mirror of
synced 2025-03-02 23:52:03 +00:00
Don't include the lazy precompiled.h everywhere, only what's required for the compilation unit. platform.h needs to be included instead to provide all essential defines and types. All includes use the relative path to the neo or the game specific root. Move all idlib related includes from idlib/Lib.h to precompiled.h. precompiled.h still exists for the MFC stuff in tools/. Add some missing header guards.
961 lines
25 KiB
961 lines
25 KiB
Doom 3 GPL Source Code
Copyright (C) 1999-2011 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company.
This file is part of the Doom 3 GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 Source Code").
Doom 3 Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Doom 3 Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Doom 3 Source Code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
In addition, the Doom 3 Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below.
If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA.
#include "sys/platform.h"
#include "framework/Session.h"
#include "renderer/tr_local.h"
#include "renderer/Model_local.h"
static const char *MD5_SnapshotName = "_MD5_Snapshot_";
static int c_numVerts = 0;
static int c_numWeights = 0;
static int c_numWeightJoints = 0;
typedef struct vertexWeight_s {
int vert;
int joint;
idVec3 offset;
float jointWeight;
} vertexWeight_t;
idMD5Mesh::idMD5Mesh() {
scaledWeights = NULL;
weightIndex = NULL;
shader = NULL;
numTris = 0;
deformInfo = NULL;
surfaceNum = 0;
idMD5Mesh::~idMD5Mesh() {
Mem_Free16( scaledWeights );
Mem_Free16( weightIndex );
if ( deformInfo ) {
R_FreeDeformInfo( deformInfo );
deformInfo = NULL;
void idMD5Mesh::ParseMesh( idLexer &parser, int numJoints, const idJointMat *joints ) {
idToken token;
idToken name;
int num;
int count;
int jointnum;
idStr shaderName;
int i, j;
idList<int> tris;
idList<int> firstWeightForVertex;
idList<int> numWeightsForVertex;
int maxweight;
idList<vertexWeight_t> tempWeights;
parser.ExpectTokenString( "{" );
// parse name
if ( parser.CheckTokenString( "name" ) ) {
parser.ReadToken( &name );
// parse shader
parser.ExpectTokenString( "shader" );
parser.ReadToken( &token );
shaderName = token;
shader = declManager->FindMaterial( shaderName );
// parse texture coordinates
parser.ExpectTokenString( "numverts" );
count = parser.ParseInt();
if ( count < 0 ) {
parser.Error( "Invalid size: %s", token.c_str() );
texCoords.SetNum( count );
firstWeightForVertex.SetNum( count );
numWeightsForVertex.SetNum( count );
numWeights = 0;
maxweight = 0;
for( i = 0; i < texCoords.Num(); i++ ) {
parser.ExpectTokenString( "vert" );
parser.Parse1DMatrix( 2, texCoords[ i ].ToFloatPtr() );
firstWeightForVertex[ i ] = parser.ParseInt();
numWeightsForVertex[ i ] = parser.ParseInt();
if ( !numWeightsForVertex[ i ] ) {
parser.Error( "Vertex without any joint weights." );
numWeights += numWeightsForVertex[ i ];
if ( numWeightsForVertex[ i ] + firstWeightForVertex[ i ] > maxweight ) {
maxweight = numWeightsForVertex[ i ] + firstWeightForVertex[ i ];
// parse tris
parser.ExpectTokenString( "numtris" );
count = parser.ParseInt();
if ( count < 0 ) {
parser.Error( "Invalid size: %d", count );
tris.SetNum( count * 3 );
numTris = count;
for( i = 0; i < count; i++ ) {
parser.ExpectTokenString( "tri" );
tris[ i * 3 + 0 ] = parser.ParseInt();
tris[ i * 3 + 1 ] = parser.ParseInt();
tris[ i * 3 + 2 ] = parser.ParseInt();
// parse weights
parser.ExpectTokenString( "numweights" );
