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mirror of https://github.com/dhewm/dhewm3.git synced 2025-03-02 23:52:03 +00:00
dhewg 736ec20d4d Untangle the epic precompiled.h mess
Don't include the lazy precompiled.h everywhere, only what's
required for the compilation unit.
platform.h needs to be included instead to provide all essential
defines and types.
All includes use the relative path to the neo or the game
specific root.
Move all idlib related includes from idlib/Lib.h to precompiled.h.
precompiled.h still exists for the MFC stuff in tools/.
Add some missing header guards.
2011-12-19 23:21:47 +01:00

2141 lines
55 KiB

Doom 3 GPL Source Code
Copyright (C) 1999-2011 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company.
This file is part of the Doom 3 GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 Source Code").
Doom 3 Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Doom 3 Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Doom 3 Source Code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
In addition, the Doom 3 Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below.
If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA.
#include "sys/platform.h"
#include "framework/Session.h"
#include "framework/DeclSkin.h"
#include "renderer/GuiModel.h"
#include "renderer/RenderWorld_local.h"
#include "renderer/tr_local.h"
void R_ListRenderLightDefs_f( const idCmdArgs &args ) {
int i;
idRenderLightLocal *ldef;
if ( !tr.primaryWorld ) {
int active = 0;
int totalRef = 0;
int totalIntr = 0;
for ( i = 0 ; i < tr.primaryWorld->lightDefs.Num() ; i++ ) {
ldef = tr.primaryWorld->lightDefs[i];
if ( !ldef ) {
common->Printf( "%4i: FREED\n", i );
// count up the interactions
int iCount = 0;
for ( idInteraction *inter = ldef->firstInteraction; inter != NULL; inter = inter->lightNext ) {
totalIntr += iCount;
// count up the references
int rCount = 0;
for ( areaReference_t *ref = ldef->references ; ref ; ref = ref->ownerNext ) {
totalRef += rCount;
common->Printf( "%4i: %3i intr %2i refs %s\n", i, iCount, rCount, ldef->lightShader->GetName());
common->Printf( "%i lightDefs, %i interactions, %i areaRefs\n", active, totalIntr, totalRef );
void R_ListRenderEntityDefs_f( const idCmdArgs &args ) {
int i;
idRenderEntityLocal *mdef;
if ( !tr.primaryWorld ) {
int active = 0;
int totalRef = 0;
int totalIntr = 0;
for ( i = 0 ; i < tr.primaryWorld->entityDefs.Num() ; i++ ) {
mdef = tr.primaryWorld->entityDefs[i];
if ( !mdef ) {
common->Printf( "%4i: FREED\n", i );
// count up the interactions
int iCount = 0;
for ( idInteraction *inter = mdef->firstInteraction; inter != NULL; inter = inter->entityNext ) {
totalIntr += iCount;
// count up the references
int rCount = 0;
for ( areaReference_t *ref = mdef->entityRefs ; ref ; ref = ref->ownerNext ) {
totalRef += rCount;
common->Printf( "%4i: %3i intr %2i refs %s\n", i, iCount, rCount, mdef->parms.hModel->Name());
common->Printf( "total active: %i\n", active );
idRenderWorldLocal::idRenderWorldLocal() {
generateAllInteractionsCalled = false;
areaNodes = NULL;
numAreaNodes = 0;
portalAreas = NULL;
numPortalAreas = 0;
doublePortals = NULL;
numInterAreaPortals = 0;
interactionTable = 0;
interactionTableWidth = 0;
interactionTableHeight = 0;
idRenderWorldLocal::~idRenderWorldLocal() {
// free all the entityDefs, lightDefs, portals, etc
// free up the debug lines, polys, and text
RB_ClearDebugPolygons( 0 );
RB_ClearDebugLines( 0 );
RB_ClearDebugText( 0 );
void idRenderWorldLocal::ResizeInteractionTable() {
// we overflowed the interaction table, so dump it
// we may want to resize this in the future if it turns out to be common
common->Printf( "idRenderWorldLocal::ResizeInteractionTable: overflowed interactionTableWidth, dumping\n" );
R_StaticFree( interactionTable );
interactionTable = NULL;
qhandle_t idRenderWorldLocal::AddEntityDef( const renderEntity_t *re ){
// try and reuse a free spot
int entityHandle = entityDefs.FindNull();
if ( entityHandle == -1 ) {
entityHandle = entityDefs.Append( NULL );
if ( interactionTable && entityDefs.Num() > interactionTableWidth ) {
UpdateEntityDef( entityHandle, re );
return entityHandle;
Does not write to the demo file, which will only be updated for
visible entities
int c_callbackUpdate;
void idRenderWorldLocal::UpdateEntityDef( qhandle_t entityHandle, const renderEntity_t *re ) {
if ( r_skipUpdates.GetBool() ) {
if ( !re->hModel && !re->callback ) {
common->Error( "idRenderWorld::UpdateEntityDef: NULL hModel" );
// create new slots if needed
if ( entityHandle < 0 || entityHandle > LUDICROUS_INDEX ) {
common->Error( "idRenderWorld::UpdateEntityDef: index = %i", entityHandle );
while ( entityHandle >= entityDefs.Num() ) {
entityDefs.Append( NULL );
idRenderEntityLocal *def = entityDefs[entityHandle];
if ( def ) {
if ( !re->forceUpdate ) {
// check for exact match (OPTIMIZE: check through pointers more)
if ( !re->joints && !re->callbackData && !def->dynamicModel && !memcmp( re, &def->parms, sizeof( *re ) ) ) {
// if the only thing that changed was shaderparms, we can just leave things as they are
// after updating parms
// if we have a callback function and the bounds, origin, axis and model match,
// then we can leave the references as they are
if ( re->callback ) {
bool axisMatch = ( re->axis == def->parms.axis );
bool originMatch = ( re->origin == def->parms.origin );
bool boundsMatch = ( re->bounds == def->referenceBounds );
bool modelMatch = ( re->hModel == def->parms.hModel );
if ( boundsMatch && originMatch && axisMatch && modelMatch ) {
// only clear the dynamic model and interaction surfaces if they exist
R_ClearEntityDefDynamicModel( def );
def->parms = *re;
// save any decals if the model is the same, allowing marks to move with entities
if ( def->parms.hModel == re->hModel ) {
R_FreeEntityDefDerivedData( def, true, true );
} else {
R_FreeEntityDefDerivedData( def, false, false );
} else {
// creating a new one
def = new idRenderEntityLocal;
entityDefs[entityHandle] = def;
def->world = this;
def->index = entityHandle;
def->parms = *re;
R_AxisToModelMatrix( def->parms.axis, def->parms.origin, def->modelMatrix );
def->lastModifiedFrameNum = tr.frameCount;
if ( session->writeDemo && def->archived ) {
WriteFreeEntity( entityHandle );
def->archived = false;
// optionally immediately issue any callbacks
if ( !r_useEntityCallbacks.GetBool() && def->parms.callback ) {
R_IssueEntityDefCallback( def );
// based on the model bounds, add references in each area
