mirror of
synced 2025-03-22 02:31:03 +00:00
Don't include the lazy precompiled.h everywhere, only what's required for the compilation unit. platform.h needs to be included instead to provide all essential defines and types. All includes use the relative path to the neo or the game specific root. Move all idlib related includes from idlib/Lib.h to precompiled.h. precompiled.h still exists for the MFC stuff in tools/. Add some missing header guards.
681 lines
16 KiB
681 lines
16 KiB
Doom 3 GPL Source Code
Copyright (C) 1999-2011 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company.
This file is part of the Doom 3 GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 Source Code").
Doom 3 Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Doom 3 Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Doom 3 Source Code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
In addition, the Doom 3 Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below.
If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA.
#include "sys/platform.h"
#include "tools/compilers/dmap/dmap.h"
#if 0
should we try and snap values very close to 0.5, 0.25, 0.125, etc?
do we write out normals, or just a "smooth shade" flag?
resolved: normals. otherwise adjacent facet shaded surfaces get their
vertexes merged, and they would have to be split apart before drawing
do we save out "wings" for shadow silhouette info?
static idFile *procFile;
Any nodes that have all children with the same
area can be combined into a single leaf node
Returns the area number of all children, or
AREANUM_DIFFERENT if not the same.
int PruneNodes_r( node_t *node ) {
int a1, a2;
if ( node->planenum == PLANENUM_LEAF ) {
return node->area;
a1 = PruneNodes_r( node->children[0] );
a2 = PruneNodes_r( node->children[1] );
if ( a1 != a2 || a1 == AREANUM_DIFFERENT ) {
// free all the nodes below this point
FreeTreePortals_r( node->children[0] );
FreeTreePortals_r( node->children[1] );
FreeTree_r( node->children[0] );
FreeTree_r( node->children[1] );
// change this node to a leaf
node->planenum = PLANENUM_LEAF;
node->area = a1;
return a1;
static void WriteFloat( idFile *f, float v )
if ( idMath::Fabs(v - idMath::Rint(v)) < 0.001 ) {
f->WriteFloatString( "%i ", (int)idMath::Rint(v) );
else {
f->WriteFloatString( "%f ", v );
void Write1DMatrix( idFile *f, int x, float *m ) {
int i;
f->WriteFloatString( "( " );
for ( i = 0; i < x; i++ ) {
WriteFloat( f, m[i] );
f->WriteFloatString( ") " );
static int CountUniqueShaders( optimizeGroup_t *groups ) {
optimizeGroup_t *a, *b;
int count;
count = 0;
for ( a = groups ; a ; a = a->nextGroup ) {
if ( !a->triList ) { // ignore groups with no tris
for ( b = groups ; b != a ; b = b->nextGroup ) {
if ( !b->triList ) {
if ( a->material != b->material ) {
if ( a->mergeGroup != b->mergeGroup ) {
if ( a == b ) {
return count;
#define XYZ_EPSILON 0.01
#define ST_EPSILON 0.001
#define COSINE_EPSILON 0.999
static bool MatchVert( const idDrawVert *a, const idDrawVert *b ) {
if ( idMath::Fabs( a->xyz[0] - b->xyz[0] ) > XYZ_EPSILON ) {
return false;
if ( idMath::Fabs( a->xyz[1] - b->xyz[1] ) > XYZ_EPSILON ) {
return false;
if ( idMath::Fabs( a->xyz[2] - b->xyz[2] ) > XYZ_EPSILON ) {
return false;
if ( idMath::Fabs( a->st[0] - b->st[0] ) > ST_EPSILON ) {
return false;
if ( idMath::Fabs( a->st[1] - b->st[1] ) > ST_EPSILON ) {
return false;
// if the normal is 0 (smoothed normals), consider it a match
if ( a->normal[0] == 0 && a->normal[1] == 0 && a->normal[2] == 0
&& b->normal[0] == 0 && b->normal[1] == 0 && b->normal[2] == 0 ) {
