mirror of
synced 2025-03-21 18:21:08 +00:00
Don't include the lazy precompiled.h everywhere, only what's required for the compilation unit. platform.h needs to be included instead to provide all essential defines and types. All includes use the relative path to the neo or the game specific root. Move all idlib related includes from idlib/Lib.h to precompiled.h. precompiled.h still exists for the MFC stuff in tools/. Add some missing header guards.
634 lines
17 KiB
634 lines
17 KiB
Doom 3 GPL Source Code
Copyright (C) 1999-2011 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company.
This file is part of the Doom 3 GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 Source Code").
Doom 3 Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Doom 3 Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Doom 3 Source Code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
In addition, the Doom 3 Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below.
If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA.
#include "sys/platform.h"
#include "tools/compilers/roqvq/roqParam.h"
// read a parameter file in (true I bloddy well had to do this again) (and yet again to c++)
int parseRange(const char *rangeStr,int field, int skipnum[], int startnum[], int endnum[],int numfiles[],bool padding[],int numpadding[] );
int parseTimecodeRange(const char *rangeStr,int field, int skipnum[], int startnum[], int endnum[],int numfiles[],bool padding[],int numpadding[] );
void roqParam::InitFromFile( const char *fileName )
idParser *src;
idToken token;
int readarg;
if ( !src->IsLoaded() ) {
delete src;
common->Printf("Error: can't open param file %s\n", fileName);
common->Printf("initFromFile: %s\n", fileName);
fullSearch = false;
scaleDown = false;
encodeVideo = false;
addPath = false;
screenShots = false;
startPalette = false;
endPalette = false;
fixedPalette = false;
keyColor = false;
justDelta = false;
useTimecodeForRange = false;
onFrame = 0;
numInputFiles = 0;
currentPath[0] = '\0';
make3DO = false;
makeVectors = false;
justDeltaFlag = false;
noAlphaAtAll = false;
twentyFourToThirty = false;
hasSound = false;
isScaleable = false;
firstframesize = 56*1024;
normalframesize = 20000;
jpegDefault = 85;
realnum = 0;
while( 1 ) {
if ( !src->ReadToken( &token ) ) {
readarg = 0;
// input dir
if (token.Icmp( "input_dir") == 0) {
src->ReadToken( &token );
addPath = true;
currentPath = token;
// common->Printf(" + input directory is %s\n", currentPath );
// input dir
if (token.Icmp( "scale_down") == 0) {
scaleDown = true;
// common->Printf(" + scaling down input\n" );
// full search
if (token.Icmp( "fullsearch") == 0) {
normalframesize += normalframesize/2;
fullSearch = true;
// scaleable
if (token.Icmp( "scaleable") == 0) {
isScaleable = true;
// input dir
if (token.Icmp( "no_alpha") == 0) {
noAlphaAtAll = true;
// common->Printf(" + scaling down input\n" );
if (token.Icmp( "24_fps_in_30_fps_out") == 0) {
twentyFourToThirty = true;
// video in
if (token.Icmp( "video_in") == 0) {
encodeVideo = true;
// common->Printf(" + Using the video port as input\n");
//timecode range
if (token.Icmp( "timecode") == 0) {
useTimecodeForRange = true;
firstframesize = 12*1024;
normalframesize = 4500;
// common->Printf(" + Using timecode as range\n");
// soundfile for making a .RnR
if (token.Icmp( "sound") == 0) {
src->ReadToken( &token );
soundfile = token;
hasSound = true;
// common->Printf(" + Using timecode as range\n");
// soundfile for making a .RnR
if (token.Icmp( "has_sound") == 0) {
hasSound = true;
// outfile
if (token.Icmp( "filename") == 0) {
src->ReadToken( &token );
outputFilename = token;
// common->Printf(" + output file is %s\n", outputFilename );