// that may contain the updated surface
R_CreateEntityRefs( def );
Frees all references and lit surfaces from the model, and
NULL's out it's entry in the world list
void idRenderWorldLocal::FreeEntityDef( qhandle_t entityHandle ) {
idRenderEntityLocal *def;
if ( entityHandle < 0 || entityHandle >= entityDefs.Num() ) {
common->Printf( "idRenderWorld::FreeEntityDef: handle %i > %i\n", entityHandle, entityDefs.Num() );
def = entityDefs[entityHandle];
if ( !def ) {
common->Printf( "idRenderWorld::FreeEntityDef: handle %i is NULL\n", entityHandle );
R_FreeEntityDefDerivedData( def, false, false );
if ( session->writeDemo && def->archived ) {
WriteFreeEntity( entityHandle );
// if we are playing a demo, these will have been freed
// in R_FreeEntityDefDerivedData(), otherwise the gui
// object still exists in the game
def->parms.gui[ 0 ] = NULL;
def->parms.gui[ 1 ] = NULL;
def->parms.gui[ 2 ] = NULL;
delete def;
entityDefs[ entityHandle ] = NULL;
const renderEntity_t *idRenderWorldLocal::GetRenderEntity( qhandle_t entityHandle ) const {
idRenderEntityLocal *def;
if ( entityHandle < 0 || entityHandle >= entityDefs.Num() ) {
common->Printf( "idRenderWorld::GetRenderEntity: invalid handle %i [0, %i]\n", entityHandle, entityDefs.Num() );
return NULL;
def = entityDefs[entityHandle];
if ( !def ) {
common->Printf( "idRenderWorld::GetRenderEntity: handle %i is NULL\n", entityHandle );
return NULL;
return &def->parms;
qhandle_t idRenderWorldLocal::AddLightDef( const renderLight_t *rlight ) {
// try and reuse a free spot
int lightHandle = lightDefs.FindNull();
if ( lightHandle == -1 ) {
lightHandle = lightDefs.Append( NULL );
if ( interactionTable && lightDefs.Num() > interactionTableHeight ) {
UpdateLightDef( lightHandle, rlight );
return lightHandle;
The generation of all the derived interaction data will
usually be deferred until it is visible in a scene
Does not write to the demo file, which will only be done for visible lights
void idRenderWorldLocal::UpdateLightDef( qhandle_t lightHandle, const renderLight_t *rlight ) {
if ( r_skipUpdates.GetBool() ) {
// create new slots if needed
if ( lightHandle < 0 || lightHandle > LUDICROUS_INDEX ) {
common->Error( "idRenderWorld::UpdateLightDef: index = %i", lightHandle );
while ( lightHandle >= lightDefs.Num() ) {
lightDefs.Append( NULL );
bool justUpdate = false;
idRenderLightLocal *light = lightDefs[lightHandle];
if ( light ) {
// if the shape of the light stays the same, we don't need to dump
// any of our derived data, because shader parms are calculated every frame
if ( rlight->axis == light->parms.axis && rlight->end == light->parms.end &&
rlight->lightCenter == light->parms.lightCenter && rlight->lightRadius == light->parms.lightRadius &&
rlight->noShadows == light->parms.noShadows && rlight->origin == light->parms.origin &&
rlight->parallel == light->parms.parallel && rlight->pointLight == light->parms.pointLight &&
rlight->right == light->parms.right && rlight->start == light->parms.start &&
rlight->target == light->parms.target && rlight->up == light->parms.up &&
rlight->shader == light->lightShader && rlight->prelightModel == light->parms.prelightModel ) {
justUpdate = true;
} else {
// if we are updating shadows, the prelight model is no longer valid
light->lightHasMoved = true;
R_FreeLightDefDerivedData( light );
} else {
// create a new one
light = new idRenderLightLocal;
lightDefs[lightHandle] = light;
light->world = this;
light->index = lightHandle;
light->parms = *rlight;
light->lastModifiedFrameNum = tr.frameCount;
if ( session->writeDemo && light->archived ) {
WriteFreeLight( lightHandle );
light->archived = false;
if ( light->lightHasMoved ) {
light->parms.prelightModel = NULL;
if (!justUpdate) {
R_DeriveLightData( light );
R_CreateLightRefs( light );
R_CreateLightDefFogPortals( light );
Frees all references and lit surfaces from the light, and
NULL's out it's entry in the world list
void idRenderWorldLocal::FreeLightDef( qhandle_t lightHandle ) {
idRenderLightLocal *light;
if ( lightHandle < 0 || lightHandle >= lightDefs.Num() ) {
common->Printf( "idRenderWorld::FreeLightDef: invalid handle %i [0, %i]\n", lightHandle, lightDefs.Num() );
light = lightDefs[lightHandle];
if ( !light ) {
common->Printf( "idRenderWorld::FreeLightDef: handle %i is NULL\n", lightHandle );
R_FreeLightDefDerivedData( light );
if ( session->writeDemo && light->archived ) {
WriteFreeLight( lightHandle );
delete light;
lightDefs[lightHandle] = NULL;
const renderLight_t *idRenderWorldLocal::GetRenderLight( qhandle_t lightHandle ) const {
idRenderLightLocal *def;
if ( lightHandle < 0 || lightHandle >= lightDefs.Num() ) {
common->Printf( "idRenderWorld::GetRenderLight: handle %i > %i\n", lightHandle, lightDefs.Num() );
return NULL;
def = lightDefs[lightHandle];
if ( !def ) {
common->Printf( "idRenderWorld::GetRenderLight: handle %i is NULL\n", lightHandle );
return NULL;
return &def->parms;
void idRenderWorldLocal::ProjectDecalOntoWorld( const idFixedWinding &winding, const idVec3 &projectionOrigin, const bool parallel, const float fadeDepth, const idMaterial *material, const int startTime ) {
int i, areas[10], numAreas;
const areaReference_t *ref;
const portalArea_t *area;
const idRenderModel *model;
idRenderEntityLocal *def;
decalProjectionInfo_t info, localInfo;
if ( !idRenderModelDecal::CreateProjectionInfo( info, winding, projectionOrigin, parallel, fadeDepth, material, startTime ) ) {
// get the world areas touched by the projection volume
numAreas = BoundsInAreas( info.projectionBounds, areas, 10 );
// check all areas for models
for ( i = 0; i < numAreas; i++ ) {
area = &portalAreas[ areas[i] ];
// check all models in this area
for ( ref = area->entityRefs.areaNext; ref != &area->entityRefs; ref = ref->areaNext ) {
def = ref->entity;
// completely ignore any dynamic or callback models
model = def->parms.hModel;
if ( model == NULL || model->IsDynamicModel() != DM_STATIC || def->parms.callback ) {
if ( def->parms.customShader != NULL && !def->parms.customShader->AllowOverlays() ) {
idBounds bounds;
bounds.FromTransformedBounds( model->Bounds( &def->parms ), def->parms.origin, def->parms.axis );
// if the model bounds do not overlap with the projection bounds
if ( !info.projectionBounds.IntersectsBounds( bounds ) ) {
// transform the bounding planes, fade planes and texture axis into local space
idRenderModelDecal::GlobalProjectionInfoToLocal( localInfo, info, def->parms.origin, def->parms.axis );
