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synced 2025-03-23 03:01:08 +00:00
There were lots of places in the code that called Sys_GrabInput(), some of them each frame. Most of this is unified in events.cpp now, in handleMouseGrab() which is called once per frame by Sys_GenerateEvents() - this makes reasoning about when the mouse is grabbed and when not a lot easier. Sys_GrabInput(false) still is called in a few places, before operations that tend to take long (like loading a map or vid_restart), but (hopefully) not regularly anymore. The other big change is that the game now uses SDLs absolute mouse mode for fullscreen menus (except the PDA which is an ugly hack), so the ingame cursor is at the same position as the system cursor, which especially helps when debugging with `in_nograb 1` and should also help if someone wants to integrate an additional GUI toolkit like Dear ImGui.
700 lines
19 KiB
700 lines
19 KiB
Doom 3 GPL Source Code
Copyright (C) 1999-2011 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company.
This file is part of the Doom 3 GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 Source Code").
Doom 3 Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Doom 3 Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Doom 3 Source Code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
In addition, the Doom 3 Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below.
If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA.
#include "sys/platform.h"
#include "framework/FileSystem.h"
#include "framework/DemoFile.h"
#include "framework/KeyInput.h"
#include "ui/ListGUILocal.h"
#include "ui/DeviceContext.h"
#include "ui/Window.h"
#include "ui/UserInterfaceLocal.h"
extern idCVar r_skipGuiShaders; // 1 = don't render any gui elements on surfaces
extern idCVar r_scaleMenusTo43; // DG: for the "scale menus to 4:3" hack
idUserInterfaceManagerLocal uiManagerLocal;
idUserInterfaceManager * uiManager = &uiManagerLocal;
void idUserInterfaceManagerLocal::Init() {
screenRect = idRectangle(0, 0, 640, 480);
void idUserInterfaceManagerLocal::Shutdown() {
guis.DeleteContents( true );
demoGuis.DeleteContents( true );
void idUserInterfaceManagerLocal::Touch( const char *name ) {
idUserInterface *gui = Alloc();
gui->InitFromFile( name );
// delete gui;
void idUserInterfaceManagerLocal::WritePrecacheCommands( idFile *f ) {
int c = guis.Num();
for( int i = 0; i < c; i++ ) {
char str[1024];
sprintf( str, "touchGui %s\n", guis[i]->Name() );
common->Printf( "%s", str );
f->Printf( "%s", str );
void idUserInterfaceManagerLocal::SetSize( float width, float height ) {
dc.SetSize( width, height );
void idUserInterfaceManagerLocal::BeginLevelLoad() {
int c = guis.Num();
for ( int i = 0; i < c; i++ ) {
if ( (guis[ i ]->GetDesktop()->GetFlags() & WIN_MENUGUI) == 0 ) {
guis[ i ]->ClearRefs();
delete guis[ i ];
guis.RemoveIndex( i );
i--; c--;
void idUserInterfaceManagerLocal::EndLevelLoad() {
int c = guis.Num();
for ( int i = 0; i < c; i++ ) {
if ( guis[i]->GetRefs() == 0 ) {
//common->Printf( "purging %s.\n", guis[i]->GetSourceFile() );
// use this to make sure no materials still reference this gui
bool remove = true;
for ( int j = 0; j < declManager->GetNumDecls( DECL_MATERIAL ); j++ ) {
const idMaterial *material = static_cast<const idMaterial *>(declManager->DeclByIndex( DECL_MATERIAL, j, false ));
