mirror of
synced 2025-03-02 07:32:18 +00:00
Don't include the lazy precompiled.h everywhere, only what's required for the compilation unit. platform.h needs to be included instead to provide all essential defines and types. All includes use the relative path to the neo or the game specific root. Move all idlib related includes from idlib/Lib.h to precompiled.h. precompiled.h still exists for the MFC stuff in tools/. Add some missing header guards.
2246 lines
63 KiB
2246 lines
63 KiB
Doom 3 GPL Source Code
Copyright (C) 1999-2011 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company.
This file is part of the Doom 3 GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 Source Code").
Doom 3 Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Doom 3 Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Doom 3 Source Code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
In addition, the Doom 3 Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below.
If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA.
#include "sys/platform.h"
#include "idlib/containers/List.h"
#include "idlib/containers/HashIndex.h"
#include "idlib/hashing/MD5.h"
#include "idlib/BitMsg.h"
#include "framework/FileSystem.h"
#include "framework/CVarSystem.h"
#include "framework/DeclAF.h"
#include "framework/DeclEntityDef.h"
#include "framework/DeclFX.h"
#include "framework/DeclPDA.h"
#include "framework/DeclParticle.h"
#include "framework/DeclSkin.h"
#include "framework/DeclTable.h"
#include "renderer/Material.h"
#include "sound/sound.h"
#include "framework/DeclManager.h"
GUIs and script remain separately parsed
Following a parse, all referenced media (and other decls) will have been touched.
sinTable and cosTable are required for the rotate material keyword to function
A new FindType on a purged decl will cause it to be reloaded, but a stale pointer to a purged
decl will look like a defaulted decl.
Moving a decl from one file to another will not be handled correctly by a reload, the material
will be defaulted.
NULL or empty decl names will always return NULL
Should probably make a default decl for this
Decls are initially created without a textSource
A parse without textSource set should always just call MakeDefault()
A parse that has an error should internally call MakeDefault()
A purge does nothing to a defaulted decl
Should we have a "purged" media state separate from the "defaulted" media state?
reloading over a decl name that was defaulted
reloading over a decl name that was valid
missing reload over a previously explicit definition
class idDeclType {
idStr typeName;
declType_t type;
idDecl * (*allocator)( void );
class idDeclFolder {
idStr folder;
idStr extension;
declType_t defaultType;
class idDeclFile;
class idDeclLocal : public idDeclBase {
friend class idDeclFile;
friend class idDeclManagerLocal;
virtual ~idDeclLocal() {};
virtual const char * GetName( void ) const;
virtual declType_t GetType( void ) const;
virtual declState_t GetState( void ) const;
virtual bool IsImplicit( void ) const;
virtual bool IsValid( void ) const;
virtual void Invalidate( void );
virtual void Reload( void );
virtual void EnsureNotPurged( void );
virtual int Index( void ) const;
virtual int GetLineNum( void ) const;
virtual const char * GetFileName( void ) const;
virtual size_t Size( void ) const;
virtual void GetText( char *text ) const;
virtual int GetTextLength( void ) const;
virtual void SetText( const char *text );
virtual bool ReplaceSourceFileText( void );
virtual bool SourceFileChanged( void ) const;
virtual void MakeDefault( void );
virtual bool EverReferenced( void ) const;
virtual bool SetDefaultText( void );
virtual const char * DefaultDefinition( void ) const;
virtual bool Parse( const char *text, const int textLength );
virtual void FreeData( void );
virtual void List( void ) const;
virtual void Print( void ) const;
void AllocateSelf( void );
// Parses the decl definition.
// After calling parse, a decl will be guaranteed usable.
void ParseLocal( void );
// Does a MakeDefualt, but flags the decl so that it
// will Parse() the next time the decl is found.
void Purge( void );
// Set textSource possible with compression.
void SetTextLocal( const char *text, const int length );
idDecl * self;
idStr name; // name of the decl
char * textSource; // decl text definition
int textLength; // length of textSource
int compressedLength; // compressed length
idDeclFile * sourceFile; // source file in which the decl was defined
int sourceTextOffset; // offset in source file to decl text
int sourceTextLength; // length of decl text in source file
int sourceLine; // this is where the actual declaration token starts
int checksum; // checksum of the decl text
declType_t type; // decl type
declState_t declState; // decl state
int index; // index in the per-type list
bool parsedOutsideLevelLoad; // these decls will never be purged
bool everReferenced; // set to true if the decl was ever used
bool referencedThisLevel; // set to true when the decl is used for the current level
bool redefinedInReload; // used during file reloading to make sure a decl that has
// its source removed will be defaulted
idDeclLocal * nextInFile; // next decl in the decl file
class idDeclFile {
idDeclFile( const char *fileName, declType_t defaultType );
void Reload( bool force );
int LoadAndParse();
idStr fileName;
declType_t defaultType;
ID_TIME_T timestamp;
int checksum;
int fileSize;
int numLines;
idDeclLocal * decls;
class idDeclManagerLocal : public idDeclManager {
friend class idDeclLocal;
virtual void Init( void );
virtual void Shutdown( void );
virtual void Reload( bool force );
virtual void BeginLevelLoad();
virtual void EndLevelLoad();
virtual void RegisterDeclType( const char *typeName, declType_t type, idDecl *(*allocator)( void ) );
virtual void RegisterDeclFolder( const char *folder, const char *extension, declType_t defaultType );
virtual int GetChecksum( void ) const;
virtual int GetNumDeclTypes( void ) const;
virtual int GetNumDecls( declType_t type );
virtual const char * GetDeclNameFromType( declType_t type ) const;
virtual declType_t GetDeclTypeFromName( const char *typeName ) const;
virtual const idDecl * FindType( declType_t type, const char *name, bool makeDefault = true );
virtual const idDecl * DeclByIndex( declType_t type, int index, bool forceParse = true );
virtual const idDecl* FindDeclWithoutParsing( declType_t type, const char *name, bool makeDefault = true );
virtual void ReloadFile( const char* filename, bool force );
virtual void ListType( const idCmdArgs &args, declType_t type );
virtual void PrintType( const idCmdArgs &args, declType_t type );
virtual idDecl * CreateNewDecl( declType_t type, const char *name, const char *fileName );
//BSM Added for the material editors rename capabilities
virtual bool RenameDecl( declType_t type, const char* oldName, const char* newName );
virtual void MediaPrint( const char *fmt, ... ) id_attribute((format(printf,2,3)));
virtual void WritePrecacheCommands( idFile *f );
virtual const idMaterial * FindMaterial( const char *name, bool makeDefault = true );
virtual const idDeclSkin * FindSkin( const char *name, bool makeDefault = true );
virtual const idSoundShader * FindSound( const char *name, bool makeDefault = true );
virtual const idMaterial * MaterialByIndex( int index, bool forceParse = true );
virtual const idDeclSkin * SkinByIndex( int index, bool forceParse = true );
virtual const idSoundShader * SoundByIndex( int index, bool forceParse = true );
static void MakeNameCanonical( const char *name, char *result, int maxLength );
idDeclLocal * FindTypeWithoutParsing( declType_t type, const char *name, bool makeDefault = true );
idDeclType * GetDeclType( int type ) const { return declTypes[type]; }
const idDeclFile * GetImplicitDeclFile( void ) const { return &implicitDecls; }
idList<idDeclType *> declTypes;
idList<idDeclFolder *> declFolders;
idList<idDeclFile *> loadedFiles;
idHashIndex hashTables[DECL_MAX_TYPES];
idList<idDeclLocal *> linearLists[DECL_MAX_TYPES];
idDeclFile implicitDecls; // this holds all the decls that were created because explicit
// text definitions were not found. Decls that became default
// because of a parse error are not in this list.