return true;
// otherwise do a dot-product cosine check
if ( DotProduct( a->normal, b->normal ) < COSINE_EPSILON ) {
return false;
return true;
Converts independent triangles to shared vertex triangles
srfTriangles_t *ShareMapTriVerts( const mapTri_t *tris ) {
const mapTri_t *step;
int count;
int i, j;
int numVerts;
int numIndexes;
srfTriangles_t *uTri;
// unique the vertexes
count = CountTriList( tris );
uTri = R_AllocStaticTriSurf();
R_AllocStaticTriSurfVerts( uTri, count * 3 );
R_AllocStaticTriSurfIndexes( uTri, count * 3 );
numVerts = 0;
numIndexes = 0;
for ( step = tris ; step ; step = step->next ) {
for ( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ ) {
const idDrawVert *dv;
dv = &step->v[i];
// search for a match
for ( j = 0 ; j < numVerts ; j++ ) {
if ( MatchVert( &uTri->verts[j], dv ) ) {
if ( j == numVerts ) {
uTri->verts[j].xyz = dv->xyz;
uTri->verts[j].normal = dv->normal;
uTri->verts[j].st[0] = dv->st[0];
uTri->verts[j].st[1] = dv->st[1];
uTri->indexes[numIndexes++] = j;
uTri->numVerts = numVerts;
uTri->numIndexes = numIndexes;
return uTri;
static void CleanupUTriangles( srfTriangles_t *tri ) {
// perform cleanup operations
R_RangeCheckIndexes( tri );
R_CreateSilIndexes( tri );
// R_RemoveDuplicatedTriangles( tri ); // this may remove valid overlapped transparent triangles
R_RemoveDegenerateTriangles( tri );
// R_RemoveUnusedVerts( tri );
R_FreeStaticTriSurfSilIndexes( tri );
Writes text verts and indexes to procfile
static void WriteUTriangles( const srfTriangles_t *uTris ) {
int col;
int i;
// emit this chain
procFile->WriteFloatString( "/* numVerts = */ %i /* numIndexes = */ %i\n",
uTris->numVerts, uTris->numIndexes );
// verts
col = 0;
for ( i = 0 ; i < uTris->numVerts ; i++ ) {
float vec[8];
const idDrawVert *dv;
dv = &uTris->verts[i];
vec[0] = dv->xyz[0];
vec[1] = dv->xyz[1];
vec[2] = dv->xyz[2];
vec[3] = dv->st[0];
vec[4] = dv->st[1];
vec[5] = dv->normal[0];
vec[6] = dv->normal[1];
vec[7] = dv->normal[2];
Write1DMatrix( procFile, 8, vec );
if ( ++col == 3 ) {
col = 0;
procFile->WriteFloatString( "\n" );
if ( col != 0 ) {
procFile->WriteFloatString( "\n" );
// indexes
col = 0;
for ( i = 0 ; i < uTris->numIndexes ; i++ ) {
procFile->WriteFloatString( "%i ", uTris->indexes[i] );
if ( ++col == 18 ) {
col = 0;
procFile->WriteFloatString( "\n" );
if ( col != 0 ) {
procFile->WriteFloatString( "\n" );
Writes text verts and indexes to procfile
static void WriteShadowTriangles( const srfTriangles_t *tri ) {
int col;
int i;
// emit this chain
procFile->WriteFloatString( "/* numVerts = */ %i /* noCaps = */ %i /* noFrontCaps = */ %i /* numIndexes = */ %i /* planeBits = */ %i\n",
tri->numVerts, tri->numShadowIndexesNoCaps, tri->numShadowIndexesNoFrontCaps, tri->numIndexes, tri->shadowCapPlaneBits );
// verts
col = 0;
for ( i = 0 ; i < tri->numVerts ; i++ ) {
Write1DMatrix( procFile, 3, &tri->shadowVertexes[i].xyz[0] );
if ( ++col == 5 ) {
col = 0;
procFile->WriteFloatString( "\n" );
if ( col != 0 ) {
procFile->WriteFloatString( "\n" );
// indexes
col = 0;
for ( i = 0 ; i < tri->numIndexes ; i++ ) {
procFile->WriteFloatString( "%i ", tri->indexes[i] );
if ( ++col == 18 ) {
col = 0;
procFile->WriteFloatString( "\n" );
if ( col != 0 ) {
procFile->WriteFloatString( "\n" );
Planes, texcoords, and groupLights can differ,
but the material and mergegroup must match
static bool GroupsAreSurfaceCompatible( const optimizeGroup_t *a, const optimizeGroup_t *b ) {
if ( a->material != b->material ) {
return false;
if ( a->mergeGroup != b->mergeGroup ) {
