mirror of
synced 2025-03-08 18:41:30 +00:00
Don't include the lazy precompiled.h everywhere, only what's required for the compilation unit. platform.h needs to be included instead to provide all essential defines and types. All includes use the relative path to the neo or the game specific root. Move all idlib related includes from idlib/Lib.h to precompiled.h. precompiled.h still exists for the MFC stuff in tools/. Add some missing header guards.
943 lines
28 KiB
943 lines
28 KiB
Doom 3 GPL Source Code
Copyright (C) 1999-2011 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company.
This file is part of the Doom 3 GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 Source Code").
Doom 3 Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Doom 3 Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Doom 3 Source Code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
In addition, the Doom 3 Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below.
If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA.
#include "sys/platform.h"
#include "tools/compilers/aas/AASReach.h"
#define INSIDEUNITS 2.0f
bool idAASReach::ReachabilityExists( int fromAreaNum, int toAreaNum ) {
aasArea_t *area;
idReachability *reach;
area = &file->areas[fromAreaNum];
for ( reach = area->reach; reach; reach = reach->next ) {
if ( reach->toAreaNum == toAreaNum ) {
return true;
return false;
ID_INLINE bool idAASReach::CanSwimInArea( int areaNum ) {
return ( file->areas[areaNum].contents & AREACONTENTS_WATER ) != 0;
ID_INLINE bool idAASReach::AreaHasFloor( int areaNum ) {
return ( file->areas[areaNum].flags & AREA_FLOOR ) != 0;
ID_INLINE bool idAASReach::AreaIsClusterPortal( int areaNum ) {
return ( file->areas[areaNum].contents & AREACONTENTS_CLUSTERPORTAL ) != 0;
void idAASReach::AddReachabilityToArea( idReachability *reach, int areaNum ) {
aasArea_t *area;
area = &file->areas[areaNum];
reach->next = area->reach;
area->reach = reach;
void idAASReach::Reachability_Fly( int areaNum ) {
int i, faceNum, otherAreaNum;
aasArea_t *area;
aasFace_t *face;
idReachability_Fly *reach;
area = &file->areas[areaNum];
for ( i = 0; i < area->numFaces; i++ ) {
faceNum = file->faceIndex[area->firstFace + i];
face = &file->faces[abs(faceNum)];
otherAreaNum = face->areas[INTSIGNBITNOTSET(faceNum)];
if ( otherAreaNum == 0 ) {
if ( ReachabilityExists( areaNum, otherAreaNum ) ) {
// create reachability going through this face
reach = new idReachability_Fly();
reach->travelType = TFL_FLY;
reach->toAreaNum = otherAreaNum;
reach->fromAreaNum = areaNum;
reach->edgeNum = 0;
reach->travelTime = 1;
reach->start = file->FaceCenter( abs(faceNum) );
if ( faceNum < 0 ) {
reach->end = reach->start + file->planeList[face->planeNum].Normal() * INSIDEUNITS_FLYEND;
} else {
reach->end = reach->start - file->planeList[face->planeNum].Normal() * INSIDEUNITS_FLYEND;
AddReachabilityToArea( reach, areaNum );
void idAASReach::Reachability_Swim( int areaNum ) {
int i, faceNum, otherAreaNum;
aasArea_t *area;
aasFace_t *face;
idReachability_Swim *reach;
if ( !CanSwimInArea( areaNum ) ) {
area = &file->areas[areaNum];
for ( i = 0; i < area->numFaces; i++ ) {
faceNum = file->faceIndex[area->firstFace + i];
face = &file->faces[abs(faceNum)];
otherAreaNum = face->areas[INTSIGNBITNOTSET(faceNum)];
if ( otherAreaNum == 0 ) {
if ( !CanSwimInArea( otherAreaNum ) ) {
if ( ReachabilityExists( areaNum, otherAreaNum ) ) {
// create reachability going through this face
reach = new idReachability_Swim();