int checksum; // checksum of all loaded decl text
int indent; // for MediaPrint
bool insideLevelLoad;
static idCVar decl_show;
static void ListDecls_f( const idCmdArgs &args );
static void ReloadDecls_f( const idCmdArgs &args );
static void TouchDecl_f( const idCmdArgs &args );
idCVar idDeclManagerLocal::decl_show( "decl_show", "0", CVAR_SYSTEM, "set to 1 to print parses, 2 to also print references", 0, 2, idCmdSystem::ArgCompletion_Integer<0,2> );
idDeclManagerLocal declManagerLocal;
idDeclManager * declManager = &declManagerLocal;
decl text huffman compression
const int MAX_HUFFMAN_SYMBOLS = 256;
typedef struct huffmanNode_s {
int symbol;
int frequency;
struct huffmanNode_s * next;
struct huffmanNode_s * children[2];
} huffmanNode_t;
typedef struct huffmanCode_s {
unsigned long bits[8];
int numBits;
} huffmanCode_t;
// compression ratio = 64%
static int huffmanFrequencies[] = {
0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001,
0x00000001, 0x00078fb6, 0x000352a7, 0x00000002, 0x00000001, 0x0002795e, 0x00000001, 0x00000001,
0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001,
0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001,
0x00049600, 0x000000dd, 0x00018732, 0x0000005a, 0x00000007, 0x00000092, 0x0000000a, 0x00000919,
0x00002dcf, 0x00002dda, 0x00004dfc, 0x0000039a, 0x000058be, 0x00002d13, 0x00014d8c, 0x00023c60,
0x0002ddb0, 0x0000d1fc, 0x000078c4, 0x00003ec7, 0x00003113, 0x00006b59, 0x00002499, 0x0000184a,
0x0000250b, 0x00004e38, 0x000001ca, 0x00000011, 0x00000020, 0x000023da, 0x00000012, 0x00000091,
0x0000000b, 0x00000b14, 0x0000035d, 0x0000137e, 0x000020c9, 0x00000e11, 0x000004b4, 0x00000737,
0x000006b8, 0x00001110, 0x000006b3, 0x000000fe, 0x00000f02, 0x00000d73, 0x000005f6, 0x00000be4,
0x00000d86, 0x0000014d, 0x00000d89, 0x0000129b, 0x00000db3, 0x0000015a, 0x00000167, 0x00000375,
0x00000028, 0x00000112, 0x00000018, 0x00000678, 0x0000081a, 0x00000677, 0x00000003, 0x00018112,
0x00000001, 0x000441ee, 0x000124b0, 0x0001fa3f, 0x00026125, 0x0005a411, 0x0000e50f, 0x00011820,
0x00010f13, 0x0002e723, 0x00003518, 0x00005738, 0x0002cc26, 0x0002a9b7, 0x0002db81, 0x0003b5fa,
0x000185d2, 0x00001299, 0x00030773, 0x0003920d, 0x000411cd, 0x00018751, 0x00005fbd, 0x000099b0,
0x00009242, 0x00007cf2, 0x00002809, 0x00005a1d, 0x00000001, 0x00005a1d, 0x00000001, 0x00000001,
0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001,
0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001,
0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001,
0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001,
0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001,
0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001,
0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001,
0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001,
0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001,
0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001,
0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001,
0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001,
0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001,
0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001,
0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001,
0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001, 0x00000001,
static huffmanCode_t huffmanCodes[MAX_HUFFMAN_SYMBOLS];
static huffmanNode_t *huffmanTree = NULL;
static int totalUncompressedLength = 0;
static int totalCompressedLength = 0;
static int maxHuffmanBits = 0;
void ClearHuffmanFrequencies( void ) {
int i;
for( i = 0; i < MAX_HUFFMAN_SYMBOLS; i++ ) {
huffmanFrequencies[i] = 1;
huffmanNode_t *InsertHuffmanNode( huffmanNode_t *firstNode, huffmanNode_t *node ) {
huffmanNode_t *n, *lastNode;
lastNode = NULL;
for ( n = firstNode; n; n = n->next ) {
if ( node->frequency <= n->frequency ) {
lastNode = n;
if ( lastNode ) {
node->next = lastNode->next;
lastNode->next = node;
} else {
node->next = firstNode;
firstNode = node;
return firstNode;
void BuildHuffmanCode_r( huffmanNode_t *node, huffmanCode_t code, huffmanCode_t codes[MAX_HUFFMAN_SYMBOLS] ) {
if ( node->symbol == -1 ) {
huffmanCode_t newCode = code;
assert( code.numBits < sizeof( codes[0].bits ) * 8 );
if ( code.numBits > maxHuffmanBits ) {
maxHuffmanBits = newCode.numBits;
BuildHuffmanCode_r( node->children[0], newCode, codes );
newCode.bits[code.numBits >> 5] |= 1 << ( code.numBits & 31 );
BuildHuffmanCode_r( node->children[1], newCode, codes );
} else {
assert( code.numBits <= sizeof( codes[0].bits ) * 8 );
codes[node->symbol] = code;
void FreeHuffmanTree_r( huffmanNode_t *node ) {
if ( node->symbol == -1 ) {
FreeHuffmanTree_r( node->children[0] );
FreeHuffmanTree_r( node->children[1] );
delete node;
int HuffmanHeight_r( huffmanNode_t *node ) {
if ( node == NULL ) {
return -1;
int left = HuffmanHeight_r( node->children[0] );
int right = HuffmanHeight_r( node->children[1] );
if ( left > right ) {
return left + 1;
return right + 1;
void SetupHuffman( void ) {
int i, height id_attribute((unused));
huffmanNode_t *firstNode, *node;
huffmanCode_t code;
firstNode = NULL;
for( i = 0; i < MAX_HUFFMAN_SYMBOLS; i++ ) {
node = new huffmanNode_t;
node->symbol = i;
node->frequency = huffmanFrequencies[i];
node->next = NULL;
node->children[0] = NULL;
node->children[1] = NULL;
firstNode = InsertHuffmanNode( firstNode, node );
for( i = 1; i < MAX_HUFFMAN_SYMBOLS; i++ ) {
node = new huffmanNode_t;
node->symbol = -1;
node->frequency = firstNode->frequency + firstNode->next->frequency;
node->next = NULL;
node->children[0] = firstNode;
node->children[1] = firstNode->next;
firstNode = InsertHuffmanNode( firstNode->next->next, node );
maxHuffmanBits = 0;
memset( &code, 0, sizeof( code ) );
BuildHuffmanCode_r( firstNode, code, huffmanCodes );
huffmanTree = firstNode;
height = HuffmanHeight_r( firstNode );
assert( maxHuffmanBits == height );
void ShutdownHuffman( void ) {
if ( huffmanTree ) {
FreeHuffmanTree_r( huffmanTree );
int HuffmanCompressText( const char *text, int textLength, byte *compressed, int maxCompressedSize ) {
int i, j;
idBitMsg msg;
totalUncompressedLength += textLength;
msg.Init( compressed, maxCompressedSize );