if ( material->GlobalGui() == guis[i] ) {
remove = false;
if ( remove ) {
delete guis[ i ];
guis.RemoveIndex( i );
i--; c--;
void idUserInterfaceManagerLocal::Reload( bool all ) {
int c = guis.Num();
for ( int i = 0; i < c; i++ ) {
if ( !all ) {
fileSystem->ReadFile( guis[i]->GetSourceFile(), NULL, &ts );
if ( ts <= guis[i]->GetTimeStamp() ) {
guis[i]->InitFromFile( guis[i]->GetSourceFile() );
common->Printf( "reloading %s.\n", guis[i]->GetSourceFile() );
void idUserInterfaceManagerLocal::ListGuis() const {
int c = guis.Num();
common->Printf( "\n size refs name\n" );
size_t total = 0;
int copies = 0;
int unique = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < c; i++ ) {
idUserInterfaceLocal *gui = guis[i];
size_t sz = gui->Size();
bool isUnique = guis[i]->interactive;
if ( isUnique ) {
} else {
common->Printf( "%6.1fk %4i (%s) %s ( %i transitions )\n", sz / 1024.0f, guis[i]->GetRefs(), isUnique ? "unique" : "copy", guis[i]->GetSourceFile(), guis[i]->desktop->NumTransitions() );
total += sz;
common->Printf( "===========\n %i total Guis ( %i copies, %i unique ), %.2f total Mbytes", c, copies, unique, total / ( 1024.0f * 1024.0f ) );
bool idUserInterfaceManagerLocal::CheckGui( const char *qpath ) const {
idFile *file = fileSystem->OpenFileRead( qpath );
if ( file ) {
fileSystem->CloseFile( file );
return true;
return false;
idUserInterface *idUserInterfaceManagerLocal::Alloc( void ) const {
return new idUserInterfaceLocal();
void idUserInterfaceManagerLocal::DeAlloc( idUserInterface *gui ) {
if ( gui ) {
int c = guis.Num();
for ( int i = 0; i < c; i++ ) {
if ( guis[i] == gui ) {
delete guis[i];
guis.RemoveIndex( i );
idUserInterface *idUserInterfaceManagerLocal::FindGui( const char *qpath, bool autoLoad, bool needUnique, bool forceNOTUnique ) {
int c = guis.Num();
for ( int i = 0; i < c; i++ ) {
if ( !idStr::Icmp( guis[i]->GetSourceFile(), qpath ) ) {
if ( !forceNOTUnique && ( needUnique || guis[i]->IsInteractive() ) ) {
return guis[i];
if ( autoLoad ) {
idUserInterface *gui = Alloc();
if ( gui->InitFromFile( qpath ) ) {
gui->SetUniqued( forceNOTUnique ? false : needUnique );
return gui;
} else {
delete gui;
return NULL;
idUserInterface *idUserInterfaceManagerLocal::FindDemoGui( const char *qpath ) {
int c = demoGuis.Num();
for ( int i = 0; i < c; i++ ) {
if ( !idStr::Icmp( demoGuis[i]->GetSourceFile(), qpath ) ) {
return demoGuis[i];
return NULL;
idListGUI * idUserInterfaceManagerLocal::AllocListGUI( void ) const {
return new idListGUILocal();
void idUserInterfaceManagerLocal::FreeListGUI( idListGUI *listgui ) {
delete listgui;
idUserInterfaceLocal::idUserInterfaceLocal() {
cursorX = cursorY = 0.0;
desktop = NULL;
loading = false;
active = false;
interactive = false;
uniqued = false;
bindHandler = NULL;
//so the reg eval in gui parsing doesn't get bogus values
time = 0;
refs = 1;
idUserInterfaceLocal::~idUserInterfaceLocal() {
delete desktop;
desktop = NULL;
const char *idUserInterfaceLocal::Name() const {
return source;
const char *idUserInterfaceLocal::Comment() const {
if ( desktop ) {
return desktop->GetComment();
return "";
bool idUserInterfaceLocal::IsInteractive() const {
return interactive;
bool idUserInterfaceLocal::InitFromFile( const char *qpath, bool rebuild, bool cache ) {
if ( !( qpath && *qpath ) ) {
// FIXME: Memory leak!!