reach->travelType = TFL_SWIM;
reach->toAreaNum = otherAreaNum;
reach->fromAreaNum = areaNum;
reach->edgeNum = 0;
reach->travelTime = 1;
reach->start = file->FaceCenter( abs(faceNum) );
if ( faceNum < 0 ) {
reach->end = reach->start + file->planeList[face->planeNum].Normal() * INSIDEUNITS_SWIMEND;
} else {
reach->end = reach->start - file->planeList[face->planeNum].Normal() * INSIDEUNITS_SWIMEND;
AddReachabilityToArea( reach, areaNum );
void idAASReach::Reachability_EqualFloorHeight( int areaNum ) {
int i, k, l, m, n, faceNum, face1Num, face2Num, otherAreaNum, edge1Num, edge2Num;
aasArea_t *area, *otherArea;
aasFace_t *face, *face1, *face2;
idReachability_Walk *reach;
if ( !AreaHasFloor( areaNum ) ) {
area = &file->areas[areaNum];
for ( i = 0; i < area->numFaces; i++ ) {
faceNum = file->faceIndex[area->firstFace + i];
face = &file->faces[abs(faceNum)];
otherAreaNum = face->areas[INTSIGNBITNOTSET(faceNum)];
if ( !AreaHasFloor( otherAreaNum ) ) {
otherArea = &file->areas[otherAreaNum];
for ( k = 0; k < area->numFaces; k++ ) {
face1Num = file->faceIndex[area->firstFace + k];
face1 = &file->faces[abs(face1Num)];
if ( !( face1->flags & FACE_FLOOR ) ) {
for ( l = 0; l < otherArea->numFaces; l++ ) {
face2Num = file->faceIndex[otherArea->firstFace + l];
face2 = &file->faces[abs(face2Num)];
if ( !( face2->flags & FACE_FLOOR ) ) {
for ( m = 0; m < face1->numEdges; m++ ) {
edge1Num = abs(file->edgeIndex[face1->firstEdge + m]);
for ( n = 0; n < face2->numEdges; n++ ) {
edge2Num = abs(file->edgeIndex[face2->firstEdge + n]);
if ( edge1Num == edge2Num ) {
if ( n < face2->numEdges ) {
if ( m < face1->numEdges ) {
if ( l < otherArea->numFaces ) {
if ( k < area->numFaces ) {
// create reachability
reach = new idReachability_Walk();
reach->travelType = TFL_WALK;
reach->toAreaNum = otherAreaNum;
reach->fromAreaNum = areaNum;
reach->edgeNum = abs( edge1Num );
reach->travelTime = 1;
reach->start = file->EdgeCenter( edge1Num );
if ( faceNum < 0 ) {
reach->end = reach->start + file->planeList[face->planeNum].Normal() * INSIDEUNITS_WALKEND;
else {
reach->end = reach->start - file->planeList[face->planeNum].Normal() * INSIDEUNITS_WALKEND;
AddReachabilityToArea( reach, areaNum );
bool idAASReach::Reachability_Step_Barrier_WaterJump_WalkOffLedge( int area1num, int area2num ) {
int i, j, k, l, edge1Num, edge2Num, areas[10];
int floor_bestArea1FloorEdgeNum, floor_foundReach;
int water_foundReach;
int side1, faceSide1, floorFace1Num;
float dist, dist1, dist2, diff, /*invGravityDot, */ orthogonalDot;
float x1, x2, x3, x4, y1, y2, y3, y4, tmp, y;
float length, floor_bestLength, water_bestLength, floor_bestDist, water_bestDist;
idVec3 v1, v2, v3, v4, tmpv, p1area1, p1area2, p2area1, p2area2;
idVec3 normal, orthogonal, edgeVec, start, end;
idVec3 floor_bestStart, floor_bestEnd, floor_bestNormal;
idVec3 water_bestStart, water_bestEnd, water_bestNormal;
idVec3 testPoint;
idPlane *plane;
aasArea_t *area1, *area2;
aasFace_t *floorFace1, *floorFace2;
aasEdge_t *edge1, *edge2;
idReachability_Walk *walkReach;
idReachability_BarrierJump *barrierJumpReach;
idReachability_WaterJump *waterJumpReach;
idReachability_WalkOffLedge *walkOffLedgeReach;
aasTrace_t trace;
// must be able to walk or swim in the first area
if ( !AreaHasFloor( area1num ) && !CanSwimInArea( area1num ) ) {
return false;
if ( !AreaHasFloor( area2num ) && !CanSwimInArea( area2num ) ) {
return false;
area1 = &file->areas[area1num];
area2 = &file->areas[area2num];
// if the areas are not near anough in the x-y direction
