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dhewg 736ec20d4d Untangle the epic precompiled.h mess
Don't include the lazy precompiled.h everywhere, only what's
required for the compilation unit.
platform.h needs to be included instead to provide all essential
defines and types.
All includes use the relative path to the neo or the game
specific root.
Move all idlib related includes from idlib/Lib.h to precompiled.h.
precompiled.h still exists for the MFC stuff in tools/.
Add some missing header guards.
2011-12-19 23:21:47 +01:00

487 lines
14 KiB

Doom 3 GPL Source Code
Copyright (C) 1999-2011 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company.
This file is part of the Doom 3 GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 Source Code").
Doom 3 Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Doom 3 Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Doom 3 Source Code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
In addition, the Doom 3 Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below.
If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA.
#include "idlib/containers/PlaneSet.h"
#include "idlib/MapFile.h"
#include "cm/CollisionModel.h"
#include "renderer/tr_local.h"
typedef struct primitive_s {
struct primitive_s *next;
// only one of these will be non-NULL
struct bspbrush_s * brush;
struct mapTri_s * tris;
} primitive_t;
typedef struct {
struct optimizeGroup_s *groups;
// we might want to add other fields later
} uArea_t;
typedef struct {
idMapEntity * mapEntity; // points into mapFile_t data
idVec3 origin;
primitive_t * primitives;
struct tree_s * tree;
int numAreas;
uArea_t * areas;
} uEntity_t;
// chains of mapTri_t are the general unit of processing
typedef struct mapTri_s {
struct mapTri_s * next;
const idMaterial * material;
void * mergeGroup; // we want to avoid merging triangles
// from different fixed groups, like guiSurfs and mirrors
int planeNum; // not set universally, just in some areas
idDrawVert v[3];
const struct hashVert_s *hashVert[3];
struct optVertex_s *optVert[3];
} mapTri_t;
typedef struct {
int width, height;
idDrawVert * verts;
} mesh_t;
#define MAX_PATCH_SIZE 32
#define PLANENUM_LEAF -1
typedef struct parseMesh_s {
struct parseMesh_s *next;
mesh_t mesh;
const idMaterial * material;
} parseMesh_t;
typedef struct bspface_s {
struct bspface_s * next;
int planenum;
bool portal; // all portals will be selected before
// any non-portals
bool checked; // used by SelectSplitPlaneNum()
idWinding * w;
} bspface_t;
typedef struct {
idVec4 v[2]; // the offset value will always be in the 0.0 to 1.0 range
} textureVectors_t;
typedef struct side_s {
int planenum;
const idMaterial * material;
textureVectors_t texVec;
idWinding * winding; // only clipped to the other sides of the brush
idWinding * visibleHull; // also clipped to the solid parts of the world
} side_t;
typedef struct bspbrush_s {
struct bspbrush_s * next;
struct bspbrush_s * original; // chopped up brushes will reference the originals
int entitynum; // editor numbering for messages
int brushnum; // editor numbering for messages
const idMaterial * contentShader; // one face's shader will determine the volume attributes
int contents;
bool opaque;
int outputNumber; // set when the brush is written to the file list
idBounds bounds;
int numsides;
side_t sides[6]; // variably sized
} uBrush_t;
typedef struct drawSurfRef_s {
struct drawSurfRef_s * nextRef;
int outputNumber;
} drawSurfRef_t;
typedef struct node_s {
// both leafs and nodes
int planenum; // -1 = leaf node
struct node_s * parent;
idBounds bounds; // valid after portalization
// nodes only
side_t * side; // the side that created the node
struct node_s * children[2];
int nodeNumber; // set after pruning
// leafs only
bool opaque; // view can never be inside
uBrush_t * brushlist; // fragments of all brushes in this leaf
// needed for FindSideForPortal
int area; // determined by flood filling up to areaportals
