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dhewg 79ad905e05 Fix all whitespace errors
Excluding 3rd party files.
2011-12-10 15:35:54 +01:00

159 lines
7.3 KiB

import sys, os, string, time, commands, re, pickle, StringIO, popen2, commands, pdb, zipfile, tempfile
import scons_utils
class idSetup( scons_utils.idSetupBase ):
# do not alter the sources, specially with strip and brandelfing
def BuildSetup( self, target = None, source = None, env = None ):
brandelf_path = source[0].abspath
if ( target[0].path == 'setup-demo' ):
print 'Building demo setup'
demo_build = True
core_path = source[1].abspath
game_path = source[2].abspath
print 'Building setup'
demo_build = False
core_path = source[1].abspath
ded_path = source[2].abspath
game_path = source[3].abspath
d3xp_path = source[4].abspath
# identify dynamic dependencies that we bundle with the binary
ldd_deps = []
ldd_output = self.SimpleCommand( 'ldd -r ' + core_path )
pat = re.compile( '.*lib(stdc\+\+|gcc_s).* => (.*) \(.*\)' )
for i in string.split( ldd_output, '\n' ):
if ( pat.match( i ) ):
ldd_deps.append( pat.split( i )[ 2 ] )
# prep the binaries and update the paths
temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp( prefix = 'doomsetup' )
if ( demo_build ):
self.SimpleCommand( 'cp %s %s/doom.x86' % ( core_path, temp_dir ) )
core_path = '%s/doom.x86' % temp_dir
self.SimpleCommand( 'cp %s %s/gamex86.so' % ( game_path, temp_dir ) )
game_path = '%s/gamex86.so' % temp_dir
self.SimpleCommand( 'strip ' + core_path )
self.SimpleCommand( 'strip ' + game_path )
self.SimpleCommand( brandelf_path + ' -t Linux ' + core_path )
self.SimpleCommand( 'cp %s %s/doom.x86' % ( core_path, temp_dir ) )
core_path = '%s/doom.x86' % temp_dir
self.SimpleCommand( 'cp %s %s/doomded.x86' % ( ded_path, temp_dir ) )
ded_path = '%s/doomded.x86' % temp_dir
self.SimpleCommand( 'cp %s %s/gamex86-base.so' % ( game_path, temp_dir ) )
game_path = '%s/gamex86-base.so' % temp_dir
self.SimpleCommand( 'cp %s %s/gamex86-d3xp.so' % ( d3xp_path, temp_dir ) )
d3xp_path = '%s/gamex86-d3xp.so' % temp_dir
self.SimpleCommand( 'strip ' + core_path )
self.SimpleCommand( 'strip ' + ded_path )
self.SimpleCommand( 'strip ' + game_path )
self.SimpleCommand( 'strip ' + d3xp_path )
self.SimpleCommand( brandelf_path + ' -t Linux ' + core_path )
self.SimpleCommand( brandelf_path + ' -t Linux ' + ded_path )
# main version tag - ENGINE_VERSION in Licensee.h
main_version = self.ExtractEngineVersion( )
# build number
version = self.ExtractBuildVersion( )
if ( demo_build ):
base_dirname = 'doom3-linux-%s.%s-demo' % ( main_version, version )
base_dirname = 'doom3-linux-%s.%s' % ( main_version, version )
if ( os.path.exists( base_dirname ) ):
self.SimpleCommand( 'rm -rf %s' % base_dirname )
self.SimpleCommand( 'mkdir %s' % base_dirname )
self.SimpleCommand( 'cp -R sys/linux/setup/image-base/* ' + base_dirname )
if ( demo_build ):
self.SimpleCommand( 'cp -R -f sys/linux/setup/image-demo/* ' + base_dirname )
self.SimpleCommand( 'cp -R -f sys/linux/setup/image/* ' + base_dirname )
# process M4 stuff
if ( demo_build ):
m4_dict = { 'M4_PRODUCT' : 'doom3-demo', 'M4_DESC' : 'DOOM III demo', 'M4_VERSION' : '%s.%s' % ( main_version, version ) }
m4_dict = { 'M4_PRODUCT' : 'doom3', 'M4_DESC' : 'DOOM III', 'M4_VERSION' : '%s.%s' % ( main_version, version ) }
M4_LDD = ''
for i in ldd_deps:
if ( len( M4_LDD ) ):
M4_LDD += '\n'
M4_LDD += os.path.basename( i )
m4_dict[ 'M4_LDD' ] = M4_LDD
self.M4Processing( base_dirname + '/setup.data/setup.xml.in', m4_dict )
# build the game pak
if ( demo_build ):
# the demo doesn't use a game pak
self.SimpleCommand( 'cp ' + game_path + ' ' + base_dirname )