count = parser.ParseInt();
if ( count < 0 ) {
parser.Error( "Invalid size: %d", count );
if ( maxweight > count ) {
parser.Warning( "Vertices reference out of range weights in model (%d of %d weights).", maxweight, count );
tempWeights.SetNum( count );
for( i = 0; i < count; i++ ) {
parser.ExpectTokenString( "weight" );
jointnum = parser.ParseInt();
if ( ( jointnum < 0 ) || ( jointnum >= numJoints ) ) {
parser.Error( "Joint Index out of range(%d): %d", numJoints, jointnum );
tempWeights[ i ].joint = jointnum;
tempWeights[ i ].jointWeight = parser.ParseFloat();
parser.Parse1DMatrix( 3, tempWeights[ i ].offset.ToFloatPtr() );
// create pre-scaled weights and an index for the vertex/joint lookup
scaledWeights = (idVec4 *) Mem_Alloc16( numWeights * sizeof( scaledWeights[0] ) );
weightIndex = (int *) Mem_Alloc16( numWeights * 2 * sizeof( weightIndex[0] ) );
memset( weightIndex, 0, numWeights * 2 * sizeof( weightIndex[0] ) );
count = 0;
for( i = 0; i < texCoords.Num(); i++ ) {
num = firstWeightForVertex[i];
for( j = 0; j < numWeightsForVertex[i]; j++, num++, count++ ) {
scaledWeights[count].ToVec3() = tempWeights[num].offset * tempWeights[num].jointWeight;
scaledWeights[count].w = tempWeights[num].jointWeight;
weightIndex[count * 2 + 0] = tempWeights[num].joint * sizeof( idJointMat );
weightIndex[count * 2 - 1] = 1;
parser.ExpectTokenString( "}" );
// update counters
c_numVerts += texCoords.Num();
c_numWeights += numWeights;
for ( i = 0; i < numWeights; i++ ) {
c_numWeightJoints += weightIndex[i*2+1];
// build the information that will be common to all animations of this mesh:
// silhouette edge connectivity and normal / tangent generation information
idDrawVert *verts = (idDrawVert *) _alloca16( texCoords.Num() * sizeof( idDrawVert ) );
for ( i = 0; i < texCoords.Num(); i++ ) {
verts[i].st = texCoords[i];
TransformVerts( verts, joints );
deformInfo = R_BuildDeformInfo( texCoords.Num(), verts, tris.Num(), tris.Ptr(), shader->UseUnsmoothedTangents() );
void idMD5Mesh::TransformVerts( idDrawVert *verts, const idJointMat *entJoints ) {
SIMDProcessor->TransformVerts( verts, texCoords.Num(), entJoints, scaledWeights, weightIndex, numWeights );
Special transform to make the mesh seem fat or skinny. May be used for zombie deaths
void idMD5Mesh::TransformScaledVerts( idDrawVert *verts, const idJointMat *entJoints, float scale ) {
idVec4 *scaledWeights = (idVec4 *) _alloca16( numWeights * sizeof( scaledWeights[0] ) );
SIMDProcessor->Mul( scaledWeights[0].ToFloatPtr(), scale, scaledWeights[0].ToFloatPtr(), numWeights * 4 );
SIMDProcessor->TransformVerts( verts, texCoords.Num(), entJoints, scaledWeights, weightIndex, numWeights );
void idMD5Mesh::UpdateSurface( const struct renderEntity_s *ent, const idJointMat *entJoints, modelSurface_t *surf ) {
int i, base;
srfTriangles_t *tri;
tr.pc.c_deformedVerts += deformInfo->numOutputVerts;
tr.pc.c_deformedIndexes += deformInfo->numIndexes;
surf->shader = shader;
if ( surf->geometry ) {
// if the number of verts and indexes are the same we can re-use the triangle surface
// the number of indexes must be the same to assure the correct amount of memory is allocated for the facePlanes
if ( surf->geometry->numVerts == deformInfo->numOutputVerts && surf->geometry->numIndexes == deformInfo->numIndexes ) {
R_FreeStaticTriSurfVertexCaches( surf->geometry );
} else {
R_FreeStaticTriSurf( surf->geometry );
surf->geometry = R_AllocStaticTriSurf();
} else {
surf->geometry = R_AllocStaticTriSurf();