int occupied; // 1 or greater can reach entity
uEntity_t * occupant; // for leak file testing
struct uPortal_s * portals; // also on nodes during construction
} node_t;
typedef struct uPortal_s {
idPlane plane;
node_t *onnode; // NULL = outside box
node_t *nodes[2]; // [0] = front side of plane
struct uPortal_s *next[2];
idWinding *winding;
} uPortal_t;
// a tree_t is created by FaceBSP()
typedef struct tree_s {
node_t *headnode;
node_t outside_node;
idBounds bounds;
} tree_t;
#define MAX_QPATH 256 // max length of a game pathname
typedef struct {
idRenderLightLocal def;
char name[MAX_QPATH]; // for naming the shadow volume surface and interactions
srfTriangles_t *shadowTris;
} mapLight_t;
typedef struct optimizeGroup_s {
struct optimizeGroup_s *nextGroup;
idBounds bounds; // set in CarveGroupsByLight
// all of these must match to add a triangle to the triList
bool smoothed; // curves will never merge with brushes
int planeNum;
int areaNum;
const idMaterial * material;
int numGroupLights;
mapLight_t * groupLights[MAX_GROUP_LIGHTS]; // lights effecting this list
void * mergeGroup; // if this differs (guiSurfs, mirrors, etc), the
// groups will not be combined into model surfaces
// after optimization
textureVectors_t texVec;
bool surfaceEmited;
mapTri_t * triList;
mapTri_t * regeneratedTris; // after each island optimization
idVec3 axis[2]; // orthogonal to the plane, so optimization can be 2D
} optimizeGroup_t;
// all primitives from the map are added to optimzeGroups, creating new ones as needed
// each optimizeGroup is then split into the map areas, creating groups in each area
// each optimizeGroup is then divided by each light, creating more groups
// the final list of groups is then tjunction fixed against all groups, then optimized internally
// multiple optimizeGroups will be merged together into .proc surfaces, but no further optimization
// is done on them
// dmap.cpp
typedef enum {
SO_NONE, // 0
} shadowOptLevel_t;
typedef struct {
// mapFileBase will contain the qpath without any extension: "maps/test_box"
char mapFileBase[1024];
idMapFile *dmapFile;
idPlaneSet mapPlanes;
int num_entities;
uEntity_t *uEntities;
int entityNum;
idList<mapLight_t*> mapLights;
bool verbose;
bool glview;
bool noOptimize;
bool verboseentities;
bool noCurves;
bool fullCarve;
bool noModelBrushes;
bool noTJunc;
bool nomerge;
bool noFlood;
bool noClipSides; // don't cut sides by solid leafs, use the entire thing
bool noLightCarve; // extra triangle subdivision by light frustums
shadowOptLevel_t shadowOptLevel;
bool noShadow; // don't create optimized shadow volumes
idBounds drawBounds;
bool drawflag;
int totalShadowTriangles;
int totalShadowVerts;
} dmapGlobals_t;
extern dmapGlobals_t dmapGlobals;
int FindFloatPlane( const idPlane &plane, bool *fixedDegeneracies = NULL );
// brush.cpp
#define CLIP_EPSILON 0.1f
#define PSIDE_FRONT 1
#define PSIDE_BACK 2
#define PSIDE_FACING 4
int CountBrushList (uBrush_t *brushes);
uBrush_t *AllocBrush (int numsides);
void FreeBrush (uBrush_t *brushes);
void FreeBrushList (uBrush_t *brushes);
uBrush_t *CopyBrush (uBrush_t *brush);
void DrawBrushList (uBrush_t *brush);
void PrintBrush (uBrush_t *brush);
bool BoundBrush (uBrush_t *brush);
bool CreateBrushWindings (uBrush_t *brush);
uBrush_t *BrushFromBounds( const idBounds &bounds );
float BrushVolume (uBrush_t *brush);
void WriteBspBrushMap( const char *name, uBrush_t *list );
void FilterBrushesIntoTree( uEntity_t *e );
void SplitBrush( uBrush_t *brush, int planenum, uBrush_t **front, uBrush_t **back);
node_t *AllocNode( void );
// map.cpp
bool LoadDMapFile( const char *filename );
void FreeOptimizeGroupList( optimizeGroup_t *groups );
void FreeDMapFile( void );
// draw.cpp -- draw debug views either directly, or through glserv.exe
void Draw_ClearWindow( void );
void DrawWinding( const idWinding *w );
void DrawAuxWinding( const idWinding *w );