for ( i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) {
if ( area1->bounds[0][i] > area2->bounds[1][i] + 2.0f ) {
return false;
if ( area1->bounds[1][i] < area2->bounds[0][i] - 2.0f ) {
return false;
floor_bestArea1FloorEdgeNum = 0;
floor_foundReach = false;
floor_bestDist = 99999;
floor_bestLength = 0;
water_foundReach = false;
water_bestDist = 99999;
water_bestLength = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < area1->numFaces; i++ ) {
floorFace1Num = file->faceIndex[area1->firstFace + i];
faceSide1 = floorFace1Num < 0;
floorFace1 = &file->faces[abs(floorFace1Num)];
// if this isn't a floor face
if ( !(floorFace1->flags & FACE_FLOOR) ) {
// if we can swim in the first area
if ( CanSwimInArea( area1num ) ) {
// face plane must be more or less horizontal
plane = &file->planeList[ floorFace1->planeNum ^ (!faceSide1) ];
if ( plane->Normal() * file->settings.invGravityDir < file->settings.minFloorCos ) {
else {
// if we can't swim in the area it must be a ground face
for ( k = 0; k < floorFace1->numEdges; k++ ) {
edge1Num = file->edgeIndex[floorFace1->firstEdge + k];
side1 = (edge1Num < 0);
// NOTE: for water faces we must take the side area 1 is on into
// account because the face is shared and doesn't have to be oriented correctly
if ( !(floorFace1->flags & FACE_FLOOR) ) {
side1 = (side1 == faceSide1);
edge1Num = abs(edge1Num);
edge1 = &file->edges[edge1Num];
// vertices of the edge
v1 = file->vertices[edge1->vertexNum[!side1]];
v2 = file->vertices[edge1->vertexNum[side1]];
// get a vertical plane through the edge
// NOTE: normal is pointing into area 2 because the face edges are stored counter clockwise
edgeVec = v2 - v1;
normal = edgeVec.Cross( file->settings.invGravityDir );
dist = normal * v1;
// check the faces from the second area
for ( j = 0; j < area2->numFaces; j++ ) {
floorFace2 = &file->faces[abs(file->faceIndex[area2->firstFace + j])];
// must be a ground face
if ( !(floorFace2->flags & FACE_FLOOR) ) {
// check the edges of this ground face
for ( l = 0; l < floorFace2->numEdges; l++ ) {
edge2Num = abs(file->edgeIndex[floorFace2->firstEdge + l]);
edge2 = &file->edges[edge2Num];
// vertices of the edge
v3 = file->vertices[edge2->vertexNum[0]];
v4 = file->vertices[edge2->vertexNum[1]];
// check the distance between the two points and the vertical plane through the edge of area1
diff = normal * v3 - dist;
if ( diff < -0.2f || diff > 0.2f ) {
diff = normal * v4 - dist;
if ( diff < -0.2f || diff > 0.2f ) {
// project the two ground edges into the step side plane
// and calculate the shortest distance between the two
// edges if they overlap in the direction orthogonal to
// the gravity direction
orthogonal = file->settings.invGravityDir.Cross( normal );
//invGravityDot = file->settings.invGravityDir * file->settings.invGravityDir;
orthogonalDot = orthogonal * orthogonal;
// projection into the step plane
// NOTE: since gravity is vertical this is just the z coordinate
y1 = v1[2];//(v1 * file->settings.invGravity) / invGravityDot;
y2 = v2[2];//(v2 * file->settings.invGravity) / invGravityDot;
y3 = v3[2];//(v3 * file->settings.invGravity) / invGravityDot;
y4 = v4[2];//(v4 * file->settings.invGravity) / invGravityDot;
x1 = (v1 * orthogonal) / orthogonalDot;
x2 = (v2 * orthogonal) / orthogonalDot;
x3 = (v3 * orthogonal) / orthogonalDot;
x4 = (v4 * orthogonal) / orthogonalDot;
if ( x1 > x2 ) {
tmp = x1; x1 = x2; x2 = tmp;
tmp = y1; y1 = y2; y2 = tmp;
tmpv = v1; v1 = v2; v2 = tmpv;
if ( x3 > x4 ) {