tri = surf->geometry;
// note that some of the data is references, and should not be freed
tri->deformedSurface = true;
tri->tangentsCalculated = false;
tri->facePlanesCalculated = false;
tri->numIndexes = deformInfo->numIndexes;
tri->indexes = deformInfo->indexes;
tri->silIndexes = deformInfo->silIndexes;
tri->numMirroredVerts = deformInfo->numMirroredVerts;
tri->mirroredVerts = deformInfo->mirroredVerts;
tri->numDupVerts = deformInfo->numDupVerts;
tri->dupVerts = deformInfo->dupVerts;
tri->numSilEdges = deformInfo->numSilEdges;
tri->silEdges = deformInfo->silEdges;
tri->dominantTris = deformInfo->dominantTris;
tri->numVerts = deformInfo->numOutputVerts;
if ( tri->verts == NULL ) {
R_AllocStaticTriSurfVerts( tri, tri->numVerts );
for ( i = 0; i < deformInfo->numSourceVerts; i++ ) {
tri->verts[i].st = texCoords[i];
if ( ent->shaderParms[ SHADERPARM_MD5_SKINSCALE ] != 0.0f ) {
TransformScaledVerts( tri->verts, entJoints, ent->shaderParms[ SHADERPARM_MD5_SKINSCALE ] );
} else {
TransformVerts( tri->verts, entJoints );
// replicate the mirror seam vertexes
base = deformInfo->numOutputVerts - deformInfo->numMirroredVerts;
for ( i = 0; i < deformInfo->numMirroredVerts; i++ ) {
tri->verts[base + i] = tri->verts[deformInfo->mirroredVerts[i]];
R_BoundTriSurf( tri );
// If a surface is going to be have a lighting interaction generated, it will also have to call
// R_DeriveTangents() to get normals, tangents, and face planes. If it only
// needs shadows generated, it will only have to generate face planes. If it only
// has ambient drawing, or is culled, no additional work will be necessary
if ( !r_useDeferredTangents.GetBool() ) {
// set face planes, vertex normals, tangents
R_DeriveTangents( tri );
idBounds idMD5Mesh::CalcBounds( const idJointMat *entJoints ) {
idBounds bounds;
idDrawVert *verts = (idDrawVert *) _alloca16( texCoords.Num() * sizeof( idDrawVert ) );
TransformVerts( verts, entJoints );
SIMDProcessor->MinMax( bounds[0], bounds[1], verts, texCoords.Num() );
return bounds;
int idMD5Mesh::NearestJoint( int a, int b, int c ) const {
int i, bestJoint, vertNum, weightVertNum;
float bestWeight;
// duplicated vertices might not have weights
if ( a >= 0 && a < texCoords.Num() ) {
vertNum = a;
} else if ( b >= 0 && b < texCoords.Num() ) {
vertNum = b;
} else if ( c >= 0 && c < texCoords.Num() ) {
vertNum = c;
} else {
// all vertices are duplicates which shouldn't happen
return 0;
// find the first weight for this vertex
weightVertNum = 0;
for( i = 0; weightVertNum < vertNum; i++ ) {
weightVertNum += weightIndex[i*2+1];
// get the joint for the largest weight
bestWeight = scaledWeights[i].w;
bestJoint = weightIndex[i*2+0] / sizeof( idJointMat );
for( ; weightIndex[i*2+1] == 0; i++ ) {
if ( scaledWeights[i].w > bestWeight ) {
bestWeight = scaledWeights[i].w;
bestJoint = weightIndex[i*2+0] / sizeof( idJointMat );
return bestJoint;
int idMD5Mesh::NumVerts( void ) const {
return texCoords.Num();
int idMD5Mesh::NumTris( void ) const {
return numTris;
int idMD5Mesh::NumWeights( void ) const {
return numWeights;
void idRenderModelMD5::ParseJoint( idLexer &parser, idMD5Joint *joint, idJointQuat *defaultPose ) {
idToken token;
int num;
// parse name
parser.ReadToken( &token );
joint->name = token;
// parse parent
num = parser.ParseInt();
if ( num < 0 ) {
joint->parent = NULL;
} else {
if ( num >= joints.Num() - 1 ) {
parser.Error( "Invalid parent for joint '%s'", joint->name.c_str() );
joint->parent = &joints[ num ];
// parse default pose
