);
if ( startnum[myfield] <= endnum[myfield] ) {
index = startnum[myfield] + ((n-i)*skipnum[myfield]);
} else {
index = startnum[myfield] - ((n-i)*skipnum[myfield]);
if ( padding[myfield] == true ) {
if (useTimecodeForRange) {
hrs = index/(30*60*60) ;
mins = (index/(30*60)) %60;
secs = (index/(30)) % 60;
frs = index % 30;
else {
sprintf(tempfile, "%032d", index );
sprintf(fileName, "%s%s%s", left, &tempfile[ 32-numpadding[myfield] ], right );
} else {
if (useTimecodeForRange) {
hrs = index/(30*60*60) ;
mins = (index/(30*60)) %60;
secs = (index/(30)) % 60;
frs = index % 30;
else {
sprintf(fileName, "%s%d%s", left, index, right );
} else if ( range[myfield] == 2 ) {
strcpy( left, file[myfield] );
strp = strstr( left, "*" );
*strp++ = 0;
sprintf(right, "%s", strp);
if ( startnum[myfield] <= endnum[myfield] ) {
index = startnum[myfield] + ((n-i)*skipnum[myfield]);
} else {
index = startnum[myfield] - ((n-i)*skipnum[myfield]);
if ( padding[myfield] == true ) {
sprintf(tempfile, "%032d", index );
sprintf(fileName, "%s%s%s", left, &tempfile[ 32-numpadding[myfield] ], right );
} else {
sprintf(fileName, "%s%d%s", left, index, right );
strcpy( left, file2[myfield] );
strp = strstr( left, "*" );
*strp++ = 0;
sprintf(right, "%s", strp);
if ( startnum2[myfield] <= endnum2[myfield] ) {
index = startnum2[myfield] + ((n-i)*skipnum2[myfield]);
} else {
index = startnum2[myfield] - ((n-i)*skipnum2[myfield]);
if ( padding2[myfield] == true ) {
sprintf(tempfile, "%032d", index );
fileName += va( "\n%s%s%s", left, &tempfile[ 32-numpadding2[myfield] ], right );
} else {
fileName += va( "\n%s%d%s", left, index, right );
} else {
fileName = file[myfield];
const char* roqParam::GetNextImageFilename( void ) {
idStr tempBuffer;
int i;
int len;
GetNthInputFileName( tempBuffer, onFrame++);
if ( justDeltaFlag == true ) {
justDeltaFlag = false;
if ( addPath == true ) {
currentFile = currentPath + "/" + tempBuffer;
} else {
currentFile = tempBuffer;
len = currentFile.Length();
for(i=0;i<len;i++) {
if (currentFile[i] == '^') {
currentFile[i] = ' ';
return currentFile.c_str();
const char* roqParam::RoqFilename( void ) {
return outputFilename.c_str();
const char* roqParam::SoundFilename( void ) {
return soundfile.c_str();
const char* roqParam::RoqTempFilename( void ) {
int i, j, len;
j = 0;
len = outputFilename.Length();
for(i=0; i<len; i++ )
if ( outputFilename[i] == '/' ) j = i;
sprintf(tempFilename, "/%s.temp", &outputFilename[j+1] );
return tempFilename.c_str();
bool roqParam::Timecode( void ) {
return useTimecodeForRange;
bool roqParam::OutputVectors( void ) {
return makeVectors;
bool roqParam::HasSound( void ) {
return hasSound;
bool roqParam::DeltaFrames( void ) {
return justDelta;
bool roqParam::NoAlpha( void ) {
return noAlphaAtAll;
bool roqParam::SearchType( void ) {
return fullSearch;
bool roqParam::MoreFrames( void ) {
if (onFrame < numInputFiles) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
bool roqParam::TwentyFourToThirty( void ) {
return twentyFourToThirty;
int roqParam::NumberOfFrames( void ) {
return numInputFiles;
int roqParam::FirstFrameSize( void ) {
return firstframesize;
int roqParam::NormalFrameSize( void ) {
return normalframesize;
bool roqParam::IsScaleable( void ) {
return isScaleable;
int roqParam::JpegQuality( void ) {
return jpegDefault;
int parseRange(const char *rangeStr,int field, int skipnum[], int startnum[], int endnum[],int numfiles[],bool padding[],int numpadding[] ) {
char start[64], end[64], skip[64];
char *stptr, *enptr, *skptr;
int i,realnum;
i = 1;
realnum = 0;
stptr = start;
enptr = end;
skptr = skip;
do {
*stptr++ = rangeStr[i++];
} while ( rangeStr[i] >= '0' && rangeStr[i] <= '9' );
*stptr = '\0';
if ( rangeStr[i++] != '-' ) {
common->Error("Error: invalid range on middle \n");
do {
*enptr++ = rangeStr[i++];
} while ( rangeStr[i] >= '0' && rangeStr[i] <= '9' );
*enptr = '\0';
if ( rangeStr[i] != ']' ) {
if ( rangeStr[i++] != '+' ) {
common->Error("Error: invalid range on close\n");
do {
*skptr++ = rangeStr[i++];
} while ( rangeStr[i] >= '0' && rangeStr[i] <= '9' );
*skptr = '\0';
skipnum[field] = atoi( skip );
} else {
skipnum[field] = 1;
startnum[field] = atoi( start );
endnum[field] = atoi( end );
numfiles[field] = (abs( startnum[field] - endnum[field] ) / skipnum[field]) + 1;
realnum += numfiles[field];
if ( start[0] == '0' && start[1] != '\0' ) {
padding[field] = true;
numpadding[field] = strlen( start );
} else {
padding[field] = false;
return realnum;
int parseTimecodeRange(const char *rangeStr,int field, int skipnum[], int startnum[], int endnum[],int numfiles[],bool padding[],int numpadding[] )
char start[64], end[64], skip[64];
char *stptr, *enptr, *skptr;
int i,realnum,hrs,mins,secs,frs;
i = 1;//skip the '['
realnum = 0;
stptr = start;
enptr = end;
skptr = skip;
do {
*stptr++ = rangeStr[i++];
} while ( rangeStr[i] >= '0' && rangeStr[i] <= '9' );
*stptr = '\0';
if ( rangeStr[i++] != '-' ) {
common->Error("Error: invalid range on middle \n");
do {
*enptr++ = rangeStr[i++];
} while ( rangeStr[i] >= '0' && rangeStr[i] <= '9' );
*enptr = '\0';
if ( rangeStr[i] != ']' ) {
if ( rangeStr[i++] != '+' ) {
common->Error("Error: invalid range on close\n");
do {
*skptr++ = rangeStr[i++];
} while ( rangeStr[i] >= '0' && rangeStr[i] <= '9' );
*skptr = '\0';
skipnum[field] = atoi( skip );
} else {
skipnum[field] = 1;
startnum[field] = hrs*30*60*60 + mins *60*30 + secs*30 +frs;
endnum[field] = hrs*30*60*60 + mins *60*30 + secs*30 +frs;
numfiles[field] = (abs( startnum[field] - endnum[field] ) / skipnum[field]) + 1;
realnum += numfiles[field];
if ( start[0] == '0' && start[1] != '\0' ) {
padding[field] = true;
numpadding[field] = strlen( start );
} else {
padding[field] = false;
return realnum;