mirror of
synced 2025-02-27 14:30:48 +00:00
I actually did this before the prototyping of a keybindings menu in the imgui example code, so the prototype is actually based on this. I'll merge the code from the prototype back once it's done.
530 lines
16 KiB
530 lines
16 KiB
#include "Common.h"
#include "CVarSystem.h"
#include "idlib/LangDict.h"
#include "UsercmdGen.h" // key bindings
//#include "Game.h" // idGameEdit to access entity definitions (player, weapons)
#include "DeclEntityDef.h"
#include "sys/sys_imgui.h"
namespace {
const char* GetLocalizedString( const char* id, const char* fallback )
if ( id == nullptr || id[0] == '\0' ) {
return fallback;
const char* ret = common->GetLanguageDict()->GetString( id );
if ( ret == nullptr || ret[0] == '\0'
|| ( ret[0] == '#' && idStr::Cmpn( ret, STRTABLE_ID, STRTABLE_ID_LENGTH ) == 0 ) ) {
ret = fallback;
return ret;
static void AddTooltip( const char* text )
if ( ImGui::BeginItemTooltip() )
ImGui::PushTextWrapPos(ImGui::GetFontSize() * 35.0f);
ImGui::TextUnformatted( text );
static void AddDescrTooltip( const char* description )
if ( description != nullptr ) {
ImGui::TextDisabled( "(?)" );
AddTooltip( description );
static void AddCVarOptionTooltips( const idCVar& cvar, const char* desc = nullptr )
#if 0
if (ImGui::BeginItemTooltip())
ImGui::PushTextWrapPos(ImGui::GetFontSize() * 35.0f);
ImGui::TextUnformatted( cvar.GetName() );
AddTooltip( cvar.GetName() );
AddDescrTooltip( desc ? desc : cvar.GetDescription() );
enum OptionType {
OT_HEADING, // not an option, just a heading on the page
OT_CUSTOM, // using a callback in Draw()
struct CVarOption {
typedef void (*DrawCallback)( idCVar& cvar ); // for OT_CUSTOM
const char* name = nullptr;
idCVar* cvar = nullptr;
const char* label = nullptr;
DrawCallback drawCallback = nullptr;
OptionType type = OT_NONE;
// TODO: the following two could be a union, together with drawCallback and possibly others!
float minVal = 0.0f;
float maxVal = 0.0f;
CVarOption() = default;
CVarOption(const char* _name, const char* _label, OptionType _type, float _minVal = 0.0f, float _maxVal = 0.0f)
: name(_name), label(_label), type(_type), minVal(_minVal), maxVal(_maxVal)
CVarOption(const char* _name, DrawCallback drawCB)
: name(_name), drawCallback(drawCB), type(OT_CUSTOM)
CVarOption(const char* headingLabel) : label(headingLabel), type(OT_HEADING)
void Init()
if (name != NULL) {
cvar = cvarSystem->Find(name);
printf("# Init() name = %s cvar = %p\n", name, cvar);
else printf("# Init() name = NULL label = %s\n", label);
void Draw()
if (type == OT_HEADING) {
if (label != NULL) {
} else if (cvar != nullptr) {
switch(type) {
case OT_BOOL:
bool b = cvar->GetBool();
bool bOrig = b;
ImGui::Checkbox( label, &b );
AddCVarOptionTooltips( *cvar );
if (b != bOrig) {
case OT_FLOAT:
float f = cvar->GetFloat();
float fOrig = f;
// TODO: make format configurable?
ImGui::SliderFloat(label, &f, minVal, maxVal, "%.2f", 0);
AddCVarOptionTooltips( *cvar );
if(f != fOrig) {
case OT_INT:
int i = cvar->GetInteger();
int iOrig = i;
ImGui::SliderInt(label, &i, minVal, maxVal);
AddCVarOptionTooltips( *cvar );
if (i != iOrig) {
if (drawCallback != nullptr) {
static void InitOptions(CVarOption options[], size_t numOptions)
for( int i=0; i < numOptions; ++i ) {
static void DrawOptions(CVarOption options[], size_t numOptions)
for( int i=0; i < numOptions; ++i ) {
static CVarOption controlOptions[] = {
// TODO: always run?
CVarOption("Mouse Settings"),
CVarOption("sensitivity", "Sensitivity", OT_FLOAT, 1.0f, 30.0f),
CVarOption("m_smooth", "Smoothing Samples", OT_INT, 1, 8),
CVarOption("in_nograb", "Don't grab Mouse Cursor (for debugging/testing)", OT_BOOL),
// TODO: add in_invertLook or m_invertLook ?