// starting palette
if (token.Icmp( "start_palette") == 0) {
src->ReadToken( &token );
sprintf(startPal, "/LocalLibrary/vdxPalettes/%s", token.c_str());
// common->Error(" + starting palette is %s\n", startPal );
startPalette = true;
// ending palette
if (token.Icmp( "end_palette") == 0) {
src->ReadToken( &token );
sprintf(endPal, "/LocalLibrary/vdxPalettes/%s", token.c_str());
// common->Printf(" + ending palette is %s\n", endPal );
endPalette = true;
// fixed palette
if (token.Icmp( "fixed_palette") == 0) {
src->ReadToken( &token );
sprintf(startPal, "/LocalLibrary/vdxPalettes/%s", token.c_str());
// common->Printf(" + fixed palette is %s\n", startPal );
fixedPalette = true;
// these are screen shots
if (token.Icmp( "screenshot") == 0) {
// common->Printf(" + shooting screen shots\n" );
screenShots = true;
// key_color r g b
if (token.Icmp( "key_color") == 0) {
keyR = src->ParseInt();
keyG = src->ParseInt();
keyB = src->ParseInt();
keyColor = true;
// common->Printf(" + key color is %03d %03d %03d\n", keyR, keyG, keyB );
// only want deltas
if (token.Icmp( "just_delta") == 0) {
// common->Printf(" + outputting deltas in the night\n" );
// justDelta = true;
// justDeltaFlag = true;
// doing 3DO
if (token.Icmp( "3DO") == 0) {
make3DO = true;
// makes codebook vector tables
if (token.Icmp( "codebook") == 0) {
makeVectors = true;
// set first frame size
if (token.Icmp( "firstframesize") == 0) {
firstframesize = src->ParseInt();
// set normal frame size
if (token.Icmp( "normalframesize") == 0) {
normalframesize = src->ParseInt();
// set normal frame size
if (token.Icmp( "stillframequality") == 0) {
jpegDefault = src->ParseInt();
if (token.Icmp( "input") == 0) {
int num_files = 255;
range = (int *)Mem_ClearedAlloc( num_files * sizeof(int) );
padding = (bool *)Mem_ClearedAlloc( num_files * sizeof(bool) );
padding2 = (bool *)Mem_ClearedAlloc( num_files * sizeof(bool) );
skipnum = (int *)Mem_ClearedAlloc( num_files * sizeof(int) );
skipnum2 = (int *)Mem_ClearedAlloc( num_files * sizeof(int) );
startnum = (int *)Mem_ClearedAlloc( num_files * sizeof(int) );
startnum2 = (int *)Mem_ClearedAlloc( num_files * sizeof(int) );
endnum = (int *)Mem_ClearedAlloc( num_files * sizeof(int) );
endnum2 = (int *)Mem_ClearedAlloc( num_files * sizeof(int) );
numpadding = (int *)Mem_ClearedAlloc( num_files * sizeof(int) );
numpadding2 = (int *)Mem_ClearedAlloc( num_files * sizeof(int) );
numfiles = (int *)Mem_ClearedAlloc( num_files * sizeof(int) );
idStr empty;
file.AssureSize( num_files, empty );
file.AssureSize( num_files, empty );
field = 0;
realnum = 0;
do {
if ( token.Icmp( "end_input") != 0 ) {
idStr arg1, arg2, arg3;
file[field] = token;
while (src->ReadTokenOnLine( &token ) && token.Icmp( "[" ) ) {
file[field].Append( token );
arg1 = token;
while (src->ReadTokenOnLine( &token ) && token.Icmp( "[" ) ) {
arg1 += token;
arg2 = token;
while (src->ReadTokenOnLine( &token ) && token.Icmp( "[" ) ) {
arg2 += token;
arg3 = token;
while (src->ReadTokenOnLine( &token ) && token.Icmp( "[" ) ) {
arg3 += token;
if ( arg1[0] != '[' ) {
// common->Printf(" + reading %s\n", file[field] );
range[field] = 0;
numfiles[field] = 1;
else {
if ( arg1[0] == '[' )
range[field] = 1;
if (useTimecodeForRange) {
realnum += parseTimecodeRange( arg1, field, skipnum, startnum, endnum, numfiles, padding, numpadding);
// common->Printf(" + reading %s from %d to %d\n", file[field], startnum[field], endnum[field]);
else {
realnum += parseRange( arg1, field, skipnum, startnum, endnum, numfiles, padding, numpadding);
// common->Printf(" + reading %s from %d to %d\n", file[field], startnum[field], endnum[field]);
else if (( arg1[0] != '[' ) && ( arg2[0] == '[') && ( arg3[0] =='[')) { //a double ranger...