void DrawLine( idVec3 v1, idVec3 v2, int color );
void GLS_BeginScene( void );
void GLS_Winding( const idWinding *w, int code );
void GLS_Triangle( const mapTri_t *tri, int code );
void GLS_EndScene( void );
// portals.cpp
typedef struct {
int area0, area1;
side_t *side;
} interAreaPortal_t;
extern interAreaPortal_t interAreaPortals[MAX_INTER_AREA_PORTALS];
extern int numInterAreaPortals;
bool FloodEntities( tree_t *tree );
void FillOutside( uEntity_t *e );
void FloodAreas( uEntity_t *e );
void MakeTreePortals( tree_t *tree );
void FreePortal( uPortal_t *p );
// glfile.cpp -- write a debug file to be viewd with glview.exe
void OutputWinding( idWinding *w, idFile *glview );
void WriteGLView( tree_t *tree, char *source );
// leakfile.cpp
void LeakFile( tree_t *tree );
// facebsp.cpp
tree_t *AllocTree( void );
void FreeTree( tree_t *tree );
void FreeTree_r( node_t *node );
void FreeTreePortals_r( node_t *node );
bspface_t *MakeStructuralBspFaceList( primitive_t *list );
bspface_t *MakeVisibleBspFaceList( primitive_t *list );
tree_t *FaceBSP( bspface_t *list );
// surface.cpp
mapTri_t *CullTrisInOpaqueLeafs( mapTri_t *triList, tree_t *tree );
void ClipSidesByTree( uEntity_t *e );
void SplitTrisToSurfaces( mapTri_t *triList, tree_t *tree );
void PutPrimitivesInAreas( uEntity_t *e );
void Prelight( uEntity_t *e );
// tritjunction.cpp
struct hashVert_s *GetHashVert( idVec3 &v );
void HashTriangles( optimizeGroup_t *groupList );
void FreeTJunctionHash( void );
int CountGroupListTris( const optimizeGroup_t *groupList );
void FixEntityTjunctions( uEntity_t *e );
void FixAreaGroupsTjunctions( optimizeGroup_t *groupList );
void FixGlobalTjunctions( uEntity_t *e );
// optimize.cpp -- trianlge mesh reoptimization
// the shadow volume optimizer call internal optimizer routines, normal triangles
// will just be done by OptimizeEntity()
typedef struct optVertex_s {
idDrawVert v;
idVec3 pv; // projected against planar axis, third value is 0
struct optEdge_s *edges;
struct optVertex_s *islandLink;
bool addedToIsland;
bool emited; // when regenerating triangles
} optVertex_t;
typedef struct optEdge_s {
optVertex_t *v1, *v2;
struct optEdge_s *islandLink;
bool addedToIsland;
bool created; // not one of the original edges
bool combined; // combined from two or more colinear edges
struct optTri_s *frontTri, *backTri;
struct optEdge_s *v1link, *v2link;
} optEdge_t;
typedef struct optTri_s {
struct optTri_s *next;
idVec3 midpoint;
optVertex_t *v[3];
bool filled;
} optTri_t;
typedef struct {
optimizeGroup_t *group;
optVertex_t *verts;
optEdge_t *edges;
optTri_t *tris;
} optIsland_t;
void OptimizeEntity( uEntity_t *e );
void OptimizeGroupList( optimizeGroup_t *groupList );
// tritools.cpp
mapTri_t *AllocTri( void );
void FreeTri( mapTri_t *tri );
int CountTriList( const mapTri_t *list );
mapTri_t *MergeTriLists( mapTri_t *a, mapTri_t *b );
mapTri_t *CopyTriList( const mapTri_t *a );
void FreeTriList( mapTri_t *a );
mapTri_t *CopyMapTri( const mapTri_t *tri );
float MapTriArea( const mapTri_t *tri );
mapTri_t *RemoveBadTris( const mapTri_t *tri );
void BoundTriList( const mapTri_t *list, idBounds &b );
void DrawTri( const mapTri_t *tri );
void FlipTriList( mapTri_t *tris );
void TriVertsFromOriginal( mapTri_t *tri, const mapTri_t *original );
void PlaneForTri( const mapTri_t *tri, idPlane &plane );
idWinding *WindingForTri( const mapTri_t *tri );
mapTri_t *WindingToTriList( const idWinding *w, const mapTri_t *originalTri );
void ClipTriList( const mapTri_t *list, const idPlane &plane, float epsilon, mapTri_t **front, mapTri_t **back );
// output.cpp
srfTriangles_t *ShareMapTriVerts( const mapTri_t *tris );
void WriteOutputFile( void );
// shadowopt.cpp
srfTriangles_t *CreateLightShadow( optimizeGroup_t *shadowerGroups, const mapLight_t *light );
void FreeBeamTree( struct beamTree_s *beamTree );
void CarveTriByBeamTree( const struct beamTree_s *beamTree, const mapTri_t *tri, mapTri_t **lit, mapTri_t **unLit );