localInfo.force = ( def->parms.customShader != NULL );
if ( !def->decals ) {
def->decals = idRenderModelDecal::Alloc();
def->decals->CreateDecal( model, localInfo );
void idRenderWorldLocal::ProjectDecal( qhandle_t entityHandle, const idFixedWinding &winding, const idVec3 &projectionOrigin, const bool parallel, const float fadeDepth, const idMaterial *material, const int startTime ) {
decalProjectionInfo_t info, localInfo;
if ( entityHandle < 0 || entityHandle >= entityDefs.Num() ) {
common->Error( "idRenderWorld::ProjectOverlay: index = %i", entityHandle );
idRenderEntityLocal *def = entityDefs[ entityHandle ];
if ( !def ) {
const idRenderModel *model = def->parms.hModel;
if ( model == NULL || model->IsDynamicModel() != DM_STATIC || def->parms.callback ) {
if ( !idRenderModelDecal::CreateProjectionInfo( info, winding, projectionOrigin, parallel, fadeDepth, material, startTime ) ) {
idBounds bounds;
bounds.FromTransformedBounds( model->Bounds( &def->parms ), def->parms.origin, def->parms.axis );
// if the model bounds do not overlap with the projection bounds
if ( !info.projectionBounds.IntersectsBounds( bounds ) ) {
// transform the bounding planes, fade planes and texture axis into local space
idRenderModelDecal::GlobalProjectionInfoToLocal( localInfo, info, def->parms.origin, def->parms.axis );
localInfo.force = ( def->parms.customShader != NULL );
if ( def->decals == NULL ) {
def->decals = idRenderModelDecal::Alloc();
def->decals->CreateDecal( model, localInfo );
void idRenderWorldLocal::ProjectOverlay( qhandle_t entityHandle, const idPlane localTextureAxis[2], const idMaterial *material ) {
if ( entityHandle < 0 || entityHandle >= entityDefs.Num() ) {
common->Error( "idRenderWorld::ProjectOverlay: index = %i", entityHandle );
idRenderEntityLocal *def = entityDefs[ entityHandle ];
if ( !def ) {
const renderEntity_t *refEnt = &def->parms;
idRenderModel *model = refEnt->hModel;
if ( model->IsDynamicModel() != DM_CACHED ) { // FIXME: probably should be MD5 only
model = R_EntityDefDynamicModel( def );
if ( def->overlay == NULL ) {
def->overlay = idRenderModelOverlay::Alloc();
def->overlay->CreateOverlay( model, localTextureAxis, material );
void idRenderWorldLocal::RemoveDecals( qhandle_t entityHandle ) {
if ( entityHandle < 0 || entityHandle >= entityDefs.Num() ) {
common->Error( "idRenderWorld::ProjectOverlay: index = %i", entityHandle );
idRenderEntityLocal *def = entityDefs[ entityHandle ];
if ( !def ) {
R_FreeEntityDefDecals( def );
R_FreeEntityDefOverlay( def );
Sets the current view so any calls to the render world will use the correct parms.
void idRenderWorldLocal::SetRenderView( const renderView_t *renderView ) {
tr.primaryRenderView = *renderView;
Draw a 3D view into a part of the window, then return
to 2D drawing.
Rendering a scene may require multiple views to be rendered
to handle mirrors,
void idRenderWorldLocal::RenderScene( const renderView_t *renderView ) {
renderView_t copy;
if ( !glConfig.isInitialized ) {
copy = *renderView;
// skip front end rendering work, which will result
// in only gui drawing
if ( r_skipFrontEnd.GetBool() ) {
if ( renderView->fov_x <= 0 || renderView->fov_y <= 0 ) {
common->Error( "idRenderWorld::RenderScene: bad FOVs: %f, %f", renderView->fov_x, renderView->fov_y );
// close any gui drawing
int startTime = Sys_Milliseconds();
// setup view parms for the initial view
viewDef_t *parms = (viewDef_t *)R_ClearedFrameAlloc( sizeof( *parms ) );
parms->renderView = *renderView;
if ( tr.takingScreenshot ) {
parms->renderView.forceUpdate = true;
// set up viewport, adjusted for resolution and OpenGL style 0 at the bottom
tr.RenderViewToViewport( &parms->renderView, &parms->viewport );
// the scissor bounds may be shrunk in subviews even if
// the viewport stays the same
// this scissor range is local inside the viewport
parms->scissor.x1 = 0;
parms->scissor.y1 = 0;
parms->scissor.x2 = parms->viewport.x2 - parms->viewport.x1;
parms->scissor.y2 = parms->viewport.y2 - parms->viewport.y1;
parms->isSubview = false;
parms->initialViewAreaOrigin = renderView->vieworg;
parms->floatTime = parms->renderView.time * 0.001f;
parms->renderWorld = this;
// use this time for any subsequent 2D rendering, so damage blobs/etc
// can use level time
tr.frameShaderTime = parms->floatTime;
// see if the view needs to reverse the culling sense in mirrors
// or environment cube sides
idVec3 cross;
cross = parms->renderView.viewaxis[1].Cross( parms->renderView.viewaxis[2] );
if ( cross * parms->renderView.viewaxis[0] > 0 ) {
parms->isMirror = false;
} else {
parms->isMirror = true;
if ( r_lockSurfaces.GetBool() ) {
R_LockSurfaceScene( parms );
// save this world for use by some console commands
tr.primaryWorld = this;
tr.primaryRenderView = *renderView;
tr.primaryView = parms;
// rendering this view may cause other views to be rendered
// for mirrors / portals / shadows / environment maps
// this will also cause any necessary entities and lights to be
// updated to the demo file
R_RenderView( parms );
// now write delete commands for any modified-but-not-visible entities, and
// add the renderView command to the demo
if ( session->writeDemo ) {
WriteRenderView( renderView );
#if 0
for ( int i = 0 ; i < entityDefs.Num() ; i++ ) {
idRenderEntityLocal *def = entityDefs[i];
if ( !def ) {
if ( def->parms.callback ) {
if ( def->parms.hModel->IsDynamicModel() == DM_CONTINUOUS ) {
int endTime = Sys_Milliseconds();
tr.pc.frontEndMsec += endTime - startTime;
// prepare for any 2D drawing after this
int idRenderWorldLocal::NumAreas( void ) const {
return numPortalAreas;
int idRenderWorldLocal::NumPortalsInArea( int areaNum ) {
portalArea_t *area;
int count;
portal_t *portal;
if ( areaNum >= numPortalAreas || areaNum < 0 ) {
common->Error( "idRenderWorld::NumPortalsInArea: bad areanum %i", areaNum );
area = &portalAreas[areaNum];
count = 0;
for ( portal = area->portals ; portal ; portal = portal->next ) {
return count;
exitPortal_t idRenderWorldLocal::GetPortal( int areaNum, int portalNum ) {
portalArea_t *area;
int count;
portal_t *portal;
exitPortal_t ret;
if ( areaNum > numPortalAreas ) {
common->Error( "idRenderWorld::GetPortal: areaNum > numAreas" );
area = &portalAreas[areaNum];
count = 0;
for ( portal = area->portals ; portal ; portal = portal->next ) {
if ( count == portalNum ) {
ret.areas[0] = areaNum;
ret.areas[1] = portal->intoArea;
ret.w = portal->w;
ret.blockingBits = portal->doublePortal->blockingBits;