int files1,files2;
file2[field] = arg1;
range[field] = 2;
files1 = parseRange(arg2, field, skipnum, startnum, endnum, numfiles, padding, numpadding);
// common->Printf(" + reading %s from %d to %d\n", file[field], startnum[field], endnum[field]);
files2 = parseRange(arg3, field, skipnum2, startnum2, endnum2, numfiles, padding2, numpadding2);
// common->Printf(" + reading %s from %d to %d\n", file2[field], startnum2[field], endnum2[field]);
if (files1 != files2) {
common->Error( "You had %d files for %s and %d for %s!", files1, arg1.c_str(), files2, arg2.c_str() );
else {
realnum += files1;//not both, they are parallel
else {
common->Error("Error: invalid range on open (%s %s %s)\n", arg1.c_str(), arg2.c_str(), arg3.c_str() );
} while (token.Icmp( "end_input"));
if (TwentyFourToThirty()) realnum = realnum+(realnum>>2);
numInputFiles = realnum;
common->Printf(" + reading a total of %d frames in %s\n", numInputFiles, currentPath.c_str() );
delete src;
void roqParam::GetNthInputFileName( idStr &fileName, int n ) {
int i, myfield, index,hrs,mins,secs,frs;
char tempfile[33], left[256], right[256], *strp;
if ( n > realnum ) n = realnum;
// overcome starting at zero by ++ing and then --ing.
if (TwentyFourToThirty()) { n++; n = (n/5) * 4 + (n % 5); n--; }
i = 0;
myfield = 0;
while (i <= n) {
i += numfiles[myfield++];
i -= numfiles[myfield];
if ( range[myfield] == 1 ) {
strcpy( left, file[myfield] );
strp = strstr( left, "*" );
*strp++ = 0;
sprintf(right, "%s", strp);
if ( startnum[myfield] <= endnum[myfield] ) {
index = startnum[myfield] + ((n-i)*skipnum[myfield]);
} else {
index = startnum[myfield] - ((n-i)*skipnum[myfield]);
if ( padding[myfield] == true ) {
if (useTimecodeForRange) {
hrs = index/(30*60*60) ;
mins = (index/(30*60)) %60;
secs = (index/(30)) % 60;
frs = index % 30;
else {
sprintf(tempfile, "%032d", index );
sprintf(fileName, "%s%s%s", left, &tempfile[ 32-numpadding[myfield] ], right );
} else {
if (useTimecodeForRange) {
hrs = index/(30*60*60) ;
mins = (index/(30*60)) %60;
secs = (index/(30)) % 60;
frs = index % 30;
else {
sprintf(fileName, "%s%d%s", left, index, right );
} else if ( range[myfield] == 2 ) {
strcpy( left, file[myfield] );
strp = strstr( left, "*" );
*strp++ = 0;
sprintf(right, "%s", strp);
if ( startnum[myfield] <= endnum[myfield] ) {
index = startnum[myfield] + ((n-i)*skipnum[myfield]);
} else {
index = startnum[myfield] - ((n-i)*skipnum[myfield]);
if ( padding[myfield] == true ) {
sprintf(tempfile, "%032d", index );
sprintf(fileName, "%s%s%s", left, &tempfile[ 32-numpadding[myfield] ], right );
} else {
sprintf(fileName, "%s%d%s", left, index, right );
strcpy( left, file2[myfield] );
strp = strstr( left, "*" );
*strp++ = 0;
sprintf(right, "%s", strp);
if ( startnum2[myfield] <= endnum2[myfield] ) {
index = startnum2[myfield] + ((n-i)*skipnum2[myfield]);
} else {
index = startnum2[myfield] - ((n-i)*skipnum2[myfield]);
if ( padding2[myfield] == true ) {
sprintf(tempfile, "%032d", index );
fileName += va( "\n%s%s%s", left, &tempfile[ 32-numpadding2[myfield] ], right );
} else {
fileName += va( "\n%s%d%s", left, index, right );
} else {
fileName = file[myfield];
const char* roqParam::GetNextImageFilename( void ) {
idStr tempBuffer;
int i;
int len;
GetNthInputFileName( tempBuffer, onFrame++);
if ( justDeltaFlag == true ) {
justDeltaFlag = false;
if ( addPath == true ) {
currentFile = currentPath + "/" + tempBuffer;
} else {
currentFile = tempBuffer;
len = currentFile.Length();
for(i=0;i<len;i++) {
if (currentFile[i] == '^') {
currentFile[i] = ' ';
return currentFile.c_str();
const char* roqParam::RoqFilename( void ) {