for ( i = 0; i < textLength; i++ ) {
const huffmanCode_t &code = huffmanCodes[(unsigned char)text[i]];
for ( j = 0; j < ( code.numBits >> 5 ); j++ ) {
msg.WriteBits( code.bits[j], 32 );
if ( code.numBits & 31 ) {
msg.WriteBits( code.bits[j], code.numBits & 31 );
totalCompressedLength += msg.GetSize();
return msg.GetSize();
int HuffmanDecompressText( char *text, int textLength, const byte *compressed, int compressedSize ) {
int i, bit;
idBitMsg msg;
huffmanNode_t *node;
msg.Init( compressed, compressedSize );
msg.SetSize( compressedSize );
for ( i = 0; i < textLength; i++ ) {
node = huffmanTree;
do {
bit = msg.ReadBits( 1 );
node = node->children[bit];
} while( node->symbol == -1 );
text[i] = node->symbol;
text[i] = '\0';
return msg.GetReadCount();
void ListHuffmanFrequencies_f( const idCmdArgs &args ) {
int i;
float compression;
compression = !totalUncompressedLength ? 100 : 100 * totalCompressedLength / totalUncompressedLength;
common->Printf( "// compression ratio = %d%%\n", (int)compression );
common->Printf( "static int huffmanFrequencies[] = {\n" );
for( i = 0; i < MAX_HUFFMAN_SYMBOLS; i += 8 ) {
common->Printf( "\t0x%08x, 0x%08x, 0x%08x, 0x%08x, 0x%08x, 0x%08x, 0x%08x, 0x%08x,\n",
huffmanFrequencies[i+0], huffmanFrequencies[i+1],
huffmanFrequencies[i+2], huffmanFrequencies[i+3],
huffmanFrequencies[i+4], huffmanFrequencies[i+5],
huffmanFrequencies[i+6], huffmanFrequencies[i+7]);
common->Printf( "}\n" );
idDeclFile::idDeclFile( const char *fileName, declType_t defaultType ) {
this->fileName = fileName;
this->defaultType = defaultType;
this->timestamp = 0;
this->checksum = 0;
this->fileSize = 0;
this->numLines = 0;
this->decls = NULL;
idDeclFile::idDeclFile() {
this->fileName = "<implicit file>";
this->defaultType = DECL_MAX_TYPES;
this->timestamp = 0;
this->checksum = 0;
this->fileSize = 0;
this->numLines = 0;
this->decls = NULL;
ForceReload will cause it to reload even if the timestamp hasn't changed
void idDeclFile::Reload( bool force ) {
// check for an unchanged timestamp
if ( !force && timestamp != 0 ) {
ID_TIME_T testTimeStamp;
fileSystem->ReadFile( fileName, NULL, &testTimeStamp );
if ( testTimeStamp == timestamp ) {
// parse the text
This is used during both the initial load, and any reloads
int c_savedMemory = 0;
int idDeclFile::LoadAndParse() {
int i, numTypes;
idLexer src;
idToken token;
int startMarker;
char * buffer;
int length, size;
int sourceLine;
idStr name;
idDeclLocal *newDecl;
bool reparse;
// load the text
common->DPrintf( "...loading '%s'\n", fileName.c_str() );
length = fileSystem->ReadFile( fileName, (void **)&buffer, ×tamp );
if ( length == -1 ) {
common->FatalError( "couldn't load %s", fileName.c_str() );
return 0;
if ( !src.LoadMemory( buffer, length, fileName ) ) {
common->Error( "Couldn't parse %s", fileName.c_str() );
Mem_Free( buffer );
return 0;
// mark all the defs that were from the last reload of this file
for ( idDeclLocal *decl = decls; decl; decl = decl->nextInFile ) {
decl->redefinedInReload = false;
src.SetFlags( DECL_LEXER_FLAGS );
checksum = MD5_BlockChecksum( buffer, length );
fileSize = length;
// scan through, identifying each individual declaration
while( 1 ) {
startMarker = src.GetFileOffset();
sourceLine = src.GetLineNum();
// parse the decl type name
if ( !src.ReadToken( &token ) ) {
declType_t identifiedType = DECL_MAX_TYPES;
// get the decl type from the type name
numTypes = declManagerLocal.GetNumDeclTypes();
for ( i = 0; i < numTypes; i++ ) {
idDeclType *typeInfo = declManagerLocal.GetDeclType( i );
if ( typeInfo && typeInfo->typeName.Icmp( token ) == 0 ) {
identifiedType = (declType_t) typeInfo->type;
if ( i >= numTypes ) {
if ( token.Icmp( "{" ) == 0 ) {
// if we ever see an open brace, we somehow missed the [type] <name> prefix
src.Warning( "Missing decl name" );
src.SkipBracedSection( false );
} else {
if ( defaultType == DECL_MAX_TYPES ) {
src.Warning( "No type" );
src.UnreadToken( &token );
// use the default type
identifiedType = defaultType;
// now parse the name
if ( !src.ReadToken( &token ) ) {
src.Warning( "Type without definition at end of file" );
if ( !token.Icmp( "{" ) ) {
// if we ever see an open brace, we somehow missed the [type] <name> prefix
src.Warning( "Missing decl name" );
src.SkipBracedSection( false );
// FIXME: export decls are only used by the model exporter, they are skipped here for now
if ( identifiedType == DECL_MODELEXPORT ) {
name = token;
// make sure there's a '{'
if ( !src.ReadToken( &token ) ) {
src.Warning( "Type without definition at end of file" );
if ( token != "{" ) {
src.Warning( "Expecting '{' but found '%s'", token.c_str() );
src.UnreadToken( &token );
// now take everything until a matched closing brace
size = src.GetFileOffset() - startMarker;
// look it up, possibly getting a newly created default decl
reparse = false;
newDecl = declManagerLocal.FindTypeWithoutParsing( identifiedType, name, false );
if ( newDecl ) {
// update the existing copy
if ( newDecl->sourceFile != this || newDecl->redefinedInReload ) {
src.Warning( "%s '%s' previously defined at %s:%i", declManagerLocal.GetDeclNameFromType( identifiedType ),
name.c_str(), newDecl->sourceFile->fileName.c_str(), newDecl->sourceLine );
if ( newDecl->declState != DS_UNPARSED ) {
reparse = true;
} else {
// allow it to be created as a default, then add it to the per-file list
newDecl = declManagerLocal.FindTypeWithoutParsing( identifiedType, name, true );
newDecl->nextInFile = this->decls;
this->decls = newDecl;
newDecl->redefinedInReload = true;
if ( newDecl->textSource ) {
Mem_Free( newDecl->textSource );
newDecl->textSource = NULL;
newDecl->SetTextLocal( buffer + startMarker, size );
newDecl->sourceFile = this;
newDecl->sourceTextOffset = startMarker;
newDecl->sourceTextLength = size;
newDecl->sourceLine = sourceLine;
newDecl->declState = DS_UNPARSED;
// if it is currently in use, reparse it immedaitely
if ( reparse ) {
numLines = src.GetLineNum();
Mem_Free( buffer );
// any defs that weren't redefinedInReload should now be defaulted
for ( idDeclLocal *decl = decls ; decl ; decl = decl->nextInFile ) {
if ( decl->redefinedInReload == false ) {
decl->sourceTextOffset = decl->sourceFile->fileSize;