# comment out this part to stick to game paks already provided in the media tree
# print 'zipping together base game01.pk4'
# game_zip = zipfile.ZipFile( 'sys/linux/setup/media/base/game01.pk4', 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED )
# game_zip.write( game_path, 'gamex86.so' )
# game_zip.write( 'sys/linux/setup/binary.conf', 'binary.conf' )
# game_zip.printdir()
# game_zip.close()
# print 'zipping together d3xp game01.pk4'
# game_zip = zipfile.ZipFile( 'sys/linux/setup/media/d3xp/game01.pk4', 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED )
# game_zip.write( d3xp_path, 'gamex86.so' )
# game_zip.write( 'sys/linux/setup/binary.conf', 'binary.conf' )
# game_zip.printdir()
# game_zip.close()
# copy media
if ( demo_build ):
# we use a different repository path for large binary data
# extract or symlink from media-demo
if ( not os.path.exists( 'sys/linux/setup/media-demo' ) ):
print 'demo media is missing (sys/linux/setup/media-demo)'
sys.exit( 1 )
# check the md5 of the demo pack to be sure
md5sum = self.SimpleCommand( 'md5sum sys/linux/setup/media-demo/demo/demo00.pk4' )
if ( md5sum != '70c2c63ef1190158f1ebd6c255b22d8e sys/linux/setup/media-demo/demo/demo00.pk4' ):
print 'demo media has invalid checksum'
sys.exit( 1 )
self.SimpleCommand( 'cp -R sys/linux/setup/media-demo/* ' + base_dirname )
if ( not os.path.exists( 'sys/linux/setup/media' ) ):
print 'media is missing (sys/linux/setup/media)'
sys.exit( 1 )
# copy the CHANGES file
self.SimpleCommand( 'cp -v sys/linux/setup/media/CHANGES ' + base_dirname )
# copy out the pk4 files from the main media tree
self.SimpleCommand( 'mkdir ' + base_dirname + '/base' )
self.SimpleCommand( 'mkdir ' + base_dirname + '/d3xp' )
self.SimpleCommand( 'find sys/linux/setup/media/ -name "*.pk4" | grep -v zpak | cut -b 23- | while read i ; do cp -v sys/linux/setup/media/$i ' + base_dirname + '/$i ; done' )
# copy
self.SimpleCommand( 'cp ' + core_path + ' ' + base_dirname + '/bin/Linux/x86' )
if ( not demo_build ):
self.SimpleCommand( 'cp ' + ded_path + ' ' + base_dirname + '/bin/Linux/x86' )
for i in ldd_deps:
self.SimpleCommand( 'cp ' + i + ' ' + base_dirname + '/' + os.path.basename( i ) )
# punkbuster
if ( not demo_build ):
self.SimpleCommand( 'cp -R punkbuster/setup/pb ' + base_dirname )
self.SimpleCommand( 'cp -Rf punkbuster/setup/linux/pb ' + base_dirname )
self.SimpleCommand( 'cp sys/linux/setup/media/PB_EULA.txt ' + base_dirname + '/pb' )
# put a version tag, xqf request
f = open( base_dirname + '/version.info', 'w' )
f.write( main_version + '\n' )
f.write( self.ExtractProtocolVersion() + '\n' )
# create the FreeBSD symlinks
self.SimpleCommand( 'cd ' + base_dirname + '/bin ; ln -s Linux FreeBSD' )
self.SimpleCommand( 'cd ' + base_dirname + '/setup.data/bin ; ln -s Linux FreeBSD' )
# create amd64 symlinks
self.SimpleCommand( 'cd ' + base_dirname + '/bin/Linux ; ln -s x86 amd64' )
self.SimpleCommand( 'cd ' + base_dirname + '/setup.data/bin/Linux ; ln -s x86 amd64' )
# remove .svn entries
self.SimpleCommand( 'find ' + base_dirname + ' -name \'.svn\' -type d | xargs rm -rf' )
# remove D3XP related stuff until final release
#self.SimpleCommand( 'rm -rf ' + base_dirname + '/d3xp/*' )
# package it
target_setup = base_dirname + '.x86.run'
if ( demo_build ):
self.SimpleCommand( 'sys/linux/setup/makeself/makeself.sh ' + base_dirname + ' ' + target_setup + ' \'DOOM III demo\' ./setup.sh' )
self.SimpleCommand( 'sys/linux/setup/makeself/makeself.sh ' + base_dirname + ' ' + target_setup + ' \'DOOM III\' ./setup.sh' )
# take out the temp dir
self.SimpleCommand( 'rm -rf %s' % temp_dir )
# success
return None