return outputFilename.c_str();
const char* roqParam::SoundFilename( void ) {
return soundfile.c_str();
const char* roqParam::RoqTempFilename( void ) {
int i, j, len;
j = 0;
len = outputFilename.Length();
for(i=0; i<len; i++ )
if ( outputFilename[i] == '/' ) j = i;
sprintf(tempFilename, "/%s.temp", &outputFilename[j+1] );
return tempFilename.c_str();
bool roqParam::Timecode( void ) {
return useTimecodeForRange;
bool roqParam::OutputVectors( void ) {
return makeVectors;
bool roqParam::HasSound( void ) {
return hasSound;
bool roqParam::DeltaFrames( void ) {
return justDelta;
bool roqParam::NoAlpha( void ) {
return noAlphaAtAll;
bool roqParam::SearchType( void ) {
return fullSearch;
bool roqParam::MoreFrames( void ) {
if (onFrame < numInputFiles) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
bool roqParam::TwentyFourToThirty( void ) {
return twentyFourToThirty;
int roqParam::NumberOfFrames( void ) {
return numInputFiles;
int roqParam::FirstFrameSize( void ) {
return firstframesize;
int roqParam::NormalFrameSize( void ) {
return normalframesize;
bool roqParam::IsScaleable( void ) {
return isScaleable;
int roqParam::JpegQuality( void ) {
return jpegDefault;
int parseRange(const char *rangeStr,int field, int skipnum[], int startnum[], int endnum[],int numfiles[],bool padding[],int numpadding[] ) {
char start[64], end[64], skip[64];
char *stptr, *enptr, *skptr;
int i,realnum;
i = 1;
realnum = 0;
stptr = start;
enptr = end;
skptr = skip;
do {
*stptr++ = rangeStr[i++];
} while ( rangeStr[i] >= '0' && rangeStr[i] <= '9' );
*stptr = '\0';
if ( rangeStr[i++] != '-' ) {
common->Error("Error: invalid range on middle \n");
do {
*enptr++ = rangeStr[i++];
} while ( rangeStr[i] >= '0' && rangeStr[i] <= '9' );
*enptr = '\0';
if ( rangeStr[i] != ']' ) {
if ( rangeStr[i++] != '+' ) {
common->Error("Error: invalid range on close\n");
do {
*skptr++ = rangeStr[i++];
} while ( rangeStr[i] >= '0' && rangeStr[i] <= '9' );
*skptr = '\0';
skipnum[field] = atoi( skip );
} else {
skipnum[field] = 1;
startnum[field] = atoi( start );
endnum[field] = atoi( end );
numfiles[field] = (abs( startnum[field] - endnum[field] ) / skipnum[field]) + 1;
realnum += numfiles[field];
if ( start[0] == '0' && start[1] != '\0' ) {
padding[field] = true;
numpadding[field] = strlen( start );
} else {
padding[field] = false;
return realnum;
int parseTimecodeRange(const char *rangeStr,int field, int skipnum[], int startnum[], int endnum[],int numfiles[],bool padding[],int numpadding[] )
char start[64], end[64], skip[64];
char *stptr, *enptr, *skptr;
int i,realnum,hrs,mins,secs,frs;
i = 1;//skip the '['
realnum = 0;
stptr = start;
enptr = end;
skptr = skip;
do {
*stptr++ = rangeStr[i++];
} while ( rangeStr[i] >= '0' && rangeStr[i] <= '9' );
*stptr = '\0';
if ( rangeStr[i++] != '-' ) {
common->Error("Error: invalid range on middle \n");
do {
*enptr++ = rangeStr[i++];
} while ( rangeStr[i] >= '0' && rangeStr[i] <= '9' );
*enptr = '\0';
if ( rangeStr[i] != ']' ) {
if ( rangeStr[i++] != '+' ) {
common->Error("Error: invalid range on close\n");
do {
*skptr++ = rangeStr[i++];
} while ( rangeStr[i] >= '0' && rangeStr[i] <= '9' );
*skptr = '\0';
skipnum[field] = atoi( skip );
} else {
skipnum[field] = 1;
startnum[field] = hrs*30*60*60 + mins *60*30 + secs*30 +frs;
endnum[field] = hrs*30*60*60 + mins *60*30 + secs*30 +frs;
numfiles[field] = (abs( startnum[field] - endnum[field] ) / skipnum[field]) + 1;
realnum += numfiles[field];
if ( start[0] == '0' && start[1] != '\0' ) {
padding[field] = true;
numpadding[field] = strlen( start );
} else {
padding[field] = false;
return realnum;