decl->sourceTextLength = 0;
decl->sourceLine = decl->sourceFile->numLines;
return checksum;
const char *listDeclStrings[] = { "current", "all", "ever", NULL };
void idDeclManagerLocal::Init( void ) {
common->Printf( "----- Initializing Decls -----\n" );
checksum = 0;
// decls used throughout the engine
RegisterDeclType( "table", DECL_TABLE, idDeclAllocator<idDeclTable> );
RegisterDeclType( "material", DECL_MATERIAL, idDeclAllocator<idMaterial> );
RegisterDeclType( "skin", DECL_SKIN, idDeclAllocator<idDeclSkin> );
RegisterDeclType( "sound", DECL_SOUND, idDeclAllocator<idSoundShader> );
RegisterDeclType( "entityDef", DECL_ENTITYDEF, idDeclAllocator<idDeclEntityDef> );
RegisterDeclType( "mapDef", DECL_MAPDEF, idDeclAllocator<idDeclEntityDef> );
RegisterDeclType( "fx", DECL_FX, idDeclAllocator<idDeclFX> );
RegisterDeclType( "particle", DECL_PARTICLE, idDeclAllocator<idDeclParticle> );
RegisterDeclType( "articulatedFigure", DECL_AF, idDeclAllocator<idDeclAF> );
RegisterDeclType( "pda", DECL_PDA, idDeclAllocator<idDeclPDA> );
RegisterDeclType( "email", DECL_EMAIL, idDeclAllocator<idDeclEmail> );
RegisterDeclType( "video", DECL_VIDEO, idDeclAllocator<idDeclVideo> );
RegisterDeclType( "audio", DECL_AUDIO, idDeclAllocator<idDeclAudio> );
RegisterDeclFolder( "materials", ".mtr", DECL_MATERIAL );
RegisterDeclFolder( "skins", ".skin", DECL_SKIN );
RegisterDeclFolder( "sound", ".sndshd", DECL_SOUND );
// add console commands
cmdSystem->AddCommand( "listDecls", ListDecls_f, CMD_FL_SYSTEM, "lists all decls" );
cmdSystem->AddCommand( "reloadDecls", ReloadDecls_f, CMD_FL_SYSTEM, "reloads decls" );
cmdSystem->AddCommand( "touch", TouchDecl_f, CMD_FL_SYSTEM, "touches a decl" );
cmdSystem->AddCommand( "listTables", idListDecls_f<DECL_TABLE>, CMD_FL_SYSTEM, "lists tables", idCmdSystem::ArgCompletion_String<listDeclStrings> );
cmdSystem->AddCommand( "listMaterials", idListDecls_f<DECL_MATERIAL>, CMD_FL_SYSTEM, "lists materials", idCmdSystem::ArgCompletion_String<listDeclStrings> );
cmdSystem->AddCommand( "listSkins", idListDecls_f<DECL_SKIN>, CMD_FL_SYSTEM, "lists skins", idCmdSystem::ArgCompletion_String<listDeclStrings> );
cmdSystem->AddCommand( "listSoundShaders", idListDecls_f<DECL_SOUND>, CMD_FL_SYSTEM, "lists sound shaders", idCmdSystem::ArgCompletion_String<listDeclStrings> );
cmdSystem->AddCommand( "listEntityDefs", idListDecls_f<DECL_ENTITYDEF>, CMD_FL_SYSTEM, "lists entity defs", idCmdSystem::ArgCompletion_String<listDeclStrings> );
cmdSystem->AddCommand( "listFX", idListDecls_f<DECL_FX>, CMD_FL_SYSTEM, "lists FX systems", idCmdSystem::ArgCompletion_String<listDeclStrings> );
cmdSystem->AddCommand( "listParticles", idListDecls_f<DECL_PARTICLE>, CMD_FL_SYSTEM, "lists particle systems", idCmdSystem::ArgCompletion_String<listDeclStrings> );
cmdSystem->AddCommand( "listAF", idListDecls_f<DECL_AF>, CMD_FL_SYSTEM, "lists articulated figures", idCmdSystem::ArgCompletion_String<listDeclStrings>);
cmdSystem->AddCommand( "listPDAs", idListDecls_f<DECL_PDA>, CMD_FL_SYSTEM, "lists PDAs", idCmdSystem::ArgCompletion_String<listDeclStrings> );
cmdSystem->AddCommand( "listEmails", idListDecls_f<DECL_EMAIL>, CMD_FL_SYSTEM, "lists Emails", idCmdSystem::ArgCompletion_String<listDeclStrings> );
cmdSystem->AddCommand( "listVideos", idListDecls_f<DECL_VIDEO>, CMD_FL_SYSTEM, "lists Videos", idCmdSystem::ArgCompletion_String<listDeclStrings> );
cmdSystem->AddCommand( "listAudios", idListDecls_f<DECL_AUDIO>, CMD_FL_SYSTEM, "lists Audios", idCmdSystem::ArgCompletion_String<listDeclStrings> );
cmdSystem->AddCommand( "printTable", idPrintDecls_f<DECL_TABLE>, CMD_FL_SYSTEM, "prints a table", idCmdSystem::ArgCompletion_Decl<DECL_TABLE> );
cmdSystem->AddCommand( "printMaterial", idPrintDecls_f<DECL_MATERIAL>, CMD_FL_SYSTEM, "prints a material", idCmdSystem::ArgCompletion_Decl<DECL_MATERIAL> );
cmdSystem->AddCommand( "printSkin", idPrintDecls_f<DECL_SKIN>, CMD_FL_SYSTEM, "prints a skin", idCmdSystem::ArgCompletion_Decl<DECL_SKIN> );
cmdSystem->AddCommand( "printSoundShader", idPrintDecls_f<DECL_SOUND>, CMD_FL_SYSTEM, "prints a sound shader", idCmdSystem::ArgCompletion_Decl<DECL_SOUND> );
cmdSystem->AddCommand( "printEntityDef", idPrintDecls_f<DECL_ENTITYDEF>, CMD_FL_SYSTEM, "prints an entity def", idCmdSystem::ArgCompletion_Decl<DECL_ENTITYDEF> );
cmdSystem->AddCommand( "printFX", idPrintDecls_f<DECL_FX>, CMD_FL_SYSTEM, "prints an FX system", idCmdSystem::ArgCompletion_Decl<DECL_FX> );
cmdSystem->AddCommand( "printParticle", idPrintDecls_f<DECL_PARTICLE>, CMD_FL_SYSTEM, "prints a particle system", idCmdSystem::ArgCompletion_Decl<DECL_PARTICLE> );
cmdSystem->AddCommand( "printAF", idPrintDecls_f<DECL_AF>, CMD_FL_SYSTEM, "prints an articulated figure", idCmdSystem::ArgCompletion_Decl<DECL_AF> );
cmdSystem->AddCommand( "printPDA", idPrintDecls_f<DECL_PDA>, CMD_FL_SYSTEM, "prints an PDA", idCmdSystem::ArgCompletion_Decl<DECL_PDA> );
cmdSystem->AddCommand( "printEmail", idPrintDecls_f<DECL_EMAIL>, CMD_FL_SYSTEM, "prints an Email", idCmdSystem::ArgCompletion_Decl<DECL_EMAIL> );
cmdSystem->AddCommand( "printVideo", idPrintDecls_f<DECL_VIDEO>, CMD_FL_SYSTEM, "prints a Audio", idCmdSystem::ArgCompletion_Decl<DECL_VIDEO> );
cmdSystem->AddCommand( "printAudio", idPrintDecls_f<DECL_AUDIO>, CMD_FL_SYSTEM, "prints an Video", idCmdSystem::ArgCompletion_Decl<DECL_AUDIO> );
cmdSystem->AddCommand( "listHuffmanFrequencies", ListHuffmanFrequencies_f, CMD_FL_SYSTEM, "lists decl text character frequencies" );
common->Printf( "------------------------------\n" );
void idDeclManagerLocal::Shutdown( void ) {
int i, j;
idDeclLocal *decl;
// free decls
for ( i = 0; i < DECL_MAX_TYPES; i++ ) {
for ( j = 0; j < linearLists[i].Num(); j++ ) {
decl = linearLists[i][j];
if ( decl->self != NULL ) {
delete decl->self;
if ( decl->textSource ) {
Mem_Free( decl->textSource );
decl->textSource = NULL;
delete decl;
// free decl files
loadedFiles.DeleteContents( true );
// free the decl types and folders
declTypes.DeleteContents( true );
declFolders.DeleteContents( true );
void idDeclManagerLocal::Reload( bool force ) {
for ( int i = 0; i < loadedFiles.Num(); i++ ) {
loadedFiles[i]->Reload( force );