return false;
loading = true;
if ( rebuild ) {
delete desktop;
desktop = new idWindow( this );
} else if ( desktop == NULL ) {
desktop = new idWindow( this );
source = qpath;
state.Set( "text", "Test Text!" );
//Load the timestamp so reload guis will work correctly
fileSystem->ReadFile(qpath, NULL, &timeStamp);
src.LoadFile( qpath );
if ( src.IsLoaded() ) {
idToken token;
while( src.ReadToken( &token ) ) {
if ( idStr::Icmp( token, "windowDef" ) == 0 ) {
desktop->SetDC( &uiManagerLocal.dc );
if ( desktop->Parse( &src, rebuild ) ) {
desktop->SetFlag( WIN_DESKTOP );
state.Set( "name", qpath );
} else {
desktop->SetDC( &uiManagerLocal.dc );
desktop->SetFlag( WIN_DESKTOP );
desktop->name = "Desktop";
desktop->text = va( "Invalid GUI: %s", qpath );
desktop->rect = idRectangle( 0.0f, 0.0f, 640.0f, 480.0f );
desktop->drawRect = desktop->rect;
desktop->foreColor = idVec4( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f );
desktop->backColor = idVec4( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f );
common->Warning( "Couldn't load gui: '%s'", qpath );
loading = false;
return false;
interactive = desktop->Interactive();
if ( uiManagerLocal.guis.Find( this ) == NULL ) {
uiManagerLocal.guis.Append( this );
loading = false;
return true;
const char *idUserInterfaceLocal::HandleEvent( const sysEvent_t *event, int _time, bool *updateVisuals ) {
time = _time;
if ( bindHandler && event->evType == SE_KEY && event->evValue2 == 1 ) {
const char *ret = bindHandler->HandleEvent( event, updateVisuals );
bindHandler = NULL;
return ret;
if ( event->evType == SE_MOUSE || event->evType == SE_MOUSE_ABS ) {
if ( !desktop || (desktop->GetFlags() & WIN_MENUGUI) ) {
// DG: this is a fullscreen GUI, scale the mousedelta added to cursorX/Y
// by 640/w, because the GUI pretends that everything is 640x480
// even if the actual resolution is higher => mouse moved too fast
float w = renderSystem->GetScreenWidth();
float h = renderSystem->GetScreenHeight();
if( w <= 0.0f || h <= 0.0f ) {
if(r_scaleMenusTo43.GetBool()) {
// in case we're scaling menus to 4:3, we need to take that into account
// when scaling the mouse events.
// no, we can't just call uiManagerLocal.dc.GetFixScaleForMenu() or sth like that,
// because when we're here dc.SetMenuScaleFix(true) is not active and it'd just return (1, 1)!
float aspectRatio = w/h;
static const float virtualAspectRatio = float(VIRTUAL_WIDTH)/float(VIRTUAL_HEIGHT); // 4:3
if(aspectRatio > 1.4f) {
// widescreen (4:3 is 1.333 3:2 is 1.5, 16:10 is 1.6, 16:9 is 1.7778)
// => we need to modify cursorX scaling, by modifying w
w *= virtualAspectRatio/aspectRatio;
} else if(aspectRatio < 1.24f) {
// portrait-mode, "thinner" than 5:4 (which is 1.25)
// => we need to scale cursorY via h
h *= aspectRatio/virtualAspectRatio;
if( event->evType == SE_MOUSE ) {
cursorX += event->evValue * (float(VIRTUAL_WIDTH)/w);
cursorY += event->evValue2 * (float(VIRTUAL_HEIGHT)/h);
} else { // SE_MOUSE_ABS
// Note: In case of scaling to 4:3, w and h are already scaled down
// to the 4:3 size that fits into the real resolution.