tmp = x3; x3 = x4; x4 = tmp;
tmp = y3; y3 = y4; y4 = tmp;
tmpv = v3; v3 = v4; v4 = tmpv;
// if the two projected edge lines have no overlap
if ( x2 <= x3 || x4 <= x1 ) {
// if the two lines fully overlap
if ( (x1 - 0.5f < x3 && x4 < x2 + 0.5f) && (x3 - 0.5f < x1 && x2 < x4 + 0.5f) ) {
dist1 = y3 - y1;
dist2 = y4 - y2;
p1area1 = v1;
p2area1 = v2;
p1area2 = v3;
p2area2 = v4;
else {
// if the points are equal
if ( x1 > x3 - 0.1f && x1 < x3 + 0.1f ) {
dist1 = y3 - y1;
p1area1 = v1;
p1area2 = v3;
else if ( x1 < x3 ) {
y = y1 + (x3 - x1) * (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1);
dist1 = y3 - y;
p1area1 = v3;
p1area1[2] = y;
p1area2 = v3;
else {
y = y3 + (x1 - x3) * (y4 - y3) / (x4 - x3);
dist1 = y - y1;
p1area1 = v1;
p1area2 = v1;
p1area2[2] = y;
// if the points are equal
if ( x2 > x4 - 0.1f && x2 < x4 + 0.1f ) {
dist2 = y4 - y2;
p2area1 = v2;
p2area2 = v4;
else if ( x2 < x4 ) {
y = y3 + (x2 - x3) * (y4 - y3) / (x4 - x3);
dist2 = y - y2;
p2area1 = v2;
p2area2 = v2;
p2area2[2] = y;
else {
y = y1 + (x4 - x1) * (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1);
dist2 = y4 - y;
p2area1 = v4;
p2area1[2] = y;
p2area2 = v4;
// if both distances are pretty much equal then we take the middle of the points
if ( dist1 > dist2 - 1.0f && dist1 < dist2 + 1.0f ) {
dist = dist1;
start = ( p1area1 + p2area1 ) * 0.5f;
end = ( p1area2 + p2area2 ) * 0.5f;
else if (dist1 < dist2) {
dist = dist1;
start = p1area1;
end = p1area2;
else {
dist = dist2;
start = p2area1;
end = p2area2;
// get the length of the overlapping part of the edges of the two areas
length = (p2area2 - p1area2).Length();
if ( floorFace1->flags & FACE_FLOOR ) {
// if the vertical distance is smaller
if ( dist < floor_bestDist ||
// or the vertical distance is pretty much the same
// but the overlapping part of the edges is longer
(dist < floor_bestDist + 1.0f && length > floor_bestLength) ) {
floor_bestDist = dist;
floor_bestLength = length;
floor_foundReach = true;
floor_bestArea1FloorEdgeNum = edge1Num;
floor_bestStart = start;
floor_bestNormal = normal;
floor_bestEnd = end;
else {
// if the vertical distance is smaller
if ( dist < water_bestDist ||
//or the vertical distance is pretty much the same
//but the overlapping part of the edges is longer
(dist < water_bestDist + 1.0f && length > water_bestLength) ) {
water_bestDist = dist;
water_bestLength = length;
water_foundReach = true;
water_bestStart = start; // best start point in area1
water_bestNormal = normal; // normal is pointing into area2
water_bestEnd = end; // best point towards area2
// NOTE: swim reachabilities should already be filtered out
// Steps
// ---------
// | step height -> TFL_WALK
// --------|
// ---------
// ~~~~~~~~| step height and low water -> TFL_WALK
// --------|
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// ---------
// | step height and low water up to the step -> TFL_WALK
// --------|
// check for a step reachability
if ( floor_foundReach ) {
// if area2 is higher but lower than the maximum step height
// NOTE: floor_bestDist >= 0 also catches equal floor reachabilities
if ( floor_bestDist >= 0 && floor_bestDist < file->settings.maxStepHeight ) {
// create walk reachability from area1 to area2
walkReach = new idReachability_Walk();
walkReach->travelType = TFL_WALK;
walkReach->toAreaNum = area2num;
walkReach->fromAreaNum = area1num;
walkReach->start = floor_bestStart + INSIDEUNITS_WALKSTART * floor_bestNormal;
walkReach->end = floor_bestEnd + INSIDEUNITS_WALKEND * floor_bestNormal;
