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synced 2025-03-03 08:01:36 +00:00
Let scons link directly in the build folder. Multiple archs can coexist next to each other. New scons variable "X86" to cross compile x86 binaries on x86_64.
186 lines
5.1 KiB
186 lines
5.1 KiB
# -*- mode: python -*-
import sys, os, string, time, commands, re, pickle, StringIO, popen2, commands, pdb, zipfile, tempfile
import SCons
# need an Environment and a matching buffered_spawn API .. encapsulate
class idBuffering:
silent = False
def buffered_spawn( self, sh, escape, cmd, args, env ):
stderr = StringIO.StringIO()
stdout = StringIO.StringIO()
command_string = ''
for i in args:
if ( len( command_string ) ):
command_string += ' '
command_string += i
retval = self.env['PSPAWN']( sh, escape, cmd, args, env, stdout, stderr )
except OSError, x:
if x.errno != 10:
raise x
print 'OSError ignored on command: %s' % command_string
retval = 0
print command_string
if ( retval != 0 or not self.silent ):
sys.stdout.write( stdout.getvalue() )
sys.stderr.write( stderr.getvalue() )
return retval
class idSetupBase:
def SimpleCommand( self, cmd ):
print cmd
ret = commands.getstatusoutput( cmd )
if ( len( ret[ 1 ] ) ):
sys.stdout.write( ret[ 1 ] )
sys.stdout.write( '\n' )
if ( ret[ 0 ] != 0 ):
raise 'command failed'
return ret[ 1 ]
def TrySimpleCommand( self, cmd ):
print cmd
ret = commands.getstatusoutput( cmd )
sys.stdout.write( ret[ 1 ] )
def M4Processing( self, file, d ):
file_out = file[:-3]
cmd = 'm4 '
for ( key, val ) in d.items():
cmd += '--define=%s="%s" ' % ( key, val )
cmd += '%s > %s' % ( file, file_out )
self.SimpleCommand( cmd )
def ExtractProtocolVersion( self ):
f = open( 'framework/Licensee.h' )
l = f.readlines()
major = 'X'
p = re.compile( '^#define ASYNC_PROTOCOL_MAJOR\t*(.*)' )
for i in l:
if ( p.match( i ) ):
major = p.match( i ).group(1)
f = open( 'framework/async/AsyncNetwork.h' )
l = f.readlines()
minor = 'X'
p = re.compile( '^const int ASYNC_PROTOCOL_MINOR\t*= (.*);' )
for i in l:
if ( p.match( i ) ):
minor = p.match( i ).group(1)
return '%s.%s' % ( major, minor )
def ExtractEngineVersion( self ):
f = open( 'framework/Licensee.h' )
l = f.readlines()
version = 'X'
p = re.compile( '^#define.*ENGINE_VERSION\t*"DOOM (.*)"' )
for i in l:
if ( p.match( i ) ):
version = p.match( i ).group(1)
return version
def ExtractBuildVersion( self ):
f = open( 'framework/BuildVersion.h' )
l = f.readlines()[ 4 ]
pat = re.compile( '.* = (.*);\n' )
return pat.split( l )[ 1 ]
def checkLDD( target, source, env ):
file = target[0]
if (not os.path.isfile(file.abspath)):
print('ERROR: CheckLDD: target %s not found\n' % target[0])
( status, output ) = commands.getstatusoutput( 'ldd -r %s' % file )
if ( status != 0 ):
print 'ERROR: ldd command returned with exit code %d' % ldd_ret
os.system( 'rm %s' % target[ 0 ] )
lines = string.split( output, '\n' )
have_undef = 0
for i_line in lines:
#print repr(i_line)
regex = re.compile('undefined symbol: (.*)\t\\((.*)\\)')
if ( regex.match(i_line) ):
symbol = regex.sub('\\1', i_line)
have_undef = 1
if ( have_undef ):
print output
print "ERROR: undefined symbols"
os.system('rm %s' % target[0])
def SharedLibrarySafe( env, target, source ):
ret = env.SharedLibrary( target, source, SHLIBPREFIX='' )
env.AddPostAction( ret, checkLDD )
return ret
def NotImplementedStub( *whatever ):
print 'Not Implemented'
sys.exit( 1 )
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
class idGamePaks( idSetupBase ):
def BuildGamePak( self, target = None, source = None, env = None ):
# NOTE: ew should have done with zipfile module
temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp( prefix = 'gamepak' )
self.SimpleCommand( 'cp %s %s' % ( source[0].abspath, os.path.join( temp_dir, 'gamex86.so' ) ) )
self.SimpleCommand( 'strip %s' % os.path.join( temp_dir, 'gamex86.so' ) )
self.SimpleCommand( 'echo 2 > %s' % ( os.path.join( temp_dir, 'binary.conf' ) ) )
self.SimpleCommand( 'cd %s ; zip %s gamex86.so binary.conf' % ( temp_dir, os.path.join( temp_dir, target[0].abspath ) ) )
self.SimpleCommand( 'rm -r %s' % temp_dir )
return None
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# get a clean error output when running multiple jobs
def SetupBufferedOutput( env, silent ):
buf = idBuffering()
buf.silent = silent
buf.env = env
env['SPAWN'] = buf.buffered_spawn
# setup utilities on an environement
def SetupUtils( env ):
gamepaks = idGamePaks()
env.BuildGamePak = gamepaks.BuildGamePak
env.SharedLibrarySafe = SharedLibrarySafe
import SDK
sdk = SDK.idSDK()
env.PreBuildSDK = sdk.PreBuildSDK
env.BuildSDK = sdk.BuildSDK
print 'SDK.py hookup failed'
env.PreBuildSDK = NotImplementedStub
env.BuildSDK = NotImplementedStub
import Setup
setup = Setup.idSetup()
env.BuildSetup = setup.BuildSetup
print 'Setup.py hookup failed'
env.BuildSetup = NotImplementedStub
def BuildList( s_prefix, s_string ):
s_list = string.split( s_string )
for i in range( len( s_list ) ):
s_list[ i ] = s_prefix + '/' + s_list[ i ]
return s_list