ret.portalHandle = portal->doublePortal - doublePortals + 1;
return ret;
common->Error( "idRenderWorld::GetPortal: portalNum > numPortals" );
memset( &ret, 0, sizeof( ret ) );
return ret;
Will return -1 if the point is not in an area, otherwise
it will return 0 <= value < tr.world->numPortalAreas
int idRenderWorldLocal::PointInArea( const idVec3 &point ) const {
areaNode_t *node;
int nodeNum;
float d;
node = areaNodes;
if ( !node ) {
return -1;
while( 1 ) {
d = point * node->plane.Normal() + node->plane[3];
if (d > 0) {
nodeNum = node->children[0];
} else {
nodeNum = node->children[1];
if ( nodeNum == 0 ) {
return -1; // in solid
if ( nodeNum < 0 ) {
nodeNum = -1 - nodeNum;
if ( nodeNum >= numPortalAreas ) {
common->Error( "idRenderWorld::PointInArea: area out of range" );
return nodeNum;
node = areaNodes + nodeNum;
return -1;
void idRenderWorldLocal::BoundsInAreas_r( int nodeNum, const idBounds &bounds, int *areas, int *numAreas, int maxAreas ) const {
int side, i;
areaNode_t *node;
do {
if ( nodeNum < 0 ) {
nodeNum = -1 - nodeNum;
for ( i = 0; i < (*numAreas); i++ ) {
if ( areas[i] == nodeNum ) {
if ( i >= (*numAreas) && (*numAreas) < maxAreas ) {
areas[(*numAreas)++] = nodeNum;
node = areaNodes + nodeNum;
side = bounds.PlaneSide( node->plane );
if ( side == PLANESIDE_FRONT ) {
nodeNum = node->children[0];
else if ( side == PLANESIDE_BACK ) {
nodeNum = node->children[1];
else {
if ( node->children[1] != 0 ) {
BoundsInAreas_r( node->children[1], bounds, areas, numAreas, maxAreas );
if ( (*numAreas) >= maxAreas ) {
nodeNum = node->children[0];
} while( nodeNum != 0 );
fills the *areas array with the number of the areas the bounds are in
returns the total number of areas the bounds are in
int idRenderWorldLocal::BoundsInAreas( const idBounds &bounds, int *areas, int maxAreas ) const {
int numAreas = 0;
assert( areas );
assert( bounds[0][0] <= bounds[1][0] && bounds[0][1] <= bounds[1][1] && bounds[0][2] <= bounds[1][2] );
assert( bounds[1][0] - bounds[0][0] < 1e4f && bounds[1][1] - bounds[0][1] < 1e4f && bounds[1][2] - bounds[0][2] < 1e4f );
if ( !areaNodes ) {
return numAreas;
BoundsInAreas_r( 0, bounds, areas, &numAreas, maxAreas );
return numAreas;
checks a ray trace against any gui surfaces in an entity, returning the
fraction location of the trace on the gui surface, or -1,-1 if no hit.
this doesn't do any occlusion testing, simply ignoring non-gui surfaces.
start / end are in global world coordinates.
guiPoint_t idRenderWorldLocal::GuiTrace( qhandle_t entityHandle, const idVec3 start, const idVec3 end ) const {
localTrace_t local;
idVec3 localStart, localEnd, bestPoint;
int j;
idRenderModel *model;
srfTriangles_t *tri;
const idMaterial *shader;
guiPoint_t pt;
pt.x = pt.y = -1;
pt.guiId = 0;
if ( ( entityHandle < 0 ) || ( entityHandle >= entityDefs.Num() ) ) {
common->Printf( "idRenderWorld::GuiTrace: invalid handle %i\n", entityHandle );
return pt;
idRenderEntityLocal *def = entityDefs[entityHandle];
if ( !def ) {
common->Printf( "idRenderWorld::GuiTrace: handle %i is NULL\n", entityHandle );
return pt;
model = def->parms.hModel;
if ( def->parms.callback || !def->parms.hModel || def->parms.hModel->IsDynamicModel() != DM_STATIC ) {
return pt;
// transform the points into local space
R_GlobalPointToLocal( def->modelMatrix, start, localStart );
R_GlobalPointToLocal( def->modelMatrix, end, localEnd );
for ( j = 0 ; j < model->NumSurfaces() ; j++ ) {
const modelSurface_t *surf = model->Surface( j );
tri = surf->geometry;
if ( !tri ) {
shader = R_RemapShaderBySkin( surf->shader, def->parms.customSkin, def->parms.customShader );
if ( !shader ) {
// only trace against gui surfaces
if (!shader->HasGui()) {
local = R_LocalTrace( localStart, localEnd, 0.0f, tri );
if ( local.fraction < 1.0 ) {
idVec3 origin, axis[3];
idVec3 cursor;
float axisLen[2];
R_SurfaceToTextureAxis( tri, origin, axis );
cursor = local.point - origin;
axisLen[0] = axis[0].Length();
axisLen[1] = axis[1].Length();
pt.x = ( cursor * axis[0] ) / ( axisLen[0] * axisLen[0] );
pt.y = ( cursor * axis[1] ) / ( axisLen[1] * axisLen[1] );
pt.guiId = shader->GetEntityGui();
return pt;
return pt;
bool idRenderWorldLocal::ModelTrace( modelTrace_t &trace, qhandle_t entityHandle, const idVec3 &start, const idVec3 &end, const float radius ) const {
int i;
bool collisionSurface;
const modelSurface_t *surf;
localTrace_t localTrace;
idRenderModel *model;
float modelMatrix[16];
idVec3 localStart, localEnd;
const idMaterial *shader;
trace.fraction = 1.0f;
if ( entityHandle < 0 || entityHandle >= entityDefs.Num() ) {
// common->Error( "idRenderWorld::ModelTrace: index = %i", entityHandle );
return false;
idRenderEntityLocal *def = entityDefs[entityHandle];
if ( !def ) {
return false;
renderEntity_t *refEnt = &def->parms;
model = R_EntityDefDynamicModel( def );
if ( !model ) {
return false;
// transform the points into local space
R_AxisToModelMatrix( refEnt->axis, refEnt->origin, modelMatrix );
R_GlobalPointToLocal( modelMatrix, start, localStart );
R_GlobalPointToLocal( modelMatrix, end, localEnd );
// if we have explicit collision surfaces, only collide against them
// (FIXME, should probably have a parm to control this)
collisionSurface = false;
for ( i = 0; i < model->NumBaseSurfaces(); i++ ) {
surf = model->Surface( i );
shader = R_RemapShaderBySkin( surf->shader, def->parms.customSkin, def->parms.customShader );
if ( shader->GetSurfaceFlags() & SURF_COLLISION ) {
collisionSurface = true;
// only use baseSurfaces, not any overlays
for ( i = 0; i < model->NumBaseSurfaces(); i++ ) {
surf = model->Surface( i );
shader = R_RemapShaderBySkin( surf->shader, def->parms.customSkin, def->parms.customShader );
if ( !surf->geometry || !shader ) {
if ( collisionSurface ) {
// only trace vs collision surfaces
if ( !( shader->GetSurfaceFlags() & SURF_COLLISION ) ) {
} else {
// skip if not drawn or translucent
if ( !shader->IsDrawn() || ( shader->Coverage() != MC_OPAQUE && shader->Coverage() != MC_PERFORATED ) ) {
localTrace = R_LocalTrace( localStart, localEnd, radius, surf->geometry );
if ( localTrace.fraction < trace.fraction ) {
trace.fraction = localTrace.fraction;
R_LocalPointToGlobal( modelMatrix, localTrace.point, trace.point );
trace.normal = localTrace.normal * refEnt->axis;
trace.material = shader;
trace.entity = &def->parms;
trace.jointNumber = refEnt->hModel->NearestJoint( i, localTrace.indexes[0], localTrace.indexes[1], localTrace.indexes[2] );
return ( trace.fraction < 1.0f );
// FIXME: _D3XP added those.