return false;
return true;
static void WriteOutputSurfaces( int entityNum, int areaNum ) {
mapTri_t *ambient, *copy;
int surfaceNum;
int numSurfaces;
idMapEntity *entity;
uArea_t *area;
optimizeGroup_t *group, *groupStep;
int i; // , j;
// int col;
srfTriangles_t *uTri;
// mapTri_t *tri;
typedef struct interactionTris_s {
struct interactionTris_s *next;
mapTri_t *triList;
mapLight_t *light;
} interactionTris_t;
interactionTris_t *interactions, *checkInter; //, *nextInter;
area = &dmapGlobals.uEntities[entityNum].areas[areaNum];
entity = dmapGlobals.uEntities[entityNum].mapEntity;
numSurfaces = CountUniqueShaders( area->groups );
if ( entityNum == 0 ) {
procFile->WriteFloatString( "model { /* name = */ \"_area%i\" /* numSurfaces = */ %i\n\n",
areaNum, numSurfaces );
} else {
const char *name;
entity->epairs.GetString( "name", "", &name );
if ( !name[0] ) {
common->Error( "Entity %i has surfaces, but no name key", entityNum );
procFile->WriteFloatString( "model { /* name = */ \"%s\" /* numSurfaces = */ %i\n\n",
name, numSurfaces );
surfaceNum = 0;
for ( group = area->groups ; group ; group = group->nextGroup ) {
if ( group->surfaceEmited ) {
// combine all groups compatible with this one
// usually several optimizeGroup_t can be combined into a single
// surface, even though they couldn't be merged together to save
// vertexes because they had different planes, texture coordinates, or lights.
// Different mergeGroups will stay in separate surfaces.
ambient = NULL;
// each light that illuminates any of the groups in the surface will
// get its own list of indexes out of the original surface
interactions = NULL;
for ( groupStep = group ; groupStep ; groupStep = groupStep->nextGroup ) {
if ( groupStep->surfaceEmited ) {
if ( !GroupsAreSurfaceCompatible( group, groupStep ) ) {
// copy it out to the ambient list
copy = CopyTriList( groupStep->triList );
ambient = MergeTriLists( ambient, copy );
groupStep->surfaceEmited = true;
// duplicate it into an interaction for each groupLight
for ( i = 0 ; i < groupStep->numGroupLights ; i++ ) {
for ( checkInter = interactions ; checkInter ; checkInter = checkInter->next ) {
if ( checkInter->light == groupStep->groupLights[i] ) {
if ( !checkInter ) {
// create a new interaction
checkInter = (interactionTris_t *)Mem_ClearedAlloc( sizeof( *checkInter ) );
checkInter->light = groupStep->groupLights[i];
checkInter->next = interactions;
interactions = checkInter;
copy = CopyTriList( groupStep->triList );
checkInter->triList = MergeTriLists( checkInter->triList, copy );
if ( !ambient ) {
if ( surfaceNum >= numSurfaces ) {
common->Error( "WriteOutputSurfaces: surfaceNum >= numSurfaces" );
procFile->WriteFloatString( "/* surface %i */ { ", surfaceNum );
procFile->WriteFloatString( "\"%s\" ", ambient->material->GetName() );
uTri = ShareMapTriVerts( ambient );
FreeTriList( ambient );
CleanupUTriangles( uTri );
WriteUTriangles( uTri );
R_FreeStaticTriSurf( uTri );
procFile->WriteFloatString( "}\n\n" );
procFile->WriteFloatString( "}\n\n" );
static void WriteNode_r( node_t *node ) {
int child[2];
int i;
idPlane *plane;
if ( node->planenum == PLANENUM_LEAF ) {
// we shouldn't get here unless the entire world
// was a single leaf
procFile->WriteFloatString( "/* node 0 */ ( 0 0 0 0 ) -1 -1\n" );
for ( i = 0 ; i < 2 ; i++ ) {
if ( node->children[i]->planenum == PLANENUM_LEAF ) {
child[i] = -1 - node->children[i]->area;
} else {
child[i] = node->children[i]->nodeNumber;
plane = &dmapGlobals.mapPlanes[node->planenum];
procFile->WriteFloatString( "/* node %i */ ", node->nodeNumber );
