mirror of
synced 2025-03-15 15:31:22 +00:00
Bug introduced with e97d3288
. This doesn't work with MinGW, since
the struct members might not be aligned to the native pointer
size (in this case idSampleDecoderLocal was aligned to a 8 byte
boundary on win32).
Just switch the two members to avoid ugly code.
891 lines
26 KiB
891 lines
26 KiB
Doom 3 GPL Source Code
Copyright (C) 1999-2011 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company.
This file is part of the Doom 3 GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 Source Code").
Doom 3 Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Doom 3 Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Doom 3 Source Code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
In addition, the Doom 3 Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below.
If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA.
#ifndef __HEAP_H__
#define __HEAP_H__
#include "idlib/Lib.h"
#include "sys/sys_public.h"
Memory Management
This is a replacement for the compiler heap code (i.e. "C" malloc() and
free() calls). On average 2.5-3.0 times faster than MSVC malloc()/free().
Worst case performance is 1.65 times faster and best case > 70 times.
typedef struct {
int num;
int minSize;
int maxSize;
int totalSize;
} memoryStats_t;
void Mem_Init( void );
void Mem_Shutdown( void );
void Mem_EnableLeakTest( const char *name );
void Mem_ClearFrameStats( void );
void Mem_GetFrameStats( memoryStats_t &allocs, memoryStats_t &frees );
void Mem_GetStats( memoryStats_t &stats );
void Mem_Dump_f( const class idCmdArgs &args );
void Mem_DumpCompressed_f( const class idCmdArgs &args );
void Mem_AllocDefragBlock( void );
void * Mem_Alloc( const int size );
void * Mem_ClearedAlloc( const int size );
void Mem_Free( void *ptr );
char * Mem_CopyString( const char *in );
void * Mem_Alloc16( const int size );
void Mem_Free16( void *ptr );
__inline void *operator new( size_t s ) {
return Mem_Alloc( s );
__inline void operator delete( void *p ) {
Mem_Free( p );
__inline void *operator new[]( size_t s ) {
return Mem_Alloc( s );
__inline void operator delete[]( void *p ) {
Mem_Free( p );
#else /* ID_DEBUG_MEMORY */
void * Mem_Alloc( const int size, const char *fileName, const int lineNumber );
void * Mem_ClearedAlloc( const int size, const char *fileName, const int lineNumber );
void Mem_Free( void *ptr, const char *fileName, const int lineNumber );
char * Mem_CopyString( const char *in, const char *fileName, const int lineNumber );
void * Mem_Alloc16( const int size, const char *fileName, const int lineNumber );
void Mem_Free16( void *ptr, const char *fileName, const int lineNumber );
__inline void *operator new( size_t s, int t1, int t2, char *fileName, int lineNumber ) {
return Mem_Alloc( s, fileName, lineNumber );
__inline void operator delete( void *p, int t1, int t2, char *fileName, int lineNumber ) {
Mem_Free( p, fileName, lineNumber );
__inline void *operator new[]( size_t s, int t1, int t2, char *fileName, int lineNumber ) {
return Mem_Alloc( s, fileName, lineNumber );
__inline void operator delete[]( void *p, int t1, int t2, char *fileName, int lineNumber ) {
Mem_Free( p, fileName, lineNumber );
__inline void *operator new( size_t s ) {
return Mem_Alloc( s, "", 0 );
__inline void operator delete( void *p ) {
Mem_Free( p, "", 0 );
__inline void *operator new[]( size_t s ) {
return Mem_Alloc( s, "", 0 );
__inline void operator delete[]( void *p ) {
Mem_Free( p, "", 0 );
#define ID_DEBUG_NEW new( 0, 0, __FILE__, __LINE__ )
#undef new
#define new ID_DEBUG_NEW
#define Mem_Alloc( size ) Mem_Alloc( size, __FILE__, __LINE__ )
#define Mem_ClearedAlloc( size ) Mem_ClearedAlloc( size, __FILE__, __LINE__ )
#define Mem_Free( ptr ) Mem_Free( ptr, __FILE__, __LINE__ )
#define Mem_CopyString( s ) Mem_CopyString( s, __FILE__, __LINE__ )
#define Mem_Alloc16( size ) Mem_Alloc16( size, __FILE__, __LINE__ )
#define Mem_Free16( ptr ) Mem_Free16( ptr, __FILE__, __LINE__ )
#endif /* ID_DEBUG_MEMORY */
Block based allocator for fixed size objects.