const char* playerModelExcludeList[] = {
const char* playerMaterialExcludeList[] = {
bool idRenderWorldLocal::Trace( modelTrace_t &trace, const idVec3 &start, const idVec3 &end, const float radius, bool skipDynamic, bool skipPlayer /*_D3XP*/ ) const {
areaReference_t * ref;
idRenderEntityLocal *def;
portalArea_t * area;
idRenderModel * model;
srfTriangles_t * tri;
localTrace_t localTrace;
int areas[128], numAreas, i, j, numSurfaces;
idBounds traceBounds, bounds;
float modelMatrix[16];
idVec3 localStart, localEnd;
const idMaterial *shader;
trace.fraction = 1.0f;
trace.point = end;
// bounds for the whole trace
traceBounds.AddPoint( start );
traceBounds.AddPoint( end );
// get the world areas the trace is in
numAreas = BoundsInAreas( traceBounds, areas, 128 );
numSurfaces = 0;
// check all areas for models
for ( i = 0; i < numAreas; i++ ) {
area = &portalAreas[ areas[i] ];
// check all models in this area
for ( ref = area->entityRefs.areaNext; ref != &area->entityRefs; ref = ref->areaNext ) {
def = ref->entity;
model = def->parms.hModel;
if ( !model ) {
if ( model->IsDynamicModel() != DM_STATIC ) {
if ( skipDynamic ) {
#if 1 /* _D3XP addition. could use a cleaner approach */
if ( skipPlayer ) {
idStr name = model->Name();
const char *exclude;
int k;
for ( k = 0; playerModelExcludeList[k]; k++ ) {
exclude = playerModelExcludeList[k];
if ( name == exclude ) {
if ( playerModelExcludeList[k] ) {
model = R_EntityDefDynamicModel( def );
if ( !model ) {
continue; // can happen with particle systems, which don't instantiate without a valid view
bounds.FromTransformedBounds( model->Bounds( &def->parms ), def->parms.origin, def->parms.axis );
// if the model bounds do not overlap with the trace bounds
if ( !traceBounds.IntersectsBounds( bounds ) || !bounds.LineIntersection( start, trace.point ) ) {
// check all model surfaces
for ( j = 0; j < model->NumSurfaces(); j++ ) {
const modelSurface_t *surf = model->Surface( j );
shader = R_RemapShaderBySkin( surf->shader, def->parms.customSkin, def->parms.customShader );
// if no geometry or no shader
if ( !surf->geometry || !shader ) {
#if 1 /* _D3XP addition. could use a cleaner approach */
if ( skipPlayer ) {
idStr name = shader->GetName();
const char *exclude;
int k;
for ( k = 0; playerMaterialExcludeList[k]; k++ ) {
exclude = playerMaterialExcludeList[k];
if ( name == exclude ) {
if ( playerMaterialExcludeList[k] ) {
tri = surf->geometry;
bounds.FromTransformedBounds( tri->bounds, def->parms.origin, def->parms.axis );
// if triangle bounds do not overlap with the trace bounds
if ( !traceBounds.IntersectsBounds( bounds ) || !bounds.LineIntersection( start, trace.point ) ) {
// transform the points into local space
R_AxisToModelMatrix( def->parms.axis, def->parms.origin, modelMatrix );
R_GlobalPointToLocal( modelMatrix, start, localStart );
R_GlobalPointToLocal( modelMatrix, end, localEnd );
localTrace = R_LocalTrace( localStart, localEnd, radius, surf->geometry );
if ( localTrace.fraction < trace.fraction ) {
trace.fraction = localTrace.fraction;
R_LocalPointToGlobal( modelMatrix, localTrace.point, trace.point );
trace.normal = localTrace.normal * def->parms.axis;
trace.material = shader;
trace.entity = &def->parms;
trace.jointNumber = model->NearestJoint( j, localTrace.indexes[0], localTrace.indexes[1], localTrace.indexes[2] );
traceBounds.AddPoint( start );
traceBounds.AddPoint( start + trace.fraction * (end - start) );
return ( trace.fraction < 1.0f );
void idRenderWorldLocal::RecurseProcBSP_r( modelTrace_t *results, int parentNodeNum, int nodeNum, float p1f, float p2f, const idVec3 &p1, const idVec3 &p2 ) const {
float t1, t2;
float frac;
idVec3 mid;
int side;
float midf;
areaNode_t *node;
if ( results->fraction <= p1f) {
return; // already hit something nearer
// empty leaf
if ( nodeNum < 0 ) {
// if solid leaf node
if ( nodeNum == 0 ) {
if ( parentNodeNum != -1 ) {
results->fraction = p1f;
results->point = p1;
node = &areaNodes[parentNodeNum];
results->normal = node->plane.Normal();
node = &areaNodes[nodeNum];
// distance from plane for trace start and end
t1 = node->plane.Normal() * p1 + node->plane[3];
t2 = node->plane.Normal() * p2 + node->plane[3];
if ( t1 >= 0.0f && t2 >= 0.0f ) {
RecurseProcBSP_r( results, nodeNum, node->children[0], p1f, p2f, p1, p2 );
if ( t1 < 0.0f && t2 < 0.0f ) {
RecurseProcBSP_r( results, nodeNum, node->children[1], p1f, p2f, p1, p2 );
side = t1 < t2;
frac = t1 / (t1 - t2);
midf = p1f + frac*(p2f - p1f);
mid[0] = p1[0] + frac*(p2[0] - p1[0]);
mid[1] = p1[1] + frac*(p2[1] - p1[1]);
mid[2] = p1[2] + frac*(p2[2] - p1[2]);
RecurseProcBSP_r( results, nodeNum, node->children[side], p1f, midf, p1, mid );
RecurseProcBSP_r( results, nodeNum, node->children[side^1], midf, p2f, mid, p2 );
bool idRenderWorldLocal::FastWorldTrace( modelTrace_t &results, const idVec3 &start, const idVec3 &end ) const {
memset( &results, 0, sizeof( modelTrace_t ) );
results.fraction = 1.0f;
if ( areaNodes != NULL ) {
RecurseProcBSP_r( &results, -1, 0, 0.0f, 1.0f, start, end );
return ( results.fraction < 1.0f );
return false;
This is called by R_PushVolumeIntoTree and also directly
for the world model references that are precalculated.