void idDeclManagerLocal::BeginLevelLoad() {
insideLevelLoad = true;
// clear all the referencedThisLevel flags and purge all the data
// so the next reference will cause a reparse
for ( int i = 0; i < DECL_MAX_TYPES; i++ ) {
int num = linearLists[i].Num();
for ( int j = 0 ; j < num ; j++ ) {
idDeclLocal *decl = linearLists[i][j];
void idDeclManagerLocal::EndLevelLoad() {
insideLevelLoad = false;
// we don't need to do anything here, but the image manager, model manager,
// and sound sample manager will need to free media that was not referenced
void idDeclManagerLocal::RegisterDeclType( const char *typeName, declType_t type, idDecl *(*allocator)( void ) ) {
idDeclType *declType;
if ( type < declTypes.Num() && declTypes[(int)type] ) {
common->Warning( "idDeclManager::RegisterDeclType: type '%s' already exists", typeName );
declType = new idDeclType;
declType->typeName = typeName;
declType->type = type;
declType->allocator = allocator;
if ( (int)type + 1 > declTypes.Num() ) {
declTypes.AssureSize( (int)type + 1, NULL );
declTypes[type] = declType;
void idDeclManagerLocal::RegisterDeclFolder( const char *folder, const char *extension, declType_t defaultType ) {
int i, j;
idStr fileName;
idDeclFolder *declFolder;
idFileList *fileList;
idDeclFile *df;
// check whether this folder / extension combination already exists
for ( i = 0; i < declFolders.Num(); i++ ) {
if ( declFolders[i]->folder.Icmp( folder ) == 0 && declFolders[i]->extension.Icmp( extension ) == 0 ) {
if ( i < declFolders.Num() ) {
declFolder = declFolders[i];
} else {
declFolder = new idDeclFolder;
declFolder->folder = folder;
declFolder->extension = extension;
declFolder->defaultType = defaultType;
declFolders.Append( declFolder );
// scan for decl files
fileList = fileSystem->ListFiles( declFolder->folder, declFolder->extension, true );
// load and parse decl files
for ( i = 0; i < fileList->GetNumFiles(); i++ ) {
fileName = declFolder->folder + "/" + fileList->GetFile( i );
// check whether this file has already been loaded
for ( j = 0; j < loadedFiles.Num(); j++ ) {
if ( fileName.Icmp( loadedFiles[j]->fileName ) == 0 ) {
if ( j < loadedFiles.Num() ) {
df = loadedFiles[j];
} else {
df = new idDeclFile( fileName, defaultType );
loadedFiles.Append( df );
fileSystem->FreeFileList( fileList );
int idDeclManagerLocal::GetChecksum( void ) const {
int i, j, total, num;
int *checksumData;
// get the total number of decls
total = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < DECL_MAX_TYPES; i++ ) {
total += linearLists[i].Num();
checksumData = (int *) _alloca16( total * 2 * sizeof( int ) );
total = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < DECL_MAX_TYPES; i++ ) {
declType_t type = (declType_t) i;
// FIXME: not particularly pretty but PDAs and associated decls are localized and should not be checksummed
if ( type == DECL_PDA || type == DECL_VIDEO || type == DECL_AUDIO || type == DECL_EMAIL ) {
num = linearLists[i].Num();
for ( j = 0; j < num; j++ ) {
idDeclLocal *decl = linearLists[i][j];
if ( decl->sourceFile == &implicitDecls ) {
checksumData[total*2+0] = total;
checksumData[total*2+1] = decl->checksum;
LittleRevBytes( checksumData, sizeof(int), total * 2 );
return MD5_BlockChecksum( checksumData, total * 2 * sizeof( int ) );
int idDeclManagerLocal::GetNumDeclTypes( void ) const {
return declTypes.Num();
const char * idDeclManagerLocal::GetDeclNameFromType( declType_t type ) const {
int typeIndex = (int)type;
if ( typeIndex < 0 || typeIndex >= declTypes.Num() || declTypes[typeIndex] == NULL ) {
common->FatalError( "idDeclManager::GetDeclNameFromType: bad type: %i", typeIndex );
return declTypes[typeIndex]->typeName;
declType_t idDeclManagerLocal::GetDeclTypeFromName( const char *typeName ) const {
int i;
for ( i = 0; i < declTypes.Num(); i++ ) {
if ( declTypes[i] && declTypes[i]->typeName.Icmp( typeName ) == 0 ) {
return (declType_t)declTypes[i]->type;
External users will always cause the decl to be parsed before returning
const idDecl *idDeclManagerLocal::FindType( declType_t type, const char *name, bool makeDefault ) {
idDeclLocal *decl;
if ( !name || !name[0] ) {
name = "_emptyName";
//common->Warning( "idDeclManager::FindType: empty %s name", GetDeclType( (int)type )->typeName.c_str() );
decl = FindTypeWithoutParsing( type, name, makeDefault );
if ( !decl ) {
return NULL;
// if it hasn't been parsed yet, parse it now
if ( decl->declState == DS_UNPARSED ) {
// mark it as referenced
decl->referencedThisLevel = true;
decl->everReferenced = true;
if ( insideLevelLoad ) {
decl->parsedOutsideLevelLoad = false;
return decl->self;
const idDecl* idDeclManagerLocal::FindDeclWithoutParsing( declType_t type, const char *name, bool makeDefault) {
idDeclLocal* decl;
decl = FindTypeWithoutParsing(type, name, makeDefault);
if(decl) {
return decl->self;
return NULL;
void idDeclManagerLocal::ReloadFile( const char* filename, bool force ) {
for ( int i = 0; i < loadedFiles.Num(); i++ ) {
if(!loadedFiles[i]->fileName.Icmp(filename)) {
checksum ^= loadedFiles[i]->checksum;
loadedFiles[i]->Reload( force );
checksum ^= loadedFiles[i]->checksum;
int idDeclManagerLocal::GetNumDecls( declType_t type ) {
int typeIndex = (int)type;
if ( typeIndex < 0 || typeIndex >= declTypes.Num() || declTypes[typeIndex] == NULL ) {
common->FatalError( "idDeclManager::GetNumDecls: bad type: %i", typeIndex );
return linearLists[ typeIndex ].Num();
const idDecl *idDeclManagerLocal::DeclByIndex( declType_t type, int index, bool forceParse ) {
int typeIndex = (int)type;
if ( typeIndex < 0 || typeIndex >= declTypes.Num() || declTypes[typeIndex] == NULL ) {
common->FatalError( "idDeclManager::DeclByIndex: bad type: %i", typeIndex );
if ( index < 0 || index >= linearLists[ typeIndex ].Num() ) {
common->Error( "idDeclManager::DeclByIndex: out of range" );
idDeclLocal *decl = linearLists[ typeIndex ][ index ];
if ( forceParse && decl->declState == DS_UNPARSED ) {
return decl->self;
Lists decls currently referenced
list* ever
Lists decls that have been referenced at least once since app launched
list* all
Lists every decl declared, even if it hasn't been referenced or parsed
FIXME: alphabetized, wildcards?