All objects of the 'type' are properly constructed.
However, the constructor is not called for re-used objects.
template<class type, int blockSize>
class idBlockAlloc {
idBlockAlloc( void );
~idBlockAlloc( void );
void Shutdown( void );
type * Alloc( void );
void Free( type *element );
int GetTotalCount( void ) const { return total; }
int GetAllocCount( void ) const { return active; }
int GetFreeCount( void ) const { return total - active; }
typedef struct element_s {
type t;
struct element_s * next;
} element_t;
typedef struct block_s {
element_t elements[blockSize];
struct block_s * next;
} block_t;
block_t * blocks;
element_t * free;
int total;
int active;
template<class type, int blockSize>
idBlockAlloc<type,blockSize>::idBlockAlloc( void ) {
blocks = NULL;
free = NULL;
total = active = 0;
template<class type, int blockSize>
idBlockAlloc<type,blockSize>::~idBlockAlloc( void ) {
template<class type, int blockSize>
type *idBlockAlloc<type,blockSize>::Alloc( void ) {
if ( !free ) {
block_t *block = new block_t;
block->next = blocks;
blocks = block;
for ( int i = 0; i < blockSize; i++ ) {
block->elements[i].next = free;
free = &block->elements[i];
total += blockSize;
element_t *element = free;
free = free->next;
element->next = NULL;
return &element->t;
template<class type, int blockSize>
void idBlockAlloc<type,blockSize>::Free( type *t ) {
element_t *element = (element_t *)t;
element->next = free;
free = element;
template<class type, int blockSize>
void idBlockAlloc<type,blockSize>::Shutdown( void ) {
while( blocks ) {
block_t *block = blocks;
blocks = blocks->next;
delete block;
blocks = NULL;
free = NULL;
total = active = 0;
Dynamic allocator, simple wrapper for normal allocations which can
be interchanged with idDynamicBlockAlloc.
No constructor is called for the 'type'.
Allocated blocks are always 16 byte aligned.
template<class type, int baseBlockSize, int minBlockSize>
class idDynamicAlloc {
idDynamicAlloc( void );
~idDynamicAlloc( void );
void Init( void );
void Shutdown( void );
void SetFixedBlocks( int numBlocks ) {}
void SetLockMemory( bool lock ) {}
void FreeEmptyBaseBlocks( void ) {}
type * Alloc( const int num );
type * Resize( type *ptr, const int num );
void Free( type *ptr );
const char * CheckMemory( const type *ptr ) const;
int GetNumBaseBlocks( void ) const { return 0; }
int GetBaseBlockMemory( void ) const { return 0; }
int GetNumUsedBlocks( void ) const { return numUsedBlocks; }
int GetUsedBlockMemory( void ) const { return usedBlockMemory; }
int GetNumFreeBlocks( void ) const { return 0; }
int GetFreeBlockMemory( void ) const { return 0; }
int GetNumEmptyBaseBlocks( void ) const { return 0; }
int numUsedBlocks; // number of used blocks
int usedBlockMemory; // total memory in used blocks
int numAllocs;
int numResizes;
int numFrees;
void Clear( void );
template<class type, int baseBlockSize, int minBlockSize>
idDynamicAlloc<type, baseBlockSize, minBlockSize>::idDynamicAlloc( void ) {
template<class type, int baseBlockSize, int minBlockSize>
idDynamicAlloc<type, baseBlockSize, minBlockSize>::~idDynamicAlloc( void ) {
template<class type, int baseBlockSize, int minBlockSize>
void idDynamicAlloc<type, baseBlockSize, minBlockSize>::Init( void ) {
template<class type, int baseBlockSize, int minBlockSize>
void idDynamicAlloc<type, baseBlockSize, minBlockSize>::Shutdown( void ) {
template<class type, int baseBlockSize, int minBlockSize>
type *idDynamicAlloc<type, baseBlockSize, minBlockSize>::Alloc( const int num ) {
if ( num <= 0 ) {
return NULL;
usedBlockMemory += num * sizeof( type );
return Mem_Alloc16( num * sizeof( type ) );
template<class type, int baseBlockSize, int minBlockSize>
type *idDynamicAlloc<type, baseBlockSize, minBlockSize>::Resize( type *ptr, const int num ) {
if ( ptr == NULL ) {
return Alloc( num );
if ( num <= 0 ) {
Free( ptr );
return NULL;
assert( 0 );
return ptr;
template<class type, int baseBlockSize, int minBlockSize>
void idDynamicAlloc<type, baseBlockSize, minBlockSize>::Free( type *ptr ) {
if ( ptr == NULL ) {
Mem_Free16( ptr );
template<class type, int baseBlockSize, int minBlockSize>
const char *idDynamicAlloc<type, baseBlockSize, minBlockSize>::CheckMemory( const type *ptr ) const {
return NULL;
template<class type, int baseBlockSize, int minBlockSize>
void idDynamicAlloc<type, baseBlockSize, minBlockSize>::Clear( void ) {
numUsedBlocks = 0;
usedBlockMemory = 0;
numAllocs = 0;
numResizes = 0;
numFrees = 0;
Fast dynamic block allocator.