void idRenderWorldLocal::AddEntityRefToArea( idRenderEntityLocal *def, portalArea_t *area ) {
areaReference_t *ref;
if ( !def ) {
common->Error( "idRenderWorldLocal::AddEntityRefToArea: NULL def" );
ref = areaReferenceAllocator.Alloc();
ref->entity = def;
// link to entityDef
ref->ownerNext = def->entityRefs;
def->entityRefs = ref;
// link to end of area list
ref->area = area;
ref->areaNext = &area->entityRefs;
ref->areaPrev = area->entityRefs.areaPrev;
ref->areaNext->areaPrev = ref;
ref->areaPrev->areaNext = ref;
void idRenderWorldLocal::AddLightRefToArea( idRenderLightLocal *light, portalArea_t *area ) {
areaReference_t *lref;
// add a lightref to this area
lref = areaReferenceAllocator.Alloc();
lref->light = light;
lref->area = area;
lref->ownerNext = light->references;
light->references = lref;
// doubly linked list so we can free them easily later
area->lightRefs.areaNext->areaPrev = lref;
lref->areaNext = area->lightRefs.areaNext;
lref->areaPrev = &area->lightRefs;
area->lightRefs.areaNext = lref;
Force the generation of all light / surface interactions at the start of a level
If this isn't called, they will all be dynamically generated
This really isn't all that helpful anymore, because the calculation of shadows
and light interactions is deferred from idRenderWorldLocal::CreateLightDefInteractions(), but we
use it as an oportunity to size the interactionTable
void idRenderWorldLocal::GenerateAllInteractions() {
if ( !glConfig.isInitialized ) {
int start = Sys_Milliseconds();
generateAllInteractionsCalled = false;
// watch how much memory we allocate
tr.staticAllocCount = 0;
// let idRenderWorldLocal::CreateLightDefInteractions() know that it shouldn't
// try and do any view specific optimizations
tr.viewDef = NULL;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < this->lightDefs.Num() ; i++ ) {
idRenderLightLocal *ldef = this->lightDefs[i];
if ( !ldef ) {
this->CreateLightDefInteractions( ldef );
int end = Sys_Milliseconds();
int msec = end - start;
common->Printf( "idRenderWorld::GenerateAllInteractions, msec = %i, staticAllocCount = %i.\n", msec, tr.staticAllocCount );
// build the interaction table
if ( r_useInteractionTable.GetBool() ) {
interactionTableWidth = entityDefs.Num() + 100;
interactionTableHeight = lightDefs.Num() + 100;
int size = interactionTableWidth * interactionTableHeight * sizeof( *interactionTable );
interactionTable = (idInteraction **)R_ClearedStaticAlloc( size );
int count = 0;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < this->lightDefs.Num() ; i++ ) {
idRenderLightLocal *ldef = this->lightDefs[i];
if ( !ldef ) {
idInteraction *inter;
for ( inter = ldef->firstInteraction; inter != NULL; inter = inter->lightNext ) {
idRenderEntityLocal *edef = inter->entityDef;
int index = ldef->index * interactionTableWidth + edef->index;
interactionTable[ index ] = inter;
common->Printf( "interactionTable size: %i bytes\n", size );
common->Printf( "%d interaction take %zd bytes\n", count, count * sizeof( idInteraction ) );
// entities flagged as noDynamicInteractions will no longer make any
generateAllInteractionsCalled = true;
void idRenderWorldLocal::FreeInteractions() {
int i;
idRenderEntityLocal *def;
for ( i = 0 ; i < entityDefs.Num(); i++ ) {
def = entityDefs[i];
if ( !def ) {
// free all the interactions
while ( def->firstInteraction != NULL ) {
Used for both light volumes and model volumes.
This does not clip the points by the planes, so some slop
tr.viewCount should be bumped before calling, allowing it
to prevent double checking areas.
We might alternatively choose to do this with an area flow.
void idRenderWorldLocal::PushVolumeIntoTree_r( idRenderEntityLocal *def, idRenderLightLocal *light, const idSphere *sphere, int numPoints, const idVec3 (*points),
int nodeNum ) {
int i;
areaNode_t *node;
bool front, back;
if ( nodeNum < 0 ) {
portalArea_t *area;
int areaNum = -1 - nodeNum;
area = &portalAreas[ areaNum ];
if ( area->viewCount == tr.viewCount ) {
return; // already added a reference here
area->viewCount = tr.viewCount;
if ( def ) {
AddEntityRefToArea( def, area );
if ( light ) {
AddLightRefToArea( light, area );
node = areaNodes + nodeNum;
// if we know that all possible children nodes only touch an area
// we have already marked, we can early out
if ( r_useNodeCommonChildren.GetBool() &&
node->commonChildrenArea != CHILDREN_HAVE_MULTIPLE_AREAS ) {
// note that we do NOT try to set a reference in this area
// yet, because the test volume may yet wind up being in the
// solid part, which would cause bounds slightly poked into
// a wall to show up in the next room
if ( portalAreas[ node->commonChildrenArea ].viewCount == tr.viewCount ) {
// if the bounding sphere is completely on one side, don't
// bother checking the individual points
float sd = node->plane.Distance( sphere->GetOrigin() );
if ( sd >= sphere->GetRadius() ) {
nodeNum = node->children[0];
if ( nodeNum ) { // 0 = solid
PushVolumeIntoTree_r( def, light, sphere, numPoints, points, nodeNum );
if ( sd <= -sphere->GetRadius() ) {
nodeNum = node->children[1];
if ( nodeNum ) { // 0 = solid
PushVolumeIntoTree_r( def, light, sphere, numPoints, points, nodeNum );
// exact check all the points against the node plane
front = back = false;
#ifdef MACOS_X //loop unrolling & pre-fetching for performance
const idVec3 norm = node->plane.Normal();
const float plane3 = node->plane[3];
float D0, D1, D2, D3;
for ( i = 0 ; i < numPoints - 4; i+=4 ) {
D0 = points[i+0] * norm + plane3;
D1 = points[i+1] * norm + plane3;
if ( !front && D0 >= 0.0f ) {
front = true;
} else if ( !back && D0 <= 0.0f ) {
back = true;
D2 = points[i+1] * norm + plane3;