// Otherwise xOffset/yOffset will just be 0
float xOffset = (renderSystem->GetScreenWidth() - w) * 0.5f;
float yOffset = (renderSystem->GetScreenHeight() - h) * 0.5f;
// offset the mouse coordinates into 4:3 area and scale down to 640x480
// yes, result could be negative, doesn't matter, code below checks that anyway
cursorX = (event->evValue - xOffset) * (float(VIRTUAL_WIDTH)/w);
cursorY = (event->evValue2 - yOffset) * (float(VIRTUAL_HEIGHT)/h);
} else {
// not a fullscreen GUI but some ingame thing - no scaling needed
cursorX += event->evValue;
cursorY += event->evValue2;
if (cursorX < 0) {
cursorX = 0;
if (cursorY < 0) {
cursorY = 0;
if ( desktop ) {
return desktop->HandleEvent( event, updateVisuals );
return "";
void idUserInterfaceLocal::HandleNamedEvent ( const char* eventName ) {
desktop->RunNamedEvent( eventName );
void idUserInterfaceLocal::Redraw( int _time ) {
if ( r_skipGuiShaders.GetInteger() > 5 ) {
if ( !loading && desktop ) {
time = _time;
uiManagerLocal.dc.PushClipRect( uiManagerLocal.screenRect );
desktop->Redraw( 0, 0 );
void idUserInterfaceLocal::DrawCursor() {
if ( !desktop || desktop->GetFlags() & WIN_MENUGUI ) {
uiManagerLocal.dc.DrawCursor(&cursorX, &cursorY, 32.0f );
} else {
uiManagerLocal.dc.DrawCursor(&cursorX, &cursorY, 64.0f );
const idDict &idUserInterfaceLocal::State() const {
return state;
void idUserInterfaceLocal::DeleteStateVar( const char *varName ) {
state.Delete( varName );
void idUserInterfaceLocal::SetStateString( const char *varName, const char *value ) {
state.Set( varName, value );
void idUserInterfaceLocal::SetStateBool( const char *varName, const bool value ) {
state.SetBool( varName, value );
void idUserInterfaceLocal::SetStateInt( const char *varName, const int value ) {
state.SetInt( varName, value );
void idUserInterfaceLocal::SetStateFloat( const char *varName, const float value ) {
state.SetFloat( varName, value );
const char* idUserInterfaceLocal::GetStateString( const char *varName, const char* defaultString ) const {
return state.GetString(varName, defaultString);
bool idUserInterfaceLocal::GetStateBool( const char *varName, const char* defaultString ) const {
return state.GetBool(varName, defaultString);
int idUserInterfaceLocal::GetStateInt( const char *varName, const char* defaultString ) const {
return state.GetInt(varName, defaultString);
float idUserInterfaceLocal::GetStateFloat( const char *varName, const char* defaultString ) const {
return state.GetFloat(varName, defaultString);
void idUserInterfaceLocal::StateChanged( int _time, bool redraw ) {
time = _time;
if (desktop) {
// DG: little hack: allow game DLLs to do
// ui->SetStateBool("scaleto43", true);
// ui->StateChanged(gameLocal.time);
// so we can force cursors.gui (crosshair) to be scaled, for example
bool scaleTo43 = false;
if(state.GetBool("scaleto43", "0", scaleTo43)) {
// DG end
desktop->StateChanged( redraw );
if ( state.GetBool( "noninteractive" ) ) {
interactive = false;
else {
if (desktop) {
interactive = desktop->Interactive();
} else {
interactive = false;
const char *idUserInterfaceLocal::Activate(bool activate, int _time) {
time = _time;
active = activate;
if ( desktop ) {
activateStr = "";
desktop->Activate( activate, activateStr );
return activateStr;
return "";
void idUserInterfaceLocal::Trigger(int _time) {
time = _time;
if ( desktop ) {
void idUserInterfaceLocal::ReadFromDemoFile( class idDemoFile *f ) {
idStr work;
f->ReadDict( state );
source = state.GetString("name");
if (desktop == NULL) {
f->Log("creating new gui\n");