No constructor is called for the 'type'.
Allocated blocks are always 16 byte aligned.
#include "containers/BTree.h"
template<class type>
class idDynamicBlock {
type * GetMemory( void ) const { return (type *)( ( (byte *) this ) + sizeof( idDynamicBlock<type> ) ); }
int GetSize( void ) const { return abs( size ); }
void SetSize( int s, bool isBaseBlock ) { size = isBaseBlock ? -s : s; }
bool IsBaseBlock( void ) const { return ( size < 0 ); }
int id[3];
void * allocator;
int size; // size in bytes of the block
idDynamicBlock<type> * prev; // previous memory block
idDynamicBlock<type> * next; // next memory block
idBTreeNode<idDynamicBlock<type>,int> *node; // node in the B-Tree with free blocks
template<class type, int baseBlockSize, int minBlockSize>
class idDynamicBlockAlloc {
idDynamicBlockAlloc( void );
~idDynamicBlockAlloc( void );
void Init( void );
void Shutdown( void );
void SetFixedBlocks( int numBlocks );
void SetLockMemory( bool lock );
void FreeEmptyBaseBlocks( void );
type * Alloc( const int num );
type * Resize( type *ptr, const int num );
void Free( type *ptr );
const char * CheckMemory( const type *ptr ) const;
int GetNumBaseBlocks( void ) const { return numBaseBlocks; }
int GetBaseBlockMemory( void ) const { return baseBlockMemory; }
int GetNumUsedBlocks( void ) const { return numUsedBlocks; }
int GetUsedBlockMemory( void ) const { return usedBlockMemory; }
int GetNumFreeBlocks( void ) const { return numFreeBlocks; }
int GetFreeBlockMemory( void ) const { return freeBlockMemory; }
int GetNumEmptyBaseBlocks( void ) const;
idDynamicBlock<type> * firstBlock; // first block in list in order of increasing address
idDynamicBlock<type> * lastBlock; // last block in list in order of increasing address
idBTree<idDynamicBlock<type>,int,4>freeTree; // B-Tree with free memory blocks
bool allowAllocs; // allow base block allocations
bool lockMemory; // lock memory so it cannot get swapped out
int blockId[3];
int numBaseBlocks; // number of base blocks
int baseBlockMemory; // total memory in base blocks
int numUsedBlocks; // number of used blocks
int usedBlockMemory; // total memory in used blocks
int numFreeBlocks; // number of free blocks
int freeBlockMemory; // total memory in free blocks
int numAllocs;
int numResizes;
int numFrees;
void Clear( void );
idDynamicBlock<type> * AllocInternal( const int num );
idDynamicBlock<type> * ResizeInternal( idDynamicBlock<type> *block, const int num );
void FreeInternal( idDynamicBlock<type> *block );
void LinkFreeInternal( idDynamicBlock<type> *block );
void UnlinkFreeInternal( idDynamicBlock<type> *block );
void CheckMemory( void ) const;
template<class type, int baseBlockSize, int minBlockSize>
idDynamicBlockAlloc<type, baseBlockSize, minBlockSize>::idDynamicBlockAlloc( void ) {
template<class type, int baseBlockSize, int minBlockSize>
idDynamicBlockAlloc<type, baseBlockSize, minBlockSize>::~idDynamicBlockAlloc( void ) {
template<class type, int baseBlockSize, int minBlockSize>
void idDynamicBlockAlloc<type, baseBlockSize, minBlockSize>::Init( void ) {
template<class type, int baseBlockSize, int minBlockSize>
void idDynamicBlockAlloc<type, baseBlockSize, minBlockSize>::Shutdown( void ) {
idDynamicBlock<type> *block;
for ( block = firstBlock; block != NULL; block = block->next ) {
if ( block->node == NULL ) {
FreeInternal( block );
for ( block = firstBlock; block != NULL; block = firstBlock ) {
firstBlock = block->next;
assert( block->IsBaseBlock() );