if ( !front && D1 >= 0.0f ) {
front = true;
} else if ( !back && D1 <= 0.0f ) {
back = true;
D3 = points[i+1] * norm + plane3;
if ( !front && D2 >= 0.0f ) {
front = true;
} else if ( !back && D2 <= 0.0f ) {
back = true;
if ( !front && D3 >= 0.0f ) {
front = true;
} else if ( !back && D3 <= 0.0f ) {
back = true;
if ( back && front ) {
if(!(back && front)) {
for (; i < numPoints ; i++ ) {
float d;
d = points[i] * node->plane.Normal() + node->plane[3];
if ( d >= 0.0f ) {
front = true;
} else if ( d <= 0.0f ) {
back = true;
if ( back && front ) {
for ( i = 0 ; i < numPoints ; i++ ) {
float d;
d = points[i] * node->plane.Normal() + node->plane[3];
if ( d >= 0.0f ) {
front = true;
} else if ( d <= 0.0f ) {
back = true;
if ( back && front ) {
if ( front ) {
nodeNum = node->children[0];
if ( nodeNum ) { // 0 = solid
PushVolumeIntoTree_r( def, light, sphere, numPoints, points, nodeNum );
if ( back ) {
nodeNum = node->children[1];
if ( nodeNum ) { // 0 = solid
PushVolumeIntoTree_r( def, light, sphere, numPoints, points, nodeNum );
void idRenderWorldLocal::PushVolumeIntoTree( idRenderEntityLocal *def, idRenderLightLocal *light, int numPoints, const idVec3 (*points) ) {
int i;
float radSquared, lr;
idVec3 mid, dir;
if ( areaNodes == NULL ) {
// calculate a bounding sphere for the points
for ( i = 0; i < numPoints; i++ ) {
mid += points[i];
mid *= ( 1.0f / numPoints );
radSquared = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < numPoints; i++ ) {
dir = points[i] - mid;
lr = dir * dir;
if ( lr > radSquared ) {
radSquared = lr;
idSphere sphere( mid, sqrt( radSquared ) );
PushVolumeIntoTree_r( def, light, &sphere, numPoints, points, 0 );
void idRenderWorldLocal::DebugClearLines( int time ) {
RB_ClearDebugLines( time );
RB_ClearDebugText( time );
void idRenderWorldLocal::DebugLine( const idVec4 &color, const idVec3 &start, const idVec3 &end, const int lifetime, const bool depthTest ) {
RB_AddDebugLine( color, start, end, lifetime, depthTest );
void idRenderWorldLocal::DebugArrow( const idVec4 &color, const idVec3 &start, const idVec3 &end, int size, const int lifetime ) {
idVec3 forward, right, up, v1, v2;
float a, s;
int i;
static float arrowCos[40];
static float arrowSin[40];
static int arrowStep;
DebugLine( color, start, end, lifetime );
if ( r_debugArrowStep.GetInteger() <= 10 ) {
// calculate sine and cosine when step size changes
if ( arrowStep != r_debugArrowStep.GetInteger() ) {
arrowStep = r_debugArrowStep.GetInteger();
for (i = 0, a = 0; a < 360.0f; a += arrowStep, i++) {
arrowCos[i] = idMath::Cos16( DEG2RAD( a ) );
arrowSin[i] = idMath::Sin16( DEG2RAD( a ) );
arrowCos[i] = arrowCos[0];
arrowSin[i] = arrowSin[0];
// draw a nice arrow
forward = end - start;
forward.NormalVectors( right, up);
for (i = 0, a = 0; a < 360.0f; a += arrowStep, i++) {
s = 0.5f * size * arrowCos[i];
v1 = end - size * forward;
v1 = v1 + s * right;
s = 0.5f * size * arrowSin[i];
v1 = v1 + s * up;
s = 0.5f * size * arrowCos[i+1];
v2 = end - size * forward;
v2 = v2 + s * right;
s = 0.5f * size * arrowSin[i+1];
v2 = v2 + s * up;
DebugLine( color, v1, end, lifetime );
DebugLine( color, v1, v2, lifetime );
void idRenderWorldLocal::DebugWinding( const idVec4 &color, const idWinding &w, const idVec3 &origin, const idMat3 &axis, const int lifetime, const bool depthTest ) {
int i;
idVec3 point, lastPoint;
if ( w.GetNumPoints() < 2 ) {
lastPoint = origin + w[w.GetNumPoints()-1].ToVec3() * axis;
for ( i = 0; i < w.GetNumPoints(); i++ ) {
point = origin + w[i].ToVec3() * axis;
DebugLine( color, lastPoint, point, lifetime, depthTest );
lastPoint = point;
void idRenderWorldLocal::DebugCircle( const idVec4 &color, const idVec3 &origin, const idVec3 &dir, const float radius, const int numSteps, const int lifetime, const bool depthTest ) {
int i;
float a;
idVec3 left, up, point, lastPoint;
dir.OrthogonalBasis( left, up );
left *= radius;
up *= radius;
lastPoint = origin + up;
for ( i = 1; i <= numSteps; i++ ) {
a = idMath::TWO_PI * i / numSteps;
point = origin + idMath::Sin16( a ) * left + idMath::Cos16( a ) * up;
DebugLine( color, lastPoint, point, lifetime, depthTest );
lastPoint = point;
void idRenderWorldLocal::DebugSphere( const idVec4 &color, const idSphere &sphere, const int lifetime, const bool depthTest /*_D3XP*/ ) {
int i, j, n, num;
float s, c;
idVec3 p, lastp, *lastArray;
num = 360 / 15;
lastArray = (idVec3 *) _alloca16( num * sizeof( idVec3 ) );
lastArray[0] = sphere.GetOrigin() + idVec3( 0, 0, sphere.GetRadius() );
for ( n = 1; n < num; n++ ) {
lastArray[n] = lastArray[0];
for ( i = 15; i <= 360; i += 15 ) {
s = idMath::Sin16( DEG2RAD(i) );
c = idMath::Cos16( DEG2RAD(i) );
lastp[0] = sphere.GetOrigin()[0];
lastp[1] = sphere.GetOrigin()[1] + sphere.GetRadius() * s;
lastp[2] = sphere.GetOrigin()[2] + sphere.GetRadius() * c;
for ( n = 0, j = 15; j <= 360; j += 15, n++ ) {
p[0] = sphere.GetOrigin()[0] + idMath::Sin16( DEG2RAD(j) ) * sphere.GetRadius() * s;
p[1] = sphere.GetOrigin()[1] + idMath::Cos16( DEG2RAD(j) ) * sphere.GetRadius() * s;
p[2] = lastp[2];
DebugLine( color, lastp, p, lifetime,depthTest );
DebugLine( color, lastp, lastArray[n], lifetime, depthTest );
lastArray[n] = lastp;
lastp = p;
void idRenderWorldLocal::DebugBounds( const idVec4 &color, const idBounds &bounds, const idVec3 &org, const int lifetime ) {
int i;
idVec3 v[8];
if ( bounds.IsCleared() ) {
for ( i = 0; i < 8; i++ ) {
v[i][0] = org[0] + bounds[(i^(i>>1))&1][0];
v[i][1] = org[1] + bounds[(i>>1)&1][1];
v[i][2] = org[2] + bounds[(i>>2)&1][2];
for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) {
DebugLine( color, v[i], v[(i+1)&3], lifetime );
DebugLine( color, v[4+i], v[4+((i+1)&3)], lifetime );