walkReach->edgeNum = abs( floor_bestArea1FloorEdgeNum );
walkReach->travelTime = 0;
if ( area2->flags & AREA_CROUCH ) {
walkReach->travelTime += file->settings.tt_startCrouching;
AddReachabilityToArea( walkReach, area1num );
return true;
// Water Jumps
// ---------
// |
// ~~~~~~~~|
// |
// | higher than step height and water up to waterjump height -> TFL_WATERJUMP
// --------|
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// ---------
// |
// |
// |
// | higher than step height and low water up to the step -> TFL_WATERJUMP
// --------|
// check for a waterjump reachability
if ( water_foundReach ) {
// get a test point a little bit towards area1
testPoint = water_bestEnd - INSIDEUNITS * water_bestNormal;
// go down the maximum waterjump height
testPoint[2] -= file->settings.maxWaterJumpHeight;
// if there IS water the sv_maxwaterjump height below the bestend point
if ( area1->flags & AREA_LIQUID ) {
// don't create rediculous water jump reachabilities from areas very far below the water surface
if ( water_bestDist < file->settings.maxWaterJumpHeight + 24 ) {
// water jumping from or towards a crouch only areas is not possible
if ( !(area1->flags & AREA_CROUCH) && !(area2->flags & AREA_CROUCH) ) {
// create water jump reachability from area1 to area2
waterJumpReach = new idReachability_WaterJump();
waterJumpReach->travelType = TFL_WATERJUMP;
waterJumpReach->toAreaNum = area2num;
waterJumpReach->fromAreaNum = area1num;
waterJumpReach->start = water_bestStart;
waterJumpReach->end = water_bestEnd + INSIDEUNITS_WATERJUMP * water_bestNormal;
waterJumpReach->edgeNum = abs( floor_bestArea1FloorEdgeNum );
waterJumpReach->travelTime = file->settings.tt_waterJump;
AddReachabilityToArea( waterJumpReach, area1num );
return true;
// Barrier Jumps
// ---------
// |
// |
// |
// | higher than max step height lower than max barrier height -> TFL_BARRIERJUMP
// --------|
// ---------
// |
// |
// |
// ~~~~~~~~| higher than max step height lower than max barrier height
// --------| and a thin layer of water in the area to jump from -> TFL_BARRIERJUMP
// check for a barrier jump reachability
if ( floor_foundReach ) {
//if area2 is higher but lower than the maximum barrier jump height
if ( floor_bestDist > 0 && floor_bestDist < file->settings.maxBarrierHeight ) {
//if no water in area1 or a very thin layer of water on the ground
if ( !water_foundReach || (floor_bestDist - water_bestDist < 16) ) {
// cannot perform a barrier jump towards or from a crouch area
if ( !(area1->flags & AREA_CROUCH) && !(area2->flags & AREA_CROUCH) ) {
// create barrier jump reachability from area1 to area2
barrierJumpReach = new idReachability_BarrierJump();
barrierJumpReach->travelType = TFL_BARRIERJUMP;
barrierJumpReach->toAreaNum = area2num;
barrierJumpReach->fromAreaNum = area1num;
barrierJumpReach->start = floor_bestStart + INSIDEUNITS_WALKSTART * floor_bestNormal;
barrierJumpReach->end = floor_bestEnd + INSIDEUNITS_WALKEND * floor_bestNormal;
barrierJumpReach->edgeNum = abs( floor_bestArea1FloorEdgeNum );
barrierJumpReach->travelTime = file->settings.tt_barrierJump;
AddReachabilityToArea( barrierJumpReach, area1num );
return true;
// Walk and Walk Off Ledge
// --------|
// | can walk or step back -> TFL_WALK
// ---------
// --------|
// |
// |
// |
// | cannot walk/step back -> TFL_WALKOFFLEDGE
// ---------
// --------|
// |
// |~~~~~~~~
// |
// | cannot step back but can waterjump back -> TFL_WALKOFFLEDGE
// --------- FIXME: create TFL_WALK reach??