CVarOption("Keyboard Settings"),
CVarOption("in_grabKeyboard", "Grab Keyboard", OT_BOOL),
CVarOption("in_ignoreConsoleKey", "Don't open console with key between Esc, Tab and 1", OT_BOOL),
CVarOption("Gamepad Settings"),
CVarOption("in_useGamepad", "Enable Gamepad Support", OT_BOOL),
CVarOption("joy_gamepadLayout", [](idCVar& cvar) {
int sel = cvar.GetInteger() + 1; // -1 .. 3 => 0 .. 4
int selOrig = sel;
// -1: auto (needs SDL 2.0.12 or newer), 0: XBox-style, 1: Nintendo-style, 2: PS4/5-style, 3: PS2/3-style
const char* items[] = { "Auto-Detect", "XBox Controller-like",
"Nintendo-style", "Playstation 4/5 Controller-like",
"Playstation 2/3 Controller-like" };
ImGui::Combo("Gamepad Layout", &sel, items, IM_ARRAYSIZE(items));
AddCVarOptionTooltips( cvar, "Button Layout of Gamepad (esp. for the displayed names of the 4 buttons on the right)" );
if(sel != selOrig) {
CVarOption("joy_deadZone", "Axis Deadzone", OT_FLOAT, 0.0f, 0.99f),
CVarOption("joy_triggerThreshold", "Trigger Threshold/Deadzone", OT_FLOAT, 0.0f, 0.99f),
CVarOption("joy_pitchSpeed", "Pitch speed (for looking up/down)", OT_INT, 60.0f, 600.0f),
CVarOption("joy_yawSpeed", "Yaw speed (for looking left/right)", OT_INT, 60.0f, 600.0f),
// TODO: joy_invertLook? (I don't really see the point, one can just bind move stick up to look down)
CVarOption("joy_gammaLook", "Use logarithmic gamma curve instead of power curve for axes", OT_BOOL),
CVarOption("joy_powerScale", "If using power curve, this is the exponent", OT_FLOAT, 0.1f, 10.0f), // TODO: what are sensible min/max values?
// TODO: joy_dampenlook and joy_deltaPerMSLook ? comment in code says they were "bad idea"
// TODO: r_scaleMenusTo43
struct BindingEntryTemplate {
const char* command;
const char* name;
const char* nameLocStr;
const char* description;
struct BindingEntry {
idStr command; // "_impulse3" or "_forward" or similar - or "" for heading entry
idStr displayName;
const char* description = nullptr;
// TODO: actual bindings?
BindingEntry() = default;
BindingEntry( const char* _displayName ) : displayName(_displayName) {}
BindingEntry( const char* _command, const char* _displayName, const char* descr = nullptr )
: command( _command ), displayName( _displayName ), description( descr ) {}
BindingEntry( const idStr& _command, const idStr& _displayName, const char* descr = nullptr )
: command( _command ), displayName( _displayName ), description( descr ) {}
BindingEntry( const idStr& _command, const char* _displayName, const char* descr = nullptr )
: command( _command ), displayName( _displayName ), description( descr ) {}
BindingEntry( const BindingEntryTemplate& bet )
: command( bet.command ), description( bet.description ) {
displayName = GetLocalizedString( bet.nameLocStr, bet.name );
void Init()
// TODO: get bindings
void Draw()
if( command.Length() == 0 ) {
ImGui::SeparatorText( displayName );
if(description) {
} else {
ImGui::Text( "%s => %s", command.c_str(), displayName.c_str() );
if ( description ) {
AddDescrTooltip( description );
const idDict* GetEntityDefDict( const char* name )
const idDecl* decl = declManager->FindType( DECL_ENTITYDEF, name, false );
const idDeclEntityDef* entDef = static_cast<const idDeclEntityDef*>( decl );
return (entDef != nullptr) ? &entDef->dict : nullptr;
static idList<BindingEntry> bindingEntries;
static idList<BindingEntry> obscureBindingEntries;
static void InitBindingEntries()
const BindingEntryTemplate betsMoveLookAttack[] = {
{ "_forward", "Forward" , "#str_02100" },
{ "_back", "Backpedal" , "#str_02101" },
{ "_moveLeft", "Move Left" , "#str_02102" },
{ "_moveRight", "Move Right" , "#str_02103" },
{ "_moveUp", "Jump" , "#str_02104" },
{ "_moveDown", "Crouch" , "#str_02105" },
{ "_left", "Turn Left" , "#str_02106" },
{ "_right", "Turn Right" , "#str_02107" },
{ "_speed", "Sprint" , "#str_02109" },
{ "_strafe", "Strafe" , "#str_02108" },
{ "_lookUp", "Look Up" , "#str_02116" },
{ "_lookDown", "Look Down" , "#str_02117" },
{ "_mlook", "Mouse Look" , "#str_02118", "only really relevant if in_freeLook = 0" },
{ "_impulse18", "Center View", "#str_02119" },
{ nullptr, "Attack" , "#str_02112" },
{ "_attack", "Attack" , "#str_02112" },
{ "_impulse13", "Reload" , "#str_02115" },
{ "_impulse14", "Prev. Weapon" , "#str_02113" },
{ "_impulse15", "Next Weapon" , "#str_02114" },
{ "_zoom", "Zoom View" , "#str_02120" },
{ "clientDropWeapon", "Drop Weapon", "#str_04071" },
// also the heading for weapons, but the weapons entries are generated below..