parser.Parse1DMatrix( 3, defaultPose->t.ToFloatPtr() );
parser.Parse1DMatrix( 3, defaultPose->q.ToFloatPtr() );
defaultPose->q.w = defaultPose->q.CalcW();
void idRenderModelMD5::InitFromFile( const char *fileName ) {
name = fileName;
used for initial loads, reloadModel, and reloading the data of purged models
Upon exit, the model will absolutely be valid, but possibly as a default model
void idRenderModelMD5::LoadModel() {
int version;
int i;
int num;
int parentNum;
idToken token;
idJointQuat *pose;
idMD5Joint *joint;
idJointMat *poseMat3;
if ( !purged ) {
purged = false;
if ( !parser.LoadFile( name ) ) {
parser.ExpectTokenString( MD5_VERSION_STRING );
version = parser.ParseInt();
if ( version != MD5_VERSION ) {
parser.Error( "Invalid version %d. Should be version %d\n", version, MD5_VERSION );
// skip commandline
parser.ExpectTokenString( "commandline" );
parser.ReadToken( &token );
// parse num joints
parser.ExpectTokenString( "numJoints" );
num = parser.ParseInt();
joints.SetGranularity( 1 );
joints.SetNum( num );
defaultPose.SetGranularity( 1 );
defaultPose.SetNum( num );
poseMat3 = ( idJointMat * )_alloca16( num * sizeof( *poseMat3 ) );
// parse num meshes
parser.ExpectTokenString( "numMeshes" );
num = parser.ParseInt();
if ( num < 0 ) {
parser.Error( "Invalid size: %d", num );
meshes.SetGranularity( 1 );
meshes.SetNum( num );
// parse joints
parser.ExpectTokenString( "joints" );
parser.ExpectTokenString( "{" );
pose = defaultPose.Ptr();
joint = joints.Ptr();
for( i = 0; i < joints.Num(); i++, joint++, pose++ ) {
ParseJoint( parser, joint, pose );
poseMat3[ i ].SetRotation( pose->q.ToMat3() );
poseMat3[ i ].SetTranslation( pose->t );
if ( joint->parent ) {
parentNum = joint->parent - joints.Ptr();
pose->q = ( poseMat3[ i ].ToMat3() * poseMat3[ parentNum ].ToMat3().Transpose() ).ToQuat();
pose->t = ( poseMat3[ i ].ToVec3() - poseMat3[ parentNum ].ToVec3() ) * poseMat3[ parentNum ].ToMat3().Transpose();
parser.ExpectTokenString( "}" );
for( i = 0; i < meshes.Num(); i++ ) {
parser.ExpectTokenString( "mesh" );
meshes[ i ].ParseMesh( parser, defaultPose.Num(), poseMat3 );
// calculate the bounds of the model
CalculateBounds( poseMat3 );
// set the timestamp for reloadmodels
fileSystem->ReadFile( name, NULL, &timeStamp );
void idRenderModelMD5::Print() const {
const idMD5Mesh *mesh;
int i;
common->Printf( "%s\n", name.c_str() );
common->Printf( "Dynamic model.\n" );
common->Printf( "Generated smooth normals.\n" );
common->Printf( " verts tris weights material\n" );
int totalVerts = 0;
int totalTris = 0;
int totalWeights = 0;
for( mesh = meshes.Ptr(), i = 0; i < meshes.Num(); i++, mesh++ ) {
totalVerts += mesh->NumVerts();
totalTris += mesh->NumTris();
totalWeights += mesh->NumWeights();
common->Printf( "%2i: %5i %5i %7i %s\n", i, mesh->NumVerts(), mesh->NumTris(), mesh->NumWeights(), mesh->shader->GetName() );
common->Printf( "-----\n" );
common->Printf( "%4i verts.\n", totalVerts );
common->Printf( "%4i tris.\n", totalTris );
common->Printf( "%4i weights.\n", totalWeights );
common->Printf( "%4i joints.\n", joints.Num() );
void idRenderModelMD5::List() const {
int i;
const idMD5Mesh *mesh;
int totalTris = 0;
int totalVerts = 0;
for( mesh = meshes.Ptr(), i = 0; i < meshes.Num(); i++, mesh++ ) {
totalTris += mesh->numTris;
totalVerts += mesh->NumVerts();
common->Printf( " %4ik %3i %4i %4i %s(MD5)", Memory()/1024, meshes.Num(), totalVerts, totalTris, Name() );
if ( defaulted ) {
common->Printf( " (DEFAULTED)" );
