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synced 2025-03-03 16:12:12 +00:00
Don't include based on a preprocessor symbol, let the build system make the correct decision.
115 lines
2.5 KiB
115 lines
2.5 KiB
# -*- mode: python -*-
# DOOM build script
# TTimo <ttimo@idsoftware.com>
# http://scons.sourceforge.net
import sys, os
import scons_utils
Import( 'GLOBALS' )
Import( GLOBALS )
game_string = ' \
AF.cpp \
AFEntity.cpp \
Actor.cpp \
Camera.cpp \
Entity.cpp \
BrittleFracture.cpp \
Fx.cpp \
GameEdit.cpp \
Game_local.cpp \
Game_network.cpp \
Item.cpp \
IK.cpp \
Light.cpp \
Misc.cpp \
Mover.cpp \
Moveable.cpp \
MultiplayerGame.cpp \
Player.cpp \
PlayerIcon.cpp \
PlayerView.cpp \
Projectile.cpp \
Pvs.cpp \
SecurityCamera.cpp \
SmokeParticles.cpp \
Sound.cpp \
Target.cpp \
Trigger.cpp \
Weapon.cpp \
WorldSpawn.cpp \
ai/AAS.cpp \
ai/AAS_debug.cpp \
ai/AAS_pathing.cpp \
ai/AAS_routing.cpp \
ai/AI.cpp \
ai/AI_events.cpp \
ai/AI_pathing.cpp \
ai/AI_Vagary.cpp \
gamesys/DebugGraph.cpp \
gamesys/Class.cpp \
gamesys/Event.cpp \
gamesys/SaveGame.cpp \
gamesys/SysCmds.cpp \
gamesys/SysCvar.cpp \
gamesys/TypeInfo.cpp \
anim/Anim.cpp \
anim/Anim_Blend.cpp \
anim/Anim_Import.cpp \
anim/Anim_Testmodel.cpp \
script/Script_Compiler.cpp \
script/Script_Interpreter.cpp \
script/Script_Program.cpp \
script/Script_Thread.cpp \
physics/Clip.cpp \
physics/Force.cpp \
physics/Force_Constant.cpp \
physics/Force_Drag.cpp \
physics/Force_Field.cpp \
physics/Force_Spring.cpp \
physics/Physics.cpp \
physics/Physics_AF.cpp \
physics/Physics_Actor.cpp \
physics/Physics_Base.cpp \
physics/Physics_Monster.cpp \
physics/Physics_Parametric.cpp \
physics/Physics_Player.cpp \
physics/Physics_RigidBody.cpp \
physics/Physics_Static.cpp \
physics/Physics_StaticMulti.cpp \
if ( local_d3xp ):
game_string += ' \
Grabber.cpp \
game_name = 'd3xp'
game_list = scons_utils.BuildList( 'd3xp', game_string )
game_name = 'base'
game_list = scons_utils.BuildList( 'game', game_string )
for i in range( len( game_list ) ):
game_list[ i ] = '../../' + game_list[ i ]
local_env = g_game_env.Clone()
if ( local_d3xp ):
local_env.Append( CPPDEFINES = [ '_D3XP', 'CTF' ] )
local_env.Append( CPPFLAGS = [ '-Id3xp' ] )
local_env.Append( CPPFLAGS = [ '-Igame' ] )
if ( local_demo == 1 ):
local_env.Append( CPPDEFINES = [ 'ID_DEMO_BUILD' ] )
if ( local_gamedll == 1 ):
local_env.Append( CPPDEFINES = [ 'GAME_DLL' ] )
ret = local_env.SharedLibrary( '%s/game%s-%s.so' % (g_build, g_cpu, game_name), game_list + idlib_objects, SHLIBPREFIX='' )
Return( 'ret' )
ret_list = []
for i in game_list:
ret_list += local_env.StaticObject( source = i )
Return( 'ret_list' )