if ( lockMemory ) {
idLib::sys->UnlockMemory( block, block->GetSize() + (int)sizeof( idDynamicBlock<type> ) );
Mem_Free16( block );
template<class type, int baseBlockSize, int minBlockSize>
void idDynamicBlockAlloc<type, baseBlockSize, minBlockSize>::SetFixedBlocks( int numBlocks ) {
idDynamicBlock<type> *block;
for ( int i = numBaseBlocks; i < numBlocks; i++ ) {
block = ( idDynamicBlock<type> * ) Mem_Alloc16( baseBlockSize );
if ( lockMemory ) {
idLib::sys->LockMemory( block, baseBlockSize );
memcpy( block->id, blockId, sizeof( block->id ) );
block->allocator = (void*)this;
block->SetSize( baseBlockSize - (int)sizeof( idDynamicBlock<type> ), true );
block->next = NULL;
block->prev = lastBlock;
if ( lastBlock ) {
lastBlock->next = block;
} else {
firstBlock = block;
lastBlock = block;
block->node = NULL;
FreeInternal( block );
baseBlockMemory += baseBlockSize;
allowAllocs = false;
template<class type, int baseBlockSize, int minBlockSize>
void idDynamicBlockAlloc<type, baseBlockSize, minBlockSize>::SetLockMemory( bool lock ) {
lockMemory = lock;
template<class type, int baseBlockSize, int minBlockSize>
void idDynamicBlockAlloc<type, baseBlockSize, minBlockSize>::FreeEmptyBaseBlocks( void ) {
idDynamicBlock<type> *block, *next;
for ( block = firstBlock; block != NULL; block = next ) {
next = block->next;
if ( block->IsBaseBlock() && block->node != NULL && ( next == NULL || next->IsBaseBlock() ) ) {
UnlinkFreeInternal( block );
if ( block->prev ) {
block->prev->next = block->next;
} else {
firstBlock = block->next;
if ( block->next ) {
block->next->prev = block->prev;
} else {
lastBlock = block->prev;
if ( lockMemory ) {
idLib::sys->UnlockMemory( block, block->GetSize() + (int)sizeof( idDynamicBlock<type> ) );
baseBlockMemory -= block->GetSize() + (int)sizeof( idDynamicBlock<type> );
Mem_Free16( block );
template<class type, int baseBlockSize, int minBlockSize>
int idDynamicBlockAlloc<type, baseBlockSize, minBlockSize>::GetNumEmptyBaseBlocks( void ) const {
int numEmptyBaseBlocks;
idDynamicBlock<type> *block;
numEmptyBaseBlocks = 0;
for ( block = firstBlock; block != NULL; block = block->next ) {
if ( block->IsBaseBlock() && block->node != NULL && ( block->next == NULL || block->next->IsBaseBlock() ) ) {
return numEmptyBaseBlocks;
template<class type, int baseBlockSize, int minBlockSize>
type *idDynamicBlockAlloc<type, baseBlockSize, minBlockSize>::Alloc( const int num ) {
idDynamicBlock<type> *block;
if ( num <= 0 ) {
return NULL;
block = AllocInternal( num );
if ( block == NULL ) {
return NULL;
block = ResizeInternal( block, num );
if ( block == NULL ) {
return NULL;
usedBlockMemory += block->GetSize();
return block->GetMemory();
template<class type, int baseBlockSize, int minBlockSize>
type *idDynamicBlockAlloc<type, baseBlockSize, minBlockSize>::Resize( type *ptr, const int num ) {
if ( ptr == NULL ) {
return Alloc( num );
if ( num <= 0 ) {
Free( ptr );
return NULL;
idDynamicBlock<type> *block = ( idDynamicBlock<type> * ) ( ( (byte *) ptr ) - (int)sizeof( idDynamicBlock<type> ) );
usedBlockMemory -= block->GetSize();
block = ResizeInternal( block, num );
if ( block == NULL ) {
return NULL;
usedBlockMemory += block->GetSize();
return block->GetMemory();
template<class type, int baseBlockSize, int minBlockSize>
void idDynamicBlockAlloc<type, baseBlockSize, minBlockSize>::Free( type *ptr ) {
if ( ptr == NULL ) {
idDynamicBlock<type> *block = ( idDynamicBlock<type> * ) ( ( (byte *) ptr ) - (int)sizeof( idDynamicBlock<type> ) );