common->Printf( "\n" );
void idRenderModelMD5::CalculateBounds( const idJointMat *entJoints ) {
int i;
idMD5Mesh *mesh;
for( mesh = meshes.Ptr(), i = 0; i < meshes.Num(); i++, mesh++ ) {
bounds.AddBounds( mesh->CalcBounds( entJoints ) );
This calculates a rough bounds by using the joint radii without
transforming all the points
idBounds idRenderModelMD5::Bounds( const renderEntity_t *ent ) const {
#if 0
// we can't calculate a rational bounds without an entity,
// because joints could be positioned to deform it into an
// arbitrarily large shape
if ( !ent ) {
common->Error( "idRenderModelMD5::Bounds: called without entity" );
if ( !ent ) {
// this is the bounds for the reference pose
return bounds;
return ent->bounds;
void idRenderModelMD5::DrawJoints( const renderEntity_t *ent, const struct viewDef_s *view ) const {
int i;
int num;
idVec3 pos;
const idJointMat *joint;
const idMD5Joint *md5Joint;
int parentNum;
num = ent->numJoints;
joint = ent->joints;
md5Joint = joints.Ptr();
for( i = 0; i < num; i++, joint++, md5Joint++ ) {
pos = ent->origin + joint->ToVec3() * ent->axis;
if ( md5Joint->parent ) {
parentNum = md5Joint->parent - joints.Ptr();
session->rw->DebugLine( colorWhite, ent->origin + ent->joints[ parentNum ].ToVec3() * ent->axis, pos );
session->rw->DebugLine( colorRed, pos, pos + joint->ToMat3()[ 0 ] * 2.0f * ent->axis );
session->rw->DebugLine( colorGreen, pos, pos + joint->ToMat3()[ 1 ] * 2.0f * ent->axis );
session->rw->DebugLine( colorBlue, pos, pos + joint->ToMat3()[ 2 ] * 2.0f * ent->axis );
idBounds bounds;
bounds.FromTransformedBounds( ent->bounds, vec3_zero, ent->axis );
session->rw->DebugBounds( colorMagenta, bounds, ent->origin );
if ( ( r_jointNameScale.GetFloat() != 0.0f ) && ( bounds.Expand( 128.0f ).ContainsPoint( view->renderView.vieworg - ent->origin ) ) ) {
idVec3 offset( 0, 0, r_jointNameOffset.GetFloat() );
float scale;
scale = r_jointNameScale.GetFloat();
joint = ent->joints;
num = ent->numJoints;
for( i = 0; i < num; i++, joint++ ) {
pos = ent->origin + joint->ToVec3() * ent->axis;
session->rw->DrawText( joints[ i ].name, pos + offset, scale, colorWhite, view->renderView.viewaxis, 1 );
idRenderModel *idRenderModelMD5::InstantiateDynamicModel( const struct renderEntity_s *ent, const struct viewDef_s *view, idRenderModel *cachedModel ) {
int i, surfaceNum;
idMD5Mesh *mesh;
idRenderModelStatic *staticModel;
if ( cachedModel && !r_useCachedDynamicModels.GetBool() ) {
delete cachedModel;
cachedModel = NULL;
if ( purged ) {
common->DWarning( "model %s instantiated while purged", Name() );
if ( !ent->joints ) {
common->Printf( "idRenderModelMD5::InstantiateDynamicModel: NULL joints on renderEntity for '%s'\n", Name() );
delete cachedModel;
return NULL;
} else if ( ent->numJoints != joints.Num() ) {
common->Printf( "idRenderModelMD5::InstantiateDynamicModel: renderEntity has different number of joints than model for '%s'\n", Name() );
delete cachedModel;
return NULL;
if ( cachedModel ) {
assert( dynamic_cast<idRenderModelStatic *>(cachedModel) != NULL );
assert( idStr::Icmp( cachedModel->Name(), MD5_SnapshotName ) == 0 );
staticModel = static_cast<idRenderModelStatic *>(cachedModel);
} else {
staticModel = new idRenderModelStatic;
staticModel->InitEmpty( MD5_SnapshotName );
if ( r_showSkel.GetInteger() ) {
if ( ( view != NULL ) && ( !r_skipSuppress.GetBool() || !ent->suppressSurfaceInViewID || ( ent->suppressSurfaceInViewID != view->renderView.viewID ) ) ) {
// only draw the skeleton