Write1DMatrix( procFile, 4, plane->ToFloatPtr() );
procFile->WriteFloatString( "%i %i\n", child[0], child[1] );
if ( child[0] > 0 ) {
WriteNode_r( node->children[0] );
if ( child[1] > 0 ) {
WriteNode_r( node->children[1] );
static int NumberNodes_r( node_t *node, int nextNumber ) {
if ( node->planenum == PLANENUM_LEAF ) {
return nextNumber;
node->nodeNumber = nextNumber;
nextNumber = NumberNodes_r( node->children[0], nextNumber );
nextNumber = NumberNodes_r( node->children[1], nextNumber );
return nextNumber;
static void WriteOutputNodes( node_t *node ) {
int numNodes;
// prune unneeded nodes and count
PruneNodes_r( node );
numNodes = NumberNodes_r( node, 0 );
// output
procFile->WriteFloatString( "nodes { /* numNodes = */ %i\n\n", numNodes );
procFile->WriteFloatString( "/* node format is: ( planeVector ) positiveChild negativeChild */\n" );
procFile->WriteFloatString( "/* a child number of 0 is an opaque, solid area */\n" );
procFile->WriteFloatString( "/* negative child numbers are areas: (-1-child) */\n" );
WriteNode_r( node );
procFile->WriteFloatString( "}\n\n" );
static void WriteOutputPortals( uEntity_t *e ) {
int i, j;
interAreaPortal_t *iap;
idWinding *w;
procFile->WriteFloatString( "interAreaPortals { /* numAreas = */ %i /* numIAP = */ %i\n\n",
e->numAreas, numInterAreaPortals );
procFile->WriteFloatString( "/* interAreaPortal format is: numPoints positiveSideArea negativeSideArea ( point) ... */\n" );
for ( i = 0 ; i < numInterAreaPortals ; i++ ) {
iap = &interAreaPortals[i];
w = iap->side->winding;
procFile->WriteFloatString("/* iap %i */ %i %i %i ", i, w->GetNumPoints(), iap->area0, iap->area1 );
for ( j = 0 ; j < w->GetNumPoints() ; j++ ) {
Write1DMatrix( procFile, 3, (*w)[j].ToFloatPtr() );
procFile->WriteFloatString("\n" );
procFile->WriteFloatString( "}\n\n" );
static void WriteOutputEntity( int entityNum ) {
int i;
uEntity_t *e;
e = &dmapGlobals.uEntities[entityNum];
if ( entityNum != 0 ) {
// entities may have enclosed, empty areas that we don't need to write out
if ( e->numAreas > 1 ) {
e->numAreas = 1;
for ( i = 0 ; i < e->numAreas ; i++ ) {
WriteOutputSurfaces( entityNum, i );
// we will completely skip the portals and nodes if it is a single area
if ( entityNum == 0 && e->numAreas > 1 ) {
// output the area portals
WriteOutputPortals( e );
// output the nodes
WriteOutputNodes( e->tree->headnode );
void WriteOutputFile( void ) {
int i;
uEntity_t *entity;
idStr qpath;
// write the file
common->Printf( "----- WriteOutputFile -----\n" );
sprintf( qpath, "%s." PROC_FILE_EXT, dmapGlobals.mapFileBase );
common->Printf( "writing %s\n", qpath.c_str() );
// _D3XP used fs_cdpath
procFile = fileSystem->OpenFileWrite( qpath, "fs_devpath" );
if ( !procFile ) {
common->Error( "Error opening %s", qpath.c_str() );
procFile->WriteFloatString( "%s\n\n", PROC_FILE_ID );
// write the entity models and information, writing entities first
for ( i=dmapGlobals.num_entities - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i-- ) {
entity = &dmapGlobals.uEntities[i];
if ( !entity->primitives ) {
WriteOutputEntity( i );
// write the shadow volumes
for ( i = 0 ; i < dmapGlobals.mapLights.Num() ; i++ ) {
mapLight_t *light = dmapGlobals.mapLights[i];
if ( !light->shadowTris ) {
procFile->WriteFloatString( "shadowModel { /* name = */ \"_prelight_%s\"\n\n", light->name );
WriteShadowTriangles( light->shadowTris );
procFile->WriteFloatString( "}\n\n" );
R_FreeStaticTriSurf( light->shadowTris );
light->shadowTris = NULL;
fileSystem->CloseFile( procFile );