DebugLine( color, v[i], v[4+i], lifetime );
void idRenderWorldLocal::DebugBox( const idVec4 &color, const idBox &box, const int lifetime ) {
int i;
idVec3 v[8];
box.ToPoints( v );
for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) {
DebugLine( color, v[i], v[(i+1)&3], lifetime );
DebugLine( color, v[4+i], v[4+((i+1)&3)], lifetime );
DebugLine( color, v[i], v[4+i], lifetime );
void idRenderWorldLocal::DebugFrustum( const idVec4 &color, const idFrustum &frustum, const bool showFromOrigin, const int lifetime ) {
int i;
idVec3 v[8];
frustum.ToPoints( v );
if ( frustum.GetNearDistance() > 0.0f ) {
for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) {
DebugLine( color, v[i], v[(i+1)&3], lifetime );
if ( showFromOrigin ) {
for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) {
DebugLine( color, frustum.GetOrigin(), v[i], lifetime );
for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) {
DebugLine( color, v[4+i], v[4+((i+1)&3)], lifetime );
DebugLine( color, v[i], v[4+i], lifetime );
dir is the cone axis
radius1 is the radius at the apex
radius2 is the radius at apex+dir
void idRenderWorldLocal::DebugCone( const idVec4 &color, const idVec3 &apex, const idVec3 &dir, float radius1, float radius2, const int lifetime ) {
int i;
idMat3 axis;
idVec3 top, p1, p2, lastp1, lastp2, d;
axis[2] = dir;
axis[2].NormalVectors( axis[0], axis[1] );
axis[1] = -axis[1];
top = apex + dir;
lastp2 = top + radius2 * axis[1];
if ( radius1 == 0.0f ) {
for ( i = 20; i <= 360; i += 20 ) {
d = idMath::Sin16( DEG2RAD(i) ) * axis[0] + idMath::Cos16( DEG2RAD(i) ) * axis[1];
p2 = top + d * radius2;
DebugLine( color, lastp2, p2, lifetime );
DebugLine( color, p2, apex, lifetime );
lastp2 = p2;
} else {
lastp1 = apex + radius1 * axis[1];
for ( i = 20; i <= 360; i += 20 ) {
d = idMath::Sin16( DEG2RAD(i) ) * axis[0] + idMath::Cos16( DEG2RAD(i) ) * axis[1];
p1 = apex + d * radius1;
p2 = top + d * radius2;
DebugLine( color, lastp1, p1, lifetime );
DebugLine( color, lastp2, p2, lifetime );
DebugLine( color, p1, p2, lifetime );
lastp1 = p1;
lastp2 = p2;
void idRenderWorldLocal::DebugAxis( const idVec3 &origin, const idMat3 &axis ) {
idVec3 start = origin;
idVec3 end = start + axis[0] * 20.0f;
DebugArrow( colorWhite, start, end, 2 );
end = start + axis[0] * -20.0f;
DebugArrow( colorWhite, start, end, 2 );
end = start + axis[1] * +20.0f;
DebugArrow( colorGreen, start, end, 2 );
end = start + axis[1] * -20.0f;
DebugArrow( colorGreen, start, end, 2 );
end = start + axis[2] * +20.0f;
DebugArrow( colorBlue, start, end, 2 );
end = start + axis[2] * -20.0f;
DebugArrow( colorBlue, start, end, 2 );
void idRenderWorldLocal::DebugClearPolygons( int time ) {
RB_ClearDebugPolygons( time );
void idRenderWorldLocal::DebugPolygon( const idVec4 &color, const idWinding &winding, const int lifeTime, const bool depthTest ) {
RB_AddDebugPolygon( color, winding, lifeTime, depthTest );
void idRenderWorldLocal::DebugScreenRect( const idVec4 &color, const idScreenRect &rect, const viewDef_t *viewDef, const int lifetime ) {
int i;
float centerx, centery, dScale, hScale, vScale;
idBounds bounds;
idVec3 p[4];
centerx = ( viewDef->viewport.x2 - viewDef->viewport.x1 ) * 0.5f;
centery = ( viewDef->viewport.y2 - viewDef->viewport.y1 ) * 0.5f;
dScale = r_znear.GetFloat() + 1.0f;
hScale = dScale * idMath::Tan16( DEG2RAD( viewDef->renderView.fov_x * 0.5f ) );
vScale = dScale * idMath::Tan16( DEG2RAD( viewDef->renderView.fov_y * 0.5f ) );
bounds[0][0] = bounds[1][0] = dScale;
bounds[0][1] = -( rect.x1 - centerx ) / centerx * hScale;
bounds[1][1] = -( rect.x2 - centerx ) / centerx * hScale;
bounds[0][2] = ( rect.y1 - centery ) / centery * vScale;
bounds[1][2] = ( rect.y2 - centery ) / centery * vScale;
for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) {
p[i].x = bounds[0][0];
p[i].y = bounds[(i^(i>>1))&1].y;
p[i].z = bounds[(i>>1)&1].z;
p[i] = viewDef->renderView.vieworg + p[i] * viewDef->renderView.viewaxis;
for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) {
DebugLine( color, p[i], p[(i+1)&3], false );
returns the length of the given text
float idRenderWorldLocal::DrawTextLength( const char *text, float scale, int len ) {
return RB_DrawTextLength( text, scale, len );
oriented on the viewaxis
align can be 0-left, 1-center (default), 2-right
void idRenderWorldLocal::DrawText( const char *text, const idVec3 &origin, float scale, const idVec4 &color, const idMat3 &viewAxis, const int align, const int lifetime, const bool depthTest ) {
RB_AddDebugText( text, origin, scale, color, viewAxis, align, lifetime, depthTest );
void idRenderWorldLocal::RegenerateWorld() {
R_RegenerateWorld_f( idCmdArgs() );
bool R_GlobalShaderOverride( const idMaterial **shader ) {
if ( !(*shader)->IsDrawn() ) {
return false;
if ( tr.primaryRenderView.globalMaterial ) {
*shader = tr.primaryRenderView.globalMaterial;
return true;
if ( r_materialOverride.GetString()[0] != '\0' ) {
*shader = declManager->FindMaterial( r_materialOverride.GetString() );
return true;
return false;
const idMaterial *R_RemapShaderBySkin( const idMaterial *shader, const idDeclSkin *skin, const idMaterial *customShader ) {
if ( !shader ) {
return NULL;
// never remap surfaces that were originally nodraw, like collision hulls
if ( !shader->IsDrawn() ) {
return shader;
if ( customShader ) {
// this is sort of a hack, but cause deformed surfaces to map to empty surfaces,
// so the item highlight overlay doesn't highlight the autosprite surface
if ( shader->Deform() ) {
return NULL;
return const_cast<idMaterial *>(customShader);
if ( !skin || !shader ) {
return const_cast<idMaterial *>(shader);
return skin->RemapShaderBySkin( shader );