void idDeclManagerLocal::ListType( const idCmdArgs &args, declType_t type ) {
bool all, ever;
if ( !idStr::Icmp( args.Argv( 1 ), "all" ) ) {
all = true;
} else {
all = false;
if ( !idStr::Icmp( args.Argv( 1 ), "ever" ) ) {
ever = true;
} else {
ever = false;
common->Printf( "--------------------\n" );
int printed = 0;
int count = linearLists[ (int)type ].Num();
for ( int i = 0 ; i < count ; i++ ) {
idDeclLocal *decl = linearLists[ (int)type ][ i ];
if ( !all && decl->declState == DS_UNPARSED ) {
if ( !all && !ever && !decl->referencedThisLevel ) {
if ( decl->referencedThisLevel ) {
common->Printf( "*" );
} else if ( decl->everReferenced ) {
common->Printf( "." );
} else {
common->Printf( " " );
if ( decl->declState == DS_DEFAULTED ) {
common->Printf( "D" );
} else {
common->Printf( " " );
common->Printf( "%4i: ", decl->index );
if ( decl->declState == DS_UNPARSED ) {
// doesn't have any type specific data yet
common->Printf( "%s\n", decl->GetName() );
} else {
common->Printf( "--------------------\n" );
common->Printf( "%i of %i %s\n", printed, count, declTypes[type]->typeName.c_str() );
void idDeclManagerLocal::PrintType( const idCmdArgs &args, declType_t type ) {
// individual decl types may use additional command parameters
if ( args.Argc() < 2 ) {
common->Printf( "USAGE: Print<decl type> <decl name> [type specific parms]\n" );
// look it up, skipping the public path so it won't parse or reference
idDeclLocal *decl = FindTypeWithoutParsing( type, args.Argv( 1 ), false );
if ( !decl ) {
common->Printf( "%s '%s' not found.\n", declTypes[ type ]->typeName.c_str(), args.Argv( 1 ) );
// print information common to all decls
common->Printf( "%s %s:\n", declTypes[ type ]->typeName.c_str(), decl->name.c_str() );
common->Printf( "source: %s:%i\n", decl->sourceFile->fileName.c_str(), decl->sourceLine );
common->Printf( "----------\n" );
if ( decl->textSource != NULL ) {
char *declText = (char *)_alloca( decl->textLength + 1 );
decl->GetText( declText );
common->Printf( "%s\n", declText );
} else {
common->Printf( "NO SOURCE\n" );
common->Printf( "----------\n" );
switch( decl->declState ) {
common->Printf( "Unparsed.\n" );
common->Printf( "<DEFAULTED>\n" );
common->Printf( "Parsed.\n" );
if ( decl->referencedThisLevel ) {
common->Printf( "Currently referenced this level.\n" );
} else if ( decl->everReferenced ) {
common->Printf( "Referenced in a previous level.\n" );
} else {
common->Printf( "Never referenced.\n" );
// allow type-specific data to be printed
if ( decl->self != NULL ) {
idDecl *idDeclManagerLocal::CreateNewDecl( declType_t type, const char *name, const char *_fileName ) {
int typeIndex = (int)type;
int i, hash;
if ( typeIndex < 0 || typeIndex >= declTypes.Num() || declTypes[typeIndex] == NULL ) {
common->FatalError( "idDeclManager::CreateNewDecl: bad type: %i", typeIndex );
char canonicalName[MAX_STRING_CHARS];
MakeNameCanonical( name, canonicalName, sizeof( canonicalName ) );
idStr fileName = _fileName;
// see if it already exists
hash = hashTables[typeIndex].GenerateKey( canonicalName, false );
for ( i = hashTables[typeIndex].First( hash ); i >= 0; i = hashTables[typeIndex].Next( i ) ) {
if ( linearLists[typeIndex][i]->name.Icmp( canonicalName ) == 0 ) {
return linearLists[typeIndex][i]->self;
idDeclFile *sourceFile;
// find existing source file or create a new one
for ( i = 0; i < loadedFiles.Num(); i++ ) {
if ( loadedFiles[i]->fileName.Icmp( fileName ) == 0 ) {
if ( i < loadedFiles.Num() ) {
sourceFile = loadedFiles[i];
} else {
sourceFile = new idDeclFile( fileName, type );
loadedFiles.Append( sourceFile );
idDeclLocal *decl = new idDeclLocal;
decl->name = canonicalName;
decl->type = type;
decl->declState = DS_UNPARSED;
idStr header = declTypes[typeIndex]->typeName;
idStr defaultText = decl->self->DefaultDefinition();
int size = header.Length() + 1 + idStr::Length( canonicalName ) + 1 + defaultText.Length();
char *declText = ( char * ) _alloca( size + 1 );
memcpy( declText, header, header.Length() );
declText[header.Length()] = ' ';
memcpy( declText + header.Length() + 1, canonicalName, idStr::Length( canonicalName ) );
declText[header.Length() + 1 + idStr::Length( canonicalName )] = ' ';
memcpy( declText + header.Length() + 1 + idStr::Length( canonicalName ) + 1, defaultText, defaultText.Length() + 1 );
decl->SetTextLocal( declText, size );
decl->sourceFile = sourceFile;
decl->sourceTextOffset = sourceFile->fileSize;
decl->sourceTextLength = 0;
decl->sourceLine = sourceFile->numLines;
// add this decl to the source file list
decl->nextInFile = sourceFile->decls;
sourceFile->decls = decl;
// add it to the hash table and linear list
decl->index = linearLists[typeIndex].Num();
hashTables[typeIndex].Add( hash, linearLists[typeIndex].Append( decl ) );
return decl->self;
bool idDeclManagerLocal::RenameDecl( declType_t type, const char* oldName, const char* newName ) {
char canonicalOldName[MAX_STRING_CHARS];
MakeNameCanonical( oldName, canonicalOldName, sizeof( canonicalOldName ));
char canonicalNewName[MAX_STRING_CHARS];
MakeNameCanonical( newName, canonicalNewName, sizeof( canonicalNewName ) );
idDeclLocal *decl = NULL;
// make sure it already exists
int typeIndex = (int)type;
int i, hash;
hash = hashTables[typeIndex].GenerateKey( canonicalOldName, false );
for ( i = hashTables[typeIndex].First( hash ); i >= 0; i = hashTables[typeIndex].Next( i ) ) {
if ( linearLists[typeIndex][i]->name.Icmp( canonicalOldName ) == 0 ) {
decl = linearLists[typeIndex][i];
return false;
//if ( !hashTables[(int)type].Get( canonicalOldName, &declPtr ) )
// return false;
//decl = *declPtr;
//Change the name
decl->name = canonicalNewName;
// add it to the hash table
//hashTables[(int)decl->type].Set( decl->name, decl );
int newhash = hashTables[typeIndex].GenerateKey( canonicalNewName, false );
hashTables[typeIndex].Add( newhash, decl->index );
//Remove the old hash item
hashTables[typeIndex].Remove(hash, decl->index);
return true;
This is just used to nicely indent media caching prints
void idDeclManagerLocal::MediaPrint( const char *fmt, ... ) {
if ( !decl_show.GetInteger() ) {
for ( int i = 0 ; i < indent ; i++ ) {
common->Printf( " " );
va_list argptr;
char buffer[1024];
va_start (argptr,fmt);
idStr::vsnPrintf( buffer, sizeof(buffer), fmt, argptr );
va_end (argptr);
buffer[sizeof(buffer)-1] = '\0';
common->Printf( "%s", buffer );
void idDeclManagerLocal::WritePrecacheCommands( idFile *f ) {
for ( int i = 0; i < declTypes.Num(); i++ ) {
int num;
if ( declTypes[i] == NULL ) {
num = linearLists[i].Num();
for ( int j = 0 ; j < num ; j++ ) {