// check for a walk or walk off ledge reachability
if ( floor_foundReach ) {
if ( floor_bestDist < 0 ) {
if ( floor_bestDist > -file->settings.maxStepHeight ) {
// create walk reachability from area1 to area2
walkReach = new idReachability_Walk();
walkReach->travelType = TFL_WALK;
walkReach->toAreaNum = area2num;
walkReach->fromAreaNum = area1num;
walkReach->start = floor_bestStart + INSIDEUNITS_WALKSTART * floor_bestNormal;
walkReach->end = floor_bestEnd + INSIDEUNITS_WALKEND * floor_bestNormal;
walkReach->edgeNum = abs( floor_bestArea1FloorEdgeNum );
walkReach->travelTime = 1;
AddReachabilityToArea( walkReach, area1num );
return true;
// if no maximum fall height set or less than the max
if ( !file->settings.maxFallHeight || idMath::Fabs(floor_bestDist) < file->settings.maxFallHeight ) {
// trace a bounding box vertically to check for solids
floor_bestEnd += INSIDEUNITS * floor_bestNormal;
start = floor_bestEnd;
start[2] = floor_bestStart[2];
end = floor_bestEnd;
end[2] += 4;
trace.areas = areas;
trace.maxAreas = sizeof(areas) / sizeof(int);
file->Trace( trace, start, end );
// if the trace didn't start in solid and nothing was hit
if ( trace.lastAreaNum && trace.fraction >= 1.0f ) {
// the trace end point must be in the goal area
if ( trace.lastAreaNum == area2num ) {
// don't create reachability if going through a cluster portal
for (i = 0; i < trace.numAreas; i++) {
if ( AreaIsClusterPortal( trace.areas[i] ) ) {
if ( i >= trace.numAreas ) {
// create a walk off ledge reachability from area1 to area2
walkOffLedgeReach = new idReachability_WalkOffLedge();
walkOffLedgeReach->travelType = TFL_WALKOFFLEDGE;
walkOffLedgeReach->toAreaNum = area2num;
walkOffLedgeReach->fromAreaNum = area1num;
walkOffLedgeReach->start = floor_bestStart;
walkOffLedgeReach->end = floor_bestEnd;
walkOffLedgeReach->edgeNum = abs( floor_bestArea1FloorEdgeNum );
walkOffLedgeReach->travelTime = file->settings.tt_startWalkOffLedge + idMath::Fabs(floor_bestDist) * 50 / file->settings.gravityValue;
AddReachabilityToArea( walkOffLedgeReach, area1num );
return true;
return false;
void idAASReach::Reachability_WalkOffLedge( int areaNum ) {
int i, j, faceNum, edgeNum, side, reachAreaNum, p, areas[10];
aasArea_t *area;
aasFace_t *face;
aasEdge_t *edge;
idPlane *plane;
idVec3 v1, v2, mid, dir, testEnd;
idReachability_WalkOffLedge *reach;
aasTrace_t trace;
if ( !AreaHasFloor( areaNum ) || CanSwimInArea( areaNum ) ) {
area = &file->areas[areaNum];
for ( i = 0; i < area->numFaces; i++ ) {
faceNum = file->faceIndex[area->firstFace + i];
face = &file->faces[abs(faceNum)];
// face must be a floor face
if ( !(face->flags & FACE_FLOOR) ) {
for ( j = 0; j < face->numEdges; j++ ) {
edgeNum = file->edgeIndex[face->firstEdge + j];
edge = &file->edges[abs(edgeNum)];
//if ( !(edge->flags & EDGE_LEDGE) ) {
// continue;
side = edgeNum < 0;
v1 = file->vertices[edge->vertexNum[side]];