{ nullptr, "Weapons" , "#str_01416" },
const BindingEntryTemplate betsOther[] = {
{ nullptr, "Other" , "#str_04064" }, // TODO: or "#str_02406" "Misc"
{ "_impulse19", "PDA / Score" , "#str_04066" },
{ "dhewm3Settings", "dhewm3 settings menu", nullptr },
{ "savegame quick", "Quick Save" , "#str_04067" },
{ "loadgame quick", "Quick Load" , "#str_04068" },
{ "screenshot", "Screenshot" , "#str_04069" },
{ "clientMessageMode", "Chat" , "#str_02068" },
{ "clientMessageMode 1", "Team Chat" , "#str_02122" },
{ "_impulse20", "Toggle Team" , "#str_04070" },
{ "_impulse22", "Spectate" , "#str_02125" },
{ "_impulse17", "Ready" , "#str_02126" },
{ "_impulse28", "Vote Yes" , "#str_02127" },
{ "_impulse29", "Vote No" , "#str_02128" },
{ "_impulse40", "Use Vehicle" , nullptr },
int numReserve = IM_ARRAYSIZE(betsMoveLookAttack) + IM_ARRAYSIZE(betsOther);
numReserve += 16; // up to 14 weapons + weaponheading + moveLookHeading
if(bindingEntries.NumAllocated() < numReserve) {
bindingEntries.Resize( numReserve );
idStr moveLookHeading = GetLocalizedString( "#str_02404", "Move" );
moveLookHeading += " / ";
moveLookHeading += GetLocalizedString( "#str_02403", "Look" );
bindingEntries.Append( BindingEntry( moveLookHeading ) );
for ( const BindingEntryTemplate& bet : betsMoveLookAttack ) {
bindingEntries.Append( BindingEntry( bet ) );
const idDict* playerDict = GetEntityDefDict( "player_doommarine" );
const idDict* playerDictMP = GetEntityDefDict( "player_doommarine_mp" );
for ( int i = 0; i <= 13; ++i ) {
int weapNum = i;
int impulseNum = i;
if (i == 13) {
// Hack: D3XP uses def_weapon18 for (MP-only) weapon_chainsaw
// and the corresponding impulse is _impulse17
// (otherwise def_weaponX corresponds to _impulseX)
weapNum = 18;
impulseNum = 27;
idStr defWeapName = idStr::Format( "def_weapon%d", weapNum );
const char* weapName = playerDict->GetString( defWeapName, nullptr );
if ( (weapName == nullptr || weapName[0] == '\0') && playerDictMP != nullptr ) {
weapName = playerDictMP->GetString( defWeapName, nullptr );
// TODO: could also handle weapontoggles, in playerDict(MP):
// "weapontoggle1" "2,1" // _impulse1 toggles between def_weapon2 and def_weapon1
// "weapontoggle4" "5,4" // _impulse4 toggles between def_weapon5 and def_weapon4
// note: weapon_PDA is skipped, because the generic open PDA action is _impulse19
if ( weapName != nullptr && weapName[0] != '\0'
&& idStr::Icmp( weapName, "weapon_pda" ) != 0 ) {
const idDict* weapDict = GetEntityDefDict( weapName );
if ( weapDict != nullptr ) {
const char* displayName = weapDict->GetString( "inv_name", nullptr );
if ( displayName == nullptr ) {
displayName = weapName;
} else if ( idStr::Cmpn( displayName, STRTABLE_ID, STRTABLE_ID_LENGTH ) == 0 ) {
displayName = GetLocalizedString( displayName, weapName );
bindingEntries.Append( BindingEntry( idStr::Format("_impulse%d", impulseNum), displayName ) );
for ( const BindingEntryTemplate& bet : betsOther ) {
bindingEntries.Append( BindingEntry( bet ) );
// TODO: could instead save bindingEntries.Num() as "firstObscureIndex"
// and put all the obscure bindings into the same list
// => makes handling the code ("what action are we currently trying to bind?")