idDeclLocal *decl = linearLists[i][j];
if ( !decl->referencedThisLevel ) {
char str[1024];
sprintf( str, "touch %s %s\n", declTypes[i]->typeName.c_str(), decl->GetName() );
common->Printf( "%s", str );
f->Printf( "%s", str );
const idMaterial *idDeclManagerLocal::FindMaterial( const char *name, bool makeDefault ) {
return static_cast<const idMaterial *>( FindType( DECL_MATERIAL, name, makeDefault ) );
const idMaterial *idDeclManagerLocal::MaterialByIndex( int index, bool forceParse ) {
return static_cast<const idMaterial *>( DeclByIndex( DECL_MATERIAL, index, forceParse ) );
const idDeclSkin *idDeclManagerLocal::FindSkin( const char *name, bool makeDefault ) {
return static_cast<const idDeclSkin *>( FindType( DECL_SKIN, name, makeDefault ) );
const idDeclSkin *idDeclManagerLocal::SkinByIndex( int index, bool forceParse ) {
return static_cast<const idDeclSkin *>( DeclByIndex( DECL_SKIN, index, forceParse ) );
const idSoundShader *idDeclManagerLocal::FindSound( const char *name, bool makeDefault ) {
return static_cast<const idSoundShader *>( FindType( DECL_SOUND, name, makeDefault ) );
const idSoundShader *idDeclManagerLocal::SoundByIndex( int index, bool forceParse ) {
return static_cast<const idSoundShader *>( DeclByIndex( DECL_SOUND, index, forceParse ) );
void idDeclManagerLocal::MakeNameCanonical( const char *name, char *result, int maxLength ) {
int i, lastDot;
lastDot = -1;
for ( i = 0; i < maxLength && name[i] != '\0'; i++ ) {
int c = name[i];
if ( c == '\\' ) {
result[i] = '/';
} else if ( c == '.' ) {
lastDot = i;
result[i] = c;
} else {
result[i] = idStr::ToLower( c );
if ( lastDot != -1 ) {
result[lastDot] = '\0';
} else {
result[i] = '\0';
void idDeclManagerLocal::ListDecls_f( const idCmdArgs &args ) {
int i, j;
int totalDecls = 0;
int totalText = 0;
int totalStructs = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < declManagerLocal.declTypes.Num(); i++ ) {
int size, num;
if ( declManagerLocal.declTypes[i] == NULL ) {
num = declManagerLocal.linearLists[i].Num();
totalDecls += num;
size = 0;
for ( j = 0; j < num; j++ ) {
size += declManagerLocal.linearLists[i][j]->Size();
if ( declManagerLocal.linearLists[i][j]->self != NULL ) {
size += declManagerLocal.linearLists[i][j]->self->Size();
totalStructs += size;
common->Printf( "%4ik %4i %s\n", size >> 10, num, declManagerLocal.declTypes[i]->typeName.c_str() );
for ( i = 0 ; i < declManagerLocal.loadedFiles.Num() ; i++ ) {
idDeclFile *df = declManagerLocal.loadedFiles[i];
totalText += df->fileSize;
common->Printf( "%i total decls is %i decl files\n", totalDecls, declManagerLocal.loadedFiles.Num() );
common->Printf( "%iKB in text, %iKB in structures\n", totalText >> 10, totalStructs >> 10 );
Reload will not find any new files created in the directories, it
will only reload existing files.
A reload will never cause anything to be purged.
void idDeclManagerLocal::ReloadDecls_f( const idCmdArgs &args ) {
bool force;
if ( !idStr::Icmp( args.Argv( 1 ), "all" ) ) {
force = true;
common->Printf( "reloading all decl files:\n" );
} else {
force = false;
common->Printf( "reloading changed decl files:\n" );
soundSystem->SetMute( true );
declManagerLocal.Reload( force );
soundSystem->SetMute( false );
void idDeclManagerLocal::TouchDecl_f( const idCmdArgs &args ) {
int i;
if ( args.Argc() != 3 ) {
common->Printf( "usage: touch <type> <name>\n" );
common->Printf( "valid types: " );
for ( int i = 0 ; i < declManagerLocal.declTypes.Num() ; i++ ) {
if ( declManagerLocal.declTypes[i] ) {
common->Printf( "%s ", declManagerLocal.declTypes[i]->typeName.c_str() );
common->Printf( "\n" );
for ( i = 0; i < declManagerLocal.declTypes.Num(); i++ ) {
if ( declManagerLocal.declTypes[i] && declManagerLocal.declTypes[i]->typeName.Icmp( args.Argv( 1 ) ) == 0 ) {
if ( i >= declManagerLocal.declTypes.Num() ) {
common->Printf( "unknown decl type '%s'\n", args.Argv( 1 ) );
const idDecl *decl = declManagerLocal.FindType( (declType_t)i, args.Argv( 2 ), false );
if ( !decl ) {
common->Printf( "%s '%s' not found\n", declManagerLocal.declTypes[i]->typeName.c_str(), args.Argv( 2 ) );
This finds or creats the decl, but does not cause a parse. This is only used internally.
idDeclLocal *idDeclManagerLocal::FindTypeWithoutParsing( declType_t type, const char *name, bool makeDefault ) {
int typeIndex = (int)type;
int i, hash;
if ( typeIndex < 0 || typeIndex >= declTypes.Num() || declTypes[typeIndex] == NULL ) {
common->FatalError( "idDeclManager::FindTypeWithoutParsing: bad type: %i", typeIndex );
char canonicalName[MAX_STRING_CHARS];
MakeNameCanonical( name, canonicalName, sizeof( canonicalName ) );
// see if it already exists
hash = hashTables[typeIndex].GenerateKey( canonicalName, false );
for ( i = hashTables[typeIndex].First( hash ); i >= 0; i = hashTables[typeIndex].Next( i ) ) {
if ( linearLists[typeIndex][i]->name.Icmp( canonicalName ) == 0 ) {
// only print these when decl_show is set to 2, because it can be a lot of clutter
if ( decl_show.GetInteger() > 1 ) {
MediaPrint( "referencing %s %s\n", declTypes[ type ]->typeName.c_str(), name );
return linearLists[typeIndex][i];
if ( !makeDefault ) {
return NULL;
idDeclLocal *decl = new idDeclLocal;
decl->self = NULL;
decl->name = canonicalName;
decl->type = type;
decl->declState = DS_UNPARSED;
decl->textSource = NULL;
decl->textLength = 0;
decl->sourceFile = &implicitDecls;
decl->referencedThisLevel = false;
decl->everReferenced = false;
decl->parsedOutsideLevelLoad = !insideLevelLoad;
// add it to the linear list and hash table
decl->index = linearLists[typeIndex].Num();
hashTables[typeIndex].Add( hash, linearLists[typeIndex].Append( decl ) );
return decl;
idDeclLocal::idDeclLocal( void ) {
name = "unnamed";
textSource = NULL;
textLength = 0;
compressedLength = 0;
sourceFile = NULL;
sourceTextOffset = 0;
sourceTextLength = 0;
sourceLine = 0;
checksum = 0;
index = 0;
declState = DS_UNPARSED;
parsedOutsideLevelLoad = false;
referencedThisLevel = false;
everReferenced = false;
redefinedInReload = false;
nextInFile = NULL;
const char *idDeclLocal::GetName( void ) const {
return name.c_str();
declType_t idDeclLocal::GetType( void ) const {
return type;
declState_t idDeclLocal::GetState( void ) const {
return declState;
bool idDeclLocal::IsImplicit( void ) const {
return ( sourceFile == declManagerLocal.GetImplicitDeclFile() );
bool idDeclLocal::IsValid( void ) const {
return ( declState != DS_UNPARSED );
void idDeclLocal::Invalidate( void ) {
declState = DS_UNPARSED;
void idDeclLocal::EnsureNotPurged( void ) {
if ( declState == DS_UNPARSED ) {
int idDeclLocal::Index( void ) const {
return index;