usedBlockMemory -= block->GetSize();
FreeInternal( block );
template<class type, int baseBlockSize, int minBlockSize>
const char *idDynamicBlockAlloc<type, baseBlockSize, minBlockSize>::CheckMemory( const type *ptr ) const {
idDynamicBlock<type> *block;
if ( ptr == NULL ) {
return NULL;
block = ( idDynamicBlock<type> * ) ( ( (byte *) ptr ) - (int)sizeof( idDynamicBlock<type> ) );
if ( block->node != NULL ) {
return "memory has been freed";
if ( block->id[0] != 0x11111111 || block->id[1] != 0x22222222 || block->id[2] != 0x33333333 ) {
return "memory has invalid id";
if ( block->allocator != (void*)this ) {
return "memory was allocated with different allocator";
/* base blocks can be larger than baseBlockSize which can cause this code to fail
idDynamicBlock<type> *base;
for ( base = firstBlock; base != NULL; base = base->next ) {
if ( base->IsBaseBlock() ) {
if ( ((int)block) >= ((int)base) && ((int)block) < ((int)base) + baseBlockSize ) {
if ( base == NULL ) {
return "no base block found for memory";
return NULL;
template<class type, int baseBlockSize, int minBlockSize>
void idDynamicBlockAlloc<type, baseBlockSize, minBlockSize>::Clear( void ) {
firstBlock = lastBlock = NULL;
allowAllocs = true;
lockMemory = false;
numBaseBlocks = 0;
baseBlockMemory = 0;
numUsedBlocks = 0;
usedBlockMemory = 0;
numFreeBlocks = 0;
freeBlockMemory = 0;
numAllocs = 0;
numResizes = 0;
numFrees = 0;
blockId[0] = 0x11111111;
blockId[1] = 0x22222222;
blockId[2] = 0x33333333;
template<class type, int baseBlockSize, int minBlockSize>
idDynamicBlock<type> *idDynamicBlockAlloc<type, baseBlockSize, minBlockSize>::AllocInternal( const int num ) {
idDynamicBlock<type> *block;
int alignedBytes = ( num * sizeof( type ) + 15 ) & ~15;
block = freeTree.FindSmallestLargerEqual( alignedBytes );
if ( block != NULL ) {
UnlinkFreeInternal( block );
} else if ( allowAllocs ) {
int allocSize = Max( baseBlockSize, alignedBytes + (int)sizeof( idDynamicBlock<type> ) );
block = ( idDynamicBlock<type> * ) Mem_Alloc16( allocSize );
if ( lockMemory ) {
idLib::sys->LockMemory( block, baseBlockSize );
memcpy( block->id, blockId, sizeof( block->id ) );
block->allocator = (void*)this;
block->SetSize( allocSize - (int)sizeof( idDynamicBlock<type> ), true );
block->next = NULL;
block->prev = lastBlock;
if ( lastBlock ) {
lastBlock->next = block;
} else {
firstBlock = block;
lastBlock = block;
block->node = NULL;
baseBlockMemory += allocSize;
return block;
template<class type, int baseBlockSize, int minBlockSize>
idDynamicBlock<type> *idDynamicBlockAlloc<type, baseBlockSize, minBlockSize>::ResizeInternal( idDynamicBlock<type> *block, const int num ) {
int alignedBytes = ( num * sizeof( type ) + 15 ) & ~15;
assert( block->id[0] == 0x11111111 && block->id[1] == 0x22222222 && block->id[2] == 0x33333333 && block->allocator == (void*)this );
// if the new size is larger
if ( alignedBytes > block->GetSize() ) {
idDynamicBlock<type> *nextBlock = block->next;
// try to annexate the next block if it's free
if ( nextBlock && !nextBlock->IsBaseBlock() && nextBlock->node != NULL &&
block->GetSize() + (int)sizeof( idDynamicBlock<type> ) + nextBlock->GetSize() >= alignedBytes ) {
UnlinkFreeInternal( nextBlock );
block->SetSize( block->GetSize() + (int)sizeof( idDynamicBlock<type> ) + nextBlock->GetSize(), block->IsBaseBlock() );
block->next = nextBlock->next;
if ( nextBlock->next ) {
nextBlock->next->prev = block;
} else {