// more uniform and thus simpler
obscureBindingEntries.Append( BindingEntry( "_impulse16", "_impulse16" ) );
obscureBindingEntries.Append( BindingEntry( "_impulse21", "_impulse21" ) );
// _impulse22 is "spectate", handled in "Other" section
obscureBindingEntries.Append( BindingEntry( "_impulse23", "_impulse23" ) );
obscureBindingEntries.Append( BindingEntry( "_impulse24", "_impulse24" ) );
obscureBindingEntries.Append( BindingEntry( "_impulse25", "_impulse25 / midnight CTF light",
"In RoE's Capture The Flag with si_midnight = 2, this appears to toggle some kind of light" ) );
for ( int i=26; i <= 63; ++i ) {
if ( i==40 ) // _impulse40 is "use vehicle", handled above in "Other" section
idStr impName = idStr::Format( "_impulse%d", i );
obscureBindingEntries.Append( BindingEntry( impName, impName ) );
// player.def defines, in player_base, used by player_doommarine and player_doommarine_mp (and player_doommarine_ctf),
// "def_weapon0" "weapon_fists", "def_weapon1" "weapon_pistol" etc
// => get all those definitions (up to MAX_WEAPONS=16) from Player, and then
// get the entities for the corresponding keys ("weapon_fists" etc),
// which should have an entry like "inv_name" "Pistol" (could also be #str_00100207 though!)
// hardcorps uses: idCVar pm_character("pm_character", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_BOOL, "Change Player character. 1 = Scarlet. 0 = Doom Marine");
// but I guess (hope) they use the same weapons..
static void DrawBindingsMenu()
for( BindingEntry& be : bindingEntries ) {
bool showObscImp = ImGui::CollapsingHeader( "Obscure Impulses" );
AddDescrTooltip( "_impulseXY commands that are usually unused, but might be used by some mods, e.g. for additional weapons" );
if (showObscImp) {
for( BindingEntry& be : obscureBindingEntries ) {
} //anon namespace
// called from D3::ImGuiHooks::NewFrame() (if this window is enabled)
void Com_DrawDhewm3SettingsMenu()
bool showSettingsWindow = true;
ImGui::Begin("dhewm3 Settings", &showSettingsWindow);
float scale = D3::ImGuiHooks::GetScale();
ImGui::PushItemWidth(ImGui::GetWindowWidth() * 0.4f);
if ( ImGui::DragFloat("ImGui scale", &scale, 0.005f, 0.25f, 8.0f, "%.3f") ) {
D3::ImGuiHooks::SetScale( scale );
if ( ImGui::Button("Reset") ) {
D3::ImGuiHooks::SetScale( -1.0f );
if (ImGui::Button("Show ImGui Demo")) {
D3::ImGuiHooks::OpenWindow( D3::ImGuiHooks::D3_ImGuiWin_Demo );
ImGuiTabBarFlags tab_bar_flags = ImGuiTabBarFlags_None;
if (ImGui::BeginTabBar("SettingsTabBar", tab_bar_flags))
if (ImGui::BeginTabItem("Control Bindings"))
if (ImGui::BeginTabItem("Control Options"))
DrawOptions( controlOptions, IM_ARRAYSIZE(controlOptions) );
if (ImGui::BeginTabItem("Game Options"))
ImGui::Text("This is the Game Options tab!\nblah blah blah blah blah");
if (ImGui::BeginTabItem("Video Options"))
ImGui::Text("This is the Video tab!\nblah blah blah blah blah");
if (ImGui::BeginTabItem("Audio Options"))
ImGui::Text("This is the Audio tab!\nblah blah blah blah blah");
if (!showSettingsWindow) {
D3::ImGuiHooks::CloseWindow( D3::ImGuiHooks::D3_ImGuiWin_Settings );
void Com_InitDhewm3SettingsMenu()
InitOptions( controlOptions, IM_ARRAYSIZE(controlOptions) );
void Com_Dhewm3Settings_f( const idCmdArgs &args )
bool menuOpen = (D3::ImGuiHooks::GetOpenWindowsMask() & D3::ImGuiHooks::D3_ImGuiWin_Settings) != 0;
if ( !menuOpen ) {
// TODO: if in SP game, pause
D3::ImGuiHooks::OpenWindow( D3::ImGuiHooks::D3_ImGuiWin_Settings );
} else {
D3::ImGuiHooks::CloseWindow( D3::ImGuiHooks::D3_ImGuiWin_Settings );
// TODO: if in SP game, unpause
#else // IMGUI_DISABLE - just a stub function
void Com_Dhewm3Settings_f( const idCmdArgs &args ) {}