int idDeclLocal::GetLineNum( void ) const {
return sourceLine;
const char *idDeclLocal::GetFileName( void ) const {
return ( sourceFile ) ? sourceFile->fileName.c_str() : "*invalid*";
size_t idDeclLocal::Size( void ) const {
return sizeof( idDecl ) + name.Allocated();
void idDeclLocal::GetText( char *text ) const {
HuffmanDecompressText( text, textLength, (byte *)textSource, compressedLength );
memcpy( text, textSource, textLength+1 );
int idDeclLocal::GetTextLength( void ) const {
return textLength;
void idDeclLocal::SetText( const char *text ) {
SetTextLocal( text, idStr::Length( text ) );
void idDeclLocal::SetTextLocal( const char *text, const int length ) {
Mem_Free( textSource );
checksum = MD5_BlockChecksum( text, length );
for( int i = 0; i < length; i++ ) {
huffmanFrequencies[((const unsigned char *)text)[i]]++;
int maxBytesPerCode = ( maxHuffmanBits + 7 ) >> 3;
byte *compressed = (byte *)_alloca( length * maxBytesPerCode );
compressedLength = HuffmanCompressText( text, length, compressed, length * maxBytesPerCode );
textSource = (char *)Mem_Alloc( compressedLength );
memcpy( textSource, compressed, compressedLength );
compressedLength = length;
textSource = (char *) Mem_Alloc( length + 1 );
memcpy( textSource, text, length );
textSource[length] = '\0';
textLength = length;
bool idDeclLocal::ReplaceSourceFileText( void ) {
int oldFileLength, newFileLength;
char *buffer;
idFile *file;
common->Printf( "Writing \'%s\' to \'%s\'...\n", GetName(), GetFileName() );
if ( sourceFile == &declManagerLocal.implicitDecls ) {
common->Warning( "Can't save implicit declaration %s.", GetName() );
return false;
// get length and allocate buffer to hold the file
oldFileLength = sourceFile->fileSize;
newFileLength = oldFileLength - sourceTextLength + textLength;
buffer = (char *) Mem_Alloc( Max( newFileLength, oldFileLength ) );
// read original file
if ( sourceFile->fileSize ) {
file = fileSystem->OpenFileRead( GetFileName() );
if ( !file ) {
Mem_Free( buffer );
common->Warning( "Couldn't open %s for reading.", GetFileName() );
return false;
if ( file->Length() != sourceFile->fileSize || file->Timestamp() != sourceFile->timestamp ) {
Mem_Free( buffer );
common->Warning( "The file %s has been modified outside of the engine.", GetFileName() );
return false;
file->Read( buffer, oldFileLength );
fileSystem->CloseFile( file );
if ( MD5_BlockChecksum( buffer, oldFileLength ) != sourceFile->checksum ) {
Mem_Free( buffer );
common->Warning( "The file %s has been modified outside of the engine.", GetFileName() );
return false;
// insert new text
char *declText = (char *) _alloca( textLength + 1 );
GetText( declText );
memmove( buffer + sourceTextOffset + textLength, buffer + sourceTextOffset + sourceTextLength, oldFileLength - sourceTextOffset - sourceTextLength );
memcpy( buffer + sourceTextOffset, declText, textLength );
// write out new file
file = fileSystem->OpenFileWrite( GetFileName(), "fs_devpath" );
if ( !file ) {
Mem_Free( buffer );
common->Warning( "Couldn't open %s for writing.", GetFileName() );
return false;
file->Write( buffer, newFileLength );
fileSystem->CloseFile( file );
// set new file size, checksum and timestamp
sourceFile->fileSize = newFileLength;
sourceFile->checksum = MD5_BlockChecksum( buffer, newFileLength );
fileSystem->ReadFile( GetFileName(), NULL, &sourceFile->timestamp );
// free buffer
Mem_Free( buffer );
// move all decls in the same file
for ( idDeclLocal *decl = sourceFile->decls; decl; decl = decl->nextInFile ) {
if (decl->sourceTextOffset > sourceTextOffset) {
decl->sourceTextOffset += textLength - sourceTextLength;
// set new size of text in source file
sourceTextLength = textLength;
return true;
bool idDeclLocal::SourceFileChanged( void ) const {
int newLength;
ID_TIME_T newTimestamp;
if ( sourceFile->fileSize <= 0 ) {
return false;
newLength = fileSystem->ReadFile( GetFileName(), NULL, &newTimestamp );
if ( newLength != sourceFile->fileSize || newTimestamp != sourceFile->timestamp ) {
return true;
return false;
void idDeclLocal::MakeDefault() {
static int recursionLevel;
const char *defaultText;
declManagerLocal.MediaPrint( "DEFAULTED\n" );
declState = DS_DEFAULTED;
defaultText = self->DefaultDefinition();
// a parse error inside a DefaultDefinition() string could
// cause an infinite loop, but normal default definitions could
// still reference other default definitions, so we can't
// just dump out on the first recursion
if ( ++recursionLevel > 100 ) {
common->FatalError( "idDecl::MakeDefault: bad DefaultDefinition(): %s", defaultText );
// always free data before parsing
// parse
self->Parse( defaultText, strlen( defaultText ) );
// we could still eventually hit the recursion if we have enough Error() calls inside Parse...
bool idDeclLocal::SetDefaultText( void ) {
return false;
const char *idDeclLocal::DefaultDefinition() const {
return "{ }";
bool idDeclLocal::Parse( const char *text, const int textLength ) {
idLexer src;
src.LoadMemory( text, textLength, GetFileName(), GetLineNum() );
src.SetFlags( DECL_LEXER_FLAGS );
src.SkipUntilString( "{" );
src.SkipBracedSection( false );
return true;
void idDeclLocal::FreeData() {
void idDeclLocal::List() const {
common->Printf( "%s\n", GetName() );
void idDeclLocal::Print() const {
void idDeclLocal::Reload( void ) {
this->sourceFile->Reload( false );
void idDeclLocal::AllocateSelf( void ) {
if ( self == NULL ) {
self = declManagerLocal.GetDeclType( (int)type )->allocator();
self->base = this;
void idDeclLocal::ParseLocal( void ) {
bool generatedDefaultText = false;
// always free data before parsing
declManagerLocal.MediaPrint( "parsing %s %s\n", declManagerLocal.declTypes[type]->typeName.c_str(), name.c_str() );
// if no text source try to generate default text
if ( textSource == NULL ) {
generatedDefaultText = self->SetDefaultText();
// indent for DEFAULTED or media file references
// no text immediately causes a MakeDefault()
if ( textSource == NULL ) {
declState = DS_PARSED;
// parse
char *declText = (char *) _alloca( ( GetTextLength() + 1 ) * sizeof( char ) );
GetText( declText );
self->Parse( declText, GetTextLength() );
// free generated text
if ( generatedDefaultText ) {
Mem_Free( textSource );
textSource = 0;
textLength = 0;
void idDeclLocal::Purge( void ) {
// never purge things that were referenced outside level load,
// like the console and menu graphics
if ( parsedOutsideLevelLoad ) {
referencedThisLevel = false;
// the next Find() for this will re-parse the real data
declState = DS_UNPARSED;
bool idDeclLocal::EverReferenced( void ) const {
return everReferenced;