lastBlock = block;
} else {
// allocate a new block and copy
idDynamicBlock<type> *oldBlock = block;
block = AllocInternal( num );
if ( block == NULL ) {
return NULL;
memcpy( block->GetMemory(), oldBlock->GetMemory(), oldBlock->GetSize() );
FreeInternal( oldBlock );
// if the unused space at the end of this block is large enough to hold a block with at least one element
if ( block->GetSize() - alignedBytes - (int)sizeof( idDynamicBlock<type> ) < Max( minBlockSize, (int)sizeof( type ) ) ) {
return block;
idDynamicBlock<type> *newBlock;
newBlock = ( idDynamicBlock<type> * ) ( ( (byte *) block ) + (int)sizeof( idDynamicBlock<type> ) + alignedBytes );
memcpy( newBlock->id, blockId, sizeof( newBlock->id ) );
newBlock->allocator = (void*)this;
newBlock->SetSize( block->GetSize() - alignedBytes - (int)sizeof( idDynamicBlock<type> ), false );
newBlock->next = block->next;
newBlock->prev = block;
if ( newBlock->next ) {
newBlock->next->prev = newBlock;
} else {
lastBlock = newBlock;
newBlock->node = NULL;
block->next = newBlock;
block->SetSize( alignedBytes, block->IsBaseBlock() );
FreeInternal( newBlock );
return block;
template<class type, int baseBlockSize, int minBlockSize>
void idDynamicBlockAlloc<type, baseBlockSize, minBlockSize>::FreeInternal( idDynamicBlock<type> *block ) {
assert( block->node == NULL );
assert( block->id[0] == 0x11111111 && block->id[1] == 0x22222222 && block->id[2] == 0x33333333 && block->allocator == (void*)this );
// try to merge with a next free block
idDynamicBlock<type> *nextBlock = block->next;
if ( nextBlock && !nextBlock->IsBaseBlock() && nextBlock->node != NULL ) {
UnlinkFreeInternal( nextBlock );
block->SetSize( block->GetSize() + (int)sizeof( idDynamicBlock<type> ) + nextBlock->GetSize(), block->IsBaseBlock() );
block->next = nextBlock->next;
if ( nextBlock->next ) {
nextBlock->next->prev = block;
} else {
lastBlock = block;
// try to merge with a previous free block
idDynamicBlock<type> *prevBlock = block->prev;
if ( prevBlock && !block->IsBaseBlock() && prevBlock->node != NULL ) {
UnlinkFreeInternal( prevBlock );
prevBlock->SetSize( prevBlock->GetSize() + (int)sizeof( idDynamicBlock<type> ) + block->GetSize(), prevBlock->IsBaseBlock() );
prevBlock->next = block->next;
if ( block->next ) {
block->next->prev = prevBlock;
} else {
lastBlock = prevBlock;
LinkFreeInternal( prevBlock );
} else {
LinkFreeInternal( block );
template<class type, int baseBlockSize, int minBlockSize>
ID_INLINE void idDynamicBlockAlloc<type, baseBlockSize, minBlockSize>::LinkFreeInternal( idDynamicBlock<type> *block ) {
block->node = freeTree.Add( block, block->GetSize() );
freeBlockMemory += block->GetSize();
template<class type, int baseBlockSize, int minBlockSize>
ID_INLINE void idDynamicBlockAlloc<type, baseBlockSize, minBlockSize>::UnlinkFreeInternal( idDynamicBlock<type> *block ) {
freeTree.Remove( block->node );
block->node = NULL;
freeBlockMemory -= block->GetSize();
template<class type, int baseBlockSize, int minBlockSize>
void idDynamicBlockAlloc<type, baseBlockSize, minBlockSize>::CheckMemory( void ) const {
idDynamicBlock<type> *block;
for ( block = firstBlock; block != NULL; block = block->next ) {
// make sure the block is properly linked
if ( block->prev == NULL ) {
assert( firstBlock == block );
} else {
assert( block->prev->next == block );
if ( block->next == NULL ) {
assert( lastBlock == block );
} else {
assert( block->next->prev == block );
#endif /* !__HEAP_H__ */