DrawJoints( ent, view );
if ( r_showSkel.GetInteger() > 1 ) {
// turn off the model when showing the skeleton
staticModel->InitEmpty( MD5_SnapshotName );
return staticModel;
// create all the surfaces
for( mesh = meshes.Ptr(), i = 0; i < meshes.Num(); i++, mesh++ ) {
// avoid deforming the surface if it will be a nodraw due to a skin remapping
// FIXME: may have to still deform clipping hulls
const idMaterial *shader = mesh->shader;
shader = R_RemapShaderBySkin( shader, ent->customSkin, ent->customShader );
if ( !shader || ( !shader->IsDrawn() && !shader->SurfaceCastsShadow() ) ) {
staticModel->DeleteSurfaceWithId( i );
mesh->surfaceNum = -1;
modelSurface_t *surf;
if ( staticModel->FindSurfaceWithId( i, surfaceNum ) ) {
mesh->surfaceNum = surfaceNum;
surf = &staticModel->surfaces[surfaceNum];
} else {
// Remove Overlays before adding new surfaces
idRenderModelOverlay::RemoveOverlaySurfacesFromModel( staticModel );
mesh->surfaceNum = staticModel->NumSurfaces();
surf = &staticModel->surfaces.Alloc();
surf->geometry = NULL;
surf->shader = NULL;
surf->id = i;
mesh->UpdateSurface( ent, ent->joints, surf );
staticModel->bounds.AddPoint( surf->geometry->bounds[0] );
staticModel->bounds.AddPoint( surf->geometry->bounds[1] );
return staticModel;
dynamicModel_t idRenderModelMD5::IsDynamicModel() const {
return DM_CACHED;
int idRenderModelMD5::NumJoints( void ) const {
return joints.Num();
const idMD5Joint *idRenderModelMD5::GetJoints( void ) const {
return joints.Ptr();
const idJointQuat *idRenderModelMD5::GetDefaultPose( void ) const {
return defaultPose.Ptr();
jointHandle_t idRenderModelMD5::GetJointHandle( const char *name ) const {
const idMD5Joint *joint;
int i;
joint = joints.Ptr();
for( i = 0; i < joints.Num(); i++, joint++ ) {
if ( idStr::Icmp( joint->name.c_str(), name ) == 0 ) {
return ( jointHandle_t )i;
const char *idRenderModelMD5::GetJointName( jointHandle_t handle ) const {
if ( ( handle < 0 ) || ( handle >= joints.Num() ) ) {
return "<invalid joint>";
return joints[ handle ].name;
int idRenderModelMD5::NearestJoint( int surfaceNum, int a, int b, int c ) const {
int i;
const idMD5Mesh *mesh;
if ( surfaceNum > meshes.Num() ) {
common->Error( "idRenderModelMD5::NearestJoint: surfaceNum > meshes.Num()" );
for ( mesh = meshes.Ptr(), i = 0; i < meshes.Num(); i++, mesh++ ) {
if ( mesh->surfaceNum == surfaceNum ) {
return mesh->NearestJoint( a, b, c );
return 0;
models that are already loaded at level start time
will still touch their materials to make sure they
are kept loaded
void idRenderModelMD5::TouchData() {
idMD5Mesh *mesh;
int i;
for( mesh = meshes.Ptr(), i = 0; i < meshes.Num(); i++, mesh++ ) {
declManager->FindMaterial( mesh->shader->GetName() );
frees all the data, but leaves the class around for dangling references,
which can regenerate the data with LoadModel()
void idRenderModelMD5::PurgeModel() {
purged = true;
int idRenderModelMD5::Memory() const {
int total, i;
total = sizeof( *this );
total += joints.MemoryUsed() + defaultPose.MemoryUsed() + meshes.MemoryUsed();
// count up strings
for ( i = 0; i < joints.Num(); i++ ) {
total += joints[i].name.DynamicMemoryUsed();
// count up meshes
for ( i = 0 ; i < meshes.Num() ; i++ ) {
const idMD5Mesh *mesh = &meshes[i];
total += mesh->texCoords.MemoryUsed() + mesh->numWeights * ( sizeof( mesh->scaledWeights[0] ) + sizeof( mesh->weightIndex[0] ) * 2 );
// sum up deform info
total += sizeof( mesh->deformInfo );
total += R_DeformInfoMemoryUsed( mesh->deformInfo );
return total;