desktop = new idWindow(this);
desktop->SetFlag( WIN_DESKTOP );
desktop->SetDC( &uiManagerLocal.dc );
} else {
f->Log("re-using gui\n");
desktop->ReadFromDemoFile(f, false);
f->ReadFloat( cursorX );
f->ReadFloat( cursorY );
bool add = true;
int c = uiManagerLocal.demoGuis.Num();
for ( int i = 0; i < c; i++ ) {
if ( uiManagerLocal.demoGuis[i] == this ) {
add = false;
if (add) {
void idUserInterfaceLocal::WriteToDemoFile( class idDemoFile *f ) {
idStr work;
f->WriteDict( state );
if (desktop) {
f->WriteFloat( cursorX );
f->WriteFloat( cursorY );
bool idUserInterfaceLocal::WriteToSaveGame( idFile *savefile ) const {
int len;
const idKeyValue *kv;
const char *string;
int num = state.GetNumKeyVals();
savefile->Write( &num, sizeof( num ) );
for( int i = 0; i < num; i++ ) {
kv = state.GetKeyVal( i );
len = kv->GetKey().Length();
string = kv->GetKey().c_str();
savefile->Write( &len, sizeof( len ) );
savefile->Write( string, len );
len = kv->GetValue().Length();
string = kv->GetValue().c_str();
savefile->Write( &len, sizeof( len ) );
savefile->Write( string, len );
savefile->Write( &active, sizeof( active ) );
savefile->Write( &interactive, sizeof( interactive ) );
savefile->Write( &uniqued, sizeof( uniqued ) );
savefile->Write( &time, sizeof( time ) );
len = activateStr.Length();
savefile->Write( &len, sizeof( len ) );
savefile->Write( activateStr.c_str(), len );
len = pendingCmd.Length();
savefile->Write( &len, sizeof( len ) );
savefile->Write( pendingCmd.c_str(), len );
len = returnCmd.Length();
savefile->Write( &len, sizeof( len ) );
savefile->Write( returnCmd.c_str(), len );
savefile->Write( &cursorX, sizeof( cursorX ) );
savefile->Write( &cursorY, sizeof( cursorY ) );
desktop->WriteToSaveGame( savefile );
return true;
bool idUserInterfaceLocal::ReadFromSaveGame( idFile *savefile ) {
int num;
int i, len;
idStr key;
idStr value;
savefile->Read( &num, sizeof( num ) );
for( i = 0; i < num; i++ ) {
savefile->Read( &len, sizeof( len ) );
key.Fill( ' ', len );
savefile->Read( &key[0], len );
savefile->Read( &len, sizeof( len ) );
value.Fill( ' ', len );
savefile->Read( &value[0], len );
state.Set( key, value );
savefile->Read( &active, sizeof( active ) );
savefile->Read( &interactive, sizeof( interactive ) );
savefile->Read( &uniqued, sizeof( uniqued ) );
savefile->Read( &time, sizeof( time ) );
savefile->Read( &len, sizeof( len ) );
activateStr.Fill( ' ', len );
savefile->Read( &activateStr[0], len );
savefile->Read( &len, sizeof( len ) );
pendingCmd.Fill( ' ', len );
savefile->Read( &pendingCmd[0], len );
savefile->Read( &len, sizeof( len ) );
returnCmd.Fill( ' ', len );
savefile->Read( &returnCmd[0], len );
savefile->Read( &cursorX, sizeof( cursorX ) );
savefile->Read( &cursorY, sizeof( cursorY ) );
desktop->ReadFromSaveGame( savefile );
return true;
size_t idUserInterfaceLocal::Size() {
size_t sz = sizeof(*this) + state.Size() + source.Allocated();
if ( desktop ) {
sz += desktop->Size();
return sz;
void idUserInterfaceLocal::RecurseSetKeyBindingNames( idWindow *window ) {
int i;
idWinVar *v = window->GetWinVarByName( "bind" );
if ( v ) {
SetStateString( v->GetName(), idKeyInput::KeysFromBinding( v->GetName() ) );
i = 0;
while ( i < window->GetChildCount() ) {
idWindow *next = window->GetChild( i );
if ( next ) {
RecurseSetKeyBindingNames( next );
void idUserInterfaceLocal::SetKeyBindingNames( void ) {
if ( !desktop ) {
// walk the windows
RecurseSetKeyBindingNames( desktop );
void idUserInterfaceLocal::SetCursor( float x, float y ) {
cursorX = x;
cursorY = y;