v2 = file->vertices[edge->vertexNum[!side]];
plane = &file->planeList[face->planeNum ^ INTSIGNBITSET(faceNum) ];
// get the direction into the other area
dir = plane->Normal().Cross( v2 - v1 );
mid = ( v1 + v2 ) * 0.5f;
testEnd = mid + INSIDEUNITS_WALKEND * dir;
testEnd[2] -= file->settings.maxFallHeight + 1.0f;
trace.areas = areas;
trace.maxAreas = sizeof(areas) / sizeof(int);
file->Trace( trace, mid, testEnd );
reachAreaNum = trace.lastAreaNum;
if ( !reachAreaNum || reachAreaNum == areaNum ) {
if ( idMath::Fabs( mid[2] - trace.endpos[2] ) > file->settings.maxFallHeight ) {
if ( !AreaHasFloor( reachAreaNum ) && !CanSwimInArea( reachAreaNum ) ) {
if ( ReachabilityExists( areaNum, reachAreaNum) ) {
// if not going through a cluster portal
for ( p = 0; p < trace.numAreas; p++ ) {
if ( AreaIsClusterPortal( trace.areas[p] ) ) {
if ( p < trace.numAreas ) {
reach = new idReachability_WalkOffLedge();
reach->travelType = TFL_WALKOFFLEDGE;
reach->toAreaNum = reachAreaNum;
reach->fromAreaNum = areaNum;
reach->start = mid;
reach->end = trace.endpos;
reach->edgeNum = abs( edgeNum );
reach->travelTime = file->settings.tt_startWalkOffLedge + idMath::Fabs(mid[2] - trace.endpos[2]) * 50 / file->settings.gravityValue;
AddReachabilityToArea( reach, areaNum );
void idAASReach::FlagReachableAreas( idAASFileLocal *file ) {
int i, numReachableAreas;
numReachableAreas = 0;
for ( i = 1; i < file->areas.Num(); i++ ) {
if ( ( file->areas[i].flags & ( AREA_FLOOR | AREA_LADDER ) ) ||
( file->areas[i].contents & AREACONTENTS_WATER ) ) {
file->areas[i].flags |= AREA_REACHABLE_WALK;
if ( file->GetSettings().allowFlyReachabilities ) {
file->areas[i].flags |= AREA_REACHABLE_FLY;
common->Printf( "%6d reachable areas\n", numReachableAreas );
bool idAASReach::Build( const idMapFile *mapFile, idAASFileLocal *file ) {
int i, j, lastPercent, percent;
this->mapFile = mapFile;
this->file = file;
numReachabilities = 0;
common->Printf( "[Reachability]\n" );
// delete all existing reachabilities
FlagReachableAreas( file );
for ( i = 1; i < file->areas.Num(); i++ ) {
if ( !( file->areas[i].flags & AREA_REACHABLE_WALK ) ) {
if ( file->GetSettings().allowSwimReachabilities ) {
Reachability_Swim( i );
Reachability_EqualFloorHeight( i );
lastPercent = -1;
for ( i = 1; i < file->areas.Num(); i++ ) {
if ( !( file->areas[i].flags & AREA_REACHABLE_WALK ) ) {
for ( j = 0; j < file->areas.Num(); j++ ) {
if ( i == j ) {
if ( !( file->areas[j].flags & AREA_REACHABLE_WALK ) ) {
if ( ReachabilityExists( i, j ) ) {
if ( Reachability_Step_Barrier_WaterJump_WalkOffLedge( i, j ) ) {
//Reachability_WalkOffLedge( i );
percent = 100 * i / file->areas.Num();
if ( percent > lastPercent ) {
common->Printf( "\r%6d%%", percent );
lastPercent = percent;
if ( file->GetSettings().allowFlyReachabilities ) {
for ( i = 1; i < file->areas.Num(); i++ ) {
Reachability_Fly( i );
common->Printf( "\r%6d reachabilities\n", numReachabilities );
return true;